Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1928, p. 3

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PAGE T13M MRE CANADIAN STATE5MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l9tb., 1928. Srïng Time Means &New Furniture PROBABLY YOU WILL BE WANTING SOME NEW FURNITURE A New Dining Room Suite. A Chesterfield Suite. A Bedroom Suite. We have some splendid showings and prices are very reasonable. Our new Baby Car- niages and Go-Carte are here. Corne and look them over. Spîings and onable prices. We sell glass shoes for Furniture, also r Furniture Polishes. BaCran n R 0W Shades. Mattresses-ail kinds-at reas- F. F. MORRIS COMPANY Home Furnishers Bowmanville Furniture Phone 10 Il 'q -i -BRIGHTER HOME STORE- BRING SPRINGTIME INTO YOUR HOME Spring is definite- ly the season for brightening and ne- furnishing the home. New Wall Papen in cheerful spig colons and artistic modern de- signe, repainting in - pleasing spring tints-calcimining- we do it ail. Our Prices Are Very Reasonable. Let us give you an estirnate. You will be unden no obligation. Buy Your School Supplies Here Painting and Decorating Phone 489 GEO. PRITCHARD Z Door, West of F. F. Morris Co. Bowmanviile Il -q ou? , sou Deta on C.torffermony *.n aine mony, audhreitlonsafor beauL, n h /. rom yo.i. dotr o1 m'e .di- n> 1MonienS. IlIt was your idea, dear, I was the doubting one, but I'm certainly convinced now-and I'm a bit proud of mny painting ability, too.09 IlDon't take too much credit, John, rememnber what the paint man said about B-H " English Il being easy ta use and covering Bo well." RRANDRA-HENDERBON Guamatftd t. ontais Drsndmm SGenuin . B. .Wbts Los ad u Y/bte Zlnc. comblad ia ::.Pd2 FoPOrtimof IoSto as. leasing *0 etomlt- vilap4u -bW MASON & DALE, Bowmanville, Ont. H. C. BONATHAN, Newcastle, Ont. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. William Smit.h spent Easter with Coîborne friends. April is more than half gone and ground still frozen bard. Put out camp fires and matches and save Canada's forests. Surely Winter lingers in the lap af Spring this year ai graco. The Christian Herald ta Canadian subscribers two years for $3.50. Mr. Wallace Greenfield spent Easter at bis home in Coîborne. Lewis Jumieson, Pontypool, owns a sow that gave birth ta 19 pigs. Mr. R. W. Clarke, Weyburn, Sask.,* visited Millbrook friends recently. Mis. A. Bue and Helena, Part Perry, bave been holidaying bere. Remember Bowmanville had a [heavy snow storm on April 15, 1928. Miss Winnifred Watson, Coîborne, recently visited ber aunt, Mrs. Geo. E. Chase. Miss Gilbank, Port Perry, apent Easter vacation at ber home near Bowmanville. Miss Rose Bate visited ber aunt, Mrs. Robert Bate, Taranto, during Easter bolidays. Mr. Orval Boe and Mr. Donald Boe, of Bowmanville, recently visit- ed in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weeks, Bail- ieboro, celebrated 25th anniversary of their marriage recently. Miss Jessie Fallis, Toronto,' spent Easter with ber mother, Mrs. David Fallis, Fallis Line, Cavan. A safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Lindsay Kiwanis Club bave accept- ed an invitation ta visit the Boys' Training School at Bowmanville. Mrs. (Dr.) W. T. Veale, Harrow, Ont., bas been enjaying a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mr.;. C. A. J ohnston. Mayor T. S. Holgate was a guest of the Metropalitan Life Co. at its banquet at King Edward Hotel, Tor- onto, on Thursday. Miss Winnifred Harris who gave an address to the W. M. S. in Trinity Cburch on Sunday was guest ai Mrs. J. U. Robins at the Parsanage. Miss Mary Howard, B. A., College of Education, Tarante, spent Easter with ber parents, Rev. F. H. Howard, S.T.L., and