Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1927, p. 3

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l'it; UAI\AUIAýN 'IATESMAIý., BOWMANVILLIE, THURSDAY, JUNE 3t., 1927 PG HE T HE home is no place for valu- able papers-neither is your office. For a small sum you can have the protection of a Safety Deposit Box. We shail be glad to rent you *one.. Ta sfeguord WiU,. Borsds. Stoeis. Deeds. Policies. Family Papens Smal Jecoellery.tc..tc. The Royal Bank of Canada Bowmanville Branch - R.. F. Aitchison, Manager 121 Insurance Protection INSURANCE MEANS PROTECTION AGAINST YOUR LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, BY ACCIDENT, BY ILL-HEALTH, BY DEATH This Protection can be provided for you by sound representa- tive English and Canadian Companies in tbis Agency, at iowest possible rates to give you proper protection wben you require it. ARE YOU FULLY INSURED TO-DAY? IF NOT, WHY NOT? If you bave not secured this prtection against loss, or are insufficientiy protected, ACT NOW.0 Delays are sometimes dangenous, and simple every-day accidents, frequent]y occasion serious financiai loss. Evening appointments made on request. This Agency represents, amongst others, the well-known SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA, and THE MAPLE LEAF FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- PANY, botb of wbich are favourably known in this vicinity. EDITH Va. SCOBELL General Insurance and Real Estat. Agent Bowmanvil.e __________ ooking at ;George Mason can show the visitons a beautiful dispiay when Experinsents of more tlian 30 the rose season is on and many others year hae prventhatAluii.are deservlng of mention dare I take nume je isthe best containerth ieadsc. for tea, and paper the poorest. (To be continued) Red Rose Tea li now 5acked :nIflin Murnlnu, ang every pa ,lca guarante.d t b Balance Ladies' Sping Coata mdil- in PO «t.ClconditioD.. b 1nagraireueprices. Cauch, LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BOWMANVILLE REVISITED Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cornis, Tor- By John Eliott, B.A., Former Prin-j onto, are visiting Mrs. R. H. Souc cplo:Bwnavle iyScol and other friends here. iaofBw nvleHgSco, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Poliard, Nap-. Now of London, Ont. anee, attended the Press Association Convention at "Big Win Inn," lasti It was rny pleasant experience week. us1 J ob, oot, lately to spend a short time in look- formerly of Bowmanviiie, is the new1 îngoertegdtonadeeg Manager of the Singer Sewingi old friends, and I purpose referring Machine Branch at Oshawa. 1 to my visit for the benefit of those Miss Mamie Grosjene, nurse-in- whom distance bars of sonie a like training at Bowmanvilie Hospital, is lasr hi sf hoiidaying with her parents, Mr. and 1pesr. Ti fr the absentees. Mrs. Frank Grosjene of Colborne.j The senior editor toid me to go 'to it Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Grahamnl and not spare the space and 1 sure- and famiiy from near Bowmanvillel1ly won't err in brevity. recentiy visited at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. A. Alton, Bex I wonder if Bowmanvile folk al ley, Ont. -1 sec and enjoy what they have. Rev. Dr. D. W. Best is attending Batflfo iuto, tbsgon to-day (Thursday) the induction of!i up where two clear sparkiing streams. Rev. R. T. Richards, B. A., into the emPty into Lake Ontario only a short pastorate of the United Church atl distance apart. These neyer failingý FotPerry., brooks each with its busy miii gîve Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry, Misses special charm to the location. Florence and Alice Werry, and Mrs. Perhaps the old town bas straggied Woodger, Bowmanviiie, recentiy vis- a littie in the effort to spread itselfi ited with 2Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Phiip,! over the 2700 acres carved out of, Prince Albert.; Darlington township to mark its iim- Mr. Jack Allen, son of Mr. and its but it bas a bomelike beauty all Mrs. W. L. Allen, Cobourg, lef t this1 its own. week on the university graduates'l To view it fromn the east, as I did two-montbs trip to England andi once more coming down the slopel Europe.