Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1928, p. 1

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i ,%h te mrnx ______With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 28th., 1928 $2.00 a Year Ini Advance 5c ai flnnu NTs 26 FAKM INSURANCE We have hçretofore represented the Maple Leaf Farmers' Mutiial rirel Ins. Go., but do flot now We offer instead policies issued by the old- established and favourably knowni FÂRMERS' CENTRAL MUTUALI PIRE INS. CO., which lias its Head Office at Walkerton, Ontario. This Company pays full los at time of fire, and the rates compare very favoura*bly with those of the Maple Leaf. We solicit inquiry. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, General In- suranoce Agent, Bowmanvjlle. Phone 189. 25-21 Haddy & Co. Giving Up ]Business Everything must be sold by June 30th., 1928. Ail hats at practically your own price. Friday and Saturday many ope- cially priced at $1.00. You cannot afford to miss the last opportunity ta purchase Mil- linery at greatly beiow cost. Fixtures and 3 large mirrors included in the sale. Wonderful Sale! ALL LADIES' COATS Now in stock which includes only coats purchased for this season are now REDUCED ONE-THIRD Corne in and get one before they ail go LADIES' SILK LINGERIE Spcal values this week in Ladies' Silk Underwear: SiIk Bloomers from...........1OOto $2.50 Silk Vests from ....................$1.00 to $1.25 MORE BEAUTIFUL DRESSES Wednesday morning we received another shipment of new Dresses featuring the latest styles, newest materias and popular shades. Corne in and see this attractive display. LADIES' CLOTH SUITS Balance of these very attractive suits have been reduced for quick dlean up from............................................ $3.00 to $10.00 LADIES' COATS GREATLY REDUCED You must see these new coats to really appreciate the tremendous saving we are offering you in this department. The low prices would create a false impression as to their style and work so corne in and see for yourself. NEW DRESS GOODS In Printed Chiffons, Printed Sllks, Sil4< and Wool Crepes, Rayons, Broadcloths and fast colored Fugi Silks in ail the new shades. FOULARD SILKS AT $1.00 Several pieces of Foulard Silks selling off $1 per yard, reg. $1.75 LADIES' SILK HOSE A big assortment of Ladies' Silk Hose in ail the newest shades from 75c to $2.00. MEN'S NEW StJITS Our large assortmnent of Men's New Suits featuring the new- ast weaves,' colors and styles combined with the real values we offer is keemng Our Men's Clothing Department outfitting men who appreciategthe best at reasonable prices. Couch, Jqhnston &Cryderman, Bowmanvllle Phone 104 Limitea . e Community Celebration Fair Grounds, Bowmanvflle MONDAY, JULY 2nd at 2 p. mn. Daylight Saving Time Horticultural Society, Agricultural Society, Rotary Club, Canadian Club.s and Chamber 'of Commerce are ail uniting ta put across this grand event. Flower Show Music by Oshawa Regimental Band in front of Grand Stand A splendid Orchestra will also render music in the Flower Show building. Exciting Soft Bail Game at 2 p. m. Horse Shoe Pitching Tournament 3 p. m. Folk Dances, Drills, Etc., by 100 Young People 3 p. m. Burlesque Bail Game at Close of Horse Shoe Pitching Tournament Grand Stand 10c Plan ta attend this unique Dominion Day Celebration. Attractions for old and young. ADMISSION 25c; CHILDREN 15C Dr. D. W. BEST, President. J. H. H. JURY, Secretary. Royal Theatre Preaenting The. Finest lu Photoplays Phone 589 Friday.Saturday, Junie 29-30 Tom Mix In "Horseman off the. Plains" Ail the fun and thrills of a rodeo in Tom's latest production-the story of a Champion Rider and Roper and a plucky Western Girl -Sally Blane is the leading lady while Heinie Conklin as U5now- shoe" furnishes the fun in this thrilling picture. Story by Harry Sinclair Drago. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30. Children 5c Chapter 4 of "The. Trail off the. Tiger" and regular prograin Monday-Tuesday, JuIy 2-3 Extra Special Holiday Attraction Ramon Novarro In "A Certain Young Man" Ah, the beautiful women I Re could not resist them-and what a hiarious tornado of trouble fol- lowed his gay adventurings in love. Novarro neyer was more engaging in this capital light com- edy role-from first to last a film of perfect entertainmnent. Monday evening continuous show starting at 7 P. m. Wedneaday-Thuraday, July 4-5 Richard Barthelmess In "The. Wheel of Chance" Every kind of love in this thrill- packed drama. The eternal moth- er-love-the love of brother for brother-the glorious sweetheart love and the jealous love of two boys for the same girl. "Our Dick" blends them ail into one rnighty drama. It's s0 real, so life-like, you'll forget You're seeing a moving picture. From the famous story by "Fannie Hurat". AU Performances Start 'ou Day. ligit Saving Time Tii. Coboat Place is Tcwn 'J LIII n )n 1- fl- e- ýr, n, ýy a- r, ie CITIZIENS REQUEST PAVEMENT Roads and Bridges Committee af Counties Council met in conference wîth the Town Council here on Mon- day to consider how best ta spend the $50,000 voted by the caunties council on country roads within the town limits. It is quite possible that the two main thorougbfares from the north leading to the business section of the town will be paved~ that is on Scugog frors King St. te Goad'a Corner, and on Manvers Road fromý Concession St. as far as the C. P. R. subway and fanther if money lasts out. Steps are aiso being taken to pave Liberty St. from King St. to Concession St., which is also a county road, providing the praperty owners on this street will bear a small share of the expense and the county and government the major portion. A meeting of the authorities wiil be held Thurdsday ta decide definite action in these matters. Town Cauncil at its next meeting will also be asked Vo consider paving more streets on the local improvement plan, viz praperty owner pay 80 % and tawn 20%. Petitions are being circulated for pavement an Elgin St. from Wellington ta Concession St; and anather on Prospect St. from C. P. R. bridge ta OdelI, thence west on Odeli ta Scugog. The former pe-, tition at present Iacks sufficient Sig- natures ta warrant council in grant- ing the request. 7WEDDINGS MINISTERS AND C HURCHES Henry-With.ridge Union services of St. Paul's and Trinity Churches will bc held during A very pretty wedding was solem- July and August. Further announce- nized on Wedneaday, June 20th, ment next week. 1when Gladys May, only daughter of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic 1Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Witheridge, Car- Churcli, Stgnday, July list-Mass il lisle Avenue, was united in marriage a. m. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Ser- with Mr. Leonard J. Henry, Phm.B., mon and b>enedietion 7 p. m. Rev. Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. P~ . Ps'utler. Henr, Bomanvlle.St. Paul's Churcli, Rev. D. W. The ceremony took place at the Best, D.D.. Minis er. 10 a. m.- home of the bride's parents,. which Sunday School. il a. m.-"'Domin- was prettiy decorated with bridai ion from Sea ta Sea". 7.30 p. m.- wreath and peanies. Rev. J. U. "The Duty of the Day". Robins, pastor of Trinity United rntUiedCucýRvJ.. C h u c h , w a s t h o fi c i t i i r l e r y - R o b i n s , p a s t o r . S u in d a v S c h o o l a t man. Mns. R. M. Mitchell, played 10 a. m. Preaching services at il the wedding march and duning the a .ad73 .m armn signing of the register Mrs. J. Ros a.ofmte ands 7.30 ra m. hscent Stutt sang "The 'Voice That BreathedofteLr'suprabthevcs M'r Eden," accampanied by Mra. St. Andrew's Presfrvterlan Churcli, Mitchell. Rev. R. McDerment, M.A., minister. Service at il a. m; Evening service Terbride was given in mariage a t 7.30 p. m. in charge cf M. H. M. byhrfather, and was becnigyhw.Sol gowned fin îace-trimmed white Gil 10t Os.und. georgette. She wore a Veil of tuile,at0a.m held in cap effect with arange lls- Rev. E. R. Ayde, assistant cf St. soms, and carried a shawer bouquet Peter's Church, Cobourg, will have of American Beauty roses, lily-of-the- charge of services at St. John's Ang- 'Valley and fern. lican Church the next three Sundays. MissRet Benet, wo atedas Rev. P. G. Powell, Blackstocik, will bridesmaid, wore a dress f rose- ethe orig sevceRonJulybreat beige georgette and carried a bouquet temrigsrieo uylt of sweet peas and roses. Miss Ferai Rev. R. J. Sbires. Rector cf St. Elli ott, St. Catherines, niece of thieJohn's Churci, lias been appointed groom, made a cliarming littie fiower Dean of the Anglican Summer Sehool girl, weaning a dress of n lie green which takes in the two dioceses of Bownianville to Rochester Adulte $3.00, Chibdren $1.5 Newcastle