Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1928, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAROR 22nd., 1928PAET Artistic Wall Paper IN TASTEFUL NEW DESIGNS FOR EVERY TYPE 0F ROOM There are fashions in wall paper as there are ini apparel and other things, and the smart hostess of today sees to it that the decorations of her home are just as tasteful and up to the minute as are her own frocks. We have on display a wonderful1 assortment of beautiful and artistic wall papers for every type of room---smart, tasteful, yet inexpensive. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore Bowmanville Gold Seat Congoleums This week we have received a large shipment of new Congoleum Rugs in many attractive patterns and sizes. Congoleum Rugs are economical, waterproof, sani- tary and above everything satisfac- tion guaranteed. No.Buckie Team 13/4lnch Harness, Brltchlng and Back Pade, complote, wthout collars, $74.50, Golng At $14.50. MASON & DALE Phone 146 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville Seed1ess Raisins 221 Poiieyno dealers aupplied Ia Pur Lr3-1b-Pail 49Ce Llfebuoy Soap Re « 3 cakes 21C Sokee almon '~.22C Fint Ofilga~e .. 15C tin 24c tin Laz.nbys Chef Sauce 27c bottie Bread Made in cu w- Whtema.. 19each Brad14e Aimt Jemuna Buckwheat Flour 22e pkt. Bakter'.Breakfast C.-« %-Ib. lin 25e Duaed Carrots 2 t6ns23c Dixie Fineel Victory Chriatie's Biscuits Froale Mill. Pickles Buite A...t" RoUed Large Boule Biscut Oats SO.tiid5C 116.package 25c IL~ 5 ibe. 25c Sour 40c 35c McLaera' Invncibe ISbirriff's 12 o.. f Olives Jare 25c "Marmnalade . F 1 Classie 'SC Richmello Cleanser fintî Richrniello ITEAI Gem Lye 2 -- 25cIc f I A ,ilIgSf. ____________________________ A lib Gd. 111-à f' 1 -lb. in 27c 1 M. tin 59e t-REDfROSE TEAÀis good tea" 116e OrangePe&So.b som.thing extra-a apecial tea là, In clam, brdghi Aluminun a. ANSWERS WITH POETRY Sme weeks ago Dr. F. T. Tigbe appealed to bis customers te pay upi their accounts by inserting a few catcby lines of poetry in The States- man. He informs us they bad the desired affect in many cases. How- ever, this is bow one good friand, Clarence Hall, a veteran of the World War, replieti: So far from you I've bad no bill, For giving ta my cow that pilI, 1 do not know tbe exact amount 'Twill take to settle my account,' But the enclosed, you no doubt can use, Sa sinaîl a sum you won't refuse, And when my cows look like to die, 1 sure will send for Dr. Tigbe. HAMPTON AIl members of the Cemeteny Board met in church basement Mon- day evening and discussed plans for future policy in management. A public meeting of lot holders and others intenested will be helu i# in th near future, and reports of past year's business given, and new plans discussed. Any who did net con- tnibute ta the past years improve- ment fund, may do so at any time, as a full report of givings will after the next meeting ba publishe ... . Rav. J R. iBick preached a splendid sermon Sunday evening on an appropniate lenten topic, and the choir sang a new byma as an anthem wbicb was mucb appraciated. .Mn. and Mns. T Salten spent the weekend in Tarante witb bis brother .... Mn. Oscar Jam- leson, Bowmanville, spent the week-ý end witb Mn. Wallace Horn, andi as-J sistad st the Institute concert Friday evening .... The friands cf Mn. Rosas Trenoutb will be glati te learn that be is improv'ing and will soon be arounti again. .Mn. Chapmnan has moveti from the Jebson borne ta the home of G. A. Barron where be will uet as foreman on the farm.. Mna. C. W. Soizcb bas returneti from Wind- sor after tbree weeks' visit wltb ber daughter, Mrs. Kenaeth Cav.nly andi Mise Gwea wbo bave beau quit. ill wltb the au.1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Hear Port Hope Choir of 50 voices in Trinity Church Thursday, March 29th. Admission 25c. Mrs. W. J. Ward, President of the Owen Sound Girl Guide Association, is in Windsor attending the Provin- cial Council meeting this week. Mrs. Ward will visit her daughter, Mns. Basil Bowman, in Hamilton, before returning.