Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1928, p. 1

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Ian With Which Is Incoi-porated Tue Bowmanviile News Vol. LXJCIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishera. BOWM.ANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 3lst., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 22 Waterglass keeps fresh eggs fresh for 12 months. Baby Ratties Big Variety Choice for 25c Pictures finished at Kerslake's are different. So different youll like them better. Moths cannot f eed where Larvex is used Vacuum botties, new ones that are very attractive but at the sanie old price, 49c each. KERSLAKIE'S The. Dependable Drug Store OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE Tuesday, June 12 at 8.15 1). m. David Garrick Iu 3 acts Under auspices of Women 's Hospital Auxiliany DIRECTED BY MRS. D. ROBB Don't miss seeiug tisis great corn- edy-drama wisicis fMas stood tise criticism of play-goems for ammost a century. PERIOD 1742 Besutiful costumes sud setting. Admission 50c Plan opens at R. M. Mitcheli's Drug Store on Tbumsday, June 7th without extra charge. 22-2 New Curtains and E Is Your Home Bright, Restful, Inviting? W our Curtain and Drapery Departmnent is a Mil Visit and sec wbat Smart Homes are now B of New Curtains and Draperit The new Spring drapery rnaterials cornprii range in rnaterials and coloringa this year. Chii lin Fabrica, Rayons, etc., in plàin and srnart], Widths in 30 in, 36 in and 50 in, the latter beii split for aide drapes. Our drapery and curt aglow with ail the new decorative rnaterials ar rnost interesting to you whether you wish to p airl intzes, Repps, Mus- y patterned styles. ing wide enough to rtain departrnent is ,nd a visit would be purchase or not. FRILLED CURTAINS A splendid showing of fine frilled curtains in many patterns and with colors of Rose, Blue and Gold, ail 2i/ yards long, and tie backs ail complete. Priced frorn..............$1.25 to $2.75 SILK DRAPERIES 50 inch Silken Drapery Materials in stripe and figured pat terns and made especially for side curtains and hanging. The colors are absolutely fast. Priced from ..........$1.50 to $2.50 CURTAIN NETS Nottinghamn and Fillet Nets in a good range of patterns. They corne in widths of 40 and 48 inches with lace e dges. Colors in White, Ivory and Ecru. Priced frorn...........25c to $1.00 SCRIMS AND MARQUISETTES A good assortrnent of Scrirns and Marquisettes with hemmed or plain edges. They are good value and are shown in ecru or ivory. Priced frorn........................................ 25C to 60C CASEMENT CLOTHS... Sunfast Casernent Cloths in colora of Rose, Blue, Green and Brown. They are ail 50 inches wide, and are very suitable for side curtains and Sun Roorn Draperies. Priced frorn 50c to 75c NEW CHINTZ A cornplete showing of the newest patterns in 36 inch widths, also sorne 50 inch widths. They are particularly good for Drap- eries and Coverings. Priced frorn..................30C to $1.00 MORE NEW DRESSES ON DISPLAY Another beautiful lot of New Dresses have been placed on display this week. You are invited to inspect this very fine range of Dresses. MISSES' AND LADIES' COATS We are still showing a fine range of this season 's rnost fashion- able coats for rnisses and ladies. LADIES' GREY SILK GLOVES Just arrived this week-Ladies' Grey Silk Gloves, as well as other popular shades. MEN'S NEW SUITS Our large assortrnent of Men's New Suits featuring the new- ast weaves, colora and styles cornbined with the real values we offer is keeping our Men's Clothing Department outfitting mnen who appreciate the best and reasonable prices. Couch,Jiihnston & Cryderman. Bowmanvllle Phone 104 Limited Mr. and Mrs. J. 9. RcQiiarrie and family, Toronto, spent Victoria Day with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster, Elgin St. On Sunday the wbole party motored to Lindsay and spent the day with f riends there. Royal Theatre Proe.nting Tihe Fînest la Photoplaja Phone 589 Friday.Saturday, Jun. 1-2 Johnny Hines In CHINATOWN CHARLME" Johnny furnishes enough iaughs to keep your funnybone out of joint and your ribs rattling every ninute in bis latest comedy