Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 PAGE FIVU DRESSMAKING AND FUR WORK Important LOCAL AND OTHERWISE SEEING CANADA FIRST Articles For Sale Mrs. E. Delmage wishes to thank Order Cream of Barley today. Extra space was required to give a FRSL-w ubmcw.AaI athe disuro Bnontry efos hwLdyswis achfud See complete report in this issue of Bow- W. T. Perritt, Hampton, Phone 376-34,.. patndae sronn ofue natr12yrteriofavt. manville Fair. So something had 36-2 patis rona e f at e ad12 ears.o Miss Ina Pethick, Toronto,- spent to be left out-and the editor's report ST EFO SAEAinayRge fur an cloth coatsat lades' ho es of hise tdnp Westldgot sidetracked. wtilawaterfront. rs. 1. J. Alln, Scuog o h e la p r pre d n e o f a lt r. F n dJ . r el n e Frrn iT .rC .n d H o u s e h o l d S n d a y a t h o m e .S o m e b o d y 's a l w a y s ta k in g th e j o o u t S t., B o w m a n v i e . 3 9- 1 fu n lt oas a ais h m sMs . C. J w l s vsiig Ms f lie u el r n or eio e BARN FOR SALE-60 x 40 f. 20 ft. Cornae rsigadn io r. .J. olEffects G. W. Grant, Toronto.f intfnex Bta in ns Our codnetss hn lak 92 oeIRw Conle KinendOnaro39.Bo- of the esiate of the late Mr. Clark Tyler spent the we2kend inet aeex trao get evn. G.w. n(lPostehoCake .9R.2. Hw37 o- aniepoo 38-3 with his daughter in Toronto. _______ e ve. G . .ac, ecsleR .3.3-w JOSEPH BRITTAIN Be sure to attend opening Frîday FOReSALEMý%ecîary Electric Range, in evenng f C S. aso's ew sopp. tFe oe yar.-%Ir. C J.Siale, Scugog eietySretNrniMr.ng isf C. S.TMaosneo, soppe. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL St., l3owmanville, phone 564. 39-tf Lier e n eBrty nStre e o t ,M s e i aI, T r no 5 V5 In a letter written on September IFORe SALE-Chevrolet Coupe, 1924 E p re cB omnvi Mrs. Nesfield Mainiprize, St. Mary's, B.A., PublaicaholMr. ectrof ioei odcniin PIoH AND iing hr couin, Ms. F.J .Maning.18frm aqMr Her Conn, C. Brownt, Second St.. Bowmanv!Uie. 3s-l visiting hr sonT.Mr.W.hJ.,Main vision No. 1, Lambton County, says: FOR SALE-One Hamnilton Beach Mot- Mr. . A.Jams, Bwmavill, tOr, one Quebec heater. Apply to C. Mc- 12 p m . D T a~ ylpVi e. r.SM A. Ja m s, B w m a vîll , OttF t r . C h erry c o ttag e, C h u rch S treet, K nEP.29h ns lveMutnTroto pet-Dear Mr. James: Ithaîîk you for a Bowmanýville. -fj now& uge . . g Saina îme) Day itton. arntMr adMrs co ann aesud nsae GR' ICCEFRSL -ma The undersigned bas receiveal instruc-Dsvzd frime, in goodTcondition, a real bar. Thre R. O." Re g u irdO- tosfon h oot eeal Trusts Miss Thea Williams is visiting lher editonial on educational tate sIgin frm, nsom ondC.Stion, eec toetis) hchou Otmetrigt, Corptoration, to s-I the entire effecta Of brother, Mr. Russell Williams, Niag- read the editorial with very great n- Ae., llowmanville. 3- tbis estait, by Public auction.aBe R.M.Mitchell, la licensed to use r FisnN . t39e MR ORSLEGol gd 2ro in a nitself a guarantee from the Titis wiII be one ofthie larg~st andl mostatran.ands, s. W . Bi, o t I s as ohpesda n -r necpioa ag o me N 10ntario Government Board of Ex- important furnitura, sales of ta- s,ason, 'Mr. gsa of rs.W pA aen, TMr.onterewsted to ernthat you h aveen,' in- n sale. CFOR. DLen, Conc ess o . sîgni- nut anaeantiqua- furntaîr bin firstclass Ms m Tei.an editor for fifty years. I tender Bowntanville, phone 559. 