Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1928, p. 1

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eorn.abtrn ~t4te~nrnn With Which Is Incorporated Trne Bowmanville News Vol. L XXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advanee 5e a Copy No. 2 NEW WILLYS.KNIGHT MODELS The famous Sleeve Valve Motar that improves witb use-New Stand- ard Six aud New Speciel Six sud al- se the Great Six. More power aud speed sud many nov reflueuseuts frous $1500.00 up. Aise uow Wil- iys-Knight Truck. Have a telk about thon.e new modols witb W. Deline, Newcastle, phono 3733. Dealer Bowusanvilie, Newcastle aud District. 2-1 EX-SOLDIERS, ATTENTION 1 Ex-soidies cf the Great War are hereby uotified thet Dr. C. W. SI.- mon cf Bowmauville, bas heen ep- pointed ai Medicai Represontative f or that town ud surrouudiug dist- rict, replacingDr B. J. H:aziewood who bas moved ta Oshawa. By Order Departusent cf Soldiers' Civil Re- Establishmsent, Toronto 2-2 HORTICULTURAL MEETING Annual Meeting Changed te Monday. January leth. Citizens, wbether a member or not, yen are cordieliy invited to the annual meeting cf Bowmanvile Hor- ticulturil Society which wii be heid in Coundil Boom, Monday, Jenuary lflth t 8 p. m. Business will iu- clude election et officer and discus- sion of plans for coming yeer. Dr. D. W. Bet, .. J. H. H. Jury, President. Secretary WEST DURHAM AGRICULTURÂL SOCIETY The annuel meeting cf West Dur- hem Agriculturai Society will b. held in Council Rocus, Bowmen- ville, on Friday, January 20, 1928, et 2 p. m. Reporte for the year wili ho given and election of oifficers for 1927. A full attendence i urgently requestod. L. T. McLaughlin. C. H. Mason, President. Secretary. ROSE MARIE BEAUTY PARLORS CHANGES MANAGEMENT Mrs. M. Ive who bas recentiy re- turned fi-eu London, Paris, Berlin aud Vienne wbere exhibitieus cf beir dressing ol ail the nowost styles have been demonstrated ha. taken over the management cf the Rose Marie Beauty Parions, lu the Coweu Block, Bowiuenville. This wili bo a weicome announcousent ta ladies who desire first dlass work in hair-dressing, fac- ial massage, usanicuriug, etc. Mns. Ive wili be in personai charge tom Monday, Jannary lStb. Phono 529 for a.ppointusent. 2-1 I CANNOT SING THE OLD SONGS I cennot sing the old songs, I sung long yeans ago; For ail usy notes are shaky, Tbey will net sweetiy flow. But I en sing the new songs, Their tunes I love te bawi; For iuckily, the new songe, Tbey need ne voice et ail. 4 Sehool. 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer and sermon. 'cImperialistic Relig- ion" Cobourg Preshyterial will be held in Port Hoe United Church on Thursday, january l9th..Sessions 9 a. m., 1.30 and 7.30 p. m. As the Oshawa Presbyterial will be organ- ized at that meeting, this is an im- portant gathering for ail W. M. S. or- ganizationu. Miss Nettie Coles, Toronto, visited friends bore lait week. Note change in date of Horticult- ural meeting to Monday, January 16th. Royal Tfiéatre Bowmanvillo'à Home of Entertaining Attraction& PHONE 589 Friday-Saturday, January 13-14 "Edmund Lowe" In "The Wizard" When a blood-chilling silence had fallen over ail things and when ail right-thinking people had gone to their reat, a wezrd prowler in "The Wizard" fils the. midnight darkness with thrills and releases the springs of highest drama. Weird mysterY, color- fui romance, thrills and laughter see these in "'The Wizard". Matinee Saturday afteirnoon at 2.30 p. m. Children 5c Lat chepter of "Snowed In" un(t reguler prograim Monday-Tii.sday, January 16.17 l'William Boyd" & "Bessie Love" In 'Dress Parade" Shcaid he confesa and lose bis sweetheart, or remain silent and sacrifice his self respect? Was ever a lover so tempted? Could he-a highiy dramatic and thrilling photoplay splendidly screened and artisticallY portray- ed. Paramount News and a good Comedy. Weduesday-Thuraday, Jan. 13-19 "Olive Borden" and "Antonio Moreno" In ,Comae to my House" A drama of a woman whn dered ta defy convention-aiid the