Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1928, p. 2

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DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS 1 DURHAM COUNTY BOYS ENNISK1LLEN SCHOOL LUCKY DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE This is "Be Kind to Animais Week"ý.1 The Toronto Teiegram's illustrated Former Student Makes: Generous Notice to Creditors Ronor graduate ini Dentistry Toronto The horse lover, wl no doubt, dlaim feature on t editorial page,"AGif t tu School Section o Hia Youth. University. Graduate of the Royal f or the horse the firtpaeaogPe eidteCran fTm" R. S. 0. 1927, Chap. 150, Sec. 51 College of Dental Surgeons of On. animais in man 's affections. The in which photos of prominent Toronto The teacher and pupils of EnniS- ESTATE OF John Cornish, Widower, tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. lover of eats, chiefly females we citizens are sbown as "at present" killen School are the happiest group S deceased. Office phone 40. House phone 22. opine, wili argue about the suprem- and "in their youtbfu] days" has in- in ten counties these days. And is ALresn aigcam zis h X-Ray Equipment in Office. acy' of feline intelligence. But the cluded many natives of Durham it any wonder? It fsounds almos'tiE tte pofsaJohvn C ims1ato th, dog holds the chief place in man's County. too good ta be true-just like as if 1 onship of Darlington, in th,('ounty of DR . .DEITafetin. The editor of "Our Saturday's Telegramn gave promin. Santa Claus had swooped down sud- TurhasWldower, decea8,-d, -Who (lied Assstnt r.E.W. ison Dumb Animais" magazine says: "We ence ta Mel J. Hutchinson, a well denly on the school and I eft a big on or about the eighteenth day of Sep- GAsiant Dfroyl E.W nClee have not been reading for 20 years known Durham County Boy, in bag of play things for every line of file with the undersigned, on or before Gradateof oya Denal ollgemnnuscripts about animais without wbich we are particularly interested sport eacb cbild liked most.th fi-st day of May, AP. 1928, foul par- i iizi. of th,-Ir daiis. Immediately Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- realizing that there is as mucb writ- as his journalistie career started It ail happened this way: Mr. H. aflcesad dte, the ases t fhe de- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 ten about the dog as about ail other back in the 90's as Newcastle carres- Wilbur Hutchinson, Winnipeg, Man..c.'as,d wiii he distrihp.(cI aimongst thos.' p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone animais put togther"-in the public pondent ta The Statesman. gtopped off here for a couple a' nnited thsofeeo ain îad nyt 90. House phone 283. pints. In this age of the world's It has been our happy privilege wbile returninjZ from a business trip DTDa sas h t a fAr X-Ray Equipment in Office activities, the biggest menace to thelat vaqrious Urnes to refer to Ml's ta Montreal ta renew acquaintances1 1928. dog's life is the automobile. Misslstepping stones to success as he lin his native county and village of W. E. N. SINCLAIR. K. C., DR. R. E. DINNIWELL ýGenevieve Torrey, mainage- of a worked bis way ta the front ranks Of Enniskillen where his father, the late 1ako omreBd. Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-1 large dog Kennel, is authtority 1ojbscosnpoeson eaanRobert Hutchinson, carried on a gen- 1 5-3 Oshawa, Ontario. veraity and member of Royal College this statement: It is safe ta say that have pleasure in giving publicity ta "ýrai store for many years. Althoughi of entl Srgens. Licnse tain ail but the extreme rural sections i somne of the high spots in hus young it le well nig'h 50 years since Wiburi ofDetl urens Lcnsd oof the country, the automnobile an-I and actvc life of less than îoedHaae rel3 dac iractise n Ontani and thmom-aims more dg cenurîy as outlincd in The Telegram: ta "GO west young man," he bas aI- ion Detisry n al is bances.than