Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1928, p. 7

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PAGE SEVRI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR5D)A-X, FEBRUJLRY 16, 1928 MI db & d um & ý&2ff Uiii the most lusclous apples, "SALADA"y Orange Peko. Teas are grown close to the frost belt-hlgh en tropical mountains-that is why the flavour li se doudcous. Seaed-pureno dust-43c per hall -p.und. Sold everywhere. Ask for it. S OME fellows are sure rough on tires-saxa oni the brake and alide a yard or two li stopping- drop in the clutch and spin the rear wheels ini starting--speed round corners and skrid. It may save a few minutes running time-it rnay even look a littie "showy" to the maxi on the side- walk-but the real driver knows that it means miles off the running life of the tires. Good tires will give unlielievable miles of service if you treat them right. Drive sanely. Corne in and let us put the gauge on the valves onice a week-under inflation means certain trouble. Let us examine the casings regularly for ernbedded flints and nails. This service will save dollars on your year's car expense. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT Sold ln Bowmanville By JAMIESON BROS. > KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILI£ Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART 1 e e * A ccept l 'B ye"package ee which contains poeirections. s c f&Randy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets S oifAleo bottles af 24 and 100-Druggista. àoprbà te the trade mark (,e<Itered ln Canada) of Bayer Manftitflt of MonomcetiC- eà~ o k Uacid S(Acetyl Elaitjle Acid. "A. S. A."). While t in weli knowa - a A»U me~z n satauz anuiClC. islt the pubie against Imitations. the Tableto OAtBae ompan wiflbe îW.tam thod elgeral tradi ark, the "Bayer Cre." DARLINGTON COIJNVIL CANADA. U. S. AND ENGLAND Regular monthly meeting of coun-1 cil was held Tuesday, February 7th wîtb members ail present, Reeve C. A. Wigbt presiding. Countie' Treasurer gave notice of tbe adiission of Peter Geddes and Henry Phillips to Bowmanviile Hos- pital and Mrs. Marion Fletcher ta Oshawa Hospital. Customs and Excise Office, Bow- manville. made request for the names and addresses of the owners of sand and gravel pits in the township. Clerk ta reply. Mrs. E. V. Scobell forwarded re- newal af guarantee bond for Treas- uirer. Department of Public Hlighways acknowledged receipt af by-law No. 913, the appointment of T. H. Rich- ards as Road Superintendent for 1928. Mrs. W. G. Rundle and family grateftully acknowledged the expres- sion of sympathy of council. Department of Public Highways called attention of council ta annual conference on road convention, held in Toronto, February 2th and 2lst, also annual meeting o! Ontario Gaod Roads Association ta b. in Toronto, February 22, 23, 24. Ontario Municipal Association ask- ed for co-aperation of council in the work of tbe association and requested the granting o! the annual fee of $10. Solicitor for the Liquor Control. Board for Ontario f orwarded samp- les of by-laws whicli miglit be passed in the township, for the appointment of afficers order section 121 "The Liquor Contrai Act". S. A. Northcott and A. C. Trim- mon asked counicil to consider the purcliase of road machinery <uring the comiag year. Laid over for further consideration. Norman S. B. James and F. F. Morris briefly addressed councîl ta consider making a f urther grant to the Nursesl' Home o! Bownmaaville Hospital. Laid on table for further considerationi J. W. Watcharn complained as ta excess of water at Lot 24, Con. 1~0, and asked permission ta cut dowa trees on roadside between Lots 22 and 23, Con. 9. Referred ta Rond Superintendent for report. By-law was assed for the appoint- ment o! E. M. Proctor, Toronto, as Township Engineer. By-lnw was pnssed ,provding for a payment to the Clerk, of a fair and reasonable remuneration for services by him in carrying out the provision of tbe ditches and water-eallrses act. By-lnw was passed for the apipoint- ment of S. A. Northcott and A. W. Annis as Sheep Inspectors for 1928. Owing ta the conti nuned hi health 0f W. R. Allia, Township Clerk, cauncil resolved ta allow him three weeks absence froin hie duties. Treasurer ncknowledged the re- ceipt of $1,786.59 for L. T. Pascoe taxes for 1927 and $4.90 for Lloyd Williams for wire. Orders were drawn on Treasurer: Rond Supt., salary and sup- plies, D«eesber ..