price she paid. An emotional episode that might come to any woman of today. A Liberty Magazine master tale ýby "Arthur Somers Roche" COMING ATTRACTIONS JANUARY 20.21 "Spoliera of the West' With "Tim McCOY" JANUARY 23-24 William Fox'. greatest attraction 117 Th. Heavea" JANUARY 25.26 "Colleen Moore" lu "'Naughty But Nie." JANUARY 30-31 The world'a most itupeadous attraction "Ramon Novarro" la "Boa Hur" ~II' lis e- Coucli, Johnston & Ciyderman HoId Their Annual. Cleara*nce Sale This is an event that many women look forward to with considerable interest. They know from past experience what to expect-the greatest values in the whole year. You certainly will flot be disappointed this year as the values were neyer more attractive. SPECIAL LOT 0F DRESSES Including Silk and Silk Crepe clearing from $5.00 UP Ladies' Cloth Coats B3eautifully Fur Trimmed Balance of this season's coats now selling One-Third Off Regular Priée Ladies this'is your opportunity to save many dollars on a real stylish new coat. Women 's and Misses' Bloom- Extra value in White and Col- ers and Vests, Regular 75c ored Flannelette. See our and 80e for 36 inch white at 25c. No 35c and50Jc better value anywhere. Reversible Chenille Rugs, 2'7 x White Quilts, double bed size, 54 inch, ail new, good patterns to be sold at and below the selling at $219 wholesale price men'ys and Boys' Overcoats Balanee of our this season's Overcoats for Men and Boys are also being saerificed at 25 Per Cent Below Regular Prices Many other bargains throughout the store during this great annual buying e vent. Couch, J çihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanvllle Phono 104 LiMiteai DONATIONS TO HOSPITAL FUND MINISTERS AND CHURCHES C. W. Souch, Hampton,..$ 2.00 The annuel meeting of St. John'.s Herbert Babcock........... 5.00 Cburch Choir wilh beied on Fridey Mrs. W. E. Tilley.......... 10.00 next et 8 p. ms. CoL L. T. McLaughlin, Hay- Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. don..................... 5.00 Robins, Pester. Sunday services il Fred J. Van Neit, Toroto. 50.00 a. ms. sud 7 p. m. Sundey School Harry Brock.............. 5.00 et 2.30 p. m. Bev. W. H. Spargo......... 5.00 A meeting cf St. John's Church Mrs. Florence Allen, Courtice 1.00 Ladies' Guiid was held on Monday Miss Margaret Climie........ 5.00 lest et the Parish Hall. A goodiy Geo. A. Stephens, Salem. . 5.00 number qttouded. Mn.. Likeness............... 25 St. John's A. Y. P. A. wiil meat Clarence S. Mason.......... 5.00 Dr. V. H. Storey .. . ...... . .25.00 next Monday at 7.30 p. m. foilow- Fred J. Mitchell........... 10.00 ing tuis St. John'. Churcb vestry Mrm. M. Thompion, (Winnie meeting will h. held. *Morrison), Gulfport, Miss 4.00 St. Paul's Church, Bey. D. W. <To be continued) Best, D. D., Minister. il a. um.- _______"Seeing lu e Mirror, dimly then face te face". 7 p. m.-gtability PUBLIC LIBRARY -lu Modern Life. 2.30 P. um.- _______Suuday Schooci. The annuel meeting cf Bowinu- The President, Ex-President and ville Public Library Association was Secretary cf the local Anglican heid et the Lihrary Board Roocu n Young People's Association attended Menday eveuing, January 8th. Fol- lest Mondey evening the annuel lowîng were elected membera cf tii. banquet et the A.Y.1P.A. in St. Board for 1928: George's Church Parish Hall, Osh- President-W. J. Morrison ewa. Sec'y.-Treasurer-M. G. V. Gouid St. Audrew's Presbyterian Church, Directors--G. H. Dickinson, Bey. R. corner Temperance and Cburch Ste., J. Sbires, Mns. J. A. McClellau, Bey. Robert McDerment, M. A., Mns. <Rev.) Geo. Meson, Mrs. Wus. Minister. il a. m.-Morning Wor- Quick, Mts. F. F. Morris, Miss ship. 7 p. m.-Evening Worship. Helen Carruthers. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Sciiool. Every- Lirrian-Mrs. Jean McGregor. body ce me. Librarian's report showed a tatal) t onsAgicnCucRv meusbership of 463; an increase over J.StJhn'. Angican Chuecnd Rev. the previeus year cf 28. TotalR.JSbrRetr Scodun cirulaion2582; u lcrese verday efter Epiphany, Jauuary 15th., tceircuin 2ye2;ar 361. e v 1928. il a. u.