39-2 fies thae is estened bytpasa- condition, as t;cli as other cîtattala, loth Mn. and Mrs. H. Varcoe and sonI you my hearty congratulations and FO SLEneMthlgrapoe erngte roîdtestsR. vhch thellv sîî nloraetl Robert, Toronto, spent the weekend at send you my best wishes. cabinet style, beauliful walnut finish, 35 wasoneof ift OpomerisNorh Est edoomBtdandSprnglMr.H. athopes.records. This machine la in first clas er n e nt pr v d s. . . M tc h ll N t rths, Ea sit B dr mBli ds, 2 C ra n dSr n . H a h r 'M r. J . M . D e n y e s, B .A ., P u b lic co n d itio n . B a rg a in . A p y E r st .j the Province to write and pass theoMCov. r Boxkerconta TnrntoClothingEnest h first examinatioîr set by the first Cv- 3x otiig ltig isited friends here Wedneday and -Wel ntworth C oe ro fron aniJone,2coner BownadWelingto____ - Board of Exa miin os in O ptom etry Upstair Hall- S Pictures, Carîat, G;reen ttnded the Fair. Mito t n, e p ,tebe r2 oth- HiO E S OR2E8TI U -Or.e Cetis lcigChairSragh Ars. Georgie Pattetmon of Mexico,MrM.AJae:2t apo1921.eGoeneti hisStî al,3LagTlI' ak IM.M .Jms Accept my hearty Illustratod Free Catalogue Winl assist you, 1921. ~~~ing Miachiine anad Allîum. 22Rcorals, Odalhsbenejyngavst ih Ithanks for copy of Statesman cn'in selecting sultable Trees, Shrubs, vines, 9-1 Bo, Pctre ..t(ý, sool 3plids.siser Mis Firair. cn-Roses, Etc., 70 Years in operation WIt R. M.Bo, Piturchaell toos3Bhinls.sistr, issFairair.-atairing the fine editorial article on to-day. Star Nurseries, RldgevÎllle, On-e R. . Mtcellbasprctied p- White Cuartaln Lace. Carppt Sweeper. Mn. T .C. Jewell and MiLs Frankie the Teacher. The whole profession tarlo.352 tomtnysine Jnury 5th 196 tires akt lcnc ls all M. Jewell are visiti'sg relatives in is under deep obligation to Voit for _________________ and since thon a great number -of PatceRoeIln.1u er enaditlietitr People froin Bownianville and sur- South East Bedroom-? Blînals, Carlain i Mr. anthdIslanW . j . Lost orn Foundire iter rounding districts and also other and Poles, -elece llAdroom suite, springj M.adMs .J Bragg spent est in the wonk of the teachen an<l 1 M-ttresa. Dresser and Stand, Chamber Sunday with their cousinsMn dhae odobtatmn'tcer towns.and citiea ss avercive a- St Stcamer Trursk. 2 Chairs, 2 Snl)l M.Nrs. Fred Allin, Whitby have proftted gneatly front youn AC ON-aav rs ac isfctoy ptial ssstace t ionTbs, M(iiarl acbnt, i Pillo set, C 31h . a- d Mrs W.A.Edg, ad'timely articles and excelle-nt counsel. folanal on Pair rIaay. IApply 1 S So thd. Ois, Meliin C bint, Ch mbr et* 1. an rs gr n andou hospared many yeas vet len, . R. :t ownanvill. hoýen 2r. In th mater o knoledg and Wltanot.family recently visited Mn. and Mrs. to serve your generation with The 34 1North West domipeS K. J. Hodgert, Pont Hope. expenience thon, we rank as high 1 Sprines anal mattress, 3 Pillows, Carpet n .F Wahnl, nsn samne vigor and ahility as in the past. s any city house and can give vou anal'mat, 2 Pivtuires, 1 Chair. Min t .wn .Wdesay cailt lingon odj r.S.W iao, ehny a as good service and save you Vour South West Bedroom -liee Su!i*t nienda nd andngth ain he ting onso, r.E.W.Si- PPES WaEny ieydaa expnjemonîrbsins.s. Fa taharMa;tress, Boiter anal1li Fir expns mno u5105 Pllw.Cal, tanl a1 ITolt sel, 1Mr. and Mrs. W. Baxter and Jean, snriet tet aalr nljî llla ietat rcs 1 Chair, Box or clotîtes, 1 M,îal Cash Box, ]Toronto, were necent guests of Mr.~qit ,,. al PtneJH cwn omn aan- aete laueo l nladloe d MsC. M. Mdof, oceson Avery prettybut ut weddinTg p v nei.e 133-2. 36a-w canngfo yureysICloet f akHl-rj Soe,1ocsln.took place on Tuesday, September 18,, - 3---w 1 I Wck.rltsk, Suit Caç.Iron Boardl, Mrs. Wi. E. Snowden and daughter, at the home of Mn. and Mr-. Allisten j MEN WANTED-Two slrong mien, toni J0 Trunkh, Wringa',p lilr, Chambar, Oshawa, spent the weekend with hier Murray, Springvil]e, whcn their I raltcawitrlt lonfsctown. yrinc R . M . M itc h e ll &R . 