Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1928, p. 2

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PAETWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2lst, 1928 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronie University. Graduate of the Roya College of Dental Surgeons of On t.ario. Office Kng St., Bowmanville Office phone 40. Hause phone 22 X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sissan Giaduate of Royal Dental College Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to( p. m. daiiy except Sunday. Phorg 90. Hause phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honar graduate of Toronto Uni versity and member of Royal Colieg( of Dental Surgeons. Licetnsed tc practise in Ontario and the Domin- ton. Dentistry in ail ite brancb.is Office-King St., Bowmanville, opi posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL 14. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bownianville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Sucessor to lat. D. B. Simnp..b, K.C. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phonze 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notaz'y Money ta boan. Bonds for anle. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FF. MORRIS CO. orsleEqupmentr ~ Ail caîL promptly attended ta. \U~Y/ rivate Ambulance \~V/ Bowinanville phone Br and oe4 10 and 34o Orono & Newcaàtle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calls given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- '111le, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tlley) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Feliow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence, Queen St.,, Office Hours: 2 to 4 1). m. 6 to 8.30 p. m. Bowmanville, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians and Surgeons Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30. Telephone 108 Office- Wellington Street Bowmanvii1e, Ontaria. VETERINARY DR.* F. 1. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calîs promptiy attended ta. Office: King St. East, Bowmanvilie. Phone 243. 9. G. KERSLAKE. V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono tionor Graduate of University of Tfôronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phonies: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Parm and flouse Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskiller, P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRULîLESS, THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto Colaegeý of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- 'manv'ille Office Tuesday, Thur3day ,ànd Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calis made during fore- no.ona. THE EDITOR TALKS 1 BAY 0F QUINTE CONFERENCE ]ougal superannuated, Oshawa Sini- coe St.; A. R. Sanderson sttperan- Heart disease has become very 'Changes in Appointments af Ministers nuated, Whitby; W. J. M. Cragg, to prevalent of late years and we havei of the United Chu.rch missionary in Japan. Oshawa King St. '8l just read a very illuminating and1 Peterbora Presbyteny: Apsley- 3- timely discussion by Dr. Charles H. J. The final report of the Settlement Student supply; Bridgenorth-John e. Hastings, Medical Office,' of Health, Comnittee of Bay of Quinte Confer- O. Totton; Cavan-Fred L. Carpen- 2. Toronto, in which hie states that bad ence, United Church of Canada, in ter; Cordova Mines-Algie Joblin teeth or tonsils cause heart disease conference at Smiths Falls was ap- (strident supply); Fraserville-E. F. and urges people to have a thorough proved with these changes in appoint- Swayne; Hall's Bridge-A. C. Huston examination twice a yean and act on ments: (student supply) ; Keene-James V. advice of their farnily physician. Bellevile Presbytery: Bancroft- lMcNeely; Peterboro St. Andrews- ýe, Heart disease, cancer, preniatore D. J. Campbell; Bath-S. F. Dixan; C. V. McLean; M. E. Wilson wîthout w- hardening of the arteries, Bright.'s Bay-J. E. Beckle; Bayside-John R. charge; A. G. Finney perniitted ta 6 disease of the kidney, and pneumonia Butler; Belleville John St.