Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1928, p. 2

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PÂGE TWO TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 LECAL THE EDITOR TALKS effectively against the dangers of LADIES' NIGHT AT ROTARY 1$7,000,000 FOR COUNTY RO0ADS damp undrefoot, and the perils at-I MA. C. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. It is well ta be preparéd for the tendant upon wet and cold. Louis Blake Duff of Welland, Spoke Why Not Paye Scugog Road Through Barriater, Solicitor, Natary juls that winter brings-neuralgia, oute"HrnTrc" to Ciesarea? Money ta boan on Farm and Town the influenza wave, sare throat, M r. F. C. Haggarth ,the English' nt. Hrn1rc" Property. Royal Bank 'Building, chest colds, bronchitis, stiff neck, Nature lover and writer, offers thisl It was "Ladies' Night" at the It is to b., hoped that Bownian- Bowmanville. Phone 351. rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago, scia- fine apostropby ta, Autumn in The Rotary Club, Friday Nov,. 9, at Bal- ville's representatives at Counties tica, catarrh, pneumonia and "other Methodist Times 'of London, sent moral Hotel when the Rotarians' Coiincil will show a little more ini-s W. R. STRIKE juls ta whjch htuman flesh is heir". us by Mr. F. Munsdon, Liverpool: "better halves" were the honored tiative and fighting spirit towards Successor to late D. B. Simpion, K.C. One general commonsense precau- We note baw the original green, guests of the evening. President Bkob getting a generous slice spent on Barrister, Solicitor, Notary tian tbe doctor prescribes is "Keep symbol of Summer and Spring, Aitchison who was director of cere- paving _Scugog Road tbru to Coes- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Warin and Keep Weil". Sixty years makes a last stand in some central manies presented a programn which ares. of the $7,000,000 the goveru- Money to Loan Phone 91 ago the writer had infiammatary citadel, and how the whole leaf land was flot only instructive and enter- -ment proposes spending' next year Bawmanville. Ontario rheumatism or same caîl it rbeum- is finally occupied, and Autumn's taining but kept everybody in good on County Roads than they exhib- atic fever-caught on June 3 and rich-hued flag flies victorious. hamor. ited last spring. When this subject W. F. WARD, B. A. heldJ me a prisoner for two months There is romance and more my- First of ail Song Leader Ross was first suggested that the counties Barrister, Solicitor, Notary including one relapse. My doctor stery in these ,things than the intel- Strike had thrust upon him as As pave Scugog St. and Manvers Road Money to loan. Bonds for sale. then was the late Dr. S. C. Hillier ligence of man bas yet solved. Re sitant Sang Leaders Rotarians witbin the corporation the Reeve and Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., and bis advice was "Always keep can measure the distances of tars, John Jury, Tom Knight, 'Gil' Gil- Deputy Reeve bath toak the attitude Bowmanville,, Ontario. Phones- your feet dry and warm". We have' but hie is baffled fully to explain the christ and Rager Corbett as penalt- that it couldn't be done. They were Office 102; House 409. neyer bad a return of the very pain- intricate colour changes in a leaf.isfrte aen mndns n h pilyodta 'tigws fui ailment ,so we believe the ad- One cannot escape the sense of gis fo theiRrysen ineness n j tipilintl thi n o ti wa - - - vic ta Keep Warmn and Keep Weil decay in Autumn. It breathes in o ig ayfrt the me uc eationpassiblhe inthias a l-atr frthe DENTAL sae, soundand sensible. the quietness and tbe chilliness of ws on irayfotiteeing . the meetingtodeid. ha DENTAL sanesound * * *the air, in falling leaf and in drap- was fo ni the evnn.CutesCunlta dec ilesofbatn DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE But last week we must have run ing mist. It is heard in the wind,, During the evening vocal solos w ee as eto the rut? T abile omcn- Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto into an influenza wave or summer tl. and in the winter note of the rab- were given by Mrs. F. C. Palmner, Mr. cyee paveet an ptbe