Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th., 1928. Bad Legs Have You Varicose or Swollen Veins and Bunches Near Ankle or Knee? To stop the misery, pain or sore- ness, help to reduce the dangerous swollen veins and strengthen the legs, use Moone's Emerald Oil. This clean powerful penetrating yet safe antiseptie healing ou l obtainable at Jury & Lovell's and ail first-class drug stores. In hundreds of cases Moone's Eni- erald 011 bas given blessed relief. Splendid for ULcers, Old Sores, Brok- en Veins and Troublesomne Cases of Eczema. EMIERALD OIL WoUld flot be Without Zutoo Tablets At Any Cost Ni. . X O. Noetc the iluar jaek UtannIaUdmr, ;kBoton, ho se- tently diol, wua a grest "boostee" fS Zutoo Tablets. go uffere frmheadaches tram chil& hod and wben ho fbnd Zutoo Tablets "Ppe thse eadche inafew minutes msending the= to hi fly Mnd frieda In an unsolldited letter, Mr. Most= maye "Mfmily l, hemwhu ver n.eded wfthequaly emgt. Ihave fre- qn.stiy givenee« to bed who were. itring from Hesdache and they neyer Eutoo Tabiet in grip o t erd W OULD NWB8 WITHOUT TRIMAIrANYCOST.", &5 cent@ pet box-at ail dealcru D ~ Te THODAS' WEED ORK F TÉ ORME llLIEIT FMNT BSF ONyADi As RE nkhm' USgESaleCNOmpu S«tElgnN. R-'Fo A hrà mgUH, 7 E IiAnvosnD wea0 it Wh tIMW illYO Chi E iren Cts f"1.be opon AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTERI ORONO My dear niece: Tell your young (Froni The News of October llth) friend that I say "Don't". She is Mrs. A. A. Rolph and niece, Miss making a big mistake by putting in s0 Marlon Walker, recently visîted in much tume in the outside work on Port Hope. their small farai. The more she does the more will be Corns disappear wben treated with expected of ber. Certainly I bave Holloway's* Corni Remover witbout always advocated out-of-doors wvork, leaving a scar. but in reasoti. Ml~r. and Mrs. George Mitchell bave A wife's and motber's real place is returned frorti a week's visit witb in the home, and most young motbers friends in Belleville. witb two babies find enougb in tbe house to keep theni fully employed. Mrs. J. Dunhani of Toronto, visited Whatever outside work a woman her cousin, Mrs. J. Dickson and ether does s-hould not be forced-it sbould1 relatives in this district. be recreational and voluntary. Miss Elva Thonipson who has been She should not do sufficient to keep visiting friends here tbe past few out a hired man. weeks, left recentiy for New York. Unless she be of abtiormal strength Mse ienMCmsadLre and a remarkable manager to under- Mse ienMCmsadLre take inside and outside work, sbe wili Lorriman recently visited the latter's one day rue tbe day. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lorriman. A mother bas special duties to- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parliament ward hier little ones tbat she cannot of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. PIau- ignore apart froni tbe usual routir mandau, Ottawa, were recent guests of bousehold work-wbich, by tbe at Mr. 0. W. Rolp's. way, is a daiiy round. Mr. John Patterson and daughter- There are romps, stories, education and walks, ail extra to feeding, in-law hbave moved into town froni clotbing and continuai cleaning. 