TUE CANADLMI STATESMAN, DOWMANVIN.LE THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd., 1927 PAGE VIVE ICE TO-AY LADIES? I am prepaned ta supply either by week or tickets or any quantity de- sined at any time-and at better pices than ice that lias ta lis hauled 20 miles. We have medical autli- oity to cut our ice whicli is pure sping water. Our wagons are in ,tdarge o! Messrs. Fred and Harold ,,IcMullen. Phione all ice orders to tJ8 which will be given prompt atten- tion. A. M. Williams. Pumo- Dent "The Modern Tooth Treatment" Science lias prover that unclean teeth are a breeding place for dis- ease genms. Puma-Dent tooth treatment positively cleans teeth and ne- moves the bneeding place o! genms, thereby pnotectîng both your teeth and generai hcalth. It is in two tubes A Polishing Cream (nsed twice a week) and A Cleansirg Cream (used daily) BOTH IN ONE PACKAGE 60c KERSLAKE'S PHONE 49 The Dependabi. Drut Store Dance I East Side Pavilion BOWMANVILLE BEACH Every Wednesday and Saturday during month of June. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday after dune. Dancing at 8.30 p. m. (Daylight Saving Tins.) Dance To The Music by Fred Tuerk and his Montmarte Musicians 3 DANCES FOR 25c F. DEPEW. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Helen Adair is visiting lier sister at Clinton. Mrs. Grace Davis, Woodstock, is visiting lier niece, Mrs. T. H. Kniglit,a Westmount. Mrs. Frank Battle, Vancouver, -B.t C., is visiting lier parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Robt. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Albent Manning, Mn.1 and Mrs. L. M. Souch, and Mn. Eltoni Manning recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ledger, Pontiac, Miel. t The monthly meeting of the Wom-J en's Hospital Auxiljary will lie held in the Nurses' Residence on Friday,1 June 3rd at 3.30 p. ma. Ail mem-1 bers attend. Mn. WilI T. Pointon having coni-t pleted this tent's work at Victoria1 College, Toronto, lias gone ta Les- lie, Saskatchiewan, to take charge of a United Cliurch Mission field there for the summer. Miss Doris Foster, dauglter of Mn and Mrs. Fred A. Foster, Norwood Place, celebrated lier success in pasa- ing hier third year medical exanis at Tbronto University by spending the weekend with friends in Walkerville, Detroit and Windsor. Mn. and Mrs. G. W. Thexton, (nee Nettie Shenin, and dauglter Lillian, and Mn. and Mrs. F. D. MacKay, (nee Bertha Sherin), Toronto, mot ored ta Bownmanville on Sunday an called on their sister, Mrs. Edgerton Washington at Lamne Villa. Mn. and Mrs. Richard J. Luke. Maple Avenue Farm, East Whitby, announce the engagement of their eldeat daugtlier, Florence Mary, ta Gilbiert L. Gibson, Oshawa, son of Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson, Cadmus, the maniage to take place early in June. Mn. and Mrs. John Penwarden, Newtonville, announce the engage- ment of their youngest dauglter, Elizabeth, ta Mr. Lawrence Chiarles White, only son of Mn. John Edward White, Elizabethville, the marriage ta take place quietly the middle of June. History of Darlington and Clarke (Including Bowmanville and Newcastle) Book of avec 600 pagea by Prof. John Squair $300 a Copy This valuable book should be in every home, scliîol and public library in this county. Order a copy now as tlie edi- tion is limîted. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanville Ont. Sixteen members of the 1927 graduation cas of St. Hilda's Col-1 lege, Toronto, made up a joily bouse party who spent a week's recreation ending May &0 at Bowmanville-on- the-Lake. They occupied cottages of Messrs. R. F. Aitchison and Sidney M. Scott, and were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Aitchison whose niece wa sone of the party. Very littie stretch of the imagination is required to picture the lively time this bevy of youth enjoyed after a year's close application to studies, exams recently over and anticipating their results. The party consisted of Misses Telen Irvine, Orangeville, (Head of College); Uns Mcntyre, Grand Valley; Wilma Gear, Grand Valley; Ellen M. Jermyn, Whitby; Lillian Burgoyne, Hamilton; Elean- or Eastwood, Peterboro; Nora M. Larsen, Katrine; Helen M. Burnes, Oshawa; Gertrude Harris, Oxford Milis; Mabelle Forrest, Port Hope; Stella Davis, Toronto; Nellie Wills, Jordan; Gwynneth Mathieson, Ot- tawa; Elsie McGill, Toronto; Aileen V. Parker, Boivmanville. Final Clearance. of Ail Ladies' Coats When we hold a "Final Clearance Sale" of any kind we don't nibble a dollar or so off the regular prices, but we eut deep into original prices so that the ladies literally seramble for the bargains, knowing that ridieulous values are to be had. There's only 23 coats left. This tells the story very briefly: 4 Tweed Coats, values to $20.00 for ............$1050 7 High Grade Tweed Coats, some fur trimmed. values 1to $27.50 for...................................... $1600 §-Extra High Grade Coats, imported novelty Tweeds, values ta $40.00 for .............................$25.00 2 High Grade Poiret Twill Coats, values ta, $27.50 for $15.00 3 extra High Grade Coats, Imported Poiret Twills, grey squirrel dyed mink collar, guaranteed silk erepe linings ,values to $40.00 for ................$25.00 1 only, French Faille Coat, caîf skin fur eollar, guaran- teed silk crepe lined, Regular $47.50 for ....$30.00 1 only, Imported Charmene Coat, grey squirrel dyed zink eollar, guaranteed silk erepe lining, regular $45.00 for.......................................... $32.50 2 Black Imported Silk Coats ,grey fur collar, guaranteed siik crepe linings, Regular $31,50 for .......$2500 MORE NEW DRESSES 250 Dresses ,all new this season, ail styles, mater- iais, everything that is new is ineluded in this range at sensible prices. vhe Little Shoppe --WitA ¶he Larde Sto" Women-s Coat-s-Suit--Dresses-hosiery -Gloves -Underwear -Etc. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Glove found. Enquire at SatI man Office. Mr. Norman Bottreil, Torqnto,I sperit the weekend at home. Mms. L. A:.Tole lias returned from three weeks' visit with relatives ýn Lindsay. Miss Minnie Webber has returned from a pleasant visit witli friends in Toronto. Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Toronto, spent the weekend with lier mother, Mms. John Brimacornbe. Mrs. M. Eckhart and daugliter Lois, Belleville, recently visited bier father, Mr. F. B. Herman. Mrs. J. C. TrulI, Toronto, spent the weekend with lier mothen, Mrs. W H. Williams, Churcli Stree. Rev. J. U. Robins is attending Bay of Quinte Conference now being held in King St. United Churcli, Oshiawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Cator and fam- ily spent Victoria Day witli bis cous- ins, Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Cator, Co- bourg. Mr. and Mrs. Orion Dippel1 and Miss Carnie Stacey, Btuffalo,,N.'Y. spent the weekenid with the lntten' uncle, Mr. JGhn Stacey.1 Many congratulations and tokensi of love were received by Mrs. E. Brimacoxnbe, Mt. Hamilton, on May 24th., it being the occasion of lier eighty-ninth birtliday. Althougli somewhat feeble in body, Mrs. Brim- acombe still retains ail lier facultieis and still enjoys reading The States- man, and the daily paper, and is also able to write lettens ta lier chuldren wlio are away. Her many old friends in Darlington join in off ering good wishes. Saturday, May 28th., a party of 29 ladies, invited by Mrs. Wakelin and Mrs. Gould took in a trnp ta Niagara Falls by Ganton's busses visiting the American and Canadian cities. The weather being i'cal, the trip was a very enjoyable and