Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1928, p. 3

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SKATES SHARPENED The new and better procesi. Prompt and satlsfactory service. JAMIESON BROS. Stateaman B!ock Bowmaflvllle DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS There seem.e te ho some misunder- standing ameng corne cf the patientes cf Dr. Hazlewoed as te whether ho is remainiag in Bowmanvillo or nt Dr. Hazlewoed wishes te anneunce that ho has taken Dr. Birks as a partner and that the firm will ho known as Hazlewood and Birks. Though Dr. Birks is living la the bouse formerly occupied hy Dr. Haz- lewood, who le new living in Oshawa, pr. Hazlewood will have the same office heurs in Bowxnanville as hereto- fore, that le from noon until three o'clock, aad moraîngs and evoniags by appointment. Dr. Birks will ho la the office from co te four la the afterncon and from ceven te eight thirty in the eveainge. Ia addition te carrying on the regular work cf Physicians and Sur- geons, Dr. Hazlewood will continue te give special attention te X-ray *ork and Electro-Therapy and Dr. Birks will give special attention te Eye, Ear, Nese and Throat. 52-3 CARD 0F THANKS Miss Marj crie Jones wishes te thank the Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. Floyd Butler',s group, .Unity Sun- day School lass and ther friends for the haeuiful flowers sont ber, aise the many kiad frieads for the love- ly things brought te ber during ber receat ilînese. FARMERS, ATTENTION I Plenty cf good ceaI at . N. Sta- tien, Tyrone. Delivery made promptly te any custoiner. Order at once. 45t.R. H. Coflatott, Phono 8r2 BRIGHTER HOMES STORE --The Paint Centre-- In future our store will be known as the. "Brighter Homes Store" as we have linked up with hundreds of stores throughout Canada who seli GLIDDEN'S ENDURANCE PAINT We have a Glidden Paint for every purpose-and every can is guaranteed. STAINTON'S SUNWORTHY SEMI-TRIMMED WALL PAPER Many people now~ express a preference for famous wall paper. There's a reason. Buy Your School Suuplies Here this GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville FR esolve to Wear Ives' Footwear During 1928 For STYLE COMFORT SATISFACTION Ives' Cash Shoe Store FOOTWEAR AND TRAVELLING GOODS BOWMAN VILLE ONT. I- . ~. , --' -'-.1,--I WEDDING Fowlr-Trefleor A very quiet wedding wus solemn- ized at "Norwood Place", the beauti- fuI home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fester, on Tuesday, January 3, 1928, when Grace Margaret Tremeer, daughter cf Mrs. Tremeer, Bowman- ville, and the late T. H. Tromeer, Lindsay, was united in marriage with Eric McLeod Fowler, eldest son cf the late Senator and Mrs. Geo. W. Fowler cf Sussex, N. B. and Brock- ville, the Rev. George Mason officiat- xng. The bride 'was given in marriage by ber brother, Mr. C. M. Treineer cf Midland, while Miss Doris Foster and Mr. George Jacobi cf Toronto, were attendants. The wedding music was beautifully rendered by Mrs. C, W. Smyth cf Toronto. Mayor-T. S. Holgate. Reeve-W. H. Thickson. Deputy.Reeve-W. H. Carruthers. Counilor-W. C. Caverly, W. P. Corbett, W. A. Edger, M. H. Minore, A. J. Wadhams, Geo. Crombie. Just two'- ratepayers showed suffi- cient interest in municipal affaire te attend the inaugural meeting cf Town Council on Meaday moraing at 11 o'cock. The declaration cf office was duty taken by the members cf the 1928 couacil under the direction cf John Lyle, J.P., town clerk. Invoke Divine Bîessing MyrHolgate thon called upen RevRJ. Shires, Rector of St. John's nlia Church te invoke a divnA lý-ý;ie n t he c,'nnil's work T aylor's Rink Finance-Carruthers, Minore. Cor- bett. Waterworks-Cavorly, Thickson, Carruthers. Roads & Street&-Thickson, Car- ruthere, Caverly. Property-Edger, Wadbams, Cor- bett. Fire Dept.