Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1928, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT NEWCASTLE W. M. S. The January meeting of W. M~ United Cburch, Newcastle, was: in the Bible Class Room on Jani 4tb. Mrs, E. B. Cooke, Presid in the chiair, and conTucted the votional period. Tbirty-five in bers were present. Reports on past year's work was presented several afficers. Secretary rep ed 96 annual members and 24 members. with an averag'e att( ance of 35 mnembers, 102 giving monthly envelopes. The Treast reported as follows: Allocal $435, remitted ta Branch Secret $97.00, making a total sent forw $502.00; Mission Band also renil of $599.00. Mrs. Geo. Jamieson parted 80 subscriptions for missi ary monthly. Program given Mrs. J. A. Butler's group consisted readings by Mrs. Matchett and IN J. Q. Hancock, taken fram the sti boèk "New paths for old Purpose and a vocal duet by Mrs. E. B. Col and Mrs. Matchett. Delegates pointed ta attend to Presbyterial h in Port Hope on Thursday, June are Mrs. Matchett and Mrs. W. Rickard. NEWCASTLE LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid of the Unil Church met at the home of Mrs. F. Rickard on Thursday afternc last with the President, Mrs. Pei Rare, in the chair, and over fil members present. Mrs. H. R. Peai read the scripture lesson for the( votional period; Mrs. Geo. Honey1 in prayer, and Mrs. Ernest Rin presided at the piano for the singir Letters of appreciation, acknowled ing Christmas remembrances, we read from Mrs. W. G. Cowan, Mrs. R. Adair, Newcastle, Mrs. M. Moore, Texarkana, Texas, and M: Cabbledick, Las Angeles, Cal Letters of thanks for flowers recei ed during illness were also read frc Mr. W. G. Cowan, Miss Mari Jones and Mrs. Midget who bas be, ill for some time at the home of h parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Cowa North St. The followîng ladi were appointed a committee ta se ure a new play, select a cast, ai boost the thing along: Mrs. P. Har Mrs. W. F. Rickard, Mrs. (Dr.) Bt 1er, Mrs. J. R. Fisher and Mrs. Jol Douglas. Lunch was partakeni as usual at the close of the meetin STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES TO Europ.-Canadian Pacifie, Whi Star Dominion, Cunard, America Ask for Information. Phone 5 Statesman Office, Bowmanvlle. M Bridge Parties We have a large assort ment of gifts suitable for prizes at reasonable price& W. T. Allen Big 20 BooIkatore Bownanville Ont. THE CAMADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY l9th., 1928 CARD 0F THANKS é-.The Ngevvceaqt1ge Iridiep endicfe r-it -Mrs. Russell J. Hbs omn heldvildsrst hn llirni- ýuar bos, rlatvesand friends for their ent, T U S A ,J N A Y1t,12 kindness and sympathy to hier dur- de-~~~~~~~ ~ TH R D Y JN A Ylt. 98ig the ilîness and death of lher hus- nem- band, and for the beautiful floral byth NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL NEWCASTLE 'NEWCASTLE HORTICULTURAL offerings; ta Mrs. Cawker for sing- 1at LIRR SCEYSANIESR ing a sala at the funeral and ta the port- LIBRARY Mr. 0. A.. Parker spent the week- ________NNVERAR Superintendent and Nurses at the ife eoptlfrterkn teto.S ;end- Report for. December: No. of new end with friends in Toronto. The annual meeting of NewcastleHoptlfrherknatntn.S e by books 2; Total No. members 322. Miss Helen Rickard, Shaw's spent Horticultural Society hbeld in the urer Circulation for month: Non-fiction the weekend witb Miss Ruth Cobble- Council Chaqiber Friday evening tian 65; Fiction 562; Juvenile 177; total dick. last, was of a very uniçie character. on. J. E. W. Pbilp, Mrs. J. W. Brad- tary 804. Books, magazines, loaned 48. Mr. Thos. Maffat is under the It ivas the society's lSth birthday. ley. Fred Fligg, John Douglas. Yard Fines on overdue books $2.88. doctor' s care and confined ta his Not very aId, truly-still in its early Hon. Presidents...Mrs. J. E. At- itdC. Butler, Librarian. bouse. teens; but- in looking backward ta kinson, Dr. J. A. Butler. i.e: - Mrs. Thos. Couch is again 111 and the days of its birth, tb.