are swept away by any anc dis-, "M. J. Hutchinson, who wsr- ' ys retained a keen interest in the I o ie t rdtr Office-Kinig St., Bowmanville, OP-i case for the auto threatens tbhe dog ccntly elected commodore of thelcuitne NoticctoleseOfiors posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. every day that be lives and often Pal-kâale Canoe Club, is a Dr acqyuathb an an scensof is1 R.S0.92.Ca.5.Se.1 ___________ ____ strikes the same victim more t anod bo. HFias been engaged in ha ck home, as well as tbrougb beingIRS. EO.F19J.ohn ap. 150. bSec. 51e once. The careless motorist will not1 advertisinz and editorial -work for a! a regular reader of The Statesman. ES TE0 dces- ih.Frmr LEGAL take the sligbtest pains ta avoid bit-, quarter of a century, having started - ting a dog. Dog owners must tbink Ja oa correspondent for the On this particular trip Mr. Hut- ALi. Iirsafl" hnvinzchdimns against the bi. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. for their dogs and keep tbem on Bowemanville Statesman. For five, chinnisite eien ncopne witsolte Twshof Jon Gleingoihe, Coup-0 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary leasb or in a safe place. years bie was manager of the Ed- old scbool chum, Jobn J. Virtue o f tv of D-urham, Falrme-r, d.-cease'd, who * * * i monton Bulletin, wben it was owned Hmto. Afe ades led on or about the T%%w-nty-thIrd day Mnyt onon Farm and Town Be kind to Animais Anniversary le hy the Hon. Frank Oliver. Mr. Hmtn feadrsing a fet'. iof march, 1q2s, are herelîy notlfied t o Property. Royal Bank Building, from April lStb Humane Sunday, ta Hutchinson came east to become t rents tatslarsb vandlu ed Cthe Twî,ýth uersced, oofArlhe1ore Bowmanvile. Phone351. Aprl 21st-tis taektbem themnsger -tthn Caandaj Noyous- neis part ofltrs of 'pic almms.iImme Bowxanvlle Phne 51.Aprl 2lt-tis eekand we anaer o th Caadin Nwspp- ha t he was giving tbe scb ool a large jliately after sald (laie, the Reists of the W. R. STRIKE speak for those tbat cannot speak 1ers and Periodicals Association c1t a-loa ogap with several dozen re- I d'ceasedl will he dtetrihoited amongse' for themselves. These seven days jing ta form bis present connect:on,crdofbsôncoinItaenttd hetavgrerdnl SucesorteIse . . Smpo~ L. rese aprtin hoorofthsedirect or of advertising of Hugb C. - utfit for soft hall, bard bal ota d caims se filed. Barrister, Solicitor, Nota.ry friends and helpers wbo neyer ask MacLean Ppblications, Ltd. He is hall and basket hall. Notbing w'as [îTD a Osh -8. t hrldyo Solcitr fr Bnk f Mnt~~î for bonor, but oftcn only beL, witb a member of the Rotary Club of'Aii, 95 Soicto fr an f ýotraleyslacking in the way of bats, gloves, W. E. N. SINCLAIR. K. C., dumb eyesb for the humblest Toronto, and a past district gaver-i mss itflicgspdec ank of (ami.rc- ei ig, Morley t Loan Poise 91sort of consideration. Our animal nor of District No. 4, emhracing A spoiled cbild or a millionaire 's son Ohivý'O'ai Bowmanville, Ontario friends contrihute ta aur lives, giv- 1 We.-tern Canada from Fort William jcud' ihfrmr hnwscn ing ta us bappiness, contentment and ta Edmonton. He is a inember 0f:cadntisfomretn ason-____________ W. F WAD, . A. liep. Tbistledown Golf and Country Club tained in tbis unique and greatly W. F. WAoliitrD, B. A iep * * * 1 and char-ter niember of Cathodral appreciated gift.I Banite, olcior Nta,. Most people bave at one time or! Lodge, A.F.&A.." , It is safe ta say that the fun, ex- Notice to Cr Money ta boan. Bonds for suie. anotber owned a pet animal-a dog,1 Mrs. Fred Honey. eoutb of Tale! ercise and merrintent the pupils are i- d.'.5.1ito s Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., a cat, a lamb, a rabbit, a borse per-:gate Hill, Darlingtcîn Township, is a going ta get out of the sport these Bowmanville, Ontario. Phoes:î baps, as most men, women and cbild- 1te' - ofMr. Hutchîn-îon.1 giftî. offer will oniv he eclipsed hv R. S. 0. 1927, Char). 