Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE l4th, 1928 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College ot Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office heurs 9 a. mi. te 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Coliege of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in aIl ite branchés. Office-King St., Bowrnanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. Barrister, Soliciter, Notary Money te boan on Farm and Town Pnoperty. Royal Bank Building, Bowmnanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Saccasor to lat. D. B. Siînpoe., L.C. Barriaten, Solcitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank et Montrea] Mony te Loan Phose 91 Bowmunville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Banister, Solicitor, NotaT7 Money te boan. Bonds for aule. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. au Compiete Mote., or 9;rle Horse Equipment All caîLspromptiy attended to. Private Ambulance1 Bowrnanville phone Branch Storea- Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calis given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- i'i11e, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, tormeriy ef Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beitb's former residence on Church Street,' Bowmanviile. Phone 259. 44-t. J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.8., <EdIn), .P.M. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeens, Edinburgh. Office and Reidence, Queen St., Offce Heours: 2 te 4 p. m., 6 te 830 p. m. Bowmanvilie, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians and Surgeons Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 to 8.30. Telephene 108 Office. Wellington Street Bowmanville, Ontario. VETERINARY DR.î F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calls promptly attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. JE. G. KERSLAKE. V. S., B. V. Se. Orono Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- tj». McElroy's former office. Phanes: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Parm and Heuse Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskiller. P. O. Phone 197r3.1-f CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUULESSI THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto CehIegeý of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- rnanville Office Tuesday, Thursday Àmd Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Reidential cals made during iore- noons. Whiie ail ot us recegnize that cor- rect posture adds attractivenesa te one's appearance, that the loss of1 grace and beauty in the slouching carniage and stooped shouiders is semething te be greatly regretted, few realize that much more than looks are sacrificed and that hoalth la far more closely bound up with the way we carry ourselves than ta usually undorstood. Standing cor- rectly a person breathes freelyan easily, whiie in the round-shouldered the iungs are compressed and the ex-1 pansion hampered. Standing or it-I ting cornectly the circulation is at its best and the digestion tunctions non- maiiy and the internai organs are in right relation te one another. In the one who slouches the abdorninal muscles are relaxed, there is crewd- ing et the organs and ail the processes se essential te health are hampered.- Dr. Campbel emarks that she dees net consider corecting the daily diet and habits ef reat and recreation more important than habits ef pest-iJ Cre. * *1 Naturalty the reader asks, What li the correct posture. There la but one svay te stand autherities tell us: "The head is up and the chin la back. the head ta balanced above the sol dens, hipa and ankle.s. The chest is elevated wth the breast-bene the part of the bo-dy farthest fonward. The lower abdomen is in and fiat, and the back curves are within nor- mal limit." The bead, neck and trunk fenm a vertical and net a curved or zig-zag uine. In this way the weight of the bedy is balanced on the beny framework and net car- ried chiefly by muscles and ligaments. The one with a good posture has an endurance quite surprising te one whe bas net and the cause et easy t tiring ia often aolly due te incorrectP canniage. To walk with head tmp and i choat igh and tees straight terwardi and te se with ease is an important Sc accomplishmont and a very strongT factor in health. Few pensons real- ize how great a factor in gaining and C maintaîning geed health correct car- niage et the body really