Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1928, p. 8

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PAG~ EGHITHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4bh., 19*2e PAE IWICASTLE Dr. and Mm~. E. J. Shirley, Oshawa, Mrs. (Rev.)E.RJaehartr- annEnW he engagement of their ed from visitin e agtra I Th N ýV CU Le tIe ri il p 4 r die ri Over a oolum.1 of Newcast- n,,vss p, eider da.ughter, Georgina Margaret, liston. tended for last week appears on page. to Mr. Percival Edward Gîlbank, B. Nir. and zurs.Abr!rWladcid St.Geoge ehrch Re. E R.Jams, ., f Prà, son of Mr. and Mrs. reF ort iHOP, hhveb'flitbi St Gore' hrc, %ý. . . ams,'V: É GiIbnk B wm nvll, he retun, r ad Mr.Sa trw, r _________________ Rector.Snday, October -îil a. W . Glak o m n il, te~ ~rigb Pr oeIi ek r Prc R d cto sTH RDA ,OCOE 4h, 98Morniflg Frayer and Il-101v mum- marriage to take place in October. 13rowvn bas bieen~~pr~lgbr i Price eductins TIIRSDAY OCTOBR 4th. 19282..10 p. m.-Sunday School. 7 p. m.- Newcastl iieslarned Nwlth surprise '10(1 pratigoac t or nx E ,.il Song~. 1 v. E it JImes uvit h anIsrrO li te ,eatb on Fridlay, Sept. week at 0 m ern ee con d u ctiflg h larv e t iH o m e ' n25, o n e lrb e h I v1 0l ~ i O SA' COLCOUNTY'S OLDEST CITIZEN surviees, %vbile the R etor or OmOince N% I f, the late David Rutherford of tl is vil- Rally Da: rg1iw~ are - ~ ~~~~~~~take the services bore. Tbursday, Oct- age. Deah came suddenlyaIbrotn hSnaySooonepi- T hrifty Buyers StAWer CoutLin theASSi R port or Septetflhir. .Jr. IV-Ma.ryi MissBella Wilson spent Sunday Thie Statslflaf joins villa the citizensi ober 4th al 8 p. m., A.Y.P.A. social even- daughter's, Mrs. B. H. Cbapmafl. 3 Vfie Anne li -0. Sr II-" ý -ofDuha c tityin xtn(in h ariet ngAven ue , ororOo. w ere she lbas llved ber 30, with a g o te d n e h Alu Àn R owe s n ae t, M r n r. 'I eiittoslra ~ U îu li5 e i n .since tbe deatb o f ber husb5bidover 15 readings were gv n b o o k n fi) e ýj a i>in edent, M r. Sam el o es of Newto fl l V. P. Rogers and M r. Ro ert ypars ago. Previous 10 er deatb MIrs. M re h w d vf N.,lrsf 7, lrSY ndr Keep your eyes open for further Wht Iis kcl. brates the'0ne hui- .Martinr atendiug the Preshytery Rutherford lad heen efjoying compr- rdt ni ryobibrt.This metting at (larenloflt Ibis Tbursday. AtivelY good bealtb and with mmesMret a OATNon6s.Ir. II Ie, Rckard 83' Roy announicement of Hallowe'en Mas- veraî)le ennvrarv of is 1w fthero M.A icture to delight the eve and whet nf ber family bad attended the wedding by Patricia Pac. M.W .S OVALTINE shon 3,Ritb Cobbldick 68, JeSSieabiergant iiZr.Ia ra inse and eerao Mr. W l h pis ocad o c nSpe br11. Itr etwsm d GE d 7. Sr.IMUr ht6. querade, October 31st. G WJ~ o NoNwtoflVilI. the pro-' the apptite these earlv aitumfl days iso! 'ber niece, Miss Vera ('owan, in OronO Rickard condcethsngnit 1.,I-r l o ed ick 6 2, .F To en M Lo l M s. H rr s n b b y d u g te , m an a g er of T h e" P o rt I o pe T l ph n nt s pp e ith li s row s of ealth y t evrto flv ille on M on day . T e l t i s B r Agreat restorative in fatigue. n orIi of menut: Sr. I-B~1rento11Rick- AlsonCro.stnghrpaet, owhicb so ii1rves the urlan andl oliage t rees thickîy set with brigbt red Mrs Rutherfor ivdbNecsl rr erigwstknuyAv oln irl Harold ('rook. Sr. Pr.