Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th., 1928 FrA'JL EIGJIJ FORMER ENNISKILLEN BOY RICKARD FAMILY PJCNIC MAKES GENEROUS GIFT The Rickard fanîily and relatives The N qe % i :e (Contintied fromi first pitge) to the number of about 150 picnicked To ni. it lias 1wbi n g,a rLt Il .l', i tît on the Cream of Barley Grounds, ________________ the Utnited Churicli of Enuiýien silîul.l Bowmianville, on Thursday afternoon be se generously renwiiitbertii by wo iof and evening, Aug. 2nd. While eachT U SD Y Its sens wbo sp, lnt thir carli- si y . T iii 2 thc village, Mr. le-o. W \McIiiI jo.,1- iv %Iduat passed the time according 1awa. in li. t, leciit of Itel'tîPrsou:ge to his or ber own distinctive tastes - an(d repair cf thi Cenietery' îd Mr. il.t may be said in a general avay that NEWCASTLE tVîluî ltfu l tiit'anOu. Wid tit. it lu thliiibe decoitingianadiuîr~u the cburch cf vting tourist camp and pleasure re- Miss Jean Stewart, Morriston, s tUer oetiilutlvea.tle huc ei tuto jr ,,,o1e viag euii- huci((l sort in their automobiles, strolled holidayng with Misses Beatrice and! fice, and uptitn al its members rnav tîte arounti the groun ds, wbich are every- Grace Bragg.1e sev,î-î-fulî î. rîisof the 1IoIb* Sîiritl ihere so fu of interest, sampled Miss Lois Martin is camping withi ceinc down Youirs :iff ectioiiatvIly. th,,, ot weatber warcs of the bootbs r dMs. H.C iata n D. Rogers.1 adiried the great varîety of freei aminusement features, made a tour of daughters at Wasaga Beach. l An Active Life of Service tho pons and yards of donîestic and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Armour and' Extacs rot te olowng1,-a tnt wild life, gazed at the wolves, beheld children, Hampton, spent Sunday t ton )y Pr. J .1-. Iidîlt, Princila.,l cf, the black bears, followed the restless wth Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney. 1 Wesley College, Winnipeg, ç%ere also reailwanderings of the docks and duck- Mr. and Mrs. Duncombe and fam-t atý, *i-roc tn-eeh . - M n igs, inqected the red and black ily, Toronto, are holidaying in Mrs. 'My fiear Sm irlt til -o*tlt ri: h b î9foxes, and looked at the ground-hog, W. G. Hay's cottage, Newcastle-on- con.,to 0 ii,,tîtat M\i. ihW\. li vlii'Oeisited the guinea pigs, examined the the-Lake. two s b bd dîs Iite,-ie ;11 ut71 I itîr , racoons, considered tbe herd of Miss Elizabeth Hancock is again C way in ticî- obI clirîîeltiough i wil:Clt is, goats and kids, listened to the par- managing the picking and selling ofýl earls 1f. Ivas ittlub, ic. Iandttilteaîliarge rot talk, made friends with the big Mr. A. O. Parker's cherry and rasp- measutr, îlît.-riiiu-1l. Wlin ilieail of -obbler; sauntered along the bonny berry crop. it it tîotiglit that t is wa.s si iI- one1 of lit, -imcd b-autîifti andI li-,liftîl wayýs banks of the flowing stream, bathed MisJa Rckr rtrnd at ofr .iesii giaitîtil antd sltovjug apt- in its refreshing waters, viewed the Tbursday for the family picnic fromi prc;aiomcaof thte coiitribu tien thte olil of"'-drce ~ chitrc iiallŽ e Ite lite of oeeof lber gol lnk, ... dinthe double seat- a noal ii ih friends inV faI-o red lscuis. 1I islî umore Ibo 3s w lio cd slding chairs, sud on the slpperyn Wrot e n Formosa have gon.- forh jte the litg, wolîl slides. rode on the ocean waves, ex- %voulil vmuce ibis or sent.