Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1928, p. 1

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~be With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. TYYfl M.A. JAMES & SONS. Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMER 27, 1,928. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 39 TAKE NOTICE Revert to Standard Time Citizens will take notice that on Saturday, Sept. 29 At Midnight Bowmanville will revert to standard time, and al concerned are requested to govern themselves ac- cordingly. By order, T. S. Holgate, Mayor. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Announce The New Styles For FaIl Wear This season has brought forth styles that are really to be admired f or clever designs, beauty of colors, and materials that are du rable and will be appreciated for their good wearing quali- ties. We Have Already Received Shipments of This Season's Newest and Smartest Modela Coats are being featured in imported broadcloths and suedes, luxurious fur trimmings of wolf, sabel, American opos- sum, Persian and baby lambs; linings of silk crepe, brocaded silk and marquise de luxe. It will be of interest for you to see them. Dresses have already been favored so greatly by our many cust- omers that purchases followed with greater enthusiasm than ever. Our selection is wonderful for misses and women, featuring vel- vets, satins and georgettes in black and new favored tones of brown. Our prices make'it a pleasure to buy in Bowmanville. People who know appreciate the greater savings and lower prices off ered by us, lower and greater than even in the large buying centres. NEW CURTAIN MATERIALS New attractive curtain materials go a long way to brighten up the home. We have just placed in stock a big assortment of the newer curtain nets, priced as low as 25e yard. Men' s and Boys' Department Men'a Suits From $12.50 Up Men's Fail Overcoats From $13.50 Up Men's Winter Overcoats $16.50 Up Boys' School Suits From $ 4.95 Up Men's Suits or Overcoats, Mad-to-Measure at $24.00 A look through our stock will convince you, as it has others, that our values in clothing are unsurpassed. Couch, J-hnston & Cryderman' Bowmanvilllo Phono 104 Limited You'11 Be Surprised At the corfort derived frein prepenly fitted glasses. At the difference the new style glasses make in ene's appearance. Have your eyes prepenly tested by a quaîified Optician Jury & Lovel When We Test Eyes It Is Done Preperly DRAMATIC CONTEST Under auspices of W. D. Agricultural Society Enniskillen Dramatic Club will present the play Getting Sandy in OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE on Friday, Oct. 5th at 8. 15 p. m. This is the second play in the series which is creating such in- terest in the contest for prizes amounting to $135.00. Buy a season ticket at $1.00 or 35c for sîngIe ticket.s. Reserve seats witout extra charge at NMitchell's Drug Store. h. 1 1 oýzina tan 1MINISTERs AND CHURCI-ES WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB WEST DURHAM FAIR LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Ail church services are on standard The first meeting of the Women's From noon onward, citizeso Mran Ms.Cs.WeTot, time. Canadian Club for the s-eason of 1928, Bowmanville and the countyron isited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rally Day at Trinity Sunday Scbool -29 was held in St. John's Parish came thronging te main Street to see Wilcox. Sunday, September 30t'i. Hall on Monday, September 24th.1 the parade go by. The streets were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Beacock, Tor- St. Joseph's Church, Rev. P. P. But- The. President, Mrs. E. S. Senkler lined with cars and the sidewalks