Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1928, p. 5

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PAGE r1V» THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1928 Sulmmer Resorta SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT-At Port Bownianville, Reat aide. 6 roornu, furnished, screened-in verandah, electrlc range. Appiy A. Dilick, Bowmanville. 24-1w LAUNDRY WANTED AUl kinds of iaundry work done prompt- ly. satisfactorily and at reasonable prices Write Post Office Box 12, or call Mrs. W. MarJoram, King St. E. Bowmnanville. le CARD 0F THÀNKS Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Port Arthur, and Mr. A. H. Brent, Tyrone, desire to thank ail their friends for the kindness and sympathy extended to them during their bereavenient by the death of their mother and fer the beautiful floral offerings. M usic Study Club It is prooposed ta produce next season Gilbert and Sullivan'a Opera "THE GONDOLIERS" under direction of Mrs. Clark Bell. Singers and Instrumentalists wish- ing ta take part are requested ta communicate by letter with Mrm. B3ell flot later than June 20, 1928. Filmns for the Hawk-Eye Camera Developed Free In order ta show the superiority ai aur work un printing anti devel- oping, we will, tiuring Jane, de- velop al HAWK-EYE films free. No fiin in Canada tioes btter work. 8 Hour Service Leavo your filme by 9 e. ni. anti get your prints by 5 p. ni. the sanie day. Jury-& Loveli When We Test Eyes It le Done Properly LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. J. T. Bragg le visiting rela-1 tives in Toronto, Stouffville and Osb- awa. Public Sehoole close June 29th. High Scbaol closes Jane 15th and de- partmental exanis start Jane l8th. Statosman ativertisers point the way ta the economies. If you mis reading the atis you are losing nionoy. Citizens will welcome the an- nouncement in this issue that Mre. Clark Bell is planning ta presont next soasan Gilbert & Sullivan'e Opera, "The Gondoliers." Mr'. andi Mrs. J. E. Drumni Ca- bourg, spent the weekend at Mtr. J. D. Carruthors', Quoen St., priai' ta their departure on e holiday trip ta the Pacific Coast. In lit ai publice chool pupils in honor roIl for May in lest woek's is- sue the name of Eric Swindall was omitted who stoed 4th in Mies F. E. Maore's Jr. II Clase. Contractors are niaking excellent progress in excavating roade ready for paving. Beech Ave. and Silver St. are "tiug out" andi Wednesday marning the steani shavel started an Cburch St. Miss Bessie Vera Reynolds, daugh- toer ai Mrs. John Roynolds, Slmna, Miss Florence Eliza Haw. and Miss Thelma Mary Martin, Orono, and Miss Vera May Bruce, Nestleton, are among the graduating nurses ai Nich- aIls Hospital, Peterbora. Miss Rey- nolds and Miss Haw alsa won the prizes for Praficiency. Congratu- lations toalal. Rev. H. W. Avison, M .A., B. D., pastor of Central United Church, Calgary, Alta., has accepteti a caîl ta succeeti Dr. W. H. Hincks, at High Park Avenue Unitedi Church, Toron- ta. Rev. Mr. Avison je a son af Mrs. J. J. Liddy, the wife of a former pastor otf Ebenezer Circuit. Several readers have been kinti enough ta tell us The Statesman xas nover more interesting than in recentj issues. An unusual number ai new4 subscribers have alsa joined the ever- increasing list ai Statesman readere during the past month, all of which is greatly appreciateti and an encour- agement ta the staff ta continue ta keep up the high standard ai yaur local papor. The fi rst inspection ai the Cadet Corps ai the Boys' Training Sehool, helti Tuesday aiternoan, was quite an auspiciaus occasion, when Capt. V. H. Heron, Kingston, cadet inspectai', zonducteti the review. Two platoone wore traineti by G. H. Dickinson, B. A., headmaster, with Ted Smith as canspany commander. Besides Dr. G. E. Reanian, Supt., members oi staff andi their wivee, others present inclutiet H. C. Scholfield, M.P.P., Toronto; George W. McLaughlin, Oshawa, andi J. H. H. Jury, B'awman- ville, nionbers af Advisary Board; also Majors G. C. Bonnycastie anti W. J. Hoar anti Rev. R. J. Sbires, Mr'. Scholfield presenteti a wrist watch to General Joffre Gagnon, who wne ajudged the smartest cadet on parade. June Specials For This Week 5 DOZ. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT $2.95 These shirts are in fancy broadcloths, percales, madras, tricotine, etc. Beautiful cloths, many with satin stripes. Values to $4.50, On Sale $295 CHILDREN'S KNITTED SUITS AT $2.49 These suite are of pure all wool cashmere. Just the thing for the Kiddies for sport wear. Shades of navy and scarlet, sand and navy, copen and sand. Regular price $3.95 .......On Sale $2.49 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 98c Navy blue, llght blue, black and white stripe, and khaki, values to $1.25, for ................98c each A line of Men's work sox at .......4 pair for $1.0 Men's pure wool white sox, Reg. 50c, On Sale 3 pair for $1.00 CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS 4 PAIR $1.00 Ail sizes, a good quality ribbed cotton stocking, worth 50c pr .................On Sale 4 Pair $1.00 MEN'S SUITS AT $14.95 25 only Tweeds and Worsted Suite, double and *inle breasted models, splendid cloths, odd sizes and broken lines, worth up to $25.00, Clearing for $14.95 3 days only, Thursday, Friday and Saturday NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $19.95 A line of Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suite at $19.95, plain serges, diamond weaves and Her- ringbone effects, in double and single breasted,' models, values to $25,00, Out they go this week-end for $19.95 T, B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Pone 61 Bowmanville ý4 COMMUNITY SALE Saturday, June 16th-A commun- ity sale of furuiture, household effects, etc., will be held at Alan Williams' Store, King St. West, Bow- manville. Some of the articles are suitable for summer cottagee. if you have anything you wish eold at this sale notify underaigned be- fore sale. Sale at 2 9. nm dayliqht saving time. Termseucah. Theo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer. 28-2 $25.00 REWARD U56 REWARD-A reward o! $26 wil be palS for information loading ta the con- viotli oo the party wbo iraks the irai bar on the. Ioaean wave" and carried il away at the. Creanu af Barl.y camp. J. L. MarS00, Proprietor, Bowxnanville. 22-tf LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Nelles epent the weekend with their daughter,1 Mrs. W. E. Davies, Detroit, Mich. Miss Elizabeth C. Stockdale andi Mies Grace Hyntiman, Toronto, epent Sunday with Mies Dorothy James. 1 Mr'. and Mrs. Harry Fisher andi three children, Guelph, were Sunday guests of Mr'. andi Mrs. W. H . Hill. Miss Vera Werry, Ebenezer, is guest of ber brother, Mr. Elton A., Werry, Liberty and Concession Ste.( Mrs. J. D. Fluker, Cob.ourg, basj been visiting hier father, Mr. Chas. Cox, who has been quite ill with pneumonia. Mi'. and Mrs. Clarence Mott, Mise, Marion Mott and Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Mott, Toronto, were guests of Mr'. and Mrs. F. F. Morris on Sunday.t Mrs. (Dr.) Archer af Lamant, Sask., wba is delegate ta the Damin-l ion Board of the W. M. S. now meet-l ing in Toronto, spent the weekend wit be site-in-law, Mrs.. (e. J. U. Robins, at Trinity Parsonage.1 Dogs in vicinity of Carlisle Ave.,j are creating considerable disturbancel and nuisance by damaging flower gar- dons. Owners of dogs will confer ai favor by keeping their pet canines tied up at night. Heartiest congratulations ta Mise Muriel Inez Dech, grand-daughter of Mrs. John Grigg, Bowmanville, oni pass8ing hier exams and graduating as, a full-fledgod nurse in a class of1 tbirty at the Hospital for Sickl Children, Toronta.1 Mr'. and Mrs. James H. Darch, Bowmanville, announce the engage-j nient of their second daughter, Ther-1 osa May, ta Mr'. Thomas Coulthard I Hill, son of Mr'. William Hill, Carlisle, Cumberland, England, the marriagel ta take place the latter part of Jane. Mr'. and Mrs. W. H. Rahm, Mr. andi Mrs. Walter Rahm, son and daugb-I ter, Mr'. anti Mr. George Rahm andi daughtors, Mr'. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm anti daughters, Burketon, Mi'. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane and daughter, Bowmanville, motared ta Taranto and1 spont Sunday with Mrs. S. J. Pedlar.1 Miss Aileen Parkor, niece of Mr'. and Mre. R. F. Aitchison, has accept- ed a position on the teaching staff of Fergus' new High School at sal- ary ai $1,700. Fergus News-Record in commenting on the appointment says: Miss Parker is a former stu- dent of the Fergue echoals, obtaining1 the entrance metial in her year. Sho has also been very successftil in lier later studios at high echool and uni- versity.« The many friends of Mi'. William Paintan, Westnxount, were sorry ta learn of the accident hie suffereti on Friday evening whie rotui-ning from ii work at the Goodyear Tire & Rubber1 Company. He was iiding hie bicycle and un turning off the roadt t let a car pass hoe foîl, breeking bis left1 thigh below the hip. Ho was taken' ta the Hospital whero he je doing as1 well as can be expected. About thirty members of Welling- Il tan Lodge, No. 19, S. 0. E., Daugh-1 tors andi Maide of Englanti and Juveniles froni tawn, also members. froni Newcastle andi Orono journoy- eti ta Blackstock Sunday afternoon andi joineti the brethren thore inaa service in the Unitedi Cburcb. Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., preachedi. Rev. P. G. Pawell assieteti in the service, and a choir froni Orono led tho sing- ing anti furnisbed solos. Uer many relatives and othor friende un West Durham and else- where will rejoice ta learit that Mise Iva L Courtico, B.A., daughter of Principal and Mss. S. J. Courtice of Leamington, bas again niaintaineti her high standing aiformer years by gratiuating at the heati oi the Depart- ment of Householti Economîcs at the University of Toronto with Fret- Clase Honore, roceiving The Regents' Golti Modal, and aIea The Maria Dick- inson Scholarsbip valued at $ 500 on- titling her ta attend for one year Teachers' College at Colunibia Uni- I versity, New York City. During heri four years at the University Mis Courtice has won scholarships of $1050 value. Aiter attending Laan- ington Uigh School for tbree yearej Miss Courtice passeti the twelve Jun- ior Matriculation papers at one e,- amnation. At Honor Matriculationt she obtained ten Frt-Glass Honore,1 two seconde and two credite. Miss 1 Courtice la a nie.ofMsT.G Mason, Bowmanvle. Rotarian Fred C. Hoar gave a mast interesting classification talk at the Rotary Club luncheon Friday which was bath unique and illuminat- ing. Sanie expecteti Fred ta give a blue ruin talk an the many pests and obstacles which enter into the pree- ont day production and marketing af apples, but hoe chose an entirely dii- feront tronti ai thougbt. Delving Rev. J. U. Robins Befare entering the ministry Mi'. Robins travellei considerahly in the United States, being un nearly every state it the union. Ho taught echoal for 2 years anti later clerked in a store. For four yeare ho "rougheti" it as a mieianary in British Columbia mining camps whero ho hati an oppor- tunity ai studying human nature un a way wbicb f ow would envy him his position or hie tbrilling oxperiences amang the rough anti ready yet loyal luniber jacks. Mi'. Robins was born at Port Ro'w- an, Norfolk County, where ho attend- eti High School. Ho took bis thec- logical course et Victoria College, Toronto. Since hie ordination hie charges have aIl been within the bountiaries ai the Bey of Quinte Conference anti wore accupied un the following ortier: Plevna, Manteagle, Victoria Roati, Seagrave, Blackstack, Little Britain, Oakwoti andi Wellington. It July 1924 ho came ta Trinity United Church where ho bas given excellent service anti by hie guidance anti preaching the church has enjoyed spiital roth and material pros- perity in e marked diegree. Mi'. Robins rocently i\eceivMj a unanimous invitation f roin hDO~A" 8earti af the churcb ta romain a fith year, starting July let next, which ho ac- icepteti. It is ta Mr'. Robins' credit that iln the stepping stanes ta succese ai bot- ter eppaintments which ho bas ex- periencoti with each move they have came through meriteti service rentier- eti, anti not froni any persanal desire shown or exipresseti on hie part. The esteoin anti regard in wbich ho is helti by fellow. ministers is shown in the fact that ho was chairman ai Pictan district 5 yoare, the firet chair- man ai Cobourg Presbytery, Secre- tary ai Seulement Committee 3 yeare, tilegate ta General Confer- once several tumes, anti sinco Union bas been a Commissianer ta General iCauncil twico. 