- simlirti t e-.st ecsdo tegatsrie tu A number of girl friends spent ai in te ,itii 5h0.r eliMure tîtdetir ntenin srd, etupjlytieoeTedy fentna relja.ciis impiressjins wnre foruti-i. in the air on the high flying swings, iolytimon TuesdMary Cafpernon ase I voîilk tne tts crunsicsoh yes, and crossed the creek on thé,usso isMryCalno h to t-Il ycur Itelile tîrotie iycîî ho%%*x-o- big overhead steel arch bridge or occasion of ber birthday.c thy a son Mr. Il. \V. lliiteliuson lti51 perbaPs on the narrow plank fast Mr. and Mrs. Frank Severn and prov.id andtijs prceiug Iitts, if to bu.il rderse nteln ecefmlT have known bj'n jntjmatly for c r rdg rstdontelogbnce, aiyTrnto, were eekend guestst yeî-rs and can, the.ufr- .sî),eak t-ji s-1 tried the now steel spring convex of bis cousins, Dr. and Mrs. W. H.' suratue. For te piaijart of tIi' seated chairs. weighed on the coin- Walton-BalI, Harris Lodge. t tinte-1 have leonv(it , c~los. lasiS i1i in-the-slot scales, played baIl, feast- Mr. and Mrs. Weir, New Jersey, with lii n. llis Centribuîîtion - c thi, workj i and lit, cof the cîurcît lias bien dirn.ctlyjd on roast chicken, salads and a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Eilbeck and practical. lie lias ni- ie--- u, a e-r- mt1long succession cf goodly pîcnic son, Toronto, are spending their taîkr Asforas I kun is h f-,lias ine rpadad srvd wt beict I farilut,îlisoteaindl lu-îceî,rI -'îoliuays at Pioneer Cottage at the9 wjll wlilevir pof- sicus lie Irs is mde.! sucb industry and skill by the lady lake. Tfroîialictit te a-trs le lias lise-na- fclk, watched or participated in the D.adMs tne ngmr vies nsdliasl tc lIte ricoiltese r- pro gram cf sports, scrambled for pea- and cidren a nd Mrs.*iMontgoriery's i ofic,-sul lias n.vpressu-reof tei te ai nuts, talked with the genial propriet- mother, Mrs .Hislop, Wbitlby, werej canes te ilraw iw m asile fren îji. churcli or, great-hearted gentleman and pub- Xekend gucsts of hi,; aunlt, Mrs. TiI- or il'si-s If is lices. vacanit lic benefactor, J. L. Morden, and at uee ett t- Ciurcb sý-rvie-ic- ou-- niaybi- sur.- even when the sun was set, gatheredliTaor that ti-r-s s e-anti and i iîîu,î,leTalr reascit. lis ebjef Contribuuticn ba bs the fragments of the ma n Mr. Bradford Kay, Dr. Leroy Haff-1 in tIi.- îintti-r tfIiancial leiIr l I- , ent home filed, content and gond ner and Mr. R. Turner, New York bias not enly ht-en succ-sfuI in gettina aord City, motored here Saturday andl other men tc contributeItoutiii lias he, n ,ntrd e g-t.-iç uis -1vir li'isiIf. H-.- usually, It i.S hardly possible to mention the joined their vves at Mr. and Mrs. icadls te way aUtlplits Out a bl"cUl';"' wnes nal h acsad t Geo. Eilbeck's. hua.- tut MrI n.yronbitackbtrn- and tu--se lioil i.f Wnap-alsit-eClis filen ec,' competiticns, but it is worthy of note Mr1yo lcbr n îtr and cati iý,utl, apîteals teO . that in a class of over t\enty ;ina Mrs. Omer Cole, Pearsoin, Iîwa, and'- For i titia Icars Il.- îe-mis asine- cof - men's homming ccnîpetition, John, Mr. Frank Blackburn, SicuÀx City. are li. alt. iion Ilmri f 1t.- i fjGordon and Lawrence Ashton won visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Xinîiîî nî- li tetot rM Iiîle the three top pr W. C. Blackburn. chii?"n. il.- id solin, i. nuil NîucI-l he t re op p izes. l, lii 1111i ii oiiriim il ti i t-1--1 Rev. Rcy H. Rickard, Pickering,j Mr. Albert Brown, Port Hope, son j tre.. l i ms 7i'itr.t u-ii-e-ndflit-guet adfMr. and Mrs. Sam Brown of this1 [irmutî -. M. %ijicaetiatircît ottfor1"'was gctadg ave valuable asit-o minr t-s t-, 'oi î iii-i I ance in running off the program c f village, underwent a successful op- te-ms lii -ly tîtroutli lus wiscinm, for,- sports. eration for. append icitis in Port sîglît andl irîi- ic- -hiSti-liu Election of officers resulted: Nir. Hope bospital Saturday. a for i r Presba tt-iir. au i ti reli anl rotl-- %aiy q foirner M-lCil iitrel. wert- XV%. F. Rickard, President; 'Miss Fla.r- Mr. Taylor- cf Kingston, Dominion!, 'taîtile- and siss.