J 14. Demonstration of Scout Work MýcCo.nnell ngham was baptized by Members of L. 0. L. No. 2384, are 15. Englieb Country Dance Members of White Sield Club bie great gandfatbem Waihington requested to meet in their lodge rooni 16. Grand March « Miss Canada" and wome the cbitening robe rade at 7 pnm. Sunday, June 24th, te at- Planta tted ths uiqu Doinio Da Ceéraion.Attactons by hie great grandinother Washing- tend the annuel Churcb Service which S . MI U u Planto tted tis niqe Dminon ay eldraton.Attactons ton for hem fluet babe, now grand- willI ho heîd in St. Andrew'e Preéby- for aid and youlfl. mother MoConnell. Mme. Bruce Ing- terlan Church at 7.30 p. M. Vliting . W A O O JJADMISSION 25c bain and Mac will remain for a few Brothers cordially invited. PHONE i00 DRY GOOS AND LA1ýIES' REA4DY-TO.WERBVNINI jweek' visit. T. B. Seller$, W. H. Y.., ____________________________________________ Creain of Barley pope you up. Wor. Master. 8«c. pro. tex».______________________________________________ Mrs. (Rev.) J. U. Robins is spend- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE WEJDJNGS BIRTHS Houses to Rent Help Wanted ing a w eek at their cottage near W el- I P EN FOUN D-In Bowmanville Hospital, FL T O E - ou r om , od n CA B E W M N OR G L W N lington. Mrs. R. T. Siemon. Haydon. is vis- Mrs. A. Irvine. Windsor, is visiting Flintoff-Gre.naway on June 1t, 1928, tb'-%r. and Mrs. Clar- PLAT TO RnEN-Fourssonaronc, e PP CAPABrgerlE WoMAN ORkGIL ANT- Mr. H. M. Allen, Port Hope, spent iting lier sister, Mrs. J. E. Elliott, hier sister, Mrs. J. E. L Cole. ue edn okpaf al a-ee efud oie o. to Norman James, Statesman Office. Mrs. Soutbey, Elgin St., Bowmianvlle last week with the Misses Allen, Concession Street. Did y'ou s1ifl up to bring Chautau- A u iet weding ue 6 too laTriy USat- 2 Beech Ave. Mr. Clemens Perey of the Stand- qua bere this year? It's coning JulY ed Church Parsonage, wlien Ralph Wes-______________ Congratulations are in order to ard Bank, Belleville, spent Sunday 17th. le Fitof son of Mr. anl mrs. R. W. MARRIAGES WANTED-Young girl for genera Flintoif. Oshawa, was United in narriage housework. No experience necessar Miss Jean MeMaster, daughter of Mr. with his parents, Mr. and Mms. John Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dustan have with T'helma Julia Grecnaway only RUNDLE-HARDING--At the home of Wanted Apply to S. W. Mason. Jr., at S. W an -r.J W. Mc2Master, (Zion), R. Perey. returned fmomn spending the winter daughter of M r and rs, L. G. Gr,,en-, the brides parents, '.%r.ani Mrs. .loslin Msn&SnBwavle 5t R. 1, Hamnpton, one of the graduat,. Mrs. Gorden Mitchell, Toronto ,was in Toronto. away, Bowmanville, Rev. J. U. Robins Harding, Exeter. by Rev. D. M.%cTavish. CATYLE TO PASTURE--Can talle in GIRLS WANTECI-To cover and 1im ing nurses of Toronto Orthopedjc guest of lher sister, Ms. Fred Cryder- Mrs. D. A. Crago, St. Mary's, fiiatt n ThMisbrilde fd Roomerond une 6h, 1.%I . Meics ArmahureRne Hr- o ufefcateapsue on Lot 37, sllverware and manicure cases. Learu t Hositl ad innr f te enealman on Wednesday and asoistcd at visiting hier sister-in-law, Mrs. R. H. .%r. Fred Thornbeck of lPeterbo)ro. TheI Usborne township, near St Marys. ConcessA.n 9 Darlington, near Enfield. work with paper. satin and velvet. J Hpitlad rof hegeerl riewoe ypety on ç uîe eo-Appy .M. Hardy, Box 37, or PhoneAneonmthC.NwasI. 