PAGE MII ~HE CANAJJIAN STATESMAN, BOWMÂNVILLE, THURSDAY, MARGH 3rd., 1927. Why Have Gray Hair?. Don't think yourhair need remain streakedwthgray-oreven very gray. For over ten years men and wonien whose hair was once blonde, auburn, brown or black have successfully tise I Kolor.Bak to restore color to then' gray hait. Today they havent the s[ighteut visxhWe t. of gr-ay. Nor can you tel] they ever used aüy- thing on their haïr. Kolor-Bak in .aclean. colorleso liqlid that haq "stored youthful eppearance to hundreds of thoularids. Aseauytoaprly an water.i treqluires no experimenting with samples cf your hair. Just auk your deaer for Kolor-Bak. The one boulje is for ai hair. neo matîe what shade or color. flepuls otten eptear ina 3wcelk. And with the disap Pearance of the gray hair. the tome propertics of Kolor-ttok make it sp-lidi te use fordandruff and faling hair. Itstrt-men. flous srce-sa inciearly shown hy the coe f nearly 3.00.000 bottles. which prowes ita superiorty. Deslers everya here seil Koor-Bak with muar- antee to retursi your money if i t does rot Liér desired re.ults. No excuse now for a" a -,man to loock 'd. or any ran to be considert i toc aid for emrloyrnent. Your druggist. or any Ptoýre wvhere toilet goods are eold. carrnes Koior-Bak. Ask for it today. K(olor-l3ak Banishes Gray Hair Special Sale 29 For6Bays,only f e.5 Jury and Lovoli, Lid. ASTHMA CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, HéAD tM.D BRONCHIAL COLOS, HAY FEVER Swallow RAZ-MAH capsule Send 5cfo trial. Tempicions, Tarante $1 t yeur druggist'a. RAZ&-MAH Safe Speedy Relief ZuagaPAI1N stop Vour Rheumatism T cas 'o c ard 20 MINUTES Thai's aIl. Twenty minutes after taking a ZUTOO tablet your headache will be gone. Onje of these little tablets.-safe, relieble ard ha:,tsas soa-will Stop any hr.,dachie in 20 m!t*IuteS. 'r tulrsltken when you feel the hcad.t l0 crnng cri, a ZU f00 tablet wîil ý a : d it off-iiin it in the bd. No Ileadache Children Need Vitamins To Àid Growth and Build St ron g Bones SCOTT'S EMULSION Abounds In Cod- liver Oil Vitamins s Itt & Bon, Torolnto OI " 41 MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and anly the best grade& of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1IBrnploy ne cemetery caretakers as agents prefening to seîl my own goods (bus saving (he purchaser the agent's commission. A caîl solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL ProrieorBowmnrille rone 326W Box 94 B LAC KS TOC K Pupils and ex-pupils of Blackstock Continuation School bad a skating party and social cvcning on Friday nigbt which ivas largely attended and thoroughly cnjoyed. - . We are son- ry to lose from our village Mr. Russel Riches and family. Russel bas se- cured a position in the Ackerman Harneas Factory, Peterboro, and bas already moved there... .As was feared by sonie, the continuation school bas net decreased the value of proporty in the section but accord- iug te recent sales must bave increas- cd real estate about twenty-five per cent. No need te sufer witb corna, or te run the isk of paring them. Remove thenu surely and painlessly with Hol- loway's Corn Remover. BURKETON About six inches of the beautiful snow foîl on Friday night and Sat- urday making a moat wonderful sigbt -every bush and troc being ladened with snow.... .Services in the church was fairly well attended on Sunday ....League meets Thursday night. in charge cf lat vicePresident.. Mr. Sid Pedlar who met witb an ac- cident some time ago working in the bush is able to be eut agaîn. Miss Thelma Gilders, our teacher, spent tho woekend in ......... Mr. Fred Hudson is visiting bis sister at Leam- ington, who is reported dangerously ill. .Mrs. Hartnutt, Oshawa' visit- cd ber mother, Mrs. Fred Hudson.. . Miss Mabel Abbott is home from the ...y.... .We are sorry to learn that deatb bas visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Swain and taken away their infant child, tbey bave the sym- patby of the community.