0 .led r P a n, Off B a kH tsl a- n le B d - m oth1 e r, M s . E e e l a l s e Y o u n g e st d a u g h te , D a isy A lic e , he - n t on ce to A . S B 1« rJ.n d c p r- ~.M.Michll R O Deseran SanlwSît3na:anl BaIMn. and Mra. Irwin R. Bragg and Westington, M.A., of the Univensity 3 9-1' Phonenvi92 tresses, l3olster, 4 llw.3lgh Cha Ir, family, Providence, spent Sunday of Toronto, eldest son of Mn T P ______- Phone 92ll Carpet, Blind, chair, Plain, Pîcture wt r n r.C .Sals otWsigo n h aeMS et ______________________________Framnea, Wall Brush. awt n n r.C .Sals otWsigo n h aeMs ot -Back Hall-Box of Lînen anal Bed- Hope. ington of Camborne, in thTo Let jc ding, Carîaet Runner, Blind and Polo. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Wright and of immediate friends and relatives of T e Back Bediroom 0f Back Hall-Bedstead, Mn. and Mns. Fred Lucey, Hamilton, the contracting parties. Mn. and ROOMS TO RENT-Furnlshed or un- Springs, D)resser, 2 Chamber Sets. Coin- wene guests of Mrs. Thos.odoe Mr.Wsngn lleidinT-funhe.Aly1bo37,Bwa-I Seaonbl Mechndse ole Chair, Box, SmaillStanad, 2%irror. . voe r.Wsigonwl eiei o-frie or Phono 460. 39-2Bwmn S asnaleMechndse Carpet and Blind, Chair, Washstand, Sunday. onto. vilTr ToneNT-art.frn9bed Attrctivly Picedsmail Locked Box, Oddsan Ends. Mn. and Mrs. M. Morden, Shannon- - Atfactvel PrcedBathroom--Ovai Mirror, Glass Sheif and ville, are visiting wîth bis daughters. MFLATDinniEll, îlvrSt, Bowmnile, BrektR2THSl acs Rooms to lot, with or wlthout board. AtN Brcke, 2 ow Racas,2 STre SOap Ms F.. ema ndMs.W J 7-2v u c slish es, Bathroom Brush, Smahl Standl, 2Mr.F . ema ad____.J.__________, ive S. Bwmniie Chairs. Cuspidor. Mainprize. GATCHELL-In Bowmanvlhle Hospital, phon 81. 3-w Liviflg.Room-3 pair Lace Curtains, Mn. W. at- MuSundayOshapaember on,1428, tb Mr. FARM TO RENT-125 acres, N. haîf Mens W rk oot wth "'d an PoeG.9 MuttonElcti OsbawateFiran(] Mrs. C. H. Gatchell. a soni. lot .5, con, 9, Darington, known as th- ~ Tok oos it linda naFoxIs, 9 Prictîe, lCrit ddte arand visited old ARMISTEAO - At Parkhurst Farm, Johîn Tape farmi. Flowing possession n pac oeSeil$.5 Roc,1 large Arm Chair. Small Table, redget f r n r.Dn Crestwynd, Sask., Sept. 17th, 1:018, to Mr. once. Pull Possession April 1, 192q. Ap- Bedsde able I argaicoad. May Key of Bowmanville), a ilaugîtter, phtone 194-14.3-w -- Table, 1 Boolacase and Books, Sialeboar. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Ward and (Alie May).38w M ens Slid eater Tork ~ ~ Car~kl~f~abdlughtr, gg, Owen Sound, were GREEY-On Tuisdlay, September 25, Boots with outside count- 4 Cushlons, mante] Clocla, Lam Pa, Elect- guesta of honr mother, Mrs. John 1928, atiSWellesley Hospital, to Mr. and Ra saeFrSl er ,a real boot forf er Curtaîns, Air Cuablon .Rubber; Lot falwofoLip armtr re ht nig vrteweed Tilley) 58Russell HilIRoad, Toronto a- Plated Ware, quantlty of Dishes and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Merrick and son.FO AE6oo bus atN- Very Special at $3.69 Gaaae sons, Albert and Junior, returned to c astle located on North St.. one blocka -- Front Room-3 BlInde anal Poces, Up- Buffalo aften bolidaying at the beach. fron t te Main Street. large garden with M e's in Botsor x-rlght Piano, Screen. 