PE IXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIURSDAY, JULY 19th., 1928. TIirN-rAY TCIJE TO -1 WINSIVEC JULY 2Oth - 3th, 1928 C>OING RAIL STOPOVERS AT TuINS. IROQUOIS FALLS. PrEURNING BOAT STOPO VERS AT FORT FRANCES% FORT WLIM-PORT ARTBUR,4 SAU& STE. MARE UNlDER AUSPICES OF ffderation of Women Teachers' Asociations of the Province of Ontario Inlus§»Pffce fo LOW.r Bet tros» Toronto 150.00 Accommodatiom itoepe Folder and Reservations fromn H. C. BOURLM Gen" Passenger Agent, Canadian National Rys.. TSunte TIME IS SHORT -Malke Your Reservation Now 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $ 15.00 per ton; Pea $ 12.50. Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke.............................. $12.00 Delivered to ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opportunity of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. Caîl and inspect our stock and prices McClellan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanville Identifing the "Finest of Law Piced Sixesr 'T HE Pontiac emblem, now a familiar siet on Jevery highway, is the distinguishing mark of the world's flnest lowpriced six. It identifies the smoothness of Pontiac's Six. cylinder engine, with its new improved G-M-R cylinderhead . . the enduring qualities of Pon- tiac's sturdy chassis . . the easy-riding comfort of Pontiac's Lovejoy Shock-Absorbers . . the coundess refinements of engineering and con- struction that spel "quality' in a motor-car. And, just beside the hood of the New Series Pontiac Six is another symbol of a fine automobile . . the "Body by Fisher" emblem, with ail that it implies of Iuxury, craftsmanship and stylish beauty. Pontiac is the lowest-priced six which can dlaim the distinction of "'Body by Fisher". Whenever you sSe the f aniliar 'Indian Head" emblem, and say "Tbere gues the New Pontiac Six", you are identifying, beyond doubt, the world's finest of low.priced sixes. P147C Ask your dealer sabou*t te G.M.A.C. Defevred Pament Pkm which makes buymng easy Cor bett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 B owmanville cMsx Serte pRoDX-r 0P GENERAL AOTORS 0F CANAA, LfflrE MITCHELL'S CORNERS Promotion examinations.t Froin Jr. IV te Sr. IV-Honours- Eileen Stainton, Beryl Glaspeli, Mayý Sobil. Passed-Doris Fice, Nelsonj Fice, Frank Sobil, Gerry GIaspelI. I Frein Sr. III to Jr. IV-Honours- Allen Chant. Jimmie Nemis. Froin Jr. III te Sr. III-Passed-Harveyl Balson, Gerald Balson, Gordon Wil- bur, Morley Flintoif. Frein Jr. II te Sr. II-Pa,;sed--John Stainton, Reta Flintoif, Gladys Martin , Hazel Martin. Frein Sr. I te Jr. Il-Mar- guerite Martin, Leona Flintoif, Mir- iain Chant, Hilda Pierce, Clifford Johns, Ted Martin. From Jr. I te Sr. I-Mary Murphy, Mike Nemis, Freddie Martin, Lloyd Stainton, Pete Sobil, Vers Fisher, Dick Nemis. Frein Pr. te Jr. I-Stanley Martin, Percy Flintoif, Marion Balsen. T. A. Venner, teacher. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Lake Shere Scheol, S. S. Ne. 2, Clarke. Entrance-Ann- abelle Hendry. Sr. III teJýr. IV- Ruth Holmes 78, hon, Olive anes 65. Jr. III te Sr. III-Alex. Hend-. ry 80, hon, Neta Allun 68, Myrtie AI-1 lin 63. Sr. II te Jr. 111--John1 Mitchell 74, Margaret Burley 71, AI-j Ian Cark 65. Jr. Il-Lillian Burley.1 Jr. I te Sr. I-Morice Powell 67, Jean Holmes 64, Floyd Powell 58, recom- inended. Sr. Pr.-Audrey Jaynes, Donald Powell. Jr. Pr.-Edith Hendry, Evelyn Brown. Theresa McNeil, teacher.j Report of S. S. No. 4, Darlington, naines in order of menit: To Sr. IV -Harold Osborne, Evelyn Wade, Ada Annis. To Jr. IV-Glenn Pick- le, hon, Donald Courtice, hon, Jeane Vinson, hon, Harry Worden, Sydney Worden. To Jr. III-Allan Vin- son, hon, Douglas Oke, hon, Lloyd Montgomery, hon, Doris Wade. To Jr. II-VeIna Pearce, hon, June Marshall, Eleanor Vinson. Tor.I -Florabelle Marshal. Stephen Kick-j ho. To Primer-Peter Kickhe. Bernese Thompson, teacher. Report of the final June promotion examinations of Tyrone Public School. Naines in erder of merit: To Sr. IV-* Helen Trimm, *Edna Caineron. *Adelalde Annis. To Jr. EV*Francis Thoinpson, Grace Mc- Coll, Lorne Annis, Clarence Hather- ly, Jack Gibbs. To Sr. III-*Jackie Trimin. Verona