Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1927, p. 5

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PAGE PIVE rilE CA.IEs&DUAN MTATESMÂIII.BOWMAN VILLE, THUR&DAY, MARGE lOth., 1927 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ a ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION 0F Gold Fish FREE Year after year aur cutomers look forward ta this event. It gives joy ta the eilîdren and lenda beauty and brightness ta the homne. YOU PURCHASE Rexaîl Goods.......... 50c Fish Food ............?1l5c Total 65C YOU GET 2 Gold Fish....... .... 30C 1 Globe .......... ....50c 1 Box Fish Food.-..15c Fish Plant & Sea Shela 15c Rexail Goods........... 50c $1.60 Ail For 65c SEE OUR ADVT ON PAGE 4 ALOOUR WINDOWS Jury & Lovel The new idea of Panelled Wall Paper Idotn beautiful hiomes are be- img created ever day through the use of panelled wall paper effects. Let us show you bow your rooms can gain an added cbarm through this new idea in walI decoration. We carry a fulli une of the famaus MAXIMUR Wall Paper, scores of tasteful de- signs fram which ta choose. Ws T. ALLEN Big 20 Bootutore Bowmanville MUSIC EXAMS Pupil of Mrs. H. D Clemens, A.T.C.M Intermediate Piano-Charles M. Cawker, 66%, pass. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Clemens. Hampton, d esire to thank al the friende and neighbors, bth for the kindness shown them durlng the ilneas of their youngest son, Norinan, and also for the beautiful flowers and fruit that were sent to him. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION For the maxiy cordial messages of con- gratulation by wire, phone, letters. cards and personal cals recýeived hy Mrs. James on the occasion of hier 83rd birth- dayý on Saturday, '.%archi 5, a.nd numer- ous gifts of iiow-ers and otherwise, Nlr. and Mrs. M. A. James desire tbrougb The Statesman ta express their acknow- leîigment sincere ani heartfelt thanks ta relatives and frî,-nia lunEngland, Uited States and dilferent 1rovinces'f the Do- minion. AIl wilI be interested ln hear- ing that Mrs. James participated ln the birthtiay dinner when ail members of the three James houqeholds in town-slxteen in ali-surrounided the festal board. During the afternoon several friends calhd, amin were receiv'ed by Mrs. William, A. White. Mrs. James A. IPhillpa d1u h-1 ters, New York, and Mrs . NormiAn S.PrB. James and Mrs. George W. James, daugh-1 ters-in-law. Bowmanville. If you want to look smart choose your new. Spring hat at Dinginan & Edmondstone's on Friday and Sat- tirday, March l8th and 19th. VIOLIN & PIANO RECITAL By pupils of Frank Converse Smith 1 and Mrs. H. D. Clemens in the Town Hall, Bownianville on Tuesday, March 22nd at 8:15 p. m. Public cordially invited No admission charged "%%hen You .Want To Know" Call Up 49 High and Low The mere mention of "KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE" makes a multitude of people think of High Quality and Low Prices for they have been receiving bath from us for years. Just a few examples: Howard's Epsom Saits . .. . 20e lb Cold Pressed Castor Oul 25e 6 oz. bot. B. P. Tincture lodine 35e 2 oz bot Very beat Peroxide, 60e 16 oz bot Powd. Boracic Acid ...35c lb Rochelle Saîts . .......... 45e lb Perfect Liver Pills 25e for 2 boxes Buchu-Juniper Kidney Pilla 50c 60 pills Dextri Maltose Nos. 1, 2 or 3 85c KERSLAKE'S PHONE 49 The Dependable Drug Store foi coin!fort buy [cLaiin - Buick (JOR solid comfort hi al weather, for the comfort of Iuxuriously easy rldlng -f or the very reaI camiort that securîty imparts - BUY McLAUOHLIN- BUICK. Summer or wlnter-heat or cold-rain or shine-tho seasons make littîe diff erence ta the owner of a McLaugh- lin-Buick closed car witb its Fisher-built body, its one- piece VV ventilating windshield, its deep uholtery an4 the countîcas dtailed refinements of