VÂGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th., 1928. t r ti t' S. w T ai ed among the used. fabricE Yes Navy is first, used frequently with insets of black satin or patent leather cloth. The Prince of Wales Tailored Coat has wide rolling lapels. You will find our stock varied and larger than other years. We carry a complete range of haif sizes this year. We guarantee to real- ly fit you without a host of bothersome altera- ions and this goes for Fashion's Ey Is Focused on the New~ Spring Coal That smartest o Navys with the newes of new throw scarfs- slenderizing and len< ing grace to the figure The styles are var- ied but since forgettiný that Spring speaks ii tones of simplicity witi excellent tailoring aý the keynote of the hou: Fur is less prevaler- on the collars but fi cleverly used as cufi extending almost to th( elbow. The delightfu' Tweeds of Scotland ar( worthy of note. Kasha, Tricotine and Poiret Twill are includ. the lady who is a 3tout and the women, too. trifle littie 'he Prices? They begin of course, it $9.50, and 12.50 & $15.00. '25.00, $29.50 '32.50. then Then and The more expensive oats, too, at $40.00 and ý5.00. Every size in every rice-its an asset to ,ur pocketbook to see hese garments. IW. Mason & Son Dry Goode and L.adies' Ready-To-Wr phoue 106 B.wmanvill. Yonneol u - n their -play Book your job. at once ta avoid - "Wha Doh itProit"and those who delays. I hoard it were delighted with bath I play and production and Salins . . A k kI yaung people are to ho congratulated J. . A erfleLIy on thoîr choice of a play and their PitrsdDcrtr hn 3 splendid manner o! rondering it. Pane n eoa ,poe4 1! Many pronounced it the best amat- Concession st. flowuianville eur play they had seen yet. 1__________U____ __ SOLINA NESTLETON Sacrament service will bc observ- Mr. L. Walter Veale and son od at Eldad next Sunday, April lst M ervyn, Waterford, visited the form- at 10.30 a. m. to bc followed b y Sun- er's father, Mr. John Vealo, over thel day School at 11.45....Mr. A. J. weekend. . . Mr. Allan Gordon, Osh- Reynolds attendod the Rotary lunch- awa, was at home for Sunday. con at Oshawa, whero bis brother, Week evening meeting last week in Dr. J. B. Reynolds of the O. A. C., charge of President. Mr. Wilfrid Guelph, was the chief speaker..Jackson, took the forni of a so.zial re Misses Ruby and Marion Reeson vis- evening the prograrn favoring o! the ted their sister, Mrs. H'arvey Hardy Irish, consisting o! readings by Mrs. ..Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor vis- T. ýMarlow, John Stewart; music by ited a r George Taylor's, Ponty- Porteous girls, Mrs. Porteous, choir pool. . . Mr. George Pascoe bas re- and quartet, Messrs. Malcolm, Job- turned to bis home at Q'Appelle, lin, Jackson and Veale. Miss Sarah Sask., after a pleasant visit with his Armstrong was pianist. After the parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe, programn the company was paired off nnd other friends boere.. . Miss Nora in a centest of synonyms and Pro- Werry, Kedron, and Miss Mae Werry, verbs, wvhich was instructive as3 vell Enniakillenviited at Mr. A. L. Pas- as amusing. Lunch was sorved and e es. mNi. and Mms. H. Hardy at- a social time spent. Th:s week Mm-. tendedte funeral of Mrs. Hardy's R. H. Suggitt gives bis report on the aunt, Mrs. W. H. Balsdon, Whitby, Temperance Convention'-in Toronto o n Saturday.. Mr. Russell Reynolds,..Service in the United 'Lhurch on Toronto, visited at home..Mm-. Ir- Sunday, Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., win R. Bragg, Providence, spent Sun- gave us n good discourse on "Seeking t day at Mr. J.- Bakem's. ... Our young After Light". people are presenting their play "What Doth it Profit"? in King St.' jC hurch, Oshawa, this (hrdy n ight and at Tyrone on Good Fria MAPLE GROVE .... Glad to report that Mrs. Norval Mr nWr.JonHWe is o otten was able to return home from M.adMs onH erMs Bowmanvilie Hospital on Satum-day. Florence Werry, Mr.and Mrs. 