6-plece Suite Up- Hon sister, Mrs. C. M. Mundoif, and MRICE friii tt ros, and good barn. Bargain bolstelre r a n a d m , 6 dd c er , 1Pi ano St Ca nd-rîe of $750 10 close estate. G el lai- and, Lamp, 6 ictea, PidanoRo, 3Car-Braicc idbr aoananTntCESECWA-n ak St. idtrm Mr- J. Coulson St Newcastle, and ford, Back r Tn, et, 'any Dshos ChldusRocer.3 par oto.on Septenaber l5tli, by wrte toMrs. Agnes Anthony. 12o Grant $2.59 and $345 Lace Curtaîns ,Metai Stand, Pire Irons, Rev. Neil McPherson, D.D., Spring- dau iltermof irliandgrs. red wn., utecek a -. Down staîr Hall-Linoleum. Staîr Car- field, Mass., visted bis sister, Mrs. Orono, anal Charleas E., son of mr. and - ,adis, ay n -asuply f Pe, ý%IIrorHal Stnd.J. N. Lawrie ,on Saturday. Dr. Mc- Mrs. A. j. Crease, Amherst, N. S. adieslay ina suppy of chen-i5~Se ndPipe, Coucb. 6 Pherson was in Toronto on Sna _______ _____ these fine fail shoes, smart Chairs, Sewlng machine, Extension Table, pecigateanve saryserice lokn bakWbrtnot, Clock, Olcloth, Mlarin Clock, rahnathenivsryevcs loigbakpatent strap 1 CoedAch Car 1VciimSep of Calvin Preshytenian Cbuncb. DÂH CuhRug, 3 Cushions, Bed Rest. The engagement is announced of DEIIH shoes in several styles, eu- Pantry-Pots and Pans, Dishes, Geins, May Ella, daughter of the late Rev. MARTYN-In Oshawa, on Wednesay,' erv Sept. 26, 1928, Robert martyn, agea 8 Water Bottite, Lampa, Eînpty Barre], Stop bntW C1en, yonso o n. Fneaifomte esdncre i $2.35 and $2.98 Ladder, Cutlery. betW Cees T____snoM._nra rmth eidneo hssn ___________________________ Back Ktchen-Stove and Pipes, Fiat W. H. Clemens, Cobourg, tbe mar- ln-iaw, Mr. J. H. Williams, 43 Park R ______ IrnTale Cai.2 Kettles. BolIer, niage to take place quietly on Sat- 29th at 2.30 p. M. Interment at Bethesda Men's Xork Trousers well Walerlng Can. flîshcs and Granite ware, urday, September 29tb at Tinsothy CeMetery. W eemd noeo h made and roomy, Mopa and Pans. -EtnMmra hrh oot.W eemd noeo h Irolngarmt al, lsîand Mîoe, Se a.EtnMm a brh oot. ROWDEN-In Hope, Sept. 24, 1928, Geo. best factonies in Canada ando Specially Priced $1.59 and Jar, Qunity ares a Bes,eins Port Hope and Bowmanville Music Henry Rowden ,beloved hîîsband of Caro- do Quatly resrvsStoe ndStudy Clubs will ýbe entertained to a line Connors, ln his 68tb year. the niatenial whicb bas proven te, Pipes, Mangel, Snow Shovel. banquet and concert in Simcoe St. BURNHAM-At Port Ferry. Septern- give longest wear. WTe have a complete line Barni-Lawn Mower, Garden Tools. Uie hrhb h saaCu ber 23, 1928, John Warren Burnhaîn, be- Roller, Bucksaw, Scythe. Quantity ofUieIhrhb h saaCu oved husband of Marion Hart, and eidest of rubber footwear guar- Wire, Step-laalder, Empty Box and Bar- on Tuesday, October 16th. TwO son of the late .Tuage Burnhant, Whit- Wewenaeinscqut- anee t war a Iwet el, TERMS; CASH pianist, and Mn. John DeaCOn, tenor BINES-At the residence of ber daugb- ties that "Kerslake's Dnug Store" prics, f corse REL ESATEsolistareon he pogrm. er, Mrs. John Littlejohns, Holsworthy, where we are now waiting for you prics, f Col*s. RAL ETAT sooist ar onthe ro~am.Devon, England, on Monalay, September At hesae tmean paceth vry Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meatb, 24th, 1928, Mary Ann Bolde, widow of the bas priced us for Ates aine tneadpac h yO ttawa, spent tbe weekend with bier late William Bines, ageal 74 years. ~ doinualeproperty consilng of one of Mother of Mrs, James A. Werry, Ennis- uu u ~ the? flneat brick residences in Bowman- fathen, Mn. W. B. Coucb. They Ieft killen.$100t $35 A .D LK vsll, splendid frame barn ,and 7 acres, Monday for Chicago, Ili., and wiIl go depending on Our size and weîgbt. more or lees of lattai will bo oftered for asfna.