ýy seemed Auditors-J. W. Bradley and Miss by YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE requiring the attention of lber phy- a long time aga. Poal eas uilBaly ________sician. so many people bave entered and MrGe.PRikroe fth I of passedof the society's stage since .Go .Rckroeo h Mrs.1 Young People's League held regu- Miss Marie Selby who recentlyC offn ircosocpidaseto dylar weekly meeting on Monday ev- took a position with General Motors, hase days and because of the great rtrn ietracpe eto amundf evieth ocey a the platform r'uring the wbole ev- s". ening with Austin Turner, Citizen-, Oshawa, spent the weekend at home. reonerta ev the omuity durin ening, a decirative "Sunflower", and ,ke ship Vice President in charge. Topic Mrs. (Rev.) Scott Howard, Mm.- these 15 years through the contin- brightened thi- occas-.on by his re- ai: was given by Miss Robinson. Other Earl Wynn and guest, Mrs.. S. W. uous efforts of its successive officers marks anent -.,le woitk of 1927. held numbers on the program were: A Sutton, spent last Wednesday in Tor- and directors. 19 reading by Charlie Glenney; a vocal onto. Tepormpirt h vn F.18l0f1 oedb0 rcttin b Mrs. R. Johnston wbo bas been ing's business, took on the formeof Kathleen Spencer; a piano duet by spendinig the. holiday seasan witb a revîew witb features somewhat Minnie Pearce and Eileen Cooke. Mrs. J. Robinson, left Tuesday ta vis- akin ta a pageant, a motion pictureý it ber brothers, at Ailsa Craig. and a class in bistory. FORMER NEWCASTLE MAN W nesadta ev .F The wbole programn was planned Rickard is contemplating a trip ta and arranged by Mrs. J. E. Matchett, ited The Regina Leader says: A bus- England and the continent ta study President of the society, who was the W. mness transaction was affected tbis Marketing Problems lu company witb prime mover in bringing the local oon weekend by which George C. War- other Canadian farmers, stock breed- society into existence and who bas rcy ren, Swift Current, becomes the sole er n rimn ever since taken a leading part in 1 fty owner of the undertaking business of Mr. Louis Parnell spent last week its management. Some days pre- rce Yule and Warren in this city. Mr. with friends in Peterborough. He vious to this meeting, bowever, much de- Warren bas been engaged in the bas sufficiently recovered from the ita the regret of ail the officers and led business for ten years and aboutinjuries sustained in bis recent auto-' members, Mrs. Matchett M'as called ncb four years ago bougbt out a baîf in- mobile misbap ta return ta bis duties away owing to the critical illness of a ýng. terest from Mr. Yule wbo at that as C. P. R. foreman. brother near Toronto, and was thus dg- time moved ta Vancouver where lie The executive of tbe local brancb absent fromn an annual meeting for ere bas been engaged in tbe saine busi-1 of tbe Upper Canada Bible Society, the flrst time in the society's bist- J.jness in that city. lof wbich Mr. Thos. Moffatt is presi- ory. But se carefully and system- E. Mr. Warren is a graduate of the dent and Mrs. J. C acc secre- atically bad she arranged everything rs.î New York Scbool of Embalming and tary, held a business meeting on th at Rev. E. B. Cooke 2nd. Vice lif. a member of the Saskatchewan Fun- Tuesday evening of this week. lPresident, wbo officiated as chairman iv- eral Directors and Einbalmers Asso- nccording ta plan bad an easy task 0m ciation and bolds diploma for pro-. Mr. J. W Bradley was a paîî-bear- o f it; -uttop s uitton as it rie ficiency issued by the provincial go v_ er on Tuesday at the funeral of bis were, an pres!tscenaanb. -en ernment. He is recognized as one relative, the la te Artbur Elliot Ofi a year. ier Of