-Robert take work in U. S. e are responsible for approximately! Hall; Cannif ton-Walter R. -Mernick; TRenfrew Pnesbytery: Almonte, one-half of ail the deaths that occun i Cherry Xalley-L. B. Smith; Con- rinity-Allan J. Terrill; Bathurst in Toronto every year and yet these1 secon-E. _M. Cook; Cressy-J. W. -Bruce Gardon (student supply); diseases have thus far been uncon- Ogden; Eldorado-Geo. A. Adamson; Blakeney-A. Morrison Wootton tralled. In fact, the nmortality' from Fi'nton and Cloyne-to be supplied;, (student supply> ; Braeside-ta be ji- these diseases on this coninent has ýrankf ord-A. S, Doggett; Monteagle supPlied; Calabogie-C. J. Gall; e been shawing a steady increase year -Iner C. Wickware; Malrven-Rowe Carlton Place Zion-Edwin Smith; o by year, notwithstanding the fact that' M. Seymour; Northport-D. Manseil Dalhousie-to ha supplied; Douglas n-. they are, in a large measure at least, Smit.h; Pictan-Frank M. Wootton; -C. Armstrong Sales (transfer pend- s. controllable. Rednersville-Geo. E. Ross; Selby- îng) ; Eganville-James Taylor; Lan- P-* H. W. Foley; Shannonville-W. Her- ark, United---B. V. MacLean; Middle- L. In arder ta contrai these diseases, bert Clarke; Stirling-E. W. Row- vlle-Robert Staîker; Renfrew, Trin- however, we must have your ca-aper- land; Thomasburg-John W. Flatt; ity-Vacant; J. A. MacDonald with- ation, and we can only hope ta secure1 Trenton King St.-A. E. Jones; out charge; J. 0. Watts, M. A., with- your intelligent ca-operation, Dr.î Tweed-E. B. Cooke; F. W. White out charge, Smith Falls. Hastings says, by havîng you secure superannuated; Jas. 'Batstone super- an annual or semni-annual inventory annuated; Enos Farnsworth superan- The Statesman is $2,00 a year or of your vital assets. inuated; D. D. MacDonald retired. $1.00 for balance of 1928. It would be difficoît to canceive of H. P. L. Eeymour field representative Mr. and Mrs. S. Pake and Mr. and any business man nat taking an in- for Albert College, Bridge St. Mrs. H. Vanslyke of Bawmanville ventary of his business, of his stocký Cobourg Presbytery: Campbell- were in town last week on business- in trade, at stated intervals in onder ford-R. C. Tait; Castleton-Gordon Brighton Ensigil. ta detect any leakages or lasses, and,l1 Wý. Gardner; Centreton-J4as. Bat- if possible, ta convert them inta stone (Super. Supply) ; Colborne-J. gains. Ip. Fa coner; Hilton-M. W. Leigh; 2 stand a hand-headed business man not Hope-Grdon A. Sisco; Symour- 1having the engines and machinery in'Frederick G. MacTavish; Warwworth STE, FO cannection with his industry carefully -F. H. Howard; S. C. Moore super- ! u overhauled at stated intervals, also I uteCoîborne; J. W. Down sup-ST C S B his limousine. eannuate, rfo .S O KB , Howvasly oreimprtat i isto Kingston Presbytery: Arden-to 1 Ha vsty or ipotat t s a1be supplied; Brockville, WVall St.- Head Office:R aIl of us ta have the human machine, Walter E. Donnelly; Elginburg-Ba an Welg carefully averhauled by aur h ili(Jo hn A. Huggins) student supply; ByadW lig physician in order that we may haveFranklin and Toledo-Harold E. a propen knowledge and a proper i Friar; Harrowsmith-H. B. Johnston ;1 S. F. EVERSON, understanding of aur vital assets; in Inverarv-to be supplied; KingstonPnatW arder that we miay know if there are 1 Pnincess St-Chas. W. Barrett;1 rvtWi any weak links in the chain, and if "Q'Kingston Queen St.-Thoinas lK gStetEsOb havethe renfoced orif-h;s G reen; Kingston Zion-J. T. Cas- not bie done, we must so governoauri well (stated supply) ; Lavant-John Phones 143 health habits as ta relieve the strain Patr n1upy ;Munan1rv as fan as possible.1-Rbr rg suetspl);PoeCl A Do not fail ta have a repart fron' i -Robait Wragtudantb suppîy> ; jPoeClsA your family physician once or t-wice pittsb ur Nonîh-oodbesU'PPlied; a year on the functioning of every PLlvaJms Wod (upy ora nyu oy adb uddiPort,mouth-A). M. J. Gray (student ___ ora nyour b od ylin bte guided supply) ; Stella-Robert G. Frv; your ethod of lving y the WoIf l.zland-W ni. Halpenny. 1 T tians of his repart and the advice that Lnd.yPebtr:Cuuntne he gives au. * .