5- prfcec rz.a jolly party of littie f olks given in Souch, Liberty St. brdg oapette wîtobbueger- FLINTOFF-GREENAWAYV-At Trinilty ' 89,nersnBSithCo.nNecasle. 23tf bet wt rimmings of silk radium lace.] United Churcb Parsonage. BomavIlle, honor of littie Miss Ruth Crydernian. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ro-gan, Beth- a gre>' picture bat and grey shoes and o n Saturday, June 16, 1928, b>'yR. J ._______r________ WANTED-Middle aged wornan toat Befre ruors an spnt undy wsh er amet'~stockings. aw'~igbek Robins, Thelma Julia, only daughter of a oskee. N ahn. Ap> Beoepassing aong any ruos n pntSn' ih irprns After partaking of arandMrsdL.G. reeabreatk-.phte Mrs. Geo. Weekes, Kalmnar Villa, o especially those th.at refleet on the Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wcrry. fast at the home of her parents, the Mr.y lnof o o t and Mrs. LG.renwy oR. W ita Mr. C. Rehder at Bowmanville Fouid honor or integrity of anyone in par-ý Mr. John Flint Curnizingsz, po't- lhappy couple left by motor on a trip tO Flintoif,Osaa Take Notice r>'. 5-t . Buffalo, N. Y., and other points I h saa Ie so f ticular, it is well to verify the facts. master of Oakwood, on June 14tb States, the bride- travelling in a prettyl PETERSON-WALTER-In King St. ____ WANTED-Woman oer30,perma71Cnt te h ssurprising how littie truth there ce]ebrated bis lO2nd birthdaZy. costume with a coat of navy poiret twifl hr Oshawa,en Saturday, June 16 Dr. A. S. 'rilley expects ta move ta position. Is your automobile an MisDiyCley otOfc Saf rme wt okyfr oot hs money? The largest manufacturer c FsI osp rme it o yfr 98 yrnena C .DMle Jre hlstrictl>' custom supporting garinents ocf -tl hebrdewa te ecpinto mnymoe utrsntso o '%I.an %H1Trn to eoe ei aunltsmay o so >'es onefu oprtni>. ls Pne es nricipaland Mrs. W. J. Morrison is enjoying ho]idays with lber sister, beu ifafs. r. eitoif MaY daugten« of Mr. and 1 e,eclleng thbis bcontwo ados w er is wo!nerie portnfir ty.ckingan.d an aiywr nHmlo vrte'%r.HgiMDnlGrimisby. O hi eun'%r n %r. inocliga i oetodosw s a ffnitarligodecotweneascgs -- eekend witb ber parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright and1 will reside In Bomnio.Wler, AN-HAice S-O Saturday, the Higb Sitha3l, Queen St., Bowlftflville. sappy ta odtwentOffe ors47Inbone New ilmsat Krs]ae's Mrs. Clapbam. They also attended family, Hamiliton, spent the week-1 MeMann-Sarson June 16, 1928, at Toronto, by Rcv. R.___________________________________ Nwflsa esaes the- wedding on Saturday of hiem end witb bier mother, Mms. The. odXiwýon Powell. Ruth Winnifred Haines, brteMr. Eldon C]aphami and Miss s T' A pretty wedding was !s- at i-IilB.A., Bowmainvtlle, daughter o! Mr. Chas. brotherMrs. J. F. Georkye anddahtr Christs ÇCurch, %Imico,,(n Saturda'., H. Haines. Sharon, Ont, and Edward Master photo finishing for the W~estpall.Phlian JenoSmtfedar June 9 th, wben Eva Mrart only Cecil Belîmian. son of 'tr. and Mrs. Albert Phylis nd Jan f Smthfeldaredaughter of '.%r. andîl Mrs Arthur Sarsî,n. E. BeIlmain, Bowmanville. sane price as the ardinai-y work. Miss Mary Ei]een Sinmpson, daugh- ivisiting ber motther, Mrs. B. M. War- became the brie of Mr. I-y Me.nn ter of Mm-. Simpson and the late1 nica. eldest -son of r Fred f.k and bbc - -___ ___ -------- Store open ail day Wednesday. ID. B. Simpson, bas won First Class Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Rosev.?ar, laboe Francis M.