'tbe fanm and are occupying his re3i- The same woman bas other duties1 dence, Main St. South. as a wife, and homemaker. It is flot Mr. Fred Lycett bas resigned bis bier duty to keep overails and heavy position at Wesleyville achool to j oin boots on ail day and do a man's work the staff of the new Ritson Road out of doors-compulsony.I Public Scbooi, City of Osbawa. If she feels sbe bas the time, andj Mrs. C. F. Awde accoinpanîed by that the outside work is bealt.bfui forbe rteanhiwfM.adMs ber, let lier make a methodical scbed-hebrtran iwieMradMr ule and alot an bour or two each day H. Hooper, Pontypool, recently visited to some congeniai empioymnent dhich tbeir sister, Mrs. Clifford May, Wind- is not too laborious to overtax ber sor. strengtb, or over tire ber. Miss Maguine, Mrs. Campbell, Dr. She must remember that wben the l Drumbie and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. usual "down tools" period comes tOj Thompson, Toronto, and Mrs. Nee- tbe men, sbe wilbave to be bright, land, Seattle, Wasb., recently visited dlean and fresb to prepare meais. at Mr. 0. Scott's. It is vastiy more important that Mr.CteieKlatrwor- she is untired wben ber busband r.CteieKlmsrwhr- comes in weary frntm the fled-witb centiy returned from Los Angeles, contented and dlean babies, a nicely- Cal., to ber sister's, Mrs. H. Junker, cooked mes] and an orderly home. at Oshawa, spent a day last week This la rarely possible if a woman has with relatives and friends here. to work outdoors. Miss J0 Armistrong who bas heen To zrind berseif down into a bard- visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. worked drudge, give up pretty clothes C. G. Armstrong, bas left for Hart- and live in overalîs, althougb it may ford, Conti., to take the position of keep out a bired mati, it is not keep- bead dietitian in the new Y. W. C. A. ing up ber part in the home. Uer busband niay not understand; Robert Stapleton, littie son of Mr. be may even think there la notbing to Max Stapleton, Newtonviile, ià in a do in a boue-some men do think very serious condition with beart taenenvy their wives. trouble. He is being attended by a But she will discover some day that trained nurse from Toronto. We ber busband expects too mucli of ber wish bini a speedy recovery. -an outaide regular belpen, a con- Mr. and Mrs. Erti Batten and Mrs. tented, brigbt and fascinating woman Chalie Manley of Geneva, N. Y., on in pretty clothes, a goo.d cook, a model amtrti o ubC pn nbu mother and one wbo cati tire]essly a ortortnptonQuebee, spentangbour wait . or two n town rcentlas alling o upn u be b bs o 1 old friends. Mr. Batten la now She wiil also find that her busband witb the J. W. Smith Dry Goods Co. will not care to take a hand at bouse- Mr. Isaac Winter who recently work or tending the babies; be wili paid a visit to bis fan at Mounitain- prefer to sit down with the paper and aide, Mani., had the misi ortune to fali be waited upon, and if sbe remon- froni a bayrake and receive injuries strates be will ask bow much is ex- to bis hea.d which put bum in bospital pected of bum. for a few days. He is now able to be Then abe wiil soon find ber heaitb anound again. below par, ber nerves on edge, and Ms .Bcaa fMutFr wiil develop into a nagging, irritablel Ms .Bcaa fMutFr woman. est, former bigh scbool principal, A woman's nature is not built to speýnt the latter part of the weekwith stand so great a strain, former associate teachens here, Miss Let ber sec to it now tbat she up- Ferrier end Miss M. Adamis, the latter holda ber end in the partnership of accompanying ber as far as Toronto their home and that there be no divid- on ber returti home. ing line but an overiappinz of tbe dif- The W. M. S. of Park St. Churcb ferent duties of botb busband and met on Octoben 4tb. Group 8, Misa wife, then ail will be happiness and F Cobbledick, convener, bad charge contentment. Your loving Aunt iteporm VcaslobMs Susan.A. E. Chapman; devotional leaflet by Mrs. A. J. Knox; scripture lesson by Mrs. Sterling. Introduction to the T ry M agnesia new study book, "Drumis in the ak nesa", was read by Miss Mabel Davey ladchper 1 and 2 were taken up For In igeston andrshap Green, Mrs. Kersiake, Miss People who