Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1928, p. 2

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FrE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 31st., 1928 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS 1 Tractor Farmiag" tells aow of "Hor- CANADIAN WEEKLY El DR. . C.BONNCASTE 1seless Farming", and coatains this WILL HOLD CON VENTIOI DR G C ONYCSTE One of the worst conditions that item: Mr. George Guest, Hyde Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto can happea to people accustoined to Park, Ont., despite the fact that he EDMONTON University. Graduate of the Royal work during the years when they were is 72 years of age, is still very much The annual meeting of thE College of Dental Surgeons of On- expected to follow some line of work on the job. He and his three soins dian Weekly Newspapers Ass( t.ario. Office King St., Bowmanville. when old 7ge overtakes, them is not farm 200 acres, have 46 head of Dur- wilî be held at Edmonton, A Office phone 40. House phone 22. to be able ýo do sonething helpful ham cattle, and four horses. He does Wedneday and Thursday, Ji X-Ray Equipment in Office. in the way of their previous occupa- ail the plowing and discing, leaving and 5th., followed by a aide DR .C E Ttionl. A wLiter in an exchange to the rest of the work to his boys. He, aprPr n te ons A R.iJtaCt Dr.E . Issn band says: 1 believe that the happiest has double diseed 20 acres in six asper P.Nark and o tiointl Assitan Dr.E. . Sison aged 'people, men and women, too, to eigbt hours, usiag 12 gallons of Tio h .WNA. is50anational Graduate of Royal Dental College, are those -who cati help on even a fuel and 3 pints of oul every 10 Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- littie of their work until failing health hours. The tractor makes it pos-ciuded in its membership, ex from Vancouver Island to Nev manville. Office haurs 9 a. m. to 6 causes the reins ta drop froni their sible for Mr. Gueat to do these opera- la p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone haads. To feel neces;sary, to feel tions at bis age because of the light lnd. It bas been the policy 90. House phone 283. that one is an authority in ones own work involved ia caring for and op_ newspapermen to visit differe X-Ray Equipmeat in Office line, even ia a smnall way, ta feel that erating tractor equipment. ti oas of tbe Dominion in cor one is of some use in the world stiîl, * * *, wi htb1their annual gatherinz5 DR. R. E. DINNIWELL must make for greater happiness aad For the boy readers of this journal Itbis way every Province ha Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- conteatmeat as well as self-respect. I may be excused if I narrate some visited during the past few yE versity and member of Royal College On the contrary, to bc of no use, to of my personal work as a farm boy. various centres the conveatic of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to be petted and coddled indulgently and I learned to do several thiags that addressed by the Premiers an4 practise in Ontario and the Domin- made comfortable, or to bc jostled were really men's jobs as every young publiceinen, wbo present the pi Ion. Dentistry in al ite branches. and laughed at by those in the thick man bas to do on a farni. 1wa and viewpoiats of tbeir PrGvin Office-King St., Bowmnanville, ap- of the fight, must be bitter to tbe particularly fond of plowiag. In nay The editors use their powerE poBite Bank af Mantreal. Phone 301. taste of ail who were accustomed ta early farm experience in the vicia- servation as best tbey can, rub a ider life. This is one excuse ity of Brooklin, Whitby to-wnship, ers with their confreres from -of ours for continuing in barness. Ontario County, the firm of Brown parts of the Dominion and aci * * * & Patterson, Wbîtby, manufactured better and more sympathetic EALAway back in the long ago when plows and with one of their best standing of prevailing conditi M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. the editor was an ordinary fai-m bo plows, a good team of horses and a well as the aspirations of oi Barrister, Solicitor, Natary father encouraged us to complete the level 10-acre field that gave a 40-,,d flung Provinces. These annu, Moeytaba o Frman TwnSpring seeding and potato planting furrow, I was a happy youth. 1 are calculated to broaden the( Praper t oal B Frman Bdingnby May 24tb-the Queen's Birthday ploughed a straigbt f urrow. 