the foremeost members of the Port Granby, brother of Mr. Bruce1 After a few opening remarks the an, profession in the west, and theSitElot m rdeyas iie cairotan read a list of the offcr ýiCurrent establishment is considered tebrae oeo udy and directors of 1913. Being a, e-one of the most up-to-date establish- Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson were, year before The Great War broke ind ments in the privince. in Toronto on Monday Jan. 9tb, at-i out, it sounded like a page from an-! re, Mr. Warren was born in Newcast-! tendin h ueral of bis nepbew, cient bistary. The list was as fol- ut- le, son of the late Richard Warren, William Nichols, wbose sudden and; iows: President-Dr. Robert Me- ..... ,hn who was also widely known in the unseasonable demûise was apparently Intosh; lst Vice-Mrs. J. E. Mat- af district. Mr. Geo. C. Warren left due ta a severe attack of asthma. chett; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Evan H. Mc- ig. Bowmanville wben quite young. The Mr. John Grieve, Guelph, came Lean; Secretary-Mrs. Wm. Cold- old Warren bomnestead in Newcastle down for a few days last week 0W- well; Treasurer-W. H. Gibson; Dir- -is still occupied by George's two sis- ing ta the lllness of bis mother, Mrs ectors-A. A. Colwill, Alex. McLeod, ters Miss Odie and Mrs. F. Cowan, Mary Grieve, but as there was some W. F. Rickard, Mrs. Bachelor. Mrs. (Janet). improvement in ber condition toward Jas. Parker, Mrs. A. Otton, Mrs. .1. tethe weekend, ho returned on Friday. R. Fisber, Mrs. Howard Chandler, .~ .. [te INSTALLATION 0F LODGE Mr. Jack Brown, twin brother of Tb os. Mqntague, Mrs. W. E. Beman; NEWTON, S. 0. E. B. S Mr. Chas. Brown. wbo bas been em- Auditors-J. W. Bradley. J. E. W. 58ployed at Mr. W. F. Rickard's for Philp. The society bad 75 members 'The past year bas been & Representatives of Newcastle some time past arrived here fromn during its first year. succeas are se in the new Lodge, S.O.E.B.S., attendinig tbe in- E±ngland last Saturday with the in- After reading the above list Mr. Improvements and refinements stallation of officers of Lodge New- tontion of seeking his fortun ein Can- Caoeinie those present whose the graceful lines of tbe new ci ton, Newtonville, on Monday even- ada. naines appeared thereon to take rakisb new sport roadster, wil ing were: Brothers J. H. Jase, H. C. Mr. James De Shane of Marlbank, seats on the platform, and of these the deep, narrow radiator and seventeen original officers and djr- lower left is the beautiful cabr Allin, Edxnund Tbackray, Gea. uncle of Mm. P. O'Neil, recently ectors only five were present ta me- Gaines, W. J. Hockin, and H. R. died in Belleville at the age of 107 spond-Messrs. Bradley, Pbilp, W. F _________________ Pearce. The installation ceemony years. A short sketch of the late Rickard, Colwill and Mrs. J. R. Fish -________________ was creditably perforined hy Bra. centenarian appeared in the Toronto er. Same have passed ta the great Wmn. Tickle, D.D.S.P. for Durham Star last August and was eproduced Beyond. East, assisted by Bra. Gea. T. Han- in this papor in the September lst M.W.FRihrbyteca- cock of GuidLeg. cxg sisu.man's request lead in singing Auld Suroe uie. Theme was a total Frienda of al ages, big and little, Lang Syne and thon read a synopsis attendance of over sixty, soivomal are pleased ta know that Master Carl of the flst year's business. other brethren being present from Fisher, wba bas been passing througb Mr. Coake in regular grder then B u e Durbam-Lodge, Port Hope, and Wel- a very critical ilînoas with congestion read the lists of officers and diroctors lington Lodge, Bowmanville, and of the lungs, is now impmaving. Mrs. of oacb succeeding year, calling upon Wolverhampton Lodge, Orona, also Howard Allin took Mrs. Fisher's the reprosentatives of eacb year ta ben elreprosonted. A stisfy - pace at the pipe organ in tbe United take seats upon tbe platform as bis D ing lunch served by the Newtonville Cburcb again on Sunday. Gr ber name was called, and asking r s bethren was followed by an enter- New Yoar's guests of Mr. P. O'Neil, one of them ta read synopsis of the taining programn of speeches, songs C N. R. Foreman, and Mrs. O'Neil, year's activitios. Others thus caîl- musical slcinrcttos and wr e brother, Mr. J. DeShane, C. ed upon ta moad those historical S a tn exhibition dancing. Bro. M. J.