onto, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. A. lerPastor. Mass at 10 a. m. Sunday presided. The Club was highly maserd by an expectant crowd. At W. Pickard. iSchool at 2.30 p. mn. privileged to have as speaker for the length came the scbool children's pro- Mrs. A. E. Garner and Miss Mabel Whitby Presbytery of the United afternoon Capt. J. S. Atkinson, who cession, the boy scouts at the head Garner, Whitby, spent Monday with IChurch will meet at Claremont on has charge of the music in connection marcbing snappily along with military friends bere. Thursday ,October 4th at 9 a. ni. ith the Canadian National Exhibi-'precision. Tbey were led by Ken- B. H. S. Field Day wull be held at Trinty nitd Curc wil hld ts ionand wbo is the representative neth Morris, with two gallant cavaI- tecmu rdyatron et rnit Untfei e rvhrc iceshon tsof the Canadian Bureau for the Ad- iers, Sam and Alfred Alun, mounted. 2th capus ribday aferoonSpt enul Takfeig srie nvancement of Music. 1 The e I puarDrhm Rgi- t. Eered y wgeso l Spings Sunday, October 14th., instead of the Mr Atkinson, ina ey 1'asn mental Bd of Oreno, clad in * r Afe Egesn ol prns Ifirst Sunday in December abas ha een r.'avey esngn oter visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Harry the custom for many years. manner, told the club of the aims brilliant new scarlet uniforms, set B-e nWdedyadatne Rev. Roy H. Rickard, BA., M.R.E. and work of the Bureau for the Ad, the people stepping to th e martial the Fair. was inducted it th charge of St vnemn of Music. Its purpose is strains of their thudding drums anild kon ensay nd tedd 1 au' Cuch iceionFint , anhe elment of music in every blaring horns. Following the band, Grand epening of Clarence S. Mas- Paul'sChurcoPickringon k music available fori came the cbildren of the town and on's 'new shoppe with the new stock' last. Revs. Irwin, Richards and i rdy etme 8hfot73 Harston assisted in the serv'c every cbild. He spoke of the desir-j neighbering public schools. Class of sFiaepebr2tfom73 St.Joh'sAngica Curc, Rv.ability of music front an educational Principal J. H. Johnston of Bow- to 10 P. M. StJhres,-Angecr. Sev entent point of view, how it trains the eye ,imanville Public Scbool marcbed in. Miss Clara Harvey and Miss Mar- R. J. hrs etr eetet ear, band, power of concentration the lead with Mr. Brunton's cîass. garet Meyer, Toronto, were weekend Sunday after Trinity, September.30, and the memory. The speaker gave1 Then came the classes in charge of1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harvey, 1928. 8 a. m.-Holy Communin lutain oso t tmltn h ifrn eces ise .M Ontario Street. 11i a. m.-Morning Frayer and Lit- ilutain1oso t tmltn h ifrn eces issM . any. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. effect how it is being used by indus-J etnn i n g, Helen Morris, Greta Wick-1 Mr. R. S. Wickett came down froin 1 7 p.m-vnn ryr trial concerns; its power te restore ett. Marjory Robins, Leta Bragg, Toronto on Tuesday te, visit bis old p. .-Eenig Paye. jmental equilibrium to the insane; its Edna Jewell, vivian Buniner, Florence friend, Mr. C. M. Cawker who con- Trinity United Church, Re ý. à. Lu power to give courage to the faltering, Moore, Nellie Montgomery and Betty. tinues in poor healtb. Robins, Pastor. Sunday services at spirit. Capt. Atkinson then went Sargent. The South Ward school Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Blair, Ot- il a. ni. and 7 p. m. The Pastor will on to tell of the work of the Bureau followed, also capably conducted by tawa, were in town Tuesday calling preacb. Sunday Sebool at 2.30 in trying te get music into the homes Misses Marjory Collacott and Marg- on old friends. They were return- p. m. Rally Day service. Speciali of people unable te give