-Wadhamfs, Edger, Crombie. police-Minore, Corhett, Edger. Cemetery-Cremhie, Edger, Cav- erly. Relief & Heath-Corbett, Minore, Thickson. Printing-Wadhaais, Carruthers, Crombie. Manufacturers-Mayer, Caverly, Tbicksoa, Crembie, Minore, Edger. Court of Revision-Mayor, Caver- ly, Tbickson, Carruthers, Wadhams. Mayor Holgate extended a wel- corne te the new members cf council Messrs. W. P. Corhett and Geo. Crombie after which council ad- journed te meet at 8 P. m. "Pure pasteurizeci milk is Nature's greatest cosmetic," says an emin- ont authority. Paint your cheeks from the in- side. Let them reflect the rosy hue of the crimson dawn. Drink plenty of pasteurized milk at évery meal-the food that will bring you health and the spirit of youth. Drink more Pasteurized Milk is good advice te carry eut during 1928 BOWMANVILE DAIUT PHONE 44G - M ILGS.K SEE, MITCHELL anàd SEE WELL Have your eyes examined today. f R. Mi. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE E Bowmanviîle Ont. Iphone 92-Nights and Sundays 280 MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the boat igrades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I amploy ne cemetery caretikre ts agents preferrlng to soul my &wn zoodu thuis saving the purchaser the &gents commission. A cail solicited. F. H. DOUNSALL PropriotrBowmcnvllle Phone 826W Bx9 The announcemelit in another col- umn that the annual meeting cf Bow- manville Herticultural Society will bo held Thursday, January 12th (to- night) at 8 p. m. should awaken in every citizen a desire te attend-if you are interested in beautifying your home and town surroundings. j For that is one of the main objecte cf the society. Don't judge thel benefits cf this organization by the, small membership fee cf $1. 0. The Executive meet Monday after- noon to lay plans fer coming year when they decided te give séverali different options. Corne along te the meeting te- night in Council Room and give fhe society a good start for a record year's activities. loge, Llcentlte f the State Univer- sity of New Yolrk, MqtricuIae cf the Post Graduato Medlesi Sehool and Hoapital cf New York and FelIow of the Troronto A»odeniy cf Medi- ele. Office-Mr. MoNaughton's Rea-. idonce, Neweaatl. Houra--8 to 10 BAND Iews: TREE AND ENTERTAINMENT 1tlt Alrighty God, our heavenly Fath- m or, we humbly beseech Thee te This annual event was beld at St. la! cend Thy blessing on the Mayor and John's Parish Hall on Thursday, Ceuncil cf this community as they January 5th and was enjoyed by n enter upon their labours cf the year. chidren, parents and friends. The s Crant that in ail their deliberations proceedirigs commenced at 7 p. m. by 0: they may be led by Thy guidance and commuiiity singing, " While Shep- t, protected by Thy power. bords watched their fiocks hi' night" 0 Give unto them wisdom and un- folle wed by a prayer.a derstanding that tbey may porceive The chairman, Rev. R. J. Sbires, l and know what thinge they ought te the popular and energetic Rector, inl do, and aise that they may have hie epeaing remarks thanked the t, grace and power faithfully te do teachers and officers for their effortss them. during the past year and urged the n Endue them with the spirit cf un- parents te send their children toe ity and coacord that with one heart school where the lessons cf Christ and oemind they may labour with were being taught te the scholars. b diligence and zeal for the promotion A letter cf thaaks was road fromin of the best interects cf the people te the Toronto Homes for Sick Children whom they are appointod leaders, for certain efforts the Sundaya Koep them in touch with Thoe, School had made on their bebalf. S that la ail things they may seek tel An entertainment f ollowed in t proabete Thy glory and use the in-,, wbich these artiste assisted on thet fluence of their responsible positions prograrn: Miss Ruth Fice gavec for the establishment cf righteous- threo deligthful readings, recitations ness and justice in the community. by Florence Shotter, Jean Brough, Cause them te realize that only Mr r obok dt atrgt rigteosnes ealtth pepleaadDorothy Geod, Isabel Bickell, Dor- j' enable tbem se te carry eut the dut- othy Bickell, Doris Wright, Arthur1 iec of their respective offices that Living, Phylis Holbrook, Violet Me- the people whem they serve may Feeters, Miss Roberts, R. G. Harding, have