Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAiNVILLE, THUR$DAY, JUNE 7th., 1928 PAGE FIVI FAIR ATTRACTION SUGGESTION "Barnyard Golf" Conte.,t Should Be Good Drawinlg Card. As will be seen in another column the directa-rs of West Durham Agri- cultural Society are open for sug- gestions as ta suitable attractions for the faîl fair Soptember l8th and l9th. Here's one in the Orono News fromn its venerable and versatile Bowinan- ville correspondent, David Morrison, Sr: Bowmanville horse-shoe pitching dgvjub, on account of the property ho- ing sold, had ta vacate their stand an George Street, but have acquired new promises on Liberty Street, a much btter stand, and whiere thel shouting and turmoil will ho heard tram henceforth as the ringers are made. We understand this club will send one or two of their best men ta either Part Perry or Braoklin whre a cantest will be put on. Ife the Agricultural directars of aur faîl fair feel like encouragrinR this lino of sport let them begin making arrangements for an extra day this year. We are sure that this exhibi- tion of horse-shae pitching wauld draw mare people than ail the whippet races that have been put on since that lino of sport starte.d. West Durham fair should have at least twa full days and two evenings. There should be one day especially for school children, for their work and their games, and for what would bo for the general gaod of bath the young people and the Fair. Why not try it? Those merchants and others who go ta so much trouble and expense ta help the show would, we are sure, bo in favor of the two days, and when other small places have twa and even three why shauld nat 4West Durham mave up a bit also? Your Birthday Is it in June ? Thon you are lucky, for we will givo ta you one HAWKEYE CAMERA FREE It takes good clear pictures 2%Y by 3%Y You buy five rails af film at 25c each and get the Camera Free . Came early for the supply is limited. The quality of our photo work is tell- ing, more new eus- tomers is the resuit. KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Store Now, Yo- Prices Reducec PRETTY CHURCH WEDDING Hyde--McClellau On Saturday afternaon, June 2nd., et St. John's Churcb, LBowmanvîlle, the marriage took place of Miss Mary Eleenor McClellan, anly daughter of Mn. and Mrs. J. Alexander MeClellan, and Mr. John Hyde, Taranto, son of Mn. and Mrs. Henry'Hyde~of Pincher Creek, Alberta. The cbunch was beautifully decoreted«by fiends of the family. The Rector, Reverend R. J. Sbires, perfanmed the cenemany. The bride was given away by ber father, and attcndt-d by Miss Isobel Colter, Tan- onto, meid of bonor, and triree brides- maids, Miss Nan McTaggart, Toron- ta, Miss Fanleigb Hungerford, Lon- don, and Miss Audrey Griffith, Dur.n- ville. The bride laoked lovely anîd was ettined in a beatuiful gawn of French moire and exquisite lace veil fastened with caranet of silver beaves and orange blossoms. Sbe carried a sbower bouquet of Ophelia roses, lily-af-tbe-valley and maidon bain fern. The meid af honor and hidesmaids were fnocked aliko in georgette and teff eta of pastel abades, weaning lange mohair bats ta match and carrying bouquets of Spring fiawers. Little Miss Sally Soutbey made a winsame flawer girl in pale blue ongendie wearing e wreath on ber head and carrying a basket of Spring flowers. The groom wes supported by Mr. Thomas L. Cross of Edmonton, Alte. Mn. Donald Gunn, Mn. Cecil Drew and Mr. Guernsey McClellen, acted as ushers. Miss Gwendolyn Williams pleyed the wedding music, and Miss Elfreda Roulton, Toronto, sang "At Dawn- ing", duning the signing of the reg- ister. The grooms gifts ta the bridesmaids and meid of bonan were biege punses, ta the flower girl, a bracelet, and ta the argenist and soloist silver vanity cases with monagrem. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was beld et the residence of Mr. and Mrs. McClellan, whicb wes beauti- f ully decorated with apple blossans, lilees, lily-of-the-velley, tulips and other Spring fiawers. The bride wes essisted in roceiving by ber mothen and fether. Mrs. Mc- Clellen was gowned in a Frencb frock of grey Elizabeth crepe wjth an or- cbid bat and cerried reel orchids. Mrs. McPbail, a friend of the temily of the groom, wearing a corsage of archîds, and Mrs. G. LeBeau, Mon- treal, aunt af the bride, elsoa assisted in receiving. Immediately after the roceptian, Mn. end Mrs. Hyde left by mator for Toronto gaing on from there by train ta Pincher Creek, Alberta, Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. The bride travelled in a biege dress witb cloth coat, wearing a biege fox fur, the gift of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Hyde will reside in Toranto. DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS During the summen the Physiciens of Bowmenville will close their offices Wednesday etternoan and evening. In case of emergency et this time cel Dr. Bell the Lst Wednesdey of month; Drs. Hazlewood & Birks 2nd Wednes- day of month; Dr. Sernon 3rd Wednesday of month; Dr. Sterey 4th Wednesday of montb. ýu'Il Buy 1 For Another Week's Big Business Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits $19.95 Snappy patterns in Diamond Weaves and Herring- bone effeets, double breasted models, values up to $25.00 at a big clearing value for $19J95 this week- end. Men's and Young Men's Fancy Tweed Sý4ts at $14.95 In this line you will find some of the smartest styles e.4and paitterns in Tweeds and Worsteds, double and singe breasted models, splendid qulity ad values up to $20.00, $22.50,$25.00, On Sale This Weekend $14.95 BOYS' BLOOMER PANT SUITS AT $589 Any Boys' Suit with Bloomer Pants in the store, Navy Blue Serge, Brown and Grey Tweed effects, ail better makes and values, Out They GoYour Choice $589 BOYS' SUITS WITH COAT, LONG PANT AND BLOOMER Some of these suits have coat and two long pants, some are with 1 Bloomer, lLong, 1 Vest and Coat, all shades in Fancy Tweeds and Navy Blue and al mies. Out they go at a tremendous reduction, values up to $15.00, Any Suit in the Store $9.95 Choose early and get the pick. T, B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowman'ville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE The Statesman is $2.00 a year or $1.00 for balance of 1928. Mns. Frank Jackman spent Sundey wîth relatives in Port Perry. Mrs. H. Ashlee and daughter Clara, recently visited friends in Tor.)nt>. Mr. Fred Smye, M.P.P., for West Hamilton, clled an Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cryderman an Manday. Paving contracters started e-xcava- tion work on Beech Ave, with steamn shavel, motor trucks and a gang of men. Miss Annie Gammne, Toronto, spent Sunday with ber mathen, Mrs. H. Gomme who celebrated ber 76th birthday on June 3rd. If you have any camplaint againsti your assessment the praper ]place ta discuss it is at Court of Revisiin sit- ting June llth at 7.30 p. n. 1 Mrs. Russell Osborne end deughteri Betty, and Miss Marlon Belîman et- tended the graduation of the Nurses' of Wellesley Hospital on Fridey ef- ternoan. Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Misses Flarence Moore, B. M. Sargent sud Flarence Werry composed a merry auto party ta Toronto and Niagara Falls aven the week nd. Rev. C. C. Washington, Fenelaný Falls, and Rev. R. T. Richards, Port Perry, wene guests of the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Wash- ington, on Tuesday. Miss B. M. Sergent ettended thel graduation class exercises of Westerni Hospital in Toronto, Tuesday even-ý ing at wbicb ber sister, Miss Lîîlu E. Sergent received ber diploma. Mrs. Leslie M. Keith of Toronto, visited ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Lane, Liberty St., on Sundey after-1 noon and partook of tee wîtb bier uncle M. A. James, Lamne Villa. Rev. Roy H. Riekerd of Albert College Staff, Belleville, and son of Mrs. James Rickard, Bowmanville , bas accepted a caîl ta St. Paul's Church et Pickering, ta sueedRv A. R. Sanderson. MNrs. S. Bath and deughters, Mrs. Gea. Lee, Mrs. E. MeGregor nd fýam-ý ily, Mrs. M. Bryent sud famýily, end son, Mr. Lamne Bath, Pickering, vis- ited the former's sister, Mrs. Mary Bragg on Sundsy. The newly elected directors of Osh- awa Rotary Club are G. D. Conant, George Hart, George Henley, Franki Johnston, A. E. Lovell, C. E. McTav- isb, Alex. Starie sud D. M. Tod. Alex Stonie is retiring president. Mrs. J. H. Bateman spent Seturdey in Taranto sud atteneled a recital given. in Sherbourne House Club by the pupils of Miss Helen Tougli of the Conservatory of Musir, at which ber daughter, Miss Gladys Bateman, was one of the soloists. "The Screech Owl". the annuel magazine published by students of Bowmanville High Scbool, is just off the pross. Every citizen end ex- pupil of B.H.S. shauld get a capy- 35e. Supply is limited s0 order early. Watcb for book review in next week's Statesman. S. 0. E. members of West Durham, District will meet et Lad go Roms,% Blackstock, on Sundey, June 10tb et 2 p. m. (standard timo). A bus will beave Wellington Lcdge Rooms et Bowmanville et 2 p. m. dayligbt sav- ing timne., Members of Durham Lodge, Maids and Daughters of Eng- land and Juveniles are asked ta kind- ly ca-apenate. CHAUTAUQUA TENT TO BE HERE ON JULY 17th Everything is promising for the greatest Chautauqua ever this year. It is certain ta go over the top with aP vengeance ad surpass lest year's record attendance. Eight enterpris- ing citizeas have become fineucially responsible for its coming here, feeling as they do that Chautauqua is a rosi uplift toaney town, making it possible te, heer sud see the best Metropolitan Artists lu Music, Lect-1 uire, Play and Song for those who otherwise would be unable ta eajoy that treat. The opening date for Bowmauville Chautauqua is Tuesday, July l7th., sud wondertul as w"s the progran thet was presented last year, this year's will fully equal it. BIG MASONIC FUNCTION Macon& of District Tender Reception ta Grand Master Hon. J. S. Martin Three hundred and ninety-five Masous, the majaity ai them ai Ontario District, wlth a few visitons from 'Poronto sud other poins,*sat down ta the sumptuaus banquet In Newcastle Commun ity Hall on Manday evening et the reception tendered ta the mast Worshipfal Brother, the Hon. John S. Martin, Grand Master af the Grand Lodge ai Canada in the. Province ai Ontario. 'Phere was a good representation iramn ail île thirteen iodges ai the district and the. brethnen present, even those fram Toronta who lave attended some ai the. finest fanctions in île city, ileciare ihey.% lave neyer set at mare pefectly appoint- ed or more beautifuiiy decorated tables or even partook of a more satisiying1 nîcal so nicely and efficlently served. 'Phey,' were unstintted in their admiration andi uraise ai the. ladies ai the Library Aid and the galaxy ai loveiy girls w~ho waittid on the tables. R. W. Brother, G. M. Gaodfellow. D. G.M., Whtby, distingaished himiself as 'Poatmaster ai the evening. 'Ple M.W.1 tht. Gran)d Master. Hion. J. S. Martin, R.W. Bro. t9qrgavel, Grand Junior Ward- en, R.W. Ena. Logan, Grand Secretnry, R.W. Bna. Dr. 'P. E. Kaiser and Ena. Rev. 