appointments lui equipment. Rubber Engine Mountings, an Engine Vibrationlest Be- ond Belief, Resilient Cantilever Rear Springs, Low Pressure Tires-are responsible for the sense of absolute case and comfort that accompanles a ride in McLaughlin- Buick. Add to these sources of motoring comfort the feeling of security inspired by the dependeble McLaughlin-Buick engine (protccted by every co'iceivable precaution, Qil Filter, Air Cleaner, Gas Strainer, Crankcase Ventilator, Tltermostatic Water Control), by the safe, sure Mc- Lauglilin-Buick Meclianical Four-Wheel Brakes, by the convenience of the Adjustable Beam Hleadlights and by the knowîedge that M cLaughlin-Buick Service facilitiès caver the continent. CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO. Bowmanville, Ontario 7he Grea*iesi MÇLAU G H. LN-BUICK s -r~ AiT =S 55AIkF 1lILT. NMitAUOILIN5UICK WItLtI. 51110rNE SOLINA BIRTHS Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pas- aI BROOKS-At 0saaGnra opt oln Februa.ry 28, 1927. ta Mr. and Mr&, coe, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. w. Brook@, thie gif t of a baby girl. 1 Crosaman, Kedron, at Mr. W. N. Pas-i ___________ coe's; Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, Bethesda, Miss Effa Wright, Black- DAH stock, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and DAH Mrs. Tamblyn, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. BIRCH-ARDl-In Undsay, March 7, Bruce Ferguson and Miss Ruth, 1927, AI..xsnder J. Birchard.J Hampton, at Mr Walter Cryderman's;, RAINES-tI Port Perry. March 6, Joe- Miss Winnie Cryderman, Bowman-! epb Raines, ln bis 81st year. ville, is supplying at Baker's Schooh'1 POWELL-At Elzabethville, Marcb 5. MissMarin Thmpso andMis 1927, James Powell, in bis 77th year. MissMarin Tbmpso and Miss BROWN-At Port Hope Itospitai on Garrow, Oshawa, at Mr. Frank; 7,,sday, Marcb 8, 1926. Sarah Brown, Thompson's; Mrs. A. Milîson in Tor-; sister of Mr. J. A. Brown. onto; Miss Vera Shortridge, Thorn-[ WAKELIN-In BowrAafville, February hill, Manitoba, and little Phoebe, are! 23, 1927, Catherine, widow of the late visiting their grandmother, Mrs. S.i William Wakelin, in her 87tb year. Shortridge; Mr. Frank Shortridge. aLOSCOMBEOn Sunday, Marcb 6, 1927, at owianville, Florence Hlarriett, only and Miss Alma Shortridge visited surviving daughter of the lite Charties Toronto frienda; Mr. Gordon and, Robert Loacombe of Bowmiville. Florence Ashton, Shaw's, at Mr. H. E FEE-In Emily Township, on Marcb 5 Tink's; Master Gardon Wilbur,! 1927, Louise Matilda Somers, beloved Zion, at Mr. R. J. McKessock's; Sor-1 wîfe ofJhnT Fetge 2 er . i ry ta report Mrs. Bert Hunt is under 1 termentaut Bowmanville Cemetery. the doctor's care.. Our young men's-- class visited Zion young men on' Tuesday evening last. AIl report a! IN MEMORIAM goad time. .About 60 young people in Iovîng memory of' Annie Maud gathered at the home of Mr. and rs Purse. beloved wîfe of Samnuel Purse, Frank Thoni.pson on Thursday even- Pense, Sask., who entered into rest ing ta 'offer congratulations and beat Marcb 10, 1923. wishes ta Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cross- One by oni, aur ioved ones leave us, And the bitter pain of lots man, (nee Marguerite Thompsan), Teaches us that the bearts best shelter on their recent marriage. Mr. Har- ls the shadow of the cro.ts. old Pascoe called the company to or- We shahl meet ber some bright morning, der nd Ms. Emer ilbu rea a~Re.'ting hy the water fair, der ad Mr. Eler WlburreSda .i. waiting for our caming- nicely Worded address. Mr. Gord- In the Masters garden thtere. on Leask presented the bride and Ever remembered by sister Winona. groom with a cut glass water set.