Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1928, p. 4

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-oem THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l9th., 1928. Bran tford Bird's S Get your roofing don of spring work. With th on hand we cani supply yoi ly and economically. Don't buy roofing unt Ask to see Bird's Star les-something different costs no more. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER *Miss Emily Palmer entertained fourteen girls from Oshawa and Bow- manville at a miscellaneous shower at the home of ber brother, 352 Arthur Street, Oshawa, Friday even- ing, in honor of Mliss Viola Stevens of Maple Grove, who is to bc married soon. As the bride-eleet entered the room the wedding march was played arnd she was 1ed to the chair of honor,. ENFIELD Miss Evelyn Stinson bas been vis- iting near Pontypool. . .. Miss Irene Bray, Toronto, visited at Mr. S. Brny's. . . . Mrs. Edwin Ormiston has heen visiting at Boheaygeon. Mrs. MI. Gilroy has been under the doct- or's care. ... Several new faces ap- peared at our Academy last Monday morning. over which hung the happy bell. COURTICE Master Douglas Palmer then wheeled his carniage decorated in white, laden Rev. H. J. Stainton, Mrs. Stainton witb parcels to Miss Stevens. After and Master Ronald spent several days the parcels had been opened and the in Toronto last wee k, guests of Mr. verres rend, the girls were invited and Mrs. Ralph Mclntosh...Mr. to the dining room, where a daunty and Mrs. Jesse Arnot and family, lunch was served. The table was Maxwell's, wcre Sunday guests of her decorated witb white, ccntred with mothen, Mrs. Ehi Osborne... .Mlss a silver basket of yellow roses and Jane Walters spent the Raster holi- lighted by yellow candles. Mrs. days witb ber grandmother, Mma. Harry Palmer assisted Miss Palmer Trick, Oshawa. Mr. S. S. Brooks at the table. is on the jury at Cobourg .... Mrs. W R. Courtice visited her cousin, Mrs. Frank Smith, Oshawa, and attendcd Ian aluminum demonstration there AUCTJON SALES put on by Mr. Latta, Campbellford. . .Mr. Ray Brook~s bas gone to Flint, Satuday Apil 1stMis Lily Michigan, wbere he is continuing bis Sanotrdypil l]by t-piss ctoncourse in connection wtb General aT hretsill el byHa ponicautiof n rMotors ...Mr. Mîton Gay, Miss at berol resice ampton, ai of her Betb, Mr. Russel Gay, Mr. Leo Thousodfrue and o urnishings.ere Courtice and Mrs. Blake Courtice The bsal eaineltil e odplaeedmotored to Winona and attended the forsal atth sae tmeandplae.funeral of Mr. John Grills who is Sale at 1 p. m. Sec bills. W. J.i fat.her of Mrs. Milton Gay ...The Challis, Auctioneer. services on Sunday were wcll attend- Saturday, April 28tb-Mrs. Rom- ed. Our Pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton aine Dumas, Ontario Street, Bow- pneached a most impressive sermon manville, will selI ber household. in the morning on "It is finisbed" furniture and effects, as well as work land the sufferings of our Saviour. and garden tools. Sale at 1.301 The Sunday Scbool session as usual p. M. Terms cash. W. J. Chaihis, was well attended. in the evening Auctioneer. 16-2 the service was hcld in No. 8 Scbool when Prof. Mathison, University of ______- Toronto, preached the last sermon of the senies on "Salvation". He de- livered n masterful sermon to a pack- ed bouse. Next Sunday evening, service will be beld in church and Rev IStainton will give "Ben Hur" with I pictures. .On Monday evening about R oofJLi1n s'ken toToronto by Mr. Sid icbolls 9in the bus to Runnymede Cburcb, ND wbere the play "The New Minister" was presented. Tbis play was given bour people some years ago and itvns much enjoyed by those who hingles went. Aftcr teetranette were rigbt royally entcrtained by Mr and Mrs. Elmer Rundle at thein home. A splendid lunch was served and a social time spent. Our people as ne early before the rush usual bad a jolly time going and comn- ing..Do not forget missionary he large stock