Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1928, p. 4

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i ?ÂAGE FOUR WE TEACH YOUR WATCH TO TELL THE TRUTH Have your watch repaired by an expert watchxnaker. Leave it at Felt's Jewelry. We carry a complete line of Jewielry, Dianionds and Watches. FELT's JEWELRY (Next Door ta The Big 20) Phone 33 Bowmanyille AUCTION SALE Wednesday, August 8th-Mrs. F. Glithro, Lot 14, Con. 8, Darlington, wiil seil ail of ber household effects, also the fanm of 211/2 acres on which a good framne bouse. See bis. Sale at 1 p. m. Thea. M. SieioA- tioneer. 30-21 Maple Leaf Bu Mundy Bldg. -ý Offers specialize4 STENOGRAPHY AN Business methods and Secretaria wish positions wbere efficiency an salaries and rapid advancexnent. FALL TERM BEGIN~ Write for particulars Roof ing Herej Be sure to sec our stc Butt, Twin Shinglet Also-Roof Paint ai Plow Points & Sole,1 MASONq Phono 145 Popular Bardwi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd., 1928 RE-OPENING CHURCH SERVICES AT ENNISKILLEN Sunday and Monday, August 5-6 Re-opening services of Enniskillen UJnited Church will be held on Sun- day, August 5tb. Services at 2.30 and 7.30 p. ni. Pastor Rev. J. M. Whyte wçill conduct botb services. Music wiiU be furnished by the choir assisted by Dr. C. W. Siemon, Bow- manvile, and Mr. Herbent Slemon and Mrs. Arthur Stephens of Toronto. Monday, August 6th., at 2.3b) p. nm., there will be sports consisting of 31 ball games- B3y-s--43urketon and Enniskihlen; Girls-Bhackstock and Enni-.killen; and thýe final softball game between Maphe Grove and En- niskillen. A keen conte.3t will be hehd in a game of pitching horse shoes for a prize. houpp wihl be served in the school- hue froni 4.30 p. nm. At. 8.15 a grand concert, will be, HAYDON Mr. and Mrm. Cephas Mountjoy, Toronto, spent the we2kend at Mr. Theron Mountjoy's ..Mr. and Mrsý W. Ridge, Toronto, visited nt Mr. John Wrigt's. . . Mr .and Mrs. William Trewin Sundayed at Mr. H. Scott'.3, Orono... Mn. and %Mrs. E. Bradley and chihdren Sundayc'i at MnI. Bert Ferguson's, Enfield. . Mr. A. Beech and Miss Ada, spent Sunday with friends in Port Hope. . . Mr. Theron Mountjoy visited wahfriends 'n Hamilton recently. . Lague on Sun- day evening was in charge of the Jun- iors. Bible reading by Lorna Thonipson. The topic ivas given by Miss Renia Bradley; devot.ona., Ar- thur Trewin; readings by Myntle Cowling and Bert Asht'mn . Ni League next Sunday evening in arcount of special services at Enniskilhen.. Church next Sunday at usual hour. hehd in-the cburch shed cDnsistng of a ENNISKILLEN play entitled "Kindling the Heanth Fire", given by Newcastle Draniatir 1 League meeting wvas held in the Club. Orono orchestra will be in1 school-room July 25, in charge of O'th attendance. Admission: Adults, teai vice-president, Miss Vehma Orchard. and concert 60c; cbLdren, tea and Meeting opened wth a bynin after concert 40c; aduits, tea or concert which Rev. J. M. Whyte led in prayen. 40c; chikiren, tea or concertý 25c. Bible lesson was taken froni Peter, Mr, H. W. HtchinFsi,î of Win- 5th chapter, verses 1-11, which was nipeg, Man., a native'of Enniskillen,! read by Mns. J. Pye. Tapic was wel! %vho is responsible for having the given by Mn. Wm. Moore. Mo-s. E.