ý Newcastle The bride fittingly replied thanking aIl for the beautiful present. After singing "For they are jolly good fel- Houses To Rent lows" the remainder of the evening w as spent in a social way. .Mr. and HOUSE TO RENT-Witb three acres Mrs. John Baker were in Bawman- of land in Blowmainville. Apply to W. F. ville on Tuesday attending the fun- Ward, Barristes-, Bowrnanville. 8-tf eral of ber aunt, Mrs. Fee, who died HOUSE TO RENT-6 room'«d house ln at Omemee on Saturday night. the village of Hnrmony, wat. r and llghts School report for February: V ln bouse. Phone 1588W. Oishawa, or ap- Class-Arnot Van Neat 81, George ply t0 W. Logîie. box 563, Oshawa. 10-9- Kerslake 71, Helen Baker 70, Mar- garet Scott 68, Ruth McKessock 65, Tom Westlake 65, Muriel Baker 64, Apartments to Rent Ileen Balson e3, Eleanor Shepherd1 53, Madeline TrulI 52. Sr. IV- FOR RENT-Four room apurtment in 62, Frank Westlake 59, Evelyn Tink Cowan Block, will soon be vacant, heati Maurice Bakt-r 74, George Werry 74 antd water provlded, electric stove sup- Brue Tnk 5, ay estake64.Sr.pîed for cooking. See J. J. Mason & BueTn65Ma etae6. Sr. .8- II-Vera Keralake, Jean Hogarth,_________ ____ _ Ralph Wilbur. Jr. Ifl--Stuart Ho-- garth, Ernest Hunt, Percy Westlake, Fo Russel Balson. Sr. Il-Hazel Me- Fo Sale or Rent Ewen, Audrey Ayre, Roscoe Baker, FO SAE RRE -neiero - RubyParkr, Jm Paker.Jr. édsotid brick bungalow bouse for saie Tom Baker, Jessie Hogarth. Sr. Pr.- or for rient. Re-modeled, modern conven - Wesley Werry, Alan Wilbur, Downer iences, 'À acre garden. Apply tai J. R.' Parker. Jr. Pr.-Bruce Hogarth,' Pbilp, scugag st., Bowmanville. 9-3w Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Telephone poleo and cedex posta. 167r4 or 1693, Osha.wa. 10-1w' FOR SALE-White truck,.3/ ton; aI- so Studebaker car, big 6. Phone 270 or 44. 9-2w F0OR SA LE-Large size refrigerator, sitable for store or bouse. Apply to James MacConnachie. Bowmanville, phonie 353. 9-2w CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE-50 large size cedar poste. Apply to Chas. Car- ruthers, Middle Road. Phonxe 160-7, Bowmanvil.le. 10-tf FOR SALE--Cheeterield, in splendid condition. Good bargain. Apply ta Mrs. T. C. Jewell, corner Ontario and Queein Sts., I3owma.nvilie. 10-tf FOR SALE-G-:old Medal Taiking Ma- chine at second-hand price, In good work- ing order. Muet be sold. See [t at J. J. Mason & Son, 8-t PLAYERPIANO FOR SALE-With over 200 Player Raolse. Coat $1,000-00, in best of condition, will 9,11 very reason- able, muet be sold. Inquire Statesinan Office. 8-t BARN FOR SALE-30 x 50 ft. on etone wall, stables underneath. WiIl sell cheap. Price $200. On Lot 14, Con. 5, Darlington. A. H. Hardy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 237rl1. 9-t FOR SALE-Dominion Pianos of ail kinds soid on payments spread over two years. Steinway, Heintzman and Ger- hard Hleintzman used pianos taken as part payment on Dominion pianos wilI bc "leared at bargain prices and on easy terme. F. J. Mitchell, Distributor, Bow- manville. 5-t Live Stock For Sale SOWS FOR SALE-Two Yorkshire Sows. Both due March l5th. Apply ta J. Wonnacott, R. R. 1, Enniskillen, phone 211-5. 9-tf Seed Grain For Sale SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-Waverly Seed Oats 80c per bushel. Also 6 year- old mare about 1400 Ibs. J. L. M.%etcaif, Lot 20, B. F., Darlington, R. R. 2, Bow- manville, phone 183-5. 9-tf Baby Chicks and Eggs FOR SALE-Chaplin Incub ator, 120 eggs. Phone 400J. 9-2w EGGS FOR HATCHING-White Leg- horn eggs for hatching from Oldham etrain dams and sired by registered cock- erels from 220 to 260 egg dams, $1,00 per setting, $7.50 per hundred. Baby chioka April, 20e each. Apply Howard Gibson, Bowrnanville R. R. 4, phone 3811 Clarke. 