Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY* JUNE 28tb.. 1928 His MAJESTY'S MAIL is your mail, roo, and you can use it at any time ta bank with the Bank of MontreaL. It is safe and convenient ta deposit or withdraw money with us through the Post Office. Ask for folder teling how ta do it Ranch of H.R.H. the Prince of iWales, Hg.Rvr .leahR- BANK 0F MONTREAL TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS 0F $830.000,000 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. MOCLELLAN - Manager. This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs directly in to the patb of your car. Sbocked breathiess, you jamn on the brakes. Tbank God-you didn't it im. BUT-supposîng you bad? Though cleared of blamne, nothing to prevent that cild's parents from suing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibility that it migbt take your LAST DOLLAR to eitber defend yourself or "PAY UP"l! LIABILITY INSURANCE protects you in such a crisie! Competent attorneys defend your intereste and &Il coite are paid by the Insurance Company! For complet. information consuit J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokern Phone 50 King St. E. Bowrnanviile It Costs No More To Fareproof Your Building \VHE -N you build a new house or - repair an old one be sure to use Gyproc. Gyproc also gives quick construction, insulation against cold and heat--and fuel economy. Write for free book, "Wallî That Reflect Good Judgment," containIng interesting infor- mation on home planning with Gyproc, Roc. board and Insulez. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE. LIMITED Paris Cana 43 - - . 1%~&- For Sale B3y John A. Hogate & Son - Bowmnanville, Ont. .Welh-Eîîery A pretty weddîng was solemnizçd at King St. United Church, Oshawa, wben Muriel Della, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Essery, Courtice, becaine tbe bride of Cecil Gordon, youngest son of the late Charles Welsb and Mrs. Elizabeth~ Welsh, Bowmanville. Rev. C. W. DeMille xvas the officiating clergy- man. The bride, wbo entered the'cburcb to tbe strains of the wedding marcb from "Lobengrin," played by Mr. Treneer, presented a chan-ming ap- pearance in an orchid georgette gown and a mohair picture bat to match, carrying a bouquet of Ophelia roses, lilv-of-the-valley and baby's breath. Miss Sceburn Essery, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaîd, wearing a buttercup georgette gown. Hem bouquet was of Columbia roses and sweet peas. The groomsman was Mr. Clarence Keith. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. William Tonkin, 80 Mc- Millan Drive. Later in t...evenin Mr. and Mrs. Welsh left on a motor trip to Detroit, the bride travelling in a sand ensemble, with bat and shoes to match. A fox f un coin- pieted tbe outflt. On their return the Young couple wili live at 80 Mc- Millan Drive, Oshawa, Nicholson--Jones Alfred Leonard Nicholson. son of Mn. David Nicholson of Dunnviiie,, organist of St. Paul's Churcb, was married on Monday, May 2Stb to Miss Katharine Jones, Youngest datughteri of the late COl. Samuel R. Jones, U. S. army, the ceremony taking place at the Church of the Incarnation, corner 34th Street and Madison Ave., New York City, in tbe presence of about twentY..five Persona] friends, the officiating minîster being Rev. Dr. Silver. rector of the chunch. Mr. Nicholson la 4th officer of S. S. Fort Victoria (FurnessBeuda uine). Mr. D. Nicholson, wbo was a guest at the wedding, remained in New York and spent a few days witb bis son and daughterin-î3w after tbeir return from a trip to Hamilton, Ber- muida.-Dunnville Gazette. The groom is a son of Mr. David Nicholson, formerly organist of Bow- manville Metbodist Cburch. Mr. Clarence Nicholson, younger son of Mm. Nicbolson, was 'i the Port of New York the week before bis brotber's wedding but had to leave for Montreal on Sunday, May 27tb on S. S.