PAGE SEVeff ,TESMA4N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1927 j, To pre pare a bath Just drop three table- spoonfuls of Keen's Mustard into the hot water, swirl around, and then get i and soak 1 You will be surprised at the new vigor which will re- SiÂt.j 20 MINUTES ?hat's ail. Twenty "iutes after taking a ZUTOO tablet your beadlache will b. One of tbese littie tablets-afe, rellable end harmlesa as soda-will stop aay headache in 2ominutes. Or, better still, taken when you feel bbe beadache coming on, a ZU f00 tablet wilward it off-nip it in the laid. No eadache FORGET THE "BLUES"!! LEARN Engineering. Auto Mfechari-. Electri- etryor V. eld 1n g Exp-erts. lou'e Wjri V, Brickla: me and i'rng o Huogand Ldj*'flair. Earj $5 to $10 Per Day Fet-, *pee r urojto !-imroo Fe ~ tIu i,~ riai Ttin BqIin j rt NWfr tigrier Pz<îy aa br!ghit fî,ure. W rî<r it- iilior Hemphill Trade Schools lai King Street W eFt. Toronto If you have a touch of grippe don't let it take firm hold. A mustard bath is the remedy doctors Svecommend. day School Rcom on Wednesday, De-Pulcroet cember l4th. Meeting opened withPulcrort community singing and several Labor...................$ 28.201 Christmas carols by the members. Af- Hydre Electric........727.51 ter a short business meeting, a de- Ceal............617.38 lightful program folîowed under the Water Supply........21.60 convenership of Mrs. W. J. Morri- Insurance................. 648.651 son, including: Painting.................. 330.001 Piano duet-(a) "Christmas Fest-. Supplies...........211.421 ival, (Carl Buttschardt), (b) "«O Cleaning Hall.............. 131.80 Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star" (Wagner), Mesdames J. A. Cole and $571650 H. D. Clemens; Quartette-Carol Fire Department 'See Arnid the Winter Snow" (Goss) Coal .. .. .... . ....... . . . .. 94.271 Mesdames Dudley, Best, Neal and Water and light........... 27.84 Foster; Experirnents in Sound- Hose............137.501 Nodes and Loops, Mr. W. J. Morri- Firernen's pay.......1063.30 son; Solo-"The Anthem Celestial" Supplies and labor.......... 262.36 (J. Adamis), Miss Margaret W. Allin; Insurance...........99.00 Paper-Chimes, BelIs, Carillon, Miss'Rent of hydrants.......... 3480.00 J. M. Hicks; Trio-"The Distanti Chimes" S. Glover). Mesdames Dud-! $5164.27 ley, Anderson and Alldread; Piano Relief solo-"A Sicilian Mariner's Hymn Grant to hospital......$1000.00 (O Sanctissima), Miss E. M. Stead- Fuel to indigents.......64.45 man; Quartet-Carol "Sleep Holy Groceries te indigents. 27.76 Babe" (Francis Sutton), Mesdames Howell Maintenance........ 178.95 Dudley, Best, Neal and Foster; Pap- Pollock maintenance......30.00 er-"Christmas Carols", Mrs. J. H. Foster maintenance......62.25 Johnston; Quartet-Carol "O Little Town of Bethlehem" Louis Redner. $1363.41 Mesdames Dudley, Best, Neal and Health Dejartzuent Foster. *.,..... 'w.-.., ....-. . - - ei.. ccc an0 THE HOUSE 0F REFUGE Coet Per lamate 68C a Day. The House of Refuge committee at Counties' Council reported that the ceaI cf running that institution for the past year had beein $18,007.10, ncluding the value cf the produce raised and consumed on the farm. Receipts from ininates fer mainten- ance was $812.38, while the sale of live steck amounted te $396.50, rnak- ng the receipts $1,208.88. Salariez amounted te $1,937.60, wages te $1,- 887.65. and the generai expenditures te $11,915.33, and produce raised on the farm te $3,336.50. The average cost per inmate per day, not includ- ing interest on investinent was 59.3c, and the actual ceat of maintenance, incîuding ail expenditures and allow- ing 5 per cent interest on the pro- perty, valued at $60,000, was 68e per iay, which made the actual cot of running the home for the year $17,- 171.45, the total cost of board per iay being 22c. The number at the Home on June i. 0 was 81 : 17 have since been com- -;tted there; 9 had died, 6 had ab- 'c onded and 3 were discharged, mak- I nz the number there on November i Oth 90-41 females and 39 maies. Thrteen cf the inmates were freom Cobourg. The committee thanked Mr. and Mrs. McMilIan fer their kindness and consideration tiowards those in their charge. everything at the Home being found in fine condi- tion. o il Lo ok For the Sheil Sigu Then purchase Sheil Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 WD~ PMOSPMODIB W~~Inrvousystm makes ncw BI.od ~L4~ laaid VeUs ed for NiersuSà Deublity. Mental anasud BrWy Depondua. Lo %fEnr. Palitation 4 &W6Ilaro. ueig M" a. Heu'pmbiu.e ~-fr mswOo - yai d oe or oui King St. East, Bowmanville Zook's R.gulating Compound .dweu& 8cd in thm ede- .1 o tr ii-No. 1. 