knock out. Screen story by Owen Davis. Matinee Saturday afternoon 2.30 p. m. Children 5c Final chaiptor of "Fighting with Buffalo Bill" and regular program Monday.Tuesday, June 4-5 Lon Chaney In "THE BIC. CITY" No one on the screen today can equal this master star and as "Cbuck Collins" the man of the underworld Lon Cbaney will bring to you an evening of wonderful Cbaney entertaînment. Story by Tod Browning. Weduesday-Thuraday, June 6-7 Conrad Nagel and Eleanor Boardman In "DIAMOND HANDCUFFS" Diamonds--Symbols of riches- versus human happiness in a mighty conflit-put yourself in place of the girl in this picture -ee what you'd do if such tein- ptation confronted you. Story by Henry C. Vance. ANNIVESARY WEEK JUNE 4th TO JUNE 9th During this week a coupon book of Ten tickets may be purchased for $1.50 good for any perforin- ance until July 31st. When al coupon tickets are usod the back of book and, $2.00 will purchase a new book of Ten tickets. Mua SMaster Plan open& at Mitcisell'a Drug Store, May Slst at 10 a. mi. R.serv.d Sees 0e Il! More Consistent Service SB etter Average Quaýity COMING EVENTS "THE SUPERIOR SEX" 1 Regular nionthly meeting of the Play and Prognani bY White Shield I Women's Auxiliany to the Hospital Club Greatly Enjoyed 1S Board wiil be held on Fniday, June 1 ___a_ at 3.30 p. mi. in the Nursesi' Rosi- A crowded bouse greeted tise meni-1 dence. bers of tise White Sbieid Ciu'b iu St. Whie Siod Cubregla met-Paui's School Room on Tuesday even-d Whit Shild lub eguar met-ing when the humorous pîsylet, "Ther iug wiil be beld on Wednesday, June Superior Sex," was presented, eachd 6 at 8 p. mi. in St. Paul's Lecture member takîng ber part splendidlys Rooni. Members please note change and voicing their opinions distinctly of date. aud eff ectively. Cast included: A group of Trinity Ladies' Aid Emily Pexboke-Mrs. B. Pingie. will hoid an afternoon tea at tise Julia Oaborne-Mtrs. C. A. Mason. home of Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock on Winnifred Kent-Mns. J H Swiudells. Thursday, May 3lst from 3.30 to 6 Editis Lee-Mrs. J. Buttousbaw. p. ni. Good musical prognarn. Ad- Flors McGinns-Mrs. W. Hall. mission 25c. 21-2 Virginis Morris-Mis. A. L. Darcis. _________Elizabeth Earle-Miss Mary Wallace. Henrietta 'Page-Mms. W. Clarke. W. D. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Hannais, tbe maid-Mrs. C. Gatcheli. Theannal eetng f Wst ur-James Pembroke-Mrs. Thos. Gould. hami Institute wil be beid su churcis a Tise pro-nuptial party, tho' badly Hampton, *on Thuriday, June 14th frightened by a supposed burgiar in tise bouse, ended isappily wheu a re-1. at 10 a. ni. (standard tume.) Elec-ý jected lover came to tise rescue of tise tion of officens and geueral business. suporior sex and ail misunderstand- Special speaker for this meeting ings ended happily. will be Prof. J. B. Reynolds President Followiug thse play a piano duet of Ontario Agricultural College, &as nicely played by Gertrude Hoop- Guelph, wiso will give an addres on er aud Arletta Maynard; a dumbeli Rural Problenis. Mrs. Cooper, Wrar- drili was nicely preseuted by Mary saw, Federated Representative, is ai- owns, Yvonne Tigise, Kathleen so expected to be present. Tburston, Margaret Colvilie, Grace Lot overy Branciniutise District Welsb, Bessie Martin, Aima Richards,1 be represeuted at tise opeing ses- Beatnice Latimer Hilda Simnick. Mrs sion. A. Colville sang severai solos that Dinuor will be served by Hampton were as usual highly appreciated. Bal ladies. drill was given by Hilda Hall, Annie Mrs. John Baker, Mms. PercyVanCamp Tait, Grace Rundle, Evelyn Oke, Presideut, Hamipton. Se'y. Nestieton. Joyce Luxton, Lorraine Picisard, Dor- 22-21 otisy Nichais. Jean Spny, Frances Clarke, Arletta Maynardi. "Coni- fing tbru tise Rye" Mrs. Best singing tise words while Rota Cannons, Kaths- boen Hall ,Dorothy Banton and Fran- ces Harvey presented in it pantomine was vory effective. Mrs. (Dr.) J. Cark Bell recited "Tise Higbwaymau" raperiesdoug it witb a finish tisat sisowed se was no novice. Tisis was tise first tume many citizens had had tise pîeas- is o earsng tis talented lady. Miss Peardon gave a fine exhibition of club swinging. Mrs. M. A. Neal Vehrit is or not was tise accompanist for tise evoning /hetherasd, as usual, discharged bier duties ighty Fine Place to very pleasingiy. Rev. (Dr.) -Best made a good cisainman. Tise training Buying in the way of tise drills and play was under dir- ies ection of Miss Peardon and Mrs. Belli es and was very cneditabiy carried out.! ise a very extensive Prognani closed with tise National An- Photo Finishing Iý MINISTE1eS AND CHURCHES St. Joseph's Church, Mass il a. nm.' Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Sermon and beniediction 7 p. mi. Rev. P. P. Butler. Bowmanville and Darlington Sun- day School Association will hold an- nual Convention at -Salemi on Tues- day, June 12, afternoon and evening session. St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Biest. D.D., Minister. il a. m.-"The Eider Brother". 7.30 p. m.-"The Path to Furthor Light". 2.30 p. n. Sunday School. St. John's Anglican Charch. Trinity Sunday, June 3, 1928. 1 la. m.- Holy Comunion and Sermon. 2.30 p. m.--.Sunday School. 7 p. m.- Evening Prayer. St. Andrew's Presbytorian Church, Church and Temperance Sts. Rev. R. McDerment. M. A mnister. Ser- vices at il a. m. anaà 7.30 p. in.1 Sunday School at 2.30 p. mi. . Trinity United Cburch, Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Sunday services: il a. m.-Rev. W. A. Bunner wili preach. 7 p. m.-Mr. T. H. Lock- hart. 10 a. m.-Sunday Schooi. TRINITY CHURCH SERVICES Pastor and Choir lof Cobourg Triaity Church Had Charge of Evenins Service Hes.. Rev. J. U.* Robins took for his theme Sunday niorning in Trinity Church "Life's Rosponsibilities" and gave a heart searching discourse froni the words "So Shine". Miss Helen G. Morris sang a solo ilulher usual pleasing voice. The exchange of preacher and choirs is becoming very popular and is enjoyed by the congregations as well as by choirs and ministers. Sun- day evening Trinity cougregation was privileged to have Rev. W. R. Tauton of Trinity Church, Cobourg, and his choir of somne 40 voices. R.ev. Mr. Tantou's subject was "The place of the Church in the life of Today", based on the words "That Ho might preserit it a glorious Church..holy and without blemish" Eph. 5:27. The preacher dealt with the social, econ- omic and religious problenis of the day. The cburch, ho said, the one -solution of these probleins, is tihe only institution that exifts solely and definitely for thse carrying out of thse prograni of Jesus Christ in the 1world. Thse prograni of Jesus Christ jis thse one solution of saving the world. Thse church was nover more power- fui than it la Voday and thse challenge 1is given to every man and waman to ido his or ber best. The speaker closed with a very apt illustration by Raymond Roishins and asked the vital question "Can Ho Count on You"? Tise choir under direction of Mfr. Frank Parkinson, organist, sang three anthenis, Rock o fAges, Kipling's The Recessional and Christ is Risen, Miss Elsie Hall and Mr. G. Page, Sr., tak- ing the solos in the anthemai. A very pretty violin solo was played by one of the young lady menTbera of the choir at thse beginning of the service whicis everyone enjoyed as well as the numbers rendered by the choir and the orgaii selections by the organiat. The visitora were entertained to re- fresisments by the Ladies' Aid at tisE close ofthe service and a social trne ploasantiy spent ROTARY CLUB DIRECTORS At the Rotary Club luncheon or Friday the foilowing members werg elected Directors for the year coni menciug July lst next:-R. F. Aitchi son, Dr. J. C. Devitt, G. A. Edmond stone, Geo. W. James, D. R. Morrison W. R. Strike, F. C. Vanstone. Direct ors wiii select the officers later. Be sure to cut out time table o: bus line on another page. Free niotor oil-every owxier of ai auto sbouid read F. W. Nelles' adv on page 3. Gilbert & Sullivan'& "Trial by Jury" One act dramna cantata. Mrs. J. Clark Bell, Conductor Mrs. Munroe A. Neal, Pianist Prograni by the following artists: Helen Bunner, So'oist, 0. L. C., Wbitby. F. Converse Smith, Violinist, Toronto PASS MEDICAL EXAMS. Three Young Ladies Successful at Faculty of Medicine. a We think Durisam County estabiish- h os a record in that it bas tisree young ladies within its boundaries taking h medical courses. Tise resuits of the examinations in thse Faculty of Medi- cine, University of Toronto, an-b nounced this week include the nainesn of three young ladies, ail former students of ýBowxnanville High Scisool, h who passed in aIl subjects. They E are: Fourth year-Miss Doris C. Foster, daugister of Mr. and Mrs. F. -E A. Foster; First year-Miss Dorotby b M. James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. B. James; aud Miss B. R. Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wallace, Hampton. We join with their many frieuds in extending to theni beartiest congratulations. MAPLE GROVEa Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Steveus, daugbters Mabel and Jean motored to Fraserville Thursday and visited bier brother, Rev. H. W. Foley. Miss Mabel went on to Bobcaygeon andj, spent tise weekeud with hier cousin, Miss, Mary ..... .... Miss Dorothy ,Stevens spent tise weekond in Tor- onto with hier sister, Mrs. Ray Snow- don.. . Mr. and Mrs. L C. Snowden, sou Bob, and Mrs. H. G. Freeman motored to Toronto on Sunday aud visited tiseir cousin, Mrs. Bert Wick-1 ett, whose husbaud had passed sud-3 deuiy away Friday morning wîth pnumonia, also their cousin, Missi Laura Wickett.... W. M. S. monthly1 meeting in the hall on Fn day, une lst at 2.30 p. m..Mr. sud Mrs. Edgar Rosevear, son and daugister,1 Cobourg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Samuel Suowde ..Mr. andj Mrs. Eber Snowdeu spent Tuesday in1 Niagara .... Visitors witis Mr. sud Mrs. Samuel 5nowden on Tuesday ev- ening: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mscklin, Mr. Amos Mackiin, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mackiin, Tyrone, broth- ers; Wmn. George, Cobourg, uncle; Mrs. Walter Ben Hur, Springfield, Missouri, cousin, on way to France to study French; Mrs. W. L. Macklin, mother, tise latter remaiued over for i a visit with bier daugister. ... Mr. and p Mrs. Eber Suowden, daughter Mar-' garet, Oshawa, are visiting with bis rparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Suow- don. SALEM IMr. T. H. Lockbart. iBowmanville. conducted the Sunday aftornoon ser-1 vice in bis usuai earnest and inter-, 1osting way, giving a practicai story1 for the chikiren and followiug with1 a very belpfui sermnn. The 4th .Vice, Mr. L. Coombs, had charge of tise Y. P. L meeting in the evoning1 wben a good prograni was rendered.1 eThe attendance was not as large as1 Susual owing to snnivorsary services st nearby churches. . Mrs. J. Plunkett, daughter and isusband of Petesrboro, called on several Saleni friends on May 24tis. . .. Messrs. Charlie and Ai-! ebort Talling were holiday caliers. ini aour neighborood.... ýMr. and Mrs. eWarne of Whitby, with their daughter Cand daughter-in-law, visited at Mr. W Cann's on the hôliday ... . Mr. and Mrs Findley and daugister and Mrs.' ýHutcheson motored down from Tor- ýe1onto and spent Sunday wi-th Mr. and Mr. F. Honey.. Mn. Albert Cator and bride visited bis parents last week. Mm. Cator was formerly Miss Lîllian Brooker .... Mr. Robert Collacott and George rnotored to Woodstock ,e Mr. Collactt's sister, Mrs Grace Davis. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mayer and Mr. -and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt of Bowmnan- ville, aiso attended .... Messrs. Cecil and Leslie Collacott and Mrs. ArthurI Belîman motored to Brantford on Sunday to visit their sister, Mms. Harburn who uuderwent an opera- )ftion in Brantford Hospital last week. Glad to iearn they report Mrs. Han- m burn's condition improving... . Mr. It R. H. Coilscott returned home on Monday after spending the week in Bantford ... . Mr. E. Poliard of Ton- onto, was home for tise holiday and remainod over tbe weekend ... . Miss M. Barrett, Bowmanville, visited in the neighborhood on Sunday and at- tended afternoon service. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Staples, Wei- corne, Mrs. H. G. Martyn, daugisters Canol and Joy, Stratford, were holi- day guosts of Mrs. E. Rickand's. Mm. Rickard accompanied by bier, sisters, Mm. Elford, Welcome, and Mrs. Geo. Rickard, Newcastle,r- turned home witb ber daughter for a week's visit. BASEBAUL stage1 r I s 4 0 'I., à c t* ttel man LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Trinity Sunday Scisool opens at 10 a. ni. next Sunday. Mr. Otto Harvey recentiy visited his parents at Harwood. Mrs. Robbins, Oshawa, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Win. Quick. Tninity Ladies' Aid invite you to Mlrs. P. C. Trebilcock~s this after- soon. Miss Muriel Hancock, Port Hope, sas bon guest of her aunt, Mrs. F. R. Brown. Major W. J. Hoan and Mr. A. H. -ounsaill ecently visited friends in i4illbrook. Mrs. D. Grigg, Misses Jane, and [uth, Toronto, spent tise weekend witis relatives bore. Mn. sud Mm. J. E. Elliott spent Victoria Day with Rev. and Mm. H. W. Warren, Stouffville. Miss Florence E. Moore, of tise public scisool staff, spent tise weekend at hèr home in Lansdowne. Mrs. Weaver and Miss Irono Weav- en, Toronto, spent Victoria Day witis Mdr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mrs. Thos. Tod sud Miss Olga Tod speut tise weekend with tise fonnier's ,sster, Mrs. E. Edwards, Toronto. Mr. aud Mrs. Robt. Mann and dauýgiter, Cobourg, were guesta of Mr. and Mms. E. Williams on Sunday. Miss Harriett Bartlett, Toronto, spent tise weekend witis her uncle and aunt, Mr. John and Miss Eva Hell- yar. Mfr. sud Mrs. N. S. B. James were in Toronto on Monday attending tise funeral of tiseir cousin, tise late A R. Wickett. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hooper sud family and Mr. aud Mms. D. Hooper, Tyrone, weno Suuday guests of Mrs. Clara E. Byam. Rev. J. U. Robins, Rev. Dr. Best aud Mn. W. R. Stnike are attending Bay of Quinte Conference of tise United Churcs at Smitis's Falls. Mn. sud Mms. Chas. H. Haddy and Jack sud Misses Lena Priestmau and Agnes Haddy, Toronto, spent Victor- ia Day with Mn. sud Mrs. F.'A. Had- dy. Principal sud Mrs. T. F. Wrighst, St. Cathenines, were in town Friday. They spent tise weekend wits numer- ous relatives in Danliugton sud Cart- wrighst. Mrs. James Sunter sud Miss Hilda Sunter, Toronto, Mn. and Mm. Sam Sunten, Evelyn and Wesley, Detroit, speut Monday with Mn. sud Mm. Wil- liam Painton, Westiount. ~Mr. sud Mrs. J. T. Neal, Bouffalo, N. Y., sud Miss Alive Neal, who bas just returned froni a trip to tise Medi- tarean, spent tise weekond wits the former's son, Mn. Munroe A. Neal. Capt. F. C. Pahser was in Belle- ville Sunday aftennon when ho gave bis illustrious address ontise "History of tise Union Jack" at a rtaliy of Boy Scouts held at St. George'e Mission Hall. Mm. C. Wickett sud Misa Greta Wickett motored to Simcoe and vis- ited over thse weekend witistise form- er's daugister, Mrs. R. T. Hosisin. Mm. Wickett remained for a few weeks. Mn. sud Mr. A. Hezzelwood, Ton- onto, sud Mn. sud Mrs. T. Morcombe aud Mn. Lloyd Morcombe sud Miss Mary Bnawiey of Whitby, were Sun- day visitors of Mr. sud Mm. Ina F. Peance. *Mrs. W. A. Edwards, Ottawa, was in town Tuesday caiiing on Mr. sud Mrs. Alpha Pincs. lunier younger days Mrs. Edwards was knowu as Miss Tena Pincs, being an adopted daugster of tise Iste Mrs. John Pinis, Nursery Corner. Mn. William Pointen who bas been 1attending Victoria College, left tis .week for Leslie, Sask., where ho wiii Lcarry on mission work for tise United Churcis during tise summer mouths. Fanonrs, turu to page 7 sud read about trip to O. A. C., Guelphs. Hon many frieuds in this towu who have heard Miss Helen Bunner sing at various tumes bore, were pleasedl to hear ber over the radio ou Monday eveuing sud will again have tise pleasure of hearing ber sing at tise Opera House on Tuesday, June. 5ts. Miss Annie Allia in company wits ber uephew, Mn. Eardley S. Allun, Iwiso bas been attouding Faculty of Medicine at Toronto University, and b as ýpassed ail bis tisird yesr exama, ieft on Wednesday on a motor trip to tise iatten's home in Edmonton, Alta. About 15 employees of Wilkinson & Compass, wholesale hardware, Hamlton,, wene in town Ssturday iu- L pocting tise R. M. Hollingshead. Co. factory which compauy is literally rusbed to deats with ordera for Whiz products sud Fly Fume. Mossns. J. Monahan, H. J. McCaruey sud Don Linden, Toronto, accompsnied tise

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