Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1928, p. 3

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PAGE TERZE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THUR-SDAY, AUGUST 2nd., 1928 Witliout Examination hea1thy men, gs là to 8 nuy obtain a policy for 8PA5 RAITESFOR SU Aee Rate A"e Rate 20 - - »43M40 359 25 - . - 48.G40 61 POLICY PROVID SFO 1%5300 in event of natural deatli $5,000 if accidentally killed $25 per imonth If totally d& abled, as weil as n2500 at death Mail tMla coupon TO-DAY Excelsior Lif e Insurance Co. Bowmanville, Ont. Pes,.soe e prdeisalios yo= r "Exei Plis' Name a Addrus __________ Just clip this advt. Take it to your dealer. Get a FREE package of RAINBOW DYE, any colour you like. 18 Cold Water, 32 Hot Water Shades to chaose f rom DIPPING i COLD WATER dyes lingerie, silk stockings, silk, or artificial silk, andi the colour will not wash out. For Wool or Cotton use Hot Water Dye. Only ten minutes boiling required. Note- To dys goode a ight r shade, first removo original colour with DYMOOVA. NAME .................................................. ADDRESS ............................................... DEÂLE-RS. Send the coupons to us. We pay full retail price for any packages given for them. RAINBOW (ail British) DYE Manufactured in Gla4ow, Scotland Toronto Office, Roon, 608, 64 Wellingtons St. W. MONDAY IS CIVIC HOLIDAY Lay in a Supply of Bread, Cakes and Pastry HOLIDAY VIGITORS WILL ENJOY OUR BAKING W. P. Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner SONG 0F SCHOLFIELD CAMP O, Scholfleld Camp, O, Scholfield Camp, How fond 1 am of thet, Where e'er I go, what e'er I do, Thy image still I see, Thy precepts linger in my ears, My spirit pledged to thet, To rise from sordid things of earth To Christian liberty. Chorus O, the Camp on the lake shore is the * Camp for me, The banner of Scholfielti Camp l'Il carry with me, To pray anti to labor in glatiness anti glee With yellow anti blue will lead ta victory. A feature of the entertainmner¶t was a contest ta select a "camp yell" in1 which each group of boys in the nine 4 tents had composeti an original vell. 1 It was ieft with Mr. Scholfieldti t select the wînner after audible ex- pression had been given the variaus "cwar whoops". After mach consiti- eration in which èncores were de- mantiet No. 1 Tent was awardeti first place. To show the initiative andi origin- ality of these young lais we give herewith the yells tub mitteti: Tent 1 Chickalaca, Chickalaca, Chickalaca, chaw, Scholfield Camp, Scholfielti Camp, Rah! Rab! Rab! Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Kalanîazoo cazah, Scholfield Camp, Scholfielti Camp. Rab! Rab! Rab! Tent 2 Chickadarick, Chickatiarick, Chick- adarick, a vaiiip, We are the boys of the Schofield Camp, We plày fair because we're square, For that is îvhat we're taught down there. SCHOLFIELD! Tent 3 We're from the Camp besitie the lake We're the boys wha take the cake, RazzIe, dazzle, zîs boom bah! Schoifield, Scholfld, Rah! Rab! Rah! Tent 4 We always are rejoicing when the word is heard of swimming, We are always careful and neyer take a cramp, It's just because of training that we get at Scholefild Camp. Tent 5 One, Two, three, Four, Who're you gaing ta yell fèr7 Schalfied, Scholfield, Rah! Rab! Ras! Ya-he, Ya-he, Ya-ha-ha-ha! Scholfielti Camp, Scholfieiti Camp, Rah! Rah! Rah! Tent 6 Razzie, dazzle, sis, boom, tramp' We're the boys of the Scholfieiti Camp Are we in it? Well, I shoulti guess, Ask Mr. Schoifieid, hie knows best. Tent 7 Take off your shoes anti stockings, Anti let your feet go bare, For we are the boys from Schoifield, Anti touch us if you tiare, We carry knives anti pistais And jittle bayonets too, Anti if you tiare ta touch our camp We'll cut you right in two. Tent 8 We are the boys of Scholfield Cnmp, Here is the way we spell aur naime: S-for Sociable, C-for Cleaners, H-for Honor, O-for Obetience, I-for