- church redecorated will bc present for Ashton favored with a vocal solo.Mn. 1 th reopenng ervies. Let hisArthr Wrryrecited a short slc 1 be a grand reunion of the ol'l boys tion in bis usual good mannen. Rev. and girls of Enniskillen and Darling- Mr. Whyte gave selections on the ton to meet as many oid and new zuitar accompanied by singing. friends as possible. Mns. Ono- Jeffery gave an intere.stingi _________reading. Meeting cVcsed ",;itb the League benediction ....... Mr. Frank MAPLE GROVE Spry, Rochester, Mr. Jim Spry, Co- bourg, and Miss Phemia lHall, Osh- Mn. and Mns. WilMunday and awva, visited with M3 Wm. Oke... daughter Lacutta, Miss lIa Chown, NIrs. J. Sanders, Bownianville, îs Mr. Lyle Choîvn, Courtwnight, have with her daughten, Mis. Theo. Slem- returned home after visiting th e o n .... Congratulations to Mn. and former's parents, Mn. and Mis. M.J Mrs. Frank Spry on the arrivai ofa Munday, Sr., and other relatives. j son. ... articulans of c hurch ne-op- Mn. nd rs.L. C. Snowden o ening August 5-6 in anocheo column. iBob, MisVraBke, kni ek- Cen of Banlev is a fouI and a Ie eHospital, New York, spent the niedicine. Try it and be convinced. tveekend with the former's aunt os D. H. Coates. Brantford, and te ENYIELD Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Page, Toronto, bas been visiting at Mr. S. Page's.. .Mr. and Mrs. natchiff, Strathroy, visited at Mr. Oliver M.ýcCullocb's... Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradley and fani- ily ,Haydon, visited at Mn. Bert Ferguson's ... . Mr. A. Nîddery, Tor- onto, and daughters, and Mr. H. James, Columibus, visited at Mr. J. Heyburn's... .Mns. J. F. Ashton and Misses Lilian and Grace Ashton, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin, visited Messrs. Harold and G. Orniston. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey and family, Pontypool, wr-re guests. of Mrs. J. Stinson... Mr. L. Gibson,, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Edgar Pres- cott's. . .. Mn. 0. Heatlie, Wick, and Miss Flora McRoberts have been visiting at Mr. L. C. Pascae 's. See tbe wonderful silk bose selling at 50c per pair at Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman 's. HAPTON Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Creeper and son Jack, Owen Sound, Mr-. and Mns. Ellis Pascoe, Brooklin, Mn,. Jos. Ash- ton, Misses Lillian and June Ashton, Detroit, visîted at Mn. J. Colwill's Jr. .Miss E. Reeve is visiting frends in Port Hope... .Mns. S. T. Mountjoyi and Mnr.Theron Mountjoy, Haydon,j visited with the fornmer's niother, Mns E. Briniaconibe, Hamilton. who is ýuffering froni a sevene faîl, also berý sisten and bnotber-in-law, Mn. andi Mrs. H. A. Bird, Mount Hamilton. . .Young people froni Ebenezer pre- sented their play "Arnold Goes Into Business" to a lange and apprecitix audience in the chunch shetd c)Fniaa ast, each chanacter being taenei ceptionally well. The solos betweenII acta by 'Mrs. G. F. Annis and .4r. i Frank Walter ,also the piano duet.s1 wene vos-y nuch enjoyed. Proce-ds 1 aniounted to $67.00.. Leagie ,ree t- I ing this week on Friday evening asI usual.. . . Mn. and Mss J. Horn and ý son Clifford, and Mn. W. G. Hami Peterboro, recently vi.sited the f on- e's mother, Mrs. Chas. Hor-n, _and r t if Safety First For Your VACATION We would rennnd you that w'e have a good assortment of toilet1 articles in tbe sinal "Handy Size Packages" for your club bag. Powders, Creami, Tooth Pastes and shaving requisites in the 10c and 15e Sizes You'1l need a flashligbt, or new batteries for your old one, and remember to get youn films froni our Fresh Stock for the boliday. Sweet Pickle Mixture 50c for 1 Gallon *Quantity KERSLAKE'S mhe Dependable Drug Store Sold in Bownianvihle By BOWMVLLE DAiIY KING ST. PHONE 44G ZION Rev. J. R. Bick is on holidays and bis work will be siupplied by Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Bowmanvilie. A rather strange coincidence occurred at Zion on Sunday Iast wben two of the old. er pioneers of tbe district, wben tbe old churcb was in its infancy, hap- pened along on the sanie norning to re-visit tbe scenes of