811 No28- o . 65 par boit; TUlE =OK MEDICINEcOM B. J. Hazlewoed, M.O.H... . 400.00 Supplies............ N.... 65.14 Inspecter and Secretary... 50.00 $1765.14 Cmetery J. Highlleld, salary ....... $1200.00 Extra labor................ 71.25 Painting .. .. . ..... ... .. .....45.0 Plants and Flew.ers.......... 35.50 Hydre pump. .............. 4.50 Supplies and repairs ........ - 38.21 Balance on hand........... 105.54 $15 00.00 Police Rd. Jarvis, salary ........ -- $ 950.00 Walter Hall, salary .-. .. ...90.00 W. F. Ward, P. M., salary. 600.00 Constables. extra ........... 9.50 Court Expenses............ 30.00 Dog tags..........8.70 Supplies ..................5.20 Balance on hand.......46.60 $2600.00 Contingent IRevisien Voters' List ...$15060 IElection expenses.......... 87.00 Reg. B. M. D. . ............ 43.50 Public Library............. 400.00 *Canadian Red Cross...... . .200.00 Confederation Jubilee .. .. 472.77 Agricultural Society........ 10000 Beach Association ..-......100.00 Legal expenses............ 323.90 *Delegations expenses ... ....143.25 *Registerîng deeds.......... 45.75 Refund cf taxes .... --.. .....33.75 Central Association dues ...- 31.00 Clerk's account............ 91.05 Sundry accounts . *. 38.00 $2260. 57 Roade and Street& Culverts and ditching...$ 664.00 Bridges, repaira, etc.......86.00 Cinder walks, 4,200 ft.....430.00 Side walks repaired......55.00 Cutting weeds .........325.00 Shovelling snew and sanding walks..........330.00 Cleaning streets.......... 600.00 Cernent walks, 4,000 sq. ft. 600.00 Dragging, grading, gravel- ling ..................1412.00 Engineer's saiary......600.00 $5142.00, Printing and Stationery iM. A. James & Sens, priaI- ing, advertising, etc. ... $ 397.44 i .R. Hart & Co., supplies. 67.32 Municipal World, supplies. 24.78 W. T. Allen, supplies... 4.50 Canadian Resources, advîg. 80.00 $ 574.04 Salaries John Lyle, clçrk..... ....$1400.001 A. J. Lyle, Treasurer . .. . 1000.00 Rd. Jarvis, collecter ... .. ...350.00 J. G. Manning, assessor ... 350.00 Oscar Hudson Co., auditors 400.00 $3500.00 CIerk's Receipte From Cemetery ................$1209.50 Cemetery perpetual care .. 110.00 Cemetery, levelling graves. 58.25 Public preperîy ............492.61 Town Hall........170.00 Licenses .................297.00 Hay Seales................ 64.60 Public School for B. Health 499.50 High School for B. Health 400.00 Government for B. Health. 500.00 $3801.46 Colector's Report Statement of Tax Roll tei December lSth., 1927 Taxes paid........$90,002.46 Exemptions.........6,584.80 Farm Rebates ..............70.00 Cash discountsa. . -.. ......407.70 Errera ....................142.80 Taxes unpaid.......11,00.79 Total arnoant on roil 0108,9805 D)og taxes colleed. - ..$ 293.00 Dog taxas ttaadlm..- 108.00 He didn't think about ît-I'Il net say he didn't care. He was heedless and fcrgetful or he'd surely have been there. Are you ceming home for Christmnas? have you written you'll be there? Going home te kiss the mother and show her that you care! Geing home te greet the father in a way Vo make hlm glad? If yeu're not I hope there'll neyer corne a turne when yo<a'I wish you had, Just sit dewn and write a letter-it will make their heart strings hum0 With a perfect tune of gladness- if you'll tell thein that youil corne. Freed cm frein Asthma. Asthma ia one cf the most distreaaing troub- les, sudden in its attaeks and pro- longed in its agonies. Frequently many thjngs are tried, but nothin seemu ta, give hope of relief. cr J. D. Keiagg'e Asthma Rernedy is the oe help whlch can be depended up- on. If you have tried other reine- dies without success, do net fait to get at once a package of this uniform- ly succeseful preparation. say the many geod things te eat will be about the most appealing thing on the programme. The public la invited te t he Christmas tree enter- tainment at 7.30 p. m. Four members of the executive of the