Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1928, p. 4

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fAGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMÂNVILE, THUR.SDAY. SEPTEMBER 27.1 928 WEDDING CELEBRATION ENNISKILLEN HAMPTON WEDDING MAPLE GROVE On Friday afternoon last about 90 The C. G. I. T. are holding a con-! Mr. E. Dean, Miss L. Dean and Airs Venning-Ferguzon Airs. Truman Power has returned relatives met at the home of Mr. and cert in the near future. Watch forl Wm. Strutt, Rochester, N. Y., have home after a pleasant visit -with her Mrs, W. N. Pascoe to help celebrnîe particulars later. been visiting Mrs. Maud R»bbins. . A dainty inilitary wedding was held daughter, Airs. Stuart Morton, Co-! the 3 Oth ann iversary of their wedd ing M.adMs aryMoeFnln.Mr. W. J. Cole, Dr. and Ms's. F. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ten- bourg.. Airs. John Hoîrnes, Toronto, day. Mr n r. ar ore ee ,L. Cole and son, Donald, Toronto, 'i-nsnSielo audy et r.BceOhwMs lr ~ Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe wero invi,~ al M.WlimLmSnelnie tM.E .Cl'. r rn 22, 1928, when her sister, Miss Luella er, Town, visited the former's niece, to dinner at Mdr. L. T. Pascoe'.s, Ha- ,i 1visite(] at Mr. Lorne Lamb's ..Mr. Urydermian who has been spending the Ferguson, daughter of Mr. S. A. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, one day last we-k ton, and on thtir return were com- and Mrs. W. W. Noble and son, Ter- summer in Saskatchewan bas been the late Mrs. Ferguson, Cartwright, ..Miss Josephine Mlndoo, Orono pletely taken by surprise te find their ente, visited at Mr. Joe Martin's ..spending a few days at Mr. A. B. and Lieut. Chas. G. Veaning, son of spent the weekend with Miss Nellie,é hoe naddbygess SfbalMrs. Wiil Hamilton and cbildren, Crydernian's before resumaing bi' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Venning, Black- Snowden ..Congratulations te Mr.l ahorsesboe throwng eest SftiRochester, have been with her par- studies at Victoria College, loronto end in ntilsupe rotirnewheen indulg- sr.ad rsFan Rbis.. M.nd r.A.B stock, were united in marriage. Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson Abernetby on the' alatentsM.ad Ms rn obis r n r.A .Cydermian, Mfilton Sanderson, Birch Clîff, Offi- arrivai of a young daughter. , down te a bountiful spread. The .**ý7 M .E. Virtue, Toronto, spent FisBaceCyemnadM . caF d assisted by Rev. J. E. Griffith, Mir. gamuel Snowden is judgingfi, teweekend witb her mother, Mrs. JI Cryderman rnotored te Belleville onBlct, T h taiso O tckadputyatEsaeFîr tbeasfulleoate bthoutumn -l.r v , 'l. ndMr. .Burd- 1 Wednesday. *Mrs. F. G. Kerslake iS hengrin's Bridai Chorus played bY this week. The many friends of fioer. ftr Ilwee stifid ~ClftnN. Y., Mr. and Mrs. F. visiting relatives in Torento.. Coat, Mrran.MrsfRoeClaaonlMrseRihardAshon, aydnMr.atMrs. Everard Sanderson, the bride Mr. W. G. Ranton, Brantford, werej HH.. L sco ofColmbs, aof CteoRlumtbusNY. MraanlMs. lif Mr J.r..oasndakig cre f rs.entredthe.omJo.thLar ofhersosy e larnof isrecnt linss..i company te order and Mr. A. L. Pas- Peters, M.