1Mr'. Robins is a valueti anti popular member ai the Rotary Club bore, ho- ing a director this yoar. Tho Club tank occasion ta extenti their con- gratulations ta "Joe" by sending bum a telegrani ta Smiths Falls whero ho wes attentiing Conference whicb reati: "Many anti sincere congratula- tions upon your clebrating twenty- [fliît annivoreary ai ordination. May you ho able ta serve, as in the peet, for many yeare ta corne."1 The Rotary Club also remembereti Mrs. Robins on this memorable oc- casion by oxtonding goati wisbes anti conveying ta her a beauti.ful bouquet ai 25 roses. Wanted CAPABLE WOMAN OR GIRL WANT. ED-For genoral housework. Apply ta Mrs. Soathey, Elgin St., Bowmanville. 21-tf CATTLE WANTED FOR PASTURE- 50 acres gond pasture. plenty shade and water. Prices roasonabie. Appîy ta A HI Ciemens, R. R. , BawmanvIlle, phons 237-3. 22-t.f WANTED-By an exporlenoed man, gardening o! ail descriptions3. Work guaranteed satisfactory. Roland Cous- ins, Phone 456. 24-1W CATTLE TO pASTURE--Cait take lit a number af catie ta pastare on Lot 37, Concession 9, Darlingtan, near Enfield. Apply A. M. Hardy, Box 37, or Phone 389, Bowmanville. 23-tf. EXPERIENCED TEACHER WANTEO, -For S. S. Na. 6. Darlingtnn, (Maple Grave), 1% miles wesz of Bowmanville an the highway. Persanal applications pro- ferreti. Apply ta Noble Metcaif, R. R. 2, Bowmanvillo, phone 477-31, HELP WANTEO-Meln, either exper- ienced or inexperienced ta wark ln pro- duction departmente on piece work. AI- so some goad laborers-meit between te afes o! 20 and 45 dqeIred. Apply ut- tween the bours o! 8 a. Mu. and 9 a. nu. and 4 and 5 p. mu. at Employment Office o! Goodyoar Tire & Rubbor Ca., Bawmen- ville. 24-1 WANTED-Wnmsn aver 30, permanent position. ls yoar automobile oarning money? The Iargest manufacturer of strictîy custaom supportiitg garmonts off- ers wandorfai ýopportunitY. Also a funl lins of lingerie confiners stackings and sanitary goads, tweitty years lnt business. Apply Statesman Office or 47 Coliorne St., Oshawa. 20-16 Farmes' Atention!1 Mr'. Richard imblett'a Percheron Hors. "Nestar- will!be at T1homas imMbett'a, South D)arlingtan, evory Friday nigbt. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Massey-Harris Mower, ai- most new. Apply Artbur Bragg, New- castle. 24-2w' PIGS FOR SALE-8 well-bred young Yorkshire pige. W. T. Perrett, Hampton, phone 376-34. 22-3w PUPS FOR SALE--Collie pupe, 6 weeks' aId. E. Foster. box 236, Bow- inanville, phone 475-11. 23-tf PICS FOR SALE-10 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks' nId. Âpply ta Sydney Brown, R. R. 6 Bowmanville. Phone 160-23. 24-1w* POTATOES FOR SALE--Oood varlety for eating or seed. Chas. RuddeUl, New- castle, R. R. 2, or phone 3931 Clarke. 22-3' BARN FOR SALi--Good1sound timbers, matched lunuber inside. Appîy ta Dr. R. E. Dinniweli, Silver St., Bownianville. 22-3w* LAWN MOWERS FOR SALE--Only used a few times. Appiy W. J. Rtich- ards, Cbarcb St.. Bawnianville. Phone 41. 24-1w FOR SAL.E-Cyde mare, il years aid, weight about 1400 Isa. Appiy ta Mr'. 0. V. Peoter, R. R. 6, Bowmanviiie, phone 146r12. 22-t AUTO FOR SALE-.Overland Sedan, 1923 Model 91. In good niechanical con- dition. Good tires. Bargain for cash. Phone 402, Bowmanvilie. 24-2 AUTO FOR SAL.E-1925 MeLaughlin Touring. Master 6 model, ln excellent condition, great value. Apply Dustan Cash Hardware, Bowmanviile. le-t GRAIN FOR SALE-Quantity cf back- wheat. good grain, 81.00 per bushel; also some Cobler potatoes. 90c bag de- ivered. Apply ta Bert Rico, <Long Sauit), R. R. 1 Tyrone, 24-3* CAR FOR SALE-Star Sedan, n,,wly ducoed last season. ln good runnlng or- der, good set of tires (6). Sacrifice for qaick sale. Chas. Horrlng, over States- man Office, Bowmanville. 