Worden, CIarencel Bradley. Eva Collacott. Te Jr. 1111 -Bobbie Cameron, Donald Thomnp- son ,Velma Bradley ,Florence Camp- bell, (re-ominended). To Sr. I- Donald McColl,. Susie Thompsen, Mildred Bradley, Howard McRoberts, Chester Prescott, (recoinrended). To Jr. II-* Douglas McColl, Harry Campbell, Billie Savage, Blle Brooks. Harry Collacott. Te Sr. I -*Grenfell Trumnpeur *Jean Truin- pour. To Jr. I-Ola Findley, Eva Yorke. To Sr. Primer-*Jo)Yce Trumpour, Normnan Thompson. T Jr. Primier-*Doreen Byani, Howard Bradley, Iva Campbell. Hazel M. Turner, teacher. NESTLETON Nestleton and Cosarea Branch of the W. M. S. held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Steel on Wednesday, July llth. Meeting was opened with the doxol- ogy which was followed by the study period. "Con¶munity Missions in Canada" was the subject for study, and readings wene given by Mrs. R. C. Jackson, President, Mrs. R. Sug- gitt and Mrs. M. Emerson. These told of the work being done by the W. M. S. among the foneigners in the Kindergarten, Sunday School, C.G.I. T., Mothers' Meetings and by visiting the homes. The President then read passages frein the Bible which toldi of how women helped in those times.i After singing "Take My Lif e and Let It Be" by the 20 present, the business peniod followed. Two sales of cooking will be held, one at St. Chistopher, July 21st, and the othen Aug. 4th at Scugog. The devotional leaflet, "Jesus in the mids.t of the Community Life," was read by Mrs.j Steel. Mrs. L. Joblin gave a splen- did neading entitled "Mrs. Caleb'si Missionary Guest," and Miss Marion Taylor recited "The Lest Chord." After losing the meeting with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. M. Emen- son, a dainty lunch was served by the hostess and helpers. The piano recital given by the pup- ils of Miss Margaret I. Abernethy, A. T.C.M., in the Hall on Friday even- ing, July 6. was certainly a great success an(lshowed the ability of Miss Abernethy as a teacher giving the large gathering an idea how the work progressed frein the beginner te these in the more advanced lines. Nestleton is te be congnatulated on having such an excellent teacher cf music. Miss Louise Courtice, Countice, added very materially te the prograin by her readings ,each number heing encored. She will bie welconied again. The following pupils teck part: Piano duets, Grace Mlountjey and Mabel Argue; Clara and Dorothy Porteous, Grace Mountjoy and Mabel Argue, 'Mabel Armstrong and Dorothy Prout; piano solos, Doris Wilson, Donaldi Grahamn, Clara Poteous, Mms. F.1 Stinson, Edgar Emmerson, Sybilj Smith, Derothy Prout, Mahel Argue,l Myrtle Wetherilt, Grace Mountjey, Donthy Porteous, Lawrence Malcolm, Marion Taylor, Mabel Armstrong, Myrtie Beacock; vocal solo, Mabel Armstrong.Mr. P. Wright is un- der the doctor's care an<l in a low state cf health. Congratulations te the pupils who passed their musical examinatien se creditably aIse te those who !ried their entracce exain ... estîcton basebaîl teain played Janetville teain on Tuesday. Scorel- 15 in favor of the former. A Prime Dressing for Wounds.-In soe factonies and workshops car- belic acid is kept for use in cauter- izing wounds and cuts sustained by the werknien. Far better te keep on hand a bottle cf Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil. It is just as quick in action and dees net scan the skin or humn the flesh. Thy credit wary keep, 'tis quickly gene; Being get by inany actions, lest by one. -Randolph. Farm For Sale 10% CASH-BALANCE IN 25 YEARS The Soldier Settiement Boardi of Canada offers for sale by Public Tender 72 Acres, South West 4 Lot 12, Concession 7, Township of Darlington, Durbamn County. The purchaser of this property must rely on his own inspection and knowledge of the farin and not on thé above or any other par- ticulars or representations mnade verbally or in writing by employ- ees of the Soldier Settiement Board. Terins of sale are 10 per cent of the purchase price in cash on acceptance of the tender, and the balance in twenty-five equal an- nual instalments, with interest at 6 per cent per annuin on the aniortization plan. Each tender must be accompan- led