-ssfiille- îîmi-îl. lu ce Rickard. Secretary-Treasurer; Gcvcrnmient Surveyor, with two sons,,i hIis lis eastbe I- ail-r lin fectilitawltat - and Mrs. W. C. Aluin, Ms .D ecnpn tW .Pac's by the; t eniid aminieosîlilityandule-ff -vifle-it; BraggWanti a s mem mping at W. +t-ier, at in sucl a Iway as tte oni a îhappîad;Bgga nd'Mr N. L.Rickard a eiUpper -ar and tainglandalt hilp)fl Vnionîi Silt-hlits lits 5-I bers cf the executive committee for tudes along the lake front. fipe and o S"Ittliîr-ci' I.it "I-illatîit the ensuing year. The Ladies' Association, formerly fie- xis înaniruously .îii,iteil treastîrýer________ of 'lie- Unite(I conzreîtatjii. the Ladies' Aid cf the United Churchi Ferr mauy ye-trs lit lias Iten aud stilI ECSL ALTA meets this Tbursday afternon at s te treastmni r c te Wsey collegý EWCSL ALT Boartd and has in tis ccun-iclion given WINS CUP Mrs. Herb. Toms, North St. Pro- Insl ir*i a leade rsh ipî. It jeil oîbl lt if ______ gram in charge of Mrs. W. F. Rick- (bit- college weulIil have- we-atlîe-ne-il 50'e netuisi rw fpr ard. of its sterme bad ieb-net sîoîl v.eny An t- It is thenticaîlofre"orted strongly at the lt-li,. a thousand people wtnesseu the I sauthntcalyrpote ta I tbiuk I arn safe in saying bai.t no three games of Newcastle's annual Dr. Annie Carveth (Mrs. Higby),l man iu Wlnnipeg is se successful lu liin- basebali tournament on Monday sister cf Dr. Geo. Carveth, bas pur- ecting a finaucial campaigu for any gouî afternoon and saw the finest brand chased the Parker property on Mil]ý purpose aslhe is.oft For the-se sud many otiter reasons tie o te game ever played here by the St., originally the home o h oI cfiîrch at Enniskilleu lias reascu to contending teams since the inaugura- Northrops of Northrop & Lyma ii- îînoîd cf ber gnat.ful son anti teetion cf the tournament in 1923. 1 Rev. and Mrs. Wilîs Hancock and trust lie wjll he long spared te carry ou The first teams to go on the field family cf Saskatchewan, wh-shnavel thetsesrvice hie is s0 efficently rendering.1 Yours sincereîy, were Orono and Starkville. The been visiting relatives in Eastern iJ. H. Riddell. game they played produced enough 0 Ontario, have returned to Newcastle excitement and thrills te satisfy the land on Sunday evenihîx, Rev. Mr. - most exacting fans, especially as the Hancock 'issisted Mr. Waîace Sterl- two teams struggled for several inn- ing in the service in the United MAYOR W. T. GOAMAN ings te break a tie of 7 runs each. Church. IN LONDON Finaily the Starkviiîe team with Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. _______Laurence Savery pitching and Sam Geo. Wright, Toronto, on the birth The London, Ont., Daiiy Advertiser Smith catching won eut by 2 runs in of a daughter ,on July 23. Mrs. of Juiy 18, devotes nearly three haîf the llth inning. Wright was formerly Miss Ada Bark- columas to a write-up of the visit The second game between New- er of this villa go. Mrs. J. R. Fisher te that cty of AId. Wm. T. Goaman, castle and Kendal was easily won by, went to the city Friday to see ber lit- Mayor of Bideford, Devon, Eng., and the former, li.te 1. tle "grand daugbter" and f ourni his daugbter, Miss Annie Goaman, Thon foîîowed the play-off between imohradbobth oigîcey the Mayoress. On Tuesday even- Starkville and Newcastle, both teams mte n aebohdigiiey ing, Juiy 17, Devonians of London' putting up a game equal te the pro- Mrs. (Repv.) E. R. James left on te the number cf 100 or more ban- fessional brand. Newcastle won by Saturday te visit witb ber son-in-îaw quetted Mayor and Miss Goaman at twO runs, blanking their oopponents and daughter, Mr. and Mrs .Harris, the Tecumseh Hotel. Mayor Goa- and thus winning the cbampionsbip Alliston, who are receiving the con- man