%cMann of î'.ownýnvlîe- JU N E SPEC IA LS ________________ onor ntereeteaiaie heetyviie hi Rev. Canon Tremayne offiî.td. DEATHS JH.nursin he ecet eamiatins helbrne reenty vsitd teirun- Th, bride, rîlo was giv. av .,aav Vactio-sie tile aricls a 1.t eUniersty f Trono. isscleandaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harryl father,' wore a gown of whit at.ia ad AI KEN-In I-opeý, on Fritlay, Jun., Kerlak's Sipso atendd S. Mldrd'sCol Brk.tulle, lier veil as ca'Ilhand roi rm- 1l5bh, 192,Elizabtth Iissetta, daughter _______________________loge, Toronto, for lber preparatory M n r.EwadBsoO earîs. he orang abea4,,t o Opel-Kerlak'sSimsonattndeoSt Mide's ol- BoWilmliaim oangndlssorl n iSeJlcf bc abeWiliamOnTHElen Aien Ten cnts o deolcr any~ize work, and entered Trinity College, tMer.boeaond sfEr i hsteon me- aros.es amiliyofbb .;ilrna or o IZ-I ognaGnea Hspbl, ___________of______ ________________ bp goos ift agrencrI wî on - Jun"b,hSarah Ann Dean, beloved filmn, and you get prints tt the Anglican Art-s College of the cnl visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. ie. oms to a ren. un1,l at t wife of 'William Maize. in her 71st year. SneBi are different. bsjs opeedhmscn emMarsden. att. ndled by 'Miss lr.ýne \%rI..lit) look- WILSON-In Bownianvill,., on Frirlay.I ha utcmltdle eodya gauains thr.earnc e ovely in rose tulle anid .r, .wittbJune 1l5th, 1928. Eh Wilson, . A., in bis FREEI FREE atteUniversity, with First Class CnrtliosoM.La ro se mohair bat and carrr.i-.t o ,uitiet 74th year. Intermetnt in Whitevale it Kotex-3 packages $1.09 'Honours in the course of Household M. C. Mason on successfully passing of roses sw-cet peas and ftn. T1he Cemétery. 25c Tooth Bruali 50c noteel Face Powder __________________________ IEconomies. is first year examinations at Os-, groom %%.,eas abenrled by ir- lrrlr.-r. '.%r. COLE-A. the resîience of bier von, If ouwat oo cea p Nmavileon riad wa gd Hlln1' %r. Harbnell Colo, East Whibby, on Sun- If ouwat oa c epitures BwînileFr rgaeýa goeHl.The church iva deorael tu tlipe ,t day, lune 17bh. 1928, Martba Ann Coubts, get your films finisbed a summoned to Oshawa about 2.30 a.m. M. and Mrs .Harry Skitcb, Toron-1 swýeet peas andl llacs, tb r.- tes forrire widlo of the 'laie Erleard Colt:. in ber Cara Nome PerfumeTiyTtalm Kerslake's. Tuesday to assist in getting under ta, were Sunday guests of theirl i~ssmtirked wibb rose-,. t Iras. 57th year. tnterred in Union Cemeterv. iyTtalu ___________________control a disastrous fire in the centre cousins, M. and Ms. A. J. Adains,j fr andIhite rt o. Rtinson n Jud l' i 1928,eorge FREEt ____________________________Tir ushcrsr ri'trc,. REMA-OnJrnclStî,1., t1isFREE FE Not too late ta use Larvex. o h oo ivwibddwl n"h uglw"and Mîr. StEpben Watts NlrB-n.'lit- Reaman. belovrd l bsianti of Martha Ann wtI1t to $75,000 damage. Bradley Brcra. Miss Leta L. Bragg was in Toronto retrfrri heit- il' niýt'I!"']r rling Wblibe, and faiher of Dr. G. E. Reaman, 50 Bbthat -- whmetir.