'Elton Werry, Miss Nellie Montgomery and ýst Miss B. M. Sargent, Bowmanville, were Saturday guests of Mr-. and Mrs TYRONE Sam Snowden. j. Vsitrs: astrs Loydand en- The W. M. S. of Maple Grove met Visiors Mater Llyd nd en-in the hall on Wednesday, March 21sti neth Ball, Leskard. with their grand- l and quilted and finisbed two quilts.1 ,e. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Virtue; There were fifteen ladies present andi Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart witb Iail had a most enjoyable time. A their daughter, Mrs. W. Macdonald, collection was taken, a substan- S Cobourg.... Mr. Wm. Staples in the tial sum was handed into thec city recently ... . Mrs. Richard Hath-Itreasury. Regular montbly meetingi ig erly at Mm. Harry Hooey's, Bowman-,will bc held on April 4th in the hall ville. . . Mr. Harry Hatberly sufer- at 2.30 p. m. Ail ladies o! the in ed a vem-y severe gash in bis foot church and neighborhood cordiallys while working in the woods at week welcome. hand la doing nicely in Bowmanville Hospital.. .. . Loague Thursday even- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, Port LS ji ng was in charge o! 4th Vice-Prosi- Dalhousie, Mrs. S. Freeman, Miss1 dent, Mrs. C. D. Hodgson. Program- Chrissie Freeman, Town, visited thef r. topic by Miss Hazel Turner, "Pînys f ormers brother, Mr. H. G. Freeman j and Pageants which young p~e (Leon Sunday...Miss Susie Laird, may Promote"; readiings byM ,S Grafton, spent Sunday at home .... .it Viola Shomtt and Miss Ruby Virtue; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Miss moutb organ music b y Mr. Ailan Mc- Hilda and Mr. Edward Foiey apentd 1S CalI .. . .Owing to bad roads Hampton the weekend witb friends in Toronto ri Lengue wili ho unablo to visit our jS League this week but wiîî visit us I.. Quarterly Officiai Board which at somo future date .... .Rev. J. R. mot bore on Monday afternoon, pass-S e T rumpour preached an excellent ser- ed a resolution of appreciation for0 mon Sunday evening on "Judas". . the excellent services Rev. J. H.C W. M. S. are having their annual Stainton, Pastor, bas rendered duringn Thank-Offering service on Easter the past yoar and extended an invita- Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Dr. W. H. tion for another year. Our Younmg Birks, Bowmanvilio, will ho the People presonted their play "Wanted speaker. 'Maie choir wiil furnish -A Wife" at Ebenezer last Friday e music. Rev. J. R. Trurmpour will vngadhdaneclntrep present bis Enster message on Eastor e. igadhdanecletrcp Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The tion. The succes of this play is choir wiii furnish music. .Church not oniy due to the work of those next Sunday at 10.30 a. m...A taking part but aiso to Mrs. Ivison dvery heavy eloctrical storîn passed Munday who bas heen the director. over bore on Monday evenîng.. M.Bort Dudley and !amily have moved to Salem ...Mrs. Edwardl > Virtue continues quite ill. HAMPTON W. M. S. met at the Parsonage on Tuesday aftern.oon, March 2Oth. President Mrs. !Bick opened the meet- ENNISKILLEN ing with a hymn and prayer. After ci the business was completed, Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Aunger, Stettier, Sykes took charge of the prograin; ;S Aita., la visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mrs. Jamies Curtis gave the bible Aunger, Haydon... .Rev. E. M. Cook:reading; Miss Sadie Virtue read the it and Mr. William Stainton attended leaflet, which was followed by a the funerai o! tho late Mr. John hymn and short prayers; a duet was Hobbs, Enfieid. Sorry to report nicely givon by Miss S. Virtue aind Mms. John Slemon is confined to ber Mrs. H. Peters. Mrs. J. Burns and bed again. . . The service bore next Mrs. E. H. Cole gave a talk on China, S Sunday evening wiii ho taken by the taken from the study book. Mrs. J. Rev. W. S. Smart, Chorry Valey. . Colwill spoke on Africa. Meeting e ...Y oung Poopie's Longue was beid' closed with a chorus "God is Love" on Wednesday, March 2lst. After 'and Mizpah ýbenediction. oponing exorcises, bible reading was given by Miss Myrtle Brunt; topic Rev. J. R. 