-Holy Communion the revius yar 31. and Sermon. 2.30 pi. m.-Sundav i OFFICE CLERK TO PRESIDENT Local Merchant Complete« 50 Years Wjth WeII Known Firm It la doubtful if another man in, Bowmanville cen boa8t of as long a, service record and interesting busi- ness career with one flrm as Mr. T. C. Jeweii bas experienced. Fifty years ago lest month-the exact date being Dec. l7th-Mr. Jewell comipleted a haîf century's connec- tien with the firm of McClellan & Co., weli-known coal, wood and lumber merchants. One almost hesitates to reflect back to th.e erly day. when Mr. Jewell, as a young lad, still in hie teens, entered the. employment of this firmi to carve a business career. For conditions have entfrely cbauged and associates in the office and eround the yard have al .passed from earthly labors. It was the days wben apprentices and the junior clenk had to work long hours for emeil pay. No stated hours but plenty of work and duties which were nover completeil or eaugbt up. In the daytime Charlie worked inddors and outdoors aud af- ter supper by candle light hoe worked et the bhooks. Folks didn't do a strictiy cash business in tiiose days ,any more than they do to-day. Those were the reel good eld day. when you couid buy e tan of coal for irround $5.00 ta $7.00. A cord of wood would aso he landed lu your back yard for $5.00 for "Blind Michael" to saw iuto steve lengths. It was a good year's business, too when they sold 400 tans of coal anc1 500 cords of wood. Lumber, ;old then. as low as $7 a tbousand 9,.nich now averages about $50.00. Since thon this firm bes registered in a record year's turnover 7000 tans of coal sud around 2000 cords of wood. So thet one might well say this com- pany has eujoyed substantiel growth and progress. McClellan & Co. bai neyer had its particular lino of business ail ta themeelves. Opposition has truly been the life of trade. Records show their competitors throughout these years ta include the following coal snd wood merchants in tuis order: Ratbburn Co. with headquarters et Deseronto, bed a local yard where Knight's Livery now stands; A. W. Crawford, where Bounsall'n Marble Wonks ii located; McDougall & Met- caif, now Durham Textiles Co. fact- ory; J. R. Finkie'Who later was suc- ceeded by John A. Holgate & Son, in the Bible Christian Church pro- perty, the business now being con- ducted by Mayor T. S. Hoigato; and E. W. Loscombe wbo moved frous town noverai years ago. There are at present noverai citizens in the coal business who carry it on as e side lino. A write-up of tuis firus would not be complote without mentioning the names of some of the. employees and the feithfui yeers of service they have given tuis Company. The fig- uires mey not be exactly correct but close enough to serve our purpose: First comes Sam Cendier with 47 years. We've often heard itraid, 11I'd like to have 10e for every tan of coal Sam has shovelled". - Sams Warner cornes next with 25 yeers to bis credit. Thon those 12 years and leas include Nelson Piper, Frank Tomlinson, Ed. Witheridge, Rey Dil- iing and Sid Texlinson. The history of this firus dates back te November 16, 1874, when the. late 1 John McClellen, father of J. A. Me- Ciellan, local Manager Bank cf Mon- treal, and the late William 'Canu thon young men in the full vigor o early manbood entered into partnor- sbip. In April 1907, the firni was orgen- ized intoae joint stock company with Mr. McClelIen, President, Mr. Caun, Vice President, aud Mr. Jeweli, Sec- retary. This arrangement continued until April 1915 when the. maJority of the stock was taken over by Messrs. T. C. Jeweli, James Il Car- ruthers aud Menson W. Comstock who have since coutinued to euJoy a prosperous aud growing business. The Statesmen joins with bis meny friends on this golden business jub- ilee occasion in offering congratula- tions to Mr. Jewell and extendlng best wishes for heaith, happinese and prosperity for meany yeO-q to como. COME AND SEE The Lif e of the Telephone IN WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB The Womeu's Canadian Club will meet on Monday efternoon, Jaaar lGth at 3.30 lu Trinity Sehool Itoon.