-.Owen Sound Sun-Timnes. Students of Albert College took charge of the entire service, a.cting as ushers, etc., in Holloway St. Unit- ed Churcb, Belleville, on Sunday. Rev. I_ S. Wight, the Pastor, was seated with the audience. The Glee Club took the place of the choir. The entire service was intereating. Col. J. W. Odel], of Cobourg, forzn- erly of Orono, has been awarded the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officersi Long Service Decoration and long service medal. Col. Odell started his military career as lieutenant in the Cobourg Heavy Battery, and practically alI his service was seen with this battery, he being one of the niost popular officers the battery ever had. Kincardine garagemen have bond- ed tbemselves to do a cash business. Here's luck to them, and boping that they may succeed. Eatons, Simp-1 sons, chain cash and carry stores, and other such large organisations are compelling the cash system to be adoPted in most retail business. It will soon reach that stage where the local business man will have to adopt it or go broke. According to The Daily Globe of March th., Miss E. M. Werry of 156 Mavity St., Toronto, addressed a meeting of Sherbourne W.C.T.U. la Immanuel Baptist Churcb, giving an interesting talk describing some of the difficulties met with in her work. since Government Control came into force. Read ber address ýon ber work as -member of the Travellers' i Aid Society on another page. jMiss Beatrîce Purdy, Coiborne, was declared district winner in the Cana- dian and Oratorical Contest held at Cobourg, Marcb 9th. Principal W. J. Morrison presided. Judges were Rev. Dr. D. W. Best and W.F. Ward, B. A., Bowxnanville, Rev. A. McLauchlin, Grafton. John Dry- den, Brooklin, won second prize. Other contestants from this districtl included Roy Jones, Newcastle, Gladys Cobbledîck, Orono, Ruth Fishleigh, Oshawa. James HiUson, a pioneer of Ux- bridge district, passed away on Marcb 2 in his 93rd year. He was born in Devonshire, England, and came to Canada when a lad of 18 with his parents William and Mary Hilison- who located at Bowinanville for some years. Later he moved to Brooklin and worked in the flour milI with bis cousin, the late J. B. Biekle. Mr. and Mns. Hillaen celebrated their Diamond wedding on' December 1, 1915. Laugbter and Health was the sub- ject of Tbe Editor'. Talk on Marcb 8tb. Dr. James J. Walsh, Medical Director of Fordham Uni'versity School of Sociology, New York, in nis new book "Laugbter and Healt.h" says: -Tbe heait, lungs and liver,-t7e1 spleen, ductless glands, stomach and1 intestines and the mmnd go abouti their respective businesses tauchi more eff ectively if we treat vhem toi a hearty guffaw oftener than every, now and then". I*ugh and growij beautiful. On account of it being found that liver was splendid for certain dis- eases, that article of diet bas leap- ed into prominence, and wbereas at, one time it was considered more fit for dogs and cats than for buman beings, now the butchers can hardly supply tbe demand for buman con-i sumption. One of our butcbers tells us that in order to supply the de- mand for liver, he bas to get about. one bundred pounda weekly from the Toronto abattoirs. And so, froin being a despised dish, it bas become1 one of the delicacies, at a picl price. The esteem ia which Mns. Pollock was held and the widespread regret ber sudden passing produced, was! greatly in evideace the day of inter- ment. The funeral was held from Chai- mers Presbyterian Church, Wbite- churcb, and was conducted by the Moderator of Maîtland Presbytery, Rev. C. H. MacDonald of Lucknow, and Rev. D. Perrie, D.D., of Wing-, bam. Tbe church building was crowded with friends wbo gathered to pay their last respects te depart-I ed's menit. The floral tributes9 were many and beautiful being sent by tbe congre- gations the deceased had laboured with, the varions Auxilianies of the saine, Maitland Preabytery, the Mis- sion Circle of Kings Daughters, In- gersoil, Mission Circle of the Baptiat Cburcb ,Goderich, Wingham Higb Scbool, Whitechurch Public Sebool, Fraternal organisations, relatives and fniends. Among those who were in attend- ance from a distance were Mns. S. A. Sbantz, Fairport, N. Y.; Mr. W. E. Welsb, Toronto; Mr. C. J. Welsh, East