Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1928, p. 4

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?AGE FOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAINVILLE, THURSDAY, .IUNE l4th, 1928 TYRONE MAFLE GROVE SOLINA WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ENFIELD Glad to see Mr. Howard Brent out A number £rom here attended Eb- ________LVR UBLE Mr. A. Oriniston has purchased a Aniniversa again. enezer anniversary on Sunday and Meinbers Frorn Nearby Branches new car. United Chur Several from here attended B'rook- Monday. Participate in the Happy Gathe'ig Mr. Walter Ferguson has been un- On Sunday, lin Fair on Saturday. Miss Helen Metcalf had hier tonsils der the doctor's care. The neigh- 7.3 0 p. mi.E A number froni here attended the remnoved in Bowmanville Hospital on Among the notable and historical bors met at his home last week with by Rev. J.1 W. M. S. Convention at Orono. Monday. events of year 1928, was the Silver seyerai manure spreaders and gave by Tyrone Mr. Rev. J. R. Bick, Hampton, wiîl Mr. and Mis. R. R. Stevens spent Jubilee Anniversary of Solina Wom- bum a good lift with bis work. aid of churc speak at our League this Thursday the weekend in Toronto visiting their en's. Institute. This Branch was or- A ivraysvce r Sny June 20, as evening.1 daughter, Mrs. Ray Snowlen. ganized on January 7th, 1903, but Annivwer ay ervies heeSunay from 5 o'clo Suda cho a 1.0 .m.Al r.ad r. .J.Flt, r adas the time of year was not conven wr eiatne. Re.Wn etsat S u n d y S h o o a t 1 0 . 0 a m . I l r . n d r s . E . . F l t t , M r . a n d j e n f o h a v n g g a h e r n g t S t i r l i n g , O r o n o , d e l i v e r e d t w o s p l e n - m e n t o a i other services withdrawn on account Mrs. W. H. Vaughan, Mrs. Zeigler etfrhvn agteigopntalc of Long Sault Anniversary. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. FI decided to celebrate on Jute 6t did sermons, choosing for bis text in set of horsej Preparations had been made to hold the afternoon, "But Peter followed concert will Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis and fam- Swallow on Saturday. the gathering in the big enc]osed shed Hmafar off unto the high priest's Lloyd enter ily attended Ebenezer anniversary About 40 members of Newtonville but the cool weather and abundant palace and went in and sat with the Admission- and viited ith fiendsthere Y. P S. vsitedour Lague ast Fi- shwers servants tothe see sevhetend,"e tMattd," 26:58.6.5 ororconcert andvistedwit frend thre. Y . vsi ad pourLegu a st le soer hihfaoedteaCaus- His text in the evening, "IButwhter40;t Several froni here attended the da vnn n u nas lded the arrangement to be changed wa et4c e funeral of Mrs. Wm. Haniley, Bw programn which was thoroughly enjoy- and the gathering met in the church. things were gain to me, those I Bo- d. Thyalo reene or ~~aue counted loss for Christ," Phil. 36:7. manvilie, on Wednesday. The syin- ewjth heya ne Rer emnt Hampton Branch came in goodly The pahyofth cmnuntyisexenedwere sehed a te close shen numbers and others from Bowman- singing and music were much to Mr. Hamley. ville and Blackstock also enjoyed the apeitdb I tbt evcs Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Metcalf, Lloyd social re-union as well as the splendid especially the duets by Mrs. G. and Wollmen'n tte andofLadies id ad Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. F. prograni presented and the good Jh Johnson, and Miss and Mr. M. Seraf dentmeet atuther hoerofhri-y Swallow motored ta Toronto on things so bountifully served at the sonson. and the solo by Miss John- anniversary den, m. uter ooeronFr day o of Blackwater. Liberal collect- Much sym June 22nd. înstead of Wednesday, Tua. Mr. and Mrs. Metealf banquet, ions were given at both services. j and Mrs. J. June 20tb. AIl ladies cordially ini- visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, President of isstrn Swaliow attended the graduation ex- Solina 'Branch, presided in her usual Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Or-bishsasaer-u vited. ercises of Miss Isobel Menzies and pleasing manner. The Opening Ode