TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th., 1928. PAGE $11 TEA 358 Dark-sklnned natlves-glowlng sunlight--cool mountain tops-great Shlps ploughlng hog troplc seas-these thlngs ail corne to mind when a cup of "ISALADA" UIs stnrnlng before YOU. Such flavour-such fragrance. Trry "éSALADA". Will A Fire Find You Under Insured? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better prot,ýct yourself before disaster cornes. Do it now. Delays are dangerous. A bad fire caused heavy loss in Hampton this month. We will be glad to advise you. That's our business. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL J. J. MASON & SON Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Care ofBabies., Wby do so many ,many babies of1 toria. * The kind called Fletcher's, today escape aIl the little fretful i bearing Flotcher's signature is gen- spebîs and infantile ailmonts that us-1 uin-and does not contain opiatea ed ta worry mothens tbrough the day, 1 on any other dnug that can harm your and keep them up haîf the night? 1 baby. Other prepanations may ho just as free from banni; the writer If you don't know the answer, YOU1 doos not know as to that, but does haven't discovored pure, harnilessa know one family whose childnen will Castonia. It la sweot ta the taste, inover make the expeniment! and sweet in the little stomach. And its gentle influence seems felt al CSPECIAL NOTE: With every bat- thnough the tiny system. Not even a tle of gonuine Fletcher's Castoria la distasteful dose oi castor ail does sa wrapped a book on "Cane and Feed- mnuch good. And it la so pI easant ing of Babies" worth its weight in ta take. Taste it younseif, and you'bl gold ta eveny mothen or prospective know why "Oilîdren Cry for It"). mothor. Fletcher's Castonia is purely vege- table, so you may give it fneely, at first sign of colic; on when you even g suspect the approach af constipation; h l r n C fo or diarrbea. Or those many times 'h 1d n C y f r when you jut don't know what is the matten. Fan real sickness, caîl the 1 docton, always. At other tumes, a iew drops ai Fletcber'a Castoria. See 1 how quickly aIl fnetfulness of wake- tulnoss will cease! Only one word ai wanning: the above advice is true of genuine Cas-j RM4 AWIRIN Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART e pt q2m y B ayer" package which contains proven di E1ns. Handy "Bayer" boxes o 12 tableta iMS bottles of 24 sud l0O-Druggi3t.- AUnla the butrk (r.gtatered in Cndaf Bayer cauatr f MO.O.ceue- asMite cfBaleyUeced (Aeetyl BeUcylie'Acid, "À. 8. A."~). While It là w.» knMoWD Ikat à Wirn .m» Bayer manaature. te amislt tii. pubUe against lmitatiofh. th ii abt ma Baut Comptai wIU b. taa».4with tuir genérai triS, tm k DyerCnca." THE EDITOR TALKS In a series of tracts entitled Golden Grain, No. 10 is a very beautiful poem: "What Will You Do Without Him"? The author is not known apparently, as theipoem la "selected". The publisher of the Golden Grain tracts is John J. Scruby, Dayton, Ohio, and the tracts, single or as- sorted ,are sold at 15e per 100, and1 $1 per 1000. For 25 cents a saniple packet will be sent to any address. A friend handed us this No. 10 tract which we have read several tures. Another friend who visited our home recent]y gave us a poem ta read that~ she had nead in sick roonis and we found it to be the sanie verses with three additional ones and we asked for theni that we might publish them for our readers. We find froni this clipping that this poem appeared some years ag'o in the good old "Wit- ness" of Montreal. Here la the en- tire poem: WHAT WILL YOU DO WITHOUT HlM? I Could net do without Thee, O Saviour of the lest! Whoso precious blood redeemed me At such tremendous cost. Thy rightoousness, Thy pardon, Thy precious bleod-must be My only hope and comfort, My glory and myplea. 1 could not do without'Hini, Jesus is more to me Than alI the ricbost, fairest giita 0f oarth cou-Id ever be. But the more 1 find him preciofs- And the mure I find Him true-. The more I long for you to find What He can be ta you. You nood not do without Him, For HIe la passing by; HIe js waiting te be gracious, 9 Only'waiting for your cry. 1 He la waiting ta receive you,- 1 To mako you ahl His ownI Why will you do without Hini, And wander on alone? Why will you do without Hlm? Is He net kind indeed? Did He net die ta seve you? Is HIe not aIl you need? Do you not want a Saviour? Do you not want a Friend? One who will love you faithfully, And love yen ta the end? Why will you do without Hini? The Word of God is true: The world is passing ta its dooin, And you are passîng too. It may be, no to-morrow Shaîl dawn fer you or me; Why will you run the awfui risk Of aIl eternity? Why will you do without Him? 