sufer from indigestion Cobbledick, Miss Davy, Mrs. O. W. usually bave tried pepsin, charcoal, Rolph; vocal solo by Mrs. Roy; read- drugs and varjous digestive aids and ing by Mrs. R. Best, and hynin "By got little more than slight t.emporary Cool Siloem's Sbady Ru]l", elosed pro- relief-sometimes not even tbat. grani. But before giving up to cbnonic dy-1 Asthme Overcome. The triumph spepsie, ju8t try the effect of a lit-. over asthme bas assuredly comne. Dr. tie Bisurated Magnesia-not the or- J. D. Kelogg's Asthma Remedy bas dinary commercial carbonate, citrate .proved the most positive blessing the or milk, but pure Bisurated Magnesia victini of astbmatic attacks has ever wbicb you cati obtain from practically known. Letters received frorm thous- any druggist in eitber powden or tab- ands who have tried it fon a testi- let f onn. monial whicb leaves no room for Take a teaspoonful of the powder doubt that bere is a reai remedy. Get, or four tablets with a little water af- it today froni your dealer. ter your next aieal, and see wbat a difference this niakes. It wl]] in- CHILDREN'S SHELTER stantly neutralise the dangerous, harniful acid in the stomach which Sbowing the keen interest taken in now causes your food to ferment, the Cildren's Shelter for the United and sour, making gas, wind, flatu-,Counties of Northumberland and lence, heartburn and the bloated or Durham, an exceptionaily large crowd heavy, lunipy feeling that seenu 10t of entbusiastic wonkers asemnbled at follow miost everytbing you est. You the Shelter Building, Port Hope, on cae enjoy your meals witbotit a fear Thursday afternoon to fittingiy cele- of indigestion. brate the enniversary of the opening of the institution. Meny donations of clothing, food Evey Mn Pst 0 tufs, m.ney tc., werereceived by S hould Make This Test Scbool sent a truck load of vgt For Amazing and Laating Reliefj Front MiddIe-Age Ailments That Cause Daily Annoyance and Sap Vital Force. No longer need men nean on past bbc prime of life put up with those painful and often embarrassing con- ditions brought on ýby overwonked, sluggisb Kidneys, Biedder Weakness and Prostrate Gland Trouble, with their distres-sing symptoms of Lame-1 ness, Peins in beck and dow.n thbm li-.FI 1 L I groins, scanty but frequent and b urn ing urination, "Getting-up1 There is hardly a liouiqeho1d that hasn't ights", Nervous Irritability and lack heard of Castoria! At least five millior -of force-because a ten day test of homes are neyecr wthoit it. If there arç Dr. Southworth's URATABS will con- elilîirîn in vour fanify, theres almoafi vince the most skeptical of the value (lady need of ts confort. AndI any night of this; specal treatnient for theirl -â:;ý, f i d ý1i e0 th kfi tlîre's 111particular cfahsiea. 1ýMe inthe Jli.t af(., rops 3 Amazing testimonyofPyian an1 t}ija (0111 tor (0ortilattiofl s relii.vPed; and users gives convincing proof of or îlarh. eeke vegutalle Pro.: the power of URATABS to restore dwiii iyrenie(I ' vm4-ant for yîîunt llcalth and Strengtb to a weakened,' folký. .i 'î,raxiiot tho only tlîinp inflamed or irritated Bladder and Ur- you 1wru ltori disn'l"cri ary Tract. A multitude of alan- ig oiiai. toie eiie r ing symptoms seeni to quickly disap- dangerous to i a nov baby, howevî' ear-n e ndfe r h4rniless titv bo iv 1,-to grown-uPîs pa-adyou seadfe r Good old Cas.toriu!>1iii!iil4. te aie «nuine improvement often within and reiernber fo livi. i.t mity sipart two or three days. "No more Back- you a eleepica-j. .