'Bick preacbed anothor was taken by Mms. Wiil Ashton; rond- lo! bis usuaily thoughtful sermons r îngs by Frank Dorland; piano solo Sunday even'g, and the choir sang an by Grace Werry; reading hy Harold appropriate hymn as an anthem, and r Stevenson; debate was gîvon by the service closed with the singing of Jschool pupils. "Resolved that that grand bymn 451-sa worship readi'ng is more Education-al than compelling.... Higb School pupils Travelling". Debaters were: Affirma- !rom bore are most of themn mud tive Oswaid Petbick, Edgar Wright; bound in Bowmanville for the weekl Negative Grace Worm-y and Howard . . Mms. Niddory and Jack !rom town, Oke. Judges gave decision for the spont a few days among old frionds1 affirmative, winning by a fewv points. boere ...Miss Rota Keralake con - League meeting closed by Mizpah tinuos quito ii. . .. Miss Ruth Johnsl benediction. There were 17 blues and Miss F. Wood, Orono, spent the and il roda presont ...Mr. and1 weekend in Toronto. .. Miss Frankie Mrs. Wilfrid Sanderson entertained Wood, Orono, visited ber grandpar- a few friends on Saturday evcnîng ents, Mr. and Mms. J. L Johns..... including Mrs. Chalmers Sanderson 1 S omry to ieam-n that Miss M. Kater- o! Burketon and Mr. Will Byers, Mm-s., son sprained ber ankle. Hope she William Oke and 'Miss Annie and Rev wiil soon ho Setter ...Mr. G. A. E. M. and Mrs. Cook of Enniskillen. Barron bas purcbased the evaporator The evont was a birtbday party in. Mm-s. Frank Stonhouse bad a very bonor o! Mr. and Mrs. San<leison's successful sale on Thursday... A youngest child, William Murray, h.rn largo audience greeted aur friends March 25, 1926. Just before smp- from Solina wben they presented por a baptismal service was carmied their play "What Doth it Profit"? out by Rev. E. M. Cook v.hen Olga in the Sunday School room Tbursday Veryl, and William Murray, Mr. ind evenîng. Mm-s. Levi Niddery bas Mm-s. Sanderson's two cbildren, "cm-o rented ber bouse to Mm.AE.Jn dulv baptized. rings.... .Young People's meeting __________Friday evening was in charge o! thel fourtb Vice-President, Mm-. Harry ('owling and Social Group. Bible SALEM lesson was read by Mm. Normani Clemens; dovotional part in charge Rond and weather conditions were Of Miss Nom-a Kerslake; Mm-. Will responsibie for a vory small attend- White favom-ed with a reading entitlod ance at service on Sunday, but our "Hello"; the topic "Are dramas, pag- faithful Pastor managed to ovorconie eants and pînys really wortb Wbile".? these unfavorable conditions :.nd de- -was very ably taken by Mms. Lewi livered a fine sermon, another o! the Allia. Four membera of the group COURTICE MrM (Rev.) J. H. Stainton and Master Ronald are visiting her sister in Thorold. .. .Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, spent the weekend at home ..- Mr. Walter Snider, Brantford, is visiting at Mr. W. I. Nichos'.... Rev .J. H. Stainton was in Toronto recently .... Miss Sadie Muir gave a party to her young friends last week in honor of ber cousins, the Misses Tho7APson, who are visiting ber.... Mrs. . . Gay entertained some of ber friends one evening last week among theni Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gay, Oshawa. ..On Friday evening Maple Grove Young People presented their play "Wanted-a Wif e" in Ebenezer Church. The play was moat inter- esting and heli the attention of the audience well. We think among