Toronto Municipal Chapter 1. O. D. E. visited the Scheol Friday af- ternoon and presented each boy with a handsome Bible. The presenta- tion was made by Mrs. Burden, Mrs. McCarthy, Mrs. Dunbar and Mrn. Lennan. This was the second visit of the officers cf the 1. O. D. E. te the Schoel. On a fermer visit the School was presented with a group of thîrty pictures to decerate the walls cf the various buildings. Af- ternoon tea was served in the staff sitting room. Before Ievaing, the ladies treated the boys to a generous helping cf ice creai, cake and candy. This splendid organization is taking a very helpful and much appreciated interest in the School and its werk. You Need The Money Save nmre, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahr. Tonsilitis, for Scre Throats, Quinsy, Cough. Bronchitis, Branchial Asth- ma. Catarrh and Tonsil Illm. Sucees or money refunded. 51-2 THOUGHTFUL That Gladden Hearts Christmas morning-the glad happy climax of feverish an- ticipation-those hours of revelation, when love, thoughtfulnesa and judgment find expression in a single gi.ft. And how happy the choice when the gift does express thoughtfulness and judg- nient-when the comfort and convenience of the recipient have been a first consideration. Here is a list of attractive Electrical Appliances, whose beauty and utility combine to forni gift.s that lighten tasks and inake homes happier. Electric Curling Irons ...................................$ 1.25 and up Electrie Hair Wavers.................................... $ 3.50 and up Combination Curlers and Wavers ................$ 3.50 and up Electrie Irons ............................................ $ 3.75 and up Electrie Toasters......................................... $ 3.50 and up Electrie Percolators...................................... $ 9.00 and up Electric Heating Pads ...................................$ 7.00 and up Electric Hot Plates....................................... $ 3.50 and up Electrie Vacuum Cleaners, complete with al attachments......................................... $55.00 and up Electrie Heaters, aIl types ...............................$ 7.50 and up Electric Floor and Bridge Lamps ................$ D.00 and up Electrie Table Desk and Boudoir Lamps ..........$ 6.50 and up Electric Washing Machines ............................$95.00 and up Electric Grills ............................................ $1050 and up Elvetric Fixtures for every rooni in your house from. $ 4.50 and up Electrie Ranges ranging in price from ...........$50.00 and up Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded You may see these Electrical Appliances on display at our shoi). Make your selections early. THE HYDRO SHOP Phonos 192 or 229 Bowmanvdl. AN INVISIBLE FORCE b The force of advertising is invisible but yeu can feel it. There'. a story told of a conversation between an advertising mnan and a merchant that illustrates the point in an interesting fa.shion. FARMERS' MARKETING TOUR SIX CANDIDATES FOR WARDEN G01ING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS SHORT COURSES AT o. A. C. Mr. R. S. Duncan, FormerlyAgi At the December session of the By Edgar Guest. Short Courses will be held in Live cultural Repretentative For Durham,, counties council six of this year's He littie knew the e;orrow that was in Stock and Field Crops at O. A. C., Appint.dd To I.port... Pott. council announced themsel'ves as his vacant ch-tir; Guelph as follows: candidates for the wardenship for, He neyer guesse'd they'd miss him. aiI4DiyFrigCus R. S. Duncan, Director of Agri- 1 1928, which honor goes Vo North- or he'd surely have been there Jan. -1-SwineFrm Course , cultural Reprosentatives and F. C. umberland county this year. They lie couldn't see his mother or the 1IJan. 12--ee Cte Course Hart. Director of the Marketing' are: Reeve Hess of Hastings; lump that filled her throat,' 1 Jan . 23-28. -ee at Course i Branch, have been appointed by Hon. Ifeeve H. Bedal of Brighton town- O r the tears that started falling as an 0Feb. 1 -o eCorse John S .Martin to represent the On- ship, Reeve Salem Clarke of Cramahel she read his hasty note. 