'P. S. Boyle wene the chef speakers ai the occasion. Foliowing the toast 'Our Departed Bre- thren" Mr. Water Fraser sounded "'Ple I.ast Post"~ and then thent. was a min- ttes deep silence. R.W. Bna. W. F. Rlckard, PDDGM.po.id a griaclous tihute ta the ladies In response toae toast 10 the fair sex. Folaowing Hou. M. Martin's eloqutent a<dress he was presented with e beauti- fui desk set on beliali ai the lodges ai the district, R.W. Bro. G. C. Bonnycasi- le, miaking the preseutation. Bna. AI. Stagg's Orchestra, Port Hope, piayed several sclections during the even- Iug, rendertng in ail a choice instrumentai program. Brou. A. T. Millseand C. E. Stephienson In vocal solos and Bras. A. W. Lynde, J. A. Patteraon, E. W. Evans and C. S. Thompoulun quartet pravided a mach appreciated shane af the program. 'Ple thirteen ia>dges ai Ontario Dis&iict which were ail represented et 111e festive receptian are: St. Johns. Cobouîrg; On- tario, Port Hope; COMPOSlte-, Wbitby; Jeruzaler, Bowmianviiie. Mount ZMon, BrookIdu; Durhamn, Newcastle; Coibomne, Coltborao; Hope, Port Hope; Lobanon, Coder, and Temple, Oshawa; Orono, Or- ana and Fidlty, Port Hope. Previous te, tiiebanquet therO Waa PastUnMateruw meeting In Durbam'a Lodge Booms froin 7 te, 8O'cloOk. BIRTHS A LDE R-Im Bowmanville H-ospital, an May 28, 1928, ta Mn. and 3lrs. Frank Aider, a son. GARRARD-In Bo%%manviile Hospital, June 2, 1928, ta Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gar- rar<i, Haydon. a son. LOVELOCK-In Bowmaxivill, - Hospital, June 3, 1928. ta Mr. and Mns. John Love-. lock, Oshawa, a daughter. J OH NSON-In Bowmanviile Hlospital, on May 30, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. George Johinson, Courtice, a son. SOUCH-At 330 Athol St.. Oshawa, on May 30, 1928, ta Mr. and 3Mrs. L. M. Soucli, a son. (Donald Leiglitan). TH O MPSON-ln Oshawa Gneral Hos- pital, on Jane 1, 1928, ta Mn. and Mrs. John Thompson, (nee Nelda Winnifred Lyle). the gift of a baby girl. (Jane Nelda.) MARRIAGES HVDE-McCLELLAN-At St. John's Churcli, Bowmanvilie, on Satunday, June 2, 1928, by Rev. R. J. Shires, John Hyde, Toron o, son oi Mr. and Mns. Henry Hyde, Pincher Creek, Alberta, and Mary Elean- or, only (laugliten of Mr. and MNs. J. AleNxander McClellan. Bawmanvitte. DEATHS FOWLER-At Onono, on Tiiesday, June 5, 1928, Robent Fowler. betaved hushand of Esther A. Fawler, in his 96th year. Funerai Thursday, June 7, at United ('hurdh. Orana, at 3 p. m., under auspicesi ai L.O.L. ai district. Interment at Or-1 ana Cemetery. HOAR-In Bowmanviiie, on Taesday, June 5i, 1928, Mlahala Soplirona Westing- tan, w i.ow ai the late Silas V. Hoan, aged 61 years. Fant rai from ilie residence of lier son, Mn. Everett V. Hoar. King Strel, on Fri(lay. Jane Sîli ai 3 o'clock. Interment at I3ethesda Cemeteny. BATTEN-In Toronto, on Thursday, MaI.y 24, 19-18, Frank Batten, aged 59 y. are. JAYNES-In London, Ontari.', on Fnl- day, '.%ay 25, 1928, Jennie Doddîs, w idow ai :i.e late Thomas Jaynes. SPRY-in Darlington, on Satunday, Jane 2, 1928, Frederick John Spry, agedi 41 yan.9. Interment Union (Cemetery, Oshaw~a. HAMLEV-In Bowmanviile, on 'Mon- d..y, Jane 4, 1928, Biella H. llamley, lie- loved wvife af.IrM. William A. Ilamley, agted 62 years. CROZI ER-In Cartwright, on Wednes- day, M.%ay 30, 1928, RobentJothn 'rozien, belov, i hasband ai Christina (Campbiell, n his 74th year. GARTON-In Bowmanviile, on Satan- day, Jane 2, 1928, Kenneth Kitchener Garton, second son ai Mn. and Mns. T. A. Garton, aged 11 years, 8 manths. GRANT-On Jane 2, 1928, at the home af lier brother, W. H. Grant, 245 Millwaad Road, Toronto, Minnie Grant, daugliter ai the late John and Mantha Grant. In. termet ln Bawmaville Cemetery. BRISBIN--On Monday, June 4, 1928, at the residence aiflier daugliter, Mrs. W. D Beath, 106 Lauder Ave., Toronto, Bliza Jane, widaw of the late Turner Brisbin, late ai Bunnt River, Ont. Interred St Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. IN MEMORIAM In memany ai Ambrose .41lin, who died on Jane 9, 1926. He ls gone but nat forgotten, Neyer wui lis memory fade. Fan<iest thouglits will always linger Aroaind the grave where father's laid. Wife and Family. In ever loving memary ai aur dean lias- band and father, Hugli F. Conners, who was calied home. suddenly, June 6, 1926. Two years have gone, fa one can tell, 'Ple lase ai a father. we ioved so weli, Thle biow was great, the shock severe, We little thauglit hie death so near, And oniy thase wlio lovedcan tell, Thle pain ai parting witqyt farewell. 23' Wlfe and Farmy. In laving memary ai Sgt. James Sharp, let C.M.R., kilied at Zillebeke. June 2, 1916, son ai the laie Andrew Sharp and Mrs. A. Sharp, Enniskillen. Pnoudly you gathered rank an rank ta war, As wha lied heard God's message framn afar, Ail you liad hoped for, ail you had you gave, To save mankind, yourself yau scorned ta save. Sorrowing Mother, Sisters. Brathers, WRIGHT-Iý ioving memory af Geor- gina. Wright, belaved wife ai Wm. Wright, who departed this Ilfe Jane 5, 1925. Oiten we think ai yoa, dean mother, And aur hearte are sad 'With pain Oli! this earth would lie a heaven >Cauid we hear your voice again. But peaceful lie thy rest. dear mother "Pis sweet ta breathe thy name, Iln lifet we loved you evermore In deaili we do the same. Husband and Family. CARD 0F THANKS Mn. and Mrs. T. A. Garton wlsh ta thank their many friends for the beauti- fui floral tributes, letters and phono mes- sages ai sympathy extendod ta themn during their boreavement by the death af their iitteWson. Lost or Found DOG LOST-Biack and white bound stnayed away. Reward for any infarma- tion. Austin Brown, Churcli St., Bow- manville. 23-1w* Houses to Rmt FLAT TO RENT-Cmfortable flat on King Street. Canvonlences. Apply tc Mrs. 'P. G. Maaon, BawmanviUle, phone 200. 19-tf LAUNDRY WANTED AUl kinde ai iaundry work don. prompt- ly, satisfactoriiy and et reasonable pricea Write Pont Office Box 12. or ceil Mru. W. Mejoram, King et. E. Bawmianvillo. $25.00 REWARD S28 REWARD-A reward ai $25 wil l e peid for infarmation ieading ta the con- vict ion ai the party who broko the tron bar on the 'Ocean Wave" and carried it away et the Cream ai Beriey Camp. J. L. Morden, Praprieor, Bawmanville. 22-tf FATE 0F SMALLER TOWNS la recent weeks there have been no les than tour dissolutions of partnership and several ather busi- ness changes in Sheblurne. These da not necesaarily mean an disintegra- tian ln the business life of the vil- lage, but rather a shake-up, making for better business. Ia the strug- gle ta inaintain theinselves, the emnal centres in the country are fanding that the aId law of the survival of the fit- test is becaming mare sud mare evi- dent in this respect. The commun- ity, that merely "lets thiiîga lide" will sooner or later find itself s1ipin~ behind. Business men in the sial towns muet realize their respponsibil- ity, upon them depends the future of the municîpality ,and it la their dllty to keep business comig into town by judlioue advertising, adjustment of prices and the adoption of modern business nlethod.-,Aliaton Horald. Articles For Sale PIGS FOR SALE-S well-bred young Yorkshire pige. W. T. Perrett, Hampton, phone 376-34. 22-2w PUPS FOR SALE-Calle pups, 6 weeks' old. E. Foster. box 236, Bow- manville. phone 475-11. 23-tf PIGS FOR SALE-Ten Yorkshire Pige, six wceks' aid. Apply F. Cator, Lot 11, Con. 3, (Darlington), Manvers Road. 23-1 POTATOES FOR SALE-Good variety for eating or seed. Chas. Ruddell, New- caie, R. R. 2, or phone 3931 Clarke. 22-3' BARN FOR SALE-Goofi sound timbers, matched lumber inside. .Appiy ta Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, Silver St., Bowmanville. 