îtO night. It Î, ache.s, no more pain, no more embar- always ready, alwtii'raf, to wse; if rassment or Getting-up-nights. i emergendies, or for,.ryua ailoiierits nowv sleep soundly, and get Up i the Ayour of the (1, i i zglt tliat Bu morning full of 'pep' thanks to UR. beconie9fretful, or r - t ], . (a.oriawilif IA'A BS!" neyer maore_popular uiitlhrîîtherai than Bý While new to the general public, la tdy very dri:'îi.t las it. the wondrous value of URLATARS bas __________________ een thorougbly proven by neariy 40 years of succesnfui une in the private o ~ ' i practice of Dr. H. C. Southworth. And now any gond druggist "'illup- £ a ply theni on a guarantee of satisfac- ______________tion or morey back. Try URATABS today.1 ebles. Visitora were present et the birth- day party from Port Hope, Bownien-~ ville, Orono, Newcestle, Newtonville, Cobourg, Canipbeliford and meny other points in the Unite.d Counties. Mirs. J. CG. Jackson, Port Hope, pre- sented the Board with an rgan, wbicb isaeppreciated. AIr. Harold Fulford, presided and the speakers included, Rev. Gordon A. Sisco of Port Hope United, Church; Rev. J. N. Nor-on of Co-' bourg Beptist Cburcb; Rev. T. E. MNelidruni, Port Hope Baptist Church; W. W. Porte of Brighton an enthus- iatic Children's Aid Society worker for over tbirty years; Miss M. Fer- guson, Mlatron of the Shelter and Dr. Jas. T. Dle', Supe-rintendlent; Rev. W. R. Tianton of the Cohbourg Unit- cd Clîurch. nir. Chas. Evans rendered a de- ligbtful solo andI an interesting piano duct wiLs played by Misses Thonipson. The Shelten 'Management bas ex- perieýneil the busiest yeen in bbe bis- tory (if the work, and the manage- nient deserve tbe bigbest praise for the manner in which the under privi- ledged of the younger generation are given e good home an de chance to make their avay in the wo-Id. Certain monbid conditions must exiat in bbe stomacb and intestines 10 encourage worms, and tbey will ex.- ist as long as thege monbid conditions permit theai to. To be, id of theni and spare thbchcild sufering ,use Mil- ler's Worm Powders. Tbey will cor- rect bbe digestive iregularibies by destroying the worms, conditions fav- orable bo worms will disappean, and the cbiid will bave no more suffening froni that cause. Simple and Sure.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Qi] is so simple in applica.- tion that a child cati understand the instructions. Used as a liniment the only direction is to rub, and when us- ed as a dressing to apply. The directions are so plain and unmistak- able that they are readily under- stood by young or oid. RAILWAY TIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAV (Standard Tme) GOING WEST 4.22 a. mi. Dally 8.39 a. mi. Daily except Sunday 2.02 p. mi. Dally except Sundays 7.11 p. mi. DailIy 7.56 p. mi. Sundays Only .27 p. ni. Daily except Sundays GOING EAST 8.42 a. m. DaIly except Sunday 9.13 a. mi. Sundaya OnIy 10.14 a. in. DaIIy 1.32 p. ni. Dally except Sunday 2.46 p. mi. Dally 6.14 p. mi. Daily except Sunday 9.68 p. ni. Dally 11.24 p. ni. Daily CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (Standard Tme) GOING WEST 5.30 a. ni. DalIy 8.20 a. ni. DaIly except Sunday. 4.20 p. ni. Dally 7.18 p. ni, Dally COING EAST 10.19 a. ni. DalIy. 2.22 p. ni. Dafly 8.25 p. ni. 1ally ezcept Sunday. 11.27 p. mi. Dally. S.lving the Street- Dirt Probleun 1 Dirt tracked in off the street doesn't matter so mnuch.. ... when you have hardwood floors 1 It can bo cleaned Up in a jiffy, and everything made spic and span with practically no effort. And hardwood floors are so inexpensive 1I I McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phone 15 Bowmanville THE EST HAT' MAD INEEY GRDE ORONO (Froni The News of October 4tb.) Mrs. Bell, Newcastle, bas been vis- iting ber sister, Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baxter, Toronto, recently visited friends here. Miss Bernice Tucker, Ottawa, re-. cently visited ber