aove men- University. Graduate of the Royal or some kindred complaint thati in, and thaugh this season niay MTlronto.DTle attr sa ohr - tWlis uie Council.ifth Cu College of Dental Surgeons of On- caused tbroat, nase and eyes much, grant days of ineffable joy--days' in-law of Mr. M. J. Hutchinson who isCuel tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. strange conduct and the fanilyý unsurpassed in ail the year-the ap Office phone 40. House phone 22. doctar wa.s summoned and counsell- thought of dissolution is neyer fariws resent and made a few re- Now along cames the announce-1 Irmu Atral" rt i-mrs ment that about $7,000,00 will bel X-Ray Equipment in Office. ed us ta keep warmn, forbidding us I.D .Morsns- xpne uigth oigya n ta go ta the door ta expectorate1 pin, "the autumnal f orest is an in- copned tbe saloist at the piano.i xedeuig amn er an DR. . C DEITTObedenty t hi ordrs e srumnt esmpannune". Acauntytin rncadn wainh cthey Prd ivinceovnc anan DR J C DVITeven. Obd1tyt i resw tuetesl utnd.A neetn nietwste probably hall that amaunt by town- Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson "kept warm and got well".*** presentation of a fauntain pen ta ships. The Government contrib- Graduate of Royal Dental College, On *0e frasty night or searching Rotarian F. C. Palmer in recogni- utes half the cast of caunty road con-' Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- Hence we are passing on hie ad- blast may introduce some striking tian of bis services so willingly giv- structia n and maintenance ,and 30 mnanville. Office haurs 9 a. m. ta vice, for Autumn days may be pleas- discord. Sooner or later, Nature is en ta the Boy Scouts. Rotarian C. per cent on township roads, 50 thati 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone ant in Canada but it is not wise ta "untuned", and saine feel little in1 E. Rehder, Chairman of Boys' Work these totals form large items in De-' 90. House phone 283. forget that tbey came wben the year Autumn except a sadness of fare- Committee, made the presentation. Ipartment of Highways estimnates. X-Ray Equipment in Office. is cooling, when the sun has lost well. To them the seasan is a tryst, Rotarian Louis Blake Duif of Wel- During the last fiscal year the On-' DR . .DINWEL much of bis genial warnmth, and wvit melancoly-witb that dismal land, the speaker of the evening who taria Departinent of Higbways ex- DR. . E.DINNWELL wben the nights begin te, grow longe shrauded figure tbey walk tbrough bas made a hobby or study of gather- pended in ail about $ 14,000,000.1 Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- and mare chilly.1 lane and wood. The poetic thing îng facts pertaining ta the early There la net likely ta ho any sub-l sity and member of Royal College alf For this la a seasan that sets' in Autumn is ta allow ane's spirit bistory of many Ontario communi- stantial increase and the estimated Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta traps for the unwary. That autumn ta droop with the drooping flowers! ties gave the stary of the formation outlay of $18,000,000 on roads ofi practise in Ontario and the Dominion. wjnd which bowls the brown leaves Not a few finding this drooping~ of the Huron Tract in Western On- tbe Province during the caming bentistry in ail its branches. Office- sa eril will, if you are not pre- maad upon them in Autumn have tario. This consisted of 1,100,000 year, mentioned by Premier Fergu- King St., Bowmanville, oppst pared, catch you unawares and, may mistaken it for poetic inspiration, acres and was the most successfuli son in connection with gasoline and Bank of Montreal. Phone 301 be, bowî you over tao-a victim ta Some find little deligbt and receive cablonization scbeme ever pramotedi motor license taxation, covers that one or other of the dangers of wint- no gifts in this season. It is not in Canada.1 on Nortbern devélopment roads, er ilis and chilis.. welcome ns Spring is welcome. It Thomas Gaît, a lawyer, of Green- 'which runs about $4,000,000. MEDICAL * s nat their friend, neither in it do och, Scotland ,was the leading figure, It bas been moated for some time j