1my bftereuipperd osev e e Propety. oyalBankBuilint .thea we could bave a real holiday remark tbat my feelings are often etrqupdtosveaei Bowmanville. Phone 351. to go where we wisbed and do pretty hurt as I am daily taken on a mutor our Canadian weekly newspap, w. 'R. STRIKE much as we liked, only be sure to be trip aver the Provincial Higbway Plans are being made foi Suceassor to lste D. B. Simpfob, c.C. home in time to bring in the cows mostly between Newtonville on the Statesman to be represented and help at the milking. Such was east and Whitby on the *est, but convention. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary the great joy of farm lii e then. sometimes back into the more north -______________ Solicitar for Bank af Monti.al On this Tventy-Fourtb of May we ern sections of Clarke, Darlington Money ta Loan PhO186 91 bave worked jotting dlown our rem- and Wbitby townships, to see the very stiff 1 felt the first few Bowmanville, Ontario inisceaces of those early days on the horribly craoked ploughîng on manv ingsafater raking off owing farm in West Whitby and Northf farms. Sucb bad workmansbip, twist given my body in pulli W. F. WARD, B. A. Darliagton. Ia some way and coupled with the vigorous growths of, the sheaves. The self-bindý Barrister, Solicitor, Notary some how these old days bave for usf noxious weeds is really very distress-' made grain reaping since a on Money ta boan. Bonds for auIe?. now in our Stb year a peculiarly ing. It is a disgrace ta farmers in -and-team aperation. Boys, Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., subtle charm and we do feel glad for these frontier counties the way they 1 mg as you knaw it at the prese Bowmanville, Ontaria. phones. the boyhood experiences we bad and have allowed s0w thistle, golden rod, picnic in camparison with my Ofie12 os 0.in the main enjoyed. wild mustard, rag weed and several, ing experiences in 1855's and Offic 102 Hans 409 other noxious weeds ta overrun theiri and a littie later. And since narrating our exper- fam. Mn asbtenseig ** FUNERAL DIRÉCTORS ience as a scbool boy in this columa and harvest, I've speat 'with m As we mator tbru the iarmir several nionths back, the urge bas ibohr n asesaudng thistles, tiona now we notice immense F. F. MORRIS CO. been upon us to giva cotemporary e- 1pulling wild mustard (charlock) and of poultry, hens particularly, Complete Motel, or perience as a farni boy-from eightj mowing the evil growtbs by the fences dently farmers bave gone mc Horse Equipment years of age to twenty-. We have and on the roadsides. Itnieyit h sinea Al l es. promptîy beean most thankful, to o, for several ** eniepi hh"ascience fl attended to. eveats and conditions in our earlv It was my good fortune in my youth of ah tbcahoe studies and practi( W Private Ambulance life; and two of theni are: That 1 was i ta live in gond communitie.* For' periments in the present day W Bowmanville phone bora of parents wvho belonged ta the instance, from il ta 15 years of age, agement of poultry that bav. V10 and 34 working class and that the twelve a ur family lived ina the Dryden school tributed ta present kaowledge Brancb Stores- years of nsy life-from 8 years old to! section-a very excellent agricultural subject. Cantributors ta thesE Oroo &Newaste90-wr pn nfrs h i district and I caugbt inspiration from ics have been many we obsei condition madlenme ia a measure self- I th e superior ciasa of farm workniea farm papers. The list is Io reliant-father beiag a workiag man i such as were amployed on the farms those wbo bave rendered grea ALANM. WLLIAS with small financial means accumu- 1 ta the east of ours-Dryden's, vice ta poultrymen of the pre'ser ALANM. ILLAMS lated when he took a farni ta workl Blair's, Paxton's, Calder's, Holman's, Largely tbrougb their efforts, Embalmer and Funeral Director. on shares in the spring of 18-57, 1, Ormistoa's, Manaing's, Harris' and ai the risk of poultry keeping Calls given prompt and personal at- being the eldest of the family, had ta athers; and on the west the Matheiv- business bas been removed. tention. No extra charge for dis- help ini ways that 1 cauld with fa rm son'a, Burns', Pile's, Spencer's, Day-1 no one can guarantee profit or tance. Phone& 58 or 159, Bowman- operations; and after that year, 1 idson's, Nicbolls', Allin's, Smitber-ldom from loas in poultry keepi qille, Ont. 3-tf. attended achool oaly during Winter dam's, ampbell's and others af thesej a business venture, it is concede montbs. The second gave me a as iving among such practical it is now upon a basis as suba' MEDICAL practical knowledge oi farming in