Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1928, p. 3

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PHONE 248 BOWMAN VILLE 2he $cr Bi e PO&fl% six xIUM Me ggUL icrOes OF CANADA, 1W&M Satu rday, June we wil present one Tourist can of One Rootu at a Tinte- t's So simples By getting that re-floor- ing job donc piecenical, you'11 hardly feel the expense. But oh, . how vastly it will Iniprove the appearance of your homne 1 And the work it wiII save your wornen.folk 1il~ McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phone 15 Bowmanville mI:. u:1 BES i : AT«u MAD., . . IGR D-', r SummerTerm In each of Sbaw's Twelve Schools folows the present Session in re gu - lar ord er from July 3rd with no forced vacations. Enter any day. Booket free. Write 1130 Bay St. Toronto, W. R.Shaw Secretary. Rc-oofthiYe ar w il the Permanent Roofing for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOWin initialcot . .. cornes in big sheeta-eaay and quick to ly.pexnent... leakproof... L àd:=n i appearanoe. Pre- vents fires ... mnreases value of property. Made of famoua "Council Standard" galvanized sheeta. Give size of roof for free estirnate. Write to: succeesor tZ 8d=inC.ld tBaby specialisas agnea nowadayff, thtduring the finst six months, babies must have three ounces of fluid per pound of body weight daily. An eigit pound baby, for instance, needs twenty-four oun-es3 of fluid. Lei.er on the rule j,. two ounces of fluid per pound of body wight. The arnount of tîuid ahsorbed liv a beast fed baby is best determined by weigh- ing hi r before and after feein r the whoîe day; and it is easily calcu- lated for the botile fed one. Then maka up any deficiency witb water. Giving ýbb sufflient water often relieves lis feverish, crving, upset and restless speILs. If it doesnt, give bum a few diraps of Fletcber's Cas- taria. For these and otlier ilîs of ba- bies and children such as colic, choI- era, dianrhea, gas on etomaeh ansi bowels, constipation, saur stomacb, ls af sleep, underweigbt, etc.. lead- ing physicians say there's natbing so effective. It is purely vegetable-the recipe is on the wrapper-and millions of mothens bave depended on it in aven thirty years of aven increasing use. It egulates baby's bowels, makes him sleep and eat right, enables hlm ta, get full nourishment f rom bis food, so ha increases ia weight as he sbould. Witb each package you get a bock on Motberhood wrorth its weight in gold. Just a word of caution. Look for the signature af Chas. Il. Fletcee on the package sa you'Ilibe sure tc get the genuine. The farty cent bot- tics rontain thirty-fIve dosas. PAGE THREZ ..'u r %aATASTAcrTESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, MAY 31st., 1928 Hold Annual Meeting-Mr& Frank Tj Jackman Re.elected President- la Active Year's Work Reviewed. a n cor The annual meeting of Bawman- do ville Wamen's Institute was held itW in the S. O. E. Hall on Friday after- sevT noon, Mns. Fnank Jackman, President, IMill la the chair. Aften the usual opening axercisas and the reading of the minutes af last annu-al meeting and the last meeting, a letten was read froni the Neigh- borbood Workers of Toronto, askîng for volunteen homes for two weeks' holiday for needy children. It was decided ta have a speaker came hene and give an address. Miss Weekes, Secnetary, reported 62 meiniers, 12 meetings held, total attendance 442, average attendanca 37. The chief activities during the year wene: Bale of clothing sent ta school children in the Haliburton district, niilk fan 10 under nourishad public school children for 3 months; exhibit at Agricultumal fair, sending delegates ta Provincial Convention, buying dishes, and the naising of money by the six g noups by home- made cooking sale, euchre and by do- nations. Progrnmahave been anjoyed as fol- lows exchanga of Christmas gif ta, Scotch and Irish progranis, Canadian trees, Canadian great men and wom- an, grandmotbar's day, Valentine prograni and a niasquerada party ha- ides several papers, niusic, etc. Auditors' report showed total ne- ceipts for the year ta be $309.79 whicb includes a balance af $35.50 froin last yean. Expanditure $282.77. Balance on hand $27.02. At the request af the meeting Miss E. E. Haycnaft took the chair and conducted tha election af officars whîcb resulted as f allows: President-Mrs. Frank Jackman ist Vice-Mrs. W. L. Butteny 2nd Vice-Miss Minnie Webben Sec'y.