- Principal Hutton of Toronto Univer- sity, will speak on the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas and those cf us Who. have enjoyed annforl~sd "Mik- ado", put on by local talent ai wfll as in other places, will b. iuterested, in hearing about the authors In the near future, Aune Eliza-. beth Wilson, one of the Editori, of Canadien Homes and Gardons. a.e4 "The Home-Maker" from the Globe are expected-to address meetings for the Club. INVITED FOR FIFTH TEAR As Pastor of Triaity Uaited Chmsea At a meeting of the Officiai Board of Trinity United Churcii on Frlay evening, Mr. W. J. Morrison moved, secouded by Mr. F. F. Morris, a -rote of appreciation of the services of the pestor, Rev. J. U. Robins, Mi. Robins and daughters, and extmnded on behaîf of the Board, a cordin- vitation ta Mr. Robins te reusak sa fifth yeer as pastor ef Trlnity United Church. Severel members spoke ta the motion which was unau- iinously carried by a standing ,vote of aillpresent. Bey. Mr. Rébhn thanked the Board for the klnd wordi and accepted the invitation. DARLINGTON COUNCIL The inaugural meeting of council waa held on Monday, January 9th. Members of Council: Reeve 0. A. Wight, Deputy Reevo S& Williams, and Councillors G. 'P. Annist A. u. Pascoe and H. Q. Macklin, were ail proeut. After taking the usuel declaration of office Rev. J. R. Bick was asked ta take charge of the de- votional ceremonies. This havlng been doue in a mnost appropriat. mauner the thanks of the couneil wes teudered to Rev. Mr. Bîck for hie services. The. usuel business was then pro-. ceeded with by reading minutesof lest meeting of council whlch were approved and edopted. Liquor Control Board of Ontario called attention to the tact *Ma council could paie a by-law appoint-. ing an officer to ouforce the PXovi- nions of the. Act. LidW on table for fyrther conslderatton. By-lawa were passed as follows. SchoQl Atteudance Officer-Jai. Cur- tis; Audito-a-F.-J. Groat aud R. Kyle Squair; Board of Health-.H.. Ferguson, M.B., M.O.H., C. W. Slemon, M.D., Asat. M.O..H., A. Ho- garth, F. G. Kersiake, Sanitary In- spector, aud W. R. Ailin, &ecretary; Road Supt.-Thos. H. Richards; By- laws ta provide for borrowing $25000 as may be required to meet current expenditures and providing for $18,- 500 to be expended on roado tuis year. Clerk was authorized to aik for applications for assessor for year 1928, applications ito be handed ta clerk by Frlday, January 20, 1928, aut 5 p. m., tenderers to appear la per- son et Clerk's office. Tieasurer acknewledged recelpt of $2.00 from Juhn Baker, reut of rond. Council edjourued to Tuenday, February 7, et 1 o'clock p. m. W; R. Allun, Township Clark. DID YOU GET ONE? Since January lit The, Statesman han sent out renewal slips and statements to all those who are lu arroars for The Statesman. If you received, oue will you please give it your personai attention. AI- though it may be only a imali item, we have several thousand like it and added together they meke a very con- siderabie sum. Thank you. ing Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie High School trustee for 3 yeers; members Board of Heelth, L. S. Ceverly, Mi- or Holgete, Sanitary Inepector Rd. Jarvis; authoriaing the borrowing cf $60,000 at 6% to meet curreut ex- penses until taxes were paid ia Sep- tember. In connoction with the latter by- law e motion .was pased asking Fin- ance Committee to interview- local banka with the object of gettlug a, more favorable rate of lutereut. Under the heeding of uew bus- iness Reeve Thickgou reiutrodued the subject which he has beau ad- voceting for several years of paying taxes twice a yeer, whlch method in wonking successfully lu may muai- cipaities. Finance Committee will report on this question et Februmry Mayor Thomas S. Holgate whe entens upon bis flftb term