-Sentinel-Star. from Mr. W. S. Bragg's farm with its Ail imothers can put away anxietyl weil1[ kept appie orchard on Shaw's regarding their suff ening childrenl hiii,' is a f east for the eyes. Pass- when they have Mother Graves' orm ing the oid Simpson homestead on, Exterminator to give relief. Its, the ieft, which I knew weii in the effects are sure and lasting. 1 days of Richard Foster, and the C. Franklin Legge Co., Toronto, handsomie well equipped home of who recently instaiied the fine newl Col. R. J. Gili-the old Joness farm organ in Trinity United Church here on the rigt-you see the town from are also instaiiing a new two man-' the east.1 uei pipe organ in Port Hope Baptist' Off the road to the rigbt is the' Church. Rowe farm beautifully situated, now Dr.andMrs Cascalenof injowned by Mn. Chris. Cox. Coming nipeg, Man., were recent guests of t h atr rek h l oc ber brother, Mr. W. F. Dale. Tbey, dam on the right is gone, but instead are on a motor trip to Bancroft, is a beauty spot for citizens and tour-1 Kingston, Montreal, Rochester and ists, the "Creama of Bariey" camp or othen points, park-a fo'urteen acre space extend-1 Mr.andMrs AiredLow, Bw-'ing to the paved highway, which bas. Mr. nd rs. lfrd Loe, ow-been tastefully and generously fitted manvile, announce the engagement ijp by Mr L. J. Morden. of their daughter, Cecelia E. and Mr B. Finlay MacPhee, oniy son of Mr: If you follow the stream to the jand Mrs. Daniel MacPhee, Beaver: left as it winds peacefully past Bow- i ton, the wedding to take place in manvilie's beautifui cemetery you July. wiîi corne to the dam and the miii, the home of Cream of Bariey, reiish-j Miss Evelyn Joness and Miss Le-, ed by many ail the more when it Pere, wbo bave resigned their p3oi comes to tbem hundreds of miles1 tions as teachers at Halivilie, Ont.,1 away ,because it was produced in the motored bere and spent the weekend oid home town. The Proprietor, at Mr. F. H. Joness', Carlisle Ave. Mr. Morden, a son-in-iaw of the late TS attr senuiao.e orei Mr. John McKay, the former owner Sarnia.of the miii, deserves his succesà. Be- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tbornton, Mr. sides being enterpnising in business1 C. Hughson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert and public spiited he is a lover of Sherwin, and Mrs. Lattimer, of Or- Nature and wild life--anothen Jack ono, were in Cobourg on Monday at- Miner. Sorry I was to be unabie to tending the funeral of the late Par- see the oid spot as it is now. 1 ker Smith, wbo passed away in bis Appnoaching the town freon the 84tb year. otber side as 1 dîd aiong the fine Wonderfui specials in Canton 1 highway from the city of OsbawaI Dresses this weeke-nd at Couch, John-; got again a glimpseJ of tbe pan- ston & Cryderman 's. orarnic view that was always a de-1 iight to me, that from Stanley's Hill. "Caif Pasture", at Presqu'lie, the Entering the town from the west,I camp of Rev. C. W. DeMille, pastor Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight's home be-1 of K ng Street United Church, Osh- ing on the right, and the oid Waveir- awa, and President of the Bay of iey Farro and barns witb mernories ofil Quinte Conference, will be a scbooi Senator Robent Beitb in the back- I for 20 ministers fnom varîous partsý ground, we glimpse the Vanstone of the province this week. Tbey home on the left. wiii go te the camp upon the invita- The oid miii is stili humming away tion of Rev. DeMilie for the study Of and owned and operated by a Van- methods in religions education. stone, Fred C., son of the late gowmanvilie Women's Institute Jabez C. Vanstone. And by the heid the June meeting on Friday, way, he bas a son Jabez ,a prornîsing June 24tb in the S. O. E. Hall, Mrs. young lad soon like bis father to Frank Jackman, President, in the graduate from the local high schooi. chair. Among the business items;His young daughten, Agnes, is tak- was the report of the District Meet- ing an honor-course at Toronto Uni- ing Committee, a gift of $ 5.00 was.i versity. voted to Federated Institute fleaith The old dam is tbere yet spanned Committee re needy cases in North- by the C. P. R. bridge. The raiiway I ern Ontario, and arrangements madeý station is near by and from eitber for the anual picnic on Juiy 29tb.'station or bridge more sigbts of The Roll Cail was responded to witb1 beauty are ta he seen. It was a ne- Confedenation neadings and patriot-, gret ta me that I had not time to go ic selections were sung ied by Mns.1 out the Scugog Road, a cbarming 20- W. B. Poilard at the piano. j mie country drive te Cosarea, Lake Siik Rayon Dress Goods at 50c and, Seugog. 