PAGE TWO DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE A difference of opinion prevails Bonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto about those who have passed from University. Graduate of the Royal the Earth World to the Spirit World College of Dental Surgeons of On- as to whether they are conscieus of taio. Office King St., Bowmanvulle. their relatives who are stili in this Office phone 40. House phone 22. life. In a 'Magazine for The Dean- Xý-Ray Equipment in Office. ery of Stratton, Cornwall, sent us by Miss M. M. Treleven, we find an ar- DR. J. C. DEVITT ticle "The Faithfui Departed" writ- Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson ten by J. S. Badcock, that we present te our readers bearing on this ques- Giaduate of Royal Dental College, tien that concerns xery many per- Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- sons,. Mr. Badcock writes: "Love mnanville. Office hours 9 a. M. to 6 neyer fai!eth". says St. Paul, or, as P. m. daily except Sunday. Phone Bishop Rohertson translates the sent- 90. House phone 283. ence, "The time will neyer corne for X-Ray Equiprnent in Office love te (lie". Our dear ones who have pasd to the many mansions DR. R. E. DINNIWELL prepared for them still think of usi Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- and prav for us; their love for us is versity and member of Royal College not dead. Is our love for theni dead of Dental Surgcesonst or living? English people, as a urgeons. .o rule. think little about the dead, verv practise in Ontario and the Domin- few regulariy pi-av for them. Why? Ion. Dentistry in ail ite3 branches. They have not ceased to exist; they Office-King St., Bownanville, OP- are still living, their seuls are im- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. mortal. Why then should we cease te pray for them? LEGAL These devout people who shrink from praying for the dead would be M~. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. happier and better people, and the Barrste, Slictor Noary unseen world would be more real teoi Barrster Solcito, Noary them, if they kept their dear ones in Money to boan on Farm and Town their' prayers. "In every thing ]et Property. Royal Bank Buildingr, your reguests be made known unto Bowmanville. Phone 351. God", says St. Paul. We ought net te shut eut anything from Him; why W. R. STRIKE should we shut out those who have Successor t'. lit. D. B. Sinipson, ICC passed from our side te His nearer Barrister, Solicitor, Nota.ry presence? To pray for the dead is - . ..»- - - a nctiiral as t.n nrav for theling THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY lOth., 1928 Where Newspaper Editors will Meet] T he MacdonaldHotel in Edmonton bias grown? in pepularity as the meeting place et important conventions during recent vears, se it was net surprising, when thce members et the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association con- sidered the holding et their 1928 annual convention in Western Canada, that their choice should taîl upon the Mac- donald 1-otel at Edmonton, as thicir meeting place. The hotel in its narnezprpetuates the AIl that a great metropolitan hotel has te offer its guests is found beneatb the pinnacled and turreted roof et the Mac- donald, which is et the higb standard et Canadian National Railways hotels in every particular. Its rooms are rc-sttul and full et sunlight; it-, hroad rotunda is thronged by out-of-town peoiple and by Edmonton citizens w~ho make this the headquarters for many intprests: its convention halls and publiç romns are soacieus and delightful, and as tcuisine MOTHER'S DAY While comfort and peace and protection Continue to brighten our way, With fervent and grateful affection We think of our mothers today. The mothers are happy in knowing The Lord upon whom they rely: And He is upon theni bestowing The blessings which flow from on high. With mothers who gathered around Him He jeurneyed in fair Gali]ee: And mothers are pleased to surround Hini Wherever they know Him te, be. They know in their joy He rejeices; They know that their sorrows He feeIs: They know He regardeth their voices And comforts and counsels and heais. And we