Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1928, p. 1

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j. With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 47 Stunning Winter Since the Mode looks to its fashional cufs for smart distinction this season, the first1 in our coats is their lavish shawl and pillow col and novel cufs of fine fur. The smooth, rici ly-napped fabrics and broadcloth requires su furs as mink-marmot, beaver-dyed lapin, sable, rat. Ail the new blues, Winter Beige, Grey Navy, Black. Our stock of Ladies' Coatsa from ................................................. 12 BEAUTIFUL DRESSES $10.00 BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL COMING EVENTS SONS 0F ENGLAND HOLD HOSPITAL. PRESIDENT Donations not previously acknow-l Every advance notice of any kind.! PAST PRESIDENTS NIGHT! leded whreth obec i the benefit or jew.l of Merit Pru.snted to Prin.1 Women's Hospital Auxiliary-5 convenience of any person or nuin- cipal F. J. Groet, Hamnpton mattress covers; 4% dozen bediber of persons, is advertising, and gowns; 6 surgeons gowns; 3 comfort- will be treated by The Statesman as.i At the last regular meeting of ers; 32 pillow slips; 14 sheets; 2 in- such. If no instructions accoTn- Lodge Wellington, No. 19, S.O.E.B. fants' dresses; 2 gertrudes; 1 % doz-! pany the notice, advising us to whom S., the ?ast Presidents of the lodge an infant's undervests; pair chintz 1 to charge it, it will ba charged to were the guests of honor. The curtains, 9 feather pillows; 18 drawl the person phoning or sending it inl. lodge was opened by the Worthy 1 sheets.1 Nothing sent in unsigned will bie in-1 President, Bru. B. J. King, who in a Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McCullough- serted in future. few, suitable worda welcoxned the Rug for reception rooni of Nurses'i Reserve Friday, November 23rd Past Presidenta and requested P. P. Residence. I for St. John's Church Bazaar andlBro. James Gi to take charge of Rotary Club-200 Ibs. flour. afternoon tea in the Parish Hall at the meeting for the evening and ap- I.0.O.F. froni Sunshine Club-4 3 P.. p oint the P. P. to the various offices wash cl oths, bied spread, 4 sheets, 2 Hurrah! Sons of England are as follows: Geo. Hart, PastPFresi-, bath towels, 2 dresser scarfs, 4 trayj holding their first euchre party next dent; A. M. Hardy, V. Preaident; j covers, 4 pillow slips, pair of curt- Tuesday, Noveniber 27th-ç-prizes, W. J. Berry, Chaplatin; . Holmes, ains. refreshments, 'n evarything. Secretary; W. B. Thickson, lat Mrs. Law-Rhubarb. Reserve November 29th for Guide; 'H. Richards, 2nd Guide; T. Mrs. Rundle-Rhubarb. IDaughters of England Sale in S. 0. Heighton,-3rd Guide; H. D. 'Moses, I" Sidney Brown-Green pesu' bas- E. Hall of plain sewing, home-mnade 4tb Guide; W. Mitchell, fith Guide; II ket green beans, potatoeE4 carrots,1 cooking. Afternoon tea, etc. 47-1 R. Harding, Insida Guide; S. B. Leg- 1 cucunibers, marrow, pumpkins. The annual oratorical contest by gott, Pianiat. Rev. R. J. Shires-29 books for students of Býowmanville- High School The worthy President was then library and 8 mnagazines. will be held in the Assembly Hallifre htte oeh radn John Go'ert-Lettuce. of the school on Tuesday, November1 Thos. Wray and mexnbers of Iiodge Miss .Sýpargo-Lettuce and rhu- 2 7th at S p. mi. This evening prom-1 DarlingoofHmtnweithNranSB.J « barb. ises to be very interesting as there ante gonof Hanit were in SteNra .B a Mrs. Ronald Scott-2 baskets cher- are six contestants. Don't missi and inrooni. tohe wde b es Wocooetedce Pesdet > ries, green peas. hearing these young orators. i1 ouedt h ldebBP .Wo wasrelecsptd Por edenth Mr. nd rs.Wilis tewrt- Boy' Tainng ehol CrismasBro. H. D. Moses and given the îoffi- Bowanvilal-metiBosptfothe fcorh boxesncherris. Wli twat.By'TriigS olCrsmscial welcome and tiger. onyaar a etn f h ietr boeMrs.Carie -ske lns. Concert will be held in Opera Bouse1 The Lodge had the pleasure Oon onay mrs. Huatrdh-Baskt parenip. on Tuesday, Decankbar 1'lth. A eig e candidate initiated into Board of Directors for 1928-29' Cash onatons:musical coniedy "The Old Man on the order by the P. P. which was are: Vice-Presdn 1 .Mors ArhrSaintonations:..s.o the Mountains", will lie presanted, very abîy done. Diretors--Mayor T. S. Holgate, WoensIntiue, Netn- ude drctono M. .Covrse1MessJ.W Alxnr, . ville........on............ $.00 Sm ith ecsistedobyMr. J.. Cunve Dnning the e'vening the District Mss.JWW.AeanerJ. D R.ey haninalsonpysîca amNngtdnp amithputysSupre be Preai.eEtCF.nW.Strike, C. T. Ross,W.J dey ville.........h........ $.00nng- Dpt urm r dn Jos. ONeill; Sec'y.-Treas.-Chas. H. Plea s reserve theae.g iplyBatenian, performed a very plessanti Msn ..,Mese rsere he ate oiet 1duty, on behaîf od the Supreme ieLi go†rs en1,ramoi arey."rnmyzoaig repie ociey are holding a concert on Friday, No- vember 30th at 8 p.mn. in the church. Miss Jessie B. Thite, Reader .Albert 1 College, Belleville, and Mr. R. J. T. Staples, tenor soloist in Dovercourt Presbytarian Church, Toronto, as- sisted by local talent, will give the C oatsprograin. Admission 25c. C o a tsThe annual election of officers of j , Bowmanville Branch of Vegetable Growers' Association will be hald in ICouncil Room on Thursday, Noveni- le fur collars andI ber 29th at 8 p .m. Mr. George thing that attracts RuhToronto, wil address the ilars, deep borders and Scarboro banches will speak. hnessof teir oft-Anyone interested in vegetables or mes ofther sft-fruits will be welcome. 47-2w uch good-looking Bownianville High School Coni- skunk and musk- mencement exercises will be held in Yth Opcera ouse on Friday, De- yGreen, Brown, cme 7th at 8 p. mi. Mr. Edward are sensibly priced Mason will give thervaledictory ad- ..$15.00 to $8500 LL.D., Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Toronto, and Igraduate ot Bowmanville Bighi EACH School, will address the students. For Saturday only this group of Dresses which originally were priced at $20.00 and over will be marked down to $10.00 ea BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES Just arrived Wednesday morning, a beautiful assortment of new Dresses in Jersey Cloth, Silks and Crepes-Styles, shades and prices to suit every demand. SPECIAL VALUES IN HOSIERY Penman's Best Silk and Wool Hose, ail the new shades, only 95e pair. Silk Pointex Hose, full fashioned ,every shade desired, for $1.50 pair. WHAT LOVELY CURTAIN MATERIALS You will say so, too, when you see these new curtains. They are truly lovely and include an assortment of designs and materials which will satisfy every demand. SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN'S OVERCOATS Affer a very successful weekend selling of our Bargain Overcoats we stili have a limited number left at most attractive values. Men's Navy Blue Chinchilla Overcoats, Regular $37.50 FOR $29.50 Men's Navy Blue Chinchilla Overcoats, Regular $33.50 FOR $27-50 .. Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, Regular $28.50 and $29,50 FOR $23.50 Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, Regular $24,50 FOR $19.50 Men's Blue Whitney Overcoats, Regular $22.50 FOR $18.50 Men's Blue Whitney Regular $27.50 FOR Overcoats, $22-50 4 Men's Heavy Grey Ulsters, Regular $29.50 FOR $24.50 A number of the above coats are plush or leather lined. Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker very quietly celebrated the 59th anniven- sary of thein marniaga on Satunday, Novamber 7th. Messages and gifts froni relatives and friands out of town as well as heautiful flowers wera recaivad. We ara pleasad to leann that this worthy couple are, somaewhat improved in health. Royal Theatre Proenting The Fineat In Photopicys Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, Nov. 23-24 à Ken Maynard In ..THE GLORIOUS TRAIL" Thnills, romance, drama, comedy -and the wild daring life of the pioneera alI woven into a thrill- ing western story headed by the King of Outdoon Adrventune. Matinea Satunday aftennoon at 2.30 p. ni. Childnan 5c. Chapter 3 of "THE HAUNTED ISLAND" and negular prograni Monday, Tuesday, Nov. 26.27 Fay Wray snd Gary Cooper In "THE LEGION 0F THE CONDEMNED" A daring m yst ery-mel od rama of a squadron of flyars who court death to land spies hehind enemy lines. With the acrean s new pain of young lovera Psy Wray and Gary Cooper. Story by John Monk Saunders author of "Wings" Special matinee Moaday, Novons- ber 26th at 4 o'clock sharp Admission ,children 10e Evening prices 25e to ahl Wednesday-Thursday, Nov 28-29 Rod LaRocqua and Suae<Carol In "*CAPTAIN SWAGGER" A dashing haro, a charming haro- mne, love, pathos, thrills, action, suspnse-all thse elements of fine antertainnient packed in this romnantic pictune story. Novemben 30, D«embes 1 Milton Silla In 46THE CRASH"P -il' I MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Sunday services: 11 a. mi. and 7 p. mi. Sunday School at 2.30 p. mi.. St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Beat, D.D., Minister: il a. m.- Morning Worship; 2.30 p. m.---Sun- àay School; 7 p. m.-Evening Wor- ship. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Temperance and Church Sts., Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A., minis- ter. Morning service at il a. mi. Evening service 7 p. mi. Sunday School at 2.30 p. ni. Standard Training School for this district is-.being held each evening at 7.30 in Trinity United Church School-room. Over one hundred have registarad and intaresting and profitable sessions are being held. St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Sunday next bafore Advent, November 25,-1928. 8 a. m.-Boly Communion, il a. m. -Morning Prayer and Litany. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. 7 p. m.- Evening Prayer. St. Paul's Anniversary Services_ rThe Rev. Principal R. Bruce Taylor, kD.D., LL.D. of Quean's University, distinguishad. scholar and brilliant preacher la coming to St. %lul's * hurch, Bowmnanville, for the anni- versary services to be held on Sun- day, Decamber 2nd. This will b. welcome news to ail who heard Prin- cipal Taylor's. fascinating sermons on a similar occasion several years ago. Lodiga, by calling on P. kP. B±tTo. --- 1 ST. JOHN'S A.Y.P.Â. ENTERTAIN Hart to escort Boeo. F. J. Groat, Sec-i f ROEV IBYBAC retary-Treasurer of the 'Hampton, lL ROEI WITYBAC Lodge for the past 38 yeans, who dtrSmWloof esnGv was presented with a certificate and Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf, Mn. Eio 5mlusn of estnGe Jawel of Menit. Bro. Groat, in a and Mrs. ROY VanCamp and son lpiig drs veny reminiscent and appropriate Sammy, visitad the latter's sister,1 Mr. Sam Wilson, Editor of the manner exprensed hin appraciation Mrs. Fred Gala, Whitby, on Sunday. Weston Times and Guide, and a to the Supreme Lodge and ail pras-. . Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and' member of the Synod A.Y.P.A. ent.g Mn. and Mrs. John Hopps spent Sun- i Comnittee, was the chief speaker at The odg wascloed ad tble day with the former's cousin, Mr. l a very happy and inapiring meeting The Ldge ws clsed ad jta lesFrd Clayton, and other ..i. . :...lof St. John's A.Y.P-A. on Monday laid when a social hour was enjoyed Miss Alice Nichols, Hamilton, is via- evaning. Mr. Wilson first gave a by speeches froni the Past PresidantI iting her brother, Mr. Wsn. Lymer,' graphic account of the A.Y.P.A and.visitora which was concluded byl Jr., and other relattvesi4.....Miss Dominion Conference recently held singing the National Antheni. Elacta