pleasant one. The party stopped at Welland Canal and different points on the way whene evenything was exrplained whicli made the trip very interesting. Tlie party reached Brecks Monument at noon where the ladies served lunch, after which ail were taken through the Chippa- wa Power House and along the Clip- pawa drive ta the Burning Spring and to see the Ca'olt Car go over the Whirlpool. The scenery was grand. Mr. Garton cert.ainly knows how ta conduct an excursion o! this kind and ail members off'tnis party wish to ex- press to hîm and Mr. Hoskin, the othen driver, thair sincere tlianks and appr.eciation for the splendid way tliey conductedl the trip. In ioving mernorY of Sergt. James Sharp, ktlied at Ziliebeke. June 2, 1916, son of Mrs. Andrew Sharp and the late Andrew Sharp, Ennisklllen. Somewhere the stars are ahining, Somewhere the angele dwell: Husbed liq our heartzy repinlng, God ivee and all ls weil. Somewhere, somewhere, Beautiful Joie of Somewhere, Land cf the true, where we live anew, Beautiful hIe of Sornewhere. Mcther, Brothers and ister.l In loving meinmory of our dee.r father, Henry J. Branton. wbo departed this lfe June 2, 1919. Yon don't know the sarrow, to be left alone. U.ntl God sends a message to your own home, It le bard when He ralse for one or th~e other, But hardest of ail whenMe raifh for yau father. Dear father, rest tby work la o'er. Thy ioving bands shahl toil no more, No more thy gentle eyes shall weep. Reet, dear father, gestty sieep). Ever remzembered by Cella and rick. MiLL CLOSID. Vanstone's Mill wi ll be losed oni Wednesday aiternoons duning June, July and Auguet. 21-2 Baby Chicks and Eggs CHICKS FOR SALE-A imited numberi of baby chicks, batched frorn heavy iay- ers. Delamere Straip. C~ali or phone 219J. F. W. Battie. R. R. 6, Bowman-1 ville. 1-tfl Lost or Found LOST-Trunk oontainizlg bedding s.nd I clotbing and box of boots, between Bow-1 manville and Hamipton, on May 26h.jI Please notify E. Adamson, R. R. 6. Bow I manvlle Rewrd.22-1w1 Wanted WANTED-An old melodian, aooa a eimail oid walnut sideboard, muet be Ii fair condition. Addresa M., Drawer B.j Bowynanville. 21-2wel WANTED-Very oid furniture, epool or rope beds, corner cupboard, burea.u, chairs, tables, mirrar frames and orna-. mente. Write Advertiser A. P., Drawer B, Bowmanville.1-t WANTED-We buy the kind of dIeused. furniture that usually lies neglected ln attics and barns. Send us a liet of wbat you have and our buyer wll rail at an early date. The Market Antiques, 129 Bloor St. Elas, Toronto. 22-1 WANTED-Oid Mapie furniture want- ed ta fumnish surmner residence, aide- board. bureau, chaire, tables, and two postePr rope bede alo melodian and cor- ner cupboard. c M. A., cia Ststesnian Qijice. Bowmanviiie. 22-1 Commencement exercises of On-I tario Ladies' College at Witby will be held Wednesday, June l6th. Mrs. Wmi. Evans, Gornie, Mrs.j Chas. Girvin, Godenich, have been visiting their brother, Mr. W. C.1I Ferguson, Liberty St., and friende in Cartwright. Mr. S. Frank Wilson, Toronto, and Mr. G. H. Wilson, Lindsay, who liad been on a trip to Atlantiec Cty, N. J., were in town asat week and called on a few frienda. Rev. R. McDerment, Minister of St. Andrew's Churcli, in attending General Asaembly at the Preshyter- !an Churcli in Canada, now mîeeting in Stratford, as delegate of- Peter- boro Presbytery. A bell ta be hung at Bethany Town Hall as a ire alarmi, has been pur- chased by the Womef's Institute of Bethany and presented to the village. The Istitute recently erecte a wfrn fence aroSld the Town Hall proper- ty and presented a number of gaso- lino lampe for use in thu village treets. R S K H O G 4A ZCN OG N.G.Ms akmy AI ca etn o h e.a Aricles For Sale YOUNG .PIGS FOR SALE-15 York- shire pigs , 7 weeks oId. Apply 10 A. H7. Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 237r3. 21-tf FOR SALE-Used Phonograpb, real bargain, complete with 40 selectione, $60, terme as deaired. Apply O. M., Drawer B. Bowmianvihe.. 22-2 BIRTHS 1927, at Oshawa, t r. dM.J.H Aldread, a son. WOODLEY-ITi BowmAlil& opial on Thursday, May 26th, 1927, to M&r.a.nd Mre. Clarence~ J. WoodleY, Tyrone. a son. DEATHS BURT-At Port Hope, May 26th, 1927, Thomas Edward Burt, in his Sth year. RICE-In Bowmanviiie, on Sunday, May 29th, 1927, J. Harvey Rice, son of Mr. Chas. F. Rice, aged 22 years. McKENZlE-If East Whitby, May 31, Fredecrick George McKenzie, beloved hus-J band of Jessle Isabelle Fîtchett, in bis 48th year. NORTHCOTT-In Oshawa, Saturday,l May 28, 1927. Samuel James, Infant son of Mr. and Mre. Edward Northcott, North Oshawa. RICHES-At rest in Gravenhuret, Ont., on Saturday, May 28th, 1927, Georgina, Doher-,y. beioved wife of Mr. John Riches, Oshawa. GRAHAM-On Sunday, May 29th, 1927,1 at 332 Leslie Street, Toronto, Lavina Victoria Hollinger, widow of the late Alman H. Graham. ANNAND-At Oshawa Gentral Hos- pital, May 23rd, 1927, George P. W. An- nand, son of the late George and Marg- aret Annie Anand, In his 69th year. MALCOLM-On Sunday, May 29th, et his late residence, Malton, Norman A. Malcolm, beioved husband of Ida1 Knights. son of the late Archibald Mal- colm, Scarboro, in his 7th year. OKE - At Newport, Monmouthshire, England, on April 21, Henry Adains, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thonmas Oke, Woodford, Morwenstow, In bie 76b year, cousin of South Dariington Okesl and of Edîitor M. A. James, Bowman-~ ville, Ontario, Canada. HAWKINS-At Traverse CitY, Michi-l gan, on Tuesday, May 24, 1927, David B. llawkins of Frankford, Mich., husband of late Arabella Brown, aged 76 years. Interre(i et Bowmanviiie Cemetery on Monday, May 30th. Brother-in-law of Mrs. J. T. Gould, Whitby. IN MEMORIAM BENTHAM-In ever lovlng memory o!f Richard Bentham, who ieft ust My 1, 1925.1 Sadiy mourned by bis wife and famlly., CONNERS-Ifi ioving memory of Hughi Conners. a beloved husband and dear father, who was calied away on June 6, 1926.1 if love and care could death prevent, The days would flot no soon be ovent, Lfe was desired but God dld ses That Eternal Life was best for thee. Wife and Famili. Help Wanted MAIO WANTEO-Good generel. Ap- ply t0 Mrs. F. J. Ellis. phone 327-2, Bow- nianville. 21-2w POSITION WANTED-Married man, experienced, wants position on fam. Akpply ta Service store, Bowmanville. 22-tf HELP WANTEO-A young woman for, general housework, for an elderiy couple. Write or rail corner of Church a.nd Scugog Sis., Mrs. J. Harvey, Bowman- ville. 23-tf WANTED-Woman to do bousework 3 hour9 daiiy. except Sunday; elîber morning or afternoon. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Mason. High St., Bowinanville. Phone 451W. 22-tf To Let ROOMS TO RENT-Two roonis, for iight housekeeplng, funisbed or unfur- nished. Apply to Mrs. A Lowe, Temp- erance St., Bowmanviiie. 21-3w FOR RENr-Cottige t Beach, E Side, Bowînanville, 6 rooms, ail conven- lencea, garage and boat. Apply G. C. Drawer B, Bowtnanville. Real Estate For Sale HJOUSE FOR SALE-Brick bouse, 1 roonis, electric ights and furnace, ap- pies, pears, and amnii fruit trees, two good building lots witb property. Wil seli at working man's price. Canvenient loration. Appiy W. J. Berry, Booketore, Bowxnanville. 18-t HOUSE FOR SAL.-FPramýe dweiling9 and one acre of strawberries and other synail fruit, the property of the late Ai- bert E Goode, situated on Brown Street, ln Bowînanviiie, good barn and hen bouse. electric ligbts and water. This proper- ty muet be soid for the purpose of wind- Ing up the Estate. Bargain price may be secured frani W. F. Ward, Bs.rrister, Bowms.nville. Ontanlo. 