C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Physicians tell us ta-day that many tbey find any hope. If it bas anY behind the scheme. His son, Sir A. that soaner or later the gavernment Graduate of Trinity Medical College, ailments, seriaus and otberwise, are message it is of the brevity of hum- T. Gaît, became later one of the Fa-i intends ta pave the Scugog Road Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. easily preventable, that a little care an 1f e. The falling leaves whisperj thors of Canfederation. Gaît was a' rigbt througb from Bowmanville ta Office and Resielence, Dr. Beitb'z and the exorcise of commansense only Of nman's mortality.I many-sidod man ,of great litorary at- Cosaroa. The start was made this former residence on Cburch Street, precautians would savo us ail from Yet Autumn bas its promise and tainmenta. He left three manu- year, why nat continue the good Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44-t mucb distress, discamfort, and suif- its hope-tbougb not sa immediate moents, one in Scatland, the Ontario wark next year? United action ering. Health science, indeed, bas las the promises and hopos of Spring. jCity of Gaît and the Huron Tract. In sbould bo started imnmediately by J. CLARK BELL made enormous stridos during the lIt bas forward-laoking th'oughts not his lator years hie returned ta Scot- the representatives of Bowmanville, M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. past few years-stridos which have found in Summer. land and wrote the "Annals of the1 Darlington and Cartwright township <Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiIIey) taken us in the direction of preven- ** Parish". A hundred years ago in councils ta baive this mucb-traveiled fions. Graduato in Medicine, Aber- tian as opposod ta cure, and which' S'a far as diet is concerned there, 1828 the tawn of Gaderich was thoroughfare made into a perman- deen University; Fellow of the Royal lead ta safeguards rather than 1ta, are many excellent food prepara-.i foundod on the site wbere Champ- ent raad in 1929. College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. remedies. Sa it la well ta profit by tians for maintaining health and ain had camped in 1618S. It wasaia Office and Residence, Queen St., the many lessons we have tried toi vitality. Ceroals, of course, are o beautiful location and tbe town plan BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Bowmanville, Phono 89. empbnsize with Statesman readers.j be recommended; soalaso are yeast was perhaps the finest in Canada. Office Hours: 2 ta 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. m.*** preparatians, sa ricb in vitamins; Gaît sent Dr. William Dunlop, taoes- The -central heating plant is fi n- W. H.BIRKS M.D.We are tald by those who pro- ma extracts, and milk foods. Neyer tablish Goderich. Dunlop, wbo was ally steaming up. It la flot a bitI W.H.BIKS MD.fess ta know that the days when the before was as high value placed on the first inember -of parliament froin too soon eitber as winter activitiesi Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30. physician relied upan mystery forim ilk as f ood as at the present tino. this district, wns a clever character in general are already setting in.i Telephone 108. bis mstery bave long since pase Puddings-meat air suet-are also witb a sharp tangue and odd hum- 1 As a special privilege boys who Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's away-health science is now an open efficient warmtb producers, and low-i or. Dunlop was responsible fori bave an average of 350 marks or former residence, Wellington Street, sbetwihalna td. x adays science enables us ta have theimany of the names in this district.1more for the *onth are treated ta B owmanville. isused win arail y spapers its puddings in their best form ,iade He changed Minestung (n-eaningl 2 hours' of bowling each week at DR. V. H. STOREY first principles are set out pîainîy fram prepared suets and other i-n baig aes)t Maitland Riv- Martyn's Alleys. Tbey choose teans Offcehous ta4 nd t 8 mfor ail ta read, and leaders in science1 gredients wbicb produce lightness or. Many of the beautiful aid In- 1 for campetition and have a regular Affice r p.m,2 y po mntényan dcieare to-day tbeMselfp-and digestibility combined witb dian namnes wihicb are a fine heri- little tournament. Exception-Office will be opn .tOpîted instructors in this altogether ohrnuibigqaiis tage, were cbanged. Seven hundred The staff of the scbool bas ta2ken 10 Saturday nigbt. 