-...... $ 11.94 Road Supt., rond Mainten- ance, December.......... 190.64 Road Supt., salary and sup- plies, Janaa7. ... .;.......58.4 Road Supt., rond mainten- ance, January............ 84.88 Mns. E. Scobeil, Treas. Bond 5.00 F. J. Groat, saiary as auditor 12.60 Kyle Squair, salary as auditor 12.50 Division Registrar, Reg. fees 1927 ................... 2650 Municipal 'Worid. supplies ... 9.73 Mns. A. F. ]Rundie, supplies for S. Storme, (charity> . - 4.88 R. C. Pearce, supplies for F. Starms, (charity> .........153 H. S. Brittaýn, supplies for Peter Geddes, (charity) . . 21.e Counties' 'lreas., 50% main- tenance J. A. Parker, Dec. 23.W F. F. Morris Ca., 50% o! funeral expenses for the late Margaret Parker._. 37.( Taranto Stamp and Stencil Works, dog tags......... 2W Council adjourned tilI Wednesday Mardi 7th., at 1 p. mi. W. R. Allun, Township Cierk Tie Produced-in-Canada Commit- tee o! Ontario announces tatsuý Newcastle studeats are takig pani in tbe essay contest "Why Canadian Homes Sbould be Heated with Cana- dian Goal". From tisse essaye tie tbree best wijil be seiected and sentl forward ta represent Newcastle and lie judged by Hon. Canon Cody, Brig.-Gen. Mitchell and Dr. Coiqu- loua, Deputy Minister of Education for Ontario, for their standing in the province-wide contest. t t 01 Letter Frem Canauuan Weat Dis- agi... With Views Expresaed Br Ch»i. M. Bic.. Dear Mr. Eiditor -I bave greatly appreciated tbe splendid articles of Ar. Chas. M. Bice an astronomy, science and many other subjecta ap- pearing la The Canadian Statesman. sut bis recent article on "Canada, United States and England" came as a great surprise. His remarks re- gardîng the U. S. and Canada are very true, Canadians appreciate their big neiglibor. But manY Americans refuse to accept as Mr. Bice does, that tbis is a «"proof that tbe U. S. is not out t, gobble up tbe world, dominate tbe seas, outdo anybody's navy ,destroy anybody's trade, cut off anybody's bread-linW". There are many American citizens who feel that the suspicion of the Latin Republîcs that is being shown now at Havana is more or less well founded. In "Dollar Diplomnacy" written by Near- ing and Freeman (subjects of Uncle Sam) it shows that while ane third of Canadian industries, mines, bond& and debentures are owned by U. S. there has been no attempt to control the political situation bere. But it bas been very different in Hawaii, panama, Mexico, Santa Domingo, Hayti and Bolivia. Economic peste- tration lias been followed by political interference and by farce. The charge is made that the State DePart- ment of the U. S. has became the solicitors of the monied interests of the U.S. and that the navY bas been used in tbe interests of big business -and many proafs are given. In the "Christian Century" of rFeb- ruary 2nd., published in Cbicago, te an editorial eatitled "Have you a son for the war af 1937V" In this it is shawn that the naval autharities led by Admiral Hughes are determined "ta have a fleet equal ta any coin- bination of other navies that Great Britain mightt hne up against us. We will neyer be safe till it can be said that we rule the world without aaY qualiifications whatever". The Prussian Junkers at best cauld hardly autclass tbe ambitio-4nd yet Mr. 1Bice dlaims that Uncle Sam lias nothing but friendly feelings towards +1 w . A M a,,i, A m erjeans. l'a mn GREAT AND THE GREATEST (By Dr. E. T. Slemon, Ottawa). Alone, lured by a cali too big ta echo In the beart of cammon youth, He mounts into the tracklesa waste, A virgin messenger of good will And timeless peace. Between the vaulted grey above, And rocking ocean floor beneath, Faith-urged, love-led, dauntiess He sought bis goal, and found it, And became the Hera of the Air. As He, alone, lured by the need of man, Long years ago, above J'udea's rug- ged bille, And 'neath Judea's bluer skies Fearles of Death, the Life, the Truth, the Way Through tbe uncharted void, Became the Beacon Light and Guide That leads fromn earth to heaven. OBITUARY Mi,. Ana Jane 'Williamon, Toronto A daugbter of one Qf the pioneers of Pickering township, Mrs. Ana Jane Williamson ' died February 7th in ber 9th year at tâe residence of ber daughter, Mr'. R. Cain, 478 Sy- mington Avenue, Toronto. She was born near West Hill, the daugbter of Thomas Nesbitt, and when she was quite young the fam- ily moved ta Manvers township, wbere she grew up, was married, and lived until