- aI- jN. R. Foreman, and son, Napaneo; sketches wero J. E. W. Pbilp, A. A. S a tn man, Reeve of Clarke and Secretamy- Itheir daugbtor, Mrs. Keecb and son Colkiill, H. I. Pearce, Frank Allia, Treasuror of Lodge Newton, made Kennetb, Trenton; thoir son Percy 'Dr. J. A. Butler, Mms. (Dm.) Butler, the losing speech of the ovening, and lady friend, Blleville; their Mrs. W. F. Rickard, Mrs. J. C. Han- i other speakers being Bro. J. H. Bate- nioco. Miss Nettie DeShane, Bow- cock. and flnally Miss Hazel Barrie, man, D.D.S.P. for Durham West, manvilîe; Mr. and Mms. Passant, son now of Oshawa, read the minutes of Lodge Wellington; Bro. Frank Hall, and and daugbtom and Mrs. Furber, the first meeting of 1927. This me- W.P. and Bro. Gea. Mitchell, Troas. Bowmanville; Miss Trenworth, On- viow was net witbaut its humorous of Lodge Wolverhampton; Bra. Gea. tario Ladies' Collogo, Wbitby, and eloments and neodless ta nention T. Hancack, Secetary of Lodge Dur- Miss Aresta Martin, Newcastle. proved ploasantly intemesting. In- Dresses ail re bd a r J . . ase Treas NewBr- Deep ruts in the road between the vitations bad been sent out ta evoryai th Ed.tle;ack ry, .PH . of Logendw school and the station corners pre- persan now living, who liait heen an l th ne Lansol; nd Bas. . . acokf vented Mr. Reg. Gibbs of tbe Port oficer or diroctor of the saciety, ta Laso MlîonofLodge Netn. Hp eehn a rmgtig bisb present at this meeting. A num-DrseofFa Orono bretbren provided sevemal HpDressesC, rongetnghs eof toe nFiatittn sn musical numbers; Bro. Robt. Hle travel-stained car entirely aut o h e of th osnbet tedsn Bowmanville, aoelibHle way of Mr. AIf. Grabam and bis coal letters of greeting, some being roadDrse ofFa faoe ihacamic wagon on Monday mamning, last with by Mrs. (Dr.) Butler and others byDrse ofFa sang, and Brothers W. J. Berry and Mr. .e.result mog th H. R. Pearce of Bowmanville and 'i eutbat lbe rubbedr a littieMs.JC.Hnck Am g h Newcastle respectivoîy, gave recita- fesh and hair off one of Alf'r barseasesndera of these kindly messages tiens. and in bis efforts ta struggle out of wome Mm. McMaban, a former H. Dresses for th the ruts tare bath back wbeols off Principal here and Mms. McMabon,seeefosoln ____ the car. The wheels were replaced Mrs. Coldwell, Rev. J. W. Rae, Tar- sevs o oln in the aftemnoon and the car was off onto; Mm. and Mrs. J. S. Montgorn- Dessta - once more, ather gray with age but ery, Lakefleld; Mrs. Wm. Jamieson, Dessta seemingly 'as good as ever. Bracebridge. Poceeding witb the business Mm. Officers of Welcame Young Men's J. W. Bradley presented the auditors' Dessa Class of the United Sunday Scbool, report, relievin g wbat is generailyDrse tN l i elected on Tuesday evening, Jan. 10, considered a ather dry matter by M k hsYu Pres.-Irwin ColwiIl; Se'y.-Frank The society bas generally cloied its PýA 3 -Mis- books.itb1 smll blace, dola 20e fo 12/2 yd i . Ceeie i.H .Mr Delegate to conveIntion....3.50 Use Y< Reg.20 fo 12/cy tyn and daughtem, Miss Flamence, Judges for shows............ 7.00 eg 5 d wore down from Stmatford and plO8.5- Minor expensos ............ 