36-tflIdesirabie free educational movement*** lexicographors of the world werelta bowling in oarnest this year. A DR.R. . LAR jtowards the botter health and hy- An experienced physician explainsiagreod that the niost beautiful naine program bas been drawn u~p callingi PDy.iR.aW.&CSRKen gon fte ain that ail these are ta a great extent 1lin the language was an Indian for mixod -bowling, canipetîtion OffceDivsin S.,Bowanill. e re inee, al ottr nfom- natural measures which may be om- name, Winona. amang the men's teams and bowling (next ta, Trinity United Church) ed concerning these matters than pi oyed against the risks of the sea- Office Hours-3 ta 5 and 7 ta 9 p. m. even the folk of a generatian ago. tberandbin adfene prviea for-us a large part in sbaping the future staff team is aways open for chai- Sundays by appointment only. Our homos are better ventilated, bv the progress of medical science-'qdelsitathidstith la en cture long es Phone 24 heated and lighted, aur cboting is averitable army corps of trainedjqeystatda h n faln eea e ulig r on 45-t fashioned upon mare bealthy pri'- ihters against colds, coughs, i heautiful drive overlooking the riy- up this. faîl and winter încludîng the ciples, and aur dietary is maore suit- 1",tbroats", and germs of infection. or at Goderich.. gymnasium and swimming pool. Af- DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS ably planned and provîded for in the The speaker alsa referred ter ýmany promises and rumors this The Physicians of Bowmanvilie intorests of aur well-being. The termi *'medicines" is not quite ita bow some cities and towns deriv- at last is an absolute fact. Construc- wîll close their offices Wednesday ai-*** descriptive af many of those oxcel- îod their naines. For instance, hoe tian is ta start immediately. ternoon and evening. Those who refuse ta loarn ail of lent preparations-rather, tbey are said Oshawa wns an Indian name The Cadet Corps is pragressing In Case of exnrgency at this time call these rulos of heaitb are eitber stub- preventatirves. Under this hoadingj1 meaning the crossing of the waters. nicely. About 20 boys are now in Dr. Bell the lst Wednesday of month; i born or ignorant. With those came medicinal lozenges, sametime,; Rotarian Duif intorspersed bis ad- training as officers. Needlesa to Dr. Birks, 2nd Wodnesday of montb ;wiîing ta iearn and take sensible put up in the f orm of tablets or, dress witb a number of gaod Scotch say they wili nat ail m-ake the grade. Dr. Sieman 3rd Wednesday of monthî i w ayprash hlflt sweets; «"washes"' for the mouth and stories, of which ho is an artist at Musketry starts this week when the Dr. Storey 4tb Wednesday of monthj inspcet the mieans of defence which; throat, and for gargling; dental hy- teiling. President Bob thanked tbe new sboating gallery wili ho offi- may ho employed against the risks giene preparations, disinfectant la-; speaker for bis very elaquent ad- cially opened . Ail the big guns of ills. How coids may hco idetin and antisoptics, inhalers, and dress. will ho there.- CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS 1 influenza repelled, chilis avoidedI aber patent germicide.s. i THEROPY land their many possibly seriaus com:in* Every editar an expert. The de In another categary are the oab NONOGENARIAN CELEBRATES parte.t DURWIN E. STECKLEY jpiatosavitd.'ag cough remedies, which, ftakein eky o h aiyHri n honor graduato of Toronto Coliege It is weii ta begin the figbt with Itbe eariy stages, so often seret The St. Catherines Standard says: Wed by Star, Montreai, are ail bead-1 of Chiropractic will ho in the Bow- a good war-cry, and a botter one e adoftemr eiu nips- r.P .Sro netie taad b n en of practical experience ýwr fftemresrou nipoi'IrP.T evsnttaedtaad natbon-wide fame-that's wbyl