Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1928, p. 7

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iere Lsily Ly a that ;hey iore y0u )ice the F-1 LOW PRICES' BUT "Where Quality Counts"'I As Weil C ocobanut Desiccated 160 Sb. c&anned Ready ta Serve Grape Frift McastDecu 5ein SLirprise SoaP 4 -aes23e Tomato Ketchup Heinz lveBt t; Bacon TASTY Dlaai E Mayfield Brand thse aven C We«aliy@ng Smoked in a Wax Blend tasuit evry t.st. Breajofs Wrapper lent, Richmello 7C r"t29cb " TASTYFI ..or..yTa r. Maiche j TSYPies Domino 69c =e-,35ci.25cle .S.L. 5 Back lid Raisin 25 lk4 9 Kipper Snacks 2 ti. 13c Instant srnaU 28 F- Pants1 c,.Maraschino 3o. eaut i91.Cherries B.aille 1 2 MCL&re' Invincible Queen Benison', Olives Mason Jar 25e Corn Starch 2 Plats. 25c Shirriff'a Pure Orange FielJar Crosse & Bjsrk.eell' 1 s Marmalae 4Éýc Pure Jans 1J&07 33c B.Harry Horne'î 1 H..SauceBot. 25e Cus 1rd Tioz~ MaoaVerything Crisco V.'~ Welch's Snap Gl Toillet FrF21Slheled Grape Hand For Salaria Paper Fi, *Sho r eîSg L' 0 z JCce Cleaner or Cook'nu uc 1 lb. rin 3 ,,11,, i lb. Tin [ b. 2 15e 3 Cie 8ot.. 232 Ci Oatmneai Cod Liver Meai Cod Liver 0O1 No Wonder Baby Chicks Thrive on Quaker FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTER The pure, fresh oatmeal cf Quaker Fui-O- Pep Chick Starter is just the thing for the tender digestive tracts cf baby chicks. And authoritative tests prove OATMEAL monre digestible (96%7 available) than any other grain product! cýd iàver Oil in this comýplete feed pro- v ies valuable vitamines to build strong, big bones. Ccd liver Meal tones tmp the birds' digestion so that ail ingredients give more nourishment. jQuuker FUL-O- .pieP jCMCic STARTER Made by The Quaker Oata Company SOLD BY Harry Allun, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE B'Y QUAKER FEEDS [W STRIPED SACS & -Ut& pti Whuen Pain INCoIOSTOA Cornes TWO hours afte eating 1What many people caîl indigestion ery often means excess acid in the ýtqvaaeh. The stomach nerves have »Sr>ver-stimulated, and food sours. n'luorrective io an alkali, which eutïlizes acids instantly. And the iest alkali known tc medical science à Phillips' Milk cf Magnesia. It as reOuined the standard with phy. icians lis the 50 years since ita in- ention. One spoonful o1 thia harmlu, taateless alkali in water will neip tralize instantly maany times a@ much acid, and the symptoms dis- appear at once. Yen will neyer nu crude methode when once yen learn the effciency of this. Go get a emal bottle to try. Be sure te get the genuine Phil- lip' Milk cf Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years in ccrrecting excess acids. Eaeh bottle contains full directin--any drugstore. - W Internai and External Pains are prom ptly relieved by oe rmTOMAS' ECLECTrRic O -.4 7 MSDE OOFRNAL Il EN éA 8TO-A RAE SLE HmE DEO Il8 TESIOILTA S.K 0 T &U Eiij U ATV UATIs I No Chemicals SEIBERLING ALL.TREAD TIRES MiIler's Canadian Herb More Power RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE Juice NA UTU M 'NMEAf OTK'Mr iesTya akGNRLAT EARS Will absolutely and promptly ne- ex NON-HAUIT FOWoe ieNTya akGEEALATCRPIRSO lieve stomach, liver, kidney and bowel 21c. andi 50c. a box 1 disorders. Unequalled for gas A L pains, headache, constipation, etc. O. M. L. OFFICIAL STATION-EMERGENCY RO"D SERVICE Ask Jury & Lovel [Ml., about this d to wonderful resnedy. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MAY 31 n. 198 - ~. T .5.., ____________________________ PAGE SEVEN PIGEON FLYING CLUB FARMERS' WEEK AT 0. A. C. lawns, fiower gardens and vegetable I gardens, or going over the exhibits OnIy teas grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level 'Bowmanville Flying Club fiew their Pilgrimage ta Agricultural College,, in the buildings of the science de- aeue n1S L D ' rnePkeBed fourth old bird race on Saturday, May Guelph, June 21&t. partments, and a wholesome pireuenn irag ekeBUni 26th from Thamesford, a distance of lunch will be served free in the the flavour Us therefore richer, more fragrant and 130 miles air line. The birds made In the editor's mail on Saturday1gymnasium at 12 o'clock. much more deliclous than other teas. OnIy 43e wonderful tin3e considering the wvas a large poster extending an in- Those interested in farm crops and pe -b -uyfat n go r s r. weather condition. The result: vitation to farnîcrs ot Ontario to visit live stock will leave the gvmnasium ~ - J. Turner, 3 hrs, 14 mins, 13 sec. the Ontario Agr'cultural College and) in charge of a guide imimediately af- Woolner Bros., 3 hrs, 14 mins, 50 se