Rochester, N. Y.; Mns. George Pearce andi son Ross of Darlington; Mns. A. C. Hezzlewood, Toronto; Mns Orwell Warren, Salford; Mn. George Naylor, DetrsQit;.Mz. Louis DeRitter, East Rochester, N. Y.; and Mr. and Mrs. George Johaston, Goderich. Besides ber busband deceased leaves to mourn ber loss two sons and one daugbter, Rhys. AUfison, Dorotby Alice, William Jack Emmerson, also two brothers and one sister, Alice Grace Shantz, William Edward Welsb and Ceci] John Welsb; and five nieces Mrs. Harold Vogler, Rochester, N. Y.; Mns. Earl Morreil, Fairport, N. Y.; Eleanor and Helen Sbantz, Fair- pont, N. Y.; and Mns. Ralpb Heit, Kitchener, Ont. The remains were laid to rstin Wingham Cemetery on Thursday, March iSth. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mr. S. H. Short, brother of Mn. W. D. Short, Concession St., Town, writing from Vineland, N. C., says: Find enclosed $2.50 for Statesman fer another year. My wife bas been belpîesas for the past nine months. I was very much interested in the "Do You Remember"? Do you remem- ber wben thene was a distillery and tannery, soutb of vanstone's bridge? Wben Pboney Hintis kept hotel? When John Brimacombe drove Glov- er's bus? Wben Wyllie kept candy store on the corner? When Mn. Bunner was the shoemaken? Wben the D. 0. & P. factory started? Wben Aaron Buckler kept a jewelry store? Wben Panl Robins kept bookstore? When you studied your lessons by candle light?1 Se Qulckly Doie . 0 So Little me»s! Having the fioor-layei-s i doesn't mean upsetting the whole house. Start them at a bedroom i the morning, and they're through with it by night .. . . without even moving the furni- ture out into the hall!1 And so inexpensive 1, McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phone 15 Bowmanville "THE EST TAU:rS.uMADEi iNEV GAE OBITUARY Mrs. Clara Humber Montgomnery Maay citizens will regret to leara that Mrs. T. E. Montgomery, form- erly Clara Humber, born and living in (Bowmanville for saine years, died suddenly wbile accompanying ber aged father, F. G. Humber, to the shopping district, in Los Angeles, Cal., March 5 th. She will be bur- ied at Portage la Prairie, Man., about 23 inst., beside ber mother hb died April 13, 1919, and>wbo beforie ber marriage was Caroline Snes daughter of Nicholas SandesI e sides ber sorrowing husband, Claa leaves one brother, A. W. Humber of Minneapolis. and ber aged father whomn she always cared for ,and lived with. Her busband is a former resident of Winnipeg. Margaret Mabel WeI.k PoIlock The deatb occurred on Tuesday, March 13th of Margaret Mabel Welah Pollock at ber late residence at Wbitchurch, Ont. Deceased who was the youngest daughter of the late Edward and Alice Oke Welsh of Bowmanville and Toronto, was born at Ayr on August 25, 1879. At a very early age she accornpanied ber parents to Bowmanville where she spent ber cbildhood and young wom- anhood. From thence the deceased, accompanied ber parents to Toronto wbere she resided until ber marriage to Rev. John Pollock in April, 1910. Ahl tbrough ber life the deceased was known for ber kindness of disposi- tion, ber tboughtfulneiss for ohr and ber devotion ta her husbandan ber cbildrea. Everywhere she went she made friends and ber passing leaves a void in many hearts. With- out reserve she tbrew herself into ber busband's work often attempting more than she had physical stent to carry out. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Rer. George Mason Gives Fine Ad- droés at Home and School Club The Home and School Club held another very enjoyable meeting in Central Public Scbool on Marcb l4tb witb a good attendance of teachers and parents. The President, Mns. Harry Allia, presided. After siag- ing "0 Canada," followed by the Lord's Prayer, tbe business of the evening was transacted. Mrs. W. Adamis was appointed delegate to at- tend the Convention of the Ont. Fed- eration of Home and Scbu-ol Council to be beld in Toronto at Easter, witb Mrs. F. C. Colmer, alternative. A splendid musical program Was given consisting of vocal solos by Mrs. W. J. Morrison, accompanied by Miss L. L. Bragg; piano duets by Mrs. Hackney and Master Newton