Preston ,Port Hope, spent at Windsor, explaining in detail the the weaka.nd with Miss Vers Power splendid prognani carried out so suc- .... Misa Mabel Stevens is supplying cessfully. He then deait with the OBITUARY at Mr. Corbett's store at Orono this church's challenge ta youth to build week .... Mr. Wm. 14ymer $r ,M-n.istrenuously and strongly upon the John Darch, Bowmanville and Mrs. E. F. Hart and îamuliy, Mr fourfold foundation of the Young Arthun Lyman, Oshawa, Miss Verai People's Association. Stressl was A respected and lifa-long citizen Caldwell, Town, Mr. and Mrs. laid particularly on the necessity of of Bowmanville passed away some- Michael 'Burns, Mr .and Mrs. Gordon worship as the only sure guarantee what suddenly on Friday in the pan- Richards, Town, spant Sunday with of the vision for and the direction son of John Darch, aged 68 years. the former's son and daughter, Mr. of the enthusiasm eand energy of the Deceased was son of the late Mr.j and Mrs. Will Lynser, Jr.... Mr. and Young people of church and nation and Mrs. Samuel Darch and ws born Mrs. W. L. Macklin, Cobourg, have.- alika. in Bownianrville and lived in or near returned home after spend ing a few j Under the haading of work em- the town all his life. days with their daughter, Mrs. San-i'phasis was laid on the demand that Be conducted a butcher business ual Snowden ... . Mr. and Mrs: Clar- 1 each meniben do his or her ahane of in this town for several years. Heg enca Rowan, Bathany, spent Sunday the chucrh's work in advancing the aiso built the Balmoral Botel and with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Power..j dominion of Christ in everyr d«iart- conducted it for a tume. Later haie Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton and, ment of life, both within and with- purchaaed "Erpingham Farm", son John, Cobourg, spent Sundayl out the chunch. The nacessity of Owing to ilI health ha gave up with hier parents, Mr .and Mrs. Tru- mral witness la very great; there is farming and sold the tarmn to the man Power ...Mr. Clarence Bell a great deal to be do ne, but if each Ontario Governmant which now recently spent a few days with menibar does his bit to display really comrnpises part of the Boys' Train- frienda at Lucan ... . Mrs. W. D. Christian enthusiasm in worship and ing School property. Nine years' Raid, Oshawa, visited haer daughtar, the work that will in'evitably follow ago hae purchased "Beaconsfield" on Mrs. J. B. Aldread, on Snnday. ... froni it, the youth of this ganeration Liberty Street, where ha has been Miss Dorothy Stevens spent Satur- have an opportunity the lika of which living up to the tume of his daath. day with han sister, Mrs. Ray Snow- has not ben given to any other Though suffering froni diabetes hae dan, Toronto... . Mr. and Mrs. Ray group of Young people. was able to be around untîl a very Snowdan, Toronto, spent Sunday at In dealing with Feliowship, Mr. short tume ago and in fact kapt bis home .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hone1 Wilson paintad a picture of Angli-' bed very little, the caîl coming whan and daughter Dorothy, Mr. and Mm c au youth linkad handto hand in ha was sitting in his chair in hi& Albert Allun and son Gordon, spent' fellowahip with Christ and aach rooi. i Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry other froni coast to coast. point- The funaral took place MondaylBolwall, Bampton ...On Monday ing out that the Dominion Confer- afternoon froni his lata nasidenca, avening about 50 friands and rela- ance had undartaken the respon- for intermant in Bowmanville Cem-ltives of Mn. and Mrs. EarI Osbornesibility of financing the cost of a etary. Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor1 (nea Rata Power), gathered at thea travelling sacretary, hae urged each of Trinity United Church, conduct-I1 home of Mr. and Mms. Truman Pow-1 branch and aach memer to contrib- ed the service. er, to extend congratulations toute the amaller par capita anieunt The pall.,bearers were Massrs.!thani on their racant marriag n which would anaura the succeas of Walter Darch, brother, and James, 1 to spend a social evening with Rta this undantaking. David, Albert, Edward and Fred bafora leaving for han new home at Edificatiox-buýilding up-w a s IDarch, nephews. Bowmanville. At the proper tume described as the peculiar task of a Decaased was twice marriad, first Mr. Ivison Munday callad the com-I naw country; -building up along to Bassia Ayra, to whom wene born pany to order, and Miss Bilda Fo]ey i Christian lines; strangthening the thraa daughters, ail of whom pre- read a nicely worded address. Mir. membership of the church both as daceasad the mothar. Latar lha was Jack Cator and Mr. Elgin Munday1 regards quality and quantity. The marriad to Mrs. Ada Farguson, who1 made the presentation of a f ernery. appeal was vary strongly presentad, with one son John, survives 1dm,1 Although takan completly by sur-j and if the applause was any indica- also tw.o brothers, Alfred of Toron- prise Mn. and Mra. Osborne thankad tion, vary effactivel( put also. to, and Walter of Hamilton, and two thani for thair beautiful gift, after, Rev. J. M. Crisall, Rector of Al s'sters, Mrs. Clara Bailey, Kitchener,1which thay aIl sang "For they are 1 Saints, Whitby, inovad the vote of and Miss Susie Darch, Hamilton. jiolly good Fallows," aften which thanks to Mr. Wilson, and expnessad The beautiful floral tnibutes in-;fruit and candy ware sarvad, and a hia own gratification at having the cluded: Pillow, wife and son;, vary pleasant evaning was anjoyedi Whitby Branch hean such an inspir- Wreaths, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Darch, by al. . .. Monthly meeting of the ing address under such happy cmr- Brothers-in-law; Anchor, Walter W, M. S. was held on Wednesday cunistanees of fellowship witih the and Susia Darch; Sprays, Mr. and aftarnoon, Nov. 7th, in the hall, with Bowmanvilla Branch. Mrs. David Darch, Mr. and Mrs. W. a good attandance. The taxt book In seconding the vote, Rev. R. J. J. K. Stephens, Mr. and Mms. Bal. was raviewed and a solo very nicelyi Shires, the Rector, alluded to the Pearn, Mrs. Sudgan, (Mimico), sung by Edna Swallow, accompanied1 splendid work which la baing don. Walter, Susia and Clara Bailay, by Mrs. C. H. Snowden4..Mission by the Young people in the varions Prof. and Mrs. A. H. MacLennan, Mr1 Band meeting was hald on Tuesday,1 Youth Movemnents, in Germany and and Mrs. H. Wolfraim, Mnr.and Mns.!Nov. 2Oth, with Supt. Mrs. Samueli1 alsawhera. Ha voiced his' own ap- James Darch, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Snowden in the chair. New officens' preciation of Mn. Wilson's stimulat- Chahls. ara: Prasident-Mildred Snowdon; ing addnass, and thankad hini on ha.. Among the relatives present ware Vice President-Lloyd Metcalf; Sec- haîf of tha Bownianvilla Branch for -Mr. and Mrs. Alfrad Darch, Mn. retary-Lavonne Tnimble; Treasun- his kiidness and trouble in undan- Fred Darch, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Cash- ar-Bert Couldeny; Cor. Secretary taking to coma to them. man, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clay-1 -Wîll Couldery; Supt. Mita Boxes - Miss L. Saddington, Vice-Presi- ton, Toronto; Mr. and Mms. Fnanklj-Helen Metcalf; Supt. of Pees- dent of the Weston Branch, in vary Lucas, Mn. and Mrs. D. Hendarson, Jean Stevens; Supt. Palm Branch- hapgpy fashion, con'vened te Whitby Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. Walte.