-Canadian Croiser" on which as appmentice had been three voyages to Australia and New Zealand dur- ing the past twenty months. Clarence, now 18 years of age. la serving a four years' apprenticeship with the Cana- dian Govt. Mercbant Marine Lumit- ed. Obtaining transfen to another steamer of that company the yootb left Montreal on June 9th on S. S. Canadian Ranger for South American ports. Our old friend Mr. D. Nich- olson naturally was very disappointed not to bave seen bis younger son wvhen in port recently, the last occasion l'e- ing when he left bis aunt's home at Ancaster in October 1926. Mr. Nicholson spent an interesting twelve days in New York combinîngi business wlth pleasure by paying a visit to several of the important music bouses of the niigbty city, andý among churches attended being St. Thomas (5tb Ave. and 5sit St.) to tbe P. M. service held at 4 o'clock. Tertios T. Noble. the onganist, late of York Minster England certainly baving reproduced in that beautiful church the best type of cathedra] music equal to any cathedral of the old land. DOWN OUR STREET Theme are rows and rows of bouses Facing an open street, Where often I walk of an evering And pass witb neluctant feet. As I walk by the rows of bouses I gaze through some open shade, Into the beant of its home life, Where history la being made. Sometimes its a maid and ber lover 1 sec by the open fine, Or a mother content with ber chiidnen Her man and ber beats (esire. Sometinies its a beant in the bneaking, Or sickness, or sorrow, on strife- But 1 may not reveal the secrets 1 snatcb frmn the orna of life. As 1 walk by the rowvs of bouses In the dark and the nigbt alone God knows I treasure the pictunes, I find in eacb sacmed home. -Laura Bedeli. For Stif f Joints Pbarmacists say that wben al othen so-cailed remedies fail Joint- Ease will succeed. It's for joint aliments only-that la wby you are advised to use it for sore, painful, inflamed, rbeumatic joints. Joint-Ease limbers up the joints- is dlean and stainless and quick e- sults are assured-Sixty cents a tube at Jury & Lovell's and druggists everywhere. An emergency meeting of Orono Lodge A.F.&A.M., was beld in Mason- ic Hall on Friday, Jone 15, W. Bro. G. M. Linton in the chair. A fane- well was given to 'Bro. Ralpb C. El- lis for two years past on the teaching staff of Orono Higb School. Mms. (Rev.) S. T. Tucker and son Ewvart, motored from their summer j cottage at Wasaga Beach, Georgian iBay, and attended the graduating ex-1 ercises of bier daoghter, Miss Gladys, at Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, last week. Afterwards accompanied by Miss Gladys, they spent a day here as guests of Mr. O. W. Rolph. Miss Tueker who was the winner of the Goid Medal in a large class in DO-, mastic Science. received the beanty Any_ Ileadaclie -Sick -Nervous Relieved by ZuIoo A Fr/en ito Wonie Lydia Es Pinkhaff's Vogetable Comepound LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO, L.nMaS., U.S.A. adLburg,eOnt.. Canada. wook's Regulating Comnpound A soa. aj..tabl. r eu ~~ medicmne. Sold in thrcede. Id aIl dnggiste. or sent .rpa3'on receipt 0'of rbe ~'ee pmphlet. Addremsa: TH£ COK EDICINECO.. 71te Great English Preparaienn. Tgiones and invigoratea the ishole U1 1nrvous îyitem. makes neis BI.od in old Veini. Used for Nervous Debillty. Mental and Brai,,Wry Despondeacy* Leu cf En7fv, Paptio.1 #bc Heart, as i Me. rice82 op J for $5.0 SoId by alidruggisle. or mail.d in plain p.onreipt of prlcg* Newis' pfiI5Ph maud rutg lee0 «CoecmE oJeoomle" W.M .of Park St. Churcb mot- oe o Krby Tuesday aftemnoon and hald their June meeting. Group 3, Mrs W. S. Cobbiedick, convener, bad charge of the program. The scipture lesson was read by Mrs. (Rev.) Sterl- ing; reading by Miss Davy; piano solo by Mns. Fred Bnimacombe; reading by Mrs. F. Tamblyn; vocal duet by .Mrs. F. Trull and Mrs. W. S. Cob- bleclick; readings by Mrs. C. Wood and Mrs. O. W. Rolph; solo hy Mrs. O. W. Rolpb. Lunch was served hy the Kirby ladies and a social hour spent. The scholar.s of the High School on Thursday morning took charge of proceedings. Miss Buchanan and Mn. Ellis, two of the staff who are leav- ing this yaar, the former after a ser- vice of seven years as principal, and the latter for two years as assitant, were invited by Miss Gladys Cobbl a-I dick who occupied the