22-3w' FOR SALE--Cyde mare, Il years- aiod, weight about 1400 Ibo. .Apply ta Mr. O. V. Peister, R. R.* 5, Bowmanville, phane 146rl2. 22-t AUTO FOR SALE-1925 McLaughlin Touring, Master 6 model, in excellent condition, great value. Apply Dustan Cash Hardware, Bowmanviiie. 18-t FOR SALE-Baby chicks from aur best R. O.' P. Pens, headed by registered maies. 200 ta 300 on Friday. E. W. Sisson, Liberty St., Bowmanville, phone 399. 23-1w TABLE FOR SALE-i Walnut dining table, Queen Anne design, with pedestal base, tliree leaves and asbestt)s top ta fit over table ta prevent marking. Apply ta M.%rs. E. M. Wynn, Newcastle, Ont. FOR SALE-Seven weeks' aid White Leghorn cockerels from trapnested liens 225 eggs and up. Will sacrifice at 50c ,ach for quîck sale. Cali or phone Fred W. Battle, 219r3, Bowmanville. 22-t FOR SALE-Oldsmobule sedan; Chevro- let truck In first class condition; 1 plat- form spring wagon; 1 carniage gear suit- able for making liglit wagon-nearly new; 1 rubber tire buggy; 2 sets of heavy hack harness. Apply Knight's Livery, King Igt. nast, Bowmanville. 21-3 Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-Reliabie woman for housekeeper on farm. Apply ta A. W. Ciemens, Tyrone. 19-tf CAPABLE WOMAN OR GIRL WANT- ED-For general housework. Apply ta Mrs. Southey, Elgin St., Bowmanville. 21-tf WANTED-In nice eniironment, ac- commodation for 10 weeks with good board for lady-private adult family pre- ierred. Mrs. Prîce, 150 Victor Avenue, Toronto. 23-3' CATTLE WANTED FOR PASTURE- 50 acres good Pasture, plenty shade and water. Prices reasanable. Apply ta A H. Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanvllle, phone 237-3. 22-t.i CATTLE TO PASTURE-Can tke in a number of cattie ta pasture on Lot 37, Concession 9, Darlington, near Enfield. Apply A. M. Hardiy, Box 37, or Phane 389, Bowmanvilie. 23-tf. EXPERIENCED ýTEACHER WANTED -For S. S. No. 6, Darlington, <Maple Grave). 1%~ miles west of Bowmanville on the highway. Personal applications pre- ferred. Apply ta Noble Metcalf, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 477-31. WANTED-Woroan aver 30, permanent position. ls yaur automobile earning maney? The largest manufacturer of strictly custom supporting garinents off- ens wanderful opportunity. Also a f ull lune af lingerie confiners stackings and sanitary goods, twenty years in business. Apply Statesman Office or 47 Coîbarne St., Oshawa.201 Prepare For Art Career Under the direction of iargest commer- cial art and advertising service organiza- tian, servig large national advextlser, commTercial artiste trained the "Meyer- Bath way- earn as high as $250 week- ly. Home study training. If yau like ta draw write for free booklet. Meyer- Bath Ca., Michigan Ave., at 20th St., Chii- cago. 23-2 TENDERS FOR OREDGING SEALED TENDERS addressed ta the undersigned and endorsed "Tender far dredging, at Cobourg, Port Hope and Toronto, Ontara", will be recelved until 12 o'clock noon, (daylight saving), Fr1- day, June 8, 1928. Tenders will not lie cansidered unless made on the forms supplied by the De- partment and In accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Cambined specification and form af tender can be obtained on applicatian ta the undersigned ' also ai the office af the District Engineer. at Equity Building, 22 Adelaide St. E., Toronto. Ont. Tenders muet Include the tawing af the plant ta and irom the work. TPle dredges and other plant which are Intended ta be' used an the work shall have been duly registered in Canada at t.he time ai the filing oi the tender with the Department, or shaîl have been built In Canada after the Miing af the tender. Eacli tender muet be accompanied by an accepted chieque on a chartered bank, payable ta t.he order af the Minister of Public Worke, for 