music les-1 aret McGregor. ing from a trip to Western Ontario. prora. Oen metin i te sn otercide.Gopta Solina, under the direction of Mr.1 The many friends of Mr. T. H. church. Let every member be in ing in piano is being carried on in. R. J. McKessock, led the rural schools1 Lockbart will be pîeased te learn scbool. many centres, thus niaking it possible. who made a snriart sbowing and pro- j that hie is recovering- nicely from bis for a very small suin, for almost every vided a toucb of colour with their recent operation in Bowmanville Hos- St. Andrew's Preshytertan Church,, cbild able te lîractise on a piano, te crepe paper decorations. Hampton pital. coner Tempertnce a-il Churcb Sts.,l procure lessons. sehool. decked eut in orange headi Mr. and Mrs. Main, Toronto, and Rev. R. M. McDemment, M.A., minis- ger onutd__M._.J_____ Ms in hte sawae eun iter. Morning service at il a. mga.cnutd yM.F .GotMs m htOsaa r eun Evening service 7 p. ni. Sundayt WHY FOLKS ENVY THE EDITOR was folîowed by Lake shore, adorned ing home to-day after spending a with green and gold, with teacher,lweek's holidays at Mr. W. J. Tay- School 2.30 p. m. Communion atýTeeaeltswos osta e Miss Ruby Bragg. The scheols Of lor's. morning -service. Preparatory nîcet- Teeaelt os osta e ing, Tbursday at 8 p. m. ing an editor of a weekly newspapier. Miss Velma Neal, No. 9, Clarke, Miss Miss Edna H. Bottreli, Toornto, This fact wvas forcibly and verv pleas- Eilieen Souch, Providence, Miss Beat-j spent Sunday at borne. Her niece, St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. antly irnpressed upon us Saturday rîce Bigelow, Tyrone, Mr. W. L. Ly-~ little Teresa Dopp, Toronto, return- Best, D.D., minister. il .m-«hnabutflgf ftrelsiu'cett, Sbaws, and Miss Gladys Cann, ed home with ber after two rnonths' "The Lord of the Hill"-HOIY Coin- baskets of peaches were received by1 Maple Grove, c onstituted tbe rernain- visit witb bier grandparents. munien. 7 p. m.-"Tbe House the editors of The Statesman frein der of the -parade wbich marcbed into A. Dillick bas purcbased from Fred Beautiful". . 2.30 p mn.-Sunday Principal T. F. Wright of St. Cathar- the Fair grounds and along the track, R. Foley bis store occupied by R. J. Sebeel. Rally Day service. Friday, ines Business College and Mrs. until the different sections lined up Rovan's, Shee Store ,and the resi- September 28th at 8 p. ni., Prepar- Wrigbt frorn tbeir peach orcbard le-I before the grand stand. The judges , dence in tbe samne block. Tbis - atery service. Conducted by the Rev. cated near St. Catharines. Tbey GnrlJhnHgeDrj..Bn counts for Rovan's Forced te Move R. L. Richards, B.D., of Whitby Uni- were tbe finest sample of this delic- nycastle and Capt. F. C. Palmer, pre- Sale. ted Cburch. ious fruit we bave seen this year- sented the prizes for the best show- Miss Annie Allun bas returned large, rosy and syveet. We bave aI- ing te: Town-Class No. 7, Miss Leta from a pleasant three months' visit ready enjeyed tbem raw, sliced and Bragg, teacher; Rural-Ty-rone with ber brothers, Drs. Edgar and MISSION AT ST. JOSEPH'S drewned in cream, wbile otbiers bave scb ool, Miss Beatrice Bigelow, teacb- Norman Alin, Edmonton, Alta. Her A Mission beginning etmr been preserved for a cold winter's er. niece, Miss vera Allun returned with 30tb and ending Sunday Seengb, nigbt when cornpany cornes for Sun- The exhihits cf live stock in aIl dé- lber. IOctober 7th. A mission will be daytean ece ilb evdprm tswewl ersne n Mrs. A. G. Martin and three littie preacbed by a Paulist Father at St. with good old Devonshire cream. Let quantity and quality and maintained daugbters, leave Bowmanville today Jesepb's Churcb, Bowmanviîle. There Rockefeller bave bis millions, but tbe reputation