miston, Oshawa, Mr. and r. . E- oohwdmao League Thursday evening w8.5 inj Mr. Cordon Brown. was sung and the Lord's Prayer re- Tink, Solina, Mr. and Mms. J. Smith, charge of lst Vice President, Miss' Anniversary services of Ma pieI peated i n unison. Misses Edna and Bobcaygeon, at Mr. E. Oriniston's; Leagije or Margaret Moore. Reading was giv- Grove Sunday School will be beld as1 Jean Milîson rendered a pretty piano Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe and Miss well attende en tp by Miss loene aie;aen foilows: On Sunday, June 17th, ser- duet. Nora Werry, Solina, and Mr. & Mrs. took charg-e di tpi b MssLoa icarsmons will be preached at 2 and 7 p. Words of welcome ta the visitors F. Tarvis, Columbus, at Mr. S. Bray's;te M iss Anni "Force or Love"~; piano solo, by Myr:Im (Standard Tune), by Rev. F. J. were given by Mrs. John Baker, Dis-IMr. and Mrs. Fred and Mr. Claude is ni FereBgeasse. ngbMs Maxwell of St. Andrew's Church, triet President, who was pleased ta1 Smith, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs El- the progran, ven ugs.Oshawa- Music by the sehool, also' note the increase in members ns well mer Beech and Mr. Milton Stainton, C. Avery;1 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Lake, solosan des olcini i as the spirit of co-operation and be- Enniskilien*tMr Haod ris Ashton; Ta Mr. and Mms. Holme, Newcastle, with ofshoofnS. On Monday, June lieved that this organization had been ton's; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe Ms Teo th omersduhtm r. .Si- lSth' t 3 p. m. a prograni of sports the means of encouraging and help- Columbus, Mr. M. Johnson, Miss ber was give ner Mrs. AbrtJhno. oono1wl e engaged in by members of, îng the women ta find a place where Johnson and Mrs. C. Johnson, Black- win, Muriel aMrR.McCullough's; Mr. and the sehool. At 6 p. ni. a League 1everyone could work. Our aim water, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; Mr. ley and Mabl Mrs. Wm. Little, Mr. Wesley Little, gae f Basebaîl (boys) Enniskillen should be high. This Branch and,I and Mms. N. Avery, Raglan, M'r. and also given b3 Miss Edythe Saunders, Oshawa, with Us. 'M apl1e Grve. Tea served frein indeed, the whole district, had en-' Mm. John Ormiston, Oshawa, at Mr. Harold Greer the former's mother, Mrs. Wmn. Lit- 4 p. ni. At 8 p. m. Harmony Ath- joyed su ccess during the past 25 'W.J. Ormiston's; Mr. and Mrs. El- read fron IV tle; Mr. Robert and Miss Mary J. letic Club will present their play, years, and she trust-ed that those mer Gibson, Mr. and Mms. Geo Gib- Victor Home Burgess, Orono, spent Sunday at Mr. "Done in Oil." Music between ac ts. present to-day would ever have pleas- son, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gib- League fort Herb. Burgess'; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Admission: Adults, tea 50c, concert ant memories of this celebration. son, Solina, Mr. L. Gibson and Miss Home. Le2 Skinner Sundayed with fiends at. 35c, tea and concert 65c; Children, Hampton Branch heartily sang a I. Ray, Oshawa, at Mr. Edgar Pres- Sunday even Woodville; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam te 2conrt5ctadcn- chorus "Spmead a Little Gladness" cott's; Mr. William Veale, Messi.Ln al Domeen and Yvonne, with brprns cert 40c. which ail enjoyed. Thomias and Harold McLaughlin, Tor- Visitors:1 Mr. and Mrs. Lillicrapp, Cannington; A letter from Miss Lily Penfound, ente, Mr. Roy Hunter, Oshawa, Miss Newcastle, M Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardiner and famn- Toronto, expressing appreciation for Vera Ormiston, Bowmanville, at Mr. stone, Whitl, ily visited friends at Lindsay; Mr. COURTICE the invitation and regret at not being Bert Ferguson's; Mr. Lloyd Coch- Mr. Douglas and Mrs. John Mormison, Miss Hazel able ta accept in person was read. rane, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. manville, iM Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bar- Mrs. S. J. Courtice, Leamingten, Miss Edna Reynolds who han been Carnet Cochrane, Oshawa. at Mr. children, Ham ber, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ron- has been visiting relatives here. a faithfui Secretary of Solina Geo. Cochrane's; Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mr. R. M old B. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hezzlewood Branch for about eight years gave a Herring, Enniskiilen, at Mr. Geo. ton, Cartwrig Stewart; Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Wilkin- Toronto, were guests of bier mother: short history of this ýBrancb, naming ,Ormiston's; Mr. Laverne Stinson and Mr. and Mns son and daughter, Victoria Road, with Mrs. Ceo. Pearce. the chief officems for the past quarter family, Oshawa, at Mm. H. Stinson's; te, Sundayed bier sister, Mms. A. His; Mr. and Mrs. etran oeeet curn Mran s.HJaa ndf iy, r.nd r. Harold Cul]y, Toronto, Sundayed at Visitors: Mr. and Mms. Cameroncetr adsoeeesocurn M.an Mm.HJa s dfaiyM.adMm Mr. orma Wodleys; rull Mr andMrs Llod TullMr.in that period. Among the earliestl Columbus, at Mm. J. Hepburn's; Mr. Toronto ove Mm.Noma Wodeys;Mr.adrlM. and M.LodTol m members were Mrs. Thos. Baker,1.and Mrs. C. Vice, Columbus, Miss F. Vemna Trewi Mrs. Will Mobray and childmen, and Mrs. Harry Stafford, Oshawa,Mr.CoViebohpsntM.IhaIrLnay at r.Jhn m.nd r Weson M. taneyRieyandbrdewih M.withr. BMr.CuriandMs.GeMrsce.bthBiake),Mr. Courticensay;a Ms.soh M.hrtMr Wne estMm.stn ibyan rieMm. A. E. Cleneis, Miss Margaret S. Sorridge, Mrs. W. L. Law and Hobbs'. dayed at Mi (neLete uhtnPort Elgin, Polc n m e.H Ieki others. JEtCen fBre o rafs ams n Mm. and Mms. Bennett, Mm. and Mme. lakadMs e.H Bcel s rano ale o rafs ams n Sidney Pichen and Cordon, m -Sd Bownianville, with Mm. and Mms. K' The gathering sang "Coming Thru and enjoy good health. services therE Newman, Toronto, spent Sunday at E. Courtice and Mr. and Mrs. W. E.teRe"atrwîhMs E ._____ tM.D Mm. Win. H. Halfacre's. Courtice; Mr. and Mme. Jesse Arnot Haycraft, Bownianville, a charter a r .G and family, Maxwells, at Mme. Eh lmember of West Dumham Institute Wamden Davidson is arranging the Fred Adamsis ________r.___tan Troto organized in Bowmanville 28 years annual excursion to Rochester on spent Sunday at te Prsoage an oter isiorsago, vemy briefly referred to the per- June 22, 23 and 24. M.adMs DOTOS'HLIA atthe Famsonage ntiotr. iitr sonnel, the programn, the purpose and Miss L. M. Buchanan, Principal of Oshawa, at M Durig Snda an Modaywer suelyprogress from its eamliest days in this Continuation School at Orono for the Eat Cmeani Duigthe summer the Physicians Snay ndM dyweeuey county, comparing the past with the pant seven years, bas resigned. and enjoy go 0f Bowinanville will close their offices gala days at Ebenezer. The weather present. In those days the Presi- Wednesday afternoon and evening. was ideal for an anniversary. Pro- dent lived in Leskard, Secretary in fessor Johnston of Victoria College, Bowmanville, and members attended ____________________ In case of emergency at this time Toronto, preached at thmee services froni Soiina, Nestleton, Newcastle caîl on Sunday. In the morning he gave and other places when conveyance Dr. Bell the int Wednesday of montb; a very fine sermon on "The Prodigal was by horse and buggy instead of Drs. Hazlewood & Bimks 2nd Wednes- Son." In the afternoon bis address auto. day of month; was mostly ta the children and in the Congratulatory words were heard Dr. Slemon 3rd Wednesday cf month; evening hie preached another excellent fron- Mm. H. E. Rundle, President cf Dr. Storey 4th Wednesday cf month. sermon. Special, music was render-jIHampton Banch, who invited ail te -ed by the choir and Sunday School.;its Silver Jubilee'in 1929, froni Mrs. In the morning Mms. C. F. Annis sang Grahami, Blackstock, President of a solo; in the aftei-noon Mrs. (Rev.) Victorian Branch, and Mis. Frank Stainton sang; and in the evening a Jackman, President cf 'Bowmanville quartette was sung by Mesdames A. Branch. These greetings were in-0À E. Rundle, K. E. Courtice, Chas. terspersed by a well-rendered solo, Found and W. R. Courtice. Monday "Come, Come Away," by Mme. John flfwYw w~iuu'ii afternoon a pageant entitied "The Baker, ber daughter Muiel accomp-! ~UYNI~Dreani of Months,"l was given bY anyinglir a reading by Mrs. Alvin'J Much