aI farmers, I remember very well wbenI as that of any live stock an. its branches whcihbhas been a great, I was plougbing in fields next the 7th tho se wbo prepare tbemselves by C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. advantage ta me as editar of a coun- concession line, the lands running~ and practical experience pursue Graduate ai Trinity Medical College, try weekly newspaper, enabling me aorth and soutb, bow very particular a business need have little fe Toronto, farmerly ai Enniskillen. ta discuss intelligeatly many ai the 1 used ta be ta cut out the opening failure througb disasters tbeyc Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's Problems that bave confronted the furrow straigbt sa that passersby forsee and for wbicb no metbc former residence an Church Street, farmers of the district in these later - would not make unfavorable remarks, prevention have been devised. Bownanill. hon 25. 4-t das.about young James' plowing. 1 Wil1 Bownanill. Pane259 44t. ays * *confesa that another condition gave Another change in farming J. CLARK BELL Besides assaciating with farmers in me inspiration: About a mile west tions we observe in agricultumal MD., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. the agricultural saciety and the Farm- ai aur place lived a farmer witb ers are reports ai renewed ini (Successor to Dr. A. S. Till7) ers' Institute, in bath af which or- a large family ai intelligent sns ain din heavy draught horses for Hans Grduae i Medcin, Aer-ganizations I have been a menîber one particularly pretty daughtrs o okoTead'tlna ie deen University; Fellaw of the Royal and an officiai on active duty for passed aiten an ber way to the vil-1 on many farms in wbicb four1 College ai Surgeons, Edinburgh many years, I have kept in tauch lage ta do shopping and I Was desir- lare used abreast la naw ail bu Office and Residence, Queen St. with agricultural progresa hy read- oua ai winning bier admiration ai my1 solete. ln its place came six ing continuously and interestedly goad work, hoy-like. ses, made up ai two three- Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 ta 8.30 p. m. several ai the best farm and live-*** teama. An extra herse goE Bowmanvile, Phane 89 stock weekiies and monthlies. This But I am glad ta remember that 1 here and there on the gang pl( DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS day for instance Home and Farm had an inbred ambition ta leama ta the harrow so that the borses ni "The Great Farm Journal of Britisb do the mare difficult kinds ai work kept maving most ai the day. Physiciens and Surgeons Couba dicse doral incident ta farm operations in those wages at a high level the fari OffceHars 1ta n d ta1.30 "Farming as a Business" in wicb I early days. 1 learned ta aSplit fence een force'j ta find ways and r Telphoe 18 ead that: From time immemorial1 rails-very littie wire fences an thal aif getttig mare work done par Office.- Wellington Street mare than any ather class, farmers! fanms then; faîl treas and chop tbem hoùr* Another hanse added n BowmançiJJe. Ontario. bave been born, not made, the pro- into log lengtbs, chop flrewood out enough aasiar draft so that thi fession ai farming having been filled ai the lags. Cbopping in the woods almost no nead to stop for rest. ----by men who have been born ta the an a. cold Winter's day was grand cause ai this arrangement the VETERINARY job. Campaing city and iarm boys, exarcise and gave a fellow a ravenous once more begins ta compata wit it Says: The city boy bas bis choice appetite for bis meals and it was no untiring tractar, and in conseqi DR. F. . TIGHE ai the professions or of a number ai trouble ta get ta sleap aiter a day in there is a demand for heavy dri VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or tradas and can go inta business or the woods. Na coal was used in horses. Sa the circle keeps mi Night calis promptly attendead .ta. empîo y himseli in almost any mannerfamh esteanaItafrwod nndb itejyiniv Office: King St. East, Bowmanville.1he chooses, but the country boy may had ta be cbopped stove-length-us- in helping ta ion tha circle,1 Phone 243. leav h am and seek bis fortune ually about 18 ta 22 inches. 1 also ers, as it swings along. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. lin the city, but the city boy wbo!1 iearned tai huild straw stacks, grain leavas the city and goes ta the farm stacks-square and round, whicb bas Orono ta seek bis fortune is so rare as ta ever been an achievament ta do as it The Statesman is $2.00 a yei Efanon Graduate ai University af be nonexistant. The Ontario Agri- I sbauld be done, aiter the Englisb $1.00 for balance ai 1928. Toranto. AIl cases given promptIcultural Collage and some of the uni-itborougbness known ta aur forafatb -____________ and careful attention. Office- varsities offer oppartunities ta bath ers wbo migrated fnom the Old Land. RIWYTM AL Dr. McElroy's former office. Ph 8es:city and country young men ta go ***RIWYTM AL Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1.. into farîning, not as an inhenitance Seed drills were not in genaral - but as a profitable business, use for yaars aiter I left the farm CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILVI * * *NER and I leaaned ta saw ail the grains (Standard Tinte) THEOM. SEMONMy fathar was apprenticed ta a and seeds-neitber easy ta leama or a.t GOING WEST THEOM. SEMONreal practical and successful farter, ita do, as waîking over the plowed land 4.22 a. t. Daily Autoerwhen youag in England, sa that I'carrying the grain balf across a 40- '.2 P. t. Daily except Sundaya l'armn and House Sales a Specialty.1fbenafitted by bis thamough train ingI rod stretch was no easy stunt. Care .11 1.,nm. DaiIly Tennis maderate. Enniskillen P. O.1 and long experiance wbich gave me 1hd lays ob ae ocs h .6p i tnasOl Phone 197r3. 1I-tf. 1aîany hlpful advancages. grain evenly over the width ai sur- 8.27 P. t. Daily excc.pi Sundays ________ - ---- ---~As usal hin, te (nadanface not ta bave it came up later 40>*m GOING EAST . ...A auultigte(aa ia okn tey. Ainrfeso-8.42a.m Daiiy cxcept Sunday CHIROPRACTIC AND DRULELSS ,ountry boy îx'ho succeeds ta the lufe 1I 9g ~ek. Asi il sot .1.a m. Sunisys Only THRoY f a farmer a:i a matter of course, ing allowance had ta be made for the 10.14 a. nii. tti DURINE. TELY i<ae 5 bsis instruction, as1 i dd wind hlowing. Than judgment had j 1.22 P. nt. faily except Sunday along the lines ai tradition antd prac' 1ta bc made for the different grain SI *.11P' ni. iîitîîY excuept Sunday honor gzraduate ai Toronto College, tical experiance. If tlie agricultu ral1 as quantity sown par acre differed, 958 p*aM".intiiy Always have the mnagic ~êWRIGLEY package in v our pocket. * Soothes nerves, allays M dtigestin. Practicai anîd -cientifie instruction ingIm achineý into the neibobo xuch as is given in the Ontario Azri- i where xve ived-in 1,", o , bik cultural Collage, Guelph, or at a It was made in Hamýiltonadcm University coturse iii agronorny, ani- parad with later makas waasa heavy ntai husbandry, horticulture, dairy- as te raquire tbrea horses ta operate iag, poultry hutsbandry andi fart 'r.- it-a beavy teat aon the tangue and a Zanization andl manageaient affrs an s ingle horse abead that I rode. We I pportunity fotr îtcupational selectian rut the grain on some nearhy fanms ba.sed atu exact ktîîwledge andl the ex-1 at a rate par acre basides aur own. A pc.tience, n0f oi a littlte cîmmîlit y, inan ste od in a frama on back ai plat- bu' of the w ,rl, so that mnay farnrs formtot throw sheaves off witb woed- ers:î'nl their sons ta thoei spît.ndid 1 an fork with prangs grade4d te rest eductîtiî>nal in.-tifutîitîo; wheî'eat thpir fairly on the surface af the plat. gtîrlknowieck't' b greatly brîiad- fortM. When grain xvas vas-y beavy, eaed and they retur t tt the:ir farin-a-oin Fll wbeat aiten, that man's life with a new ttutlo,îk and keener 1wark was not lîght hy any means. zest and enthusiasin in their chtsen * * * p)rofessýion. As ,vit.; befare statcil Some years later nuy fathar baugbt in this i'olumn, a fartier needgalal a newcr, ligbter and baffer machine the educaf ion 1e.can get ta conduct made by The Joseph Hall Works in bis business succeassfulîy la this ad- Oshawa. Only two hanses wera e- vanced age.** quired ta draw if and my job was ta sit hack te driver and pull the grain Farming bas been ravolutioaized sinca I lait the profession, thanks ta numerous invintions. The Harveat- er-Thresher, saîf-binder, the seed- drill, iding plow, the tracton, ail have heen intraduced witb lasser labor- saving machinas. The "Canadian fmo te latfot nd an te sheaves with square butta raady for the binders. Soon 1 hecame an ex- part at that jab and aftar 1 began teacbing school in 1869 I worked an the aId Bali's Ohio reaper ila my bh- days and can well remember bow DITORS BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA )N AT Opening Date Set For JuIy I7th ie Cana- For the benefit of those who sub- ociation scribcd for tickets for 1928 Chautau- .