to Rochester Special Train-Special Bout Everybody Welecome Leave Bowmanville Uptown 7 a. m. (Daylight Saving Time) Leave Newcostle 7.25 a. in. (Dayllght Saving Turne) Splendid mic for dancing - Blggost event of tIse year 254.j1 LUVI, vrno, nen ey eterLt.UiIIV with a famnily party in honor ai Mn and Mmn. Will Hodgsan, (nea Elizar- beth McCuilocl) and family, wba are spending their vacation with theI home foqlks, havin1g motored from themr home in Western Canada. After a bountiful supper, dantily served by the hostess, a very pleasant evenîng was spent by aIl. Worthy aofnmen- tion among tIe guests were three ai Darlingtons eider generati,n in the peisona ef Mn. and Mrs. John MeGul- loch wlio colebrated their golden wed- ding five yeara ago, and lira. James Hostie, whe resides *i'th the doctor, and if permltted will roeli hone elght. ieth birthday next ,sonth. HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTIONS 1 Names are arranzed aiphabetical: H11onours-75% ta 100%; Pass-e( r % to 75% ;Recammended-failed 01 -one or more subjects, but promoted ci k trial. When subject appears after a stu<. enta naine, the student will not be al lowed ta study that subject next. yeai in the biglier fanm. Fana Il to Form 111 HonouSs-Ada Allun, Annie Eût, tery, Florence Bennett, Oscar Jamlie son, John Jury, Winnifred Lancaster, Kenneth Morris, Beatrice Mollon Muriel Moore. Kenneth Osborne, Har' aid Slemon, Marion Snowden, Mior1eý Vanstone. Pass-Douglas Adams, Ronald Ad. ams, Clare Allin, Ruth Allun, Robert Corbett, Allan Clemence, Grace Hast- ings, Doris Jamiesan, G ladys Jamie- son, Arthur Kent, (Frenchi, Latin), Leola Miller (Latin), Gorsina Sanis, Frances McKinnon. Recommended-Raymnond Burns, Jean Bell, Bernice Beilman (Latin, Frenchi), lieta Conners, Ruth Luxto (Latin, French.), Nelson Osborne. Form'1lB to Form Il Honoura-Manion Battie,' Marjorie Bradt, Iva Foley, Newton Hackney, Jessie Knox, Betty Morris, Maurice Rose, Minetta Shortridge, Ila Valleau, George Weekes. Pais-Harold Abbott, Joseph Aiex- ander, Oswald Anderson, Marlon A]- lin (French. Latin), Clara Ashlee, Joseph Barton, Oliver Bradt, Leah Bell, Reta Biilett, Glarles Glemence, Marion Cannera, Caroline Hamilton, Norali Hayward, Alice Jackman (French, Latin), Lilian Jebson, Wl- liam Laird. Marlon Lyle, Aima Mor- ris, Alan Osborne, V'era Sbackelton (French, Latin), Thelma Werry, An- nie Wilkins, Frances Harvie (Latin), Dorothy Holbrook. Recommended---Bradley Honeymian (Frenchi, Latin), Sert Mutton (French. Latin), Marjorie Rowe, Jack Weekes (French, Latin>. Aegrotat - Douglas Courtice (French, Latin). Fonîn IA to Fooem Il Honours--Stanley Dunn, Betty Flaxman, Evelyn Goddard, Annie Gardiner, Bernice Stainton, Ruth Tuerk, Kenneth Wood. Paso-Gordon Adams, Howard Bick- le. Bruce Camneron (French), May Freeman, William Gray, Lila Hamnm, George Ives (Frenchi, Latin), Roy Lunney (Frenchi, Latin), Marlon Leg- gott, Kenneth Mitc4ell IFrencli, Lat- in). Roy Mitchell, Clarence Osborne, Albert Rundle, Eteika Trimble, George V'eale (French, Latin). Recommnended - Robert Cale (French, Lptin). Aeprotat--Clare Courtice, (French, Latin). W. J. Morrison, Principal. Fao thali-Zion plays a league gamns with Bowmanville at Higli School grounds, Saturday, June 3Oth at 7.SCý p.m. (daylight saving time.) 1 ENTRANCE EXAMNATIONIS Principal W. J. Marrison preaided. at tise Entrance Exama. held in the Higli School ifirât tisree days of this week. Thse einrollment was VIe largeet on record wlth 50 from Bowmanville and 36 fmcm rural schoois. Four were absent due te ilîrsesu. It is net expected that entrance resulte will be anaoaneod before July l2th. lu the lower aciscol exams ftfteon pspi re writlng frem S5dm. sud Tyoo.In addition to local higli sehool students. Lh SECURITIEIS AND INVESTMENTS peas. Thfe est man was Mr. HimcÇ1 atSt Cath anines July 3-10. Mrs. e, 1 ~ardTalr Hamilton. R. M. Cale and daugliter Ellen, wilI , Rotary Club Heara Good Addresa on Following the ceremony a buffet attend the sessions.. ýn Sound Advice to Inveatora luncheon was served, during which St. John's (Anglican) Churcli r- Mn. R. M. Mitche read a very ap-IRev. R. J. Shires, Recter. Fourth Rotarian Hubert C. Higginbotham,' propriate address «co the bride and ISunday after Trinity, Dominion Day, ,n Manager of Standard Rank, Cobourg, groom. Rev. J. U. Robins propoaed JuIy lat, 1928: il a. m.