xperimental Far-m at Guelph, Junce ter lunch and spend an hour looking Woolner Brus., 3 hrs, 14 mins, 56 sec. 19 to 22, inclusive. over the crop experiment plots; then J. Trne, 3hrs 16-min, 1 se. Ny! what a flood of memories Came on to view the swine, beef cattie and F. Bottrell3 r,1 is43ec to the writer's mind as hie glanced at 1dairy cattle for another hour. After «)RANGE F. Bottrell, 3 hrs, 17 mins, 46 sec. tihis announcement on which was an that ail will be at liberty to visit PEKOE L. Richards, 3 hrs, 20 iins, 32 sec, illustration and layout of the . A. C. other departnents of the college asEN A. Bell 3 hrs, 47 mins, 1 sec. ons eld eebr hyseft hs neetdi BClr,4hrs, 20 mins, 10 sec. groud. Wl oIrmmete e i. Toeitrse nE D twenty-five years ago as a lad, the home economics will leave the gymna- annual excursions the West Durham sic m in charge of a guide imniediate- COUNTY SOFTBALL LEAGUE Farmers' Institute ran via G.T.R. to l after lunch and will go to Mac- _______this me'cca of scientific agricu'tur-.cdnnald Institute to bie shown thrpu Bowmanville Enter Team in Inter_ endeavor. the classrooms, laboratories and kit- » City League. The outstanding peronalitv f the chens, and te view special exhibits local institute at that time wvas its he wl i arranged fonteir bene- At a meeting held May 2lst in Y. secretary, the late Henry .rv Hvr, fit. Aîter that they will be at lib -__________________________________ M.C.A., Oshawa, the South Ontario who was also the pronîcter and d1r- erty to visit the poultry houses, the Softball League drew up the fol- ector of ceremonies of the excur- dairy, the apiary and the gardens as lowing schedule for "A" groups of the sions. His duties were afterwards they prefer. League. There are four team-s in taken over by the late Win. E. Pol- An information bureau wil] bie es- I i u this section with schedule as follows: lard. Both men were very genial tablished in a comfortable, airy This G re t Iealing O il M ust May 28-Buicks vs. Whitby fellows and a great aid in carryîng on room near the gymnasium. Here May 31-Bowmanville vs. Williams the promotional work of education there will ble a supply of bulletins, 1C'- June 5-Whitby vs. Bowmanville in agriculture condtîctel by the in- circulars, etc., on various topies, andBa i h c en a a u in Jue1-ilasvs. Wbitby stitute. copies of these can bie had f or the B n s c e aa dS i Troubles June l4--iBowmanville vs. Buicks Why a boy, born and brought uP asking. Persons in charge will bie_______ June 19-B'uicks vs. Bowmanville in a town, would bie interested in glad to, give information and ta, direct June 21-Whitby vs. Williams these farmers' excursion to Cuelph visitors to any building or depart- Make up your mind today that you imal bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil. June 26-Bowmanville vs. Whitby was hard to understand. Maybe it ment which they may wish ta visît. are going to vive your skin a reali-The very first application will give June 28-Buicks vs. Williams was the thrill of a ride on a train, Besides this, staff officiais will bie in chance te get well . you relief and a few short treatmenta July 3-Williams vs. Bow-manville the thoughts of visiting the beautiful aIl buildings from 10 a. M. te 4 p. ta. Yeu've probably been, like a lot will thoroughly convince you that by July 5-Whitbv vs. Buicks Roman Catholîc Cathedral on the hill each day, ready to give information of other people, convinced that the sticking faithfully to, it for a short July 10-Buicks vs. Whitby at Guelph and Iast but flot least of on questions of agricultural science only thing to use was an ointment while your skin troubles will be a July 12-Bowmanville vs. Williams enjoying the free lunch served in the and practice. or salve (sanie of them are ver3r thing of the past. July 17-Whitby vs. Bow.ranville gymnasim from huge baskets laden good) but in the big majority of Remexnber that Moone's Emerald July 19-Willianis vs. Buicks 1 with wholesome good food. At 4 o'clock the campus will be cases these sticky salves simply clog Oil is a dlean, powerful penetrating July 23-Williams vs. Whitby Hwwenoethssadihs vaabetyugadodfrbse- the pores and the condition primar- Antiseptic Oil that does net stain or JuIy 26-Buicks vs. Bowmanville "hkof he esoe, glasesanfdbutter: hvall nes, orseoe pitndhingor bsch ly remains the sanie. leave a greasy residue and that lit "hunks"Gofte Jury,&gLaveeI or buytorherallustmgivehcomplete satisfactionsor milk, etc! A full course dinner at other sports as they nîay see fit to Go o urygi&t oy ad