was presented by Mayor G. A. silver cup for the second time. gratulations of their friends on the Winige of London, with the freedomn Newcastle team: C. Caverîy, cap- arrivaI of their first born, a little of the city, being the first official tain and p.; Tom Brown, c.; AIf. daughter, first grandchild of Rev. and document of such a nature in Lon- Graham, lst b.; Geo. Walton, 2nd b.; Mrs. James. Rev. E. R. James is don's istory. Ho was aIse presented Stan. Graham, 3rd b.; Wilbert Gra- boarding witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. with a gold headed uambrella and the ham, s. s.; R. W. Walton, r. f.; A. Pinnegar, but plans te go te Quebec Mayoress with a silver basket of Butler, c. f.; C. Thackray, 1. f.; C. on bis bolidays this week. roses. Mayor Wenige in extending Hennings, E. Pearce, V. Robeson and an offiiaI weicome te Mayor Goaman Geo. Graham, subs. C. Hennings Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Steen and characterized hian as eue of the most replaced R. W. Waltstn in second d aughter Margaret, South River, vis- distinguished guests te bave visited game and V. Robeson was substituted ted bore last week calling on bis London in some time past. Those for Geo. Waîton near end of gaine. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Middle- wbo met and heard Mayor Goaman B. E. Moise and Mr. Rosevear, Port ton, .and Mc. and Mrs. Herb. Toms, and cenversed with bis daughter dur- Hope were tbe umpires. aIso on H. H. Pearce, Mrs. W. J. S. ing tbeir ten days' stay bore witb Durham Regimentai Band provided Rickard and other scbool chums of tbeir cousins, Mr .and Mrs. A. A. music durîng the afternoon, and af- Mr. Steen. Mr. and Mrs. Steen and Colwill, (Ic net -wondec- at London's ter the tournament the bandsmen, daugbter have now returned to Soatb enthusiastic receptien cf then. 'Mayor members of competing bail teams and River wbicb they left about thc-ee Goaman delivered a notable a ddress officiaIs cf the day were served supper esks ago on iearning of the critical at the banquet tendered te bim and at Crest House by Proprietor De- ilIns o i father and remained bis dao ghter and deciared that on bis Wardo Babceck and his staff cf busy witb bim until hie deatb relorn home bie intends to boost assistants at the expense of the local ___________________ Canada as a land witb the gc-eatest bail club. possiilities for- the future of any At the picture show in the eveningý sented it te the tî-am captain, C. Cav- landl in the wo-rld todav. Mayor Goa- iln Community Hall wehie-b seas taxed Ierly, weho passed it alcng tbe lino for nman and daugter came back te De- beyond its capacity, Reeve W. F. the inspection cf bis players. rot andi on to Londoin aftec- their Rickard caiied President F. WN C. Cavcrly was aise pcesented with vie ti Bdefrd Maîîe s-he-etbev 1Cîwan, Dr. J. A. Butler and other' a baIl giove for baving made the bit tit hai e - 1 n I ihi- chpot. The the bit- - - thît huf lit INew Low Fare $4.50 WA the driver, mte- i - e--e-u. nm.ei- witb the outfi î:- ý-tti -'s5.1 AUTOS CARRIED $6.50 AND UP uninjured. itýIt twte-- aI i î~y ThClvlnanBufoTrsi mpY damaged that it u It ,.- -iwed Th ClB.. eland anA.BualrinBuffaopaNY- back te Tocont. Tntuîi - tîli-er, W u.Mema.V.Big.Bfas .Y Gordon Haiiick, m'a,- ù-. t nî- spot te atend te mnatter.