13-t HOUSES FOR SALE-Brick bouse on Carlile Ave., on easy terme; one on Con- cession Street; Brick Bungalow on jWelllngton Street; Brick Bungiwo Icorner Wellington a.nd Liberty Sres Frame residence, snodern Improvem5flts. on Ontario Street*. Chiakén ranch near town of Bowmanville. suitable for retir- ed farmer or others, at reasonable price. Also several building lots ln good local- Ity. Phone 114 or eee Wm. Brocks Queen St., Bowmanvilie. 18-70 WIIEN NEEDED MOST CROCKERY SALE SATURDAY We just got them in time fo& packing winter eggs, floral displays, etc. You'Il never buy crockery so cheap again. Bean Croeks, 2 qt ....................29e Brown Tea Pots .........................47e Brawn Betty Pots ..................39c Hanging Flower Baskets ................. 47e Rustic Flower ,Baskets ................ 43e Jardineres................................ 29e tLog Jardineres .....................23e Cracks, 5 gai. size ........................89e Crocks, 8 gai. size ................$1.59 As we have been able to buy oniy a limited quantity at these very iow prices, sale is for one jday oniy-Saturday. j It's a saving habit to shop here first Dilstan's Cash Hardware "We Serve You Well" 50e Shaving FREE witli every purchas Brush and 35e tube of Shaving Cream Two For 39c E r seof Rexal Shav*n Cream we will give one Gâuette Razor including Blade Absolutely Free Bowmanville $1.25 Shaving Brush and 50e giaxit size Shaving Cream Twe For $1.19 JURY & LOVELL Tihe Sale Satisfactary Druggistzanad opticiaus When We Test Eyen It is Don. Proporly s SID CHARTRAN ANNOUNCES Slash -In Prices on Clothing When the demand is at its height for these godds we slash them in price for three days only- Thursday - Friday -Saturday Men's $35.00 Suits For ...................$25.0 Men's $25.00 Suits For ...................$1650 Men's $ 2.5Y W ork., Pants For ...........$ 2.00 Men's $ 2.00,.Work,,Pants For ............$ 1.50 Men's $ 2.50, Qveralls Triple Stitch For .... $ 2.00 Men's $ 2.00 6veràlIs Triple Stitch For .... .$ 1.50 Men's $ 2.50 Khaki Pants For ............$ 2.00 Men's $ 2.00 Khaki Pants For .............$ 1.50 Men's $ Men's $ 1.25 Work Shirts For ............$ 1.00 Work Shirts, 2 For ..........$ 1.00 1.75. Men's $ 2.00 Caps For ...................$ 1.00 Men's 25e Work Sox, 5 Pairs For ..........$ 1.00 Men's 75e Balbriggan Underwear For ..... 50 Men's $ 1.50 Balbriggan Combination Un- derwear, short or long sleeve For $ 1.15 Men's $ 1.50 Athiete Combinations For .. . .$ 1.00 Men's $ 2.50 and $3,00 Dress Shirts For .... $ 1.95 OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU AT THIS STOREj GET YOUR SHARE 0F THESE BARGAI&NS S. G. Chartran One Door Wed Bell Telephone Office DOWUANViLL PHONE 2 ~*1"~ good condition, price $25; also one uned organ at $20, in cash or ternis. Appl M.. Drawer B, Bowrnanville. 20-3 STOVE FOR SALE--One -burner New Perfection ail stove and oven, practically new; Lawn mower, practically new. Phone 122. Dr. P. J. Horwood, Queen Street, Bowmanville. 22-1' SPECIAL-New Upright Plana, regular $550, will seli for $475, smali down pay- ment, 3 years to pay, no Interest. piano guaranteed for 20 years. Apply P. M.. Drawer B, Bowmanville. 22-2 FOR SALE-A modern apartment size Dominion Player Piano rnay be purchas- red at bal! regular price and on easy terms; bas beautiful tone and bas been reconditioned ;guaranteed. Cali F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville. 17-t STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE-Two handsome mahogany wali show cases mnake wonderful dispiay cases, sii!table for almost any business, ail equipped, good as new. Seli for half original price. Must be sold. Apply Wm. Berry, Book Store, Bowmanville. 20-tl M.- L- i PAGE n« THE CANADIAN STATEMAN, BOWUANVi]lýL£ THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd., 1927