Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1928, p. 4

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THE GANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 28th., 1928 OFFICE CLOSED ENNISKILLEN BETHESDA SALEM Dr. Slemon's office will be losed Mr. and Mrs. Stanley May, Tor- Salem Young People wilî present Mr. T. H. Lockhart's discourse from from July lat to July 23rd (holidays). onto, visited her parents, Mr. and their play "Nancy Anna Brown's our pulpit Sunday afternoon was an ______________________ Mrs. Elias Ashton, the latter is ac- Folks" at Tyrone Community Hall on exhortation for truthfulness in every -companying them home to the city Thurs. July 5, at 8 p. m. Admission day life, and should inspire alI to for a visit ...Glad to report Mrs. 25c. Afterwards the ladies of the give truth and honesty first place in John Slemon is improving nicely. Tyrone circuit will serve a cafeteria their lives; very glad to see Mrs. The renovation of our church is being lunch. Proceeds to endow the plot Lockhart at service also. The Y. well carried out. It will certainly of Rev. John Hicks Eynon and Eliza- P. L. meeting in the evening was in be a big improvement to the church, beth Dart Eynon at Bethesda Ceme- charge of the 4th Vice, Mr. L. and we are lookîng forward to a big tery. 26-1 Coombs and a splendid programn wasj S ,y EN 1R re-opening day later on,. Mr. and given. - Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry and ITrs Silversides, Mount Albert, are ZO Miss Thelma and 'Mr. and Mrs. S. J. viiigte- agtr Mrs. (Dr.N Honey motored to Baltimore on Sun-i Virgsiorsnr.n Ms ebr A large number attended church day and visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H.1 Johnson.r. and Mrs. Albert Stain- service at Zion on Sunday when our Ceen... is ldi a n of Bowmanyille and of Canada to.ndMse Cifrd Tono Pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick preached a ing completed her term of studies i th rinnM. and MCif rs. Tret splendid sermon. Mrs. Tom Martin Toronto is bolidaying at home. Missq at the "Big 20" wt red;M.adMs ebr rendered a solo in her usual pîeasing Ella Colîacott. Oshawa, and Mr. E. Slemon, Miss Greta Slemon, Toronto, style. A reception service was held Pollard, Toronto, were weekend visit- Mis at oore, Bowmanville, Dr. when a number of young boys andorathm . rG.owigT- G IFT SHOP and Mrs. Slemon and family, Bow- giris were. united with the church. rone, visited at Mr. Dudley's over the nianville, Mr* and Mrs. Hugh Annis, The sacrament was administered to a weekend. .. Very sorry to learn that 1 r.Sia reiHadn Mr. W. Cator of Oshawa, is at home MîI.and MslSlsTeiHyolarge number. Among those attend- We have a large assortmnent of at M. Ioh emon's; Mrs. E. G -d-tensrvcearoeEradco Mun . We hope he wiil soon be about usfl. mn eith and Ruth, Mrs. S. Flin- ity were. Mr. and Mrs. JohnBkr again ...Glad to report Mrs. F. usfland ornamental articles to f n d family, Mrs. J. Gregory, Osh- Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Miss Ruth and Honey convalescent. Messrs. Walter suitable for young and old at awa, 'Mrs. E. Gregory, Rosa and Jack, Mr. Alan McKessock, Mr. A. L. Pas McGregor and Gordon Beavis, Col- Windsor, Miss Elsie Moore, Toronto, coe, Miss Nora Werry and Master borne, spent the we ekend at Mr. C.j prices ranging from 25e upwards. Mr. Cecil and Miss Lily Moore, Man- George Werry and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Carruthers'. noelad ife- illa, at Mr. W.. H. Moore's. Rundle. Mr. Anson Balsaam is ex- Cream of Barley brings you back. They are unique, nvladdf r Mr. Frank C. Orchard is visiting1 hibiting his sheep at the Quebec Sum- friends at Armada, Applegate, and mer Fai..... Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ar- ent. Detroit, Mich. nott and family visited with Eben- SLN Cream of Barley brings you back. ezer friends on Sunday... . Mr. and SLN Mr. F. B. GlaspelI have returned1 Miss Edwards, Principal of Dun- DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS from a pleasant motor trip through bro col isMroi ni lWestern Ontario, also Niagara Falls bro col isMroi ni Ail During the surnmer the Physicians ...Our church service will be with-1 and Messrs. Will and Harold Ander- oson, Dunbarton, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mc- W . T a A llen of Bowmanville wil:lose their offices drawn next Sunday on accoun: Glahn ndbyRuOsw, Big 20 Boolcatore Wednesday afternoon and evening. anniversary at Hampton. Te Sun-1 pent the weekend at Mrs. James idy cholsesinwill be heda males. Bowmanville Ont. In case of mrec at this time usual. . .. Miss Bernice Stainton basi Dr. Bell the lat Wednesday of month' Ïbee n holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. 1 Visitors: Mrs. Douglas Mcbaugh- Drs. Hazlewood & Birks 2nd Wednes.:' Alan Lavis, lihn, Loraine and Ted, Toronto, at her day of month; Cream of Barley brings you back. father's, Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and Slemn Sd Wenesay o moth;Mrs. Norman Reynolds and Miss Sad- Dr. lmn3dWdedyo ot; ie Brodie, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. Rey- _______________________Dr. Storey 4tb Wednesday of month. 1 MAPLE GROVEnod' MradMs.JPsceM. Miss Annie Laird bas been engaged and Mrs. Fred White and family, Osh- to teacb school at Young's Point for awa, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pascoe, the coming term. Hampton, at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's. .. . Miss Loraine Thompson of the p Brooks spent the weekend with ber holidaying at home and attended the sister, Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto. . wedding of ber sister, Miss Marian B e lls T o gery S h oMiss Marjorie Niddery spent the Thompson and Mr. Walter Kilburn, weekend in Toronto. Dr. Gordon which took place on Saturday. We Brown, Dr. Isobel Menzies, Mr. and extend congratulations to the brideI Mrs. Brown, Toronto, visited Mr' and1 ad groom .. .. Mr. S. E. Werry spent for the I-Ioliday ~ ~~~Mrs. F. Swallow on Sunday. ... Mr.5na ihbswiewoi ovl and Mrs. L. Skinner, daugter for- ei Sng it in sawa... .Mr. cov L~A6AA8 oty, Trono, iss orohy John Baker attended the funeral on ton, Towvn, spent the weekend witb. Monday of Mr. Couch of Bethesda. Mr. E. W. Foley.1 Miss Grace Werry, Enniskillen, visit-_ 5 DOZ. BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Anniversary services of Maple ed at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. ... Mr. and Gordon and other makes, with separate collars, Regular Grove Sunday School were beld on Mrs. Edwin Wood and Murray, Bow- $1.95 values, Sunday and Monday, June i 7th and Imanville, Mr. Rogers and friend of ,~*1 8th, when two large audiences Toronto, spent Sun<lay with Mr Lloyd Sale xrice $1.49~ greeted Rev. F. J. Maxwell of St. An- Williams... . Eleven pupils of the cfew's Cburcb, Oshawa, who gave school are witing Lower Scbool ex- MEN'S KNITTED BLAZERS two very impressive sermons wbichitaminations in Rowmanville this week. In the two popular color combinations, Red and Black and were very much appreciated by ail. Mr. R. J. McKessock is presiding at Yellow and Black, excellent value at regular price $3.50, Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A., B.D., Blackstock and Mr. F. J. Groat of Pastor, and Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, a Hampton here for the entrance exam- Sale Price $2.95 former pastor, assisted in the devo- inations .. . .There will be no service Boys' Sizes $2.49 tional exercises. The school rend- here this Sunday on account of Hamp- MEN'SS E T CAS in an excellent manner under the ablo Harvey Hardy, Russell and Doreen SWE TE CO TSleadership of Mr. Alfred Laird witb visited at Mr. AIf. Hardy's. . ..-*Mr. Pure WooI, knit with a lock stitch, best combination of Miss Mabel Stevens as pianist. At. and Mrs. Fred Hardy and Irene, New colors-the kind you usually pay $6.00 for, the afternoon ser-vice Mrs. (Rev.) J. Toronto, visited at Messrs. Harvey Sale Price $5.00 Each H. Stainton sang a very beautiful and Isaac Hardy's.. .. We are very solo. In the evening Misses Mabel sorry to report the accident that be- "Bel's or argins Tr itandSeeStevens and Margaret Abernethy de- feIl Mr. Sam Deweli on the baIl field "Bell'&__ for___________________and____ lighted the audience witb a duet. Saturday night at Zion wben he had ________Misses Edna Swaliow and Dorothea the misfortune to break his leg. He