- A food and tonic-Crc-tiuî tf Ba-loy. ýLf"t1e Iieene AUGUST 9th., 1928 _____ COMMUNITY HALL W. M. S. meeting of the Unitedj Church w-as heid in the S. S. Hall re- Mc-. Austin Campbell, te tbe de- cently. Mrs. Ncrmnan Allin conduct- îigbt of nîany friends at Neswcastle- ed the meeting. Thirty-tbree nilenl- on-the-Lake and uptessn, exhibited a bors and several visitons svere pros- numnber of c-cols of locally produced ent. niotion piattîres in the Community A rather unique occurrencc e-as Hall on Saturday eveîîing after the the presence of fie-e minister 's seives . showing of tbe Managing Comnmit- each being askcd by Mrs. Ailin to tce's w'eekly pictore. The first film take some part in tho pregrans. chosen featured Nesecastle, The Neat, ruiese included Mrs. W. P. Rogers berne cf the finest conînunity hall ,vho gave a short but belpfuI talk.îin Canada and a popular sunioir re- We ivere aIl giad to have Mc-s. E. B3. sort. Rigbt at the beginning seas Cooke, Tweed, se-ho passing tbrough sbosvn the "Raspbec-ries for Sale" oa ber way te Uniumnsillo, avaiIed sign at Mc-. W. C. Couch's at the west-1 heseof of the cppci-tuîity of meeting ioc-n outskirts cf the village, aînd local îvitb us again and seho closed the1 amateur movie actors and actresses neeting v'ith prayer. These meet- puccasing bec-ries and afterweai-ds ings are always inspiî-ed by the pres- feasting upon them. Picturos at the ence of Mrs. Campbeillof Toc-ente, Community Hall featuc-ed eocy prom- we-ose prayer seas a benedictien tot inently Constable John Garrod in alI. Mrs. Davis cf Toronto exborted Sunday dc-ess. In addition te the us te be ever seatchfuî foc- the menîbers of Dr. Carvetb's, Mr. Hud- strangers among us. This is an ian- son Stowee's, Mr-. Austin Campbell's portant departanent cf the W. M. S. and Mc-. Patton's families, and other tif any îocality. Thon there svas Mrs frîends at the lake, AI-bec-t Pearce's Bell, a higbly c-spectcd and valuable buggy and nîiik delivery bec-se, Jack, tuember wbo aise led in prayer. 1,teok a prominent part in tbe film. Ot-her featuros of tho meeting svere 0f course films of this kind are the bible reading hy Mrs. F. Brown something like local newspapers in and sentence pc-ayons by ýMcs. W. H. the amount of enjoyment folks get Cooke and Mis. J. A. Butler. eut cf tbem. In the one they may The program w-as in charge of1 read about tbemselves in a creditabie greup leaders, Miss Warren and Mrs ligbt and in the other tbey may vîew Middîeton. Papers on China were and viee again themselves in action. read by Miss Blackbun and Miss Mr-. Camlpbell and friends use a Warren. Mc-s. George Honey favor- standard Cine Kodak or honme mevies.ý od witb a very pleasing solo, camera foc- taking the pictures and Mc-s. J. R. Fisher and M.%rs. J. C.1 the standard Kodascope for pc-oject- Haîscock were appointed to look af-j ing tbem on the screen . Probably toc- the donation of fruit, etc. foc- thei the new Kodacolor process of preduc- Victor Redemption Honme. TIhe meet- ing pictures in natural colors svili ing closed by singing "Jesus Savicur i ho the next stop taken by Mr-. Camp- Plot Me", and prayer by Mrs. Cooke. bell. Another picture sbesvn on Satur-' day evcning se-as Romec and Juliet OUR DAILY NEEDS recently pc-oduced at the Carveth ________sommer home. Our daily needs, and se-at are theyý But beauty gleaned aleng the way? 1 The beauty of a frientdonc-ýea face, ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH BAZAAR The flowec-s the svayside pathways grace, A Bazaar ssiII bho eld in St. The beauty cf a Iovcîy se-rd oeng' a-ihHl i Tuesday, Our seuls bave caught-by car-s un- î Aog. 1 4th, f rom 3 te 9 P. an.. There heard, si-iillho gayly decorated booths at The peaceful music froan afar is-icb svill bc sold a gîcat vac-iety cf Each note stc-uck by a hoiy star. fancy weoc-k, knitted ruge and useful The beauty of or silent heurs articles. A Wbite Elephant Booth Witb healing and inspiring pewers, 111 provide the moat amazing bar- The beauty of a lose that's true, gains, and a Home Cooking booth The barmony betsvixt us two. and Candy and Ice Cream wilI cat-er Our daiîy needs and -W'hat are theYý to the inner man. Tea seill bo sec- But beauty gleaned along life's way? ed during the afterneen. Come and -Laura t-edeIll bcing your friends. 