of roofing meeting at the home of Mns. Frank ur requirements prompt- Rundie this Thursday afternoon at %filirfil cal-rll "vnnoFree Oil Saturday -at Nelles Garage mi youget uur pcs ndard Thick Butt Shing- and a littie better, yet Brantford roofing and Bird's Shingles are sold in Bowmanville by MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville House Cleaning Must Be Done So Iet's face it with a Smile To make a hard job easy we offer to help busy housekeepers this week by featuring many articles which go to make the work easier as well as a thor- ough job. Prices are reasonable, too. Watch our windows. 75c Broomis For 49c 500 Brooms, Regular 75c quality, Special this week at a real bargain, onîy 49c Each. PURE MAPLE SYRUP Best we have ever sold, fresh this week in 1 gallon tins at $2.50 We deliver the goods-first delivery 8.15 a. m. A RCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Delicious Cakes Every day adds new customers for our delicious Cakes and Pastries. We are now featuring many favorite recipes that appeal to the good taste and fancy of aIl who try them. They are decidedly different from thç regular "Bakery Cake"-they savor of the Homne-made-the kind you'd bake yourself, and with the wide varieties now being offeredby us, you can satisfy your every longing, while the prices are so reasonable that you cannot afford to take the tinie to bake, yourself. WHOLE WHEAT ROLLS are provinz very popular with many of our customers who ap- preciate goodness and variety. Try them. HAMPTON AND ENNISKILLEN Corbett's Bread and Buns are now on sale fresh daily at stores in Hampton and Enniskillen. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville SOLINA Master Russel Hardy is suffering from n sprained foot received wben hie f cil off the strawstack at the home of bis grandfathen, Mr. James Reeson, Columbus.... Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and family, Black- stock, visited bier motber, Mrs. W. T. Taylor, wbo la confined to bier bed witb neuritis...Miss Vera Short- ridge is visiting Starkville friends. ....Mn. and Mrs. Donald. Yellow- lees and family, Columbus, visited at Mr. Walter Vice's. . .. Mr. A. L. Pas- coe visited bis daugbtcr, Mrs. D. McLaugblin, Toronto, and attended a meeting of the Milk Producers' As- sociation. . .. Pleased to report that Mrs. S. E. Werny is progressing fav- orably after ber recent operation. ,.Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink visited at Mrs. Thos. Pascoe's, Hampton....-- Master Russel Balson -bas been vis- iting at Blackstock.... Mn. Sidney Wright spent the weekend witb Lon- don fniends. .Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin and family have movcd fromn Mr. Norman Wright's bouse to the Sonlcy farm near Zion. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Tink are moving into the bouse vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Martin... Messrs. Harvey and Isaac Hardy visited at Whitby. ...Miss Wilma Hudgins, Oshawa, viaited Miss Dorotby Harris. .. .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moorey and Mrs. Chas. Blan- chard visited Toronto friends.. . . Mrs Norman Mutton and Miss Ruth, Osh- awa, visited at Mn. W. H. West- lake's... Mn. Richard Williams and Crozien, of Cartwright, at Deputy Reeve Silas Williams' .... On Wed- nesday nigbt at, Apnil ilth about g0 fnicnds and neigbbors of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKessock gathered at their home and gave them a genuine surprise, it being the 25th anniver- sary of their marriage. Whilc Mns. John Baker played the wedding march, the bride and groom of 25 yenrs ago were seated and Mn. A. L. Pascoe la a happy speech expiained the reason of thein coming. Li*tle Miss Doreen Hardy presented Ms McKessock with a beautiful bouquet of roses and Miss Edna Reynolds and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds prcsented them with cases of silver knives and foni<s 'and a beautif ul silver sandwich