'e.61-os Course *tario Department of Agriculture on township, Deputy Reeve Charles Dav- And he couldn't see his father, sitting Lectures will be given on breeds the Canadian Farmers' 'Marketing idson of Campbellford, Reeve W. F. sorrowful and dumb, land breeding, feeds and feeding, *Tour çvhich has been arranged by the Elliott of Murray township, and Or he neyer would have written that general farni management, judging, Canadian National Railways. This ReeveW. H. Nelson of Percy town- he thought he couldn't corne. rations, stabling, fitting and killing, tour begins January 9th and ends ship, though the latter expects te be crn n acs okwl i ie February 19, and includes visits ofi a more serious contender in 1930. He little knew the gladness that hicurong and ,carleas wo wl E gveny inspection to the agricultural dis- Several of the prospective candidates! presence would have made, young farmer in the county is urged tricts of England, Scotland, Ireland, are in for-a fight in their own muni- And the joy it would have given, or 1 to attend as many of these courses as i and Denmark. While away the On-, cipalities at the January elections,I he neyer would have stayed. ý ossible. tarin representatives will study and one or twc of themn may be ab- He didn't know how hungry had the i______ *marketing arrangements and other senfees when the rall is called the little mother growvn. questions pertaining to the advance- fourth Tuesday in January. Once again to see her baby and teoi Boys' TRAINING SCKOOL NEWS ment of Ontario products overseas. icafim him for her own. 1 Mr. Duncan was the first represen-1 He didn't guess the meaning cf hisi Re,,. Dr. D. W. Best addressed the tative ni the Department of Agri- TOWN COUNCIL visit Christmas Day tîVesper Service Sunday afternoon. culture in Durham and la remember-1 Or hie never would have written t hat Mrs. Alex. Colville was the soloist ed by the people of this county for upeetrEsit«Nddto he couldn't get away. i accompanied by Miss Armstrong. his splendid work in Agricultural SplmnoyEtiae eddt activities. Cover Expenditures For 1927. He couldn't see the fading of the Practically ail the boys will leave _________cheeks that once were pink, on Friday to spend the Christmas At the statutory meeting of the And the silver in the tresses; and he holidays with the folks at home. Some MUSIC STUDY CLUB Council held Thursday evening, De- didn't ste pte think1 will be home a week and a few wil ______l cember 15th., the expenditures for How the years are passing swiftly, remain longer. December meeting cf the Musie1 the year of the various departinents an dnext Christmas it might he The boys are having their Christ- Study Club was held in St. Pau's Sun- were presented as follows: There would be ne home te visit and mas dinner at the school on Thursday "Did yeu ever see the wind"? "Well, advertising ia like the wind -an invisible force. You can't see it, but you can and wiil see the result just as you saw your hat go rolling down the street." SUNSHINE BELT 0F THE SOUTH The longest beach in the world r"Strung way along the Gulf of 1Mexico, down around Key West, up bthe coast of blue to somewhere east of Jacksonville" wifll ot mean a thing to those who neyer see it, nor will the warm; trepic suns of mid- winter or the sea bathing of Jan- uary. There are oranges to, be picked when the snow ia barricading your door, golf and tennis down South when the weather strips alone wilI not; debar the breath of t ho North. When you think things at their werst they are really at their best in Flerida and along the Gulf Coast. Hotel rates are reasonable and long limit winter tourist fares giving you a wide choice of routes are surprisingly low, why not make a travel investment in health? For aIl travel information consuit C. B. Kent or any Canadian Pacific Agent. 49-9-51 Keep the Family Warmn and Healthy this Winter There is no earthly excuse for a cold, draughty house-not if you use good, clean, even burning coal-coal that radiates heat-and gives a long lasting fire. Use Lehigh-Valley Coal-we have it ini al sizes to suit every burning condition-order now, while stocks are ample and prices right-don't iwait until the bin is empty. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanviile GIFTS Give Her ," HOO VER THE CÀ asked the advertising man. "Yes", said the merchant. "What biew it off?" "The wind". 1 73 off?"l )i