credit is due Miss Hattie Os- intemesting article by Nina Moore borne who tained the children. TeaJamieson on Annual Meetings; and a of Bowmanville and of Canada was served, and baIl games were well rendered duet by Mme. C. J. at ti. Big20"played, and in the evening a Play Kemlake and Miss Nora Horn. ath "Bg2""Arnold Goees into Business," wasi Mme. Thon. Baker, wbc is a charterMO EP IF ii ppresented byour young people. Mr. niember of West Dra ntttM R GIFT SHO lanRobrtsn deervs ceditfortheand also tefiret President of Solina training of these young people. The j ranch, and who was bonored with entertainments were ail put on well the Presidency for the yeam just We have a large assortmnent of and the wbole anniversary was a de-l closed, briefly revjiewed the events cf R . J . Rv cided success. Proceeds Sunday and the past and challenged the presentJ . R v useful and onamental articles Monday over $460. 1 younger niembems teaflot only carryYo Gete suitable for young and old at ______ n but to do better in the coming 25 o Geth 1 prics ragingfro 25cupwads.years. mangig fmm 25eupwads. After a song by the audience Mine Thyaeunique, novel and differ- SLN Margaret Scott recited splendidy Special tl ThyMm. Frank Westlake bas impmoved "Joe's Cift." This part cf the ent. his huildings by raising bis barn and prograin closed with the National putting a cement foundation under it. Antheni. The-banquet tables were nicely Don't f orget our play, "What Doth decorated with sping flowers and It Profit," ta be given in the shed heaps cf good thîngs te eat. The this Friday night, June 15th. Pro- centre table at which the older meni- W .T aA le ceeds in aid cf the building fund. bers and sanocf the guests were e Don't forget te caîl at Horn'siseated, was centered with the Bith-' Big 20 Bookator. store for Turnip seeds-Genuine Irish day Cake nicely decorated in silver and other vaieties. Plenty cf mari- lettems beaing the inscription Solina Bowmanville Ont, gel seed still on hand. 24-1; 1903-1928. Mre. Thos. Baker had Deputy Reeve and Mrs. Sulas Wil- the honer cf putting the knife in the liame are settled in their new home cake aftem al had enjoyed te the ful in Hampton. They will be much the gocd things se genemously served Jmissed heme wehre tbey have resided by the Founger girls. The finisbing f or over 25 years. We wish them1 touch came when after the ice creain a long and bappy life in their new land cake had been eaten, the birth- -home. day cake was served. Mms. John Reynolds, Mme. Thon -Al Joined. in best wishes te Solina Ladies' Kid One Strap of New Yor, Chicago, Detroit M. and Mme. N. S. B. James, Ëow-I ing sessioncongregatieon -was serne- and oroto pticl Cllees. manville, Mm. Tom Penfound, Mme. what larger. The addresees both andTomntoOpica Colegs. Chas. Wermy, Osbawa, at Mr. S. E. aftemnoon and evening were certainly Werry's; Mr. and Mms. H. E. Tink cf a vemy high order and sheuld in-j Jur ~ Lov il visked at Mr. Edwin Ormistcn's, En- spire al S. S. workems with new ideas Ju y&jo el feld; Mm. and Mme. Thos. Norton for future work. The "Round Table a nd George, Liocust Hill, Mm. and Conference," conducted by Rey. Wm. Whou W.* Test Ejes It la Don. Mme. Geo. Stephens, Mme. W. E. Pol. Fingland, alone, was well woth one'e Prop.rly lard, Mie Effie Rutledge, Salein, at coming te hear, especially aIl tho Mr. Roy Langmaid's; Mm. and Mms. interested in S. S. work. 'The sol.. Norman Reynolds and Miss Switzer, and quartette were alec much enjcy- ________________________Toronto, at Mr. J. W. Reynolds. ed. LONG SAULT sary services cf Long Sauit irch will be held as folicws:i y, June 17, at 2.30 and sermons will be preacbed P. JuIl, Brooklin. Munie eChoir. Collectibns in ceh funde. On Wednesday, splendid tea will be semved lock. Homse-ehoe Tourna-g at 4 p. mi. (standard tume)i cenime. int pize-Newi shoes. At 8p.m. a grand ll be presented by Bert artainment Co. Toronto.1 -tea and concert 60e; tea 40c; children, tea and con-o îa or concert 25e. 23-21 HAYDON from heme attended Enfield ylast Sunday. npathy is extended to Mm. .Wright in the passing of i-law, Mme. Weimage, cf aughter of the late Thon. )f