plate. jMn. and Mrs. McKessock replied, welcoming their friends to their home and thanking them for the beautiful gifts also for their many kindnesscs in days gone by. Short congratu- latory speeches were made by M essrs. John Baker, H. G. Pascoc, A. J. Reynolds, W. VanNest, John Pascoe and others intcnspersed with comn- munitvý singing led by Mrs. John Baker. Master George Werry fav- orcd with a piano solo and Miss Margaret Scott with a reading. The remainder of the cvening was spent in music, games, and in a social way, and refreshments werc scrvcd by the ladies. . .. Women's Institute meet- ing at the home of Mrs. S. Bush on Thursdny aftcrnoon was well attend- cd with the President, Mrs. Thomas Baker, presiding. It was dccided to makc a bithday cake for the 25th' anniversary of our Institute to be celebrated in June. The surprise program was in charge of Mrs. Gor-ý don Leask and threc good papens were given on "The Wealth of On- tario" by Mrs. Harvey Hardy; "The Laws of Ontario" by Mrs. E. G. Black and "Famous Men of Ontario" by Mrs. Cecil Pascoe. Mrs. Bush favorcd with music on the Victrola. A 10e exchange of parcels took place which caused much merniment. Dainty ncfresbments were served and a social time cnjoyed. .A good crowd was out to League Monday night to hear the programn in charge of the 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. E. R. Tay- lor. Bible lesson was rend by Percy Dewell; devotional pcniod hy Mn. E. R Taylor; the topie on the dangers of slang and cheap talk was well taken by Miss Nora Werry; mouth organ music by Jack Walker and Raiph Wil- bur; the recreational peniod was in charge of Miss Helen Baker who conducted a musical contest. Meet- ing closed with the League benedic- tion. SALEM Rev. J. W. Bunner occupied the pul- pit Sunday and bis discourse was a very inspiring one, based on the theme Christ Crucified.. Citizenship departmnent of Y. P. L. meeting this Thursday evening at 8 p. m., every- one welcome .. Next Sunday cvening the League meeting will be in charge of 4tb Vice, Mr. Leslie Coombs. A good program is being prepared and you are specially invited. .Reserve May 4th when the splendid drama "Nancy Ann Brown's Folks" will be presented in Salem Cburch by the Y. P. L.. Furtber particulars Iter ... On Friday another of our popu- lar community gatherings was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsb wben a goodly number of both young and old were present. Mr. and Mrs Welsb made ideal host and hostess and the evening was spent in euchre and other games with a splendid luncheon served by the ladies and n jolly evening came to a close in the small hours after al bad joined in n bearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Welsh. Free Oil Saturdny at Nelles Garage MAPLE GROVE Mr. Gates and daugbtcr, Cherry-1 wood, visited tbe former's daughten, Mrs. Ivan Law, last week. .. Miss Florence Aldsworth, Toronto, recent- ly visited ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldsworth. ..... M ss Lauretta Munday, Courtwright, visited ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday, Sr., and other relatives last week.... Our young people journey- ed to Newtonville on Tuesday even- ing and prsented their play "Wanted -A Wife" to a full house . ... Miss Dora Ames, Town, visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden on Sunday. . .Women's Missionary Society held its annÙal Thank-offening service on Sunday afternoon iast, when Dr. W H. Birks, Bowmanville, gave a very interesting and informative address on China. The ladies' choir sang two excellent anthems xvich were ap- preciated by aIl present. Pastor Stainton made a capital chairman.. A number from bere attended the "Harmony Male Choir" concert ln Trinity United Churcb, Bowmanville, last week. Free Oil Saturday at Nelles Garage ENNISKILLEN jLeague meeting was in charge of 2nd Vîce-President, Miss Audrey Dorland. Meeting was opened with bymns after whicb the Leaguers