--R. R. Nicholson; Carnarvon-(A.reD Whether we secune youn ca-apera- ID. Irwin) Lay supply; Nlanilla-H. tian or nat, we are gaing ta tell vaui A. Mellow; North Verulam-Student what ta do in arder ta not only add, s1pply; Omemee-J. E. Blanchard; FOR SATUR' years ta yaur life, but aiso ta add to1Gtùo* Nickla supauannuatad, Manilla, su your capabilities for eniaying life. address 236) Bel izc Drive, Toronto; Chocolate Rose Buds.. We an nlyenjy lfe n popo-iJ. J. Fergus-,n without charge; Gea. We co ony ejoy ife n popor! A Williams angaged in _M. & E. work, Nu Tpss(hc at ( tian ta the degree of health we are 1- Nu -e,-ton.clae anjaying, and that depends for tha: most part on tha efficient functioningi Oshawa Presbytery: Enniskilen- Cooaem e... of ven oranin ur adis. J. M. Whyte; Graenwood-Walter S.l In aider ta inteliigantly understand1 Smart; Mýyr-t!e-Richard J. Mîerriam; Box Chocolates, 1 lb. .. why heant disease is so pravalent and 1Newcastl-W. P. Rogers; Osha'wal why daaths fnom heart disease are so Celadl-Gýsc. W. Irwin; Oshawa Sold only in pound lots numerous in middle life we must, Sjmcoe North-A. M. Irwin; Oshawa familianiza oursalves with the cause' King St-Chas. E. Cragg; Oshawa or caues f hert s~disease d Simncoe St.-Ernest Harston; Picker-T o n a ing St. Paul'.s-Ry 1H. Rickard * Scu- coanditions of the heart,ar also gag-Jamecs Elford; Whitby-iVacant Successors to Christie's B traceabla ta the other communicable <have asked time ta caîl); H. S. dîseases, more particularly scarlet____________________ faven and diphtheria, and,laeon the heart bacomes involvad in typýhaid 1cared for in their homes, they shouId feven and pnaumania, gonarrhoea, h bi a convalescent home, inasmuch RIDE THE G) and practically ail forms of blood as the most important factor in con- poisaning. ýnactian with the trpe1-ment of thoe I ----- * * * In ordar ta ascertain this, manyý investigations have been made in ne- cent years, rasulting in practically the sama findings in ail countnias, and thesa are that infection, aither direct or indirect, is pre--eminently the moatý important cause of heart dis easand ceis raest, and raest-in baèd. Thec beau-t is tha ane organ of the body that neyer rests; the only time that it gets anytbing approximating reat is when we are occupying a recuni- beot posture, or when we ane iying in aur beds with aur minds at ease. un ileciveagent responsuoua The necessity for this mental nestl forrneumnatism heads the ist. In as w-ail as physical rest can best ha fact, in England, whara rheumatîsm understood when we realize the fact is much more pravalent than here,ý that with every contraction of the practically fifty par cent. of the heant heant i n normal condition, a pressure cases that are only recognized after1 equal ta 25 pounds pan square inch is adolescence and in middle lifa, can axerted on the large vassels imme- be traced ta rheumatism and its first diataiy after the blood leavas the of kin, that is, tonsilitus and chorea or bheant; that this is rapaatad fromn 70 St. Vitus Dance. The latter is to 80 t imes every minute, and that nathen the resuit of a rheumatic in- the blocod is fonced aiong at tha rate fection of the nervous system than of 10 loches pan second. the cause of beant disease, butwh t m ha b evident than that if we causes the chorea is very likaiy a -- Itmut 50 causa heant disease.i hava an infiamed heant muscle orj * * * ilining membranes of the heant, as in Muc ca hadon taproectauran inflamed joint or inflammation in beart by ang suroe thaprte aurn any other part of ýthe body, aur hope susarb a kin g uheth coitionandf i- muprove mont mu.st pnimaniiy de- tha ar et are in a sel oundo and pend on rast, or a condition as naarly beaathy condition. One of the most, approacbing rest as we cao possibiy fraquent sources of beart diseasa sacure for the diseased and inflamad disaased tonsils and also absorption oran fram the aiimantary canal associatad Iif yo u are approaching middle life, -itb constipation. Then comas ah- dul not fail to have an annual invan-ý sorption fram ahscesses at the roots! toi-c, Or a sem-annuai inventory of of the teeth. \,u- vital azLses sui)ppied to you by Wa canonoly hope ta dacrease the 1 cour' fan, ily p)hysician. oumber of daaths in middle ifa from i________________ heart diseasa hy discovering tha hearti lesions in chiidhood. A chiid may _________________ have had a savane attack of rbauma- 1 - tism, and in this cannection w-eA-w)uldl like ta emphasize the fact that r heu-1 " - inatism is frequently oveniookad in al, . cild- it is referred ta ofttimes as - g'rowing pains..