Mms. Howard, Millbrook. Mrs. Estella Hetherington, teacher ai Leadership Training Class, Mill- brook, was presented with a copy af "Christ at the Round Table" at East- er. Mr. Gea. 0. vandervort, lodger keeper, Bank of Montreal, bas been transferred ta Calgary, Alta Mr. J. E. MacNaughton, Tweed, flling the vacancy bore. His many former pupils in Oshawa High Scbool and in Darlington will regret the passing after an aperation of Dr. E. T. Slemon, B. A., Inspect- or of City Schools, Ottawa. Campbellford will pave 2 miles af road in centre af town this year. contract for a bituminous top on a machine base was awarded ta Stand- ard Paving Co., Ottawa, at $60,410. D. L. Somerville, Principal of the Paort Hope Public Schools, was elected une of the officers of the Elementary Department ai the On- tario Education Association, at Tor- onto. Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood, of Oshawa, announce the engagement ai their daughter, Aileen Louise, ta Mr. Gardon C. Myers, son ai Mms. Myers, ai Oshawa, and the late Mr., H. B. Myers ai Barrie, the weddîngl ta take place the middleofa May. On Monday evening about 40 mem- bers ai Anglican Young People's As. sudiation visited Port Hope 'Branch. An excellent evening's entertainnient was given by Part Hope members con- sisting of games, competitions, drama, community singing, a short sketch, 'The Courtbip ai Standiah" by Mr. C. Hancuck Miss A. Wiseman and Mr. J. Mitchell; recitations by Mrs. Gardon Strong and a. violin solo by Mr. Alf. Stagg. Prize winners wero J. Mitchell, Port Hýope. Refreshnîenta follawed by dancinL, and te isual cheers for the entertainers campleted an excellent evening. BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA Will Staat Monday, JUIF lèth. Word bas been received that the Redpatb Chautauqua is expected ta commence in 'Bowmanville this year about Monday, July 16th for a 5-days entertainment. Manager R. E. Bendell says high hopes are entertained for 1928. A great deal of thought, effort, time and expense is going into the building of the new program, ta the end that it may surpass any previously pre- sented on the circuit-a real task, as you may know. In the meantime keep the date in mind--July 1 6th-and watch for further particulars. SAFETY PREVENTION ESSAYS Manager C. T. Rose of Royal Theatre Gives Psizes to Successfui Pupils. Several weeks ago the pupils of the local public school were taken ta the Royal Theatre where Mr. La Trobe of the Ontario Safety League showed on the screen a very inter- esting illustrated talk on 'How Ac- cidents Can Be Prevented". Aiter- wards the pupils were asked ta write compositions on what tbey saw and heard on this occasion. Mr. C. T. Ross, popular manager of Royal Theatre, very generously offered prizes ta the pupil in eacb raom wrîting the best essay. The winners are: Room 1--Sr. IV-Donald Williams Room 2-Jr. IV-Bessie Gives Room 3--Jr. IV-Harold Clmer Room 4--Sr. IUI-Harry Jackman Roon 5-Jr. III-Marjory Jones Boom 6-Sr. 111--Jean Morris Room 6-Sr. Ul-Audroy Elliott Room 7-Sr. III-Hubert Houper Room 7-Jr. II-Ada Clark Rooni 8-Sr. II-Marjorie Holbrook Room 9-Jr. II-(b Helen Foster BLoom 9-Jr. II-(a) Marian Scott IN THE SPRINGTIME You need a spring tonic. There in not.hing btter than MILLER'S CANADIAN HERB JUICE. Itma 'b.l taken by young and old. Tho vo- sule uaanteed or your mono>' che.vfully refundod. Âak Jry a L»oll Ltd., about " iarum.dy.1 a *290 A WONDERFUL NEW CONSOLE (Model "Two-Sixty") A 5-tube Rogers-Bot teryless R.