ýr. and Mrs. Hagerman, Tor-1 Charles, Kent who continues quite jl ftewaigagw fwie. r.GoeSuhapo Eg cee, Solina, read the following ad- 1 ente, Rev. and Mis. E .M. Cook, . e.J. .Bc n r .R georgette over white satin with seedlland, h a een visiting relative dress: Moscn,-%rs. Richard Parker, Co-1 Allinrnotored to Toronto on Monday er trirnring, with veil arranged inCnad-a, splent a few days las;t weer Mr.andMrs W.N. soe bourg, were recent guests of Mr. and .... Mr. Frank H-astings aîîd Mr. Tom in fan effect with orange blossorns as with her nephew, Mr. Chas. Green haîn Dear Uncle and Aunt-We have Mrs. D. Borgmaster... A nomber Sykes left this week te begin their trimrning and carried a bouquet of Mr. and Mirs. Chas. Greenham ami assernb]ed here today because thirty from our vicinity attended Lindsay work at the Toronto University. Columbia roses and lilv-of-fhe-val]eY. daoghter Audrey, rnotored te Birch years ago a union was entered into Fair. Mr. and M rs. Stanley M ay, M . ad's # t n l m n a d- G o e w r n r.MltnSaro n Her only attendant w-as Mfiss Anna Cliff on Sunday te say good-bye to in which yeu took eacb ot her tor- bt-1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvies, Toronto, Mr. sons, Haydon, spent Soiîday -with Mrs Bruce, Toronto, as bridesrnaid, wear- the forrner's aunt, Mrs. B. Gro.e1 ter, for worse, for richer, for peerer, and Mrs. Stelv'art Rodman, Scogog. C. Johns ..Mr. and Airs. Lutz and îng pink georgette trirnmed with, who is leaving this week'foi' her home and this is one of the times w.e havel Mr. Ira Travail.' Oshawa, were gulests1 children moved te their new ,lome ajt rhinestones with beige bat and car- in Eng]and . .. .Misses Winnifred corne withoot an invitation. (;f jof Mr. Elias Ashton's .. Miss Laural Belleville Iast .veek... . .A spe.2ial pal- rying a bouquet of asters and babys' Rickard, Newcastle, Phyllis Clemence, course, xxe knew ýw-e otld bc-e w onie And rew. Pickering. visited at Dr. ly pregramn will be observed in the breath. Mr. Weir Swain, Timmins, Shaw's, spent the weekend with Mis asw. awa-~have be. n on .9l1(oc-, Ferguson's. . good congregation Sna colnx udy atr was best man. Greta Munday.Mr. and M.ýrs. Ma. casions, for' ycîr bo!mc- has aiay.s- was eut te bear Rev. J. M. Whyte's noon. Ail are welcome. .Eeryone During the signing of the register, Snowden, Toronto, spent the ,,eekend the laten kev on the e-,ÈI4., of th.e splendid sermon on "Job". Cernelis earnestly invited te be present at Rev. Griffith sang "Because". The with their parents, 1Ars. Snowen bas doer and dear aie t ;vnir.rim s os f and hear axiother one iiext Sunday. .1 the church service Sonday eening house was prettily decorated with remained for a few' days... Fuîll e- the good timies spent in th.-hoe.Mir. and Mrs. Fleming, Toronto. vis- w ben Sacrament of tbe Lord's Sup- pink and white asters and dahlias. port of re-opening and chicken pie Tbiîry ear ba" pîsed anî ~tite at r. reeoras.Te manyl1 per will be observed. ... The Ycung After a dainty buffet loncheon va supper next week iardly 500m. pc sil)le a"; i intme o renl f Mrs James A. Wcrry people held a very delightful corii served at which the bride cut the j rapiiîv sinice yoo hiave na.I -'u, j dePl",syîapathize wtihbher iii the reast after the League meeti*ng lait cake with the sword, the bridaI coupleJ homie înd we elieve i 1, e~ a lo.