is.U * * *Itl Schoel teachers should ail under- stand that good posture and right carniage can be taught and rnust be taught te children. On ne account should thia very vital part of the acholars' education ho neglected. Bear in mind always that much can he taught simply by example, and teachens and parents will get far bot- ter resulta if they themsolvos practise right posture and carniage at al tumes. Dr. Goldthwait, one et the loading orthopedic physicians of Bos- ton, auggests that each tamily should practise standing corectly every day atter dinner-mother, father and cildren lining up and standing ex- actly as tboy ahould for one minute. Ho saya t will surprise you how very quickly such a posture becornes a habit. Dr. Carnpbell suggests that a goed practico is te stand against the wa]I, heels four incbes eut, but witb hipa, shoulders and head touching the wall. Flatten the lower back against the tvall by torcibly pulling in the lowerlI abdominal muscles. This flattens the lumbar cunve. AUl et the motion eccurs below the waist-iine; the shoulders are held pertectly atili. Relax the contnacted muscles and a]- low the lumbar cunve te reappear. Repeat twe or three times.- Thon walk away from the wall holding the- correct position. ci fE di se 1' ar Pl M ount Editil Ca% ,tiinjd -d15- COur ;iir (Sc lie sautirielhng Otional Park, which will be visited by about us, and it is that feeling which fuls Canadial? \Veekly Newspaper editors and cemneteries with monuments to the dead their wives after thcir Edmonton conven- "Some of the most beautiful and won tion is one of the most strikingly beauti- derful structures of the world Mere built fui peaks within easy reach of Jasper in honor of individuals-the Taj Mahal Park Lodge, and it is easily reched by in India, the pyramids in Egypt , and the means of the Cavell motor highway, tomb of Victor Emmanuel in ý.eand which, after skirting the scenie golf that mest beautiful monument in our course for which Jasper Park, is now own country, the iemorial to Lincoln at worldi-famous, climbs from the Athabasca WVashington. Valley to the v-ery foot of the Glaciler of "In modern tirnes, at least, we have t;ie Angeis. Mount Edith Cavell was given much honrr te the man who won named in honor of Brjtain's lhernie war distinction or gas\e his life in war. The nurse, and a s isit te Jiýper National taîl shaft that riscs highi in the rnidst of Park inspired thc following article by Trafalgar Square kccps Nelson's achieve- Thomas .Arkle 'ark, D)ean of Men, 1Uni- ments always beforc thre ninds of thc Versity of Illinois, which svas contri- husy Londoner. Butt thcse monuments, buted te the Chicago Daily News. glorious as thc%, arc, sccîni nsignificent 'Whcn Simon Garvcv died-that w-as anti tawdry w 1lien compared with the a goo many mr goh fta <f*oonumuent wlîich thc Canadians have . yers go-e bft co- cedficjited te a 55oman I (ith Cavell. siderahie suru of mencey to put 111) a tres1,0fetiurtern munumrent to his memior I t was a n ifi ahoses ie0ufroudn et , sr oe of the posirig -truceture, as rnnunrent ,went in bvtesurndgpakoefth etir tuninrunits-, of andl,tne and at- prest beatîtiful of the hcautiful mounitains li tire Cana(lian RtI s nowN-co-,ered t.r tcteàd tt-rîitiîn.inmdsiict Gcer et an n mid-unirar, its a -t lacier I vs0 ak-w-wces a~n 5hCO i angi., like a ntrn' s il1 n% ur it sgînrieus oM -,t I h- hI trr-ter\-. Fiitu ls h ris ('(lt. Rja ai hal mdfro~ h (),lOe canniiot kep lii, syesfi it. There r-dýen rito trii, andrtI ot lamrrltiun, rr '1C-are ct lier bea ut ifu il u-n t dns near by, tý) -ir tii t tthIe h- r ,arc grrrullIIsbut orlsserrnes hai kte EditIi u.et ha i:ft\ armure, arrd it W(i1l Csc As Ion.~ , ý the w orld it will e aw rr k auI ~-nGarvc's na re tad:when tire pr riids have crumbled I,îl have be-en ,(Attn. inte dtrst and th e"I aij Mahal is a forgot- - srvnornd i hrîran being elierishcs terilrncmnry, it w I1l -tilI rear its snow- ,e i thr)tti (t e will do soi-1 wtring capped head te rthe iers-ens, the most I-ari-ng his tifethînu- that w ilI cause hinr te glurinus mnunmenît es-er devised te the bc remeinibcred. meîuor-y of a noble weruiian." MOST KINDLY WELCOME Canada now offors many scenic at- tractions te visitera with our splendid Provincial Highway across Ontario and fan inte Quebec. This item la sent us from a Newv York newapaper: ['ourista fnem the United States are iow spending $200,000,000 a year in Canada, which is more than double what they were spending