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dean have moved into the village. .Mr. Henry Webber bas tnoved on thein farm. Many mothers cao testify te thet virtue of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, because tbey know fromc experience how useful it is NESTLETON Miss Mary Reynolds, Blackatock, is visiting ber aunt, Miss Miriam Wil- liams.Miss Ruby veale, T. Eator Co., Toronto, is visiting bon parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. veale . ..The young people and seme eIder once of (ho United Church visited the Ep- worth League membens at Blackstock last week and gave a program and report baving a good time .... Real estato la again changing bandsasa dame rumor says Mn. James Bruce bas bought the farm known as the Rowan place from Mr. Edwin Taylor and Mr. George Reynolds bas pur- chased the farm ioining bis front Mr. Thomas T. Bruce... Rex'. Mr. Coburnocf the Social Service and Moral Refoem Dept., occupied tht pulpit lu United Church and Sunday and gave a good discounse letting us know the temperance fight is net oven .. A clasa la being conduc(ed lu Forester's Hall under the supervisiton of Miss Jennie Sei- brooke. .. The meeting cf the XVect. on's Institute ivas heiti on Wetlnes- day, Fcbruary 23r t ahehohomeo f Mrs. John Watsonu. Chair taken by tho Presitlent. Me.s. T. lerroutun. Af- tee the s0triirigthe tt(eniug r<tut>antd prayer several items cf business we re trisactedl: .S5.00 %vau vîuted tut 1reul Victor Mlissîoun;arrangement tva, nmade fire ( xeh;tr uof t-eu- ut Uli andi floworînt' iuplarts : a lîtter cf svin- patb; ivas orelrutI ant tto Mes.Wit Saiîel- iin but aflictiun. 'rutgranî fou]1oueI bv a readtinz l'y Miss- Thoinnitur. «Put vtur-tfi fn ht.ý I at' eatliug. T'ho receptien utf the noix MIinistuc. Mrs. 1Eliiit, Vteof thank-sto u i îth o.uss %vai ex- tunulut fui hit I.inui tii-t.. . M'. ~ ~ iý et.Xiîto i-iistn hue par. enits ut lHuent lHuer...\1-s utle Por-lti ltue ;.isx isitiîg lier sisteý. M e. .ltii, anti rtienîlirit sou ýing dIts*' Realv\iiul MeIulicine. Yuu rt-eu rit pîh *sician ftor uteuinary iii x huri yuuhavierit hanul a iutteo tf lDr. Trhuuis' Eclectrie Oii. Fer cuuugls. coluls, soe theutat, brutuchial trouublts, t is invaluauîle; for scaluls, buens, u)ruises, speitins it is unsurpassîtI ixhile fuir cuis. acres andl the like it is an uzîquestieunable healer. It noctîs ne testimonial othor than the use, antI that xxill satisfy rinyttue as tii ita ciffctivenesa. CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP COUPLE CELEBRATE Ou Thursilay evenicg, February 24, about fort;' relatives aîîd frieuds ascembled at the home cf Me. anti Mes. Wesley Boactck te celebrate the thirtieth anuiversary of thî'ir xvod- ding tlay. The bouse wris uicî.ly dlu- cutrateti xiith îuînk antI ixhite streai- ers lunx hit.h titre ontxvinud the ivît- uiing blue1i. Tut the strains tuf "~Iere h uoîts 'I'he Bi-itIo"n iceiy playCi b.Mes. i'v Eut .rrton, tht guests ru-j paireul te tht dining-ruucm xhtu. aill partiuk tuf a i t;' lu uchecun. Thtl iieautifiîI xxîiliiîg cake xvith its thir- ty caculies ailtîneut tht tentrtetuf tht tablte Oas tht stule xvurk tf t huir daughîtesMeI. W. 13. lergusuc, in bit- gue î iai cia un er as-;tuastia t î, peuptuseti a touast t t thte itridetît u xihiuh tti' getuttuti r-tîcuulitl. f utu- îtiiniuutttry sputuches lty t huir paster th(- Ifev. .1. E. (i riflith, B . .Mrs. MF. WVilstucand ti ters. liii r xx bich a ouiitilulu rdIttress %ars rtýaul iy M es. 'T A. IlylantI anul Me. Albert eauucî,. oun ihit f tuf their frienuls rresîanteuI thîm îxihh a leatiifuI iset uf sixîer- Wa ie. uMlre. IBIteaok matit it x t i su italttt.reli. The ctampaeuy theuri juaicoîic -iugiug '"For thiuY are jollI' gtutîlîitu.s' afiur xvich gacuts, cuîute-tts and motet xx ru inîulgeu inc affer wbicb the ccuîpany juîine-inlua tîrtit andtisang .-XîiiulLricgSyne". After wisýhiirîg Me. luculNMes. Bttt mity ns i turt. ix tuin g accixnt-ti ceiiurrtitîrs the gutiss<dlparteul fuie ttie iuuutuu uintht"wtt sia' huue uof th(t mutin g'.1 Stretntldt il h .\ (bina i. tieut;n express linthiltt osutt-, t o <ilt t; t lu enilututifioni art tittaul- ofti iIts iu îli. 'l'lie ti-ief fîr e i tiP . i 1 i 1<tIlutgg's Nsu hîîtîia eitied v is I beVonul inn'etSiue Wluei tlt%% tîtet sI*IiîItIitt tliti. î, (t IM Ii utn fuit tirt iail ru t. lurtiliiiug luicems înormaîlantîtu wht lrtnthiýtl tubuts ceuni pitîly cleart4l. '[hi-t uniqumll u reau;' v s uvutth tiliuy (mus its prie totîdt]i thut tu-t AWAY DOWN IN TEXAS kLetter No. I-By Alpha Pinch It bas been said that after middle life our course is laid eut by the hb- its wc bave formed in early life Sometimes we try te change this,a little at a time, but if you take the word H-a-b-i-t and take off the H,a spart of the word, you have "abit" left; and if you take off two letters, you stilI bave some left; and after