16.79 ýlng Rg.25e for 1cy ingîy assisted in the entertainment ___ ~-of the guests. Mrs. Rickard's neigb- $299.45 bar, Mr. M. A. James, the veteman Election of officers resulted as v ~senior editar of The Canadian fallows: s e.W* ~ liI ~Statesnian, dmopped in for a few min- President-Mrs. J. E. Matcbett _d I Kutes in th ovening and excbanged lat Vice-W. F. Rickard Dry G BowmanvilJe birthday felicitations, also bis 2nd Vice-Thas. MoffatCoa Phone 106 dauhtes M& . A Whte ndMrs. Secretary-Mrs. C. A. on James A. Phillips, New York City, Treasurer-Mrs. J. IR. Fisher1 and Mrs. N. S. B. James. New Directrs--Miss Hattie mail.1- an extremely successful one for the Pontiac six, and the. fruits of this serios Pontiac, announced this week, wbicb incorporates numerous a t no incroaso in price. The four modela illustrated above Indicate car. At tbe upper left is tbe two-door sedan and at the upper right the th its convenient folding seat. A bead-on vlew of the roadater, ahowlng Jtwo of tbe foum-wbeel brakes, appears in the centre panel. At the Silet and ta its igbt the new four-door sedan. to Attend Our Biggest and Coat Sale This Thursday Morning at Nine o'clock. educed in price and embracing wer tendencies of the mode. L Crepe, Satin Faced Canton, froni $10.00 up. nnel, Wool Jersey Cloth, Poiret Twill and Serge froni $4.95 up he "Little Women" that are shorter in the in the waist line, but fufler in the hips and bust vil fit any sized woman and dresses with STYLE. [holesale Cost and in many cases less. rOpportunity. New Specials Every Day. and a f ew Children's Coats Manufacturers' Cost facturers' Cost with ail profits eliminated. $10-00. A few at $16.50 and some higher Priced, but ail reduced. R THUR-SDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY oDozen OnIy Women's Hats entire stock of Hats that were priced as high as $7.00, On Sale $1.49 )MEN'S UNDERWEAR 69c m Sweep Sale of Women's Underwéar. 0ur must be sold at once. Vests and Bloomers and bearing the Lavender Line Guarantee, Any Garnient 69c our Phone 106 and we Deliver Mason & Son àoods and Ladies' Ready-to-W.ar Bowmanville A hie,-. DoNot 1 To take adve JANUARY CL] Wonderful Barga Men's and Young Men'ý $35.00 for $22.50 Reg Men's Ail Wool Underw Regular $2.00 for ... Men's OVeralis, Black or.1 jMen's Heawy Work Rubi: Men's Work Sweaters, R, Ladies' Flannelette Night Small Girls' Serge Dresý Regular $2.50 for ... Men's Lined Work Glove Flannelette Blankets doul Checked Tea Towelling, Pure Linen Roller Towell A. DII King & Division Sta 4 TORONTO DURHAM CLUB C. G. I. T. CLUB January meeting af the D.unm A meeting waa beld on Saturda Club of Toranto, was beld at the esi- aftemnon ta arganize a C. G. I. V donc. of Mr. !and Ms-s. W. H. Clemes, Club under the guidance of lira. 123 Sauth Drive, Rasedale, Dr. James Roîpb of Orono, district organiser. Hlugbes presiding. Miss Lillian Clemence bas beez ap- The pragram of the ovoning was appointed leader. Officers are: of an excellent vaiety, cansisting President-Eileen Coake of sangs by Mrs. Lundy of Chicago, Vice President-Mamion Rickard daughter of Dr. and Mms. Hughes, Secretary- Raye Deline Miss Dorothy Bain, Mesmrs. George Tmesure-Dorothy Richard Neild, J. D. Keachie, Miss Gardener, Herald-Evelyn Rickard accompanying. It was the fist tinie Tepommcmit.1 o the Club had the plesaume of baving Th rga.cmites Miss Bain and ail the members hope compased of this executive, a1long 3he will soon. be back again. Mr. with Minnie Pearce and Helen Ly- George Clark, one of the risîng et Young orators of Toronto, gave a splendid oratian on the Diamond the Club wisbes them a splendid Jubilee of Canada. It was consid- time and safe meturn and that Mrs. emed ane of the best we bave heard. Clemnes' health will be much im- The meeting was aur annual gatb- pmoved. oring at the home of Mm. and Mrs. The. meeting clased with the social Clemes as near as possible ta their boum during wbîch efresbments were wedding anniversary. As tbey are served and a vote of thanka extiended Ieaving shortly for an extended trip ta the hast and hostesa.

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