-Isabelle Rev. and 'Mrs. E. R. James. rural homes of Clarke and Hope towfl- fruit, the latter, contrastiug vividîv wvithl tically. ail ber tnarried life durlng whicla Stanley, GarntadJi ikr.M A valuable artce of food ' n o io ln. Jr. Pr. A udîrey M s .Ro lnWil ae et sip and X eastle. tf G. W. Is thethe dark greeni baves amottg whl h ytbe ime ber husand was for many years John Stewart edl ae a vr haustion. staGordn lM s . wadfor percent. at he !play Ipbf~ lin l b t 151IB' ons.IV. so riticinglv. Mr. a switchmanf on the G. T. R., and later Haomreotenterthu-tho itte doamd s%.F Rcls i ( a fia r nexqsite intc fa lifad elrI aditeîseetane"i c are. ov eren t a l e ats ir v- C r e am-of B are ry E v er v hoo fYi iatsiltlCne s 'm F'igures s friends at a chicken dinner on Trues- esu.emo ,.rT(Sal.stegrand- Mciito5h Relis, the apple of apples, solwire fencing. ce".je: Old PriceNwPie ___________________ Messrs. Bill Slade, Orange Cowie A fe ., ago the senior editor 6 cand Basil W ilson, Toronto, spent ofthIis paper \rote intrcstin ly of the 90Oc 75c Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. mwonderfuî chtuge.S tiat had itiken place W lso, Lae Sh re. uring 1the1111v -ara hli ha,1 been an $1.0 1.5 WlsnLak Sor.editor. What eh anzes bas Mr. Jones not uIA ui7u~I The Community Hall are playing witnessed dunrinbis century or life' DAY b DýAYChanges in *,ranspu<rtatlon, commllnica- An Ovatine hakerOctober 6th "Jackie Coogan" in lon iîîmin.îîu(, ,.ducatiofl. legisiation. An Oaltne hakr Buton", nd n Otober 13th will naviaioa'tost impora nt or!<ail WF R E Ey 7 coaun$g2 tpnourple rein t o a theto nsuncd A a ke on cn i at i on, u omam ic p ro .1 cd u'Sl Fih v ry 7 e E aodn peop5 coin n fr thaIl play "In O d Kentucky." 40-1 10 some, ornarnnwtilton, as applied 10 the parts of o r p ov n e tor.un il r A . 0 ar e Jsb e om m nty e i.. ne bandutel er o ! agedOu places of Graduates who gooe outedyersofni Lovel 1 officepositions through the fightng the flu or some kindred ail- on Friday. ,101, h., and hb&s going t0 & haw's Business Schoo1 in Tor- now getting the better of TYRNE Phne7-W Dlve nto. Why not taeyu un hi rthri-a,'i.Sdel TROEIn F u ll Si L Phoe Free particulars in request. W. Knight .ant1 ni4ece, Miss Edna Sne, R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay & Charles Nextonville, were weekeni guests of Vieltors: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd1 Dudley Strets.Toroto.Mr.JasRotrso andsisers witbheotarents, Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Mr. an Mrs.Chas. oger nerGeiWnig Hiver; Mand. igiîRus-t Streta Trono.Mr. Jad rIîs.Cadsisters Turnserl rei iverdMrL. andMrsl. Rus- The Quality Shoe Store's Last three sons, and friends ,Toronto, re- frlends In Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. HarI ____________________________________s, Jck an Donad, M. and wees-td Nandston-e-at ak at a ylo.Mr 1c. vsiedut Ourforced out sale is proving a greater success than we ever atcptd h Hall.o scsise Beatrice and Llzzieý first week's business constituted a record breaker for