-sicîing of the rrt-isi.r 11Es itr Boivmanvil., in iis Stir year. Inter- $2 Cara Nome Face Powder 5cBb at skating rink, hr the fire was sup- this week attending the Grand As-,,r agAl Joy b. Tittn,. .Aftc-rment at (oherS iemetery, Concord. posed to have started, five frame rosi- sembly of Rebekahs as representati\ b.e i1hnZyarce iBlrr ie]a dencos. Flintoff's Warehousc. barre, of the local lodge.tr on of th, bries pareorts. c7__________ garages and small I ~ 1'bidn l ie St-rror Ave- Th, brides i '-,,tr wore Hawk-Eye 'i1IRi 1'j.lf~LI~#hI:~ argesan,. mauî..îgsin e M-r J.Pedlar, Toronto, Mrs. S. 1aI Ir t i cwn o oobow r. IN MEMORIAM K E S An' ediate vicînity were ail razed t the Bath adM. Allan Bath, Pickering, witlratan shoca _______ EVEL PED REETHISWE! ground. Fre Chief in. Edge be- Ba 1. t,ý r'nrotber of flie groom. wore biege D V L PDF E HSW E The Dependable Drug Store ig riou Fir ief BWm. E'ller visited the formera' sister, Mrs. Mamy eÏeprw.ith pastel siro s rnrdir.t tn match. WRIGHT-ln lovîng memror,. of Lucy, fighters were in charge of Deputv B go una., Tregom9117te:nrh tr. -dbgbe f3r adMs re rgb Leave your films before 9 a. m. and receive them IChief George Lyle.- Dr. and Mrs. L. T. Gîli, Gibson- 'arrfi, mobier of petrirbrusir. conilr andi Oshawa, lied June 2411425. burg, Ohio, Mrs. Frank GilI, Exeter, isi, a cold compact, te tire ushors gold -Neyer an bour, bub she le in our tbougbbsat5pm. AslteStsato Gu an ed are visitimg Mm. and Mrs. W. D. cul! links, and to tiretient man a rhîtmond She bas gone from or bomne, a .m boueStsato urned ____________________________________________ Short, Concession St. tie pin. But net from our hearts. _________________ The out-of-îown Iguests were Mr. and Ever remembered by. M'iothror, Father and Messrs. Charles Bickle and Pote Mrs. Toppit. Godericîr: Mr. and.] Mrs. Famil>' Olsen and Miss Winnifred Varcoe Elinor ano iMrs. Anderson. Saîrnia: '.%r. Fresh Laura Secord Vacuum Boutles spet undy it Mm ad Ms.H.and Ntrs. C. McMann iss I.eola mc- In loving memnor>' of Pte. Arthur Harold setSna ihM.adMSH.Mann, Mr. Nelson M.%cMann, -*%r. andî LiMs. ving, who was killed in France on June Chocolates 60C lb. 49c Each MacDonald, Grimsby. F. O Baker and '.%r. A'rtir Baker, Bow- îri, l1916, third son of Mrs. Wmn. Jordian. _________________ ________________ C om m unity C elebration Ms.1M: mDr.nvMeGlIshot 1 tihink of youshow, Arthur, but not VdtJ an issEaadKtle bil oanlf t frt rhm n koFrteheartsat mourn sncBay thine Cas» Hawk-Eye Cameras Tornt, er reen gess t M. hi, hebride travelling in a coat o mourn silently and low. FarG o n s o m n il o o',Bted.navy bine and black, grùen crepretires'« The hidden grief thats In the seul n15C 89c Each and groom bat and blonde shoes. human longue can trace; _________________ Mr. nd rs.H. P TepleandFor man>' an aching heart ls hidden be- M.a nd Mme. H.Toronto,_____ _________thehind a smiling face. May' God. Who keepeth cont of aIl, Kodak Films and Supplies M O N D Y , U LY 2ndMisses Allen, Beech Ave., on Thurs- Articles For Sale Whoe eoye dotb nover sleep, da.enroute to Quebec. Beneath His Own almighty wing et 2 P. m. Mm. J. H. H. Jury and Dr. J. M. FOR SA LE-Mase>- Harris Mower, ai- Ou Elve emobe ed >'Mhr Port HoperememwerJURYY&MLOVELL Badwn er i PrtHoeFridayi most TIOw. Appi>' Arthur Bragg, 'Now-__JU RY___&___________ Horticultural Society, Agricultural Society, Rotary Club and evening addmessing the newly organ- atle. yersLANDY ANE evn.ized Horticultural Society. FOR SALE-Cyde mr il1 easoldWb PHONE E78 t B em POWîerlyL Chabe ofComece reailuntig t pt aros bisgrndThe many friends of Mrs. Robert weight about 1400 lbs. AppI>' to Mm. Al kînde o! laundmy work done prompt-. will e si 0. t V. Pistor. R. R. 5, Bowmanvillo,îy, satisfactorîl>' amd at roasonable prices BI F E N ONP O R MDowns, Scugog St., wl esryt phone 146m12. 