10-3w- Jean Scott, Louise Baker. ___________ BABY CHICKSk-S. C. White liegbarns, Mr*. E. R. Taylor, teacher.. bens mated witb cockerels from special _______Real Estate For Sale pedigreed stock. This Uine bas givten great satisfaction tcOaur CustomnerS. ENNISKILLE14j BUTCHER BUSINESS FOR SALE-WieWadtego aigas ______Sbop equipment and seaaon's ice. Ap- a limited nunse of settings fram pens Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Thomasipyt .Pisot.NweslOillPrie $5 for 15. WH.arterR Slemon at Mrs. John Slemon's;i FOR SALE-A good comfortable frame R. 1. Bowmanviile, phone 38-2. 9-tf Misses Winnie and Gertie Oke, Town 1 bouse and barn and tbree acres of splen- with their parents, Mr. and à Mr.,l did land,.ituated ln Newcastle. Will~ FOR SALE-Buckeye Incubator 110 be sold c.p o quick sale. Terme, eggslize, used one seuson, cost $40,50, for Wesley Oke; Mr. James Stainton atl cash. Apply ta J. E. Hayes, Newcastle onl3' $2500; Miller Incubatar, 150 egg bis daughter's, Mrs. Howard Stevens; Ont. 5-t size. used once only, cost $3350. Milles- Miss Marion Esdale ,Toronto, with Broodeýr, capacity up to 500 chicks, coTa- IMrs. (Rev.) E. M. Cook; Mr. Gardon i HOUSES FOR SALE-Two bouses for plete, neyer used, coat $2150; Incubator Wery ithMr Mito StinonTo-jprice of anc. smri-cletacbcii. Solid brick,,ns andoder for $4800; 7 ligbt Sussex Wery wth r.Milon taito, Tr-12storey; five bedrooms in each. ckihen and o cockerel Brooks and Rice anto, for the weekend; Mrs. Wesleyl garden. 'extra lot ioining, ail for $1100. Strain, the pen for $1500. George C. Oke and Mr. Claude Smith have beenl haîf cash, balance ln mortgage. Jesse Wright. Newcastle, Ont. 9-2w' ill ut re nw smewht iproed.1Col, CocesionSt., Bowmanville. 9-2 ilI ut re nw smewat ipraed. ote ~SABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOR HAT- Mrs. E. E. Staples is confinod ta ber FOR SALE-St. .ns Rectory, lack-I CHING-We are now booking orders for bed ;Mýr. and Mrs. J. R. .Ormistoni stock, 9 rooms. idouble brick, furnace, baby chicks from aur Government Test- spent Sunday with friondsaiat Orono' soft water dastern, S acres of land, frit' e d Bred-to-Lay BarraiS Rocks andi White Me ý- . Asht trces. steel [barn with îirivesh.ed and gar- Legho1rns. eThese pens are al mated . . W.W. shon and daugh-i age, stalls f or 2 horses and cow, cernent .ith edce d Birds. Will also bave a ters,Wia and Helen, visited ber floor, good weil. Hlouse teieî)tone 172-4 limited number of eggs for hatching from mothorMrs. D. Brown, Lindsay Port Pery. 8_j4 these rtens at $10 and $12 per 100. L. - ________ H. earn, Liberty St., Bowmanville, uvr h weend . oung People's' PROPERTY FOR SALE 5V TENDER hn 0.8-t L, gu etrst.eki cagea Solid brick bouse, containing S rooms; Mr rank Dorland whon ovér 601 frame addition; one acre land on wbichý we re Preen. A splendid program; ,are a, nuniber of fruit tres. Anyonc mn-j ofisrmnal and vocal music, re-i tereýsteti ls inviteti ta ci any lime and otrFun sponse and tapicbearig on nptŽct the proitcrty. With a littie out-JLot rFo d spones ad atopi beringon'the, lay the bouse miay bc made suitable for nîeaning and purpose of Lent wasi two familles. As this property is ta bel LOST-A gold neckiace, wrapped in a rendered. Mr. Frrank Dorland veryi eold you may get a home atb your own I andkerchief, inside of an envelope, bc- apprpriaelytbanked those who hadi price andi terme. Tenders wil be ré'- tween Haydon and owuera home. Re - aproriteyceived i1) ta Thursdlay. March 3lat. Ai.-ward for retiîrn ta airs. J. R. Ormiston, so willingly assisted hilm thraughout' piy on the premnises 10 W. B. Pinch, cor-I Enniskiileri. phne 197-22. 10-1 w the yoar .... .Annual meeting uf En-1 ner Tlberty ani Cane sion Streets, Bow- niakillen United Church SundayimnvIIe,, box 97. 5-tf Far HepW td Sehoal was held on Monday. The! ____________ -.