joined in the Lord's Prayer. Bible lesson wva rend by Miss Revn Mc- Gill; devotional was taken by Frank Dorland; short reading was given by Annie Oke; topic -was w-ell piepared by Miss May Werry; Edgar Wright gave an interesting reading; solo was splendidly sung by Mrs. L. Ashton. Meeting was closed with League benediction. Miss Eva Souch, Bowvmanville, visitcd ber sister, Mrs. John Py...... Wc welcome Mrs. Preston back to ber old home again. Our sympathy is extendcd to Mr. John Slemon anîd family in the death of bis brother, Dr. E. T. SIenion, Ottawa.... .Mr. Fred Mountjoy is under the docton's care. . .. Mrs. W. H. Moore felI while painting a ceilinL, and dislocated aý bone in ber elbow and wns badlv shaken up. . . . Read article on page 2 "Enniskillcn School Lucky". Corbett's Wholesome Bread and Buns are now on sale at Theo. M. Sicmon's and N. Byers'. Frce Oil Saturday at Nelles Garage HAMPTON The Young People's meeting Fn- day evening was in charge of the Missionary Group, with Miss Ethel Stephens presiding. Devotional was in charge of Miss Marjorie Pascoe. Mîssionary group favored with a chorus; 4th chapter of the Study Book "Bubbling Springs in Bief' was taken by Mr. Wilfrid Smale; Mr. Leonard Martin Rave a reading; Mr. Wallace Horn favored with a violin solo. The recreation period took the form of a missionary basebal match,1 the balls being questions taken from the study book Drums in the Darkness... ..Hampton school repprt on page 6. Corbett's Wholesome Bread and Buns are now on sale at W. W. Horn's Store. Free Oul Saturday at Nelles Garage TUXIS & TRAIL RANGER NEWS Lorne Jackman entertained bis Ojibway Tuxis gnoup at bis home for a social evening. The group met at the Tuxis Hall at 7 o'clock, thereý being only onc absentcc. Several games were playcd bctwcen tcams No. 1 and 2. The most entcrtaining part of the cvcning was the render- ing of several tricks and sleigbt of band work by the mentor. To make it more intercsting the mentor did n trick then showed a member bow to do it, who then performcd it before the others. Now eacb boy knows one trick nnd may know another if he detected the performance of an- other. Lunch was served and al ate a good share. Owing to bolidays the meetings of other gruups wene postponed. Meet- ings of special interest will be beld this week. Two new members wil be officinhiy initiated into one group. A district meeting of members of Panliament will bc held at Port Hope May 4th for discussion of Boys' Work in general and wbetber Trail Rang- ers sbould be in Panliament. Prevention Better Than Cure People know that it is better to prevent moth damiage than to cure it. They don't wait until their blankets, rugs and winter clothing are moth-eaten, but they are treating them now with Larvex that colorless, odorless, stainless liquid which is positive insurance against MOTH DAMAGE It is sprayed on and souls nothing. Sold in Bowmanville By KERSLAK E'S The Dependable Drug Store We Deliver Phone 49 Many Lives Saved Last ycar many poultry people in this district wcre suc- ccssful in raîsinz almost 100% of the cbicks by feeding chick feed and chick mash of the safe, sure and simple method as out- lined by STiAMINAX FEED. Four of the largcst poultry men in this vicinity use STAMINAX FEED cxclusively in nearing young chicks up to their laying time, whicb la conclusive proof that STAMINAX FEED la properly mixed and contains proper ingredienta to raîse chicks and keep them in correct healtb and vigor anI promote growth. From resuits obtained last year our customers were ex- tremely well satisfied in the health and growth of chicks, partic- ularly in the early stages when mortality is usually the greatest. By followinz simple directions of STAMINAX FEEDS we guarantee absolute satisfaction and that proper growth and health will be assured. STAMINAX FEEDS can be supplied in any quantity up to 100 lb). bags. It is worth your while giving this feed a trial this spring. Sold