'In the long and droary day 0f trouble and perplexity, When you do not know the way; And no one else can help you, And na one guides you right, And hope comes nlot with morning, And nest cames not with night? You could not do without Him, If once He made you see The fettens that enchain you Till He hath set yeu. free: If once you saw the fearful load Of sin upon your sul,- The hidden plague that ends in death Unless He makes yen whole! What will you do with out Hlm When deatb is drawing near, Without Hia love-the only love That casts out every fear; When the shadow-valley opens, Unlighted and unknown, And tho terrons ai its darkness Must aIl be passed alone? What will you do without Him Wben the great White Throne in set, And the Judge who neyer can mis- take And neyer can forget,- The Judge, whom you have neyer hene As Friend and Saviaur sought Shall summon you ta give account, 0f deed, and word, and thought? What will you do wiithout Him When He bath shut the doon. And you are left eutside, because You would not come before; When it is no use knocking, No use to stand and wait, For the word of dooni tolas through your hoant, That terrible "Too late"? You cannot do without Himl Thene la no other name By which you ever can he aaved,- No way, no hope, no dlaim! Witbout Him-evelasting boas 0f love, and if e, and lightl Without Him-everlasting woe, And evenlasting night! But with Him-oh! with Jesus! Are any weirds s0 blest? With Jeaus-evenlasting jay And everlastîng rest! With Jesus-all the empty beant Filled with His perfect love! With Jesus perfect peace below, And perfect blsas above! Why should you do without Him?- It is net yot too late; HIe has net closed the day af grade, He bas not shut the gate. Ho calîs you!-hush! HIe calis you!- He would not have you go Another step without Him, Bocause He loves you sa. Wby will you do witbout Him? He calîs, and calis again, 'Come unto Me! Came unto Me!' Oh shaîl He caîl in vain? He wants ta have you with Hlim, Do you not want Hini, toa? Yeu cannat do without Him, And He wants-even you. Zook's Rogulating Comnpound ~~ A .cfe, u',hcbI. ,q=e% ewi~ ,,udmcine. Sold in th1 Ve gats f trngth-No. 1, SI; No2 9- o 3, 95 per box. 4 Sold ,y l druaginta. or sent repaid on ,receipt of prios. ,.c pamnp let. Addresa: 114E COOI(MEDICINEC6., mOlT00ý.('e,.I5;cae PHOSPHODINE.'* 71,e Great EngIish Preparatgflf Tancsanad ,,,,îgorates the whole Eservous sysiei makes new Blood on cold Vins. LUsed for Nervou, Dehîlay. Met aADrain Worrt', tkspondençy. o cfnerr/. Palpitation cf the Heart, Faizng eory. Price s2pe.box.3 for 15 ý SoId by ail druggists, or maied in plair. pkg. on recvptcf pniceNew p.;mphWt miailei "tTKWOOD MEDICINEM OTOUONTO.OflV LESSON No. 15 Question: Why is emulsified cod- liver oii so important as an adcdd ration with milk in trie diet of children? Answer: Because when it is rnixed with millc it makes milk a more effi- cient rickcts-preventing food and builder of strong bones. Children ike àt best in the form of SCOTT'S EMULSION YOUNG WOMEN SUFFERMOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Plnkham'a VegetabisCompound oyr'@ CMi, Qe e- "I have be teachmng fr thr« e yersand at the ndofthe =erI always feel tedand have no appetite. I was af u1 ick each month,toohavin wffunil sometimes I wa'oblged to stop working. A friend recommended SLydia E. Pink- har's Vegetable Compound to me and I heard tuny women telling how good it was so 1 thught it would help me. And it did. ow I take six bottles eve year and recommend it to othrs - DoNALDA FÂNTEUX, Ayer'a CHIli, Quebec. "'Unable to Work"' Canning, Nova Seotia.-"I had ir- regular pendcs and great suffering at those times1 the pains causing vomiting and fainting. I was teach- ing school and often for some hours 1 would be unable to attend tio my work. Through an advertiscnient in the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink- haz's Vegetable Comnpound, and it bas been of great benefit to me, the troubles heing completely relieved. " -LtSRA J. EATON, Cannng, King'@ County, Nova Scotia. c 20 MINUTES That's aIl. Twenty mntsmtr taklug a ZUTOO tablet YouZ" acewiil b. «one. One.o m i t. W.tablet-.ife, ftle and harmiest as aoda-wl sop ay headache ln 2o iminutes. Or, btter till, taken when y ou fWeelti headache caming on, a ZUTOO tablai w ill ward lt off-nip itiln th. bu&. No Ileadache 1 Bladder Weakness Getting-Up-Nights Quickly Relieved If you are troubled with a hurning sensation, bladden weaknoss, froquent daily annoyance, getting-up-nights, duil pains in back, lowen abdomen and down thnough goins-you