their boybood. Mr. W. J. Osborne, Winnipeg, wko was raised on tbe old Tremeer fao-n just nortb of tbe church, nmade a tour of inspection tbrougb the cburcb and cemetery and recalled tmemories of tbe good *old mien and women lying there. Then, before the service was over, Mn. Lonsdale, a brother of the late Mrs. John Flintoif, entered the church. Re gave a.short talk on the old days seventy-five years ago, wben be used to attend cburcb bere and when tbe school was an old log building situated baîf îvay up tbe bill to tbe east of Mitchell's Corners. He is at present living in New York City..A good attendance was out on Sunday aand enjoYed tbe service. Mr. Harris wbo was a guesýt at Mn. McMaster's rendered a splendid soloý .... Miss Bertba Nortbcott is boliday- ing at ber bomne...Mrs. Osborne and daugbters Aura and Lyla, Eben- ezer, visited with Mrs. Jesse Arnott. Creani of Barley is a food and a medicine. Try it and Le convinced. Men's two-piece wool bathing suits $2.75 up, at Coucb, Johnston & Cry-, derman's. A.J."Bert" Bell Men &Boys' Wear [Riglit By CoIe's Barber Shop j Cooked Meats During the hot weather the business of pre- paring appetizing meals taxes the housekeeper's ability to the utmost. You can obtain variety by including in your daily menus any of the many varieties of fine quality cooked meats which we offer for sale. AIl varieties suitable for the picnic luncheon. Choice Dairy Butter Always on Hand IHAROLD M. JEWELL Successor te Phare Phone 518 .. & MCoy Bowman'ville NE:L..SON'S Sur@e-mFire Sale Swings Triumphantly In our first advertisement in this paper we made the two following statements February i 7th: reaâtives i n ýthat-vïcinity. es. SALEM othen relatives here ..Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Munday, Lyle Chowîi, Harvey W. R. Bailey and son Donald, Kitch- Brooks, Misses -Morjory Stevens,1 Pastor Trumpoun's discourse on ener, and Mo. J. V. Wa!k-ý-, Pnestoi, iLacutta Munday, Eva Jackrmn, .'d. Sunday afteo-noon was based on the were recent visitors at Mn. C. E.1 Clarence Hockin, Mn. mid Mrs. Loui thenie of Soul Gardening, and brought Horn's .... Mn. and Mns. W. W. HornI Hockin, niotoned to Niagara Falls on out niuch food for thougbt on what and son Wallace, and Mis,. Norab Sunday ..Mr. and Mos. Ray S,îowden we should pjant in the garden of the Honn enjoyed a weekend motor p Toronto, bave retunned home to Ton- Soul and what we sboud try to ena- through some of our western townsi onto after visiting their parents and dicate in orden to have a beau+iful and cities, visiting relatives at Kit-! other'f riends here"..-W. M. S. will gas-den such as would phease God. - chener and Waterloo enroute. hold its nionthly mneeting at the home . . Mr. H. Hockcn of Toonto, iii visit-_____ of Mrs. M. Munday, Jr., v.'ýhen all the, ing bis daughter, Mrs. Chas. Poîhard, ladies are invited, aiso the Mission land we were pleased to see bum at COURTICE Band and the Busy W.onkers' Chass s;ervice th,ý ivo ast Sundays looling meeting to commence at 2 p. ni. 50 .s hale and heaoty, glad also to ne- Mr. S. J. Courtice, B.A., Mrs. Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, fonrmer pastor pont Mrs. Hocken mueh improved in Courtice and Miss Iva Courtice, B.A., of this circuit, occupied the pulpit health. .. .MnI. Zavitz of Onoýro, Re- Leamington, who bave been visitingi on Sunday and a large congregation fonesting Station, attended S.S. and relatives here have returned home was pleased to ho2ar hiin. Pastcr cburc'h service with Mn. Kyle Squairj acconipanied by Mn. W. R. Couxtice Staac -n will oe_-ul the piîlpit on i. .Glad to see Mr. and Mo-Is. Fuller and Mr. Grahami Courtice, Calgary, Siirnday nex-, andl it i- expected