Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1928, p. 3

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PAGE THRE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 28th., 1928 3 Times a Day 365 Times a Year IT'S BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, SUPPERS Keeps Mas Guessing to Keep Pas from Cussing It certainly is no cinch to plan three meals a day for 365 days in the year. That's why we ai- ways try to do our level best to have the choicest stock of groceries money can buy. Give prompt courteous service and seil at reasonable prices. See our window this week for speciai display of vases for flowers. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanvilie 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Coxnfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $15.00 per ton; Pea $12.50. Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke ................................ ..$12.OO Deiivered to. ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have aiso a full stock of Lumber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opportunîty of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. Caîl and inrspect our stock and prices McCflellan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanville RED FROSE T'EAis good te&9 Red Rose Orange Pekoe is supremne .18 In clean, bright Aluminum. -IF Internai and Externa 1 Pains are prom pty relieved by nR-THomAS' ECLECTRICO01L N STDATHAT IT MAS BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS i DURHAM CLUB 0F TORONTO N VISITS BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOLc (Continued fron i frst page) Dr. Hughes. President of the Club,j responded on behaîf of the members, stating hie was happy to be here and to see s0 many present, especiaily bis old friend, Mr. W. B. Couch, for many years Chairnian of iBowman- ville igh Scbool Board, whom lie designated as one of Canada's grand old men. He was pleased to see Mayor Holgate and others present. He began bis eslucationai career whent quite young on a fanm at Solinax where in bis management of boises1 while piowing, lie gained much valu- able knowledge that xas useful in aftor years in the management of boys. Ho neyer went to High School or University. Ho said some people believed that tbey were getting edu-!1 cation when others thoughts werer runnin through their heads. He j worked seven hours a day for five nîonths of the year with horses and fromn the inspiration gained there hoe had boon able to write more books on chiid-training than any other mnan. God nover made bad boys, if they are bad they go îrong in the homes and schools. He received a lot of good from the farm. A child's power to plan is one of the finest gifts giv- on hlmi. Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., appreciat-i ed the invitation to ho prescrnt on ths occasion, as gatherings of this kind1 help to make if e worth living. Hol, rocalled the ro-union at S. S. No. 9,t Clarko, a sbort tume ago, that in spito of unpleasant woather, was a very happy occasion; duil days wore as useful as any others. Dr. Hughes might soon ho styled a century plant.] but hie feit hoe was the right man in' the right place. Ho concluded .ith an incident in bis own exporionce when a boy at this school whe n word s of advice had borne fruit. A happy and contented people is what makes a successful nation. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., was gladi to have the Club hore. Ho remom-j 1 berod their iast visit to this county îvhen the gathering was held at El- liott Memorial Park, Hampton. Ho paid a tribute to Dr. Hughes' work for education, the splendid service hoe had rendered, and hoe believed bis heart was stili deeply in it. Mr. Bragg also referred to the great debt we owe our f o.efathers in the devel-I opment of the county of Durham. We have much to bo proud of and hoe sometimes wondered if the sanie class of people that came fromn the Old Land in those days could be duplicat- ed. t was a pleasure to give the Toronto people a welcomo. Mayor T. S. Holgate joined in the welcome to the visitors. Dr. Hughes had referred to the straight furrow hoe aimred to plow. when a boy. The Mayor said hoe was trying to plow a straight furrow for the good of the people of Bowmanvilie. Ho was pleased to be herA to join in the wel- como and hoped they would ail have a real re-union. As citizons we were proud of the institution and staff of the school. Mr. J. H. H. jury, who donated the land for tis School, was gi.ad to ex- tend a welcomne. Reference hail