Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1928, p. 6

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PAESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1928 P roperty owners who do not carry Tornado In-. surance are, in truth, feed-. ing their fortunes to the winds-for, in the United States alone, windstormns are causing an average daily loss of $140,000.00. The tornado gives no warn- ing and respects no local- ity. Its next visit mnay make you the victim.-unless you are protected by Tornado I nsurance. Je Je MASON & SON Scientflcally Designed Balloon Tire Tread The Firestý>ne tread was flot designed wth large, massive projections for appearance or ta make plausible sales argument. On the contrary, the projections of the cross-and-square tread are smafl and the rider stripa nar- row, permitting the fread to yield to irregularities and ding to the road, giving the greatest non-skid surface. By means of the exclusive Firestone Gum-Dipping process every fibre of every cord is saturated and insu- fated with rubber, to withstand the extra flexmng of the Firestone tread. If you want the economy, comfort and safety of Gum-Dippecl Tires-see the neareat Firestone Dealer. PIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 0F' CANADA, Limited HAMILTON, ONTARIO MOST MMES PER DOLLTAR BUILDS MHE ONLY GUM-wDIP-PEI') D-T ES- lue " ille, N I Freproorlei, Le I. John . HogateFor Sale By Joh A.Holate& Son - Bowmanville, Ont.] PAGE SIX CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL fFew Changes Made in Assesiment Couiicil met at Orono on June 2ad, Reeve M. J. Holman presiding with members al presenit. Communications were received and read: William Payne, Dept. of Agri- culture, re "The weed control act"; A. E. Wilson & Co.. re renewal cf Insurance 'Policy and Mrs. Thos Sanderson-Filed; W. A. Jakeman, Clerk cf Manvers, complaint of con- dition cf road on ýBeundary East cf Richard Kirks-Mr. Henry was in- structed te give this matter attention. Clerk was instructed te secure re- newal of Public Hall license at cost cf $3.00. Sum cf $178.75 was paid te Globe Indemnity Ce. as premium on its policy for insurance against damage dlaims through accidents on Town- ship rcads. Council formed itself into a cern- mittee cf the whole for the revision cf assessment rot] for 1928, xvhea the following cases were heard acd dis- posed cf: J. F. McMillan, Lot 4, Con. 9, assessment confirmed at $600, land value; N. S. E. Best, Lot 29, Con. 6, assessment confirtned at $3900, propei-ty value; D. J. Galbraith, Lot 32, Con. 2, ascisment confirmed at $2 1,400, property value; Memorial Park, Lot 29, Con. 5, assessmeat con- flrmed at $400, land value; M. Kaech, Lot 28, Con. 3, assessment madle $1100, land value; D. S. Moffat, Lot 26, Con. 5, assessment reduced $250, land value; Roy Cochrane, Lot 23, Con. 10, assessmcnt reduced $100, building_, value; W. E. Davey, W S Main St., Orono, assesiment rcduced $250, property value; Robt. Gray, Lot 31, Con. 2, a reduction in acreage from 161 te 136 acres at a propenty valuation cf $6900; Frank Rickard, Lot 31, Con. 2, being 25 acres of N.E. Centre part an asscssment at a land valuation cf $1000; R. L. Iloy and Alex Hoy addcd asi tenants for part1 cf Lot 9, Con. 6, Kendal, at a pro- pcrty vatuati<în cf $400. Assessmeat roll as ccxv finally ne- vised and corrccted be dectarcd as the revis(l assessment Roll for 1928. Bitts were passcd and paid viz: J. H. Middleton, fence vicwcr $ 2.00 Edwart Dean, fence viewer 2.00 Fred Wight, fence viewer . . 2.00 John Henry, Road Supt. for May .....................107.00 W. R. Allia, Treas. Debenture Ne. 4 Union S. S. 23, C & D 347.82 R. H. Wood, canetaker....... 4.00 S. Cuttell, advertising Court cf Revision................ 3.00 Mns. S. Haltîday, coal for hall 16.39 Mctallic Reofing Ce., 3 steel culverti................. 119.79 Ont. Bridge Ce., 3 road drags 55.62 Stanley Joncs, 1 sheep kilted 20.00 E Evans, 2 lambs kitted ...30.00 Ncrm. Attin, sbeep inspection 6.00 John Hein-y, Road accounts for May................. 488.95 Council adjourned te Tuesday, July 3rd, at 10 o'clock a. m. M. J. Hoînian, Reeve. A.J. Staples, Clerk. Ilere's Proof That zurni-o Ends Headache Mr.& . P.To!eklns x-MaoofCti remdy fol headache" Dir.Geo 1, -!? ofthe"Granby a remedy ta will Stop A. C. Hanson, B. A1 K. C., Colonel of the HuasasprvetI. ..j -seZto alesand find them sa very satisfactory remedy for Headache.' q cents per box-at afi dealer&. MEDICINE FOR YOUNG GIRLS Mothers Endorse Lydia E. Pink- hamn's Vegetable Compound Sydney, N. S.