Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TECNDA TTSABWAvLE THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1928 DO YOU REMEMBER? He-sEczema1 QUESTIONS FOR TODAY eais Did I this morn devoutly pray In 7 Days or Leus For God's assistance through the da _________And did I read Hia sacred Word Here is a surgeon's wonderful pre- To niake my life therewith accord? scription now dispensed by pharma- cists at trifiing cost, that will do more Did I for any purpose try towards helping you get rid of un-i To hide the truth or tell a lie? sightlv spots and skin diseases than' anythiing you've ever used. Did I to all who came My way Not only does this great healing Due courtesy or kindness pay? antiseptic oil promote rapid and Or if distress niy aid implored hea]thy healinz in open sores and That I that aid with joy affordý wounds, but bouls, abcesses and ul- cers that are discharging are almost Did I my thoughts with prudeni immediately relieved and cleanly1 guide, healed. Cheeking ill humor, anger, Dride? In skin diseases its action is little less than magical. The itching of Did I froni every word refrain eczema is instantly stopped; the erup- That could give any creature pair tions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of bar- Did I with che.?rful patience beur ber's itch, sait rheum and other jr- The littlee jus we ail must share? ritating and unsight]y skin troubles. You can obtain Moone's Emerald And did 1 when the day was o'er Oul in the original bottie at any mod-! God's watchful ctre again implore ern drug store. It is safe to u s ro s o alw3gdn and failure in any of the ailments i aro s fralwrn o noted above is next to impossible., And grace to help in time to corne' Jury & LovelI can supply you at anyAnddImaenyoype, time.An i1 ae yol e, SThat Jesus lîved and died for nie? This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs directly in to the path of your car. Sbocked breathless, you jam on the brakes. Thank God-you didn't bit him. BUT-supposing you had? Though cleareé! of blame, nothing to prevent that child's parents from suing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibility ths.t it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend yourself or "PAY UP"! LI ABILITY INSURANCE protects you ini such a crisis! Competent attorneys defend your interests and ail coati are paid by the. Insurance Company! For complote information consuit J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville S INGE the introduction of the "tNew Series", Pontiac Six bas shattered al its own high records of successa! Why? Because here is ail Pontiac's proven de- pedbiiy... ail Pontiac's weil-known strength and stamina . . . ail Pontiac's CCOfloay... And ini addition. . . new, dazzling beauty . . . new style and smarmess . .. new, long, low Fisher bodies .. . 4 nw, modlish color harmonies... WUE . . . new engine refinements . . new MWSK fuei.pump (replacing vacuum-tank).. LOeJOT new GMR cyider-had. new Four SUOc VWbeel Brakes . . . new Lovejoy Hy- A»@uaEasdeaulc Shock Absorbers... And because the New Series Pontiac Six is the lowest.priced six in the world that can give you ail these desirable features andi qualities. P.I,.s.zBC ish ow DeUt .boa the G-I.A.C. DetemP - .r-1 Pie, Corbett Motor Sales Co. Bowmanville King St. E. lACSIX PRODUCT 0P GENMRL jMOTORS OP CANADA, LDWrMTD w ODIS PHOSPHODîNE.1 n* G(reat F ng!s/1Preparazue., T onesatd rt> he tcwhole ,iervous syster,. makes new Blood in old Vens. L',d for Nervous np »g ~ofaq(arfy. Palpitation a0 rice$2pevbox,3j& 1oe8.OSoId by alidauggists. or mailed in pain on eceip< of prim e.Nw pamph.Wi niad ed 'Mi T Vu U O@OTOO . wook's Regulating Compound à02&Owbý A ded rael. ,sgua ý=-â§Fà "idie. Sold intUne e de. f eu trength.-No~ . 1SIil 2 3»N. 88per boiL )%Waldon "reosp f pries. M e.Pamphlet. àAdrm: THE COOK MEDICINECO. Y %]rdML7emsfWwm y? ice le, This photo was taken 20 years ago BLACKSTOCK .Miss Elizabeth Collett is visiting wjth Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm. Mr. Lorne Bradburn of Huntsville, spent the weekend witb bis parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradburn. W. A. of St. John's Cburch well bE held at the home of Miss Florence Fair, this (Tbursday> evening. Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy bas re turned to Port Perry after -pending bis bolidays under the parental roof. Miss Marie Proutt was mentioned as tbe nurse of Mrs. Chas. Edgerton, it sbould bave been Mrs. M. Little- proud, Cosarea. Mr. Joliffe of Toronto, is spending a few days witb bis daughter Mrs. (Rev.) P. G. Powell, prior to bis sail- ing for England. Miss May Stevenson, Miss Hazel Sluggett and Mr. Douglas Drinkwater of Peterboro, were recent guests of Miss Susie vanCamp, Miss Laura Bailey aRid Mr. Percy Hamilton. May meeting of the Woman's 'Mis- sionary Society of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Jos. Forder. At the close of the busi- ness session a prograni was put or including a splendid paper by Miss Kathleen Phoenix, on China. The serving of lunch brought the meeting to a close. Messrs. Oriole Edgerton and Perey Hamilton, Misses Evelyn Devitt and Hazel Sluggett, Mr. Lawrence Mooint- joy, Misses M. Stevenson, Susie and Olive vancamp, Messrs. Naysmitli Henry aand Douglas Drinkwater, Misses Olive and Laura Bailey mot- ored to Peterboro recently. On Friday, May 11, deatb came with startling suddenness to Mrs. Walter Hooey, wbo after a short il!- ness of nine bours passed away fromn an attack of acute diabetes, at ber home in Bethune, Sask. The sad news came as a great sbock to the entire comniunity as the late Mns. Hooey, more familiar to many as El- ma, was so well known throughout the whole township and througb ber genial disposition had formed a large circle of friends. Deceased was born in Cartwright living bere until ber marriage to Mr. Hooey, after wbich tbey lived first in Cypress River, Manitoba, later nioving to their present home. The rentains arrived at Nestleton on Tuesday, May 15, and the funeral service was conducten by Rev. Mr. Walker of Janetville, interment being made in the Union Cemetery at Cadmus. Mrs. Hooey was a young woman of won- derful vitality, exceptional ability and charming personality. The high es- teem in whicb she was held was evinced by the large funeral cortege and beautiful floral tributes. Besides a sorrowing busband and a little daughter, the deceased leaves to mourn ber loss, ber father and mother Mr. and Mrs. David Hooey and a sister, Mrs. Albert Beacock of Co-- sarea. Mr. Hooey returned to bis home in Bethune on Thursday the 17tb., the heartfelt synipathy of the community going with him on bis lonely journey. DEBATE AT MILLBROOK Durham Debaters Qualif y For Final& With Prince Edward County The semi-finals in the inter-county debates under auspices of Junior Farmers' Association was held re- cently at Millbrook between Victoria and Durham Counties. The former was represented by Mr. Gerald and Miss Florence Burton of Cambray, while Mr. Archie and Miss Edyth Deyell, of South Monaghan, repres- ented the home county. The subject was "Resolved that in- staînient buying is daniaging to the individual and to the prosperity of the country at large", the Durham de- baters upholding the affirmative. Both sides presented strong argu- ments, showing that much thought and study had been given the sub- jeet. The judges, R. F. Downey, Public Sehool Inspector for Victoria Counzy, W. B. Reynolds, B. S. A., o f Port Hope, and A. J Fallis, ex-M. P. P., Millbrook, gave their decision in favor of the affirmative. The final debate in the series will be between Prince Edward and Dur- ham Counties. Piano duets by Misses Marcella and Marguerite Lang vocal solos by Mrs G. W. Sayles with Miss E. Elson, accompanist, and a reading by Miss Dorothy Crossley, made delightful contributions to the prograrn. Mr. M. H. Winter, Agricultural Re- presentative for Victoria County, made a brief address while J. Y. Kel- lough, Agricultural Representative for Durham County, was chairman. NOTHING LIKE IT Druggists report that MILLER'5 HEMB JIJCE is outaelling ail other remedies for constipation, gas pains, nervousnes, stomach liver lidney and bowel disorders. Why sufer any longer? Ask Jury & Lovell Ltd., &bout this remedy. Employeea of the Durham Rubber Co. when the factory was located where Taylor's Rink now stands. many can you recognize? fa a>in-at the orsrtfeeling ofsick. ness -take ZUTOO. You will e ail right in 20 minutes if it's a