60e yard. Couch, Jobnston & Cry-. My favorite view, for a reason, is derman.that fnom the Higb School grounds, or better, from the upatairs window ONTARIO, DURHAM of the school. COUNTIES W.C.T.U.: The campus bebind the schooi, the Ontario and Durham W.C.T.U., 1 left, the winding strearn, the oid Mar- beid its 32nd county convention at vin Burk farrn, the C. N. R. withi Wbitby, Tbursday, June 23rd., in the perbaps a train puffing along toward Tabernacle United Church. A veny the busy city, the cottages of Bow- large délegation from the various manville-on-the-Lake, witb the blue Unions in the counties were present waters of oid Ontario beyond make and the reports of the different de- a picture for one to carry away. partments of work revealed a story! My Saturday afternoon was de- of industry, enthusiasm and achieve- iigbtfuiiy spent seeing Darlington at ment. The plan of work was ar-ý its prettiest as viewed out the Man- ranged b y Mrs. R. J. Robertson, Osb-, vers Road and fnom the beigbta and awa, and the resolutions wene pre- the railway bridge above Stephens' sented by Mrs. George Jackson of; Mill. Mr. Geo. A. Stephens is stii Port Perny. The County-President,, going strong, 'keeping the miii in Mrs. S. Farmer, Port Perry, gave a operation in its season and farming very comprehensive address. Thej 270 acres. Men wene busy sowingi convention speaker was Mrs. L. Red-'unplatgconndsayg dick of Toronto, wbo gave a very in-1tunppaigconndsryn 1n orcbards all interestîng to me. structive address on the work i gen- S orne of ths Darlington men, per- eral. Mrs. F. E. East rendered two- haps I sbould say rmany of them, un- fine solos, and tvo Whitby ladiestý----e4-- A-1 HAMPTON UNITED CEMETERY 1 The Managing Board of the Hamp-1 ton Cemeteny (nortb), desires ta ack-1 nowledge the numerous gifts for-I wanded in nesponse to the appea made for funds towand impnoving this buniai place. It wiil give pleas- unre ta many to know that mucb basi been accomplished. Already thel grounds give evidence ta the devotio n and enterprise of those who are car- rying the nesponsibility. It seems fitting on this Jubilce yean that such a wonk as beautifying the nesting place of aur ancestors and pioneens and loving friends, whicb for long bas shown signa of neglect, should have the sympathy and co-op- eration of ail. To intenested fniends who have not aineady contributed ta this wontby enterprise donations may be fonwanded ta W. W. Horn, Secnetany-Tneasuren, Hampton, wh1 gives the foliowing list for publica- tion witb gnatefui acknowledgment. F. L. jF'owke, Oshawa...........$1000 M'%rs. A. Moore, WVhitby............ 3.00 C. F. Carden...................... 3.00 Mrs. Niddery ...................... 3.00 Dr. L. Hastings, Detroit........... 5.00 3irs. Prescott. Enfield.............. 3 00 Oswald Bye-rs, Toronto.............. 3.001I Rabt. Taylor and wife, Oshawa..6.0 John Williams, Oshawa........... :200 Harold Williams ................... 2.001 Mrs. A. Peters............... ... 2.00 E. H. Cote........................ 10.00 W. W. Horn...................... 6.00 C. Stonhduse ...................... 5.00 C. W. Souch......................0.00 fi. T. Peters ..................... 2.00 Albert Oka, Enniskillen............ 3.00 Mrs. J. Cowllng .................... 3.00 Mrs. J. Cla-tworthy ................. 6.00 Mrs. W. j. Trenouth, Napanee..3.00 Jas. G. Burns.....................6.00 airs. J. Jabson................. 3.00 F. J. Groat................... 3.0 Jas. L. Hughes. Toronto............ 3.00 Mrs. Fannie Clarke, Toronto...3.00 Frank Hastings .................... 3.00 Frank flewell, Enniskllen.......... 3,00 C. E. Brown, Maple Creek, Sas... 3.00 F. M. Brown, Edmonton.......... 