about 22 years agi, when they moved to Lindsay. About 18 years ago thev left there to make their bomne in Toronto and six years latcr her husband died. She was a j iember of he Prebyterian Churcb and leaves ta m')urn ber loss three daughters, Mrs. 1. Dewell of Solina; Mrs. Jas. Mitchell of Pontypool; and Mrs. R. Cain of this city, and eight sons, Elmer, Berney, Clayton and Dalton, ail of Toronto; Lewis Of Pontypool; ýHeber of Lindsay; Milit- on of Grandview, Man; and Emil of New Ontario. Tbere is also a step- son, William, of Grandview, Man. She also leaves 54 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchîldrefl.. Death was due ta natural causes after an ilînes of more than t'wo years. glad ta say, are being thoroughly Jamies Boddy, Oshawa aroused ta a sense of the dangers of ucli a situation but many others are James iBoddy, a well-knawn citizen ta compietely blinded by tbe tradi- o! Oshawa, died recentiy ut lis home ional prejudice against Englaad tint in tiat ity. He wns bora la Port hey see aothiaig iacongruous. Perry sixty-Fix years aga, and was fA-a son of Robert and Celina Boddy, Ia the "'Lîfe and Letters 0fAn and formeriy res*ided at Baltimore bassador Page" we see sometiing o! where tbe family made their home thie prejudice and how lenîsat and for years. He married Miss Maude patient was the U. S. witb Germaay Cak fHnpoî anFrne.Tkanisactt Besides his wifée, bie is survived by of the Dacda (Chap. S Vol. 3). Tis titres daugltens, Edna and Reta at wns one o! the maay German vessels wbicb sought refuge in the Amnerican home, and Mns. Sidney C. Milîs, Los harbors at the beginiiing o! the world Angeles, Cai f. He aIea leaves nias war and was interned. The German1 brothers, four cif whom, Josepb, Rab- Ameicns oulittasecrethere ert, John and George, reside in Osh- lea o heseslisaneerredawa; Gregory, who lives la Cleve- teas mof test o! he anda. Seir dland; and Hiram, Arthur, Allen and to mke atestof he Dcia. sirWilliam of Toronto: aad twa sister.3, Edward Grey gave waning thnt if Ms an~CaproHmlo sheputtaseneh wold e eizd.Township; and Mrs. Gea. Liscumb, There was a moat determîned pro- Toronto. test by the Amnericau authoritis- Mr. Bod areidfrabu the tension becaine verj ,trained and .od a eie o bu war was imminent. Page suggeslted fa 3-seven V'as at Oshawa; and fox that the Frenchi fleet make the seizure -.inest that entice period lie was an which wns acted upon and not a word emnployes witn tie Robson Lenther of proteet was made. Germnay and Company. He was a member af France could do with impunity what Corinthien Loige, 1. O. O. F., Osh- if England did would mena war. awa and a ras îber o! Simcoe St. United Church and mucli intere.stedý Somethig o! tussanme hysteria ile la its varions activities. showa by the audience which ap- piauds Big 'Bill ThompsoTt la lis most absurd statementa. Will Rogers, tne IGas Spiled SlU p American humoriet, says that while in Chicago a few weeks saga he wanted M d ta go ta ses lis oid friead Mayori M d Her Dizz Thompsoa but lie badl Englisli break- "o er ufrdfo a n fast tea that day and lhe was afraid For easI feedfo gaianad- Bill would simell it an his breti. costpation. Usedtagtled headaclies and dizzy spells. The firut Mr. Bice dlaims that the trouble at dose of Adierika gave me relief. Nowr Geneva was due ta the fact that Eng- I rest wel."-Mrs. B. Brinkley. Just land le aot prepared ta admit any ONE apoonful of Adlerilca relieves nation ta take equal rank withb ler- gas and that bloatsd feeling so that self. But during the century that is you can.eat and sieep weill Acta on pnst ' aithougli she was dsfeated in iBOTE tipper and lower bowel and re- war by her daugliter, she has neyer maves aid waste master you neveoe censed ta feel that the U. S. la One thouglit was there. No matter what o! the family stili, even fliaugli ah. you tried for your stamacli, Adierika now outrivals lier la aumben aand lanvii surprise you. Jury & Loveil. wealth. It lies seldom beea good Ltd., Druge. ;politics in England ta pluck feathers 'fromn the Eagie's tail. In the recent .Imperial Coaference England made o r .it clear ta the dominions and ta the or a s, world that sie was but ane amoag 1 eqalsandCol. AmerY for the Britishi ,Governmeat lias been reiterating tbie c d S o a h fat agn and again inciustomach, Bwith lier Dominions ail the privîlegesIn i e to ofthe Empire and yet continues ta .carry the burdens--and that witiaut a