us. "HonestAvrisn"i Hall. Bi.eBow> r. Chinton Bigeiow, Miss Mary Pro. . B SssosOrooSace-Bightwei.Mvllted at Mr. John Bige- a motto o f ours and the public having confidence in our ads artangda- tary- of Toronto Milk Producers' As- lows, Kirby; Mr. and Mrs. George .. sociation, addressed a meeting of Little. Mr. anud Nrs. Ilarry Litte ad tage of thie bargains off ered and are securing wonderrul snaps.A niosw Durham Milk Producers in Counicil h r. lin MToron GibbataMr.sR. , keep on ad ding others so you can awy be sure of gettinoesoitbnà"o Chamber here Saturday evening. l'rystal' Beeclu . atluis l Mrt.uT. FE T' G IFT SH O P Principal J. M. Roszel of the high Gb A niumber froîn bere attettdedi[W UT SL U TC school ,having acepted the principal- . . . .Contu lat ions to Mn. A. W. ('1cm- ship of the Newburg high school at crns and brid, * Ineu Miss Ella Mrt'iil- Shoes are being sold at ridiculous low prices. Our lossisyugan asalary of $3000, has tendered bis lotîtii, Toronito) .i..ct"Tlursday -v 5.00 WEDDING IT eintoo take effect Deceniber eningwaoI charge o! 4tb Vice Presi- Our ta3le ofc$5.0d readintg by Miss Tala. Richards: $GiftfieSilervot reýcal duet y Mn. and MNsr. P'oyd DPtd- Our abl of 5.O WedingGifl unfineSiler PateareAhl will enjoy Y. P. L. meetingle top.c^lb u.o re lm',îyW ME' HE very miracles of value gtxung. Whule the excellence of Otbr8h 30 beautiful colored Mn . oodman; ppno due 'b'. BOT alides of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Pregresa. MiseaMar y l3ghtwell nd Mac liront: 0 ar aiu tlse.$ o$4 5pislf ny...... 19 both quality and variety la attested to by the pieces I Stoîy told bv Rev. W. P. Rloger.-. ren.4ing hy ni Allen MrC'oll.-130 aisEver'sylsRe.$3.'-, 15pir If nl . ren o15c ,adIes' aidnnîerlng g rabou 40m mentioned. Avery nice Casserole or a PS'1Cx PieMuical pograni. Aduls 25c; child- athce, oi.s ln'utitulultanid Sale Price $1.98 2 ar eta........ 22 Dihwt aSle tad ad nrvdRolTa.Miss Evelina Ida Parker has re-iau te homenofy' ies. . .Tnl por1 100pairs Oxfords and Patent Straps, Hg râ ot t..... 29 w t a S i v r S a d a de n g a d o î Tr a y.e h n a l e n o - .i f i ,.q it d P o Cake Basket of a pleasing degnadohrpee ceived %vord of the death of hier aunt, Ilabil lime. Mr-. J s.r, îsîrt HSale PriceBo$2.98 Lady Mary Wild, widoîv of thelaePresidn. sprp'uenl ani a.1drevssed Sl 29 onSi ptenser 4, 1ofS, fle and' MSlipintll u ae. anInntsl u 50piran trp-ail ss-- to o n u m e r o u s to m e n tio n a r e in c lu d e d in th is d i p la y . hi s a i d o h c f i l , E n la n dt e t 1it l u e 7 t ~ P . n i afe ery isRuyVrtile gave a radltng andOxods L short ilîness. Lady Wild was a very M.Barfavor swi sl.Ms al rc 29 An Engagement Ring Forr worthy woman, very wealthy alîd used 1FA1na Renil lqav plendid paper lier moneîr oop il 1 We have a large stock to choose from ut very moderate hr t eyt heîp inany needy o TcS.fnaoMt' oa 63 pairs Growing Girls' Shoes, SPECIAL-TU K causes. Gn1alGarnet Hughes Eeyoyisu-~.mof Harîey. Sl rc 21 ny6lf Rg 1,Sl rc 54 prices, White and Green Gold, married a niece of deceased. Sae_____2.8____6_et eg $ ASPECIAL AT $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burley