150. Sec. 51 Office 102. Rouse 409. ren like animais of some kind. The the pieasure and satisfaction that th j ESTATE 0F William Iilenr, hîTn- few persans wbo do not are not the- no ilrciefo bstobtulr.iaa l I est anes ta choose for one's friende. -anHgnros c. hesint bih Ah.A "os Mt ri îIîoSaine îw FUNERAL DIRECTORS In The Christian Herald anc of the HNR T INSE pronîpted this gift only goca ta show ,vi. cf o William Iiinrv whit--. laite of edtors tells of an aid clergyman of" 1h în I 'unsu h0tw that man is but a grown up cbild. t %" hi of iiam arnton n 1ase, h oa F. F. MORRIS CO. wbom the town's physician said: if R,,. X lani Hipkîn of Baririe.' 'h, eo r. About i2 rhi-rS. v i- nodtiferofH Complete Motor o f1,%ibte nýFz- no , i T an so radiates love tbat even ill p1eaýed t ernta i NTHE ETwenty MAietîh ,day orf .jril. 99. th afo n nmlcnses tiel! aind haîppy and that on Tue- i ii t'rt;i.iîIars of 1h- ir caims tilmi- Hanse Equipment for oftcn a number of doge wul au April lOtlî the annual ineeting j A prominent farmer in Clarke t iat-tv a1f1ir sidi. th,.s-tof-hi. AIl calls promptly follow b im along the streets. it us 'il' cdwiII b(, isterilit.iiaarist attended to. atu aigta n aia a of*tho ii-oa Association wbich , Toiwnship writing ta) the editor re- , hîîý enî-iticuid ther.-to, hIinz rgant only Piivate Ambulance a- ses lov, jutha a aim i lcan no was be-Id at bis borne ah., nuaike i en adds thie pne tacr'pt ta bis lot- ta 'ei.iimi so flli. s,àisBow-manvilles apmainec-- senseth esh'an'ix'.er.aýrv of b.hir btb. tn Angeatly enjoying the pep- DPATiEP ai Oebawa. tlb- Thiîni day of 10 md 3 other unadmirahie qu alutes. -Trust ý Mi- Hipkin bas a unique reoirdlpns fvu eeteîtra oîIA-l 98 Brach tors- the elo"sidapilsperoc n thîr -iver a baîf century as a nmont.s on variou' thernes. W. E. N. SINCLAIR. K. C., BrnhSors- -tbat a dog trusts, and you wihl notceginof th C' r Bina rank of <'ommi.rceI- . Orono & Nwcslegofr rogU hurcbho helas bad but four charges.- Anohrlte rn rmn Oshawa. ,Ontario -two in England and two in C.111- innofathefltr ifTrntoa pramunen MagrtE anse asoaa oqesIffoeswr pro- regular reader of The Statesman ALAN M. WILLIAMS ilamestjc animais: s,_nteil toinit hv the Ministerial As-. -ons the editor tbeso comments: Embalmer and Funeral Director. They aek so littie of us anld yeutbey .ociatîon and Collier St". Unitedl 'I sec you are baving an awful time (AIVE YOURSELF A LMINCE Cails given prompt and personal at-1 give 50 much, Cbiich oti wicb hei o i -iw a tieniemlr.,ara ueing publicespirit in your to%%-n, Yoti know . ou r. no*,tai tti c cs 3iu tentian. No extra charge for dis- 1 A word or two of kindncss, a friendly IRot. Mr. Hupkin was a former pastor J and tbat many questions, wbicb fin-, ii o %%,hi houil hck' Dh mde an(l tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman-I genule toucb; :if Tr;nitv Congregational Churcb li1shoul<l he considered by the people, -ici right now. W- ls.nIl vou fi-i-e ville, Ont. 3-~tf. J A little spot ta rest in, the food that this tawn wbcre lie tas bighly re- are not receiving the attention ta uk.wIlisoshwoianîi SoWe can spare, spected flot only hy hie awn con- 1tbcy menit. I bave been reading uîay as mouar mechanies. btaîery, Solittie are tbey wanting-and yet gregation but hy al aur townspeople the observations you make, partice- i-ling, viilcani-zing. biotes, -ms-i, MEDICAL stbu5they'll share. who <~were acquainted '.itb bini and larly in tbe last editian of your pape r Gai-pi-tios apnd. uitr t'r Life's loneliness and beartache, the i aml.ette Cucli pnigmo" HEMPHILL TRADE SCHOOLS LTD. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. dim declining fi-rn bours and ____________ ou certainly arc taking the rigbt 163 KIng Street West Toronto Graduate of Tinity Medical College, years, step in order to make Bowmanvýille Toronto, farmerly of Enniskillen. l The cold and ice of winter, the sum- in them dlean. progressive and keep the municipality Office and Residence, Dr. Beith'sj mer 's diving showcrs, , B-ilious patients will often experi- up-to-date. You are certainly show- SPRING ~ TERMD~ former residence on Churcb Street The dangers of a battle, the cold ence a remarkable change for the ine good strong leadersbip in get- .5 ALAAV Bownianville. Phone 259. 