Mfayor of Bowmanviiie INAUGURAL COUNCIL MEETING~ Mayor Hoîgate Urge. Economy- Reeve Thickson Favori Paying Taxe. Smi.Annually-Buy 50 Water Matera. As ne business wen transactod et the inaugural meeting cf Town Council et the morning session, with the exception cf îtrikiug the Stand- ing Committees, the coundil adjourn- ed ta meet et 8 o'ciock. At tht. session about tbirty citizens, the majority cf wbom were retired citi- zens net actively engaged lu business,à were present. Mayor T. S. Holgate read the fol- lowîng short mnaugurai address wbic was received witheut comment by tbue coundil: Again I, desire te express appre- cietiou cf the excellent aud wonder-i fui support given me by the. eleot-i ors. of our tewn sud wish ta convey my thanki te these wbo se gener- ously asAisted lu electing use as Mayor for the ensg»pg year. I,,iaap-1 iy approciete the boîite sd ee tue duties sud responsibilities se connecte&. To the councillors, I extend greet.- luge sud hearty congrtlati cns. It is indeed gretifying te bha udesul after the keen competition à f an alec- tien and an houer bas beau con- ferred on you by the electon cof the f muuicipeiity, individual as tiiey are,t oxercisiug their single wül, but by1 collection, that et their majorlty. 1 The duties te be performed dur-ç ing the coming yoar wili roquire thieà boit cf your jutigmeut that is et yours disposaI. Your honest efforts ta administer the affairs cf the tawn, ne doubt, wil be ycur hlghest aimà and object. To serve the public faithfuliy sud et thie sae time te please ail hs impracticable. But if you steen your bark with hope lu, the ieed, leaving fear asteru sud doiug wbet you helieve te be right lu al thinge, you wili than h. fulfilling your position preperly as trustees Of the citizens. Our tawu i. in a good fndniaI position but te maintain tuis it la es- sentiel that esch committee wetch with closeet scrutiny the expenditure entrusted te iti charge, that velue and efficieucy ho recaived for meules paid. Lot us look forwerd te the possibiiity of reducing the tax rate the ceming yesr. I weuld ask thet the hast co-opere- tien and spirit cf unity h. the mette ef our citizens, officiels aud membars1 of the council board. lt ih thon thet mucb usay ha accompiialied fer tue bottai-usnt sud building u.pcf our ceusuunity, making a better place lu which te live. An eddi- tional impetus wili thon be givon the wheei cf pregres. which la prove- lent lu our feur Canada. May every succees ho yours pen. soualiy and officiaily. I sincereiy trust that et the end eft tus year your fellow citizen. wil ho proud cf you. May good healtb, bappines sud pros- perity ha the lot of ail oui- citizons pf Bewmanviile and may Ged bIes us Appleuse led trous the gaibery was a fitting deusonstration of approval given the timely romanks se hniefiy snd weil enpressed hy Ris Worship. The Council immediatelygot doWn te business wbeu the annuel request for e gi-eut trous Sick Cbildren's Hospital, Toronto, was read sud re- ceived favorable cousideration te the extent et $15.00, being an increese ef $5.00 oven previeun year's grant. ity. Oscar Hudson & Ce., asked wben officiais weuld ho ne-ady te have themW stant on municipal ni-dit. Clenk John Lyle bad replied hy Januery i Stb. Latter trous Conent & Anuis, soli- citons for Phare & MeCoy, ne refund ef Trauuient Traders' License, was nefenred te Fineuce Cous. Roquest et Ontario Goed Roads Association for memhership tee of $15.00 sud su invitation to conveut-i ion in Toronte next usontb receiyedi slus cousideratien beiug "recaived1 sud tyled". Reports et expanditurez were pr.- sented: Finance $659.19; Water- $92.82; Local Improvement $144.50. Finance Minuster Carmuthera made the annual requait that chairman o.k. eccount. before submittlng thon for peymeut, Aise the waruiug thet ail eccounts fIbu.t b. lu tue cloi-k'. office by 4 p. m.. day of coun- cil meeting or th.y wlllb. h.ld ever By-lawn vue pamsed: Appoint- s ,~ A .~ ~,.

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