that ai Cator and faniily out agan îf ter be- who will spend a week there.... baptr.rnal service will take place . -.j ing shut in owing to their son, '.o-. On Wednesday afternoon, July 25, Maple Grove and Base Line Unionl Willie Cator having scarlet lever. He the Ladies' Berean Class heId its Sunday Schools' picnic will he held on retunned to work at Oshawa ast montbly meeting at the cburcb. Mo-s. Maple. Grove scbool grounds on Wed- we...... .At Hampton Park on Wcd- Blake Oke's group was in charge. In nesday afternoeîî, August 8tb. vr- nesday the Hooper-MýcFe-"te- s plineii the devotional periad Mo-s. H. F. Os-ý body weicome. ... Mns. Lair, M.ws held, the weatber was ideal andIborne in an able nianner gave the Kennetb Kerr-, Mo-. Ernest Laird, Ton- a splendid tume was enjoyed by al. bibe les on. Afteo-wards the rol onto, spent Sunday with ber son, Mn. The suppen as a neah treat, consi st- wac called, eacb lady responding %vitb IAlfred Laird. ing of so many daintîe--. The good a bible ve rse. The prognam whicbi folk gat.hered at this uienic were the was enjayed very much by the ladies desendntsuftwoof u.am' mo.twas altogether given by juniors as, TYRONE higbly respected pione2r famlles. . follows: Piano solo, Miss Ada Annis;I Mn.ant Ms. rtur arer ndMss *.Don't forget Salemi Community reading, Miss Velma Pearce; vocal i Mr' Mandk.n Ar hul.irbcan MisRoe-pcnic this Friday, .ugust 3rd., at duet, Miss Elsie Oke and Miss Flora- aid Scot'., ant IrM. W. Stewarts...Hamipton Park. Conie eanly and en- belle Manshall; piano solo, Master Miss fivrothy Wtk ,Me-aforti, is 1ýjo a full afternoon ... Miss Ella Donald Courtice; reading, Miss Floo-- Itin atMr.Jas . r, indmrs, Collacott and Miss Ruth Mutton, ence Courtice; selection on the bar- Wr.Lttle, (ishawva, vis. hiilS t t ,r' M rs Wm.rn Ltt,... 'trs. Ilarold Skinne-r Oshawa, are spending a week's holi- monica, Master Harold Osborne; spen z a hw , ay with ht-r prents, 'Mn. day in Cobourg...Mo. and Mrs. C. reading ,Miss Louise Pearce; piano antdais W. c. ...... %Itl. r. M. Carouthers entertained a nuniber solo, Miss Florence Wilkins; reading, and Mns. Milton J. Werry, Oshawxa, vs- of nlat'ves and friends at 'hein homte Miss June Marshall; vocal duet. Miss- rtda n . J. Gootnins'...rs. oT IChat e Vrrt e iatitwa ciirn, Enniq- on Tuesday evening wheîî a joly tume es Velnia and Louise Pearce. After kili.n n.%Mrs. H-arry Mr' andi chitiren, was enjoyed.. Master Sandy Ruther- this spendid performance by thei Onono, vlsited i Mr. Wm. Virtue' ...ford aeGt svsti i unyugpol oniu uc a Mr. antd Mn,. Thomnas Richards, Loin and d1 a ot1svii i ut yugpol ou~fllnhws Arthur visitt-d frleflttsin .... q Mos. C. M. Carruthers. seo-ved and a pleasant social houri Mn. ant .irMn. Johti c1,s, Toronto, vis- Fertihizens for Faîl Wheat for sale. spent. Praise should be given Mo-is. Mn,. atMr CF. }antii n's...r an'v,'d 1App1 R. E. Osborne, Frost & Wood Oke and ber group for the way in their diaigiter, Mrs. J. Henticks. T,,n"' Agent, phone 473. 31-2 wbicb tbey entertained the guests.. on.... .Con grtuiations te nr. antid 1. . . Several froni here attended the Alert Uilit on th 'e arnjv ai of anbab rl 1 Courtice-Everson picnic at Oshawa- * Tyrone young peopip cnjoyretI a rienie aiSLN 0,ha wa-on -th,-Lake anst Wetin,-stiaY. I SLIN on-the-Lake last Thursday ...On i Sttntiay School pienir wiii ht. heil on Monday afternoon the borne of Mr. schîold groundts Auîtust Sth Eie ni* y0( Congratulations Io Mr. and Mo-.sland Mn,. G. F . Annis was the scene coinenti enjoy aj goot tjne....ttt'v.1I[saac Hardy on the arrivaI of a daugb-'1 of a unique party, it beîng a celebra- Sî r' u rnday vnlg on he ni ,rrn < ter . O.ur young people are giving! tion