reason to thank Thee for the Bobhy Roberts, Iren eBickell, Ernest able and upright administration cf Perfect; piano solos-Arthur Culley, municipal affaire during their re- Andy Stark; vocal trie-E. Stark, gime. Dorothy Good, Betty Wright; vocal duet-Deris Virtue, Marie Hart. To the people cf this community give the spirit cf loyalty and sound List cf prize winners included: Mrs judgment that they may supr Ashlee's Class1 John Living, 2 spotArthur Living; Mrs. Patrick's lass these ther efficers in ail things that ~Loe akr nyLmrs pertin e te comonwelare Miss Wallace's Class-1 Vera Clapp, Lt there be peace. harmeny, goed 2 Irene Shotter; Miss Cale's Glass- rwill1, and such a desire te serve that 1 Rachel Wright, 2 Helen Stark; Mr. true progrees and prosperity may Vine's lass-James Haynian; Mis abound. Cale's Glass-i Phillip Patrick, 2 Jo. Lead us te a fuller uaderstand- Childs; Mis. Sbires' Clas-B rian ing cf Thy lessed will, and, enable Leighton; Mi. Keel's Classe-Gecil us ail se te co-eperate with Thee and Jackman; Mrs. Weed's Clase--Grace -with each other that this commuity Childs; Miss Boylan's Clase-Muriel may ho an eff ective witness to Thee, Taylor; Miss Murdock's lass-Ruth an exampleocf sound and progressive Hayman; Rev. Mr. Shires' Clas- ycivic administration, and an instru- 1 Ivan Leighten, 2 Norah Haymn. ment in establishing peaco and pies- After the presentatieii cf prizes perity, unity and good-fellowship la came good oId Santa Claus who des- this district, through Jesus Christ our crîhed hic terrible experiences in get- Lord. Amen. ting here from the north pole, niuch Rev. Mr. Shires afterwardc read a te the amusement of the children. Hoe portion cf acripture from Romans 13: thon gave presente te ail from the 1-10. Christmas tree. On motion Carruthers-Thickson Serving cf ice cream and biscuite a vote cf appreciaticil and thanks brought this most eiijoyable eveniag was exteaded te Rev. Mr. Sires for te a close. conducting the devotional exorcises ________________ at the opening cerernonies cf coun -_________________ cil. Moved by, Edger-Wadhanls that Striking Committeo te draft theI Standing Committees for 1928 be composed cf Thickson, Carruthors. LG ooL Caverly. They retired te Clerk's office and later brought la report which was adopted as follews: Advice--- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays SEE YOU TO-NIGHT7 1 INAUGURAL COUNCIL MEETING 1. UNING ORNAMENTAL TREES - âzens WiII Be Interested in This Iformation Provided By Expert Authorties. ue to foresight on the part of rieer citizens of Bowmanville this 'n is blessed with a splendid arrayg shade and ornamental trees on my f its streets. But if the ut- [g down and butchering of these ýs is to be tolerated in the future has been allowed in recent years, ill only be a matter of time be- re our beautiful streets will be as ren as a desert. We are therefore pleased to pub-- i the accompanying article on >uning Ornamental Trees," writ- rspecially for he Statesman by essrs. Jas. A. Neiln and J. Y. Lflough, Agricultural Representa- s for Durham County. It is to be ,ed the Town Council will avail mselves of the services f these en te give a demonstration here at early date. The article follows: Bowmanvile' le noted for the large imber of fine trees which line the reets and adorn the home grounds its citizens. The majority of se trees add te the attractiveness 'the town and are worthy of any ention that may be required te -serve their health and beauty. thîs respect the writers would like suggest that the appearance of ne of the good trees would be ach improved by judicous pruning. .is would not only make the trees >re attractive, but it would hep te ngthen the life of the trees as will cexplained later. The principles of pruning shade d fruit trees are quite similar in )me respects, but in other details iey differ. In the case of fruit *es, we prune to modify yield and ality of fruilt, but with most spec- ýof shade trees we are more con- erned about the form of the tree th special reference to beauty. A autiful tree should be healthy, well ,lanced and symmetrical in outline. Iattain these ideals the following ggestions re given: (1) Cut ut ail branches that are ad, diseased or badly injured. The moval of such branches would in ;el£ be a decided improvement on e existing order of things and in *eping wlth safety-first principles« lere are nuinerous trees la Bow- aanville which- contain dead *anches that are bound to, faîlltome ày and there is danger that some Srson or persons may be'seriously jured thereby. The danger from lling branches constantly exista it obviously is much greater during e storms or heavy winds. (2) Make .close, dlean cuts; that ste say, ia cutting off a branch the mt should be at the base and in lignment with the parent branch or xunk. Stuhs of any length are un- ghtly and a source of danger to the ree through decay that is almlost ,rtain to follow. This point is of itmost importance, but unfortunate- iy It has been overlooked la the prun- ig of many trees in this town and Ilsewhere. (3) Cut out the least desirable of ranches that closely parallel or overhang each other. (4) Remove the ]east valuable ranches that rub againt each other: (5) Branches which extend be- ond the general outline of the tree nd destroy symmetry should be cut ack to conform with the othere. In .eing this be sure tecut just beyond and close to a lateral. (6) Remove any small, weak ranches from the interior of the ree te prevent overcrowding. In most cases this is net necessary, but here are exceptions to the rule. (7) Where trees have been too losely planted and crowd each other, emove the least valuable specimene. Close planting prevents trees from ttaining their maximum size and beauty and is a fruitful cause of traggly, illshaped trees. (8) !In corne cases where inferior. trees such as Manitoba Maple or Horse Chestut have been planted, and particularly if these kinds are old, it would be advisable to rernove the trees entirely and replace with other more useful kinds. (9) When rernoving dead or do- caying branches, be sure to dîg eut any decayed tissue that may be found in the parent branch or trunk. If a branch or trunk is badly decay- ed it is generally better to remove the entire branch or tree rather than cave it. In cases where a decayed tree has more than ordinary value, either through sentiment or rarity, it will of course be desirable to go to some expense la saving the tree by surgical methods. (l'O) Cavities should be claned DEPENDABLE FURNITURE' Quality Reasonably Priced F. F. Morris Co., Bowmanville IAviation Gasoline. The gas that helpa you to a quick start during cold weather. A trial will convince you. - Batteries Charged Ce A. Bartlett THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 PAGE Ttml "For a sacf, sound inv.tment, and onethat will appreciate lu value, we unhesitatingly recommeid the purchase of INTERNATIONAL NICKEL INTERNATIONAL PAPER, CANADIAN CELANESE CO. LIMITED, We have prepared a special circular on these Companiee, a copy cf which will ho mailfed te you upon request". F. J. Van 'Nest & Co* 344 Bay Street Adel. 3206 Toronto THE HOUSEWIFE'S PROBLEM- Feeding Her Guests Every lady weIl knows the anxiety of provid- ing the food for her guests-choosing the nice things is often a problem. This perpleing prob- lem is always entirely eliminated if you visit Cor- bett's Store' where a complete line of our famous Cakes, Paàtry, Buns and Biscuaits is always on dis- play and ready for your guests. You will find it much cheaper, much more convenient and much more satisfactory if you sup.. ply your guests or even your own folks with the 'good things to eat from the store of W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner 5000 Hens Wantedi I have an erder for 5000 Hens which muet ho filled duriag January. Aise al kinds cf fowl wanted. Will psy highest cash prices for good fat bons. APPLES WANTED If interested phone 81, Whitby and charges. reverse IStein WHITBY 1 Phone 3 -I OF Ont. Bowmanville Sold By King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 110

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