Learning, F-f or Fast, I-f or Intelligence, E-for Endurance, 'b-for Loyalty, D-for Daring. Now you know what we aro3 like. We play the game fair anti right, Win or lose we're always bright, Schafielti! Scholfield! Rab! Rab! Rab!1 Tent 9 Who are we? Who are we? We are the boys of the Scholfleld Camp. Are we in it? Well, I guets, Ask Mr. Scholfield, he'll say Yesl Camp Scholfleld! Mr. Schofield was very greatly ',ni presseti with tht wonderful develop- ment anti progress shown by the boys. In fact lie was ta pleaseti with their camp life that he expresseti a desire ta secure a permanent camp which hc would present, ta the school. Toronto Mail & Empire makes thiE comment on Mr. Scholfielt'a recenr NEWCASTLE hMEMORIAL LIBRARY Report for July: New members 15; total number members 255; cir- culation-non-fiction 40; fiction 576; juvenile 131; total 747 books; maga- 'zines loaneti 41. Fines on overdue books $1.82. C. Butler, Librarian. visit to Bowmanville: "Commending the work of the Boys' Training School at Bowmanville, which he visited this week, H.- C. Scholfield, M.P.F., St. George, expresses the opinion that next logical step is to provide a simi- lar chance for delinquent girls in the province. There is at present no place, other than institutions of pris- on characteristics, where girls may bie placeti under proper influences, in suitable environrnent andi given op- portunîty ta become good citizens, suhas aff orded the boys of Bowman- ill. The latter, whether commit- ted by juvenile court, sent froni the Children's Ai<l Society, or otherwise, are placed in conditions as near to home if e as may be; enjoy an active, ,healthy outdoor life andi are aideti to retrieve such misteps as may have been madie". Summer Term In each of Shaws Twelve Schools foiiows the present Session In regu- iar order from Juiy 3rd with no forced vacation R Enter any day. Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay St, Toronto, W.R.Shaw, Secretarvy. It W. economnical to guse and easy to appiy. t uS5e.u 1 CAMP OFFICIALLY OPENED Notice to Creditors Bos' Training School Summer CampI IN TE IIATTFt F TH ESATE named "Camp Scholfiold" f Joanna Elizabeth Rundie, late of the eaig Town of Bowmanvilie, in the County of Wednesday afternoona lsig Durham, deceased. event took place at the Boys' Train- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant ing School summer camp which la lo- o Section 51 of the Trustees Act, R. S. cateti on Mr .H. J. Knight's fanm, 2 0. 192î, Chap. 150, that ail creditors and . others having ciainis or demande against ml es east of Bowmanville harbor. A he estate of the said Joanna Elizabeth suitable name for the camp has been Rundie çwho lied on or about the 3rd day under consitieration for some time of JuIy. 1928. at the said Town of Bow- until it was unanimously agreeti by mianvilîf', are requlred on or before the lûth day of Augliat, 1928, to send by post, officiais anti boys that an appropriate prepai<i or to deliver ta W. Ross Strike, namne woulti be "Camp Scholfield'", in Bowmanville, Onaria, soliitor formthe hanor of anti as a tribute ta Mr. H. executars of the lest Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christiani C. Scholfield, 'M.P.P., Toronto, Chair- names and surnames, addresses and des- man of the Advisary Board of the criptions, the full ptrticuliirs Ini writlng, School, who bas taken such an active of their dlaims, a statement of their ac- meunis, and the nature of thie security, part in the establishment of the in- if any, heid by them. stittioin here anti a keen personal And take notice tbat after sueli last interest in the welfare of the boys. minonecd date the said executars wil proceed ta distribute the assets of the A little party was arrangeti Wed-1 sai(l deceased among the parties cftitlC(l nesday afternoan ta properly dedi- J hereta, having regard only ta 1the caims cate the camp at which Mr. Schol- 1 of whieh they shaîl then have noticprsntecopnitb ait ha t bhe said xecula'ors w! h flot ije hiable for the said assets -ir :,nv part jolly trio of his neighbors from High- thereof te any persan or persalis of ivhose lanti Avenue, Toronto, Messrs. T. D. claim notice shaîl not have been rdcciVClBie, .J1isn niAde by be S te im u sx~bditrltin.Kinghorn ,also the members of the W. ROSS STRIKE, Souci' ,r fei ischool staff anti their wives. T. C. JeweII and C. H. Masoni, î:xecuîorsj After aIl had enjayeti a real satisfy- of said îCtate,. 