of S. J. Caurtice and Mrs. ('eol. ",h choir renderingaprnat their popular play "What dot it! Courtice's twenty-fiftb wedding anni- ti rnude. Profit" at Nestleton on flivic HDliday,! versas-y, also celebrating Mn. Grahami IAugust 6th. . .. Messrs. A. L. Pascoel Coutice's presence with us. Tables S. E. Werry,- H. E. Tink and Harold were spnead on the lawn witb most ap- ___________________________ Pascoe attended a Milk Producens'i petizing delicacies, decorated with meeting in Port Hope last week wvheo-e beautiful flowers fron Mo-. Annis' Mo. A. L. Pascoe was appointed dele. splendid flower gardens. About 6 isiness Collegegato, to the luncheon to b e gvn p. ni. wben . aIl the guests bad ar- the Prince George Hot, oranto,1 rived, about forty sat down to enjay Oshawa on Friday. ... Augusqt meeting of the the supper. After al bad partaken Wornen's Institute wiI be held at tl, of the bounteous feed finishing with ed training in- home of Mn,. H. E. Tink on Tuesday,I ice creani and cherry pie, Mn. A. F. ~iDBOO KEEINGAugust 14th., instead of reguhar mect- l inis, B.A., LL.B., Oshawa, calîed ND B OKK EPIN in day Ths istheannul gand-thecampany to order and proposed mothers meeting and we are lookirg a toast te tbe King and after aI !al duties to young people who Il forwao-d te, a goad tbu". few neniarks God Save the King wasl id proper training leads ta good Recent visitors: Mrs. W. Wight and sung in response. Mo-. Art.hur Annis,i family, Providence, with ber sisteir,i!Tyrone, xas then called on to pro- I Mos. E. R. Taylor; Miss Lois and1 pose a toast to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. 1 ïS SEPTEMBER 4th Master Ralpb Larmer, Bîackstock, at JCaurtice which be did by reading an Mo. A. J. Blson's; Mn,. (Dr.) ElLs address, at the close of wbicb Miss R. C. ASHENHURST, Reynolds, Hillsburg,, and Miss Laura Ada Annis presented Mo-. anýdMos Principal. Hands, Scarboro Junction, with Mis.s Courtice with a beautiful silvete. Edna Reynolds; Mo-s. F. Hedd"n and service witb tray. Mo-. Courtice oe- Kennetb, and Mn. Stanley Webber, sponded telling sonie experiencez ofl Mn. and Mrs. H. G. Pasec, Columi- mao-ied life encauoaging the young ____ bus, at Mo-. John Pasco's; Mo-. and people who were present. Rev. C. IMrs. R. Moise and Grace, Port Per~- W. Bao-ett, Kingston, then proposed Jry, Mos. Will Toemeer, Toronto, at a toast ta Grahami Courtice who was i Mr. J. T. Rundle's; Mn. Nelson Rey- the special guest at the party ,and I nolds and Master Howar-d, Toronto, -hwo responded very niceîy. Mn. et Mr. W. J. Reynolds'; Master John Arthur H. Brent, Tyrane, proposed Grooms, oronto, at Mr. S. E. Wr toast ta the ladies whaoesponded T im e Is r's; Mn. and MnIr. Will Baker and sith a heanty lap. Mo-. W. R. fmlMo-s. John Penfound and Mnr. 1 Courtice proposed a taast to the host John Baker at Mo. James MacKen- and bostess, Mr .and Mo-s. G. F. An- zie's, Columbus; Miss Vera Baker vis-' nis, also contoibutinK sanie pleasant iting friends at Brantford; Miss things% of niarrie<I life, loiing bis & g a in Lena Taylor wîth ber sister, Mo-s. speech witb the tbought that as life g a nErnest Larmer, Bakt ;Mo. and igeson anidon gets nearer Mhe e. Mos. E. Hinkson and Darothy, Mr.'of life there is rnuch stress laid on ndStuart, Oshawa, Mr. and Mos. L Annis responded in a nice way and tock of Bird'a Thick- C. Snawden, Betty and Bob, Maple ithe crowd dispersed for a social tim e: Grave, at Mr. Thas. Baker's; Mrs. Mo. and Mo-s. Walton Annis and tam I s, Before Buying. Thos. Pascoe and Miss Margaret, Mo-.1 ily, Dunharton, weo-e presenl1t, Mo-s. and Mo-s. L. T. Pascae, Misses Marjory (Rev.) T. Brown and Miss Nel rw and Editb, Hampton, visitcd at Mr-. Lindsay;* Mr. and Mo-s. Haro-y Brown R. J. McKessock's; Mn. and Mo-. W. T. and babe, Lindsay; Rev. C. W. and tnd Roofing Cenient Taylor and Miss Lena witb fniends at Mo-s. Baorett, Kingston; and othens Coîhonne; Misses Ida and Iona Rey- ftoa Bowrnanville, Tyrone and nolds, Toranto, visited the tornier's' Courtice. The twa eldest ta cele- Plates SUe each sisten, Mos. J. W. Reynolds; Mn. and brate the affair were Grandma Annis Mos. Will Cation jand tamily, Riding an<l Gnandma Courtice. Mr. and Mt., Manitoba, at Mo. N. W. 