getan othrigmyurt oney chmeeuatisrfucnd r LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION the King Edward Hotel today is on]y enjoy. joddugs oa n e noig ormnycerul eudd ________a beggar's hand-out as compared with Bellvile TkeaPlae a Pa-t opethose feasts of our boyhood at the BleilletaelOnat e agurte O. A. C. farm. in C ntra O nt rio eag u 1 0 cr education in agriculture w as Annual meeting cf Central Ontario sadl neglected in our youth as it Lawn Tennis Association was held ccnsisted chiefiy in leading obstreper-1 Monday evening in Port Hope and eus calves around the barn yard cf for the first time the Belleville Ten- good-natured uncle living at S olina nis Club was represented. and searching the hien bouse, barwsn____ The resignation cf the Port H op eland straw stacks for eggs. In those I Club was accepted with regret and days we didn't know a Berkshire -m every effort ivas put forth to havela Holstein. ~«~ Port Hope re-enter the association in J But for the boy-lucky boy-who- ___________________________________ 1929. The formal application cfiwas reared on the farm these trips _______- the Belleville Club svas read and un- 1to the O. A. C. must have been an ~=-- animocsly accepted. This leaves education, a revelation and an in- the saine number cf teams as last spiration. year and makes a five team league And so, in this day cf scientific consisting cf Peterboro, Bowmar, ville, farming 1 believe if dad and his lads - Cobourg, Campbellford and Belle- cf the rural districts will take a haîf_ l _______ ville. day off next month, fill up the gas ___ Considerable discussion took place tank of your Pontiac or Packard, and'7 over the number cf players to be used hie off to Guelph for the day it would ~a and the events that would best meet be an occasion of real pleasure and Z-----..-.......-- the need cf the league. It was profit. The O. A. C. farmn and col- ~ ____ finally decîded that home and home lege is maintained for the benefit cf _____ games would lie played and that the Ontario Agriculture. Fine live stock,- _ ________ following events wiîî constitute a' fine crops, modern methods and match: Two men's singles, two science as applied te agriculture are . - men's doubles, one ladies' singles, one among the things cf înterest at the ladies' doubles and one mixed doubles. farm. As ne one player can take part in The day set apart for farmers cf more than one event this wiîî mean Durha m and Northumberland Count- that each club wiîî have te use seven lies te visit the O. A. C. at Guelph is men and four ladies. One point wiîî Thursday, June 2lst. Prof. J. B. be counted for each win. The sched- Reynolds, President of the College, uIe is as follows: extends a cordial welcome te ail farn June folks te avail themselves cf this op- 9-Pteroroat ampellord portunity te see their college. An 9-Peerboo a Cambellord attractive schedule has been outlined Cobourg at Belleville as follows: Until noon visitons nsay- 16-Belleville at Peterboro spend the time looking about the Bowmanville at Campbellford 23-Cobourg at Bowmanville - _____ 7-Campbellfo t Cobourg FrStffJnt ac e ra on 14-Cobourg at Belleville Bowmanville at Belleville Pharmacist.a say that when al 21-Caniphellford at Peterboro other so-called remedies fail Joint- Belleville at Cobourg Ease wiIl succeed. z 28-Peterboro at Belleville It's for joint ailments only-that Canspbellford at Bewmanville is why yen are advised te use it for Auguat acre, painful, infiamed, rheumatic .1 .,.. 4-Bowmanville at Cobourg joints. Belleville at Campelford is dlean and stainleas and quick ne- t' 11-'Cobourg at spelerdr sults are assured--Sixty cents a tube b 1 emnle tPeterboro oor at Jury & Lovell's and druggigts le, 0 0 8-etleblro at boung le veywer. ItSo, 25-Campbelîford at Belleville ________et'Bleieatownvie eerw re_____eie» RUGBY LEAGUE ORGANIZED ,fle B. H. S. Entera Team in Central P Inter-Scholastic League. W 'x O t1 At a meeting held at Cobourg Col- liUe- trio legat Istiut o Ma lth th \ ~1 1'~ oa vet q to. Central Inter-Scholastic rugby' Leag- ue was organized with schools froni tomU Oshawa, Lindsay, Peterboro, Port : Le Or ac~ 9crpee. . Hope, Bowmanville, Cobourg, Belle- j~~ o" W~s' x' ville, Albert College cf Belleville, i. lit oxiÇe Picton, Napanee, Deseronto and wexOP o' into two groups, east and west, Bow- 0£ cil~ manville High School being in the t .0eceUse-' % Junior group. A constitutina ing te start the games on Speber 29, each team having at least six "fs t 1ý UMM% ..........

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