this fair enjeys as an te take up their home again in Coch- wilI be daily mornin>p and evening ser- lev e a humble counredtrwh outstanding exhibition of pure and rane, Nortbern Ontario, after apend- mens. Evening ý-irmons at 730 My hosts of friends and goed appe- thorougbbred stock. Some Of the ing the summer with her sister, Mrs. p. Mn. Morning instruction at 5 and tite te enjoy a treat of peaches and sheep were prize winners et the C. West, Queen St. 7. A oria iviato i etede Metn N. E. Tbe swine, although net so r n r.C .Baok r 7. A cordil invitaton is ___________- numerous were of a ver y desirable Mran s.CA.BaokM. te al, _____ type. In cattle tbe keenest of comn-land Mrs. A. W. Piekard and Miss PUBLIC SCHOOL DOING.S pétition was shown in Sbortborns Marion Pickard attended Lindsay INFANT WELFARE CONFERENCE Holsteins and Jerseys, while Here- Fair n Fhedaynd ai the ftagie, The instructers of the Boys' Train- ferds and Ayrsbires were without ,spentftb Wilkendats'tPirttae Wilî motbers kindly note that for ing Scbooî, High School- and Public opposition for H. G. Macklin and J. "asOf"Wlim'Pit nect week ONLY the Infant We]fare Seboois spent an enjoyable eveninglJ. Abernetby & Son, respectively. Bowmanville Women's Institute Conference- wiIl be beld on Thursday, on Wednesday. September 19th., Jerseys were neyer se numerous as wilI bold tbe regular meeting on Fni- Oct. 4th, frein 2.30 te 4.30 p. in., in- wben tbe staffs of the two former in- since the days wben the late L B. day afternoon, September 28tb. Let stead of Friday, the regular day of stitutions of learning were entertain- Davidson of Newcastle, was an ex- every member be eut for this meeting meeting. ed by the Public School staff. b ibitor. Lt was surprising t.he nuin- in charge of Group 1. New groupa _________________________ Dinner was served at "Kurv Inn", ber of herses in botb light and beavy bave been organized for the coming Mrs. C. Caverîy, the preprietress, j classes, there being froin 5 to S8 year, se corne and find eut wbere yo>u serving a most appetizing dinner in entries in most classes, are and belp do your ahane. Good ber usual faultless manner. Boys' Training Scbool had several prograli prepared. Don't miss lit. The entire company proceeded te Guernsey cattle from their championi The menibers of the Higb Sehool the Public School, where the gymnas- berd on exhibition but net in compe- staff and the School Board, and the I ~'ium bad been furnished and decorat- titien whicb were much admired. local ministers, with their wives, spent Roya The tre ed, te become the scene of gaines and Poultry entries did net appear to la very enj oyable afernoon and even- contesta in which ail took part with be as large as usual but the usual ing on Friday at the beautiful homç Presetini The ines la he grates enthsias. Inoor citie of te fetherof Mr.itieandwerelof J, andMm . H. ry.ur.TTh Prete ting T Fiebowlitne g rt eeatusesme ndr cri'0tcsjobh, eabrd ui~ ~ guesta spent saine time admiring the Photoplathe bowlin rded amushemeent d ur n nth ob oveîy garden and conservatories of Phone 589 th enidro h vnn. i The automobile show was very ela- "Woodlawn", and indulging in friend- Dr. G. E. Reaman, in a neat speech borate and well patrenized. Cars ly conversation. A dainty and deli- of appreciatien, expressed the thanksI on display included Buick, Pontiac, cio us luncheen was served by the hast-' of the guests for the pleasant even- Dodge. Wilys-Knigbt, Whippet, Es- Css: and a splendid oppotnt a ___________________ing they had enjeyed. HRis suggestion1 e-HpeordFrdtivut bcm aqa nith the that social gatberings of this kind he sxHdoanFodgiet bcmaqune whte held more frequentîy met with en- The midway or fakers row had few- four new