should try the amazing valu o "yro Tb lots" at once and sec what a won- derful difference tbey make! If this grand new formula of a well known chem ist bings you the swift and satisfying comfont it bas brought ta dozens ai othens, you aunely will ho thankful and very well ipleased. If it does net satisfy, the druggist that aupplied you witb "Syrol Ta blets" la authorized ta neturn your money an the firat box punchased. Tbl ives y ou a full two weeks' test of "S9yrol, Tablets" with risk af co* unlesa ploased with nesults. If yau wouîd know the joya ai peaceful,' restiul sleep and a normal, healthy Bladder, .tart this test taday. Any good dnuggist can suppîy you. BLACKSTOCK Regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of Blackstock United Church was held at the home of Mrs. D. Galbraith on March 14tb. Presi- dent presided. After the opening hymn, Mrs. J. G. Marlow led in prayer. In the absence of Mrs. Dorreil, the bible reading was taken by Mrs. C. Hill. A reading was given by Mrs. T. Sameils and a chapter of the Study Book "New Paths for Old Purposes" was taken by Mrs. F. Stinson. Several letters of thanks were re- ceived from those who had been ilI, thanking the Auxiliary for gifts ofl fruit. It was decided to hold a bazaar sometime during the year. Mrs. George Crawford and Mrs Sin- son were appointed a co'mmittee to purchase goods to be made up for the bazaar. Mrs. Jobb and Mr.J.G Marlow were appointed a quîit com- mittee. The meeting was closed with a hymn and prayer by the Presi- dent, after which lunch was served and a social half-hour spent. The concert under auspices of the W. M. S. held in the Town Hall oni March 6th was a decided success. Re- citations were given by Misses Verna McNally, Lorna Trewin, Mabel VanCamp, Ella Ferguson, Master Ronald Trewin and Mrs. Archer and a monologue by Mrs. Stinson, Messrs Harold Swain and Alan Balson with Miss Fallis at the piano gave several instrumental selections. Misses Gracie and Frances Mountjoy gave a piano duet and Miss Margaret Aber- nethy of Bowmanville, gave two splendid solos, ,accompanied by Miss F. Parr. A play entitled, "Soup, Sand and Sa ebrush" was put on exceedingly I wel by members of the W. M. S.. Several have said that it was the best' Missionary play they have ever heard. The entertaînment was opened by Rev. J. E. Griffith who led in prayeri and gave a short address. He spoke in his usual kindly way for he alwaYs knows the right thing to say in the iht place and he says it in the righ way. Every one feit that they had received the worth of their money. $3,000 A YEAR Establish yourself in a lifetime business of your own. Our men make upward to $3,000 yearly, you can do the saine. No exper- ience necessary to start retailing our 150 guaranteed lines of Household Remedies, Teas, Coffee and Food Products. Pleasant, healthy and dignified work. Ex- clusive territory open in your dis- trict. Write- for particulars. Cressy Co., 296 Gladstone Ave., Toronto. 13-4 , 1 ORONO (From The News of March 22nd) Clarke Township Fair at Orono, October 2 and 3. Mn. Harold Rickaby, Toronto, was home over Sunday. Mrs. Fred Sisson, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mrs. Sisson 's. Mr. Howard Challis of the Orono Bakery, wa3 laid up for a few days the past week. Dr. and Mrs. Virtue, Toronto, spent the weekend with his cousin, Mrs. W. R. Riddell. Mr. and Mrs. Colville Evans of Yelverton, visited hier mother, Mrs. William Waddell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. IBillings are spending a few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. W. Inch, Weston. Miss Bella Watson, who spent the winter at hie rsister's, Mrs. James Patton, Toronto, has returned home. W. M. S. of Park Street United Church are holding their Thank- offering service, Easter Sunday, April Sth. iNo matter how deep-rooted the corn niay be, it must yield to Hollo- way's Corn Remover if used as dir- ected. Mr. John Armstrong leaves Sun- day on his regular western trip, which reaches as far as the coast, re- presenting Lowndes Co. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Scott at- tended the funeral of Rev. C. H. Barthrop, superannuated minister, Toronto, cousin of Mns. Scott on Monday. Mr. A. J. Knox is attending the Kreisler Concert in Toronto this week and playing at Whitby with the Oshaya Symphony Orchestra on Wed- nesday evening. In appreciation of his long mili- tary service' Col. J. W. Odel of Co- bourg, bas been decorated with the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Long Service Medal. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. MacDonald, Mr and Mr. O. W. Rolph and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell motoned to Rich- mond Hill Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Leishmnan. Mr. Peter Galbraith's friends were very glad to see him in fairly good f orm considering his recent severe ilîness. He is at present staying with bis nephew, M r. D. J. Gibson. A near case of asphyxiatiofi occur- red at the home of Mrs. Jas. Brown last week froin escaping gas from the furnace, caused by a defective chim- ney. Mrs. lBrown and Miss Eppa were both effected. Simple and Sure.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul is so simple in applica- tion that a child can understand the instructions. Used as a liniment the only dire ction is to rub, and when used as a dressing to apply. The directions are so plain and unmistak- able that they are readily understood by young or old. The trombone duet as given at the morning service at Park Street Church, Sunday, -,vas well received. The soloista were Messrs. Jas. Tam- blyn and David South and the selec- tion was smoothly played and well in tune. Irish entertainment under auspices of the Women's Institute Monday drew a crowded house. A good program was given of speeches, songs, recitations and instrumental music, ending with a one act humnor- ous play "Aunt Sally's Rag Carpet Bee"j directed by Mrs. Rowe, aiter which lunch was served. Cheapest of AIl Oils.-Consideringi the qualities of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul it is the cheapest ci ail prepara- tians offered to the public. It is to be found in every drug store in Can- ada frein coast to coast and sîl coun- try merchants keep it for sale. So, being easily procunable and extreme- ly moderate in price, no one should hc without a bottle of it. Mr. and Mrs. David South are leav- ing this week on a trip to England where they will spend a few months with relatives and frîends. On their return to Canada , soene time in July, they expect to make their home at Woodstock. Mr. South ia a soloist and meraber of Park Street Church Choir, and both Mr. and Mrs. South as members of the S. S. Orchestra, wîll be greatly missed. Worms are encouraged by nvarbid conditions of the stomach and bowels, and so subsist. Miller's Worm Powdors will alter these conditions almost immediately and will sweep the worms away. No destructive parasite can live in contact with this miedicine, which is not only a worm destroyer, but a health-giving medi- cine most benoficial to the young con- stitution. The Cobourg Sentinel-Stan says:- The deatb accurred on Saturday, fol- lowing an illness of about ton years, of Lila Mabel Trew, helovod wifo of Mr. William Kirkland, in hier 48th yean. Decoased was born in the town ship of Hope, and was a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Trew of that township. Provious to nemoving to Cobourg about three years ago, the faniily resided in Port Hopne. In addition to her busband, CHEVELE JladsterEa res A OTHER outitanding example of Quality at Low Cost. . . the New Chevrolet Roadster Express. The smart delivery body is niounted on the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet chassis, providing exceptional speed and smooth- ness, as well as the proven Chevrolet qualities of economny and endurance. Four-wheel Brakes are standard eqtiipment, as are the 011 Filter, Gas Strainer, Crankcase Breather and the count- less other quality-car features of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. This clean-cut, depend- able r-oadstcr Express specds up deliveries in a hundred Uines of business .. . cuts down overhcad and maintenance costs. . . and constitutes a truly valuable advertisemnent for its owners. The price is amnazingly low for a job of such obvious quality and cornpleteness, $650, at Factory, Taxes Extra. . . including the body, as illustrated. It mnay be purchased on the liberal ternis of the G.M.A.C.-General Motors' own time-payr.ient plan. Ask your Chevrolet dealer about adapting it to YOUR requiremnents. The ..... . . General Motors' own deferred pay. ment plan aH ords the most convenient and economical way of buying your Chevrolet on time. REAI>Y FOR PROMPT DEVR ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville Wm. Davey, Orono PRODUCT F GENERAL MOTORS F CANADA, LZUTU PIANOS W'.ld you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any .person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used,' are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it costa littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy will add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville Aviation Gasoline.. Th astathls o t qiks1r-drn