2.00 Mrs. Homar Hurlbut. ICemble.....3.00 airs. Janet Gilbert, Toronto ...5.00 Mrs. J. E. M'%cFadden, Flesherton.. 3.00 Mrs. Burgna.ster, Enniskillen..2.001 F S. Mason, Friendship, N. Y..10.00, Mrs. Ada Jo11. Newcastle........,00 Elmar Bradley, Enniskillen......... 3.00 Dana Nlddery, Toronto............. 3.00 Grace Faulkner, Toronto........... 3.00 Mrs. Mary A. Iteatie, Orono ...3.00 airs, W. J. Virtue ................. 3.00 Mrs. W. J. Ranton, Trenton ........ 3.00 Mrs. John Ranton, Trenton ...3.00 airs. Chas. Bracken and sîsters, Butte, Mo>nt...... ................56.00 airs. WiII White, Darlingford, Man 3.00 Mrs. A. Challener, Toronto......... 3.00 Mrs. D. 'Yellowlees. ................83.00 S. E. Souch, ?tettler, Alta ....10.00 R. H. Fergusp, Burketon...... ... 3.00 David Hall. Burketon...............38.00 Mrs. Wm. Strutt, Rocheste, N. 'Y. 3.00 Mrs. C. Johns...........3.00 W. M. Wotten, Ptrro.....3.00 Henry Ashton, Haydon.............3.00 John Vîrtue .Enniskillen............ 1.00 Frank G. McLean, Toronto......... 3.00 Mrs. James Dart, Bunketon......... 2.00 Mrs. W. G. St-ephens ............... 1.00 C. E. Horn........................ 3.00 Ida McLean Dllworth. Toronto .... 10.00 <Further contributions published laten) See the bargains in Men's Suits at Coucb, Johnston & Cnyderman's. Plumbing, King St. W., Heating, Steamfitting Phone 348 Bowmanville The Pleasure of a Bath Is spoiled if thie bathroom equip- ment is not up-to- date and in first- class condition. Let us equip your bath- - room and we'Hl promise you that you and your fam- ily will take pride and pleasure in showing it to friends and guests. We repair ail kinds of bath- room ,bedroom, kitchen and Iaundry equipmnent. W. Len. Elliott 06fl For Summer Cooking We seli and recommend Florence Automatic Red Star Oi & Ga8 - Coleman Ga8 Perfection 011 STOVES See Our Dispîay Before Buying MASON & DALE Phsone 145 PopiUTar Hadware Store Bowmazvufl You Will Require Something in Furniture for June WE ARE WELL SUPPLIED WITH SUMMER FURNITURE Chairs and Rockers for the porch or veranda. Drop Screens or Curtains for the verandah in green and brown color. Wood siats in different widths, Hammo Couches, Veranda Couches, Folding Canvas Chairs, Cots and Roll-ups, in fact many lines of Summer Furniture. We have some splendid Japanese Grass Chairs which have sold well this year. WONDERFUL VALUES IN REED SUITES We are offering wonderful values in three piece Reed Suites with Upholstered Seats. Some have Upholstered Seats and Backs and are very serviceable and extremely handsome. STEEL BEDS IN WALNUT FINISH Always a fulll une of Steel Beds in latest Wal- nut finishes with ail grades ýof Mattresses and Springs to select from. ALL GRADES SPECIALLY LOW PRICED FOR JUNE Fe F. Morris Co* Home Furnishere Phone 10 Bowmanville To Beconie WedItIIy Is an Ambition That is Cherished by Many. What Are Your Chances? Experience shows that of 100O average healthy men 25 years of age, the following will be true at 65: 1 only wiîî be wealthy. 4 wiîî be well-to-do. 5 will be compelled to go on working for a living. 36 will be dead. 54 will be dependent upon friends, relatives or cbarity. Facing These Facts Can you afford to go along without a definite plan of saving and investment, uncertain whecher you wilt be well-off or an object of charity? There need be no such uncertainty about your future'if you adopt the safe and definite plan of setting aside a deposit regutarly each year for a Canada Life "En- dowment at 65." It wilt guarantee you in cash at age 65 the sumn of $2,000-$5,000-$l10,000 or more. It is a certainty-the fuît amnount of your policy will be paid in any case, whether you tive or die. Other mvestments may depreciate in value or fait. The Endowment at 65 witl take care of your home, your business, or your personal interests, as nothing else can. Ask for Particulars. J. J. MASON & SON, INSURANCE AGENTS, BOWMANVILLE Dear Sir: Without obligaton on My part you may aend mne partculara of the Canada Life " Endowrnent at 65. Nane ..... Addree.- _____ 1 w« born day 09 (M.-dayo- I... .1 PAGE THREZ

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