chair, to come forwar<l when Miss Lobu Samons read a very fltting address, and Mn. Fred Yen pnesented to Miss Buchanan a beautiful Morocco leather bat box. Everett Brown maad an address and Miss Dorothy Hoar presented to Mn. Ellis a handsome Kodak. The ne- cipients of thesa gifts replîed. ex- pressing gond will towards the young people whom they have earnestly ,endeavourad to promote in their stu- (lies, after which the school beartily joined in singing "They are jolly good Fellows" . Mr. A. J. Staples, Sec- netary-Tneasurer of the School Board, paid high tribute to the splendid ability of Miss Buchanan, and of the esteem in wbich she is held by al oun citizens. Misa Ferier of the teacb. ing staff, in a brief addres, regretted ber leaving, wishing ber bealtb and prospenity. WEDDINGS Burni-Carew A very unique and pretty weddinj was solemnized Wednesday evening June 20, at the home of the Saivatici Army Officers, William Street N. Major Harold Ritchie of Toronto officiating, wbe nMary Meloria Brns daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Franl Burns, Liberty St., Bowmanviile, wa! united in inarriage with Wesley Jos. epb Carew, son oS Mr. and Mrs George Carew of Lindsay, the bridE and groom wene attired in Salvatior Army Unifornis. Miss Luella Menzie was bridesmaid, and Mr. Jack Carew supported the groom. Miss Myrtle Mundy presented the bride witb large bouquet of flowers. After the wedding the wedding party parton] of supper at the home of Mn. and Mrs. George Carew. A veny happy and enjoyable evening was spent. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Carew will reside in Lindsay. j GALLAGHER'S AGAIN ORN Did you ever get in wrong with (From The News of June 2lst your wife? The other night, just Mrs. J. A. Honeywell visited friends nghome from a party, rny wif e threwlin Toro nto. g9, off lier bat and faced me. l'il neyer' on take you out again". Why, what did Miss Muriel Mi]ison, Toronto, is .,11 do?" You asked Mrs. Smith how bolidaying at home. 0, ber husband was standing the heat, Mr. William Armstrong. Sr., was land ehe as been dead two years". in Toronto this week. .k Weil I know a pair that neyer get in Mr. David Noble is spending a as wrong witb each other. Tbey are week or two at Tyrone. s-Ga]iagher's Blood Purifier and Gai.1M.R.Z al n iteMs ..lagher's Kidney Remedy. We cali .R .Hl adsse, Ms le them "A Great Team", because of Minnie Hall visited in Toronto. en their abilitv opllpoebc t oh ~ nMrs aisFlervsdle le helh ftolbe ihsc ailments, grand-daughter, Mrs. E. R. Rainey. of the Stomach, Rheumiatism, General to, visited bier daughter, Mrs. R. H. le Debility, and inany other common al- Brown. a1 ments. Just go to your Druggist ýeJury & Loveil, Bowmanville, and ask1 Mr. and Mrs. Saunders and son k for tbese two purely herbal remedies. were bere fromn Toronto for the dYours truîy, weekend. yakSel Mr. R. C .Ellis bas secured the prin- Watcb this space next week. cipalsbip of Burgessville Continua- n tion Scbool. Miss Tnnabell McKay, Colborne, t 1spent the weekend witb ber aunt, Mrs egr t Mrs. Baldwin and Miss Harris, r o ut of x a Toronto, were weekend guests of the yi Misses Waddell. DdDieS HM Ner7Ves Miss Marion Dickson accompanied e 13 PUTH BP-11MUN Miss (Betty Ratz and remained for a week in Toronto. Orono Women's Institute was well represented at the District meeting held at Hampton. ~, , Mr. Fred Joyes, London, la spend- 1 N ing a week at bis brotber-in-law's, N Mr. Robert Jobnston. Miss Marjorie Tamblyn and Lenora Cornish have entered Oshawa bos- L pitai to begin training. Dr. M. S. Tucker of New York City, is home holidaying at bis fatb- er's, Dr. M. M. Tucker. Mrs. Robert Grey, Thornill, a Much Of the nervousness in older former resident of Orono, is visiting children can be traced to the over- ber sister, Mrs. S. M. Billings. stimulation during infaney, caused Mrs. T. J. Carscadden and son Jack jby regarding bah,' as a sortÉ of ani- have returned from a niotor trip to mat-ed toy for the amusement of par- Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara Falls. entq, relatives and friends. Baby