Haydon. on Sunday evening was led. Presîdent C. Avery c f devotional period, af- [issionary Vice President, STrewin, teck charge cfr i. Bible meading, Mme. Devotional, Miss Meta epic was well given by t Mcuntjoy; a vocal nuni- ven by Misses Annie Tre- 1Thompeon, Renia Brad- bel Beech; Readinge weme by Roland Thonipson and r. A lengthy letter was Mviss Annie Mountjoy cf .e, Toronto, thanking the the quilts sent te the eague is witbdmawn next cning on account cf the Anniversary. Mr. and Mme. Brown, !M. and Mrs. S. J. Van- y, Mme. Marion Moome, sand Miss Kate, Bow- fMe. Hemb. Stainton and Lpten, et Mm. A. McNeil's MecNeil's; Mise Eva Ash- ,ght, at Mm. L. Craham's; s. Wm. Lumbems, Toron- >d et Mm. H. Ashten'n; S. Horace Hall visited in er the weekend; Miss in, Toronto, at home; s. Elgin Mountjcy Sun- Ir. Mervin Moun'tjoy's, e; attended annivemsary ýr;Mm. and Mme. Thos. n on, Oshawa, Sundayed mraham's; Mm. and Mme. and cbildren, Oshawa, y at Mm. Jas. Crossman'n; sThon. Yeo and family, Mfr. Jno. Wmight's. t cf Bamley for breakfast ,od health. Mu- ENNISKILLEN Mms. John Ferguson, St. Cathar- ines, han been visiting bier sister, Mme. Jas. Môuntjoy. Miss Majory Oke, Clarke Union, spent the weekend with ber cousin, Mies Annie Oke. Much sympathy is extended te Mme. Jabez Moore and family in the death cf a loving husband and father, who died June l2th in Bowmanviile Hon-, pital. League meeting was in charge of let Vice President, Jokn 5lemon.1 Meeting opened witb hynin, aftem which Mme. Lloyd Ashton led in pray- er. Bible leason was ead by Miss M. Dalton; Topie by Annie Oke on1 "Force or Love,"; a solo wa.e theni endered by Maudie Ashton, Edgami Wright gave a short eadin.g; vielin1 solo, Milton Stainton; reading, Reval MeCilI; meeting closed with bene-ý diction.i Eat Cmeani cf Baley for breakfastý and enjoy gcod beaith. The Statesman is $2.00 a year or! $1,00 for balance cf 1928.1 Rev. Win. Higgs, Beecbbumg, an-ý nounces the engagement cf bis second' daughtem, Eileen Estelle, te Mm. Har-, my Spence Ramsay, Toronto, the mar- Opera House, Bowmanville ONE NIGHT ONLY FRJDAY, JUNE l5th ANNE NICHOLS' LAUGHING SUCCESS 'Abie's Irish Rose' The Play That Put U in Humor LOOK! PRICES: 25c and 50c. A few at 75c. Reserved Seats at Mitchell's Drug Store NOW -NJ 'WER TO YOUR DOLLAR IF YOU BUY AT ays Quallty Shoe Store Very Best to be had in Footwear at Popular Prices :tractions For This Week End. The Very Latest in Ladies' Shoes Styles that are sure to please the most exacting, the best of value, $3.95 Children's Shoes Black Patent One-Strap Slippers good quality make, some with cushion soles Sizes 5 to 7½/2.......$1.39 Sizes 8 to 10½/2.......$1.69 Sizes il to 2 .......$1.98 Silk Hosiery for Women Big selection of colors, every size in the lot, every pair worth double, but now .......69c pair The Finest in the Land Men's Oxfords, high-class in every way, fit for the Prince. Look this up. Value at $5.85 Men's Boots and Oxfords A fine selection of dressy shoes in black or brown, Special Values at $3.95 lAIN ROOM SPECIALS IN FOOTWEAR 200 Pairs of Women's Boudoir Slippers with or without a heel, in ail kinds of shades and de- signs, Bargain extraordinary 55c Women's tity left, Sandals, limited quan- Real Value at 99c Just 30 pairs left of the Men 's Panco sole work Boot that are being grabbed up at ..$2.85 Men did you get yours? Tan Running Boot with leather ankie trim, regular $1.80, Bargain Room Value $1.18 Special Value in Men's Odds and Ends, light weight shoes in white, tan and other colors, with leather or elk soles, Bargain Room Special $1.55 R. J. Rovan's Quality Shoe Store Formerly Claude Ives Phone 528 On The Sunnyside Bownianville REPEATED 'Trial By Jury' Witb Full Cnst at Community Hall NEWCASTLE TUESDAY, JUNE 19th. Mr&. J. Clark Bell, Director Mrs. Munroe A. Neal, Accompaniet Pmeceded by a prograni given by the following artists: Mme. J. Clark Bell, ader Cwendolyn Williams, Pianint Mesdames Cee. L. Hall, A. Col- ville, Messrs. R. M. Mitchell, A. E. Hircock, Neil Stewart, Vocalints at 8 p. ni. (Standard Tume) Ceneral Admission 35c m PAGE FOUR 11-V

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