by an accepted cheque for $100. If tender is accepted, this suin will be credited to the pur. chase price of the land. If tend- er is net accepted the money will be returned te the tenderer. Tenders will be opened at Toronto, Ontario, July 25, 1928. The highest or any tender net necessarily accepted. If the land is not sold on the date above men- tioned, the Board îill bc prepared te receive offers te purchase until such time as it is finally disposed of. Tenders should be in plain en- velepes marked "Tender for the purchase of S. W. 14 Lot 12, Con. 7, Township Darlington, Dur ham Co.", Address tenders and encjuiries to: The Soldier Settlement Board of Canada C. M. Nixon, Dist. Supt. Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 14th June, 1928. 28-2 Wfthout Examinatiuin he'tq m, agoe13to 4& May obtif na cety orlbed, RbeATS wPM aa82,M0 tda Ag Mateis ueon PO- e" W5-. «BLASKE 0M.MU.RT&1 Disric vet Rofresati-v ent P$5s,9Wifad e ntaleb M ab SU p~er nc t i ttalPd PabiedaswlasS50a et Addrn copo O-A Zutoo Stops headache i 20 minutes by the olook. 2L per boz. COULO NOT WORK FOR MONTHS 1Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pirikharn's Vegetable Compound Port Elgin, N. B.-"For three months, I was nervooe and weak with net doM okA frienda-_ s Vegetable ve.get ood re- alt1111o2 it and rommend it te This dependable miedicine le aodbY druggiia every. Zook's Regulating Compound A safe.,reliabe oka ittom moditine. Sold in ibree de- grees of tregth--No. 1. SIS 'o 28$3; No 3 8.5 per box. oid 1y al druggiste, or Bent MPreaionreecipt of prioe. Frepmphlet. Addrese: YHE COOK MEOICINECO., )wOS POSPHODINE. nrvous sYstem. Makes neis Blood riespondençy. Lozisof .Palpitation -t the Heart, 7Fading Meawry.7frice.$2per box3 p for $5.11 SoId by ail druggists, or msiled in plain pkg. on remept of price. New. pamnphUt maied 'r--TE! W0 M DIC1 CO.JORONTO. Subject for study "Across the Con- tinent with the community centres and medical Missions" was taken by Mrs. S. Cutteil, Mrs. R. H. Brown, Mrs. A. A. Relph; piano solo by Miss Marion Green; reading by Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. 1 ~ ORONO1 (Frein The News of July 12th)1 Mrs. Heidge, Lindsay, is visiting' her sister, Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn. Miss Mary Mitchell, Torente, is spending her holidays nt Mr. George Butters'. Mr. Hermnan Davis, Kindersley, Sask., spent the past week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davey, Tor- o nte, sp ent the weekend at his aunt's, Mrs. S. Halliday. Mrs. William Allen spent a few days at her grandson's, Mr. Allen Moffatt, Bowmanville. Mr. Arthur Beamish, Oshawa, spent Sunday afterneon with his inother and ether relatives here. Mrs. C. Caverly, McArthur's Milîs, Hastings Ceunty, is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. W. M. Chatterton, Clarke Union. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Foster and child, Sebringville, and Mrs. (Dr.) McClelland, son and daughter, Tor- ente, are visiting their father, Mn. .Robent Foster. Mrs. Welsh and child have returned te their home near Brantford after an enjoyable visit at her father's, Mn. I. T. Chapinan. Miss Greta Davey left Monday for iDuluth, Minn., where she will visit her aunt, Miss Mattie Hill and other relatives. Mr. W. E. Davey and Miss 011,e motored her as far as Buffalo. Mrs. W. F. Rolph visited her sis- ter, Mrs. J. F. McMillan, inatron of the Counties' Homne, Cobourg, who wasseized with a stroke on Saturday. Many friends here wish her a speedy recovery. Messrs. Bruce and 1ýance Bell, sens of the late Jamnes Bell, a former pro- prieter of the North American hotel here ,called on old friends. Bruce is living at Kapuskasing. New Ontario, and Lance is living in Michigan, Deputy Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Moat, Oakville, on their recent visit at her brother's, Mr. R. Z. Hall of this tewn, it being the 4lst anniversany of their wedding ,were presented by Mr. Hall and Miss Minnie Hall with a hand- some tea service. Miss Loreen Lorriman has been en- gaged te teach Franklin School, Man- vers township. Her brother, Mr. Fred Lorriman, was a fermer teacher