44-t. steel Of a foc, 1 better by going on a diet of only ting the cîtizens of your town ta do In each of Shaw's Twelve Schools And following us always, the lastI green vegetables. This diet should some tbinking and jolting tbem out merges into the Summer Term J. CLARK BELL long road we go. exclude meat, eggs, starches and of a "good enough" or 'as-you-were" witb no forced vacations. Enter M.O., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. .3 *P u ga rs. It is best ta even eliminate attitude. That is the fault with any time. Baoklet free. Write (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tille7) BeKind t Animais Week. It i milk at first. It is ail ight ta use most retired residents-they don' 1130 Ray St., Toronto, W. R. ni'e ta thdink that for the great ma-s some of the acid or sub-acid fruits want ta kecp pace witb thepioe- Saectr. Bans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- jitof paljengkn aai- along witb the non-starcby veget- sion".ilSaectay deen Univeruity; Fellow of the Royal marlsisanoueol nau reato.aTeable diet. Two or three meals a day_________________ College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. average persan is kind ta animals! sbould bc ueed and ail vegetablec5 are Mayepe aramotcpld Office and Reidence, Queen St., juet as naturally as he is kind ta the -Permnitted except potatoes and Hub- with corne lButrit is nedless suif Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. mi., 6 ta 8.3o p. mi. buman heings wbom be meets in the lhard squash. 1wt op. Bti snels uf Bowinanville, Phone 89 f daily walks of life, it is nice ta think To get the quickest reauits it is 1ering wbich dan be speedily cnded that the unnatural thinL, is unkind- test ta take one or two enemas; a I witb Holloway's Corn Remover. DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS ness ta animais. Some folk areI day ta keep the lower bowel cleaned ______________ Physicians andi Surgeons thoughtless in regard to animais that; of fecal matter, whicb often contains Offce our: 1to an 7 o 830.do their work-in the matter of faod i hacteria which cause fermentation Offce our: 1ta an 7 a 830.and waer-in the business of over-land which sboulcd be wasbed out, as Telephone 108- s training tired bodies, for a hanse j they ai-e not needed on thîs non- TL f Office. Wellington Street can grow weary at the end of a day's 1 starchy diet. It is perfectly safe jn~ . r e Bowarvili. Otana. wonk just as a aperson does. Give 1 ta use as large an amount as desired I your animais that do your service an o f these vegetahies. This wilI prevent - --- ,-.,~ _______________________ -1 encoui-aging word and a few friendlyI a desure for other food for which the toa. I patient may become "lonesome" un- LJA VETERINARY legs well filled with the greens. DR. F. ý. TIGHE lien we buy goods at a store we VEERNAY UREO. ayorpay for it. Glorifying often in oui- If two on three weeks on this diet Night calîs promptly attened ta onesty and the good faith witb does not hing about a great î Ofie in t ast oi 1 whicb we conduct aur business tran- provement and the elimination of Evr m otatbid Pofie: ig t2E43Bxani. sactions. Wben we receive a favor most of the bilious symptoins, it may ing has a corner-altone, ~ Phne24.fi-rn an acquaintance we are anxiaus be necessary fan the patient ta take Every Wise man con- 9; EG.KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. SC. to return the favor, often witb in- a fast on fruit juices for a week or E.on G.teret. But too often we do mit 1 two. This treatment is advisable if templates building an have that sanie desi-e ta repay