headache, or the next morning ) f h is a cold. Pain ail gone, and the whole body refreshced. Dont wait-don't take chances. Get ZUTUo Tables to-day-and have them ready to take at the first sign of a Head- ache or cold and TAKE TIEI. 25C a box-at dealers or bv mail postpaid B. N. Robinson&Co. Re;gd.,Coaticook,Q LESSON No. 16 Question: Whyr do growing children, partic- ularly girls, need emul- sified cod-Iiver oil? Answer: Growing chil- dren,and particularly girls, need vitamin-rich nounish- ment to help tlaem through critical stages of extreme tax on their strength. Pleasantly flavored, easy to talce, children Ike SC011,S EMULSION SOME TIME WE'LL UNDERSTAND Not now, but in the comirg years- It may he in the better land- We'll read the meaning of our tears, And then, some time, we'll under- stand. We'll know why cloud6 instead of sun Were over many a cherished plan; Why song bas ceased when scarce be- gun 'Tis then, some time, we'll under- stand. Why what we long for most of aIl, Eludes s0 oft our eager hand; Why hopes are crushed and castles faîl, Up there, some time, we'll under- stand. God knows the way, He holds the key He guides us with unerring h'and; Some time, witb tearless eyes, we'Il see. Yes, then, up there we'll under- stand. Then trust in God through aIl thy days; Fear not, for He dothb hold thy hand; Tho' dark thy way, still ring and praise; Some time, some time, we'll under- stand. Nothing as Good for Astbma. A,- thma remediee come and go but every year the sales of the original Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Rexnedy grow greater and greater. No furtber evi. dence could be asked of !ta remnark- ways of the same unvarying quality whuch the oufférer from uathma learna te kno)w. Do flot sufer un- other attack, but geti this splendid remsdy today. Don't Worry About Beef There rnay be a scarcity of cattle but we have made provision for our customers-so you should worry. At the present tirne we have about 40 choice young stall fed cattie which we are turning out on our own grass. This assures our customers of the choicest meat money can buy for sorne tirne to corne. And don't forget our meat is kept Mn a cooling plant which keeps the meat at a uniforrn temperature ail the tirne. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville SSUMMER COAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT You will not be sorry if you let us f111 your bins with LWI GHVALLEY .ANT -R' ITE Tne Cal 7Iat Satiifiaài Ail freshly rnixed and well screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anything in the building line consuit us. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL BAY 0F QUINTE CONFERENCE ig Court of Revision WiII Be HeId Meets in Smith Falls, May 30th Saturday, June 3rd e, With the Bay of Quinte Conference SI Council met ýat Orono May lst, lof the United Church of Canada meet- Reeve M. J. Holman presiding andi ing in annual session this month many )e mnembers ail present. Minutes of members and adherents of this church 'e last meeting were read and adopted. will be interested in the following Communications were received as 1 statisties prepared by the United follows: Arthur Roebuck & Newson, Church Bureau of Literature and In- 19 Ontario Bridge Co., Liquor Control formation: fBoard, Pedlar People Lt.-filed. 1 In this Conference there are 244 Hydro Electrie Power Commission Pastoral Charges with 638 preacbing advised cancellation of contract No. places in them. 25 on Newcastle Rural Power district Members of Session total 2,024, 2 9 signed by H. C. Caverly. more than reported a year ago. Stew- 5. Fence viewers of Division No. 3 ards or Managers number 2,921, four 1- were called upon to view and ar- more than last year. Other meni- bitrate on the east haîf of uine f ence bers of the Officiai boards show a de- îl between the north and south haîf of crease of~ 46 and are reported as nm ýr lot 34 and the nortb haîf of the south bering 2,145. fhaîf between lots 34 and 35, con. 4 ý There are 239 more families under a Award is deposited in elerk's office.! the care of the United Church in this Conference this year than last. R. J. Rowe, assessor, returned coin-' Net membershîp of United Church -pleted assessment roll to council on F. BMLoykin ave