-Treas.-Miss E. M. Weakes RaIl Caîl Sac'y-Mns. H. J. Babcock Directos-Mns W. Adamis, Mns. F. C. Calmer, Mrs. H. Jamieson, Mrs. W E. Armstrong Fîawan Conimittee-Mrs. G. H. Bick- ahl, Mrs. H. Allia, Mrs. H. Jamie- son, Mns John Cox. District Diectr-Miss E E Haycnaft Pianist-Miss Minnie Webher Assistant Pianist-Mrs. W. B. Pol- lard. Musical Leade-Mrs. R. Thonipson Assistant-Mns. Alex. Colville Auditors-Mrs. E. R. Bounsall, Miss E. E. Haycnaf t. Delegates ta the annual meeting are: Mrs. F. Jackman, Miss Editb Weekes, Mrs. G. H. Bickell, Mrs. W. L. Buttery, Mns. Bounsaîl, Mrs. W. Adamis. Altennates-Mrs. Armistrong, Mns. Clmer, Mrs. J. T Hooper, Miss M. Webber. At the close Mrs. Jackman toak the chair and thanked the members for the bunor bestowed on hanr by ne- election and especially ta those who had helpad 50 faithfully during hemi terni of office. A short prograni followed cansist- ing of a piano solo by Misa Marguer- ite Armnstong; vocal solos, "Out of the Dusk ta You" by Mns. A. Colville, who -alsa sang as an encore "Rosa in the Bud", Miss Armstrong baiag accompaniat, aIl of wbich waa niuch eajoyed. Miss Haycnaft rea.d an article of a rural mambe's idea, of how the Institute helps Comniunity LiI e. Rafreshments were then semved by No. 3 Graup and a social baîf-haur spent. The losing sida under leadership of Mrs. Johnstoa Thickson (wham wa ana sorry ta report quite i1) treated the winnens, lad by Miss Wehbem ta ice creani which «Il enjoyed. A heamty vota of thanks ta Mns. Tbick- son's ide waa moved hy Mys. R. Dumas and seconded hy Mra. E. Bell- man and heartily approved hy the winners. Next meeting wil ho neld June 29 in charge of group à. White Rose Service Station WEDDING matthews--CaI* A quiet wedding took place on the 24th May at the home of the bride's parents, Liberty Street North, Bow- nianville, when Miss Clarissa Pearl Cale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Row- land M. Cale, was united in marriage with Mr. John W. E. Matthews of Whitby. Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector of St. John's Ghurch officiated. Only the ýmmediate relatives of the bride and bidegrooni were present. On ne- turn froni their honeymoan they will reside in Whitby. 'Zy uh 3 i tl Phone 430 THE OAINAVIAN blJiJLMýo e;n~caoi FREE This offer is good for Saturday, June 2nd only, at the service station bousad has bean remodelled inti most modern dairy stable with ac mdation for 25 head. The boy practically all the milking an4 was a very interasting sight ta sei 'en of the lads sitting in a ro'ç .king. You may talk about con XMINATION DATES 1 1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BowmanviIle Post Office was flood- ed witb circulars Monday off ering a "get ricb quick" bosiary contest whicb citizens would be well advîsed to throw in tbe waste paper basket. There is generally a catch in such gilt-edged something-fo-nothing free off ers. Bewane of the dog catcher! Al dogs running at large without tags will be apprehended and owners liable ta a fine and if not paid dogs will be disposed of. This action is being taken as local dog ownars are not observing the law. To date with 166 dogs on the assessor's rol less than 30 tags have been secured froni Chief Venton. .Mr. John Medland, Hespler, was in town Saturday renawiag old acquailit- ances and guest of bis cousin, Mrs. W. B. McMurtry. It is getting well on ta twa score years since John left bis native town but he can still necal niany pleasant memories which bap- pened in and around the OId Drill Shed grounds naw Carlisle Avenue. The Medland homestead was on Lib- erty St. where the Galbraith Bros. now ive. Mrs. R. E. Dinniwell, Silver St., brought ta The Statesman Office this week a nather