- cedver (conpletely slzzelded) com- bined ivith the famous Junior Symphony Speaker in a beautiful Walnidt-yhnlshed Cabinet uîth Drop Door and ou4ý5de POWer Switch. The greatest radio value in Canada at $290 c'pnplete--ali ready to "P1149 in, then tune in." Here's real extra value ini a Rogers Radio--without bat- teries, chemnicals, chargers or attachments of ans' kind. If you want a powerful, year- 'round, modern radio at a minimum price, see anid hear this latest Rogers 'Model. Free Demonstration in your Home. Easy Payments. SONd in Bowmanville By W. 3. BAGNELL King Street West Ros got the surprise of las alfe Ho had asked Long Dis- tance for a New York nurn- ber, and planned ta dictate several letters wbile wait- ing for tbe connectian. Be- fore ho could bang up, the operatar said:- l'Hold the Uine, please!" "Surely she can't expect me ta hold this line bahf an hour!" be said to bis stono- grapher. "Hali an hour? It prabably won't be over twa minutes. This new speedy Long Dis- tance service is very quick." To provide increased facil- ities, many new Long Dis- tance circuits are being installed. Most of therri wifi be in use this Spring. Here are some ai the important additions:- Montreal- Toronto 5 new clrenlt&-.-18 In ail Montreal- Ottawa 2 " -15" Ottawa- Toronto i1~ Toronto- London 2 Toronto- Wndsor 1 4" London- Detroit 1i4 - Taking a Sensible Views What's the best thing to do with an ugly floor? Cover it up with some- thing costy .... that soon loses its freahnesa and eventually wears out ? At f ar Iess coet, you can relay the floor with hard- wood, that retaina its beauty forever 1 McCLELLAN Phoýno 15 & CO. LTD., Bowmanville HENS WANTED On account of Jewish holidays being on now thene je a big demand for hens. So I w'ill pay big pnices for fat hens. Phone 81, Whitby, free of charge. 1.J STEIN whitby 12-4 a? 'I Can You Get Insurance "SUCH SHANNANIGAN'S" DRAWS TWO CAPACITY HOUSES Cobourg Young People Prove to b. Ciever Amateur Artias. For an out of town amateur coni- pany to step into Bowmanville and fil th, Opera House almoat to cape- city twice in a fortnight would be considered attexnpting the impos- sible. That is, until the young people of St. Michael's Church, Co- bourg, came along with their popu- l ar laugh-provoking 3-act Irish play "Such Shannanigans" which was given for the second time here on Thursday evening to an appreciative and well satisified audience. The play was along the Jiggs and Maggie variety in which a hod-car- rier suddenly became wealthy. It was then that Mary Ann, bis wif e, and the children attempted to step out into society and put on aires such as the idle rich neyer before equalled. 0f course, there were tragic situations and complications beset the aspirants to the four-hun- dred class throughout the play which retained the interest right ta the end -when all lived happy ever alter. Roars and ripples of good hearted laughter from the audience sîgnîfied the pleasure and enjoynient the aud- ience received as the story unravel- led and the plot thickened. Yet with aIl the extreme and ridi- culous situations enacted by the clev- er performers there was a moral to the play which was very pointed and timely in this pleasure-loving age or of extravagance and keeping up with the Joneses. The cast of characters was well chosen and the players excelleji them-, selves in every wNay. Vincent But- ler, who took the leading role of Pat- rick Casey, a retired contractor, was a whole show in himself. He took the part of a typical stage Irishman to perfection with the proper ac- cent, gesticulations and a naturaînes which left nothing lacking. Armond Clemont, as a Frenchi Modiste, cleverly impersonated bis part as an eccentric Parisien. In fact we might give special mention to each character as they all com- bined to make a real enjoyable play well worth the time and money. The cast of characters was: Patrick