1 ing camp supper serveti by the boys Dated at Bowmanville tbis :th day in the large marquee tent, Dr. G. E. of July, 1928. 29- Reaman, Superintendent of School, hati the guests and boys fanm a circle I around a large flag pole. He then - explaineti the reason for holding this gathering anti caileti on Mr. Schol-1 fieldti t propenly dedicate "Camp! Scholfielti" who after making a few rou -FR E Ecomplimentary remarýs about thel progress of the boys anti explaining that the British flag stooti for liberty the famous anti justice unfurleti a Union Jack anti the camp pennant on which was de- 1British) IIY2IE signeti the letters "Camp Scholfield"'.1 A musical program f oiloweti by the1 ent, lingerie, silk stockings that boys in which they sang this camp i,Vt i. .>L1 1 sang composeti by one of the boys:1 *1 -I v I ( '1 s h I 1: s LOCAL INDUSTRIES HOLD JOINT PICNIC AT CENTRE ISL-AND The first annuai joint picnic of tht Bowmanville Fountiry anti Canadian Radiant Companies of Bowirnanvîie, was helti at Centre Islrîid, Torontu,: on Wednesday, July 25tb. Tht pic- nic wvas attendeti by employets of the twa companies to tht number of one hundreti anti seventy-five, five large motor busses anti several cars bearing them ta their destination. The Sports Committet ably direct- 'et by Mr. E. C. Rebtier, Chainînan, anti Mn. A. H. Densem, s4op superin- tendent of the Fountiry, consisteà of six members, Messrs. R. A. Sutits, W. H. Yeo, James Gibson, W. Evans, J. Rummery anti F. Neacis. Tht cara- mnittet tieserves great commentiation for the efficient manner in whicb tht arrangements were matie an.d tht pro. gram of sportts carnieti out. AIl the events on the program were hotiy contesteti, as was a softball game be- tween machine-shop anti moultiing- shap af the Foundry. Tht employees of tht Canadiap Radiant Company were autnumbereti by those of tht Fountiny, but aîl took part in tht prograni with the greatest enthusiasm, anti it is hopeti that tht joint picnic will become an annual event. Mn. C. Rebde r, President of the Fountiry Company, was an bonoureti guest at tht picnic. Sports program anti winners are: Chiidnen's, 4 years anti under-AiI entening were awartied a balloon. Boys, 8 years anti untier-Lewis Lyle, Coulson Woolner. Girls, 8 years anti under-Edith Lyle, Dorathy Barton. Boys, 12 years anti unter-Law- rence Armstrong, William Matiden. Girls, 12 years anti under-Many Lyle, Marion Glanville. Girls, 16 years anti under-Dor- othy Carter, Mary Lyle. Boys, 16 years anti unter-Clar- ence Osborne; Frank Smith. Single men's race-Jot Rummery. Single girls race-Dorothy Carter. Married men's race-John Lghter- ness. Marnieti ladies' race-Mrs. James Gibson. Three legged race, (lady anti gent), -Joe Rummery, Elsie Yea. Cigarette race, lady anti gent-Jas Gibsan anti Mrs. Gdibson. Biscuit race--Jot Rummtry. Wbeelbarrow race-John Lighter- nets, Mrs. Alvin Stacey. Wben aathma coenes do not tiespair. Turn at once to tht help effective-- Dr. J. D .Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. This wonderful reniety will give you the aid you neeti so sorely. Cbok- ing ceasez, breathing becomes nat- ural anti without effort. Others, thouaands of them, have Buiffereti as you suffer but have wlsely turnedti t this famous remedy and ceased to sufer. Get a package this very day. -N Archie Tait's 1 PLANNING FOR FAIR To Be Held et Bowmanville on Tuesday and Wodnesday, September 18-19 The semi-annual meeting of the West Durham 'Agricultural Society was held in the Council Room on Friday, July 2Oth., with President, Col. L. T. McLaughlin presiding. Those present tincludedý( Howard Gib- on, L. T. Snowtien, Russeil Osborne, M. J. Elliott, Harold Macklin, Geo. F.Annis, T. W. Cawker, J. F. Os-I orne, H. Skinner, John Baker, AI-i an Campbell. The minutes of the previous meet-I ng anti executive meetings were reat and atiopteti. The secretary, Chas. H. Mason, read correspondercee dealing with offers of special prizes. It was de-, cided that offers of prizes froni Gunns Limiteti, and The Robert Simpson Company be accepted. James Nooks' account for repair wvork was referred ta the executîve for payment. Brookdale Nurseries were granteti space for exhibition at the 1928 Fair. No attraction will be in front of grand stand flrst night of fair. It was moveti anti carrieti that Or- ono Regimental Band be engageti toi play on the second day of the fair, and that the school children's parade starting at 12.30 standard time be held as usual, jutiges ta be Major G. C. Bonnycastie and Capt. F. C. Palmer. It was decided that the sheep pens at the fair grounds be repaireti at estimateti cost of $120. The prize list was revised andi jjudges appointeti as follows: Heavy horses-Jos. Staples or R. Grandy. Light horses-J. H. Davidson or Mr. Ketchison. Beef cattle-J. B. Martin. Dairy cattle-Bert Harkin. Sheep-Wm. Raynton. Swine-E. P. Bratit. Poultry-M. N. Briniston. Dairy and Apiary--John Lyle. Grain and Seed-F. C. Vanstone. Fruit-W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. Vegetables-N. S. Plummer. Floral-S. J. Moore. Ladies' Dept.-Dept. Jutige. Fine Art-Miss I. K. Snmith, B.A. Domnestic Science-W. P.Corbett, Mrs. W. R. Strike. It was moveti and carrieti that the directors in charge be the same as last year, with the exception of three cla.ss es, these to be: Dairy Cattle- Howard Gibson; Fruit-T. C. Býra,.g; Fine Arts-Miss M. Beliman. A new attraction will be a Horse Shoe Pîtching Contest. Secretary was instructeti to write Mr. R. S. McLaughlin, President of General Motors, Oshawa, thanking him for offering to send his Irish Juinpers to Bowmanville Fair. Admission to fAir wiil be same as luat year: First night 15c; second day 35c; chiltiren 25c; grand stand 25c. Efforts will be made to have the fine herd of Guernsey cattle from Boys' Training Schooi Farm be given as a special exhibit at the fair. Bowmanville RADIO NEWS Tune in on CKCL, Toronto, for the next four Friday evenings, between 9 and 10 p. m., comniencing July 27th., and heur the special Oshawa Program sponsored by Thickson Motor Sales. Yours very truly', THICKSON Motor Sales, 9 Bond St. W., Oshawa, Ontario Watch Our Windows For Saturday Specials. ICE CREAM Sundaes* - Sodas Page and Shaw Chocolates, Rownti'ee's Choclat. Bars. The Bowmanviflie Bakery Successors to Christie'is Bakery Bowmanville Package AuoJD 1C. z- ç.J 5 KRUMa Proerving Mera VCTONT Little Chlp Sul=E Miainalade Crown Fruit JarsRELIER AYL1M R BEAR bber Jar Rings .3 doz. 25c SPINACH Zinc Jar Rings ý 20c doz. LOD8TE gCerto Surejeili.....29c Large e 150 Tn Parow... 2 pkts. 25c ria 39 Dominioni DOMINION C YFI aner Corn STORES ALI quallty Flalkes Spitama 1-Ibe. Bach 4.Shrhnps1 cherry Fruit 2-lb. Cak -55 90 Pt. Lunch Cate ASSOR, D 23o Vuiti2 1 e LWFEUOT ~mAtrCHES Bealth gSoap Ca. 13" Pochet sie MI, . £70 TTPAILSNGPR Rosedae dE Peanut cumn szzF 250'ar ui DBUsfer Clariku 3 aZSePinappi. 