* s- Dr. Hastings cautions parants ta take no chances witb what may pas- sibly ha rheumatism in a child, not on account of the immediata affects, but of the disastrous resuits latan on by tha invasion of the heart. With the estahlishing ofcovl- cent homes in connectian withho- pitals for childnen, and with the in-ý croased einphasis being placed on co- valescence fnam all the acute coin-I mnunicable disea.ses and all forms ofi: tonsîlitis and diseased teeth, and hy accepting the condition of the beant as the only safe ground upon which ta determina that a child bas suffic- iently convalescad fnam any of thasa, diseases ta ha raieasad, we cao hope ta gat a more efficient contrai. Unfortunately, ho remarks, the family physician is ofttimas placed in an awkwand position, when ho emphasizes the importance of a few additional vîsits ta a child convalese- ing from any of the aforasaid dis- eases, inasmuch as the necessity for these visits cannot always be under- stoad by the parents and yet they are of mast vital importance if we are going ta contraI the ravagea of heart disease. If chidren convalescing froni any of the acute communicable disea8es of childho-od 'have heart complica- tions, if they cannot ho properly K TEEPyour shoes pliable ...--- in good condition-- and always brightly pol- ished, by the daily appli- cation of ShoePolish N u gg et costa littie-- 100 shines for 15 cents. Thor.'a a Nuggetahei. for .vrg aà mnad LAWN TENNIS Bowmanville Tennis Teami played in Campbellfo rd last Saturday and had a very enjoyable afternoon de- spite the fact that they only won two events out of seven. Hoivever, last year in their first garne with thjs club they did not win an event, so there has been a decided improvement. The scores: L. H. Cooke lost to C. WVeston, 6-2, t2-6. 3-6. W. R. Strike defeated F. Free, 2-6, 6-3, 6-3. M. A. Neale and _M. Gould lost to H.I Beatty and W. Kingston, 9-7, 4-6, ;3-6. 1 Miss H. Osborne lost to Miss I. Longmore, 0-6, 1-6. Miss F. Werry and Miss M. Mont- gomery lost to Miss D. Linton and Miss E. Ferris, 0-6, 1-6. Miss D. James and H. Lapp lost ta Miss I. Weston and Dr. H. B. Long- more, 0-6, 3-6. S. James and B. Mitchell defeated J. H. Bell and W. Henson, 3-6, 6-3, 6-8. Cobourg Tennis Club play here next Saturday afternoon. Public who are interested are invited to at- tend. Ye have read, ye have heard, ye have thought. Give answer-%vhat ha' ye done?-Tomlinson. ZLONG & CO. >NDS GRAIN Reford Building eton Sts., Toronto r, Local Manager ire System awa-Above C. P. R. Office 13 and 144 .Our Expense G Specials RDAY ONLY ..................35c lb. irisp) .............35c lb. ..................28c lb. ..................5 C up 3at these special prices. avilie Bakery 3akery Bowmaiiville 7ARTON WAY : NIAGARA FALLS BY BUS Regular Trips Each Sunday FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Everyone should take in these wonderful scenic trips. Drive for miles along beautiful highways in aur conifortable coaches where one gets a clear view of interesting points along the way. See the wonders of the Niagara Peninsula with its miles of Fruit Orchards. This trip includes drive along the Canadian side as fan as Chippawa, back by Fail view. BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW STARTING MAY 27th (Daylight Saving Time) eunFr Leave Bowmanvile 7.00 a. M* $4.50 Leave Courtice 7.15 a. M' $4.25 Leave Oshawa 7.30 a. m. * $4.00 Leave Whitby 7.45 a. m. $3.75 10 minutes stop at Burlington. Arrive at Falls 12.30 noon. Leave after illumination 9 p. m. For information Phone Bowmanville 412, Oshawa 2283 Tickets may be punchased from any of aur Bus Drivers or office girl Tho.se making trip may leave cars at aur garage without extra change. T. A. GARTON, Proprietor 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices xviii. be Egg, Stove, Nýut Sizes $15.00 per ton; Pea $12.50. Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ..............