24-tf BABY CHICItS FOR IMMEDIATE DE- LIVERY fronu Canada's Oldest and Greatest Laying Strain White Legiiors. Reduced price 16e each-any number. S3afe arrivai guaranteod. We wore tiret in Canada ta advertiso and ahip chicice. Forty page Catalogue Free. F'ishor Poultry Plarm, Box 0-83, Ayton, Ontar- la. 24-2 Loat or Found SUNBURST LOST-On Friday in Bow- manville a peari sunburat. Reward for return ta The Statesman Office, Bawman- ville. 24-tf MONEY LOST-Plve dollar bih Iost on King St., Bowmanvilîe, Saturday night. Finder please leave at Stateenian Office. Reward. 24-1' OOG LOST-Black and white hound strayed away. Reward for any informa- tion. Austin Brown, Church St., Bow- manville. 23-1w4 Houa.. to Rent FL.AT TO RENT-Comfortable flat on King Street. Conveniences. Appiy to Mrs. T. 0. Mason, Bowmanville, phone 200. 1-tf STORE TO RENT--Good location on King Ot Bowmanvllle. one door weet of Big àô Apply ta Harry Foeter, or box 366, Bowmazîville. 24-tf PASTOR CELESRATES TWENTY- FIVE YEARS IN MINISTRY Riev. J. U. Robin& Complotes Quarter Century Faithfui Service ta Chut-ch With a record of faithful service ta hie church and Master Rev. J. U. Rob- ins, pastor of Trinity Unit-ed Church, Bowmanvîlle, celebratod on the firet Sunday in June the 254th anniversary of bis ordination. Mr. Robins wes ardained at the Bay of Quinte Conference held in Oshawa on June 7th, 1903, Rev. T. J. Edmison being President of Con- ference at that tume. Dr. A. Car- man, General Superintendent of the Methodist Church, conducted the or- dination service. Other ministere ardained a~ the sanie tume were Reve. C. W. De lle, O shawa, R. A. What- tam,' Oshawa, Isaac Snell, Foxboro. W. A. McKim Young, Manitoba, Chas. Hopkins, Alberta, and John N. Clarry, London Conferenco. BIRTHS WOOO-In OrQno, June th, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Wood, a so- stillborn. MASON-At Victoria Memorial Hospi- tal, Toronto, on June Sth, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Maeon, Bowmnf- ville, a son. MÂRRIAGES LOMAS-BELL---On Saturday, June 9, by Rev. J. A. Cranston of Kew Beach United Church, Toronto, Flora Estelia, daughter of Mr'. and Mns. David BeU, Orono. and Alfred J. Lomas, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamas, Toronto. STAPLETON-COATHAM - At the home of the bride's brother, Mr'. R. E. O. Coatham, Antiocb, by Rev. George Mason. Bowmanville, on Wedneeday, June 6th, Mary Esther, daughter of Mrs. Coatham and the late Thos. Coatham, ta Ctecii N. Stapleton. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton, Clarke. DEATHS MOORE-In Bowmanviiie, on Tuesday, June 12:h, 1928, Jabez Moore, aged 74 years. MILLS-.In Winnipeg, June 6th, 1928, R. J. 'Mille, formerly of Manvers, aged 65 yea rs. CHANT-On Saturday, Jun-e 9th, at North Bay, Rev. Jas. H. Chant, ln hie 91si year. Interred at Newburgh. BEST-In Bowmanville, on Thursday, June 7th, 1928, James H. Beat, aged 61 yeare. Interred in Newtonvill'. PemeterY. BIRD-In Bowmanvillc, on Sunday, June 10th, 1928, Hilda Audrey, daughter of Edward and Winnifred Bird, aged 3 months. MASON-At Victoria 'Memoriai Hospi- tal, Toronto, on Sunday, June 1th, 1928, Infant son af Mr. and Mrs. Carence S. Mason, Bowmanville. YEO-In Little lritain, on Monday, June 4th. 1928, Mary Anne Tucker, be- loved wife of the late John Yeo, ln ber 86th year. Interment in Little Bitain. McCAB E-On Tuesdlay, June 12th, 1928, at hie sisters residence. 