manvilie Office Tuesday, Thursday' could hardly be coined than "Keep tian of wbicb the cough may ho but. charmn' e tbrhm nGa-i~ is npbi som h u- and Saturday ovenings, phono 141j. warm and keep wel1l'. Now ta keepi1 ipo.Tn mn e t irhm nGa-i' isti uleete.Tesb Rosidential calîs made during fore-iwarm-in the heaitb sense-die ann yltm aisteeta nMna fonoNvn scriptian prico is only $1 a yearorý on. not mean ta muffie up wben out o are, too, and many safe and well- i ber 5, in honor of bier mother, Mrs. three years for $2. - --r dors ad taoxclde al th benf known febrifuges which, taken un-i M. A. Phillips, who was cebebrati ng UNRL IETOS whidoors. frxcue ale venato der quabified medical advice, are pot-' ber nintieth anniversary of ber birth FNRLDRCOS of frosh air and fe etlto n allies aga inst chilis, calds, ani day. The bouse was heautîfullv F.F. MORRIS CO.*** feverish conditions. 'decorated wtih masses of carnationsa 'o àà Complte Mtor or It is a diflicult task ta imfpress the' In short, even soud autumn and and crysanthemums and the tea ~ < H or e q ui m o t. f ct p o so e n di id als th t i s a rly w in te r ho se v e re u p o n u s a n d ta b le w a-9 b e a u tifu l w it b la ce, si v er,c i l i 0 \ UI attendod ta. 1kooping the naturai heat of the bod First it rained, and thon it snew, and a large bîrthday cake, iigbted \UM&~' Private Ambulance. attecrettmeaue hiy Thon it friz, and thon it thow, with ninety tiny candbos. Mrs. Phil- \~/ Bowmanville phono: wbbenl the sect temerta roswisthe And thon it friz again. lips who received with ber daugbter 10 and 31. io nlhts af sten cheis heat we may yet feol more or less secure lin the drawing-raom. received many FAD HE Brancb Stores- is energy ,and energy is that vital-! gis FADsuAcf eaotto oeygftbuut mogto n Orona & Newcastle. iywihfratesrnetbr means wbich beaitb progress bas pro- of chrysanthemuns from the Guild vided ta maintain us in strength and of Christ Church, McNah, of which N We ALAN M. WILLIAMS rior betwoen health and illness. sund well-being and ta keep usshe is a member. Mrs. George Koyes o 115 Embalmer and Funeral Director. Tk for cansideration the three s 0r adwll.u and Mrs. George Irvine poured tea, Miss oave cut teaic d te I tention. No extra charge for dis-idiot, and preventive proparatians.1 In the face of ail this advice it isiMs ovy etteieandte& Lhetig t a n c e . M o t o r A m b u l a n c e a t y au T h a n k s t t h e e n l i g h t e n e d p r o g r e s s l a s a f m e t h o d t f l aw w be n n a s s i s t a n t s w e r e M r s . F r a n k W i l s o n , t at yo u v service. Phonos 58 or 1,59 ,,o-'of aur textile industries, modem ocr more of the ahove nentioned ail- r.Gleln n r. .MMla. las ne manville, Ont. 3-tf. 1clothing is in itself a safeguard. i monts get a real grip an you ta ea] Mrs. J. Miller attended the door. Ilaswate There wns a timo when quantity wasj in the famnily physiclin. We bave Mrg. Pbillips* is a sister af Mr. F. 1 Earn $25 to $50 Per Week Positrtis a". tow'as. îe '.. tic a, hîle I. . t, r. t,'aoj ing t'i.,. I-ouse Wirrn',in a!-'tr'It.1 '- F v Garage Work. O.B 'e w > ,Vr,î canizing, Brol' 1. y '1. PlaistLr,,,g, Barbering and iH'. I-, Coast. fic1 ,,,i for free a caaIogur... Schaais T.,imit-'i 01),ratiflC 1ll nrîri i'.:t 'l of t 'inafla m '. r . . DOMINION TRADE OýCHOO)LC, Ltd. Head Office 163 King St W., Toron~to Eastern iBrafli London Montretol iarI. .1il-known bnand names which have. - 'ovd their health laims in the scr-! 1.;which they have given ta the, Tn o'he" mneantile linos, toa, a man rcnuirp- tta he u'p-ta-the-niinutp, n Iiis ceîlVnoz fo n,t the require-; nnfs of qn intellige(nt purchasqing i nilie. Takr for iinstnnce the bootý and <l'n tr4,n elaxhich it la naw. unberstood that footwenn like cioth- I i, is an imporfant itemi of pratec- filn. adI here azain rc tand fi' phnog a- .nno orsar ysvnon- 'mifît. srength and rpstnec. Be suri' vri are well-îzhod, with oualiiv n Ihatbo and dt-izn. and vnu wili ~have fartified yourself wisely andj >ý,ictOr or I'Ptc'"nt A gnri.st story, tala ny Miss 1. K. Smnith, caused nuch enjoyment and many thrilis ta judge hy the peals of Il . ~J~( ,mairrnment and shriek.s of barrar.j SI1A wThe Ghuist invited the etudents dawni SH A W YSta ber kingdomn ta sec the spirits af ber virtiinq for she was the "Gbasgt o~u f a M.