groudli. Biaurated Magnesia The British Empire is Imperial, not la Safe and Reliable in any historie sense, resting on a_____ miitary organization, but on a spirit- If you are a victim o! Stamaci ual fellowshp, on a brotherhood O! Trouble,--Gns, Sourness, Acidity, nations. Here is the one hope for Pain or Bloating alter snting, Bisur, any nbiding world peace-the Leagile ated Magnesia iB made for you. o! Nations ena funtion-the Out- At tbe nearest drug store, get i lawry of War can become a fact, bottle-powder or tablets-take à oniy througb sudh a brotherlo9d of littîs and get instant relis!. nations. Engiand is ready ta wel- Keepe your stamaci sweet and came China, Germany and the United strong--digestion perfect. It worka States inta like fellowship. like a ciarm. Senator Borali, the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Commnittes of the Senate and Secretary Kellogg, lnuo t C o n bis note ta President Briand for a ~ OL o n Mutilateral treaty outlawing war, give us hope that the U . S . wll ses M , e B cIk Say & Ju ry & Lovell Il that lier great opportunity for world M4one' Em.rad Oil Do.su't Di leadership is not in nny naval po- Away With Ail Soreneis and Paii gram but la giving ta the Old World lu 24 Hous. and ta the Latin Republica the samne friendly spirit that elie has givea 40 Get a bottie o! Moone's Emera ber littie sister Canada. M. B!e 'ala witli the understanding that i eminentiy fitted by birtli and training it dose not put an end ta the pali ta give powerfui assitance ta this and soreneas your maney ili b lead. pramptly returned. Tbanking you, Mr. Editor, for your Don't worry about how long yu'v valuabie space, 1 am, sindereiy yoiix5, lad it or liow many other prepara Ciover Bar, Aiberta, Feb. 4, 1928. Here's A Chance at OUR rlak, usieMUn. Sybilla Spare Tonsilitis, for Caneh Brouchitin, Croup, ,Catarib,, Whooplpg-cough, Qulnny, Bar. ThroatiaMd Tonsil troubles. Résuite good or mony back. '1-2 td kg tiat wiif hlep ta make your painful aciing feet soa healthy and ires front corn and bunlon sorenesa that you'1 be able ta go anywhere and do any- thing la absolute foot comfort. So mar'velousiy powerfui lia Me...e's Eus.wld Oit that thousands have found it Cives wonderfui re- mlts in the. treatmont of dangerous .Wollen or varleon vaine. Jury LAOveflla s.ing iots o!1 . id if 's -1 Nor.egln I ECIAL OFFEP'IGraham Sardines Pure Red Plum lu ~tn~ Jam4o--3I9 2,b.1c Herrings ~Minýute Kippered 25c tin MarmaadOe3lCe Tapioca S25c tin0 2 pkia. 25e Pmkn**.2 .19 Ktchp a e27ec AyI.,. Di.d Macaroni g h 5 Carrots 2 --23C Spa3het . R ...t oc*a. - 1 27 .,ry Horne'. 3in5 ElectCocoa 27C ainty Puddings 3pIcs. Qulity JOLIVES "TASTY" For Economy. Full Flavo NELoW P Bread and Strength Noc Drink Quceen 10 bot w ll ls Wropped Domino 6t)CibI Mason 'r 3 3c th Engli.I, Br...t ~Styl.Q, nb t este 1 lb., lb. or 1,4 lb. No. 8 Pimenta o c tter a SEALEI) CARTONS ONI.Y Stuffed 2 7bot. - 1 Quick Suds Large 23c Package 1 and1 Pg. . 0 .. 39C Handy Palmolive Ammo nia Sa Powder 2 Pkts. 15C 3 i~,25c ISoapi 10 bars 1L5c-J Old Colony p For Toilet or Bath, c OLdCln o Large Caes h325 Oh Boy 0r For2c~, l-Iand'Cleaner j for5c 1 D airaan "" 2 Will A Fire Find' You Under Insured? Have you added to your stock or done a»Y building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better proteet yourself bef ors disaster cornes. Do it now. Delays are dangerous. A bad fire caused heavy lowin i Hampton thia month. We will be glad to advise you. That'a Our business. HAppy AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL J. J. MASON & SON Real Eistate and Inaurance Brokers 1Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Coal That Satisfies The reason the number of our customers àa increasing rapidly is the f act that we deliver abso- lute satisfaction with every load of fuel we seil. In other words, we deliver ALL COAL, free from clinker-forming siate and forming a mini- mum of ash. That's because of the careful screening and rigid inspection of every ton of coal we handie. Our customers' confidence is our most pre- cious asset and you get a certified weight receipt with every load. Phone 15 McClelIan & Co. Ltd. if you like athick- er and sweeter syrup of the saine iî lquality-as for GOLDN SYRU Wfrite for new RecMIRooi-Fe The CANADA STARCH CO., LIMTED 0 MONTREAL ~ .0 1. S-a" Pack.ge 9C S"Ce Quality King St. Eut, Bowmanville

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