unusual hen's egg. The egg xvas of the average size and shape but at one end xvas a ridge resea-1 bling a perfectly formed letter 'C,. No doubt this aristocratie Barned Rock hen wishes ta impress its in- dividuality upon its exclusive patrons by stamping its monograni on each egg. If this custom b.,coines general trap nesting could be dispensed with whicb entails a lot of tume, labon and expense. Next thing we know the hen will devise sanie means of stamp- ing the date the egg is laid on the shell. First annual meeting of Eastern Section af Oshawa Presbyterial wihi be held in Park Street Church, Or- ono, on Wednesday, June 6 com- mencing at 9.30 a. mi. (standard tinie>. Interesting prograni has been prepaned for morning anc: af- ternoon sessions. Miss C. Bnooks from West China, will give an ad- dress. Dinner servcd at 35c. AI] W. M. S. Auxilianies, Circles, Bandz ard C .G. I. T. sbould be represent- ed. Appoint youn delegata nt cnce. 19-ti BOWMANVILLE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MANY PEOPLE INSPECTED NEW GLJERNSEY HERD Agrieultural Pursuits Appeal to Lads at Boys' Training Scbool. The invitation extended by theoffi- ciais of the Boys' Training School ta visit the farmn on Friday and inspect the fine new berd of Guernsey cattle was accepted by well on ta one hun- dred citizens. They came from as far east as Port Hope and from Whitby on the west. One of the most interested and observing groups of spectators was Principal W. J. Morri- son and his agricultural class from the High School. The visitors were given a cordial welcome by Dr. G. E. Reaman, Supt. of the Sceol. They were then piloted to the stables by the boys who apparently took as much pride and înterest in the cattle and stock as if they owned theni. E. P. Bradt, Agricultural Director, on account of a painful injury to his ankie was unable to be present- on this occasion. Jos. McCurdy, herds- man, recently of the Provincial Fanm at Wcodstock, was in charge and was kept busy answering questions about the Guernseys., This breed of cattle is not as well tknown in this province as in the Mari- times. Several good herds, how- ever, xnay be found in Oxford Coun- ~ty and one of the largest and best Iknown herds in Ontario is at the Mar- tindale Fani near St. Catharines. The herd of 20 Guernseys at the School ,which is the first herd in a 1provincial institution, was secured ilast March through F. M. Tobin of 1Woodstock, at a cost of $5,000, some coming direct froni the States. Ahl are pure bred stock and accredited ýor T.4B. tested. They are not con- sidered heavy milkers, being in pro- duction between the Jerseys and Hol. steins. Several cows have freshened *since coming to the farm and average *40 lbs. a day. Butter fat for entire 1 herd averages 4.8%. One cow has registered an exceptionally high test of 7.2. s It is quite evident that Guernseyç [- are noted for quality of mlk rathei I than quantity. Exiperts have found s that Guernsey milk is particularl3 ,- good for growing children. Dairý it finms specializing in certified mill Jf1 for high class city trade invariabl3 secure such milk froni Guernse3 herds. This xilk sella at a premilun E of from 7c ta 10e a quart highei t-Un- nA;sr- îuu&. The time table for the annual departmental examinations bas been issued by the Ontario Department of Education and will run froon June 18 ta July 3 inclusive. High School Entrance examinations will be heîd on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day, June 25, 26 and 27. Lower School examinations wifl be ifrom June 22 ta June 28. Middle School paper will be on aIl dates as will tbe Upper Scbool. BLACK MODEL The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion "Black Model" [16880]. An Ai Premium Hanse and one of the best breeding horses in this part, the pro- perty of W. J. Ormiston, Enfield, Ontario, will make the season of 1928, commencing May 28th., as follows: Monday afternoon-Will leave bis own stable, Enfield, and proceed ta Jas. Crossmants, Haydon, for the night; Tuesday noon-At H G. Macklin's, Tyrone; Tuesday night -At T. J. T. Cole's, Bethesda; Wed- nesday noon-At Walter J. Rick- ard's, Shaw's School; Wednesday nigt-at Beith's Waverley Stables, Bowmanville; Thursday noon-At Cynil Rundle's, Ebenezer; Thursday night-At Bert Glaspell's, Taunton; Friday nona-At Gardon Scott's, Perriman's Scbool; Friday night- Return ta bis own stable and remain tili Monday afternoon. Terms $15. 