Metcalf acted as accompanists. On was taken to Bowmanville Hospital KingSt. estMonday afternoon a program Of and his many friends wish him a King aSt.lWeter B l sports was caxried out oy the. chiid- speedy evry Bownanvlle"Be t" ell ren and young people and a league Cream of Barley brings you back. Right By Cole'& Barber Shop game of soft bal was playedbten Maple Grove and Enniakillen os - ~score being 16-2 in favour ofMal Grove. A bounteous supper wai3 HAMPTON served to a very large nu.mber of 1 people who spokeé very highly of the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smurthwaite repast. In the evening Harmony and daughter Jean, Miss Booth and Atbietic Club presented their hunMrM. Reginald Johnston, aIl of Toron- Oua and entertaining play entiledto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V aca ion elps"Done in Oul" wbich was well render- E. L. Williamson. ers Ths bougt aver sucesfulM. .,Mission Circle and Mission We carry a compiete stock of Genuine Kodak Films and anniversary to a close. Proceeds Band of Hampton Church, was held Suplesad av teOny eelpig n Pinin lat n about $3815.01). in the basement of the church otn Suplie an hae te Oly eveopig ad Pîntng lan inCream of Barley hrîngs you back. Tuesday afternoon, June 19th. Meet-1 Bowmanville and the latest equipment. This enables us to give _____ ing was opened witb a hvmn. follnwped our cust&îmers 8-±±our Service and more satisfactory results from your negatives. Our Printing is the BEST. CHOCOLATES FOR THE HOLIDAY Smiles & Chucicles, Hîznts, Laura Secords 60c Pound THERMOS Genuine Thermos, 1 t.SI0 Genuine Stronglass Ther- mnos, Pt............$1.50 Genuine Thermos, 1 qt. $2.00 Thermos and kit complete $1.98 Vacuum Bottles, 1 pt.....49 Vacuum kit complete . ... $1.29 TOILETS Carron Oil in tubes for sunburn ................35 Skeetofax in tubes for insect bites............ .50 Cold and Vanishing Creams in tubes........ .25 Weekend Packages....... .35 Toilet Roîls........ ...... .15 Perfume in solid form . .$1.00 Ey.. It ls Done Prop.rly BOWMANVILLE HAYDON After the business was compieted a temperance programn was given. Mrs. Visitora: Mrs. Gonnelly, Californ- Shackelton, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Sykes, ia, is viiting hier mother, Mrs. Mary Mrs. Bick, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Horn, Greer; Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Wright, Miss Katerson and Mrs. Salter read Phyllis and Bruce, Calgary, visiting clippinga from "The Watcb Tower". bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright; Mrs. Trenouth read the devotional Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell, Mr. and leaflet, entitled "Temperance Issue".ý Mrs. L. B. Disney and son, Oshawa, Miss Elinon Sykea gave a piano solo. spent Sunday at Mr. J. Wrigbt's; Mr. Topic for the day "A Christian At- and Mrs. John Graham and sons, Osh- titude Towards Liquor" was given awa, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. D by Mrs. Luffman, Mrs. Petley, Mrs. Graham. on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Kersiake and Mrs. Allin. Miss Jes- Elmer Bradley and family, and Mrs. s ie Knox gave a piano solo, followed Emily Bradley visited relatives at Or- by a chorus hy the Mission Band. ono; Mr. and Mrs. W. Giffier, Salem, Mis. Bur-ns closed the meeting with at Mr. T. S. Mountjoy's; Mr. and Mrs. prayer. Supper was served on the C. Soper, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Wight's lawn and a social hour spent. and Mn. R. McNeil'a; Mr. F. H. Cowl- Cream of Barley bings you back. ing and son Freddie, Cartwright, at his sister's, Mrs. Rd. McNeil's, on Sun- day .... Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McNeil and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil SPEND DOMINION DAY attended the McNeil picnic wbîch waisTHAPO held at Mr. Wmn. Hobbs', Pickering, ATHAMPTON last Saturday.. Five pupils from our achool are writing entrance examina-i Sunday School Annivensary, Sun- tions at Solina this week. ..0. urday, July lst. Services at 10.30 teaher Mr E . Sapls i prsidnga. m. and 7 o'cleck v. m. Mr. M. A. teaher Mn E E. tapes s pesiingSorsoleil, Toronto, will speak at ba)th over entrance pupils at Bethany... evcs ody uy2d il Glad to know our S. S. Superintend- seories.PMndayJuy nd fild- ent.Mr.Cecl Semon isabl tobe Hampton vs. Ebenezer 3 p. m. Senior out again having been ilI with mumpa Soft Bal-Hampton vs. Mapie Grove ...League Sunday evening was in 15.0 . m. Tea served from 4 p. m. charge of 4th Vice President, Mn. B ncuchlw. Grn oceta Flaxington, and a splendid prgail pm. J. H. Cameron, Entertainer, wss given... .Don't forget tht a lTrno isScrSpaoVcl roads lead to Haydon on July 1lst and Torto; Miss Secrion, pano VocTa 2nd. and concert 65c; tea or concert 40c. Anniversary services of Haydon Children, tea or concert 25c. Sunday School will bc held as f ollows: On Sunday, July lst., sermons will b preacbed at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. hy Rev. Thos. McGlicuddy, Lyceum and Cbautauqua lecturer, club and col- loge speaker, Toronto. Music will he furnished hy the school, also solos hy Miss Rilda Cooper, Toronto, andi Miss Frances Hancock, Ebenezer. On Monday, July 2nd., an afternoon Of sports will be carried out. There will be two hall gamnes-Girîs Maplo Grove vs. Ennisgkillen at 3.30 p. m., and a League game of basebail Salem vs. Enniakillen at 5 p. m. Tea served P from 4 o'clock. At 8 o'clock a high class concert will lie rendered by the, Met-ny Mirth Makers, Toronto;Mi«s Louise Williams Mawson, Soprano1) < I Soloist and Entertainer; Mr. Harryl sa Firth, Comedian and Entertainer; Mnr William Sharp, Chat-acter Comedian, M and Miss Aima Gauden, Accompan- ist. Admission, Tes and concert, adulta 60c; children 40c; tea or con- cert, adults 40c; children 25C. Cecil Siemon, Mrs. R. Crosiman, 2 Supt. Secretany. TYRONE Visitors: Misses Ida and Minnie Jewell and Mr. Robt. Jewell, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Souch, Clarke Un- ion, visited at Mr. A. Hawkey's; Dr. and Mrs. Reed Virtue, Toronto, vis- ited at Mr. E. Virtue's; Mra. Laura Virtue, Milton and Archie, visited Mr. Everett Virtue at Gravenhurst on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman and family, Columbus, spent Sunday at Mr. L. J. Goodman's; Mrs. Viola Smith has returned home from Bow-g manville, accompanied by ber daugh-7 ter, Miss Edith M. Smith; Mr. and Mrs R. McCullougb visited at Dr. D. K. Frasers', Betheda. ... The sympatby1 of this community la extended to Mis.1 Albert H. Hilîs, Mis. (Rev.) Wilkin-1 son, Victoria Road, and Mr. Howard1 Coucb of this cnmmunity, in the death of their fatber, Mr. Wesley Coucb, also to Mrs. Thos. Scott in the death of .her brother...Hampton boys 1 Attractive Prices ON Holiday Merchandise Buy Your Dominion Day-Holiday Requirements at Nelson's Store of Bigger and Better Values We are showing a comiplete and comprehensive a-ssortment of holiday merchandiqe-up, to the minute in style at prices you cannot duplicate elsewhere. Buy Your Hosiery at Nelson's 25 doz. $1.00 Qualty Substancards-A very choice lot in all colora and sizes, Per Pair 59C. 30 doz. Misses' Silk Hase-A heavy durable quality that we can recommend for Xtra wear in cloors and white, sizes 6 % to 9 %...................................................... Per Pair 59c XTRA VALUE 75 dozen including Green Stripe, Wearwell and Gold Dollar qualities-ail first grade-in every wanted size and color, also lots of white, specifly priced for this week per pair ......84c 35 Dozen Full Fashioned Hose-Two qualities and ail guaranteed lst qualities-in a lovely range of colora, also white and black-at prices you cannot duplicate. NO. 1 SERVICE WEIGHT, PER PAIR $1.39 NO. 2 XTRA FINE GRADE. PAIR $1.69 YÏ sox for children in Wool or Silk and Wool, cornes in plain or plaid designs, a regular 79e value, sizes 6% to 10.................... ................................. Special Price Per Pair 69c SILK GLOVES-Super double thread quality, double tipped and fancy cuifs, in Grey, Beige, Sand, Rose Beige, size 6 to 71/2,..................................... Special Price $1.29 Pair Silk Scarves-No. 1 range is shown in straight or triangle shape, in good weight crepe de chene, a good range of colors to choose from, each................................................... 98C No. 2-A heavier quality in straight or triangle shape, a lovely range of