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke .................................... $12.00 Delivered to ail p)arts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opl)ortunity of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. Cail and inspect our stock and prices McCellan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanville .--- -- - An Attractive Mining Speculation GRANT MAHOOD outlines the opportunity presented by ALEXANDRIA GOLD MINES shares: 14 FTER months of careful investigation, I arn nowv prepared ta offer through the Anglo-London Securitv Corporation, 1,000,000 shares of Alexandria Gold M1ines Lirnited. It is bath unwise and unnecessarv ta make extravagant statements regarding Alexandnia Gold Mines Limited, as its position appear suund as tu policy, openation and financing. Unfortunateiv, reckless speculation usually accom- panies a sound scheme of development. The fact remains, hawever, that the accumulation of shares in a sound mining enterprise, carefuliv seiected and thoraughly ana- iyzed bx' men expenienced in the financial and mining world, %svhen the company is in its infancy, has in the past substantiallv rewvarded the speculator. Mining in Canada todav offers-to the men on women wvho ris;k their funds in thie shares af conmpanies iwhich are now developing new mines, the greatest opportunity fan cneating an estate that max- hrin.- independence in later ife. Alexandnia Gold Mines Limited is a development, holding, exploration and operating companv and-with its five outstanding propenties situated, as thev are, in three af the producing minin~ areas af Canada and which were chosen onlv after caneful investigation ai 60 ôdd blocks of ground by competent miining men. wvith the direction of the cornpanv unden such men as General A. E. Ross, President, and Sydney An-lin, Treasurer-with Mr. Thomas S. Davey.É., as (;eneral Manag-er and Direc- ton-a man who bas atîained the highest possible position in his profession and Nwith a past record on three con- tinents seldoin equalled-îthe abviaus soundness af this companv's policy should appeal toalal w-ho are intenested and ývish ta participate in t1ne deveiopmcnt of aur enon- mous mineraI nesaurces. In my opinion, .\lcxandnia Gold Mines Limited is an outstanding rnining speculation with tremendous profit possihilities. This public affcring af these shares at 50c is at a pnice wvhich is a prospect price-not a mine pnice. The only people I want, to take advantage of this opportunity, are those w-ho can afford to speculate, and so, if you like the thrill of playing ini a big game-a man's game-a game where the element of Real Profits is ever present-where the rewards when won exceed your fondest expecta- tions, then-to you-if you are the type of man who is willing to take a chance to reap rich re- wards-the type of man who can smile when he wins-when he Ioses-I extend this invitation to you to join my friends and myseif in this venture which I feel will be to our mutual benefit. Application for shares may be made direct ta Anglo- Londan Security Corporation, 1603 Royal Bank Build- ing, Tonanta, or through yaun braken. Public participation already points tawands an aven- subscription of this issue. If interested I advise yau ta make immediate application, as shares will be allotted in the orden of their receptbon. Sîncercly yours, Anglo-London SecurityI Corpoiration have prepare-l a corn- prehensive survey on .Alexandria Gold Mine.s Limited- aven 40 pages-which will bc niailed ta ou uUpoii request. --- - - - - . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . Harry AIlin's Store is Headquarters f or Quality Groceries Groceries that you know to be dlean, whole. isome and fresh add to your meals a zest that means better health. We combine quaiity, service and value. That's why we are grocery head- quarters for housewives who KNOW. Our stock is complete in every detail. Canned goods, package articles, fresh fruits and vegetables to suit the most fastidjous. Get the flues early with Fly Fume made in Bowmanville. Sold in 40c, 60c and $1,00 bottie with sprayer. Phone and delivery service, of course. HARRY ALLIN, (iroceir PHONE -186 BOWMAN VILLE PAGE TWO

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