-"My seventeen year old daughter took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for weakness and pains. She coutd not go about much wvith the other girls as she was flot strong enough. We got six botties and it did her a great tura. Sheis work- in g out now in a store and walks three mnilis every mcrning and back in the e%,ening."-Mns. MARY VANcE, 44 Lingan Road, Sydney, N. S. Pinewood, Ont.-"I ccnstantly had pains in my back and ide and spent two (lays in bed every month. 1 have takpn three boxes of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Tabtets. They have dene me good and I always have them in the bouse. I have recemn- mndod your good inedicine te several friends and have given it te my 17 erldgirl."-MltS. ALFRED OIE.- LETTE~, Pinewood, Ontario. Zook's Regulating Compound .4A oJ..,veliable regutan grees of strength-No. 1, $19 Nu. 2. 83: No. 3, .5 per box. Hold l, aIl druggiHui. or u-nt ere;îid oznreceipt of prioe. Erepamlp let. Addree: TIIE COOK(MDCIEC. jW_0D0DSPHOSPHODINLe n~7Je Great EgihPeaatn ,» TIories and irvigorates the whole 'U~nrvous systemn. rakes new Blood in o!d Veins. Used for Nervous Dmjebility, Mental and Drain Worry Despondency* Lous o Energ, Palpitation ~ tht Heart, Pailine.Mem. ' rice$2perbox.3e for $5 ý Sold by ait drugg'tà, or mailed in plain pkg. on receupt of price. New P&itPlmWt ailled 11«- TuK WOOoDINE 111CoONT"O. DARLINGTON COUNCIL I eals Eczema Regular meeting of Council was _ hedJune 7th, witi> memnbers aIl pres- f- ent, Reeve C. A. Wight presîding. ofi a s rL s Communications were disposed o Here is a surgeon's wonderful pre- as follows :-Hon. John S. Martin, script ion now dispensed by pharina- Minister cf Agriculture, calling at- ciats at trifiing cost, that will do mare tention te The Weed Control Act- towards helping you get rid of un- Filed; Arthur J. Nicholîs gave noticei sightlv spots and skin diseases than that cest cf grave] from his pit ia anyth ing you've ever used. future would be 25c per Iod -Filed; Net only does this great healing E. M. James, Toronto, notied Cloun- antiseptic oit promote rapid andl cil that by erder in Council dated healtby bealing in open sores and April 26, 1928, that road assumed on wounds, but boils, abcesses and ul- August 21, 1917, had been reverted cers that are discharging are almoat te the Municipality-Filed. immediately relieved and cteanty Council resolved itself into a Court healed. of Revision and Appeal, and after Ia skin diseases its action is little takiag the oath of office two appeals lesa than magical. The itchiag of were dealt with: Carl Brydges, noti eczema is instantly stopped; the erup- propely asessd-ase&smnt 1tiens dry up and scale off in a very proery sssse-asesmntwa s few days. The same is true of bar- confirmed; Herbert Cameron ' assesa- ber's itch, sait rheum and other ir- ment tee high-assessment confirmed.1 ritating and unsightly skia troubles. Russell McLaughlin requested a You can obtain 'Moone's Emerald fgrant for use cf land at Lot 22, Con. Oil in the original bottie at any mod- 9-$5.00 granted. ern dru~ store. It is safe te use, Clerk was authorized te procure and fmi fure in any cf the ailments! Revised Statutes cf Ontario 1927, noted above bs next te impossible.1 and aIse Statutes of Ontario 1928. Jury & Loveti can supply yeu at any Clerk presented report cf Township, time. Engineer, E. M. Proctor, *Toronto, --- which stated that he reconsidered the deepening, wideaiag and otherwise improving cf ditch through Thomas Badder WVeakness Baker's property which was net re- ~ j quired-Filed. M aIkes tife ivisery!1 Clerk read a letter from Thomas Baker stating that he would aa aganîttheawad. ounil eciedDaily Annoyance, Troublesam teans thke awhat.stepscare ecarde Nighta Wrecking Lives of Thousanda dcfaed haste inrer e scr States Writer Who Telle What To justice fer the Township. D o uc eif Treasurer acknowtedged receipti cf $1.37 from C. W. Souch for Backmches, headaches, Pains in feet cement; $2.74 fromn Geo. A. Barron ad legs, Nervousacos, Resttessness, for ceaient; $348.72 from Tp. of frequent but scanty urination with Clarke in payment cf its share of de-iburning and pain, getting-up-nigbts benture Ne. 4, S. S. No. 1, Darlington, - are some cf the more troublesome and S. S. No. 3, Clarke. i signa cf Bladder Trouble that should Orders were drawn on Treasurer have prompt attention before they j as foiiows: reach a more serieus stage! Road Supt., materimi ...