che actors in the play special mention might be made of Miss Marjorie Stev- ens representing "Grandmother" who looked and acted ber part to perfection. ... Sunday, although the weather was disagreeable the services were good. In the morning our Pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton preache11 a beautiful sermon on "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". At the close of the service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was served. In the afternoon the Sunday Sch-ool session was in charge of Miss Aura Osborne and ber class. Miss Aura took the chair. Her class sang a chorus, the verses o! which were sung by Miss Elsie Oke. Miss Helen Wilkins rend the bible lesson and Miss Ada Annis gave a reading on Sprig Rev. Mr. Petley, Y.M. C.A., OshawLa, then gave a fine ad- dress to the school .... Sunday even- ing the service wvas held in No. 8 School-house and our Pastor preacbed a most stirring sermon on 'What shaIl I do to be Saved". The school was nicely filled and some of the people who live a long ways from cburch attended the service and en- joyed it. Services will be held there for several Sunday evenings. The Ladies' Berean Class is holding a quiltinîr in the Sunday School Room at Ebenezer on Thursday. The ladies are invited to corne and bring their dinner and in the afternoon a short meeting will be beld in charge of M!rs. C larence Penfound's gro)up.,, Spring bas corne, the frost isgin out and the outcome is that several cars have had to be pulled out of the mud. Have HAYDON 1 Mrs. Edith Ormiston was called toi Chattanooga, Tennesseel last week owing to the serious iliness of ber sister, Miss Jennie Elliott. .. . Mrs. Geo. Simpson, Claresholm, Alberta, is wîth ber brother, Mr. Wxn. Riggs . ... Miss Verna Trewin is visiting atý home...Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy js spend- ing a few days with relatives in Bow- manville and Salem ...Mr. Leslie Graham was home from Oshawa over the weekend. . .. Several in our vie- inity are indisposed with bad colds *. League program Sunday ev3ning was in charge of 4th Vice President, Mr. Ben Flaxington. Owing to trie absence of our President, Miss Annie Trewin took charge of opening (x- ercises. Program consisted of- Scripture reading by Mr. F. Stan- nard; devotional by Mrs. E. Brad- ley; topic by Mrs. H. Ashton; two vocal selections by Messrs. B. Flax- ington, C. Ashton, H. Mills and L. Ashton. A reading was given by Miss Mabel Beech. "ACCURACY" Is the only thing that we accept wben fitting your eyes with glasses. The examination must be correct, the Lenses ground exactly to your refract ion, and frames perfectly fitted- "becoming" and comfortable. Our two experienced eye- sight specialists will ensure you a scientific examination, and in our Lens Grinding Department your glasses will be ground to meet your in- dividual requirements. When W. Test Eyez It la Doue Properly Jury & Loveil Saf e. Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians YOUNG MEN'S "FIRST LONG" SUITS Classy Models in the new Tweed effeets. The iboys who have seen them say "they're great", sizes 34, 35 and 36, Regular $22.50, WEEK END SPECIAL $18.50 BOYS' KNICKER SUITS These are Sample Suifs bought away below regu- lar price, sizes 27 to 31 or 8 to 13 years, values to $10.50, WEEK END SPECIAL $6.95 This Is Spring Neckwear Week -I - -à- m I.1- Fine Furnishings TOGI "Where DRESS1 I New Spring Mo, cloths--they King St. West "The Clothing Man" Have You Ordered Your Spring Suit? Declared On The High Cost of Dressing Nelson's ECONOMY WEEK SALE Offers Thousands of Yards of Spring Fabrics at Huge Savings To Thrifty Buyers. Starting Friday, March 3Oth we will offer you thousands of yards of New Spring Silks, Dresa Goods and Wash Goods in a big week selling at prices neyer bef ore attempted at the