Hackney; humorous Irish reading, followed by one of Edgar Guests's poems, "The Callers," by Miss Ida Payne. Rev. George Mason gave a very interesting and instructive ad- dress. The speaker outlined bis subject by saying it composed suggestions of ways by whicb the home may as- sist the achool in enabling the cbild- ren to obtain a better and more stable education. He said parents should not do cbildren's homework but sbould give thein advice and inspiration in the preparation of their lessons for the next day. Then again too many parents o- daygie lastime to their children than ever before. In order to make an atinosphere and studious attitude, towards studies, it is most necessary that the father or mother display some interest in the difficulties of the child. They must be able to look to the parent as a source of information readily obtainable and obtainable in the ight way. Mr. Masan dwelt witb consîderable lengtb on the attention of the parent to the state of bealtb of the child. He urged a medical examination regularly on the cbild wbether dis- ease or physical condition requires it or not. Without bealth in the child's condition, excellence in education is unlikely. Factors whicb give a consistent support to education as matters of great importance are the conversa- tion, and the reluctance to furnish every opportnnity of the best educa- tion. Education may be iaspired. It la s0 done by the parents being inter- ested in educational themes and by readiag and provîding interesting and educative material f or the cbild's betterment. ContinuaI conversation concerniag biatonical, mechanical and literary subjects will inspire children te obtain and read books that dea] witb this information. Refresbments were served at tbe close of the meeting and a social tisue apent. Phone 430 Fred W. Nelles Bowmanvilie I Il - Now Is The Time To Buy That Chesterfiel Sut You Have Been Talking About Nice new spring styles, the very latest are now arriving upholstered in lovely combinations of Mohairs with Jacquards, Frieze, Silks, etc. Sani-Bilt combines beauty and sound-construction with absolute moth'- proof protection. A Chesterfield Suite means an in- vestment deserving reai care. Choose Sani-Bilt--the thoroughly mothproof living-room furniture. .m~N6 ROOM rnNlt.m Guarantee ItuotU are 1od d.stroylug "blspieu of sbde'u « Saui- bU " tumw Povur "or laI autboritu, e rplatesk tb Oum, r Sdu.butl" Luraturs. w.. furtbermoee. guaraas. that th. imii.1l sud ether matedials oed ta lb. construction .ofIbi ardce arte iew (Dot reuovtsd). an deo» sndsmitarpS t lb.th construction a leud sMd lb. maî.rlals seront and durable. Ilf ouud ,o lb.otiier Iba se bors r.pr.ue& ed.l.morcbmu #0 astbortaed tae Seump*tu.10 ,"ar blîfurnitur. Real Walnut Bed Room Pieces We are also showing real Walnut bedroom pieces at the price of walnut finished goods. This includes Dressera, Vanities, Dressing Tables and Chiffoniers. Fe.Fe Home Furnithers Bowmanvilie MoriTs Co, Furuiture Phone 10 Wholesome Meats For Better Meals Good meat is the foundation of every meal. Every housewife knows how impossible it is to plan a meal without it. At our Meat Shop you receive only the finest cuts-at the most economical prices. Our meats are received in best condition and kept in a most sanitary way-thereby assuring you of the best at ail times. Try us once-and be convinced. Prompt Delivery Service HAROLD M. JEWELL Successoir to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowxnanvile Don't be a "penny wise and a pound foolish". A good article is neyer a dear one. 'WHITE ROSE CASOLINE may cost a littie more than other grades, but is ýtwice the value to the motorist. You get more mile- age, smoother running, more power, less engine trouble and greater satisfaction in every way. Intelligent motorists are using White Rose Gasoline. It is an aIl-purpose gasoline, and a trial will convince you of its superior qualities. OiIs--Tres-,Batteries--Accessories FRESH GROCERIES Brand new stock of groceries await your selection. Phone your order or cal White Rose Service Station . PAGE limm Ir. 1 .*

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