$ 8.00 No matter how stuborn your case Road Suipt., repair sidewalk 38.20w may seem te be or how many medi- Road Supt., salary and office 136.26 cines you have tried without resuits Road Supt.. maintenance . . 279.831 -don't think your condition is hope- M. A. James & Sons, pria t- tess or the natural consequcaces of ing and advtg............. 7.80 advancing years until you have tried Mrs. A. F. Rundie, supplies . 14.19 the special new treatment cf a worldr N. F. MacNachtan, 50% kno-w.n cbemist, called "SYROL" maintenance cf Mabel Tablets. Walter, March 31 days. . . 23.25 On a strict guarantee cf moneyt N. F. MacNachtan, 50%7 back on first box purchmsed if you do maintenance cf Meirose not receive swift and satisfying re- Parker, 'Mrcb 31 days . 23.25 ief-any good druggist wiil supply N. F. MacNachtan, 50% yuwt Syrol" Tablets in aeated maintenance cf Mabel pckgeou naiig withk' up Walter (decemsed) 25 dys. 18.75 pakgsvnana w ek'sp N. F. MacNachtan, 50% ply If "Sy'rol" Tablets bring great1 maintenance of Metrose relief inside cf 48 heurs and a won- Parker, April 30 days . .. 22.50 derful improvement inside of two J. J. Smith, dvance T. S., weeks, you should be greatty pleaseda S. S. No. 19............. 100.00 -if they do net help, they ceat you N. I 'Metcalf, advance T. S.,nctbing. Ask your druggist today. S. S. No. 6.............. 250.00 * _ Sid. T. Hoar, advmnce T. S.,c S. S. No. 10............. 325.00 A. W. Annis. advance T. S., S. S. No. 18............. 400.06 0 Bmnk cf -Montreal Deb. No. i 2, S. S. No. 16........... 711.27 Bank cf Montreai Deb. No. NuesOum Remedy 4, S. S. No. 1........... 1086.94 A a.rraPINKs AK-r-eAsY TO .rAKF. Cotincil adjourned te Tbursday, .1 NON HABIT IORMlNG. Juty 7th, 1928, at 1 p. m. 25c. and 50c. a box. W. R. Aluin, n Township Clerk. h fl ar I FI ar sa fa Ju m mI Ta Says --- Now Stif JointsMust Go!I New Discover»y Lmbers 'Emn Up andj Even the Creaking Ceaies Yes: it's true-the wvorld progress.! s .i AI] you have to do aowadays te timber up that stiff, nhsty knce jointi is to squeeze a haif inch (of miracle working substance frem, a tube. Then rut) it on the offending part for about a quarter of a minute or untit it soaks through the skia and disapp)ears on it.i; errand of mercy. Then read the evening newspapers and go to bcd. The chances are that your misbe- ha-ring kriee joint wvilt bice its "creak" while you are drcanuing about the high fences you used te leap when1 you werc a young.stei-. "And in the morning," says one who has tried the new discovery, 'you'll feet io happy that you'tl want to jump into your sporticit clothes and walk hriskly down the street just to show the neighbors that you are' not as old as they think you are." Joint-Ease: They cati this wonder working substance,' for the reason that when ordinary remedies fail to timber up the stiff, inftitmcd rheumatic joint, (jr reduce the swc]Iing, Joint-I Ease succceds. It's a guod name for a good, dlean, staintcss prescription that in just a few months has proven to a multitude of people that lame, swollen, distort-j ed joints can speedily have the kmns taken out of them, and work as smeothly as ever. But Joint-Ease is for bothersomne joints, whether in knee, ankie, hip, shoulder, spine or finger, and for that purpose its sale is immense. Jury & Lovellbas a big supply of it and druggiste everywhere report a big demnand.11 THE PLAY "DAVID GARRICK" j"David Garrick," a come4iy-dramai iwith the setting in England in the ecighteeath century, was presented ia the Opera House, on Tuesday, June l2th, under auspices cf Women's Hospitat Auxiliary. The play was put on by Orone talent, under the direction of Mrs. Donald Robb, te whom credit must be given for the fine acting displayed. Mr. Rcbb gave a very convincing j performance la the titie role. Miss M. Archer, wbc plmyed opposite him, gave a creditabte interpretation cf the part of Ada Ingot, the daugbter cf Simca Ingot, wbo is torn between her affections for ber practicat fath- er and ber love fcr Garrick and ad- miraticn fer bis genius. Mr. Mel- ville S. Staples, in the character of the indulgent father, held the intereat cf bis audience tbrcughcut by bis portrayal cf tbis exacting role. Mr. Alan Penfcund, as Dick Cbivy, band- led bis difficuit part expertly. A great deai cf the cemedy, which was se important a part cf this plmy, was provided by the frienda cf Simon