______ .r reasurer's report sbawed a tatal in-1 ARE A TDFe os cam cfavo $50, itha blane1Farms For Sale and other privileges Appiy ta H-. A. Far- -Werry w~as again elected superinten-. raw. R. R. 3, Bowmanviiie, phone 477-14. an hand of $224. Mr. James Arthur! FARMS FOR SALE-1u'0 acrvs. lot 24, S-tf (lent, îith Frank Dorland as assist-î con. 9, Darlington. good botise, fair ant. Mr. Howard Pyo was oulogis- buildings; ailsOn< acres, lot 25. con. 8, MARRIED MAN WANTED-For gen- ed for his canscientiousneas and effi- alniowl espîîrately If desired. cl farm work and used ta milking. f re Reasonatîle ternms. Apply ta, W. G. bouse andi oth.e.r tivileges. Appiy H. M%. ciency as secretary and was re-eleet-; Bentham, 649 ('bîtrel St.. Toronto. Foster, Manvers Rd., Bowmaunvilie, phone cd. Troasurer, Thea. M. Slemon; or-ý Phone Ranîioiîth 4503. 10-4w. 205j. 1- ganiat, Elva Orebard, assistant Vel- FRM ORSL-barsmoer ma Orchard, aIl reelected; Misa Lee, I [cs. alî workabl,. Iay loam, welI fen- Help atd F ml and teacher of beginners, Myrtle 1cii. aifalfa anti faili wleat geeded ut 'j. ntdF al Brunt; Tomporanco Sec., Mrs. Lloyd resent, li-roof barn 40x65, bay barn Ashton; Home Dept., Mrs. H. 35tev 5 .atone stabling througbout witb GIRL WANTED-A girl for general Stv-water on tap, driving shed, garage. n.cwluwork on April let, Apply ta, Mrs. Gea. ens; Cradle Roll, Mrs. W. J. Staîn- modern brick bouse, 8 morne, furnuce. 6 Gray, Newctatle Hotel. 10-2w ton; Primary teachers, Mae Werry iles from Oshawa, 3 miles north cf and Maud Ashton; Intermediate boys,1 Kingaton Iligbway ai CourtL.ce. baîf mile HELP WANTrED-Goad general ser- Reva MeGilI and Frank Dorland; In- from church and school. F W Lang-1 vant wanted at once. Good wages and moaiti.fIampton R. R. 1, Phone Oshawa no wasblng. Apply ta Mms. (Dr.) B. J. termediate girls, Elva Orchard; or-i 1648r22. 8-4w Hazlewood, Wellington St., Bowmanville. ganizod Classes of senior boys, girls ____________________ and adulta eleet their own teachers-______ -1- WANTED-(-C.apable yoiang woman for ... Annual congregational meeting wstemas ra ait n osgencral housework, m u t be a good plain wil b hod n MndyMarb 4th asf themonsgreteviietoratd ltecook. ood refere«ices requlred, an eld- willbe eldon Mnda, Mrch 4th ofit. mon th vistor attheerily couple only. Apply Mrs. J. Harvey, ...Miss Velma Orchard visited herj quilting were Mrs. (Dr.) Kaiser, corner Churcb and Scugog Stq.. Bowmian- sister, Miss Laverne Orchard, in, Oshawa, guest af Mrs. A. F. Rundle, ville. ta,. .... Mr. Herbert Orchard, AP-1 Mra. R. E. Osborne and Misa Louise,_______________- plegate, Mich., is visiting bis brother,l Mrs. Louisa Worden and Mrs. Gea. Mr. Frank Orchard. H. Biekell of Bowmanville. It was To'Let It îvas docided ta bold S. S. anni-ý a day of pleasant memories for a versary on Sunday, May 22., and' year until aur next cames......... FARM TO RENT-120 acres. Plowlng Tuesday, May 24tb. Tbtirsday evening about twenty-five ail donc. Possession April lot. Apply young people of South Oshawa, vis- ta Ed. Mlison, R. R. 1. Ennisk.lIen. 9-2, ited our League and seemed well___________________ COURTICE pleased with aur mode of running it. Flnafs~A pageant "The ten Virgins" was Visitors at Mr. Haovard Fitf': put on at the beginning af the meet- Mrs. Gea. Everest, Toranto, Mrs.! ing very nicely by the members. The'l Fred Flintoif, Oshawa ,sisters of Mrs., topic îvas ably takon by Mr. R. E. Flintoif, Mrs. Jack Brimson, New-, Osborne, Bawmanville. A piano solo market, and Mrs. Don McDonald,j by Miss Hazel Rundle and vocal solo Toronto, cousins of Mrs. Flintof. by Mrs. W. R. Courtice made up the . Miss Myrtle Brunt, Enniakillen, pragram. After the groupa met in ispent a week with relatives bre. . their moans for their haîf hour, a - Mrs. L. Thompson and Mrs. Jacki lunch was served the visitors... Mr. Hicks, Toronto, were guests af Mrs., and Mrs. Russell Gay attended the Jas. Shortt on Sunday.... Mr. Ar-ý funeral of ber aunt, Mrs. J. T. Fee, thur Brunt and