designs and colora at $1.39 1 Bathing Suits-You will want a new one for the holiday- -we have them in ail sizes and colors, pure wool qualities, priced .................................................. $1.79 to $2.19 SilIc Ling erie-Everyb od y is talking about our good values, this week we are going one better and giving you the following special prices-Vests 84-c; Bloomners $1.10; Slips $1.89 Corselettes-We have two of the best values in the trade specially made for misses and sl1ender women, size 30 to 40. Special Prices......... .............. No. 1 Per Pair 88c; No. 2 Per Pair $1.39 MORE FELT HATS Our last shipment sold in a few days-no wonder-when you can buy two for less than the regular price of one. See the new white and pastel colors and note the price, LOT 1--41.79; LOT 2--$2.98 Knitted Underwear-Silk Strîped in Vest or Bloomers, aIl colora and sizes, Vesta 39c; Bloomners 49c. Mercerized Broadcloth Bloomers and Slips--In a fine imported cloth, in aIl colors and sizes Slips each 69c-, Bloomers 69c Pair NEW FRESH SILK DRESSES JUST ARRIVED Have you seen our new stock of Silk Dresses, specially purchas- ed and specially low. priced for the holiday trade. 5 styles in ail Silk Fugi, in every wanted size and color and priced at ................................................ $2.95 to $3.98 3 dozen Printed Ray-Silk Dresses, worth $5.95, a special pur- chase enables us to pass these on to you in sizes 36 to 42 at $3.98 . .... ......FLAT CREPE PLEATED SKIRTS A new shipment just arrived in the two popular coloris, White or Canary Yellow. Very popular for to wear with your sport pullover, sizes 34, 36, 38.....................................$4.29 NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and B3etter Values King St. West ]Buwmanville WALLPAPER SALES MORE THAN DOUBLED 'rticular people are certainly showing a decided preference for, Staunton's Sunworthy Wall Paper ince we have taken over this well known. agency our wallpaper les have doubled. There's a reason-buy the best it costs no ire. Saniples gladly shown without obligating you to buy. GEOdi'. PRITCHARDD CRAJJIO Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville I i ?AGE FOUR M. JURY & LOVELL Whon W. Test PHONE 78 HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORT GOODS TENNIS RACQUETS TENNIS BALLS OFFICIAL SOFT BALLS 12" and 13" BATS FOR SOFTBALL BASE BALL BATS GLOVES, MITTS BICYýCLES, GENTS NEW $28-75 FISHINO TACKLE Biggest Variety at Lowest Prices MASON & DALE Phone 145 Populan Hairdwaze Store Bowmantlle came to Tyrone and playe a game of baseball an Friday evening with Tyrone boys. Score 17-10 in favour of the visiting team. . .. Miss Viola Shortt bas recently received a con- signment of pedigreed barred rocks. The pen consista of seven pullets and a cockerel of high laying strain. AIl services withdrawn bere next Sun- day on account of Haydon anniver- sary. . . . 1ev. J. R. Trumpour took for bis text on Sunday morning the words "And in thee saal aIl families of the earth be ble.ssed"', Gen. 12:3.., League Thursday evening was in charge of 3rd Vice President,, Mr. Allan McColl. Program: readings by Mr. Archie Dyer and Mr. Fred Due topic "How sbould Christianis spend the Sabbath", by Mr. Harold Mack- lin.. .. Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid meeting was held at the hc'rie of the president, Mrs. Luther Hlooper, on Friday, June 22nd. After the business was transacted the iollbwing, COMMUNITY SALE Saturday, JuIy 7th-A cornmunity isale will be held in Bowmanville on above date. If you have goods or articles to Put in this sale notify C. H. Mason at once. Wateh for par- ticulars next week. W. J. Challhs, Auctioneer. prograin was given: A splendid paper on "The art of living with Others", by Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Trumpour; piano duet by Miss Annie Gardiner and Mrs. T. Barr; report of the district meeting which was held at Hampton by Mrs. Harold Skinner; a talk on "The League of Nations" by Mrs. Russell Wright. Community sing- ing and a social half-hour were enjoy- ed by al ... .Miss Florence Gardiner is visiting her brother, Mr. Ernest Gardiner, Inpglehart, New Ontario.

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