father, Dr. M. M.' Tu cker. Mrs. Wallace Jamieson, Timmnts, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Mr. A. Beal, a former resident, bas a position as postal cierk in Osh- awa post office. Windows in the Agricuitural Hall bave recently been sniashed, and sonie of the flower urtis. Mr. and Mrs. Weiab and son, Brantford, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Chapman, Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Horswell, and Miss Jennie McCullough, Toronto, attended the fair last Wednesday and visited friends. Mr. Jones of this town, who bas been en.gaged'as gardener et the House of Refuge, bas moved witb bis family, tb Cobourg. Mns. Stantoti, who bas been Ber- iously ill, is now considerebly im- proved. Mrs. George Stanton, Tor- ontot, bas been attending ber. Mr. S. A. Maylor of the bead of- fice, Toronto, bhas charge of bbe Standard Batik while Mr. A. A. Drummond is away on bis boiidays. Mr. James Gilfilian, Toronto Uni- versity, and sister, Miss Viola Gilfil- Ian, Toronto, recently visited their parents. Miss Gilfillati recently re- turned froni a trip to Halifax and the maritime provinces. Mn. A. A. Soniervilie, who recently sold "Eegle Hill," splendid fanm in the Antioch section, bas in bis pos- session a mamniotb eegle captured on the fan haîf a century ago and af ter Iwhich tbe fanm was named. Il a mounted and is atill in a good state of preservation. Among other heir- oonis be bas a grendfather dlock banded down through tbe centurie.- from bis forefathers and whieh bas kept accunate time in the fanbhomne for over one hundred years and bas neyer even been ovenbauied since Frank Fairfield left Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Sonierville wi]] take bbe valuable antiques to thein new home in Osh- awa where tbey expect 10 move shortly.1 You Can Quickly Limber Up Sore, Stiff, Swollen Joints Even Chronic Swelling in Kr Shoulder or Fii YieId to the 1M erful Influence EASE. It's here rnight in t & Loveil and every lii 't. It's a low price reme, but that doesn't etop the kinks, lamenesa on your troubled joints. Joint-Eese is the nz because it is compoun the purpose of relievir monts. RheumnaticI Juat ub il on the tonxnented, lame r.., joints and in just a few seconda il riee, El.AUw, ill penetrete to the bone and biessed inger Joints conifort comes quickly. ighty Pow- It ebso-rbs instanbiy and is so cdean and stainleas thet you cati rub il on of JOINT- often and get thereby result-s much more quickly, when the joint la in- flemed and the egony intense. own and Jury Beîng such a powerful counter ir- ve rugisthasritant, it cannot belp bringing speedy 'e rugisbbasand belpful resuits in congestion, sore tbroat, chest colda, lumbago and dy, to be sure, neumaîgia much quicker than almost il fron t.eking aov remedy you cen buy. torture out of But you miuaI rememben that it la for joint afflictions that il la xnotly iae, so cailed dispensed and ils belpfulness will as- ided solely for tonisb You afler ail ondinary lini- g ail joint ail- monts and other reatments have feiled. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Colds Pain Toothache Neuralgia Lumbago 4«" Neuritis Rheumatism jDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEARTj AÊ£W 22j1l "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Hland "Bayer" boxe@ of 12 tablet& Aupirin te the trade mark (registered lu Canada) 0f Bayer Manufacture of Mouoaoetlc- aeidester of Sallcylicacld (Acetyl Sajicylle Aeid, --A. 13. A."). Wblle It in welI kDOWn that Asipl eaus Bayer manufacture, toaulttepb gis mttos h Alt .1 Bayer Company wwIIba alaméd wtlh thon, gamoral t1a=emark, the -Bayer Ornu." PAGE SIX

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