and30parofutfsylsin, AIdaughters have moved front lake BURKETON 3S aleProceo48c GILS'ylesOOL BOOT shore east and taken up residence in OnSalrue nnnngli t' P 48cai MnI. D. J. Galbraith'a farm house,; lnuitua rcan;rn ing tlu î 7.yPMn. trsIluan GRS'I jBelmunt, Mr. Burley having been en-Ir eakae. Ti crws totoculon 04 ar fWomn ubr,*~ JE W E L~~KY gaged by 'Mr. Galbraith as farm fore- tIi.'cnossing a ,tii jut the front wheels t1ae8rce7 ~pairs eftorùy......... I. FELT'S JEW ELRY Iman and milI operator. Mr. John on. IL wtt, luit,l 0vvr ua ieep diteli aînd Sl rc 8 hasmoed b he m.Jame~n rom their titî uecirws nfie 64 pir o Ltes.4-Style S26let t.... $I9 Phone 33 King Street o aniethtmIle I.Rmcaeak26prsOfd E Bowmanvils mBird, who teryheld ubae positon, ntimhtle cIr. me n tireukpar a ~ ar W. Teach Your Watch To Tel The Truth house, King St. ;lomi a totl wîeý-.ýek. The occuats ireý Sale Price $3.48 High Grade Oxfors ad Sr held a very enjoyable weiner roasti ca1ud wllb sobne scratches. The acci- 12 ar fWoe' udStn ies 11-2,....... the baserient of he Com m u i ent ii1 ap tened ju t tw o mil esIfonN .t - 1 3 p i s o o e ' u d , S t n i Hal o Turda ngh o lstwek, î.Fichetle ilcktok rossng. . . . Patent, Brown Kid, latest style, Regu- Kiddies' Hurîbut Shos pca I7 alh. hurbasemnht of he Communîtyeuto roe.vsit r or n Satur- entertaining the Young Ladies' and (la y'. .. . Rov .J1.M Wlîvto roc. ttisviglted lar $6.50, TeGleaners' Classes. Ahl joîned in 1iiocayg,-on. M.ýi. Artlirin Wilson was heartil , r,,i fudg~e le---MI' nnFair. n('hars Sl r 39 heriy in contests, relay games and ivho altpnded werat Buatndk FurfChalesSaePie$.8PE AL AUS alunIs under the direction of Rev. Dean ani !amlly, Mn. and 'Mn,. Lorne ________________________________ and Mrls. W. P. Rogers until the h.ot Dean and MIr and Mn,. Jas (Pennue andi Tldog s were passed around. a g ll t e, nd s s J m s a d Norman .. On Tbtrsday evenin g a n(Ij C hildren's Shoes, siz 4 to ½ , R g $2 uwu.. United Church, Rev. W. P. Rogers, olitebtEtMel, amisns %Jams n<i- MENS BOOTS AND OXFORDSOnSl$I2 7_ L et s H elp Y ou Pator. Suday, Otober th. iliously broken -*Thomas Trickit nlOnS Pastor Sundy, Ocober 1h. ~on tii. casî section o! ticC. P. Ris Cide' hos ie1½ l a .m . - M ornin W o rsh ip a n a- b s saw ng w I lf e o r wt PO O 6 1 p a irs of M e n 's O x f o r d s a n d B o o ts , C i8 tosS h e s SOLVE YO R HATING POLMSunday col 7p.m-vng to Sunias'Scbool. Mn. Robert rPip lal ieslf ny Rglr$:0 YOUR ~~ PROBsErvic l p .Evnn qtctte'dn..... Bell T,.îephlone have. salszslf ny eua 50, Regular $2.50 ........ nSl 14 sevc.Subject-Paul ,the Seer. pn inloîed 1w-O cars o! creosntel polos fon aePic 29 ____________ Thursday, Octoher 4th ut 3 P ., t rongthonng hemr lino. Tiey arpn. ie Sl rc 9 Look-Inf afts SoitSl hevr Qiealtodicsini ononia ubeT f 1W M S5.wil meet in S. S. Roomis, ~James Adams bas ptîrcbasfed the Chou- 10piso e' xod n ot, ju tlsadclr .pca a loeof iscusioniHaomniontona nmfODominion, roy !arm in Manvers townshtil.T osepi 5 ar fMnsOfrsadBos os9ye n o Quite when MBo rsf . M.Hamtnd eof f t neady s ntatiorng...ansayFman itaI wall sizes, Regular $6.50, ________________________ homes in and around