who as fathers and brothers Desire to respond to His cal Alost fervently thank Hini for mothers 0f treasures the dearest of ahl. T. Watson. Ridgetown, Ont., 1928 town; after the verb "!ive"~, "at'" be used of small towns hecause the place is regarded for the time being as a mere point; "in"' is used of large towns after the same verb, as "He lives at Newcastle and she lives 10 Torontci. Solicitor for Bank of Montreal n, lews pray- d for t - -- memory et Sir John A. Macdonald wvho andada Ntonlj It is a good plan for teachers te lioney te Loin PhOaI 91 do se still in the synagogue. Chisit- headed a group et tar sighted men in the sadr hc a eoes ~l-jîsrc hi agrmpl h ih Bowmanville, Ontaib aseoyhr n rn h a- efrst edltepovice e kCna-kown and popular with people travell- way te attack their rubjects. Much liest times have prayed fer the de- da into onu united Dominion. It occu- W. F. WARD, B. A. parted. To pray for the dead pies a comrmanding site on the bank et îng through Canada. valuable time can be saved by know- tar no apratic cnfied o udass the askatchewan river, and occupies After their conventiocn at ldcnîonton, ing how to study te advantage. We Bonuy ter, anlicBonds for u and Christianity, it is cemmen to j.s, acommanding place in the lite and the weekly newspaper eliter., %elil travel sliggust two gond rules that sheuld Morly t loa. Bnds or ulenear]y ail religions, fer it is a nat- in the development of Edmonton, the te Jasper National Park, Cana<la's be fo]bowed. First, get away from Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., toral instinct ef mankind. Capital et the province et Alberta. largest and finest ga:cce - lî t uan.. ing 10 nsyt and hcetaving tee BOffi anv02ille, 4nar9. Phes*** many activities divert the student's Ofie12 os 0.Dcath does not entirely separateý attention. At home hi, thouzbt is ________ ___-us fromn thoso we love. Living and jwbich has assisted hirn te become an' ccss, it will be necessary te po)ssC55 a disturbed by conversation and hy the departod Christians from one great head-waiter, instead of remnaining a similar spirit. radio. The second rule is that he FUNERAL DIRECTORS family. How cao x'ou coase te pray I a i e&ssvsinger of trays and sotips.' * * * ms rag i oks hth F. F. MORRIS CO for thos, e omxu havere nmbein What was the somnething? X'es, givo; Every Young person should possess will knew vhen te study each sub- Complete Motor or God's more immediate presence? 1 t a serieus thougbt? WNhat was it?, a porsonality of bis or ber sef-it ;iject. A plan is a helpful aid to a Hors Equpmen Wha shll w askfor hemy ui hedifren says truly-it was andI quite possible. "What is pers ona-Ity student, giving hlmi a definite titne Hercls qupmet ha shahwTe sask ofortem? OO p ho iferecebetwveen a selfisb and (Ioe-,-u ask? James Samuel Knox for work each day. WRW ~attended to. is a state of rest, waiting, and puri-lan unselfisb person-the difference'says: "Personalitv is that _____________________ Private Ambulance fication; and the cburch has always lOW nga orbmefadsec-et adeprsino -oinner life,i Bowmanville phone I Vayd that God would give tbem ru- tude for others .Ay e, and more whicb radi ates courage, courtesx'. lOînd3 c n t bu ligbt and peace. W'e thon ail these. lt w-as and is th(, and kindinss". 10 nd34 anot utwisb for theni ail goodI difference patrons who neyer go back This important trait i- essential tu, Brnc toeï tbings from God who knows best again te lunch in this case and the succesi i walks of lite. Yet, VOrono & Newcastle how te bless each one. You may fact that somie return as often as bow% many cao says that tbey pessess 1T ________________________-- orgot vour dead but thev do net tbey con te hear that head waiter's this, quaiity? Few, atbough every -________ torgut you, their love bas net grewn pleasýant inquiry: "Did yeu enjoy body roalizes that it i- a miost valu-u _ ALAN M. WILLIAMS cold. They are in Paradise, and your lunch, gentlemen"? able assut. Embalmer and Funeral Director Parad' 'e sbeuld bu more dear te us ** Cal ie pop n ersnla*because it is tbe hbeefetse many Ys eddejyorlnh e Personality can l)e developed and Calîs ien pop n eroa -of ouir dear ones and many others