îlta., on qua we have been notified that the uly 4th definite opening date of the Bowman- >trip to ville Chautauqua is Tuesday, Juy intt- Manager Bendellinl writing to the ipers in- local guarantors says: "The first re- tnigports on the program from the South- ýfound- cmn States, where the circuit opened - r of the last wveek, are splendid. We are s t sc confident you have a most worth-while nnection and thoroughly enjoyable Chautauqua ' ' s. In season ahead". ~y as been In the meantime make a note of jars. Ia the date--Ju]y 17th-aad make your ins are plans accordingly to enjoy this an- d other nual five days of entertainment and JULY IST CELEBRATION a AT BOWMANVILLE s Will Take The Form cof a Grand Community Event. k Preparations are being made for e holding a big Community Calebration lai Bawmanville on July lst., includ- ing a Flower Show under the auspices a ofthe Bowmanvila Horticultural Sa- sciety, Folk Dancing and Physîcal Ex- ercises under the leaderas iO Miss Peardan, wbo bas bad a wide exper- ience in training young people in this class ai work. Keep this date open for yaurself r and iamily and invite yaum friends afrom a distance ta coma and spend the day with yau. Fuller announcements will ha made a little later an. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the Estate of Gardon Frederick Cochrane, laie of the Towasipiîof tarIitagoîtin ttc County aof lioria ai, Fatrnter, eac. Notice is lh-r,-by ven titat al i trsans tiaxi ttccia inits a goinsi te c atte ofthe id Go tridant re I cri ciz Cochtranae, whli lie oniat or at oi ttii,' ta et t.t'- fourti> day or 'Marri. A.DL., *1%2, ai ithe Townsiipof I ta';rtins an, art rItr i ndottor Ilîfor", the twe,'t ii îay or June,, AD., 1928. ta seýntiNotice toatetîirire Solicitor for te estitte of the said dtreased xviii their fu nattes and aiiresses an(i ill ittîticutirs in wrtinz of thei l,-tlirns. Anti tak, no ic, tiialt t t ersucIi riean- t tondd itýt1h e A citaini stra tor will pro- eed la iistribute the assets of the saiti I eceased arnong the parties entitiel thereto and will net be lhable for the sald ttssett or aay part titereof to any per- , on of wiiose caim inotice sahnot have iteen received at the tinte af such distribu- tion. Dated at Oshawa this sixteenth day or May,.AAD., 1928. Frederlck Cochrane, Adiminis' rater hy his Soilcitar, Joseph P. Mangan, Barris- ter, Etc., 14h King Street East, Oshawîa. 21-31 Do you watch the pressure of your balloonsl THEY are designcd for law pressure. That's tereason why the pressure of balloons should not drap even three paunds. Under i-fiation means premature trouble - ex- cessive wc:ur an side walîs - bruises and breaks in the cord fabmic that lead ta hlaw-outs - treads worn'ouf before their time. Drap in at a Dominion Tire Depat once a week and bave aour tir-es inspecfed. Ten minutes ser- vice by an expert will add miles ta the life of your tires. You are neyer far away from a DO~~lONTIRE DEPOT JAMIESON BROS. King St. West R1E»DROSE The Orange Pekoe is something extra-a special tea if, In clean, bright Aluminum I _______ histalled by Experts The FindlayWarmAirHeating Sy is mastalled under the guidance of1 and engineering experts. Heati culties are therefore met and overc outset-not in the dead of winter. installation is madle, simply fuel1 and every room in your bouse is Guaranteed Findlay Installations are guarantee this guaranteenpossible: theFindrla (Ik~Fmndlay furnace bulit on scientific .B.T.U priheiples The Fmndlay Warm Air Heating System leaves no room for f aulty heating. It begins with a flawless furnace-one of the very êirst to be built on scientific B.T.U. principles--the only absolutely correct method of measuning furnace heat and heat losses. The Findlay Furnace has leak- ;ystemproof joints, a big oversize water hting fi a that assures moist, health- rcme atthe ful air at ail times-in ail .When the rooms ... a dozen feat- up, light up- ures of menit ... from s heated properly. ash pit to radiator dome. ed. Two things make scientific installation. They are the only real bonded systezns aflered today. Write for aur book, "Heat and Health with WARM AIR" Ask also for the Findlay Service Chart, which makes it easy for yau ta draw up an exact plan of yaur house. From this we will give you-without charge or obligation-an estimate of coot for installing the Findlay. L. G. GREENAWAY Phone 18W Kins St. E. Bowmanville IThe Motor Oiu for everyc PAGE TWO -- .~ WARM AIR HEATING SYSTIM N FINTDLAY BROS. CO. LIM -D Carleton Place, Ont. Bowmanville

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