5 per cent ai the con. tract price. Bonds ai the Dominion af Canada or bonds ai the Canadien National ftailway Company wlll be ae- cepted as security, or bands and a cheque if required ta make up an odd amaunt. By order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department ai Public Worke, Ottawa, May 29, 1928. Balance of Women's NEXT DOOR WEST 0F F. F. MORRIS CO. Jubilee Toilet Goods Sale Rexaîl Silver Jubile. Toilet Goode Sale During June Ia celebm'ation 'ot its Silver Juilethe 1i7iÈftýéîà Drug Cmeyoffers ýtfiough this Rexaîl Drug Store, an ellur- ing assortment at toilet ne- cessities. Duriag the entire month of June-the Beauty Month- you may obtain many of your favorite preperatians at greatly reduced pnices. Vacation Stationory Special Fency Finished Paper, muner- lined envelopes 98e 35c tin Gentleman's Talcuin and 50e bottle Gentlemen's Lotion for after shaving, bath for 69c. GIVEN AWAY A 25e cake of Jonteel Toilet Soap FREE with every pur- chase of a 50c box of Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powder. BoYs' and Girls' Special A good Tooth iBoush for any size girl or boy. and a good Sponge-Rubber Play Bail, bath for 25e One vial Cara Naone Per- fume, 2 drs. FREE with every $2.00 box Cara Nomne .Face Powder. 25c Velour Powder Pufis, any shade, and a 15e Bobbed Hair Comb, both for 29c 35e tube Klenzo Tooth Peste and 25c Leather Key Con- tainer, both for 39e JURY & LOVELL When W. Test Ey. lt Nsa Doue Prop.rly PHONE 78 BOWMAN VILLE Do You Treat Old Friend Appetite the Very Best You Can ? A lot of men with a barre] of coin packed away in the iron box wou]d part with a great deal for a good appetite, so keep on thinking you're a who]e lot better off with an appetite than the fellow who has money to burn but can't get any kick out of hie meals. If yaur appetite is good to you do your part--Buy good food while yau can enjoy it. At this turne of the year, just before f resh vegetables corne in froin the local gardens, Southern fruits and vegctables teste mighty gaad. This week we have cucumbers that are a very good example, firni stock Each ................ 10e and 15c. PINEAPPLES-LIarge, fresh. ripe and meaty, 20e or 6 for $1.10 TOMATOES--iýouthern tomatoes are coming thraugh direct froin the gouth an fast express trains and are arriving in splendid condition. The flavor of this lot je rnuch better than we have had froin the south sa far this year-more like our home-grown tome- toes. CABBAGE-Texas Cabbage is one of the reasonably priced southern vegetablea that is coming along now. Fresh trom the sunny garden. 10 cents per pound. Hot-house Lettuce, Green Onions-in tact a whole hea~p et good things ta eat that appeal to that healthy appetite. ARCHIIE TAIT Phone 65. . Bowmanville SALE .! 1 Gal. Can Barrett's Elastigum Roof Paint $1.10 1 Gal. Can Barrett's Everjet Roof Paint ....$1.35 1. 5-lb. Cun Barrett's Plastie Roof Cement....90 1 Gal. Can Barrett's Green Shingle Stain .. . .$1.75 1 Gal. Crenoid........... **"" . -......$1.15 After the heavy rains you wlll know just where your roof needs repairing. Do it now. A coat of roof -dressing not only repairs the leaks but preserves the roof. This is the lowest price that roof paint has yet been sold. These bargain prices are good o h end of the week ONLY. Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" Coats Near Cost BOWMAN VILLE j Clarence S. Mason's Little Shoppe With the Large Stock Offers Women's Spun Silk Wash Dresses $5.00 Each izes 36 to 44 Children's Spun Silk Pantie Dresse $2.98 Each 6 years, 8 years, 10 years CLAREINqE ~. 1V~ASÔN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA-NVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1928 PAGE PIVI

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