as late as 1920. The Dominion now counts thia second onlv te wheat as a source if revenue and is ablo te keep a pen- fectly seber face wbilo attnibuting ita trawing power wholly te ita suporb cenery. This tnibute te the Amer- ican'a censuming love for the true and the beautiful will be greatiy ap- preciated on this aide et the uine. A WORD FOR THE FALL FAIR Hon. J. S. Martin, Minister et Agriculture, is heantily in accord with Fali Fains. Speaking recently he said: "That a good many people do net realize how valuable the taira are. I have been exbibiting at them for the past 25 yeans and 1 have net the lightest hesitation in saying that the tairs have rnade me and helped me te whatever suce I have at- tained. At one tain I have heen exhibiting for 22 yeans and have been champion in my clasa during the, whole et that period. I think that might perbaps ho a worid's record. "I have noticed", Hon. Mn. Martin turther remanked in tribute te' the fains "that thene is ne btter mediuni for bringing the country and c.'ty people togethen than fal airs, 1* brings them together and it forim and cements friendshipa, and the results from the standpoint et commiunity spirit are altogethen salutary". Anothen exercise is te practise - correct standing in front et a miri as ave have seen young girls do for anr)ther purpose se that you will j FAR MERS HAVE EVERYTHING know how your muscles tee] when yeu 1 are straigbt. Wben you have the, One of the fecatures of present day habit of net standing straight,' especi- I r-traI life is that the fariner can have atly if one sheulder ta a bit lower 1 practietitty everything he needs than the othen, yeu sylil be surpnised itrught t-) bis (Influ A farmner w'hom hosv tod habit bas, made your feelings wev ere tatking t) a fesv days agni, n regard te being stnaight aIl wrong. told u-s that abnut the only thing ho You wstl ho surprised how cnooked really neaibi to hlteh tip for is to go) you te-et when you really are straight to the blmcksmithy. The zrnc -r, and you need te re-educate your baker and butcher aIl cali at bis tarm muscles. Keep the abdominal mua- twnour three times a week. , Ho gets clos in and cheat up an<d practise deep Iis, mail in the box at bis gate. He breatbing.1 keeps tali un the rutoide wî,rld thru Fro th beinnng nsit tat ourthe' radil and the daiîy ns-wspaper, Fron th beinnng nsit tat ouran<I i.- kcpt lin tnuch with bis local school children carry their school itrcthogtelcanwspr bocks or ther heavy weight on hoth 'itittruhtelclnwaae arma or sboulders atternately. In and tIre telephone. Cbangimrg con- rîitionsn affect al unes cf huines.. case one shoulder ta already highcr ('runtrv npwsppetr publishers note than the other-and look caretully that tht' nisappernnce cf the country te ho sure-have hum carry them i 1 tavern, wagg<in shnp) and of tht' slow'- the band on the high ide as a help rî rrn r te correct this detect. Ve bave1 niriving rf co ast years, bas don awmîv to au lai-ge- extc-nt with the piinýt- nrticed, as perbaps oun reader bas, 1 n o auctinin sale bills, aird posters how many mon especially carry one fncrmrm netimns t h sheulder igher than the othen. fi, p-t Iat' fmrers ting 00W for. th * * *puhlicity on the' advertising columons 1 It is equally important in -.chtiol of the. cnmmunity newspaper-St. 1 te insiat that scholars it in correct M-ryn oTurnal-Argus. position at their deska especially ____________________ when writing. This sheuld ho watcli-- ed at home, tee. For best resuita amined and if be is neticeably crook- table and seat must be correct ed, especialty if shoulders or hipsa heigbt. The elbow when hanging ar-e markedly unoven, ho should ho' should ho about even witb table or takýn te a physician and if possible desk. A schelan must net ho allew- ho referned for corrective exorcises ed to learn te write aIl hunchod up under a trained pbysiotherapist, as we have often seen boys do when writes Dr. Camipbell. No child beginning their witing lesson. See shouid be permitted te gnow up that seat or chair is adjusted te bu cneked-for it will effect bis healtb or build up the seat se that bis rela- and efficiency as well as bis attract- tien te the table will be comfortable iveness tbruout lite. The foregoing te bim. Anether thing te be watch- are a tew important matters and ed if a boy wants te get tee close te conditions werthy of attention et al bis work-that is te gt hie eyes ex- parents and teachers. THE EDITOR TALKS Talktde reference in a