'i*ellow- Mrs. Annis were most genial and lees'; Mo-. Alan McKessock wtb made everyane much at .home... friends nean London; Mo. Jini Rey- Ahi were peased ta hear aur former & D A LE nolds with Toronto frîend%;Mr. and pastor, Rev. 'W. S. P. Boyce wha Mrs. H. E. Tink, Messrs. Hilton and preached a splendid sermon on Sun- 'are Store Bowmanvilie Bruce at Mr. Ernest Webber's, Columi- day and ta know that he bas not bus. Iast any of hi. farmner vigor as a Fertilizers for Pal Wheat. Consult speaker. R. E. Osborne, Cocksbutt Agent. Creain at Banley is a faod and a phone 473. 31-2 niedicine. To-y it and be convinced. NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values King St. West Bowmanville The very fact of our ever increasing busines,*-week by Week- proves to us that the ladies of Bowmanville and district realize that we have a real messare for them-a message that speaks "Bigger and Better Values'. They have proved they are not cymecs by appreciating the extraordinary values we offer day by day. Yes They Know Their Onions The first week jf our SURE-FIRE SUMMER SALE has far sur- passed anything we have ever bef ore achieved and our custom- ers have been agreeably surprised at the big savings on depend- able, seasonable merchandise. One lady made this remark- "Can you stay in business and seil goods at these prices"?-an- other a lady from Toronto-who called in to pass away a few minutes was showrn by one of our lady clerks our values in hosiery and she remarked-"Why you seli them for less money than the big Toronto stores", and she bought a pair of full fashioned at $1.19 and a pair of Green Stripe at 74c. Yes, we seil them cheaper nthan the Toronto stores and we shall stay in, business providing you do your part and shop where you get the best possible values anidprompt and courteous service. For the concluding three days of our sale we are offering even more amazing bargains. We have odd lines of merchandise that must be cleared and which we cannot enumerate. Also we will off er this weekend BIG SAVINGS ON HOLIDAY REQUIREMENTS So corne in and look around, you will be amply repaid. WATCH FOR OUR BIG REMNANT SALE NEXT WEEK Pasteurized Milk Stays Sweet Longer Than Ordin- ary Miii< In Hot Weather. For bealtb's sake and for economy buy Pasteurized Milk. 'y fa it, '1"' t. 'i 'i ~t t., 4-. Souvenirs OF Bowmanville. AND Capada -Boxed and packed, ready for mailing . Large number to select fron, of useful and ornamental articles. W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookator. Bowmanville Ont. I. Statement No 1 Was This: There is an old saying: "If you have a real mess age the world will make a path to your front door." No. 2 as follows: "A cy- flic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing". Don't be a cynie. Corne in and flnd out. Bell's Toggery Shop Our Big Clearance Sale Ends Saturday Night if you aven't got your share of the bargains you have missed a big opportunity to save. Summer Trousers-Plus Fours-Sweaters-- Blazers-Sweat Shirts-etc., reduced to the iit and past it. Everything on Sale During our Big Summer Clearance King St. West Bowmanville

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