22-t mrite Pont Office Box 12, or -eUMs BI FE N O R CR Mlearn that she fell early Monday AUOFRSALEOverand eda W. Marjoram, King St. E. Bowman;viue. Flower Show-Smornîng anmeractureanbîp. 1923 Model 91. In geod nmechanical con- es o ace-M. and Mrs. E. McFa.dden andI dition. Good rires. Bargain for cash. cbildmen, Doris and Marion, Mme. Phono 402, BowmanvIllo. 24-2 Horse Shoe Throwing Contest-Physical Exercises Ansley, Barrie, called on Mm. and AUTO FOR SALE-1925 McLaughlin In odortha yo ma prper wepubîshMme. LeRoy Truli, Darlington, ont Touring, Master 6 mode], in excellent Inodrta o a rpr epbihherewitb Friday. condition. groat value. Appi>' Dustan Cash Hardware, Bowmanvillo. 18-t W Vi FLOwhoaSHOgood graISn.iss .0r per Pbushel; has1b1e teacbing at Ontaio Ladiess' College, GRAIN FOR SALE-Qibantit>' o! buck- - - Open ta 1928 members of any Hortîcultumal Society, professionals Wbitby, is spending the summer boli- also nome Cobbler ptatees, 90e bag do-I W o r h Wh i e S av i n r In days at Fingring Hoe, near Colchest- livered. AppyIo' te Brt Rice, (Long excepted: er, England. Sault), R. R. 1 Tyroe. 24-3- R OSESM. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Mrs. CAR FOR SALE-Star Sedan, newly i 'U RSSHermnan Westaway and Mm. John ducoed lest season. In good unning or- Se s n u eumr u e se (A Bat1 H P o H T> (G Bs 3an ohr olrGrigg ecently attended the gradua- der, good sot of tires (6). Sacrifice for e s nb Smr De s s (A) -Best 10 tion exorcises) at)Sick C3hildrenerscHosrquick sale. Chas. Herring, over States- named vaieties (in 4 con- (R) Bet decoated Dining tineecssa ikCide' o- man Office, Bowmanville. 24-tf tainers.) Table witb Cloth, Flow- pital, Toronto.BAYCCKFOIMEAT - (B) Best 5 H. P. ers and Container. M.adMr.Go ihrswr LIVERV fom Canada's Oldegt and (C) Bet 5 H. T. (J) Beat bouquet Polyanthus in Oshawa on Satumday attending the Greateet Laying Strain White Leghorns.j FUGI SILK DRESSES INDV UA DR SE (D) Beat 3 Red Roses for Livinz Room wedding of Mr. John Edwamd Hanbly Reduced pries 15c e-ach-any number. DVD A R SE (E) Best 3 Pink Table. and Miss Eva Dalby wbicb took place Safe arrivaI guarambeed. We weme firet H gSeilPrhs fFg ik' ' d (F et3Yllwi oogeaCuc.Prt>'page Catalogue Free. iMherl Dresses, includino' white, nue le ls olnglev iprtd A baptismal service was held in St. Poultmy Farm, Box 0-83, Ayton, Ontar- b~evîs r sevsi rne COLLECTIONS Paul's Church Sunday inornig when Ia. 24-2 green, peach, maize, copen blue silks. One long ell seths ____r.__________________an mud sow i avaiey f t-drsssto p re all seths (K) 3 Peanies Japanese (any (V) Water Lilies. Neal, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. AUCTION SALE an1ad hw navnt o t rse oapeit their worth coler). (W) Delphiniunms 6 spikes an- M. A. Neal, and Donald William I___ tractive styles, sizes 14 to 44, and style. Every dress guaranteed (L) 3 Peonies White. nuals. 