i'HE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMÂNVILLE, THUR5DAY, JUNE 2nd., 1927 PAGE DEVEIi ail cod-Iive Scott'i Scot & flowne. Tc OL4rm u the SUMERCOLOS lIens boti ered v.t The leaant lcestop laving.To The plasant kill the lice, take the affected clucken tastnw f!d)y theklgs and sprinie the owder t> astgfoo- n the open feathers. PRATSLC tonic, rich in i)eoe u ii h S &yu ,er oil vitarnins. s Emulsion Lç>l m u. roronto, ont. 27-31 )f'de eor pOVL7RSomJC ILE Ple O. CNADAL.d. PROTECTION] FOR Automobile Owners Our AUTOMOBILE POLICY will masure your AUTOMO- BILE against bass or damage caused by Fire, Tbeft and Collision, and it will also pay dlaims made againat YOU hy others for Personal Injuries and Pro perty Damage on ac- caunt of an accident caused, or alheged to be causod, by your car. Tise vaiaus coverages are as follows for any one or al: FIRE AND TRANSIT Insures against losa or dam- age by fire arising froni any cause whatsoever, and light- ning, anywhere in Canada or tise United States. This policy also cavera bass or damnage ta your automobile through transportation perils, that la the tranding, sink- ing, collision, burning or de- nailment of any convoyance in wbicb your Automobile is ho- ing carried. THEFT Provides indemnity in tise event of yaur car being stol- on.. Should it lie recovered in a damaged condition we ivilh bear tise cost of repaira. Moto-Meters, Spot-Ligbts, ex- tra Tires, Tubes, Rima, Wbeels and-or extra or Or- namental Fittinga are not in- sured, unleas upon payxnent of extra premîum. PUBLIC LIABILITY Protection in respect of your legal liability for injuries on deatis caused, or alheged ta be caused, ta persans of tise pub- lic by your Automobile. The usual limita are: In case of injuries ta one persan, $5,000 and to any number of pensons in one accident, $10,000. In addition ahI expenses of de- fending suita, even if ground- lesa, are paid by tise Comi- pany. PROPERTY DAMAGE Indemnities in respect of your legal liability for dam- age o thie property of OTH- ERS, including losa of use of their praperty, up to a lmit of $1,000. COLLISION Pays for repaira ta YOUR Automobile or equipment as a resuIt of being damaged in a collision or upset. Consuit us for rates. W. have thse lowest. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Roomn New dren's play-roomn. - Gyproc w il give you brigbt, comfortable extra rooma at smafl Cost. Right over damaged walls and. tom, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. Gyproc walls and ceilings wilimake every roomnbright and fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, cold proof and heat proof. The stron ge..t and 1igh test insu latin g wallboard known. Write for free bookilet-"My Home.- * h.wihItelynu how Gyprnc. Rocboard Gfflum Insulating Sheathiwg and lusulex will reduce your fuel bill rons 20 t0 40 per cent. el THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 155 John . HogateFor Sale By JohnA. olgae &Son - Bowmanville, Ont. Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago , Pain Neuralgia Toothacne Rheumatisni DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART 1 Acetoly'BayeIlpakage which contains proven dire in. Handy ««Bayer" boxe& of 12 table" AaçrLnLaUictrda ar (natredInAima btties. af24 sud 100-Drngglata. . i Sat r f cU Y l ka od (A cetyl Wi lUe c A c d , *' . 8 . A ." . w bLIO t la y ul ko W filat Aupirin meana Bayer muature. tinasait thle pubic agluit ImtaUcua. the TabilU àt BayerODUmPma'WU I e aia.ped with iiftgmul Uts" eMak, tM "e Bai* (>G ORONO (From Tise News of May 26th) Miss Buchanan, Niagara District spent a fev. days with ber sister.here Mrs. Fred Blackburn is visiting hi sister, Nli-s. George Rowe at Hamil ton. Dr. W. J. LeMay attended ti Provincial Dental Convention hehd i Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lautz of Toronto spent tise 24th with her aunt, Mrs.V L. Cobbledick. Mr. Harold Rickaby, Toronto,i spending a few days at bis father'E Mr. John Rickuby. Mr. and Mrs. John Leishman o Newmarket, are visiting at her fat her's, Mr. Geo. Mitchell. Miss Thelma Martyn, nursea Nichols Hospital, Peterboro, is boin on a couple of weeks vacation. Corna cause mucb auffering, bu Holloway's Corn Remover offers speody, sure, and satisfactory relief. Miss Margaret Walsh eaves toda on a montb's visit witb friendsana relatives in Port Hope, and paint east. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Souths ah Miss May Soutis, Woodstock, wer woekend visitors at Mr. George Bui ter's. Mrs. Robt. Moon was called ta Cc bourg last week, ber brother-mn-lav Mr. Parker Smith, baving a ligt stroke. Misses Elsie and Neya Rainev. a( companied liy Mr. Will Hoar, sper Sunday with their uncle, Mr. W.T Taylor, Solina. Pleased to receive a caîl toda from Editor W. L Smith, Toront( who witb Mrs. Smith is visitin friends in town. A pleasant medicine for cbildre is Mother Graves' Worm Extermir ator, and it ie excellent for drivin worms fromntise systeni. Mr. T. W. Underwood bas sohd i property recently purcbased by hir f rom Dr. Lowell at Newmarket andi moving back to Markham. Dr. G. R. Patterson was in town day or two lat week. Dr. and Mi. Patterson have eft Brantford ai taken up their residence in Toront( Mr. Sherwin, wbo is still in Po' manville Hospital, is improvlng slo' hy. Be bad two operations bu neither caused from the former on( Miss Florence Baw, third yea nurse in training at Nichols Hospita iPeterboro, spent a couple of week with ber parents here, Mr. and Mrs H. S. Haw. Mr. F. C. Hall of Sudbury, ai two daugiters of M.%yrtie, calied i Mrs. Barris Wednesday. Mr. Ba was attending the funeral of hi mother ut Burketon. Mr. Fred Lorriman on tise Toront teaching staff, was threatened vit appendicitis while at home for th holiday, but returned to finish i teaching terni Tuesday. The Friend of Ail Sufferers.-Dr Thomas' Eclectric Oul is a valuabl remedy tealal tisose wbo sufer palr It bolda out hope ta everyone ai realizes it by stilling suffering ever.- wbere. It is a liniment that bas th llessing of baîf a continent. Iti on sale everywbere and can be foui wherever enquired for. Mr. R. G. Sutton bas returný froni Kemptville, baving complete tise special work over which he wa placed and is back on bis aId joba thse Foirestry Station here. Students home froni Toronta Un: versity for summer vacation arE Misses Marion Dickson, Loreen Loi riman, Mary Somerville and Messrs James Gilfillan and Allison Cowan. Mr. Isaac Cobbledick bas been o duty a couple weeks, part of th time confined to bis bed, as a reatl of baving strained the ligamentso hia leg standing tao long on a lacdd painting. Orono Junior Basebali team wa defeated by Bownsanville in a sevi innings game on Wednesday, th score being 6-4. Batteries--Oron Ted Archer and Alex. McNeil. Bo' manville-Cohe and Candler. Fresh Supplies in Demand.-Whei ever Dr. Thoma"' Eclectnic 011 ha been introduced increaaed supplie bave been ordered, ahowing the wherever it goes this excellent 0: imapresses its power an the people. N' matter in what latitude it may b found it.a p<tency is nover impaireý It is put up in moat portable shapei botties and can be carnied withou f ear of breakage. On Sunday evening there was a excbange of pastors and choir be tween Park Street Church, Oronc and United Churcb, Newcastle. Th choir of Newcastle contributed th music and Rev. E. B. Cook preachec Mr. F. W. L. Tamblyn aold tw of bis fancy bred Haîsteins to Mr.A S. Rogers of Newmarket and '-%i Charles Allin, Bowmanvilie. Th A. Waddel in 1918 nine years ai when ho waa transferred ta anoth( Brancis. He is spending a fi weeks' holiday witb bis parents, Mi and Mrs. James Nesbitt, Newtci ville. Recent visitora at Mn. Thos. Pa terson'a were Mr. and Mrs. Robe Wj heîd the daring youth piercing the go, skies above our heada, that we were oer beholding thé future bero s0 destined Sew ta immortal famne, as he bas proved r. hinisehf ta bel He won the prize i II I10 offered for thse explait, of $25,000, and if he chooses to accept the muni- lat-1m im eficent offers of tise "movies" ho will ert become a millionaire in a short time. NEWCASTLE GROWING THE LINDBERGH PARIS AND PROSPERING MONOPLANE F LIGETI t,1 Mr. Arthur Bragg with the heip Of By Cha». M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver,(I -e., his brother, Mr. W. D. Bragg is Colorado. er1 erecting a new ha.use on North Mil il- Street, having completed the con crete foundation. It is a Hallidayi The impossible is accomplished, byi he planned home, two storeys higb, a former Denver youth, in less than in ied inside and out with the now. 331/ hours, from New York C'ity toi Iuch used sugar cane material Paris, without a stop, or assistant, ,whîcb bas proved so lheat and cold and ail atone in his self-devisedi , resistant, and will be brick veneer- mooln. N potnt or W1 ed. sleep nor rest during the voyage, butl .1Mr. and Mrs. Woods wbo are stay- the mind of the 22 year old boy wvas 's ng iththeMises ree ar ruh-lot for a moment witbdrawn from s, ing alith theissnewsuBreen tae.sh the work in hand, and it is small Mr. inoaogsthir nae summecotag.wonder that wben lhe reached the ofmrn Woodsis