29 Ravina Cres- cent. Toronto, Samuel McCabe, aged 79 years, beloved husband of Elizabeth Mc- Crea, of Lotus, Ontario. MUND-At the. residence of ber (laughter, Mrs. E. L. CJul, Urillia, on Jane 6, 1928, Martha, widow of the late Edward Mundy, Publisher of The Reformer, Osh- awa, un ber 89th year. BROWN-In Lindsay, June 9th, 1928, Jennie R. Fanning, dearly beloved wife of the late Dr. Walter Norman Brown, Toronto, and daugbter of the late Moore and Augueta Fanning, Port Hope and Lindsay. WILLIAMS-At Prince Albert, Sak., on Sunday, June 3rd, 1928, Thomas Wil- liams, yaunger son of the late William and Margaret Williams, brother o! D. WViliams, edItar The Bulletin, Colling- wood, ln hie 58th year. SONE-Suxidenly on Thursday, June 7tb, 1928, at is residence, 82 Spadina, Road, Toronto, John Rainsford Boite, Managing Editor Toronto Star , dearly beiaved husband of EdIth Evans, aged 52 years. DEVITT-At Balcarres, Sask., June 10,1 John Wesley Devitl, aged 70 years, eldest son of the late Mr'. and Mrs. James Dev- itt, Cartwright, and brother of Dr. J. C. Devitt, Bowmanville, and Andrew Devitt, Burketon. IN MEMORIAM LANE-In loving memory of aur dear mailier. wba passed awey Jane 10, 1922. One by one aur loved ones leave us, And the bitter pain of lose Teaches us tbat the heart's beet sheiter le in the shadow of the cross. Ever remembered by Vivian and Howard. In loving memory of a dear wif e and mother. Emma Louise Joint, who de- parted this lufe June 16tb, 1922. Remembrance le golden chain Death tried ta brèak. but aill in vain, Thoughts drift back ta tbings long past Mime rplls on, but memories last. Sadly miseed by Husband and Children. The third Saturday in June is the day allotted Wo Children. We have a special assortment of gifts for this occasion. Fountain Pens....................................... 35c Boy Scout Knives ...................................75C Watches.............................................. 95C Roller Skates ................................$1.15 Pair Joy Cycles........i..................... $3.00 to $12.00 Wagons .................................$2.W0 to $7.00 Soft Balle and Bats-Toys of ail descriptions. Don't Forget the Kiddies Saturclay Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL"- i Judge By T hese Pricesmm The unprecedlented values ofered bore malce it easy for you to judge the big savings you can make' by shopping at NELSON'S STORE. Kiddies' Gingham Rompers to fit 1 to 2 years, i ail colorn and designs ................Special 39r, Ginghamx Pantie Dresses-Dress and Bloomers i ail designs and colone, to fit -3 to 6 years. A very special value ...............................Special 59C Mercerized Broadcloth Pantie Dresses made from fine imported English Broadcloth and trimmed hi contrasting colore. Dress and Bloomers, size 2 to 6 years, will tub well .................Special 98C Gingham Bib Aprons for women, in 10 colone that will launder perfectly. Buy these for less than the price of the material ..............Special 29c Women's Ginghazn House Dresses-S5 dozen i smaîl, medium and large sizes, and in a good range of styles and colore ........................Special 79C Mercerized Broadcloth Slips in M(isses' and Wom- en9s sizes and a good range of colone. This is a very exceptional value,...............Special 79e TWO HOSIERY SPECIALS No. 1-50 doz. in ail the newest col- ore and ail sizes, a regular $1,00 value. Get your share of these, sizes 812t 10,..........Special 59c pr. No. 2-75 doz. including Gold Dol- lar, Wearwell, and Green Stripe, every wanted color in the range, sizes 8½/ to 10 ....Special 88c pr. Silk Lingerie-A good heavy quality that wilI . ve every satisfaction in Pink, White, Peach, ýrchid, Nule Green, sizes 34 to 42. Vesta 88e-Bloomers $1.19-Slips $I.98 Silk Striped Underwear--Summer weigyht in Pink, Orchid, Peach or White Bloomers, and Pink or White Vests, size 34 to 42, Veste 39c, Bloomers 49e Luncheon Cloths-Crepe cloths in multi-color ef- fects and fast colore, very special value, Clotha 54"x54" 98c Napkins to match 2 for 15c 100 Rag Rugs, size 18x36, just the thing for bath- room or bedside, in ahl colore, a regular 49c value, Special 29ceoach. IS SATURDAY There's local news on every page. There'e a lot of good common Port Hope ie the only town along sense in the observations made in the Lake front that le on standard Mrs. Nellie E. Watts' ltter on page 7. time. Mr. Gordon D. Conant ia the uew Two poems by Mrs. Laura Bedeli, Presîdent of Oshawa Rotary Club, formerly of Bawinanville, appear in Mr. Geo. Hart je Vice Preaident and this issue. Mr. C. F. Cannon, Secretary. rCIIILDREN'S DAY 1

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