-s she has sustained by the death Friday night.Mr. and Mrs. Gere left on a motor trip te Toronto. AUCTION4 SALES trot ;,nie in every f, O X~ocf ber mother, -Mrs. Bines. in Eng- White attended the -wedding cf bis Windsor and Detroit, the bride travel- j bave "bot aluvay.s been ptbe ai.'%r. and Mrs. D. Borgmiaster niece in Toronto on Saturday ast. . ling in dress of goblin bluhe flat crepe Thuraday, Septemnber 27th-,J. D.J charitable and kindly di.sposecd ic vour' recentl.v vjsited bier uncle, '-%r. T Halli Ths Fairbairn Holmes of Fort witb pressed velvet bat te match an(l Hogarth ,Lot 24, Con. 5, Darlington, iîeurhe- d ,ae i r"<ho-th- r now lo finda trtpvst drs etcy r n r.C. black plush coat-ith grey fur trim- wbo is giving up farming, will sellb injoniction of the good S.anîaî-:ýtan. Tbey r o namtrti ii-Ewrs Oshawa, visited at Mrs. R. mning. public auction his herses, cattle, imi It is witb ploasore that we are înz 'relatives at Buff ale, Palmyra, Katerson's. .Mr. and Wir.s. J. Pas- 1 lmns a on os t.SI' he-re today to help celebi-ate this Rochester, Clifton, Pittsford and cee, Solina, visited at Mr. S. Williams' PhiIp-Preston 1at 1 p. mn. (standard time). See bis wei-iîn- anniversary andI xe wouldj Fairport, N. Y...League meetingi . .. .Mrs. Mabel Taylor is visiting for cmlt it i.Mw u- chairs a a s i n charge of Social /ie-Presideatl friends in Toronto.. Young People'., On Saturday, September 22, the' iopletelit.38-M2,Ao sligbt t ikeîi cf otîr appreciation andijE rnest Werry. Meeting opened withl meeting Friday evening was in charge home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Prest-W.. we trost thiat y.-dîm n be lngpal bvmhynn. aftcî w-ich Rev. '.%r. Whvt of Ctizenship Group with WMr. Laver-lon, Murray township, Frankford, wvasi Thuraday, October 4th-Mrs.W.. te n.jv achoter' caipnyamIini-crlin prayer. Bible lesson was1Jne Clemens presiding. BibX.e eszon the scene of one cf the loveliest cf Wcavberilt, Lot 28, Con. 5, Hope, hax'- redbu Edgar~ Wright. Topîc wl;-as was read by Miss Rota Bi'lett De early Autumn weddings, when tbleir n, odbrfrwl d ypbi your hours cf ease ani relaixation 1edrduhxr lueMrueie utoaalbrfristc n m ma ofind happines.. and ,joV lanaf ter which ail .ioined in hymn. Read- in two parts by Miss Helen Johns a nd! beide daugtri de McarguHenrt eeu tio nd iltbe farmstokd im-t ., t i 2 i h m a d w e tr u s t th a t y u n. .. z i e y A u d r e y D o r a n Ia lat as a b b niîgwa gvdy.Ms Clat\vorthy. Piano duut Mrs. son of Mr. R. W. and tbe late Mis. Sale at.1r*nm« Geo. E.Cadel Sol bu Jon Semo ar a eadngBc and Miss I. Camnpbell. A coatest Philp of Nestleton, Rev. R. M. Paf-Acioer when yor sun shall go doiwn may it ibu' Miss Mae Werry. Meeting clo,- was enjoyed by ail. Meeting losed terson, officiating. Entering the Friday, October Sth-I i.v rciiin- not e b hin thedar ene M'et b - itructins te sdi1 by pulic nocioii, on notbehehndth'dake ed Wetbtewith League Benediction. with benediction.. -.-Yeung PeopI4es drawing-roomn on the arm of ber fat- A. H. iaiy's Fairin, .ot 18, con. 6 may it meit into the brightness of Rally will be observed on Friday her, te the strains cof the weddingDilnt, one miieleast of Iîant,toîeîn Heàve. Sined n bealf f th evening, September 28, when P.ev. j. mnusic, played by ber sister, Mliss Aud- fi1P. in.