21-2 tented cows, but these boys were bath happy and contented at tbeir labor. We understand tbe boys are up every morning about their chores at 5.30 a. m. Other buildings visited included the Modemn piggery and poultry ouses. It is the intention of the egovennment ta use this fanm as a sbreeding centre ta supply pure bred ;stock for other institutions, featuring particularly Yorksbire hogs and SShropshire sheep. r Poultry is one project of the fan d aven which the boys are given coni- y' plete charge. They are given pens -y of their own ta suL2ervise and look ,k after. It is planned ta have about Y 600 laying hens. y The visit ta the scho.ol proved Most na interesting and a revelation ta thoae !r who visited the fanm for the first timne. Oae could not help but ba impressed -d with th ecommendable methods usad ýo by the authonities ta adjut tha boysi cta lives of usafuhmass through agni- 's cultural pursuits presented in a td manner which appealed to these >e Young lads and will in many cases w lay the foundation for true, loyal n- and industriaus Canadians. 'ýEXC ELS nen Rates Rate. - $37.65 - 42.10 - 48.00 -56.05 -67.00 IOR INSURANCE LIFE COMPANY HEAD OPYCE-EXMCELSIOR MMLUE VMDIn;, TOROWr - MAIL TM STO-AY---- -S r W. B. McMURTRY, District Reprosentative Fred W. Nelles Bowmaaville 'v 4" J' 1~~ 'k. NIAGARA FALLS BY BUS Regular Trips Each Sunday FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Everyone should take in these wonderful scenic trips. Drive for miles alang beautiful highways in aur conifortable coaches where one gets a dlear view of interesting pointa along the way. See the wonders of the Niagara Peninsula with its miles of Fruit Orchards. This trip includes drive along the Canadian side as far as Chippawa, back- by Faîl view. BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW STARTING MAY 27th (Daylight Saving Tume) Return Fare Leave Bowmanville 7.00 a. mi. $4.50 Leave Courtice 7.15 a. mi. - $425 Leave Oshawa 7.30 a. m. - $400 Leave Whtby 7.45 a. mi. - $3.75 10 minutes stop at Burlington. Ar-rive at Falls 12.30 noon. Leave after illumination 9 p. mi. For information Phone Bowmanville 412, Oshawa 2283 Tickets may be purcbased from any of aur Bus Drivers or office girl Those makîng trip may leave cars ýat aur garage without extra charge. T. A. GARTON, Propoeltor Leads its Field in style mand% Refineiments T1HE New Series Pontiac Six was designed and built in the belfief tbat everybody ad- mires style ini a motor car. So, in Pontiac Six, everybody can enjoy hit Beautifuily-proportioned bodies that tell tlieir Fisher craftsmanship at a glance . . . Long, low hines and deep, massive radiator design... Rich harmonies of color in exterior Duco and interior trim . . . Delightf ut evidence of luxury n upbolstery and appointments... PLUS the smoothness of Pontiac's powerful "Six" engine . . . the safety of Four Wheel Brakes and the comfort of Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers. No wonder the New Series Pontiac Six literaily leads its field i style and refinement. Prove it ail for yourself by a denxistration. Alk your dealer sboua Me G..N..C. DeJerred PayuenU PIim wh.k aes b«se a". . 2. 3-28 ac LOVJOT $mmKABSORBER. Corbett Motor Sales Co. To every Motorist purchas- ing Five Gallons or more Of White Rose.Gasoline at our B ow m a nvyille service station 2fld. I-I CANADIAN OIL CO?4PANIES' LIMIIED L No Medical Examination for tis 111EXCEL" Policy with "Double Indemnlty" It pays $2,500 for death from natural causes. It pay $5,000 for accidentai death. It shares in the profits of the compazly aften 15 years. for Age. 20 - 23 - 30 - 35 - 40- 'Ilb(

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