%urlerer." Teewt et rhant(ering and bain on end they were Busin ssSc ools led throuzh the ghostly reabm. Toronto-twelve of them-,iran Dancing and appbe eating con- voung 'copie 'a, office Pos,'ans tests, la wbich fth Farm triumph- t '1,'01.qih day a-t even.rig sv'lans cd, were the arder of the evening. ind ýorne stt ,dr courses. Tti'ougt An appetizn uccmopdo a s pecral Emioymeni Deixî,t Iiii uch opsd Ift. det ier e .anst.,,e 1k a ford. 105tie. taris. dauzbnlit.q, coffee, e'J both Lniptoyer and Graduate. aDpIco;andl rtndy wa.s sorved by the write for ralendar.- Head Offces: coninittee in charge. Bay a')d C harles Streets. This yvar's masquerade was con- __________________________si<ered one of the best ni recent Bowmanville Medical]1 For "select maIe rimakia fr 45 the "Ercel" poIkY giv tianal ail-vound protectioa -BENEFITS - $3000 for death fron auSes. $6p00 for accidentai desl $30 per month mnd $3,0( ifor total and perrmanet --opremiuma pay"bedt abihity. EXCE ..;..~ 7ithou Exanii ýom 15 to ývc ep- atiL nat d"a* di&sabilqty O NLY I L ________ rMCOMPAN INSURANC~LI Ru~~M~M~ MAILTHOS TO-DAx- W.BLAKE MCMURTRY, District Azent. Bowmanville liw Send me full information about your"EXCEL" PoliCY. My Ate k - 30 d Specirnen Rates for $.3,000. Age. Rate. 20 - $52.05 25 - 58.14 30- 166.00 35 - 76.75 40- 91.35 45 - 110.85 BT s iO T HIS MAN is a business prophet. HIe does not realiy look into a crystal bail but he reads the future ncvcrtheless and he secs new cities yet unbuilt. He is important in the tele- phone business. He judges the future from the facts of the present and it is his j ob ta j udge with accuracy. le must judge with accuracy because, in a telephone systcm, plans must bc made for years ahead and millions of dollars are iî2volved. With a railway there must be tracks and sta- tions before trains can run. With a telephone system there must be conîduits and central exchangcs before telcphoncs c,în go in. To wait until people are clamoripg for tele- phones is tao late. TifHLE BUSINESS PRO1P1lET does not wait. 1-e ct)mes ta the i.mgement with his chants and grapbs anti figurc, anld says: "In 1930 the (lemand in Ontaria NvilI bc 80,000 new telephoncs. They wvi11 be wanted hcre arnd here and here." Or he says: "M'itlîiii» the next five vears the Pravincc of Quebec will necd at lcast forty per cent mare exehange capacity." And the managemnent does iot wait either. They knLow it is up ta tilem to prepare now. If they don't thcy will bc falling down cn tlîeir job; they wilI not bc kec{iag pace with thc country. B ECAUSE TIIE PUSIN\I.-'SS IPROPHET ."spoke in titne and tlite nianagement acted promnitly there are 13' l,(XY ) tt'lcphioîîs being jnstallcd in Ontario and ( - ucbec this year. W'ithout tbcm tîere would' bc inconvenience and confusion now in thousands of ncw hom.2s and offices. Next year the business outlook calls for spend- ing aven twcaty-sevcn million dollars ta extcnd and reaew the systcm and plans have been mnade ta do so. For the next five ycars the telephione expan- sion dcfinitely known ta bc necded in the two à provinces means aver one hundrcd mil!ion dollars. SINDING THE MONEY is a problem. It FL"is as great a problern as the complications of engineering and organizatiun. Every year as the country grows there must be new moncy ready sa that the telephone system may keep pace. Every ycar thus far the moaey has been ready because the policy of the telephone system bas been fortunate in attractîag the support of coa6ervative and reliable investors who have flot been subject to the influence of market fluctuations. 11'HAT IS 110W the business prophet and Thbis graplis have been made effective. And that is why thc telephone man- agement has always met Cania- dian progress with confidence and cnthusiasm. P"Nli&gidbu '7" 84 U.rOhOnc CO,.sPauY of Canua ta ta be yu susuth.g aboutà A4 td.Phoue buaimu aned tis p.oovio in. . 1' r PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 0,0 v

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