Casey, a retired contractor-vincent. Butler; Mary Anne, bis wife-Bessie Kewin; Michael, his son-Robert Lavis; Kathleen and Maggie, bis daughters-Helen Holman, Mary McKema; George Drake, a friend of the family-Thos. Davidson; Eileen, the maid-Catherine MeDonnell; "Humpy" Steele, the janitor-Jack McDonald; Jim Dougherty, of the U. S. Treasury Department-Jas. McDonald; Madani Anna Bairski, a bolshevik-Margaret Haynes; Ar- mand Francois Boni Aime De Lovier, a modiste-Armand Cleniont. Between the acts specialty num- bers included Scotch dancing by the Haynes Sisters; vocal solos by Miss Bessie Kerwin and Mr. Vincent But- ler and orchestra selections by Jos. Flannigan and bis merrymakers. The play vwas given under the aus- pices of St. Joseph's R. C. Curch who receive the entire proceeds of the two performances. On both occasions alter the play light refreshments were served the visiting artista by the members of St. Joseph's Church. $3,OOO A YEAR Establish yourself in a lifetime business of vour own. Our mon make upward to $3,000 yearly, you can do the same. No exper- ience necessary ta start retailiflg our 150 guaranteed lines of Household Remedies, Toas, Coffe and Food Products. Pleasant, healthy and dignifled work. Ex- clusive territory open in yvur dis- trict. Write for particulars. Cressy Ca., 296 Gladstone Ave., Toronto. 13-4 J. HERMON Buya Poultry, Apples and Wool at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanville: Geo. Cowling 320r15 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta i Ave., Toronto Who knows? Many things may happen be- fore then, and in the meantime the property you intended to mesure may have been destroyed, your car involved in a smash, and you the victim of an accident. Delays may prove very costly. Why put off until to-morrow what you should do to-day? Right now is the time to imeure. Lif e, Fine, Automobile, Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Plate Glass, Guanantee, Touriste' Float- ens, Steam Boilen and many other classes of Insurance. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville r W-w w *WW'W W W Wmw 3 for 25C Sale Here is a huile list of values, &v.ryt*lng pri roed at 81/3c each. Take your choice of au>' combination at 3 for 25c 6 for 50c or 12 for $1.00 Baking P@wdervDbinRB,g -aacSý MaarniCatell's 1.1b. Package or Sie Clark's, with Pork and Chili SauceSi Beans No. 2 tUn ree 1c 3 Biscuits Fr.h Crisp Molaaaes Snapsm! Matches Maple Lesi Re39bx o Shoe Polishes Rg.1Miti Finest Santa Clama Si Prunes M9u an b Finet Golden per Si Dates Hallowiprlb Cocoa '/th.î6. tins Rteg . e Clark'. Potted Meats tUn 8k Salt Free Runnlno or lodlz.d plkg.831c Navy Toilet Paper roll 8;c Palmolive Soap - Calte 831 Flavoring Extracts 2-o« boMe S;C Rice Fane>' Buie Rome 1b. Ac Lux Toilet Soap - Ca" e SAc Split Peas - - per M. sA Corn Starch i w '«Air costs -nothiig- lack of it mearns miles off the life of your tires." OEthan haîf your tire troubles are cauSed Mby under-inflation. There's a correct pressure for every size tire according to its load. Two or three pounds under this will take miles off its running life. Near enough won't do. Use a reliable gauge and be sure. Or, caqIl at this depot once a week and let us look over your tires. We'll watch for bruises, rim cuts and emnbeddcd fints. At least twice a season let us remecve each tire and look for inside fabric breaks. It will mneau -xtra ri-ý,àe-and dollars off your tire bills. A Dami- ion Tire wiil give rvielous DOM8INION TIRE DEPOT Sold In Bowmanville By JAMIESON BROS. King St. West Bowmanville 21 THE BEST THAT'S MADE IN EVERY GRADE' 1 ý IL A JL-J& ý& JL J& J& To-Morrow ? .a la

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