32-1 Now for a Gr Only 7lN Now for a brilliant finish to Bowr been a great money saver to h are just as good or even hg Sale closes Wednesdaj Tremendous savings on Men's Shoes This week we f eature some extra special values, both Black and Tan, Goodyear welt soles, etc. Regular $6.00 to $8.00, ON SALE AT $3.95 AND $4.95 (Formerly Claude Ives' Shoe Store) CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY 1 GOING WEST 'n. DaIly 'n. Dily except Sundays m. Iilly mn. Sundays OnIy m. Daily except Sundays t Aller Holiday Clearings Ladies' White Canvas Shoes............................. 39c 50 pair Ladies' Patent Strap Shoes, cuban or low heel, regular to $4.50........... Clearing Prices $2.49 and $2.95 Men's Brown Oxfords, regular $4.50, . . Clearing Price $2.75 Men's Work Boots, regular $3.95,......... Clearing Price $2.75 Children's Strap Shoes, sizes 8 to 101/.................... 98C Girls' Strap Shoes.................................... $1.15 Girls' Oxfords, regular $2.75...........................*$1.69 A new lot of Ladies' Cotton Hose, colored or black......... 19c Men's Overails, stripe or black, special value.............1.29 -Nen's Work Shirts ...................................... 88C Men's Balbriggan Combinations.......................... 69c Men's Wool Work Socks.......................... 2 pair for 35c A new lot of Men's Work Trousers, well made, Exceptional Value $1.45 A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmianville eand Clean-Up dore Days nanville's Biggest Shoe Sale. It has iundreds of customers and there ýetter bargains yet available. yr morning, August l5th. Leather Has Gone Up Irresistible Values In Women's Shoes For one more week we continue our wonderful bargains for Lad- ies' Patent Kid Slippers and Tie Oxfords ,worth $4.50 to $6.50 for $2.95 and $3.95 --BUT On The Sunnyside, Bowmanville ~1 i Thursday, August 16, tables and racks will be cleared and goods go back on the shelves. Friday and Saturday the new styles will be on display, fresh and enticing. R. J. Rovan's Big Shoe Sale .1 to a visitior at Mitchell's Corners sec- tion in last issue. This section was known in pioneer days as Butterfield's Settiement, we understand. This visitor was a boy here 75 years ago- Mr. J. F. Lonsdale, 71 W. 37th St., Bayonne, New Jersey, near New York. His sister was the late Mrs. John Flintoif, and he is the uncle of Messrs. Howard and Walter and Miss Ettie Flintoif. BUY COAL NOW Large supply of coal, nut and fur- nace for sale at Tyrone Station. De- livery is required. Apply R. H. Collacott, phone 181r12. 28-4* WE TEACH YOUR WATCH TO TELL THE TRUTH Have your watch repaired by an expert watchniaker. Leave it at Felt's Jewelry. We carry a complete line of Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. FELT'S JEWELRY (Next Door ta The. Big 20) Phone 33 Bowmanville. 8.42 a. mn. Daily except Sunday 9.131 a. mn. Sundays Only 10.14 a. m. Dally 1.32 p. mn. DalIy exept Sunday 2.46 p. rn. Daily 6.14 p. mn. Daly except Sunday 9.58 p. mn. DalIy 11.24 p. mn. Daly GANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (Standard Time) GOING WEST 5.30 a. mn. Daily 8.20 a. mn. Daily except Sunday. 4.20 p. 'n. Daily 7.18 p. Tn. DaiIy GOING EAST 1019 a. 'n. Dally. 2.22 p. mn. Daily 8.25 p. mn. Daily excet Sunday. 11.27 p. m. DailY. Rotary Street Fair, Wed. August 15. »Ar-V V.T(Il:rT 1 4.22 a. 8.39 a. 2.02 p. 7.11 p. 756 p. 8.27 p.

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