at this scheol. Miss Lorrinian is at present taking a special course at the School of Art, Toronto. Mr. Wallace E. Sterling, Professer of English at Regina Colege, has been appointed on the English staff of the Alberta University at Edmonton, duties te commence in September. In the interval he bas taken a job, road building at Bowmanville. Mrs. (Rev.) C. Adams and daugh- ters, Mrs. (Dr.) Holdcraft and baby Betty, Havelock, and Miss Florence, Tenonte, visited at the home ofMis Florence Cobbledick. After calling on friends in Oshawa and Whitby, Mvonday, they visited at Mr. W. S. fCobbledick's, Kirby. Miss L. Buchanan, Miss Marjorie Adams, associate school teachens, and Mrs. C .A. Chapinan attended the wedding of Miss Sarah J. Young te Mr. Earl Anderson, at Westport, On- tarie, Monday week. Miss Young was a fermer teacher on the High Scheol staff, Onono school. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Colwill and Mr. Irwin Colwill, and Mr. Goaman and daughter of Devon, England, caîl- ed on Mr. and Mns. Harvey Curtis and Mr. John Buckley. Mr. Goa- nman is mayor of ideford, and as Mr. Buckley is a native of Devon- shire, he did greatly enjoy Mr. Goa- man's visit. Mr. Herb. Gillies, Toronto, and Mr. Clifford Taylor, Buffalo, N. Y., both residents of Orono district about 35 years ago when they were employed on the farins of Messrs. C. J. Hugh- son, James Brown and C. A. Chap- man, visited here for a few heurs necently. Herb. now resides in Tor- ente and conducts a popular bowlingl club, and Mn. Taylor is tester at the1 Amnerican Copper and Brass Mill at Buffalo. Good Roads Departinent of the On- tarie Governinent, comnienciiig on jWednesday of this week, are again checking up on the traffic on the County road between Newcastle and1 Lindsay, and Kendal te Brooklin. Enumerator Captain J. C. Gamey is taking the count at Kinby, the pivotal peint. A traffic count is aise being taken, commencing saine date, llthl on the Newtonville.Kendal road, Mr. Charles Reid, enumerater. The finst Garden Party and straw- berry festival undertaken by the Lad- ies' Aid of Park Street Church sur-ý passed aIl expectatiens. It was a fine day for such a gathering and was greatly enjoyed by the large number of people. The festival was fol- lowed by an excellent old-time pro- grain in the cburch, at which clever talent contributed: Mr. Frank Walt- Phone 110 King St. East, Boivmanville -I When Pain Cornes Two hours afteu' eatins lo taatelega alkali in water vilI fe«.- tralize inhtantly many timega#aU much acid, and the symptomm dis. appear at once. You will neyer nUS crude niethode when once you learu the efficiency of this.* Go get a âm&Ui botle to try. Be ure te gt the genuine Phil. lip'MiIk of Magneuia prescribed by phyicians for 50 years in correctilg- exceua acids. Eseli bottle contab4w fu-il dlrectio@w-ay dragrg What many people caîl indigestion very often means excesa acid in the otomach. The stomach nerves have beec c&er-timulated, and food murs. The correutive is an mikali, which neutralizeo aeidm intantly. And the best alkali known to, medical sciene im Phillipu' Milk of Magnemis. It bas remalned the standard with phy. sicians in the 50 years ince ita in- vention. One spoonwuletf hIj bumIrn Cooked Meats During the hot weather the business of pre- paring appetizing meals taxes the housekeeper' s ability to the utmost. You can obtain variety by including in your daily menus any of the many varieties of fine quality cooked meats which we offer for sale. Ail varieties suitable for the picnic luncheon. Choice Dairy Butter Always on Hand HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville ,?,SUMMER COAL PRICES Ê'rZ NOW IN EFFECT ,You wiIl not be sorry if you let us f11yu iswt LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7The Coad 7%at Satis fies AIl freshly mined and well screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anything in the building line consuit us. t J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Aviation Gasoline i BATTERIES We sell them at a price that wilI please you. TIRES We seil the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubem C. A. Bartlett PAGE SIX