19e SP Rmieamer >2 Ttse ma"___ 27 Lem adaW OLIVIES ,mat'lm*Silem Neo» rme LUB MasnOUEJ arO l rn mipwey imm" R aon5m ACON moQuezqu mm Suih e el afl y noe2 o 33-0 450 e lnfl»d 3 lb. BIRTHDAY PARTY Relatives and. friends of Mrs. George Carruthers, Bowmanville, gathereti at Cobourg Park on Friday, July 27, to offer their congratulations on the occasion of her eightieth birth- day. Thunder-showers which threat- eneti to mar the day's enjoyment, cleareti at noon, andi the guests, abouti eighty-five in number arrived at one I o'clock. Dinner including aîl the good things of the season was served haîf an hour later. Much tume was spent in reminiscent chat by the guests of honor and her relatives, and among those gathereti none were happier or enjoyed the occasion more than the lady who was eighty years young on that day. A softball game was playedti e- tween the married andi the single mnen, which resulteti in a 16-15 victory for the married men. Those present on this enjcyablel iccasion were from Cobourg, Col-1 borne, Lakeport, Baltimore, Vernon-1 ville, Bowmanville, Toronto, Newl York andi Medicine Hat, Saskatche- wvan.1 FREE to y a' package of t RAINBOW (alU to freshen up and renew a garine you've grown t You can tell a good driver by the mileage he gets from histtires S OME fellows are sure rough on tires --lam on the brake and slide a yard or two in stopping- drop in the clutch and spin the rear wheels in starting-speed round corners and skid. It may save a few minutes running time-it may even look a little "showy" ta the man on the side- walk-but the real driver knows that it mearis miles off the running life of the tires. Good tires will give unbelievable miles of service if you treat thema right. Drive sanely. Corne in and let us put the gauge on the valves once a week-under inflation means certain trouble. Let us examine the casings regularly for embedded flrnts and nails. This service will save dollars on your year's car expense. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT. JAMIESON BROS., King St. W. Bowmanville St r VINEGAR-You want the best. SPICES-You want the purest. We have a reputation for pure, high-clas groceries upon which we pride ourselves. Phone your next order and prove our statements. THIS IS CHERRY WEEK-SECURE A BASKET ARCHIE TAIT NATIONAL SANITARIUM ASSOCIATION The Treasurer of the Muskoka Hos- pital for consumptives tiesires grate- fully ta acknowletige the following contributions receiveti in Bownianvile by the Field Secretary of the National Sanitariuni Association: ,Bowmanvilîe Foundry......... $5.001 Couch, Johnston & Crytiernian 2.00 F. F. Morris ................ 2.00 T. C. Jewell................. 2.00 Rev. W. C. Washington ..... . .2.00 Miss J. A. Pollard........... 2.00 Corbett Motor Sales ........2.00 A. L. Nicholîs................. 1.00 W. C. Caveriy............... 1.00 L. W. Nelson................. 1.00 H. W. JewelI................ 1.00 W. B. Smith................. 100 J. C. Devitt, D.D.S............ 1.00 H. Allun...................... 1.00 Dom. Textiles................ 1.00 W. F. Ward.................. 1.00 Rev. D. W. Best............. 1.00 W. F. Dale................... 1.00 Suntiry contributions.......... 1.00 $29.00 FOR SERVICE PICKLING AND PRESERVING ARE IN FULL SWING TRIP TO 1000 ISLANDS A most enjoyabie trip ta the Thous- anti Islandis was arrangeti by Mrs. H. A. Wakelîn anti party of 34 men anti women Saturtiay, July 28th. Motor- ing ta Kingston by Garton's bus 'with Mr. Garton and Garfieldi Barrett as drivers, they took in the sights at Kingston anti visited the penitentiary. Taking the boat at 2 o'clock for the 50 mile ramble going the Gananoque route through the Admîralty group anti past Gananoque anti through the Swift Water of Fidtiler's Elbow anti the Canadian Palisades ta Alexandria ~Bay. Stopping one hour for sight- seeing the bunch returneti via Ameni- can channel, passing many beautiful summer homes, Thousanti Islandi Park, Filontenac %Islandi anti Clay- ton, arriving at Kingston at 9 o'clock. AIl agreeti it was a most wonderful boat trip anti the scenery was lovely. The tiay's trip was enjoyeti by aIl who went andi the thanks of the party is due Mr. Garton and Garfieldi for their kintiness. The party arriveti home at 3 a. m. Sunday, tireti but happy after their delightful trip. Phone 65 ;Ired 01.

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