-50 lhead cf rFecers, Stockt-irsaint1 Committee, A. L. Pascoe. IM. Whyte of Enniskillen, will addre:sj rey Preston, the bride teck ber pûsi- i Sî,ringtrs. Tiqis san )ci"iiîiv for; Septmber2lst, 128. OLIN -.fzirniers te îurchase weli bred i Dur1iani J Aet e poer 2 time 928. s _______ the meeting. Everyone come and tien beneath an arcb cf evc.rgrcens ..ii x. refera t.armi.ni 1,»If.rs.T Attepoe ieMse ar-I mnake this meeting a success. . ... tastefully decorated w-îthî gardon fio --Si nincth credit may ,t .iii.i.i on ~ jorie Pascoe and Margaret MýýcKe.ssock Mr. and Mms. Dan Wotten, Hïte old John Stainton and Miss Leona Stain- ers and ferns. The bride's gown c)rove.i liotes bearing interest nt 67,- e' r and 'Messrs. Hilton Tink and Harold and Keîinetb, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. .1o1fOhwhaebe oiair -sfsindo wie zcgte nci lni. Wrn. Maw, Auî-iîon, r. 21.-2 Pascoe, (Thornton's Corners),. pre- Glenny, Toronto, visited at Mr. . at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's. . -. Miss Isobel delicately trimmed witb orange blas- Saturday, October l3tb-Howardj sented them with two beautiful uphol- J. Brown'-.-Miss Nora Werry, Ked- Campbell visited in Toronto on Sat- soims, a tulle veil fallicg in graceful Woolley, Bradshaw Street, Bowmaa- I sterod chairs. ron, visited au Wr. A. L. Pascce'-s- - urday. .Miss Ada Pagcoe, Toronto, lices from a Juiet caip cf sinihîar ville, will seil al cf bis hoosebold' Mr. Cecil Pascoe replied for bisj .i-. and Mrs. WiIl Ruse, Mr. Cjldbam - spent a few days with ber grandmot- fiowers. She cari-ied a bouqueto fet nldn iigronsie father and nmother, thanking them for Hadptay, Mr. !nMîLeWr.adrrs brMrs. Thos. Pascoe.. . . Air. J. J. Ophlia roses, and %vore as ber only1 nearly newv, Quebec beater with even the gift. Short congzratolatoru' speech- I aMs.'ýelle, r n r Virtue is at Powassan, Pari-y Soundl ornament a crystal and sapphire and water tank, quantity cut steve es w-re mai-e by Mr. John' Pascoe. Jubnston and family, Toi-onte, vi'.ited District, juidging potatoes. Mr. C bas. bracelet set in platicum. White sat-iwood, cbicken bouse, and a lot of (Solina), Mrs. Thomas Pascoe, at Mr. T. Bakor's. . . ..Mr. and Ws Stonhouse accempanied hi-m. in slippers, with white bose, complet- cher useful articles y-eu can have at Hampton, ess David Ferguo J. G. Langmaid, Oshawa, were guests _____ d the bridaI costume. Little Evelyn your own price. Sale ait 2 p. m. and L. T. Pascoe, Enfield, Chas, b. of M. S. E. Werry. -... Miss Lena- Philp was a pretty fiower girl, in yei- Terms cash. Wmn. Challis8, Auctieon- Mackey, Brooklin, R. J. M.ýcKessock, Rice and Mr. Rogers, Whitby, visited COURTICE. low, and carried a basket cf dainty eer. ý- Solina, John Pascoe, and W. L. Pier- Mr.a nd Airs. W. N. Pascoe ........................flowers. son Oba-a H G Paoc, io. ndMr. and Mrs. James Aloorey bave On Friday evening the young peop- During the signing cf the register others. Four generations cf the Mreend virs J.ak onfrind .r le cf this cernmunity went te WMr. Mrs. H. Porteous, sister cf the groom. A u tion S le Pascoe family xere prosent at this Wr-n r.J J rw n r Frank Rundle's beach te hold a wein- sang. and Mrs. W. T. Mfiller visitcd Orono ci- roast. As the wcatber was mort Following the ceremony a sumpt-____ event. "Ble'.t be the tic that hinds" friends. Mrs. Samuel Bra, Enfield, unfavorable and the ground muddy, ucus dinner was scrved, and was at- I have been authorized by the Exe- was sung after which al] left for bas been visiting ber cousin, Mr. A. by the kind invitation of Miss Hazel tended by over forty guests. After cutors cf the Estate cf Wesley Couch, their hcmes wishing Mr. and Mrs. L.pas,,e,-... Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Rey- Rundle tbey went to ber hi-mre, wbcrc the reception the bride and* gr-onmI deceased, te sel] by auction, at 1 p. mn. mai'ried life. er o ap nld adM.Ji enldWl they spent the evening in ganies, etc., left on a motor trip for the Adîron- ________ife comne, Mr. and Mrs. Massie, Port and enjeyed a bounteous fced of bot dacks and Eastern States. For WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd., Hope, wei-e recent gucats ef Mr. and dogs and rnarsbmaîîows. The members travelling the bride wore a smart1 BLACKSTOCK ~Mrs. A. J. Reyn1ls ... . Mr. aîîd 'Wrs cif the Rundîe househeld made evory- French frock cf ashescfrssgr-at rmie mnindbew th ______Fred Hardy and Mbss Irene, New one hcartily welcorne. In the late lette, wîth felt bat, gloves, hese, shoes real estate cornposed of property sit-I Victorian Wernen's Institute will Toron te, Mr. anti Mrs. WiIl Robson heurs cf tbe evening they began te and bag te match. Her cent was cf j ote at the corner cf Wellington and' nîdet at Mrs. Herbert Hooiey's, Tbui-s- and Miss Delma G ilroy, Toi-ente, Mr- ,end their way homeward - A gi-est navy duvetyn, trimmed with baby fex Octaneo Streets in the Town cf Bow- day. Octeber 4th at 2 p. m., whec Dr. M. Dring, Oshawa, Misses Ruby and many from bore attended Bowman- fui-.mavletgeerwhmiclneu McCullough, Chief Medical Health Maim Reeson and Mnr. Jas. Reesen, ville. Fair last weck.Miss Lyla Os- Out-of-town guests fer the occasion collection cf household furnishings in- Offier f Otaro, ill ivean d- olubus, were recent goests at Mr. borne, Toro'nto, and Miss Mahelle uvere from Belleville, Lindsay, Toron- cîuding chairs, tables, bedroom suites. Ofie r f o c H atha Sa i give n d- H. Hardy's .... Mrs. Thomas Be- Walters,;m tored ut te Peterbro and t, W indsor and Detroit. kitchen and ceking utensils, carpets,i thons", Dr. Kaisger, Oshawa, wili aiso ettber.,Boh-nIle, visited ber fat- ipent the w'eekend ait Mr. Anrew Onterrtr r n r.P isoewsigmcieadwigr talk on the "Care and Preservation cf ,-I.Pter Walker-W .Ar. and Brcwn's ... Last Sunday oui- services wil1 live at Nestieton. aIse 1 buggy and quantity of bard PiocerLanmars"(graveyards). rserIsaIr. Hardy, Stanley and Der- w-ex-e ail heîd in the morning, Sunday'Dony-dmsIwood-5-cs oralchtes Evervhody weîcome. othy s pont the weeken<l wth Lind- Sebool session at 10Oa. m., and preach- J Re-dail el stae10 cashoalance at 31 Keep healtby and look well by ea-svadOkodfied.1 ,riei . . ve u-pso, The hom fMr. and Mrs. Fred days and subject te neserve bid. ing Cream of Barley-a food and alesNorontMiss Rut eonandM. WaJ.,Pcv. .H. Stainton gave us anotherlAdj c 7 orn Steet, Torno ho .Senn ut medicine. es eetvstda r .J plenrîid sermon and aIse told a mort Adofsa70 eeeSre et c-ene,- Reyýnoids'. Miss Ruby Dewell spexît ïnteresting story te the