oui-la diagn osis has proven the presence 1 sae Honor Graduate of University ofI animal fiends that render serviceI of gall stones or if there is gail blad-j Toronto. AI! cases given prompt for the mere asking and that give us -dei- catarrh on jaundice. During the Yo alocnbid n and careful attention. Office-: love and protection and food and fast vast quantities of bile wîiI be o al cnbid n Dr. McElroy's former office. phones: l unquestion ing obedience. It is an elinîinated by the liver and, as no Estate by the nurchase Clake392; roo 1-1 esy matter ta pay aur animal intestinal putrefaction i5 taking placeF ___________________________friends for that wbich tbey give- i the amount of liven secretes will be of Safe, Sound, Seas- î.-- in littlc unimpaitant ways-wit h food gradually reduced. After a cane- oned Securities on our AUCTIONEERS sdrap.s fi-rn oui- tables and of affcc- fully planned diet is resumed, the THEO M. SLEMON tion fi-rn aur beai-Is. With gentle-I liver wilI go an daing its normal work Systematic Monthly Auctioneer - nees and fairness be kind ta yaur and biliousness will not again mani- Svn ln 12 Auctioneer ~animal friends this week and always' fest its symptonis exccpt after a ser- Svn ln 1.7 1'arm and Hlouse Sales a Specialty. bei-after. Tbcy sOon learn ta bave - us of nrepeated abuses, sucb as those to 7 %. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. faitb in us their masters. wbiith were formerly responsible for W£ INVITE ENQUIRIES Phane 197r3. 1-tf. # * * athen hiliou.s attacks. _________- --. Who among us-man or waman- Keep your intestýnessclean and CHIOPRCTC AD DUtsL li as nat had wbat we bave called bil- you nced neyer fear tbat your lIver THRPYous attacks? -D. Frank 11cCoy telles will become sluggish or "mulisb 1 .I THEROPY is-readers that anc who says he is ___F.__J.___V an________ DURWIN E. STECKLEY -tioubled witb the blues, has fre- _______________ oveloaded wittî excesses af certain LESS FEED COST - 'I kinde of foads or- inharmoniaus food \4w acnlreain. Galîstones can- Write for FREE cap, of "PoUiry OuSÀ,'ý onl ormetons. j i I ble.C O R B E Inflammation of the gall bladder and W .J e rr * Wr's fMeal C.ofl Canada, Ld ote lvrdisorders came from a Phone 207 Bowmanville W.E. TrSI 24nt dabSVYab~ do is ta sotop creating an excesa of Liberty St, Bownianville MlL e bile. This can be done by thorough- ly cleansing the intestines and keep- STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cails At Our Expense A Profitable Dairy Herd YOUR Profit as a dairyrnan is flot large enough to a11owv "boarders" in your herd. The careful choice of high-grade animais will double your pro- duction of milk and butter. ,l -, il ,4 lteghu Bo.ý i* Every cow ieam lNP&Leinvestment, and milk cheques are the returns: each animal should pay you a profit. The pure-bred sire is tke secret of àuccess in dairying. The proceeds froin the sale of milk, butter and eggs should be deposited in the bank lor future needs. The R-,ýoyal Bank of Canada Bo\w,-nan,-ille Branch P, F Aitchison, Manager RED .ROSIE TEAs good tea"' If you want the very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pela. 17 In clean, bright Aluminum lan M.e T HE unfa iling femninine appreciation of beauty makes McLaughlin -Buick the most popular car in its class among lady drivers. Long, low lines give grace and beauty to McLaugh lin-Buick Fisher bodies, but without the slightest sacrifice of interior space or headroom. Upholstery and appointments that rival the drawing-room in luxury . . . and a handsorneness of performance no less than of appearance . . . 4r 1làu101QM- Laughlin-Buick to the discerning lady driver. JGHLINwBuI CK .,TT MOTOR SALES Co Bowmanville botncA An mLzn DAF-W MLLGfJ U~ ILBID R PAGE TWO rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 19th., ý-928. WtIUN DUI-1-EN AUMMOBILES AIE BUMT-UcLAUGFUJN.StnCX WILL BUILD imq * 1 -fQ

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