tb îigbt %v did evun bef ore we ver the time te develop it is during teto. No extra charge for dis-: whom we have knewn in the fiesh. asked, but nover se mucb as atter- youth. If a student co'n say that he tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- * * * arsncwe oeakdsiduî bas bearoud the real value of cour- ileOn.3-t1. This writor bas ne misgiv- f riond. ~May we inject a prautical: age, courtesy and kindness wbile in ings on our duty to the taithful ip. question bore? What was that 'acheol, bu will have received a werth- MEDICAL onus evidently for he contin- sometbing that bead-waiter evdn-il-rward u. Your friends have gone bu-i ed? Surely, it was inturest in the wvell- Drn h C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. fore, yeu will join them seon. Mean- being et the pursons who patrenize ugte good old school days, Graduate of TiitordclColge hluasd o ear. Do flotoethofm only htotel dining-rooni. too, is the best timo ever te develop oruch an interuDt bas aotend ency te several ether uharacteristics ef per- Toronto, formerly of Enniakillen. in memerv et old days, or enl y i u n te e nttereintherassnecatns sonal value-bonusty, for instance. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's hope ot a giad meeting seme day. tii! ea th dthe ~ I in terasoitour Wa h aueo ousy e former residence on Church Street, Think of tbem and love themn now. ,tl et d hr at. I n I cen ste au o oesy Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. You cannet tell how close they mingIing witb others in our daiiv cetly' wu ruad that a vote was takuen may come te you at times. Tbank lite wo only say "Gond merning" or0i onu of the large U. S. eastern col-_ J. CI.ARK BELL I God for what they wero te you, fer ~How are you"? with an evidenpe-1lgsao tenirsnorls, AL.,Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. what thuy are now, and for what you snlitreti ahothur's weîî- fidutermining the value of char- (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) hope te find them. Think et what being, it woule. net bu long before atrsi.s ,, oegv oet Hon,. Graduate in Medicine, Aber God is doing for theni and what they bitter, stinging ruhukes and jIs place unanirnously. When the r- do for Ged. Trust theni te His barsb dununiciations would cuasu aoc].students wuru questiened as te tbe deen University; Fellow of the Royal love and care. Remember thern every "ail men brothers bu". jruasen for their rating et honesty, College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. day in your prayers. Pray that, 7 nfrtemr, h esea 1n they said that if a student is bonest Offie ad ReiduceQueen S9t., God's gracu, you may bu brought te terost exprussed is the condition that b a comls retda u Office Heurs: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 te 8.30 p. m. enjoy witb thern the undless lite of tnst make gn business, and cause bu can be trustud and he will Bowmnvile, Pone89y1, tends tt ed uiesan agrbu truthful and dependable about ail Bowmnvile, Pone Whn St. Monica was dying, she pjuts utrbsiesad agrhis work. The boy who is strictly DRS.HAZEWOD AD BRKS said te ber son, St. .Augustino, "Lay etrrss n nabedr tsens onuest and honorable during bis Physicimns and Surgeos this body anywhere: this on!y d i conserves nations and fosters t h .1oe scheei experienue will most OffceHeus:i t 4and7 e 830 ak of yeu, to remember inc et theI spirit that guaranteus an ura of good iikuiy turn out te bu an honest, hon- '. OffceHou p:1 o4nl708 8.3. Lord's altar wherever yoo are". j wihl.** J orable and upright citizen. * * * I * 108 Office. Wellington Street Sometimes we listen with keen in- We may net need te ask the sanie We devoutly wish we could get BowmanvîJie. Ontario. terest te Englisb opinion on ques- question as did the head-waiter but levury studunt te realizu that while tions that concern Canadians. Ru- we may easiy manifest the saine you are attunding suhool, you are net -cently John ' London's Weukly said: spirit. Wu should ask sincere iy of enly suuuriag an education but you VETERINARY Probably the only way te tigbten up eacb other: How are you today? are aise building your charauter. A the relation between education and