been made to the mon who had gone out of Durhami county and made a succoas. hoe desired to pay tribute to the pluck of the men who stayed in Durhami and did a man's job. Re- forring to the work of the achool hie hoped hundreds of boys would conie back and say, 111 got my start in Bovnnanvile." Mr. W. B. Couch, after thanking Dr. Hughes for the kindly reference made to himself, feît it an honor to dine with the Durhami Club. Ho foît that Toronto would hoe poor with- out the mon from Durham county. In referenco to education hie would mention Dr. J. L. Hughes, the late Prof. John Squaii, Prof. DeLury and Prof. Parks; in iaw, Mr. W. N. Tii- loy, K.C., and in almost every other vocation distinguished men could be named from Durham county. There was no place btter than this county. Dr. Hughes remarked that among the geatost and best leaders in Unit- ed States 75% were biought up oný faims, and 60% only went to school in the winteî time. Education wasi a conscious growth toward the Divine. Dr. Reamnan, Supt., said ho couidn't go as far as Dr. Hughes. Ho didn't believe ail boys weîe devis or al angels. Ho despised past history. The boy cornes to us as the unadjust- ed boy, by that ho meant the boy who had gu1nption enough to got int.o trouble, they didn't look on the boy as a criminal because ho did a crim- mnal act. A boy becomes a truant when ho hasn't something to do. This achool is not an oxperiment and aIl who come in must test 9 0% mental to be a normal boy. They take theni as low as 80%,' but below that they are not fit for this institution. Our systeni is to make boys self-re- liant, we hold the right to keep theni until we consider theni ready to beave, and to send hlm out wheno he will develoP. Ho illustrated this by an instance happening sinco ho was in charge. Thir if e is divided into four classes, cottage life, school life, work life and play life. Ho showed how to deal with anglo-saxon boys; others have to bo dealt with differ- ently. Marks are givon for care of person, ciothing, work, play and school life. Don't say ho good, but show theni how to get satisfaction out of doing useful things instead of fool- ish things. Thoy give marks for work well done and thus save think- ing up penalties. After a boy bas learned to woîk well and cheerfully without pay thon ho is compensated for bis woîk and when ho bas eaîned a certain amount- ho is given a trip home as a reward. We try to remember boys are bere to train to go out and earn a living. Tbey are givon choice of work and ho was glad to report at least a thirdý of the boys were cboosin.g faim work, . Ho called attention to what the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs have done and are doing, but the best woîk was being done by niembers of those clubs to the boys afteî leaving bore. They now have îoom for 80, and a building to accommodate 110 more will be ready &oon. This achool can't be duplicated; botý United States and Enzland want similar in- stitution s. In concluding Dr. Rea- mnan said ho believed this aobool wouid make ita *contribution of Charles Ruse, Miss Amy Ruse, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Rowland, Mrs. S. An- son, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. W. King, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brittain, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Stevens, Mr. E. Fielding, Miss Fielding. Mr. J. G. Washington, Mr. T. Washington, Miss Stella ïWashington, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Washington, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hat- ton, Mr. J. S. Hatton, Mr. and Mis. J. B. Watson, Mrs. M. J. Downing, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Keachie, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, Mrs. John Mc- Gi, Miss Clara Windatt, Dr. James L. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Gob- bledick. Miss Ruth Kelby. Buffalo, N. Y.; Mr. F. W. owen, M. P., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. 