boys and .a h cn fa cypct e- persons wisbing te put articles har ----the w-cckend in Bewrnanviile .... Miss; girls ..Sunday af terneon and even- ding on Saturday afternoon, Septem- this sale may do se by confenning Edn Rynodsspent te îkndng se'. ciai from here ateddMil ber 22nd., wbon their daughter, Ethel wt hoSeopoe333 witEdna ryolds tbe wcok atendd teCue e-pnn.. r Mroi dmbeaetebieo the cabone e d~a~id "xi J F Anae Hclt ami r. G eog S. Downey, son f br j it T eo Se o, h ne 8-. Waler ie visited Toronto friendF n Mrs. Albert Rundle visited Lind- thndharpy FredJDo ny cf Bew ....U---r. and Mrs. Davidson cf Cheri-;I oandday.asi-Tmanvilltehpyeettkn rywocd, w-ci-ogucsts cf Wr. James I ar monthly meeting cf the WM Slens, ace n heaniersn fbrpr Smale ....- Miss Edith Pascoe, Hanup- Iwas bcld at the home cf Mrs. Muir T eena maine. prore b .t.n, visited Miss Evelyn Tink ...on îhursday aftercoon, Sepcmbei Thcrmnywspfo edba à Suýd ay ~~Scbool RalIy was observedi 20tb. Meeting w-as in charge cf Ms.ceui ftebieR r rgt here last Sunday afuci-coon. Our, W. H. Nichois' greup with President, uasin c-f Rtherde Rev. M-. rihu yo-ung people decorated the shed with 1 AMrs. Frank Rundie, hn tbe chair. In hurh i hepesne faothfy , an AttmaThtte eo on Ms.A.F.guestsfi-cm Buwmanvillc, N e w S e, V floersandAuumnleaes. Th 1 heJ evtnl pcriod, Ms A .Peterbero adTrnteron c __printed progî-ams w-cie followed and; Rundîe i-ead the bible lesen on which ig . ne and Teoete th roorns b R. ickgav aspindi a- Ms A. J. Oke afterwards gave a very ferns and roses. ~~ i ~ T~~ w AY~ dress on "Blcssqed are the Pc-acemnak- fine talk. The prcgram consisted cf Tebrd wagvninm-ae Ton,,,., ~. .".dei's .Oui- cburcb is nearing comn- a vocal sole by Airs. W. R. CRdicbeeahr a ceapctygw ec WE iiol y.. ýh. inpletion and w'e hepe before many and piano solo by Miss Hazel Rundle. of whit.e kittens car crepe and silk t. -,e ,oserand weeks te bave or re-opcning------ Speaker cf the afternoon was Mrs. lc -aigatlevi agtwt h..,thlr So,-S onday School next Sunday at 2.30 (Rev.) Irvine of South Oshawa, i-e- lyef-tealîy dcring a bolu-i agh ih ec oom. Be,,f.1i nd in.- p. m. on accouttcf Quarterly meet- toi-ced rissionary fi-cm Tminidad, 'Iqu et cf Ophelia roses. Tw-o little ~tn I~~r~x~ein.iediag service at Zion in the merning' who spoke on the work bein- -ie csc h rdMrae n on res ofehe-bridetîngarad-an ni.kle James A. Weri-y cf En- 1 there, giving a very interestig d-1 etty Jean Adams, wearing dainty niki'e eceived word on Menday cf 1 dress'and tclling seme cflher exper-drsecfplpikad aegre New Stiunway Grands i the death cf ber mother ha Ecgiaad. 1 iences. Wr,. Ivine aIse buht and carrying baskets cf roses made The heartfelt sympathy cf MN-. Wr- see curies and somo euiu ac $425 r iy's miacy friends bei-e go et te woOrk done by the girls cf that cont- lace îtl loe irs r.Wl laeAdams, brother cf the bride,att ber in her lbss. . Remember the Sons iy Aftei- the programn a splendid tecded the groom as bcst man. Thei pcfl Temperance meeting la the scnool lunchn was served by Mca. W. H. wedding mnusic was played by Mrs.! '~~- a weck fi-cm Tbui-sday nigbt, October Nces ro. Srec h i-Erie Hcssick and duricg, the signing ee OurStove Avt. Elswhere M. S.SnOwden, Maple Gi-ove. ij See Or Stoe