beginning of a season. Includ- ed in this offering are fabrica imported from the leading manufacturers of England, France, Japan aid other countries, in the newest creations both as to weave, designs and colorings. You will find this a most opportune time to choose your new Spring and Summer Dresses at prices you cannot duplicate elsewhere. SALE RUNS MARCH 3Oth TO APRIL 7th. 39" Pure SiIk Georgette In a lovely range of colors. A rich soft drap ing fabric that selîs regu- larly for $1.59 a yard, Econou»y Sale Price $1.19 Crepe Rack Satins Another popular fabric imported from a lea.ding French maker which makes a really high class gown, Regular $2.59 yard, Economy Sale Price $1.98 39" Imported Fiat Crepe One o! the season's most popular fabrîcs in aIl the new Spring tones. Guaranteed French make and dye. Sells regularly at $1.95 yard, Economy Sale Price $1.69 39" Iris Fiat Crepe The silk with a gleam-one of the best dress fabrics made, in aIl the newest colorings. Sells regularly for $ 2.79 yard, Economy Sale Price $2.19 French Crepe Romaine A beavy weight fine even textured georgotto in lovely pastel shades alao Navy and Black. Selîs regularÏy for $1.98 yard, Economy Sale Price $1.69 Plain Celanesse Crepes A splendid wearing and washing fab- rie, suitable for dresses, slips, lingerie, etc., in ioveiy pastel shades. Regular Selling Price $ 1.19 yard,, Economy Sale Price 88c * - - __________________________________ I ___________________________________ FUGI SILK-Most of you know our famous quality-don't confuse it with some of the low grade lines that are offered-the ideal fabric for Dresses, Slips, Lingerie, etc. We show it in 20 colors, also White and Black E-CONOMY SALE PRICE 55c WOOL FABRICS 40" Ail Wool San-Toys In new Spring tones, Regular Price $ 1.39 yard, Economy Sale Price 98c 40" Wool Georgette One of the season's favourites, a soit draping quality. Regular selling price $1.50 yard, Economy Sale Price $1.19 40" French Toule A !abric that gives great wear and alwayq rotains its good appearnce. Regulr price $1.59 yard, Economy Sale Price $1.19 31" Plaid Kasha For eariy apring dresses or in coin- bination with plain fabrîcs. Regular prices$1.00 yard, Economy Sale Price 79c COTTON FABRICS 36" Borden's Prints The finest quality mnade and guar- anteed fast colors, Rogular Price 59c, Economy Sale Price 39c Novelty Taffetta Foulards Aý fine mercerized finish, in good de- signs and colorings, Regular Selling Price 59e yard, Economny Sale Price 37c 32" English Ginghame That seil regularly for 29c yard. We offer 1000 yards in 12 designe and colorings, Economy Sale Price 17c Mercerise,] Broadcloths - Two splendid quaities NO. 1 in 8 colora, Regular Selln Price 39e yard, Economy Sale Price 29c NO. 2 English Suede finish in 10 col-. ores'wbich are fast, Econony Sale Price 39c NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values CI.anime & Pressing War I I I I PRINTED SILKS THE VOGUIE We are showing them in a lovely var- iety of weaves, designs and colorings, too numerous to mention, we enumer- ate a few of the best solling lines below: 39" Printed Rayons In two designs and eight colors, Regu- lar Price $1.29 yard,, Economy Sale Price 98c 38'? Printed Celanesse That seils regularly for $1.59 yard, Economy Sale Price $1.19 36" Printed Ray-Silk That wears and launders perfectly, Regular Price 69e yard, Economy Sale Price 49c 36" Printed English Silks That are guaranteed fast colora in 10 color combinations, Regular Prico $1.79 yard, Economy Sale Price $1.49 39" Printed Fiat Crepes In ioveiy color combinati-ons, a quality that selis for $2.95 yard, Economy Sale Price $2.29 I - GERY SHOP re You Buy Good Clothes" UP FOR EASTER We'l help you 15 SAMPLE COATS )dels made up to show the different seli for $25.00 ail over Canada. We L- i 1 1- a VAGE FOUR f ---- BELL'S "Bert" Bell