ath eer oethendyofnggoal, he felI from exhaustion as bis man bom earl evey on .rea ofnerves collapsed. t- about two years ago as mne eting 1 deatb by electrocution while attempt-' But it was flot tbe grinding strain at ing as an officer of tbe T.)rintoo l esh and nerves, not tbe will- ne Humane Society to rescue a cati power to keep awake in the eternal fromn the top of a Hydro pole. hum of bis engine and wbir of tbe propeller, but the supreme seif-re- ýut Mr. George Trenwith is building ani liance of the lone courier of the air, a addition t.o his bouse on Church St. is etcbed most deeply in the Lind- *Mr. Harvey C. Bonathan bas tbel bergh feat and will remain in the ay carpenters etigaged converting the memory longest. He was ail by nd former J. J. Uglow tailor sbop intO himseif in the cockpit of bis plane ts an up-to-date dwelling bouse. with no one to look to for relief, Mr. Henry Adams wbo is ieaving without wireless instruments to con- nd tbe farmn on the Lake Shore in posses- nect with the world, dependent on ýre sion of bis son, Wellington, and fam- himself and witb the knowledge tbat1 t- ily, is spending cronsiderable money a moment or two of forgetfu1nessi on his recently acquired North St. would wreck ail and plu'nge him into oproperty. a watery grave. He was on anun ýw A new board fence of red cedar cbartered course above an unknown bt has bee nerected the wbole iength of sea. No precautions had been takeni tbe line between the United Cburch to guide bim ,or lay out a chain of cand Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Galbraithi's shîpsalaong bis lonely lane. nt home. One can bardly refrain from mov-1 T . Mr. Walter Deline has sold several ing back and forth between tbe Lind-i popular makes of cars to local citi- bergb actuality, and the images pict- ayzens. ured by the poet in tbe "Ancient o, A number of new garages and Mrner", and the couplet would not rsg poultry bouses have gone up and the stay out of this picture. iron fence around the parsonage "5o, lonely 'twas that God Himself ,ý grounds is to be taken dovin and Scarce seem-ed there to bie". in- sold. The shed of the former Pres- ng byterian Cburcb bas been purchased A Providence must have been and is now being removed by Mr. somewbere near; the Fates took bim is Lawrence Cryderman, Sbaw's. in band as their own best beloved to m AIl these several building, repair- steer him so far. is ing, remodeling and buying activities Alone in the air! Alone on the indicate bow Newcastle is growing, ocean! On the latter the chances a improving and prngpering. are many to one as against the air; ,s. The very newest in Knit Suits, a slip in the latter and there is slight ,nj Coats, Dresses, Sport Sweaters just hope to avert disaster. to. unpacked at Couch, Jobnston & But Lindbergh could not have been ,W Cryderman's. tbinking of the chances, or he would ,W- not bave started his fight. He bad' >ut imagination of the right kind; the ie. iagintiontoi see success, not the ENFIELO lbr.ooding kind that counts ail thel Mr risks and possibilities of failures. He il, (Received too late for last week) had diced witb destiny befcsre on ýks Miss Irene Bray; Toronto, bas, land, lie would do so aver the sea. *s- been visiting at Mr. S. Bray's ... W1Mhile others were carefully plan- Miss Myrtle Hobbs, Toronto, at Mr. ning bie would strike out for bimself, nd John Ho...-.-... Mrs. J. Grieves, figuring that the odds were in favor on Charlotte, N. Y., Mr. Everett Ormis- of one as against two and three. He atI ton and Miss Densem, Bowmanville, was thse individualist. lis at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's.. . Messrs. Sineadfrahuh r i N. and T. H. Stinson attended thse vrSceien er a and etogb rel i ito funeral o ftbeir uncle, Mr. W. Stin- mvery wen athegir a nd oli in ith son, Peterboro, Iast week .... .Mr. H. mto f k;bteneagin toia r lin th .bs lie Forest bas been visiting near Oshawa oîc;btoc nawiets ue iS . ... Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Mr. turn up in favor of tise one wbo Wallace and Miss Bessie visited 'Tor- dares aIl on a single tbrow. ronto recently... Mr. Frank Gilbert At that Lindbergh was rot a darel lehs nwcriM.aMsT . devil in the common acceptation. Nor nStinson recently visited near Ponty- was bie the 'Fool Fiier", as son±el in ol. . r . rnubHmtn chose ta designate bim. He saw is repairing the cburc . .. . Mr. Mar-I everything abead that could b.' f re- 1ie low and family, Blackstock, have i seen adte akdoh1slo ndMrs. Frank GilherV.ras in Toronto' and the huck whicb bas gone with him rrecentiy consulting a specialist. I always in the past. He was genius edSuperior styles and values in Lad- enougb, bowever, to take bis own pe- ;ed ies' Spring Coats at Couch, Jobnston'ciaboshpeutns ras & ryderan's.Above aht he did not wait for as &Cryermn's things ta deveiop because if biead, ati lie might have been waiting yet for Pandora's box to open witb ah tbhe ni- Tire, son and daugbter of Islington. propitiating elements; bie slipped off re Mrs. Tire, f ormerly Evà Johnston, 1 at a moment auspicious for himself. r- was a popular teacher at Oak Scbooli It was ail characteristically Ameni a. in 1886-7, tbirty years ago, when can. The individuial counts for ase made bier home with the Patter-' much in a republic. ,fson family. Some of the pupils of The biagrapher gives sometbing of lie lber time were John Burgess, now~ a the flier's antecedents-"'Lodge- ait druggist at Toronto, Charley Harris, Lind bergh"'- fitting combination to of Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Galbrbaith, rn ot eo tdnso ter (or!nely Mise commemron) Hrt plain beredity and eugenica, which ia mission here was ta a mmmape' hreity-pîua-wilî find much ta asConfederation by plantinga pl interest them in thse welding of the rstree on the Oak achool grounds, two bloods. Tise father of Scandina- 1ewere setohpyyer fbe ievian parentage, farming in the nortb- no e pet west; tise mother of colonial anceatry , Miler' Wor Poderszehdm -chool teacher, Brawn and braîn ;, fail. They immediately attack the daring and preparation; individua1 r-worxs na expel theni front the 5y: istic and roani fbtlot quixotic. Br- tem Thy ae cmplte n thm-jA tuchof ataismtoo, undoubted- as selves, not only as a worm destroyer,, ly. Through it aIl the iotber'a Les but as a highly beneficial medicinel brain aist bave been like thse littIei Lat for cbildren ,correcting weak diges- instrument that keeps on an even )ltion and restoring the debilitated sy- keel, the great big ahip or airpiane. lie stem to bealthfulness, witbout whicb d. thse grawth of the chlld wlll be re-1 Noir heroica froni the mother, n utisnua lre n oM ~ kept at bier achoal work during the mt Mrs. Su anAd er ndstn, Mr-.hours of world-anxiety, smilinga Chas. Aldred, an irsseM sweet confidence. She knew bier Sarah Hutchison, formerly Susan andi son and bad faitis in biîn. If lie e- Sarah Wilson, motored dovws firn failed, well, it had been so orde:reP on a few old frienda, Miss Lydia, ed. t neyer entered bier bead, 'e Tourjee who was Sunday School however, that he sbould fait. He ,eteacher in their girlhood daya here, hdbe on masbe tîg d. and at Mrs. S. Cuttell's. The Wil- since be was a mssble t fo insf A. by the two brothers, Bill and Reube ewsnti h a te goda;' vo sn hme, lsoshoesho codut et as oin th, e lap ofnhesmo r.lin the latter yeara wben thc tamilt eahrcalh a i i oh he raidd hre as n te bick.wel- er's lap, who bad bred into hlm bier ek, ridet rt, Min erthneisarivrincaraSaur Phone' 65 Bowmanvi lie IL . LET JACOBS DO YOUR BAKING DURING THE HOT SUMMER MONTHS Plenty of variety. Something baked fresh every day. Buy at our store or have the wagon call. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Beauty, strength, fire-resitance -you get ail these in Brantford Super-Tite Siates, besides Double Tlnckness ail over the roof and Triple Thickness over 48%7 of the roof. Special Lock Butt prevents bulgusg and curling. Eranti ord Above la straigbt view ai Brantford Super-Tite States, sbowing triple thickness ini shaded area. Maie in four fade- less colors and when laid give an appealing "keystone" effect. Brantford Roofing Co. If.. Limitea Brantford, Ont. '8ew Stock Carried. Information Furnish.d and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Co., &-Co., Bowmanville Enjoy Better Meals A hastily prepared meal cannot be expected to be a good meal. To cook a good meal, take your time. Our grocery delivery service saves time for you. Gives you more time to devote to prepara- tion of f ood. Saves you the trouble of shopping around. Helps conserve your energy. It is hard for a tired cook to prepare a good meal. Telephone your order early to 65. We'll get ithe groceries to you promptly. You can rely on us for just the quality you require. Last but not least onr prices are always reasonable. Big Demand For Dinner Sets We have had a big demand for Dinner Sets this Spring. Our large stock makes it possible to, select just what you want in pattern and price. Visit our China Department any time. ARCHIE TAIT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd., 1927 PAGE SEVIM