exclusively by Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" TYRONE Visitors: Mrs. Stutt, Orono, is visitinz her sister, Mrs. H. Hilis; M,%r and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson and Miss Hazel Hodgson spent a couple of days in Toronto; Miss Hazel Turner has returned to her school duties liere; Miss Hazel Hodgson haa returned to her school at Corbeyville; Miss Edythe Clemens has returned to be-r school at Turtie Lake. her father, Mr. A. W. Clemens, accompanying her as far as Toronto; Miss Lillian and Dorotby Hemphill, Toronto, spent a few days with their cousin, Miss Viola Shortt; Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findley and Bert Thornhill, Sundayed with Mr. E. Virtue, Mrs. Findley and Bert remaining with her niother; Mn Levi Annis has returned to Toronto Normal School; Mr. Allan Lundsay, Peterboro, is visiting friends here; Mn. C. W. Woodley and Mrs. Byron Moore have been quite ilI with the grip; Mrs. A. W . Annis and Mrs . D. Hooper spent a few days wuth friends in the city...League Thurs- day evenung was un charge of 2nd Vice-President, Miss Lola Richards. Following program was presentd- Topic, "The Blacksmith's Hammer" by Mr. Floyd Dudley; reading, Miss Ruby Virtue; Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Trumpour conducted a snappv spell- ing match... . Rev. J. R. Trumpour preached a splendid sermon on Sun- day morning taking for his subject "Judas Iscariot and Forgiveness of Sin..W. M. S. annual Thank- Offering service on Sunday niorning. Dr. W. H. Brks, Bownianvillc, will be the speaker. Male choir in at- tendance.. . . Regular service on Sun- day at 7 p. m.- Free Oil Saturday at Nelles Garage PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE Li hi YOU SAVE Buy Boys' Suits This Week Extra Special Thursday, Friday and Saturday 3 Days Only $9,995 25 Boys' Suits-Coat, 1 Long Pant, 1 Bloomner Pant Purchased from the manufacturer this week at less than wholesale price enables us to, clear this suit worth $15.00 for $9.95 See Window Display MEN'S TOP COAT A big special line this weekend, worth $22.50, CLEARING FOR $18.95 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT $1.95 Odd lines and travellers' samples, worth up to $3, CLEARINGi FOR $1.95 EACH MEN'S UNION MADE OVERALLS AT $1.39 A splendid uine of Men's Union Made Overaîls, with bib and braces, black also blue stripe, OUR BIG SPECIAL THIS WEEK $1.39 PAIR T. ]B. Gilchrist Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanville ?ÂGE 'ouR v. FREEOIL To celebrate the opening of the White Rose Service Station at King and Liberty Streets we are on Saturday, April 2lst Giving absolutely free for the one day oniy ONE CAN 0F EN-AR-CO MOTOR QIL to each custonier who buys 5 gallons or more of gasoline on Saturday next. Can you imagine an easier way to niake money than by this free off er? Sec you Saturday. ALL READY FOR BUSINESS White Rose Gasoline, Oul, Greases for sale. Tires, Tubes, auto accessories in stock. Batteries charged, called for and delivered. Cars washed, ouled and greased. FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE Every year is Leap Year to Pedestrians-Step on the gas Satur- day and line up for the free oul. White Rose Service Station iPhone 430 Fred W. Nelles Bowmanville Back to the Land A lot of people are anxiously awaiting to get at their gardening-but the backward weather has held up the works. It looks more encouraging now. So first time you're down town better eall and select your Garden Seeds. Our new fresh stock is here-ail government tested and best quality. Vegetables from the Sunny South stifl in great demand-we have them fresh and a good variety. Maple Syrup is going strong at $2.50 gallon. HOUSECLEANING NEEDS-We have the stuif to make the dirt disappear-Soape Bon Ami, Dutch Cleanser, Ammonia Pow- der, Pan Shine, Floor Polish, Whiz Household Products, etc. IIARRY ALLIN, Orocer 1- - 1

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