-Holy Ceom- and a well knawn native son of Bow- the health of the bride, ta whidh the munion and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. manville, was the speaker at the local groom replied. P. G. Powell. Retar of Blackdtock. Rotary Club luncheon on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Henry lef t on a trip 12 .30 p. m.-Sünday School. 7p.m ,n gave some valuable information on ta Montreal and Quebec. th ride - ve i g ra er riay MJn nk "Securities and Investments". travelling in a navy coat and rase f29th. St. Peter's Day-Holy Cern. k In introducing lis subject lie said flowered bat, with blonde shoes and' munion at 8 a. m. there are not a few Rotarians and stockings completing the costume. Meetings of mare than ater- ýe others whose naines are on the On their return they will reside in est were held by the Junior Mission- "suckers' list", and it is te better Hamilton. ary Society of St. Paul's ChancIs on equip you against such evils tlrat I Previaus ta the weddine a few Monday evening and Tuesday after- would like ta speak. Probably there fniends of the bride gathered at the n&on r1tspectlvely, at the pleasant ywas neyer more money awaiting in- home of Miss J. Sprv where a MWs home of Mrs. (Rev ) George Mason, lvestment in this district than at pres- ceilaneous shower was given.- Higli St, The Junior Missionary Se- ent. With another issue of gavern- ciety enjoyed a very bright and in- -ment bonds matuning this fail will Kerr-Webber formative adress on India by Mise came f urthér f unds for the saine pur- Agnes Fleming who with lier mother, Ypose. When salesmen can go through A quiet but pretty wedding was Mrs. R. J. Fleming of Toronto, lis 1 this county and extract from our best solemnized on Saturday, June 23rd., recentiy returned frein a tour cf In- y citizens sumns ranging from $100 ta at the home of Mr. Roy Wehber, the dia, Palestine and Egypt. Impressions S$4000 ana even higlier amaunts on ab- bride's brother, when Ada Laura, of India and lier people, wlth cern- solutely worthless securities, or se- youngest daughter of the late Mr. and ments on the conditions ànd meove- 'cunities made ta seli only, then some Mrm. Wesley Webber. Blowmanville, ments found there, ably given by a' stnîngent remedy should be found. was uinited in marnilige witli Law- keen-eyed and ponetrative observer If business men were alive ta the rence Wesley, only son cf Mr, and were beard witli sbsorved Interst by e reduced purchasing power that is Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Toronto.. the members. W. M. S. on Tuesday leaving this county each year tîrougl Tihe house was nicely decorated afterneon enjoyed thé privioege cf fakers and swindiers, they miglit ac- witli Jane blassoms, and beneath an Ieaing an excellent address from cept same responsibility and areuse sncb of evengreen banked with ferns Miss Fleming whe bâti spent four 1people by their helpful assisancè ta and flawers the nuptial knot was tied years in China. This talented speak- shun ail such operators. Iný giving by Rev. J. U. Robins. er contrasted 'thse lot cf womanhood sucli counsel the speaker said it is The bride entered the panlor on the in China with the much happier cendi- net necessary te give an opinion but arm of bier brother, Mr. Roy Webber, tiens under which women live in Ca&- merely point out the facts. Ita the strasns af Lebengrin's wedding ada. The wemen cf China, 'It .was Referring te ' what not te buy' hlmardi played by Miss Doratby Piam- neted, were eager te loarn Aid wel- inciuded new industries in the list, mer, who alse sang very sweetly dur- comed the efforts belng made to as these are usually based on a pat- ing the signing of the register.. amelierate their conditiosi? The ent process or formula that may or The bride wore a pretty gewn of gracious kindness cf bath speakers may net prove successfal. It was white crepe romaine and carnied a was warmly appreciated. nat for small investors ta finance ioý iýouquet of Ophelia roses and fern and- *. industries. Instead choose well ites- wore a white gold bar pin set with soned industries wlVli large future diamonds the gift of the groom. DURHAM CLUB 0F TORON4TO demands. Miss Ethel Webher attended lier VISITS TRAINING SCHOOÇ [In conclusion Higg said: After sister as bidesmaid, dressed in Blush. ail the reai story cf the