er- in B ay of Q uinte C onference is 67,- gavever- There are 545 Sunday Schools-9 *bal report of proceedings of O. E. A. less than last year witb a total enrol- nheld in Toronto and expressed his ment of 932 less than Iast year. s views on the more important ques-1 There has been an increase in sal- etions under discussion. aries of ministers at the rate of $26,- 9 Ralph C. Ellis allowed a rebate of 000 per year for the whole confer- $7.84 on taxes collected in error for ence. y1927, due to error in assesment. Conference contributed $205,517 D. J. Gibson having conipleted dut- for Maintenance and Extension Fund *ies as coilector and having niade oath for nine months or at the rate of that hie has collected ai! the taxes for $274,000 for a twelve months' period i1927 except $.598-72 resident ]and -an increase over last year's figures taxes, and $46.05 which is uncollect- ol almost $31,000. able, and for which sums hie received For ail purposes the grand total a rebate, bis bondsmen were released. givings of congregations within this Mr. Gibson received $215.00 for ser- conference amounted to $1,064,108 vices as collector. for he nine months ending Decem- Bilîls were .paid as foljows: jber 3lst., an increase at the rate of, F. B. Lovekin, ex .to O.E.A.$ 6.00 $165,000 for the whole year. R. J. Rowe, bal. assessor's sal. 119.40 Since the consummation of Union R. H. Wood, caretaker . .. . 20.88 in 1925 mortgages have been paid off Wm. McDonald, cedur for United Cburch property in this Con- bridges................... 31.00 ference of $51,000. Pediar People Ltd., 3 culverts 84.75 Churches and Sunday Schools have J. D. Adams, 'blade for grader 8.80 been repaîred or redecorated at out- John Henry, road sup. for apl 62.50 lay of over $76,000. J. Henry & Son, tools....... 16.45 Manses and Parsonages have been John Henry, road ac. April. . 960.69 bought or built at a cost of over $25,- Councîl adjourned to meet Satur- 000 and repairs to parsonages al- daY, June 2nd at 10 a. m. for the ready in use account for $24,415 ad- transaction of general business and ditional outlay. holding a court of Revision of assess- More than $4,700 have been spent nient roll for 1928; court to open at in furnishings for manses and up- 2 p. m. wards of $4,650 for organs and A. J. Staples, M. J. Holman, pianos. Clerk. Reeve. New churches and Sunday Schols _________have been erected since Union in many parts of the Conference somie of which may be mentioned: Sharbot Many of Canada'& leading Lake, Minden, Port Anne, Green- social and sporting clubs use wood and Oshawa Mission have new Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea Churches; Beachburg lias extended exclusively. The. a d d e d the church. 'Bridge Street Belleville, has a comn- strength and ini mita bl e munity Hall, and Cartwright and Lit- flavor of Red Rose (Orange tle Britain have new sheds. Pekoe mnake it lastlngr Women's Missionary Society lias go fartiier and taste bette.r.: 337 auxiliaries with a membership of Packed in damp..proof aumi- 12,826, and contributed asat year num.13BW almost $69,800. -- Powerful Medicine.-The healing properties in six essential oils are It centrated in every bottle of Dr. W hen You !eel I Thmas' Eclectrie Oul, formîing one of the most beneficial liniments ever g offered to the use ofma.Mn n com in ' testify as to itspoeinalyg pain ,and many more can certify thata -When that old Headache sends Its they owe their health to it. It Uann ht o r ong to sufer- wonderful power is flot expressed by taeZTOO. When you fecl a Lold the amall price at which it sells. coming on take ZUTOF00 At thie first BATTERIES We seil them at a price that wilI please you. TIRES We sell the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 w, il 'j' 1:4' ~2 PIANOS Wculd you like to have a piano in your home? Lt can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it costa littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangement&-quarterly pay- inents. Nothing you can buy will add more-charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL King St. East, ]Bowrnanville Aviation Gasolinei THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1928 Telephone 105 Bowmanville

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