teachers-Misses Wbîtton, thusiastic aproval. Principal J.. H. er wbeels of fortune and speilers than Odgen and Thornburn and Mr. Henry. FSiday-atuday Sepembr 2-29 Johnsten replied on bebaîf of the Pub- usual, but plenty of the kind. Thel 1.j lic Scbool staff. eagle eye of Chief Sidney 'Ventoni COMING EVENTS Bebe Daniels and Neil Hamilton in caught one sleigbt of band gent fleec-I "HOT NEWS" C ing bis custorners. As a result he Keep in mind that the Woman's HODIMPORTANT CONFERENCE as second best acter in Police Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Cburcb are Miss Daniels will delight you witb OL Court next morning and paid a sub- having a bazaar on Friday, October bier sparkîing comedy in ber latest ON BOYS' TRAINING WORK stantial fine. 19th. Paramount picture that is entirely & con ference on how te make the1 The attractions in front of tbel Men's and Wemen's Canadian Clubs different fronm anything you bave VM A cfmrevle'emebr1 grand stand consisted of bigb iump- 1 bave been successful in securing Mme ever seen. n Il.hedioffmretvalivit e icresl ing by Mr. R. S. McLaughlin's fainousj Dusseau for a recital in Opera Heuse, on, was beîd by the Broadview brancb'I ib utesdilsanthysTrial ex-November Stb. Reserve date. Matinee Saturday afternoon at ,vrt weeda h es ran'ecssb os o h r ig Dramatic Contest-next play will 2.30 p. mn. Cildren 5c. ing School, BowmanvilIe. DirectorsjSebool and a first-clasa nmusical pro- jbe"etn ad"peetd b Cher7 fexecutives and lay workers motored grain by Orono -band. It was ail benntisklngDranatic lubisnOenab Captr7o down and beld four sessions, at wbicb good, but net enougb entertainninent Houinse Fpn ramte bi pr "BL.AKE 0F SCOTLAND YARD" ail phases cf membersbip weretakento more than quarter fIll the grand i HuiFiday, October 5tb at 8.15 up. erena.n1 Teachers' Convention, No. 1 In- and regular prognain . E e n hDSprned!stD ra asn euli h spectorate of Northumnberland and G. E ReananPb.., Sperit1npart oDue ronibneua l nthis Durham, will be beîd in St. Paul's ent cf the Scbooî, gave an address te'pr f h rvic stenm 1 lecture roomOctober 4-5. hurda ________the group on Sundey afternoon, deal-! and quality of exhibits sbown in aI-, and Friday, ' Bowernai4e-5 ur.a ing witb the polîcies and rnet.bods of Most any class in the pnize Iist. Put Nre'Gau:ineecsso Monday.Tuesday, October 1-2 the B.T.S. for the social adjustinent ini this age cf entertainnient and Nus'Gautin erces f Greta Garbo and Conrad Nagel in '1f the eigbty beys wbe are now in at- amusement the cash customers at faîl Bowrnanviîîe Hospital, will be held in tendance there. fairs demand more in the _,vay of Opera House, Wednesday, Octoben 17. "THEMYSERIUS ADY Amng hos taingpartin he epp an spctaula atracionDr. G. H. Agnew, Toronto, Secretary "THEMYSERIUS ADY Amng hos taingpartin bePepp an spctaula atracion Dept. of Hopital Service, Canad"n Greta Garbo's most exciting rein- conference were T. D. Patton and.E. a omnieFi sptn nMedical Associations, wilI gîve the ad- ance, a drama of Continental, es- D. Otter, representing the National, its progranîs. It may cost more dness te the nurses. pienage and intrigue. Directed by Council of the Y.M.C.A; F. A. Jacoba,'mroney te satisfy this demnand, but it the mian whe made "Ben Hur". president; J. M. Booth, one of th is boped the Directors v.ilI learn be-' Music Study Club will hold its first directors, and Norville Luck, execu- fore it is tee late, that they ivilî have IMeeting ef season in St. Paul's lect- tîve secretary. Mn. J. M. Elsom, te spend rnoney te iiake money in unre room, Wednesday, October Srd at - rsdnaf The- Authocr-s' Association, this regard. 8 p. in. sharp. Prograin in charge of

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