security, Beige Crepe, carrying pink carnations. The cail to the Hoeland cf Dur- market for you and for me is not -a The groom was attended by Mn. Lorne hain s always resonded te Most market movement af stocks and _ Jackman. heartilyby its native sons sud daughi bonds daning aur lifetime but what After the ceremony the happy tenu, hence the invitation fi'em"Dr. we have added te the enjoyment and couple received congratulations and G. E. Reaman, Supt. of the Boys' security of aurselves and our familles1 good wishes from aIl present, after Training Sehoal, te Usie Durharn Club by aur deaiings in those securities, or1 which a dainty wedding dejeuner was te visit the achool at Bownianville what we have subtracted from them. served by three girl frienda, Misses on Sotarday, June 23rd, was gladly We have ta look f orward, net bazk- Dorothy Plummer, Alice Highfield and accepted. ward, in making aur selections. Our Lillian Sutton, the tables being de- Unfeortunatelv the weather was capital is limited. We have te meet corated in pink and white. anything but favorable for sucli a aur current expenses every week or The graom's gift to the bridesmaid gathering, but, the membeni cf the every month. We and our families was an onyx bar pin, te the grooms- Club came down, and joined by the are subject ta the unexpected expén- man, a ten dollar gold piece, and te tewn's people and other invlted ses of sickness, accident or deatis. Our the pianist, an onyx ring. guesta, enjoyed te the full the hos- fears make us overcautiaus or vacid- The bride's travelling costume was pitality and soclability afforded by lating. Our ambitions make us pawder blue georgette and navy char- this scol and its staff. greedy. Thse very shortness and un- mine ceat witli buttered squirrel The guests were received in the certainty afi lue makes us impatient. tnimniing andf a rase beige bat, 'viti sachool building -by Dr. and Ms.ý Thie true philosophy cf secunity depl1- shoes and stockinks to match. Reaman and other members cf the ings is that whicb takes into accaunt Mn. and Mrs. Kerr left by train "tag escorted te the dining-hall these things as well as the mure gen- amid showers af confetti for Ton- where long tables, apprepriately laid eralized movements of stocks and of onto, from there they travelled by a decorated with* spring fiowera bonds. boast ta the Tbousand Isles and other from the gardena of Mn. Jury. A The speaker was introdured ')y bis Points. ta uIneMon was aerved includlng a boyhood and lifelong fnicnd Rotarian On their return tbey will stêîido af gôod cp of tea or ceffee made nicher Geo. W. James. At the close a P44evloua ismAernthOt by the famous Guernsey cream grewn vote cf thanks ta Ratarian Higg was Prvost i aa e egroom on the farm. moved by Rotanians J. C. Devitt and was presented with a number ofi At the conclusion of the luncheon C . H. Mason. electnic appliances including a reading hearty words of welcome were given --lamp, coffee percolator, toaster and byD.Ranwoectlenyd iran from the office staff cf the the hospitality cf the ýClub at thse Sprtice Fall's Power and Paper Go., home of Mn. and Mrs. T. E. Washing- ofi whidh he is a member.I ton, Toronto. He was delighted te OnThursday, June l4th, about1 bave the pleasure of entertaining the ýEM P L O Y E ES fort-five of the bride's friends met Club. He felt the Boys' Training r an went i body ta ie home wben School was a part of Bowmanvrille EX LRS O a miscellaneous shower n'as given bier an uhmiut addardte inclading a lovely collection of gif s.tand Duthaes udngs and desredo the GOODYEAR TIRE & Rfehet er evdadahaPboys Vla± is being carried on hoen. RUBBER CO. py social time was enjayed. IHo appreciated the work cf Dr. J. I& Hughes along educational ises, and Do yu rmemer f ya sinedatVe fact that he was aiwaya resadjrte To Ontario Beach Park DoYo eeme i'onsgndugeV up and tell others what la need- for a Chautauqua ticket? Yu ed. He belleved when you wanted ROC ES ER want one anyway. information along any special uine in ROCHESTEROù Tharsdav eveninz, Jane 2lst.. going te the man who had nmade a a very pleasant time was spent at the specialty in that work. Saurday, Juy 7 hm of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. MeCuf (Contlnued on page 3) Al IL à' r r r C! ý MP g eana Inn I Wl 1, o ""

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