formerjMonu ment to Heroic War Nurse Taktpreper carniage of the bodyl in standing, wvalkrng and sittmng. One regret is that the yeung people ,~,,- whe need the advice may net read it, À unless the aduits in the homes of - - young folk direct attention te it. T We have just read a very excellent\ . article in The Christian Herald by Dr. Eleaner A. Campmbell and we have ploasure in repreducing seme ofth chief paragraphs fer the benefit of j 4~ aIl concerned parents. teachers and - cblîdren ef ail ages. "Bad posture is aIl tee c ommen,",. - says Dr. Campbell. Nothing ha - - aurprised me more in cennectien with my work than the prevaience of bad posture arnong yeung people and 4 . - children in the schoeis. Even ameng the youth that corne te me in fair -~s physicai condition it is rare te find one who carnies himself real weii. Physical examinations in the high sehois and colieges show that îm- prope- posture is mere prevaient than good. RAILWAY TIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY 4.22 a. m. S.39 a. m. 22p. in. 1). M. 756 p. m.: 8.27 p. m. 8.42 a. n. 9 .3 a. m (1. 14 a. in. 1.32 p .m1 ".46 t' m 6.14 p.i. 9.58 . m. 11.21 mi).mm (Standard Time,) GOING WEST Pail y Daity except Srîndlay tijy cxeii Stinilys I ii rIt Sunilays Only DaiIy exceiir Sîîndays GOING EAST Dily exe.-mt Strrnnay sriays n)rîty I ailv D ajly axe,p t Suini y IiaiI3 Piytyxec-lit Siiriay I aiîy D-iiiy CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (StandlardlTinoi,) GOING WEST 52 20 a. M. tiaity 820 a. mn. DaiI3 e-xce-t Suririay. 4.20 p. m. Daily 7.18 1). m. Daily GOING EAST 1019 a. m. Daily. 2.22 t'- m.Dai1y 8.25 p. m. DmiIy eceept Stinilay. 11.27 t'. m. Daily. 3AN WOODLAND FANCIES Beneath the greening woodland trees I'd like te it and drearn, Or listen te the melodies Of birds and flowens and strearn. And with me I'd be wanting you, Fer ahared joys are beat; Then we would walk the woodland thro', Or by the brooklet reat. 'Neath the green goodness of the trees To live one wbole day thro' With liiting songs and Maytime breeze And fle-wer-strewn patha and you. Shared joys are best and we would share Our joya with al ef these, We'd waik and taik, or ait and stare Beneath the friendly trees. Our seuls receiptive te the joy The woodiand bas te gîve, Tii] living feet arnong the dead Make iast year's leaves re-live. Leaves lying stili before sve carne WilI answer te our tread, And echo back the songs they sang When living over head. Oh, bursting buds and greening boughs And winds arneng the flowers, That gently lift each petal up Against the sunlit heurs. Some dear, kind day when littie windsI Careas the woedland through, M'Il gather heurs ef blessedness With these fair things and you. Laura Bedeil We are showing Fugi Siiks in al the new ahades and absoiuteiy guar- antee fast colors. Couch, Johnaton & Cryderman. ie S r.wh eis Wht osàaie tio tiG- b.L8 Country trade is now Citi- trade Realize the immense change in conditions-in just a few years - that the telephono bas helped bring about. The store in the smaller tewn now carnies pretty rnuch the same up-to-date styles as the big city store. Thanks to Long Distance, Manufacturers' or Whole- sale rs' warehouses are prac- tically at the storekeeper-'s elbosv. The time required to telephone an order by Long Distance is new only a few minutes;, connections are now often made at once, sitheut hanging up the' receiver. And tlic cest of Long Dis- tance messages is small - is often quite a lîttle less than is generally supposed. Call up our Manager and ask hlm the rate te points yeu are interested in. a5l figure out-w-ithout obligation- the cost of a F(rdLay Warnm Air \wOo*I ýHeating System-iii youv home. z:7ïs6ook-and the HINDIAY CHARI- iworth dollars in your pocket Honour wlth Profit C ANADA is proud of the grain and livestock records established by her farmners in the face of international competition. Success in any branch of farming cornes with a knowledge of the best methods. "Feeding and Better Livestock" is a book- let issued by this Bank to help the Canadian f armner increase his profits. Ask for a copy. MIThe Royal BatIk of Canada Bowmanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 RIE» ROSIE ¶TE&is good ted' The Orange Pekoe, at a littie extra cost, is extra good 16 In cdean, bright Aluminum THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1928 PAGE TWO F. W. Nelles White Rose Gasoline Station King St. East

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