-acuer .Cihr h Kig an d iiio t. aesabet 0arsea l erao Federal Appeal Board of whicb Capt. IN MEMORIAM W r sflo odngt BwaileOnt. wbC.b. AiI e ad lnWn on îHLLIotsl. Meatb is a meinher, wiIl meet at van- W r sflo odngt _____________________ Clerla. Auctioneer. tous cities in Western Canad9. -- NORTON-In lovlng rnemory oî my and in Most cases of sicknesa, for I -.~-~dear husband, Thomas Norton, who de- we bold bot or cold water, but are parted thîs lite September 27, 1926. Our loveal one is sleeping, free froîn ail generally called pain, Oh wako not bis spirit 10 sufer agaîn, Hot WMater Bottieî Ho slumbers se sottly, oh let hum sleep on, His sickness laeondted, bis troubles are - gone, As ive said before we are at Just thinlaho he suifereal and mnoaned - with the pain, In the long nlgbt hours we soothed hlm ln vain., Till God in His mercy sent down from E SnK ' a bove, A nnouncing An langel Who whispered a message of TLDondi.DuStr Greatly mlssed by \Vite and Famlly.Coeanseu. The O ENITT'G of Render Accounts At Once T e All parties: n acuis gisi thBosîtal yiearHespiate rueth. CLARENCE Se MASONLosFrOWAVLEfIJl Next Doo. t. F. F. Morris Co. Building Lt o Sale BWL Af PHONE 161 BOWMANVILLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-On Odol K1140 ST. St. Appîy Mise M. Horsey, Bowmanvîle -PHONE- 44Çi B UILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Tbree_ of the fineit building lots ln Bawmanvilîîfrqlkle.ApytNan .B M L an Liberty Street, ?North. ReaI bagan ' james at Otatesman OMfce.L ORONO FAIR Tuesday & Wednesday, Oct. 2 - 3 A Neyer to be Forgotten Fair Where Every Man, Woman and Child Should Attend. Live Stock, Agriculture, Poultry ,Fruit, Flowers, Ladies' Work Horse Races that Everyboy enjoys at Orono 2.18 Cas.. .. $150.00 2.20 Class . ... $150.00 Horse Shoe Pitching Contest Purse-$10.00 $6.00 $4.00 Entry fee 50e per team Entries close September 29th Schools of Clarke Township Parade and Drill 1 p.m Champion Schco] Fair Competition. Athietie Stunts and Trapez work by a number of the boys of Training School, Bowmanville Baby Show Durham Military Band in Attendance OPERA HOUSE <Two Nights) «'THREE LIVE GHOSTS" OCTOBER 2.3-Local Cast. Tickets Gilfillan's Drug Store, Admission 25e It's your Fair, so be there FELT'S GJFT SHOP It Is Always Somebody's Birthday or Wedding Anniversary. Buy them gifts that last at Felt's. We have a complete stock to choose from. A Kitchen Clock in Oak Finish, Special ......... $5.00 Also Mantel Clocks in Oak and Walnut froin $11,00 up Ladies' White and Green Gold Wrist Watches with two bracelets, 15J, backed by our guarantee, Special $18.00 School Girls' Watches 15J, guaranteed, Special $7.50 Don't Forget Our Announcenient. Watc-h Us. Don't f orget to turn your watch back on September 29th. Corne in and we will gladly set it back for you. FELTS JEWELRY Phone 33 King Street Bowmanvslle W. Teach Your Watch To Tell The Truth SPECIALS For Thursday - Friday - Saturday 10 Only Boys' Suits at $9.95 Tweeds and Worsteds, with 1 long and 1 bloomer pant, some of these suits have a vest, also values that were up to $15.50, At 9.95 To Clear This Week Only A Line of Boys' Wool Golf Soi ig at 69 c ar$ 2 Shades of Grey and Fawn Clear- Kiddies Wool Hats at 98c In shades of Fawn, Blue and Green. A splendid hat for Faîl and Winter at 98c I T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreel Phone el, B@wmanvilie

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