Ingot whom he invit.ed to dinner with David Garrick. Mrs. Gamey, whe, played the part cf Mrs. Smitb, de- serves special mention for her splen- did acting of this mirtb.provoking part. Mr. C." Tbcmpscn, as ber self- important husband, was very amus- ing. Mr. J. Brown, as Mr. Brown, Mr. R. Coraish (Mr. Jones) and Mrs. L. Beal (Miss Brown) provoked much laughter from tbe audience. Mr. L. Allen, as Thomas. made an efficient f ootman. The beautîful rooms dcpicted, with antique furniture, candles and tapes- tries, made a fine setting for the play ivhile the eightecnth century costumes lent an eld-world atmcsphere te the performance. OBITUARY Mr&. Anclrew Weyrich, Oshawa The death teck place Wednesday, June 6th, at ber late residence, 311 Celina St., Oshawa, cf Mrs. Andrew Weyrich, in ber 59th year. Death follewed an attack cf plural pneu- mo nia. Mrs. Weyricb was bora ia Haydon, Ontario, and received her education there. She movcd te Oshawa 20 y'ears ago. She was an active mem- ber of the South Oshawa United Cburch at the time cf ber deatb. Besides her busband, Mrs. Wey- rich (cee Joanna Goodman) is sur- vived by three daughters, Mrs. L. V. Disney, Mrs. E. White and Elsie Weyrich, aIllof Oshawa; and four sons, Frank Wright and Cyril Sydney and Stanley Wey-rieh, aIse of Osbawa. rhere are five sisters, Mrs. T. Hooper, M4rs. W. Trick cf Oshawa, Mrs. 0'-I Coennor of Toronto, Mrs. J. Trick ofl Oshawa, and Mn. R. Asbton cf Port Hlope, and txvo brothers, Jo-bu J. Goodman and Victor Gocodman, both of Oshawa. PASSING 0F A YOUNG LIFE Hilda Audrey Bird, Toa Mr. and Mrs. "Ted" Bird, Liberty St., Bowra-anville, wish te thank their mny frienda and acquaintances for their kindness shown te them, in tbe cass cf their little daughter, Hilda A.udrey Bird, whc passed away on June lOth, and aIso for the xvonderfut [oral tributes. The floral tributes were as follows: Pillow frem 'Mammy and Daddy and ittte sister Helen; Grandpa Hcbbs, Bowmanville; Uncles and Aunts, Mr. Everson Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. W. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brummnell and daughter, Mr. and Mn. George Hobbs, and Mr. and Mrs. Hector )owney, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and Mr. and 1Mrs. Alan Luxten, 'Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bird and children, Bo'wmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs and sons, Lind- say; Mrs. Russel Hobbs and cbîtdren, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mutton and mmily, Suashine Club, St. Paul's unior Missionary Society; Mr. and Mrs. Roach, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fry, Mr. mcd Mrs. Donald Brown, Mr. and Mra. W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. No-rman Taylor, L. O. L. Lodge, No. 2384,' ir. and Mrs. Gibbs aad family, B-ow- imaville. WGu.ild you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it cosa littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements--quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy will add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHIELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville Aviation Gasoline PIANOS BATTERI ES We seli them at a price that will please you. TIRES We seli the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Conduct Your SAffairs With SDignity A Standard Bank savings account gi lends dignity to the transactions of the depositor. It identifies him r v. îh an organization that is known ýi and respected in the community, and b ~~ (sab lishes a contact which is invalu- 1 able should he at any tinie desire ,,un "I or advice on money matters. il Open a Standard Bank qavings ac* j count. It will he]p you to develop b \ our financial resources as nothîng- else can, and enab]e vyuto coniut vour personal financi*al affairs w.ith (l1gnity. ~ L-ITM1TANDARD BANK '7f cANADA I ESTABUSHED I)1873 DL. WEESE b Manlager, Bowînantille Branch Branches aiso at Newcastle, Newtonvjie, Orono. Ohawa SUMMER COAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT You will flot be sorry if you let us fil your bins with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHIRACITE Tne Coal Tnat Satifie&. Ail freshly mined and well screened. Satisfaction is the height of reahization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anything in the building line consult us. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville

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