Did Yeu enjoy your work? Are great many factera enter into the DR. F. -. TIGHE succuas for the million is te educate you succeeding reasonably well? l' formation of your charauter. Thel VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or for known needs and reasonably au there anything 1 cao do te heip you91 booka you read, the teachers wbo in- Night cails proniptly attunded te. cessible positions. This, indeed, i bsshwn ara proalitr struct you, the friends you uhoose, Office: King St. East, Bowmanvilie. the new trend, and some of our wisest est. the organizations you join, ail belp Phonie 243. huads are uounselîing a revolution We ail know there are men and Jte deveiep and stimulate uharauter E.G KRLKE .S. .V.S.under whiuh Destiny, se far as it cao wemen, tee, in different walks in lite rwh By reading good books yeu E.o. orSL nV erS.,tB. V . .be recognized wili become the chiot whocudss he ait elsttsbut dbecoe nacquainted with the great inspectert o nierit o lfpersonal itrs ioahsthe rraphy and bistory. You learo froni Toronto. Al cases given prompti Jn othe r words, techoical educa-las rnuuh in any case, as they, ol their mistakes and are inspired te / and careful attention. Office-I tien w.Ill supursude bookish eduuation,I1 easily do. Net se muuhpas, worthier efforts by their example. Dr. McEiroy's former office. PhoeInucb lof xhich cao bu trusted t bue tbey (Io net possess the in-ý * * * Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. corne et itseif te thosu wbe thirst for terost, as because et a tboughtless0 We cao assure every studunt of it; and millions who w'ould neyer noglest or indifferonue. ho suub in- wibevur sex that it is the aim et Iwrite ossays r ,.solve alegbraic prob- stances, those neglouts are likely te h ntutr n uolt eee AUCTIONEERS lems te mucb propose wil ho taught prove burtfui te both partie.s oliko the best qualities in their students. THEO M. SLEMONte make tbings xvell, te know good, anti immediate offert sheuld ho mode'I o iltyt oprt ibyu Auctioneer 1work from bad, te cùntr'ýve and in- bonthy are recognized te ever- teachers, you xii find that tboy do vent, and te producu wealth whicb is corne tbeni. ruuh te hulp you to develop into L Ta' Fanm and House Sales a Specialty. ih in substance antI beautitul in Se d car readers, wve ail rnay do Vlorrbv citizen.,. Cultivate friends ihe Ternis noderate. Enniakilien 0P. O.r vrs i or any sscnti *-tf. an The change %vili ho slow foros nor liyascais jwbo have ideals, who practise self- bricati Phono 197r3d poinful, foi, the diseases et social thnt tie uitcn'seapecnrhxb ave a purpose in lite. Keep li ambition antI xorldly greeti have, -the botel dHie. Bti r bywii l nc edvlpsei -ear that Motor hma CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUULESS, gene for. We saoli b told that thi (lou te makeofe our lite a sinmîlar sue-, ing traits in yoi. Io suheol clubs :'--u-m'mfore THEROPY -ot.s up tecasse cuain n ___________ vtuu are given an opportunity te a-s- fo jp DURWIN E. STECKLEY I for gentlemen, the other tor- the mol); j__________________suine responsibility, to learn te ce- 1 You ca anti it wili take along tinue t o-oeaewt ohradt eeo honor graduate of Toronto CoIýere at o- prt wibohes n.t eee motorc of Chiropractic wili bu in the Bo vince people that the division et lob-I O*f the qualitiesofsetadership. Jein a 'nanville Office Tuesday, Bo--dy or-preparation thus gressly mis-statedI club if your sehoül bas onu or more. -YOU1 AdSaturday uvenings, phonu 141J. f isfene nteuoleai at Resiental ell mad duingicr-- The xx rld requ ires net se nîuch a«îEntial caîlso madenduning a, re-bcfrliteded" noons. \~~~~et somo mon mu.ctdi otatÀeesiueie - t urmno" ils dg 1isthe 'slogan ot the Correct English and .