miay Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Follick and be played with, but flot for more than Mrs. Dyer, Port Perry, visited tbeir a quarter of an hour te an hour cousin, Mrs. A. A. Rolpb, Saturday. daily. Beyond tijat, being liandled, tickled, caused te laugh or even Mr. and Mrs. J. Hackner and Mr. screamn, wiîî sometimes resuit invm- Walter Taylor-Hackner, Uxbridge, iting, and invariabiv causes irita- visited at Mr. Halstead Coatbami's on bility, crying or sleeplessness. Sunday. Frtfulness, crving and sleepiess. Dr. G. R. Patterson who bas been ness fromn this cause can easilY lbe living in Brantford and Toronto since avoided by treating baby with more ieaving Orono. is now located at consideration, but wlhen vou just can't Stoufiville. see what is making balby restless or upset, better give hlm a few drops of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams and pure, harmless Castoria. It's a.maz- Miss Florence Adams, Toronto, spent ing te see how quickly it calms baby's Sunday witb their aunit, Miss Florence nerves and soothes him to sleep; yet Cobbledick. it containe no drugs or opiates. It i8 Mr. and Mrs. H. d. MacDonald and purely vegetabe-the recipe la on the daugbten. Mrs. 0. W. Rolph, attend- wnrapper. Leading physiîcians pre- ed the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. scribe it for colie, choiera, diarrhea, Parliament, at Wellington. constipation, gas on simchad Miss Kathleen Staples of the teacb- boweis, feverislbness, loss of sieep and aIl other "upsets" of babyhood. Over irLg staff of Port Hope Higb School, 2.5 million botties used a year shows is home for summer vacation. Miss ite overwhelming popuîarity. Stapies has been re-engaged. Wit.h each bottin of Castoria, y'ou Mr. and r.CaBlndadD get a book on Motherhood, worth its aMrsr . C.KnBdyolandrn,' weight in goid. Look for Chas. H. span ud ee Mrs. C.A eneyo orntoe Fietcher's signature on the packare setSna ee Ms oln e s0 you'll get genuine Castoria. There imaining for a few days' visit. are many imitations. Mrs. John L. Rowe of Okotoks, Aita., renewed old friendships. Mrs ---Rowe was a delegate from the Pro- vince of Alberta to the United Church Presbytery beid in Toronto. S Miss Elma and Vida Tourjee lefti fr *I~\KÇ Sunday evening for a tbree weeks' pif G8iEuC~ trip to the Pacifie Coast. Tbey will sedacouple of days enroute at Natues Om ReedyCalgary, Alta., with their cousin, Mrs A LTIE N 1111ETEAS R Johnston. 25C. and 50C. a box.- Mr. Milton Staples, B.S.A., bas comnpleted is nine months post-grad- £ I uate course at the Iowa State Col- * lege, Ames, la., being successful i obtaining bis degree of Master of Science, writing on a Teacbing Scboi- Wcuid you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easiiy. Aimost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, smaii, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it costs littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy wiIi add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Aviation Gasoline, BATTERIES We seli them at a price that will please you. TIRES We seil the weii-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bownianviîîe A The Four Corner Stones The four corner stones of our steadily growing butcher business are: FULL WEIGHT FINE QUALITY FAIR PRICES SQUARE TREATMENT With the assortment of fresh, cooked and cured mats in stock we can supply your require- ments. Canned goods and choice dairy butter ai- ways on hand. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville SUMMER COAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT You will not be sorry if you let us fill your bins with LEHI.G.HVALLEY -ANTHRACITE ýThe Coul Tat SatiifliW Ail freshiy mined and weII screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If -you require anything in the building line consuit us. %J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville PIANOS 222!" PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 28th., 1928 Bowmanville Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville

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