- Darch Gordon Jarvie; Flowar Committe- and Bowmanville Branchas the greet- and son John, Hamilton; Prof. and Douglas Bothwell, Ross Law, Thel- ings of Weston Branch, and aiso Mrs. A. H. MacLennan, Guelph; Mn. nia Freeman... Mn. and Mns. Fer- those of the Toronto Local Council, Wilbert Bailay, Kitchener. guson Abernathy celebrated the sec- of which she la a niamber. Ably _________ond annivansany of thair wedding,j following Mn. Wllson's lea, Mms Monday, Nov. 19th, by havng their Saddinfrton advocated the early POSTPONED daughJ H. Ellen Isobel, 1,aptived. 'formation of a Local Council to bind 1 .'Re. J H.Stainton performed the the neighbouring -branches in dloser Owing to weatha'r conditions thse ceremnony in the prasence of thse four fellowahip in inspiration and, con- furniture sala of Mn. Willard Cald- grand-parents and great grand- fenential work. well, Tamperance Street, Bowman- mothen, Mms. W. R. Cola. Toronto. Immediataly after the addremes. ville, will take place on Saturday, A unique featura of thse event was 'refreshments were sarved, and there Novamber 24th., wisen the follow: the christening robe, which had besa was thon a happy social hour in ing household furniture will ba offen- worn by the baby's gnandmnother, which thse members of the branches ad for sale: FanIon Suite, 3 S d Mrs. J. J. Abernethy, whan she was wera given, and availed theniselvas rooni Suites, Dining-noom FEurniture, baptizad, also by aach of han seven of the opportunity of getting to children for the sainie interestin know each othen botter. Rockers, Sinaîl Tables, Secretany, avent.. W,# are. looking forwar numiber Rugs, Cuntains, Ou Lanips to a visit* froni Eldad League Mon- WOOD SALE and other articles. Sala at 2.15 day night, Nov. 26th. Corne and p. mi. sharp. Wni. J. Chalis, Âuc- enjoy a good tume. Fniday, Novembes 30--Mn. TIses. tioneer. Baker wil seli on Lot 29, Con. 6, You know the good times they Darlington, a quantity of hardwood, have at thse S .0. E. Progressive Mn. Francis Sutton Organiat and beeeh and maple in U4 acre lots. Euchres. 'Il You don't comealaing Choir Directon of 'fniity United 'Purchasens will have to AkpriI 1. next Tu"ea Noveniber 27th anaI Chunch, gave a vory intenesting ad- 1930, to nemove timiben. Sale et 1 enJoy yours.i. Y., there's poelsaI dreas on music at thee Rotgry Club o'clock. Se. d.odgers. TIseo. Mi. aend est. ,too. .0 luncheon on lFIiay. SIenion, Auctiloneer. 46-2w WARNING! If you have 'been tempted to send for a pair of so called $15 Fpecacles, to any firm, either in United States or Canada, who offer thern at $3.95, we would like to be of service to you. The spectacles we seli at $2.95 'are better in every respect than those offered by strangers who are un- known in their own towns. Cone in and talk the matter over and compare our goods with any oth- ers at higher prices. Ist-T-Zeep your money circulating at home. 2nd-Deal with those you know. Avoid writing three or tour letters trying in vain to get your rnoney back from strangers, as many others have done. Our glasses at $295 are superior in every way to those offered at $3. 9 by such firme. For nearly 40 years we have been carefully and scientifically correcting eye troubles of al kinds. In every case we cheer- fully guarantee absolute satisfac- tion. Two or three times a year we try to serve our customers by a warning of this kind; for when people bring in these $3.95 glass- es in a few mnenths' time for our advice as they often do it is too late to get their money back from the strangers who have gone out of business. Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyes It In Done Properly BAZAAR St. Paul's Lecture Room Friday, Dec. 7th Booths open at 3 o'clock The Gif t Sliop Thrif t Shop Market Basket Home Cooking C.G.I.T. Ncyvelty Booth Tea served at 5 o'clock Menu: Hot Chicken Patties Green Peas Pastry and Cake Te& and Coffee 4 0 cents Couch, Jthnston &Cryderman, Dowmanvillo Plhone 104 Limiten eoý ian t tt eg a à man

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