-soefor truth ..Many must live in the ccuntry anti many in the S ~4~ towns if both are te prosper. Somne mon make chatteis and some ~ 41 a wv. Education xiii ho at its bost xvben it ctnsults the fair figbting 4 chaunces et lite, above ail whon it places individuality before comrntn- ality, anti values personai impulse aboeve hypnotism; and when wu i'arn tbicr-ttc over-etiecate or te mni-c',du- coteý is te procluce a heiplussness that, s usually hoenti remedy because a, mn ives but once and cannot be r-1 g- ad ù. AIl this is net te deny any monntor woman bis or ber dlaim te the fair deligbts et iearning. Thuso lac wait (in ail thoso who woo them, fer Add to the joy of the culture xxiii always remain o man'.s rd, open road-this pleasure. A Pitt te bimacit xvhicb the world can- glving refreshment. ntt give, neither can it take away. mi A sugarcoated gum that WA la affords double value. Pep- permint flavor in the sugar si coating and peppermints Wôndr hoxx' nn persons actuaiiy show lesnlintereoat t,) r-ber humî- ans? Wv meniein their daiiv as- .sociations xith telloxv citizons, neigh- lors or oth-rs. A business niman telus us bis expc-rit-nce whieh preinptedl this ioquiry and comment. Wo were uoming eut et a bote! dining-reemn when the head waiter inciuired: "Did you enjoy your lunch, gentle- men"? he said, manifesting a pou-son- aI interuat quite unusual. XVe thcught of bis inquiry several times atter- ward. Our conclusion is that the waiter expressed that something Matchlesu lu Charnu and Dignty 1 No use talking . . . for sheer floor beauty you cannot beat the artistry of nature's gi There's cha refinement in of S -K harc, Anid it harr delightfully color scheme, McCLELLAN Phone 15 mistakles that occur daiiy in sbeIth, speech antI xvriuing, he realizes the truth et the feregting slogan. High School student.;shobuld be able te speak and xvriteco crructiy, buut how; fpw do? Tbey permit tbemselves te speak uareiessly and seidemn as- suine a criticali ttitude towau'd their cheice of words and sentence struct- ure. Oral composition is a capital exorcise with everv membur et the clam. as a uritic. Te prautise speak- ing and writing corruutiy is onueto the great essentials in education. ,raining. 0It is exceefling <iffclt for us to iracer ad "Y, so we ask t.()bceuxcused if xvo aracte and sem too free xith crur adviue andj n every foot sugg9estions, Ilitre is goniething, Lwood. igbt who dc.sire te observe the cou-- rect useofetcemin words: A word monizes 80 usetl fettn incerrectlv is "discem- with any modle" whici i.; ompioyed ini place eti "incommode". For instance, "I'm M.. id sorry te discommode yeu". "I'în sor- ry te incommnonde you" is the correct & CO. LTD., terni. "Discoinniode" in the sense of incommode or incenvenienue la Bowmanville now obselete. The prepositiens "lat", ad"n are tee fruquentiy used inthang- abiy. "ýAt" is always required when Y R D " ithe place ta thougbt of as a murej 1point, whether a large or a smali STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S . F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cails At Our Expense Conduct Your Affairs With Dignity A Standard Bank savings account lends dignitv to the transactions of the depositor. It identifies hlm with an organization that is known and respected in the community, and establishus a contact which is invalu- able should he at any tume desire counse] or advice on xnôney matters. Open a Standard Bank savingsaca- count. It will help you te develop your financial resources as nething else can, and enable you te contluct your personal financial affairs with dignity. ~. 0F CANADA ESTABUSHED 1873 0D. L. WEESE L ý Mayager, Bowvnarltile Branch Branche, alio at Newcastle. Newtonvije. Orono Oshawa s~W c à Thcoi oi doi'qhmo i7te-.ienberrelngbei 1,, b,),o -oird oghk~ -' ing ooninie sivet Ui- i notes o bappitesi .. lhum 0 /a CGnmned 1Motorm. the hum of proper lu- tion-of Red Indian Oil. her running with a smooth tnd you'1l save many a bill pairs. -an't compromise with oil-there is no haif way are either using the right you are headed for trouble. If it'. RED INDIAN OIL, you1I hear the hum that says-"The oil's O.K." Don't take a chance. Fi up with RED INDIAN. McCOLL FRONTENAC 011. CO. CYCLO Niotor Fuel MARATHON Iii-Test Cas MOTOR WL Phone 54 AND GARAGE CYCLO MOTOR FUEL No Carbon No Knocks No Chemicals More Power More Miles-Try a Tank Bowmanville SOLE AGENTS FOR:- RED INDIAN MOTOR OILS MARATHON HI-TEST CAS SEIBERLING ALL-TREAjD TIRES RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP COLE'S RED INDIAN STATIONI O. M. L. OFFICIAL STATION- EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE 1 Pi Lrx iiffiieý