Bowmanville these days about how Bado W .S adscetr f1a a.9nrSton... in s oan a.ir wSl rc 39 to heat the home comfortably the coming winter. Sanie Oriental Work in Canada will de- mans. o! our resIdents .... .Tiurqrday even- homes have neyer enjoyed the comf ort of a f urnaceand liver an address. lng the Youîng Peoples League met as Sl rc 39 tîsmial witi Mr. Rani Byam n tic chair.'x1 now want one. Others find the old furliace is wortl out Rev. .1. M. Wîyîe led n prayor andl 0 ~V f oloe out at the Young readl!ng. FrdTatctgvaBilal Special at $2.88 MnsWr o..... 1cPi - neon Snee.People's League meeting on Monday ra d ltg. The minuîtes w.re given iy MnsW rSo In eîther case we would suggest tbat you consut us. eng PenLîanCm Thomas Abbot ,acting Sccrelary. Robert 5pi nyHghGaeOfrsr Probably we can assist you in arriving at ust what is eence .preside dur i lrsta rt of I'in1i'on plaed a Piano solo. ...Miss B B l3 a ir o Tn , H Goo G dy r w e d, rse ialFnn n o l. . . .3cP i needed to niake your home warm and comfortulble Ibis pormadcnutdbsns a-cv i eeto,"Th.FislSeîlr l~~~~rahile. A georathy mach "as n-nd ul.o e e u a $ . 0 l o l E g wnter. Anyway it cosîs you nothing nor places you ile rs. The chair was then taken by Storv. A large attenIanrp wae tnt- obeslRglr$.0 i olEgih Kitd Sx under any obligation 10 caîl on us for information. Gordon Ashton, 2nd Vice President. joyed by ail- M. M. Green. C, P. R. nîgit Fr u aePie$.8Seil3cPi IThe addesses on "The Case Againt 0îveraon ,iad a tiw o prouir alo pnb.F r e u a e rc 4 3 p c a Alcohol" and "The Challenge taý the crecled. hv y ~ U'U. Young Peope" were given by Mr. Evryhody eat e-mo!rTiarier..1i Ail high class Boots and Oxfords hve Kiddies Ribbed Stokns lc ny 4IIi~ *t Wco. Glenney and Mra. C. J. Han- - EAL -4L1wNE been reduced. Special1cPi W . L en. E lliott CO'ek. Those present joined rever- MALE &FML EPWNE Aget or cCaryHo Ai F rE aesand Hart 011 Burners vhymols , ilesponsive eading.s and pray- lPositions open in CtandI countryitnvb ero l 0 p ir et o W o e ' o ir e Ld AA"~ enly nd woleheetedl inthe arn$25 o $0 Pr Wek Mn's Rubersonl 80pair letBn Woen'eHoserytt.ral arganpPace ors. ln Ijemn mn.Rmn un seconds or "punch goods" included inj Trunks andSuit CaeatBrinrcs Phone 348Bowmanvle M.Lawrence Cnyderman's Sundayl teiW floing ntiI-s:-i Y:this lot,PoiBakony. ... FrI 348 bl lasa numbening over20Grg okBatyWedn.Vl On Sale 98c oihBlcon boys, iticluding himself, adventured canlzlflg, BIickaying, Plasterlng, beachat th U-B arbernn and Hair Dressing. tu XV. H.Pearce's each at te Up- î,iom.rit servie,. frni at _to0 _________________________________________ 436 Queen Street West, Toronto S' "'ut n iifîoIl.UnIu,,. , AIî. Rn ,r.W 1l.(1 i ist uVu We tiperale 2.jrtf aur own HERBIAL STORES in Ontario ado' 1tn rIIul uiin!nli aintendt .,. ohr h0*1-' O D S ST B IH D rif.Bouwling 'tub stand1ingý WE ARE THE LARGEST AND OLDEST ESTABLISHE IEBLSSIN CANADA. XVon Los............ I Kn ndDviinSt. A " e akt Naue and Live" D r T tî .....................44 CP ar vet....................... F Riokard............... 4 W'. Crowtb ors .....................:2 6

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