Miss Marks, Ennis- Omemee, who wvas buried at Bow- killon, visited at Mr. Horace Han-1 mnil nTedy cock's on Sunday. -... Mrs. Frankj - .ignw nclosmehn Smith, Oshawal was gueat of ho r1 orehnnwîncorsmtbg cousin, Mrs. 19. R. Courtice.. . O nîce un material and sometbing styl- Tuesday eveningls oy .n isb in design is wbat the ladies want. play was pesprottyi Secure it at Openinga at Dingman, play îvas preente in Ebenezeri Edmondstone's on March 18 and 19. Church by the Orano young people called "Miss Somebody Else". The different parts in the play were tak-1 en splendidly. We would like toi mention one in particular NNho is al 4A real actresa in the persan of Missl EA Muriel Milîson. Another thing whicb ploasod the audience was to listen to ono of aur Ebenezer boys Th e Hoodoo Mr. Alan Penfaund. wha bas always acted the parts well in many pînys IN given by Ebenezerites .... .On Thurs-! day an aIl day quilting, which is an Ebenezer Church annual affair, îvas held at the Sunday Schol rom. A largo attendancee was thero and nine quilts were finish-1 AAia yM a h I ed ready for sending away. In theAT M aftornoon a haîf hour was spent in AT8PM prayer service led by the President, ADMISSION 35c and 20e Mrs. (Rev.) C. C. Washington. OneI of the enjoyable f eatures af the day - SE R VI1CEII GROCERY STORES YOU PAY LEUS FOR MORE King St. Wp Phone 529 l Bowusaaville H OUSE CLEANING SPECIALS Laundry Soaps Bon Ami ilt!Ly 10 bars for 58e Cake or pbwder Giet'Le 1 2 for 25c 1 2 for 27c Washing Soda Gillex for all Sa hp 2 P gs fo 1 c household Soap2is 2 Pgs.forliccleaning 14c pkg :b 3 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 FOR 19c Javel Water Choice Cooking Plum Jam 2 boules for 25c Figs 2 lb. 25c 3 lb. glass 33c Handy Amonia Fancy Mixed Grimsby Sweet large pkg. Creain Biscuits oixed pickles 3 for 22c 33c per lb.1 qt. sealers 49c Dates, 2 lb. 25c Prunes, 2 lb 25c Clark's Pork and Beans, large tin ...............19c We Deliver Better Automobile Insurance UNLIMITED ALL-RISKS POLICY PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: To an unlimited amount for one persan or one accident, including law costs, and protects policyholder against Claims whilst driving flot only his own car but any other car. COLLISION: Many forins of damage may occur to a car outside the interpretation of the word Collision, and this plici covers additional bazarda such as: Upset or Overturning Flood, Maliciaus Damage, Windstorm, Articles falling on car, Ëxterior Explosion and ail Damage in Transit or Transportation. FIRE, BURGLARY OR THEFT: Provides for replacement value at time of losa of car. PERSONAL ACCIDENT: Covers policyholder up to $5000 for death or diamemberment arising ont cd accident to policy. hol.der's car. Premium for this policy is surprisingly low. Ask for particulars. EDITH V. SCOBELL General Insurance and Real Estate Agent Bowmanvilîe -Try Bowmanville First- Why You Should Buy Corbett's Bread I pay taxes in Bowmanville. I buy from Bowmanville merchants whenever possible.. I buy farrn produce used in my baking busi- ness from farmers in this district. I give credit to local citizens who are worthy of it. My delivery wagons give best service by cov- ering town and country reguIiarIy. 1 amn in Bowmanville to stay and cannot afford to be anything -else but fair in my deallngs. and prices. Corbett's Bread is 10c a loaf cash and carry at store, and lic loaf delivered or charged. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Spring Overcoats and Suits Arrived We have the largest showing this Spring we ever had Prices $ 14.50 to $35.00 Give us a chance to show you this limýe before buying elsewhere CHARTRAN'S PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN S. G. CHARTRAN PHONE 26 BOWMAN VILLE m 1 -M 1 ý

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