Adv. Elswherevery busy these days judging at tbe Red Rose Tea i guaan-ts.ii Faîl Fairs. Ibis week he s a t Erns- -n every way. Order a packr dale judging sheep, cattie andi swine. aIreto-dav. Use any portion Mda bsrne . atoro shawon sitn<lny an / NE ae ten Dustan's Cash Hardware Pla hsm e Wnt atr nSnay vit: iey aseyoUar tun. LSON'S STO] a n d a c o m a n e d h y h i q p a e n s , M r . h e b a l a n c e t a y o u r g r c r K i n g S t . W e s t "*WE SERVE YOLI WELL" mand Mrs. Fuller Cator, andi family at- and your mon.7 ,flIb. tended the re-opening services of r.fund.d.______________ Maple Gi-ove Cbunch on Sunday. Let Us Help You SOLVE YOUR HEATING PROBLEM Quite a lot of dis:cussion is going on in a number of homieq in and irund Bowmanville these days about how to heat the home comifortably the coming winter. Some homes have nver enjoyed the comfort of a furnace-and now want one. Others find the old furnace is wrn ut -a new one is needed. In either case w e vould suggest that you consut us. Prolhaiy %e an asist you in arriving at just what is needed to make your home warmi and comfortable this w inter. -\iy.v'ay it costs you nothing nor places yu underan obliation toci I on us for information. W., Len. Elliott Agent fr McClary Hot Air Furnaces and Hart O~i Burners Phone 348 Bo(WManville Bell's Made-to-Measure Clothes Shop HERE ARE THREE SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 5 ONLY FALL OVERCOATS Grey and Brown Mixed Tweeds in English slip-on style, classy and serviceable values to $25, Sale Price $15.00 BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Onlv 10 left, sizes 27, 29, 30 and 31. Harà wearing Tweeds in Grey and Brown, Mixtures, values to $10.50. Sale Price $4.95 BOYS' SLICKERS Just what they need for the wet days, yellow and Olive green, sizes 30, 32 and 34, Regular $4..95, Sale Price $3.95 Suits and Overcoats Made-to-Measure-The kind you are proud to wear. King St. West Bowmanvj lie ,asonable handise At Saving Pries are adding to our already well assorted ehandise. Tfhis week we feature: A."Bherlt" Belln" d French Dress Flannels-In ail the new ai fabî'ic for misses sehool frocks or mid- resses for Misses' and Women's wear. Guar- alities and 15 shades to choose from, Per Yard 67c ir miii purcnase at a fraction of theji' real es or bloomers. A lovely range of colors arge sizes, ialue For 69c; Bloomers, Reg. $1.25 for 88c ýves-In ail] sizes and colors-an imported arly for 79c, Our Price 59c Pair r dress wear-the finest assortment eveî' id priced from .................1q to 79c. Il ýRE of Bigger and Better Values Bcàwmanville Potatoes For Sale 1 an prepared to f111 al orders with Grade A Potatoes. Will be glad to supply al od customers and any new ones who wish to fav- or me with their orders. Every bag guaranteed. For one week price is $1.15 BAG C. R. Dean Phone 559 Concession Street Bowmanvi île POTATOES FOR SALE Dooley, Cornets or Green Moun- tain Potatoes, ail goverfiment Grade A, tag on every bag. Cet order in now for your winter sup-. ply. We will delier for one week at $1.15 BAC Money refunded and potatoes tak- en out of your cellar if flot satis- fied. Jamnes A. Werry & Son ?AGE POUR Right By Cole's Barber Shop i l 1 A. J. "Bert" Bell

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