'E E Gibson, Newcastle; Mr. and INrs Geýo. A. Stophons, Mr. and M.Nrs. F. L. Squair, Salem.. Bowmanville: Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P.P. and Mrs. Brawg, Mayor T. S. Holgate, Maj. Gen. John Hughes, Ex- Mayor J. J. Mason, Mrs. Geo. W. James, Miss E. E. Haycraft, Dr. J. C. Devitt, F. C. Vanstone, J. A. Mc- Clellan, Alderman Geo. Crombie, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris, Win. Quick, Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. B. James, Mrs. (Dr.) W. E. Tilley, W. B. Couch, Ex- Mayor M. A. James, Mrs. Mary L. Washington, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, David Morrison, Sr. MEN-DE YOURSELFI PST enveloui. la= 8004 ay U mto aéanic. bato e wldlng. = ondnboff wkling. bdakla>nt, barbwUl, bnat7seltmr wd.Sunmm clai..Dow f oemln& Mrdnoe4 Laa.Un.. 70 has. Itoetlngca~o01 afternoon, while two bands will pro- vide the miusic, and in the evening, the afternoon show will be repeated, the whvle concluding with the best display of fireworks ever shown at the park. The natural grand stand provides an excellent and saf e place to enter- tain the family, parking arrange- ments are good, and the conimittee in charge should be congratulated on the excellent prograni off ered. Take your famiiy and spend the day with them. 25-2 RAILWAY TIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY <Standard Time) GOING WEST 4.22 a. m. Daily 8.39 a. m. Dally oxcept Sunday 2.02 p. mn. Dally except Sundays 7.11 p. m. DaiIly 7.56 p. m. Sundays Only 8.27 p. mi. Daily excopt Sundays GOING EAST 8.42 a. m. Daily except Sunday 9.13 a. mi. Sundays Only 10.14 a. mi. Dally 1.32 p. mi. Daily except Sunday 2.46 p. mi. Daily 6.14 p. mi. Daily excopt Sunday 9.58 p.nm. Daily 11.24 p. mi. DalIy CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL.WAV (Standard Tume) GOING WEST 5.30 a. mi. Dally 8.20 a. mi. Daily except Sunday. I4.20 p. mi. Daily 7.18 p. mi. Daily GOING EAST 10.19 a. mi. DalIy. 2.22 p. mi. Daily 8.25 p. mi. Dally except Sunday. 11.27 p. ni. Dally. .The. Sale Way TH'E home is no place for valuable papers-neither is your office. Fora small sum, you can have the protection of a Safety Deposit Box behind the steel doors of our vault. Your personal inspection is invited. 'The oui y site fPlace for jouiLs, bonds, stocks, dceds, foliwies. family fopers. smail jewelIaoy, etc. M89 The Rtoyal Bantk of. Canada' Bowmnanville Branch - R. F. Aitchisori, Manager 1049 To every Motorist purchasing Five Gallons or more - of our' W hiute Rose Gasollne At our Bowmanville Service Station Friday and Saturday, June 29 & 30 we will present a card entitling the bearer to one complete CHASSIS LUBRICATION (Alemite, Zerk or Dot System) FrR EE This card will be redeemable on presentation any thue from JULY 3rd TO l4th ONLY at this Service Station. White Rose Service Station F. W. NELLES, Manager Phone 430 Bowmanvillq worthy citizens to this fair Canada of SPEND DOMINION DAY ours. 1 AT PORT HOPE At the conclusion of the addresses,j a hearty vote to Dr. Reaman and The citizens of Port Hope are staff was moved in a humorous again ceiebrating Dominion Day on speech by Mr. J. B. Watson and July 2nd this year. seconded in equaily appreciative words by Mi. Levi E. Annis and The progrim shows a great deal of beartily endorsed by ail present, thought and ail classes of the com- closing witb the National Antheni.' munity bave been considered. There will be tbree classes of boise The different buildings were then races, pace or trot 2.13, 2.18 and 2.28 inspected including the school where whîch will draw the best horses from. Dr. Hughes again addrossed the boys. this district. Barring the rainy weather the yisit ThPasA.CanLkeisof was thoroly enjoyed from an educa- Tront tA.ofCand a's aest tioni ad scia stndpint may Softbail Ladies' teams, wiil be a frining ove hewekn wt drawing card in the lino of sport, friens in owf, whiio Bowmanville and Port Hope, Mr. W. F. Maas, Secretary of the in a league fixture, wiil be the bard- Club, received regiets from these bail feature. members who were unable to join the party: Mis. W. H. Henry, ILieut.-Col.1 Evans and Irwin, said to be the and Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, Dr. J. H. El- outstanding stunt aeropiane artists liott, Dr. D. J. Goggin, J. A. Gendron, of the continent, will provide many Toronto; R. J. Brown, Orono; and thrilis in a speedy aeroplane. Irwin J. H. Middleton, Newcastle. waiks the wings, and hangs suspended Among those present were: Tor- I by the teeth and bas other death de- onto-Mi. and Mrs. L. E. Annis, Mr. 1 fying stunts *ell woîth going a long and Mrs. Wallace Maas. Mr. and Mrs. 1 distance to see. The vaudeville plat- R. J. M. Montgomery, Mr. Jos. P. form will be on the go with the high- Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Baskerville A est class vaudeville in years. CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES LIMITED. - -~ STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Sytem 1l King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calis At Our Expense

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