3siepr Quick, son of Mr. and Mme. W. F. Tuesday, June 26th.-Dunean Log- Thursday, Friday and Saturday t ahadludrbatfly (M) 3 Peonies Red. (X) Pelphrinis 3aiepr Quick. gie, Maple Creek, Sask., bas as- Onl $298 speanludratlly.pie o (N) 3 Peonies Pink. (Y) Fox Glove 3 spikes. M. and Mme. John H. Swindellst semhled together 30 Percheron colts, O l 29 seilypie o (0) 3 Iris Standard and Faîl, (Z) Sweet Peas 12 stems, not and sons Eric and Roy are holidaying aIl good types of the breed, is offer -________________________ hrdy rdyadStra aIl sainie shade. Iess tban 3 colome. in Winnipeg, visiting hiem sister, Mme. ing thein for sale at the C. N. R. hrdyFia ndStdy (iP) 3 Iris Lavender, Blue (AA) Cantebury Belle (clip W. E. Collicutt. Mme. Swindells ia stockyards, Orono, on abave date. CRAYSHEEN DRESSES $7.50 to $15.0 Standards and Pumple and Saucer.lI also attending Convention of Daug'h-lTo the buying public this is a are Falls. (DB) Petunias. ters & Maids of England in that city} chance. Wby not bave a young Craysheen Dresses, durable, wash- (Q) 3 Iris White Standards (CC) Vebenas. as epresentative freni Lodge Durhami homee growing into maturity to take able, fast colors, inexpensive and and Purmle Falls. (DD) Columbines. Ne. 28. the place of youm aIder one? loehrstfa oyianw hp-C ID E 'DR S S (R) 3 Iris Yellow Standards (EE) Salpiglossis. M. and Mm. LeRoy TmulI, Dam- A. J. Staples, Geo. Jackson & Son,algehrstfatranw hi-HL RE SDR SE and Bronze Falls. (FF) Bupires. lington, entertained ta dinner on Clemk. Auctioneeme. ment of new styles and attractive Children's Dresses and dressIes for I(S) 3 Iris Japanese, Blue (GG) Poppies. Thursday lat Mr. and Mme. Fred i colors, styles to suit the larger the junior miss in sizes 13, 15 ad Shades. (Boardless) . (RH) Pansies. 'us , a (T rsJpnsYlo K)Nsutus1 tm.Bell, and Mm. and Mme. Arthur Swit- AUCTION SALE woman with lots of room in the 17, that will fit the shorter figrure (T Ii apns, elo KK)Nsurims1 ten. zer, Moscow, Ont., who have been c Shades, (Beardless). (LL) Snapdragons. touing around Lake Ontario. Mme rhls seilypie, ihu ohro e atrtos (U) 6 Iris Siberian, any cabore, (MM) Annuals, coverîng space P.aîph Langdon, Toronto, was alec; SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd.anPrcdfo $15 to$9 (Beardless). 3 ft. x 5 ft. one of the paty. The undemsigned bas received in- Tua yFi yan trd $.0P in size om 15, and .9 DISPLAYS M. Jos. Tate, Mm. Stanley Sex- structions from, W. F. Ward, admin- i ie o 2 n smitb, Mm. D. R. Sexemnith, Mm. and istrater of the estate of the late BATISTE VOILE DRESSES from $2.95 to $675 S(NN) Peennials, covering (VV) 1 Boston Foin. Mme. A. F. McKnigbt and Master AI- ALBERT E. GOODE Batiste Voile Dresses that are guar- in sizes from 13 to 19. space 3 ft. x 5 f t. (WW) Femn, any other variety mon, Mr. Geo. McKnight, Selby, Ont., (00) Annuals and Peenniale (XX) Collection Coleus, not and Miss Edra McKnigbt, nurse-mn- ta selI by public auction an the anteed to wash. Trimmed with 25 sq. ft. lees than 5. training of Niagara Falls, N. Y., were premiseswhtor nde eerpn olas0TW E CO S (PI). Bat, indw.ox.-YY1Spcimn_ low _in -Plnt among the callers on M. and Mme. Bon wethot adite s and ipt ipnsets o the THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1928 PAGE nV»