three letters "it" is left. Se thh way te get rid cf a habit is te wipe eut tho whole at once. 1 have had a bad habit of goioî away te the South for years past; so xvhen the wild geese with tboir "Honk", "Honk" and "V" lino pasa- cd ovor Bowmnanville in early Novem- ber. the spell of migration the luru of the South, my old habit overcame me, and 1 yieldod te the temptatiox te again sec the Sunny South. Sî o)n January 6, wife antI 1 were cff for Cleveland, Ohio, the firat lap of 12,370 miles, for El Paso, Texas. As usual many asked me te write them while away, so 1 shahl try witi thoe belpi of your great journal, The Statesman, as on former ycars, on- deavor to send some news of travel (bat xvill be of general intoreat. This is my seventb winter bore anc 1 have told about the country anc city, bsut at the riak of repeating any information I may have sent you or former years. 1i aal try te make thcm instructive and interesting and I hope your joy in roading tbem, willI equal my gladuosa, by being able in a amaîl way te add to your pleasure. 1 am wri(ing this in a very beauti- fuI park wbere the grass is green, flaga are in bloom, apricots and al- monda fllling the atmesphere bore witb fragrance. Just noxv tbree big alligators bave crawlcd out of the water and like me are blinking in the bright suoshine. Pcach trocs are showing pink, rose bushos and honey suckles and shrubs are put(ing on their summer suits. while back home a cozy corner by the fine is the order of (ho day. Human nature bas nover been se enquiring and cager te knew the world as in thia day of awift pro- gressive if e. In my boyhood days wo were mostly satisfied witb books and class noom information in oun achools and geographies, out of which we nover stirred, and I thought from the size on the map that Texas was a few miles acrosa, and Califonnia a little s(nip of land tbat one must walk canefully lest hoe runs up on the mountains on one side, or slip off loto the Pacifie Ocean on the othen. Texas la realiy largon than France and California is largen than ai the New England States and Pen- nsylvania thrown in. Washington, Montana, Wyoming and Texas are empires thomacîves in extont. 0f course, 1 thought Bewmanville was the capital of tho world and Durham County formed the moat cf Canada. Travel in those days was cuuly fer the rich in poison and leis- ure, and the cost of travel time and money 'tas the obstacle cf (navcldom. But today the marvels cf modemn travel witli ail its facilities, have op- enctl wide (he gate that admits rich and not-rich alike te the wxontîers cf the world. lu cither business or vacatioun anti plcastire i-ome trttvelinl eîîtpauiies. large oe sutall. But My txpetiIt iie(anti tulservat iris halve taught nie that the fîw% with nit tiit schtdtules give thbu~est satis1faction.1 s Souun;' peistmns rus-h ihi. erush 1 arutunît ancuithon rush mxxttîi.v ithout steilnL,, itîtcli. My litiutis i yuuare ouîttua tose siglits. scunr ricex te bt- ever sce al 'tutu cari tf theni. not tiîuch tu ut> tunîx the utite tFixî-îuui s. ii 'tuti ' t ;iriiaul theie ut )::IOi1. np. andiiiftîîuî oi us andt iuoriuic tteclii xx ut -tut settieul iu bis lituiie un Wîu-lui:îxv .v..ý antI tue a xveek eujîu'etl uuitteIxe, xisili n, <tItIfritîîus--tht fe wwito xxr <etft. On rie îlutihotxvtutmi thiuLIh ainuit Italie u!pIIisîtit . us-- t aIltshntout that ivaumauevtiatitun tut utre. Ixx rs alto shutîx theuuugh tht Pott Officilandl satxx ituctl us tof mil. Lttnit tell you alutut a city newspriper. Ho\v littie ive eealizu ixien <tue uxspapee la ttssel lu at the tittue tuefeund lu tht' maliibox the acotunit of jlar scores of por- sons hatl bestoxeet on it se as te give us the pleasore cf reatling the nuxvs at (ho breakfast tauie. 1-Itix'feîx cf us have ever batî a close-up view cf httw a big ceixtpripor is but. The news reporters subinit their itatches tf cepy ta hoebanulîcu by ouittîr and assticiates, (heu typed, protîfreadj matIe uîp lu the foems, matcd anti put ontu(he nonster roaeing presses. Te> sec the men rand women who get the news tuf thte x <tlul in satpe suti that it is piaccul in t-ue blinda only minutes or htaurs after it happons is xonuerfuî. Wt saw htuw (ho etcb- inga %verecmade,, (he phototengrax- iug eprrtint. hoxv tht varitos sizes cf type ix ee bautileon uthe liniotype ecasting machine, buuw tht typ tsc as assecuiuetl vith the at xvurk antI iut lutt aptge furuts, luck- ouI tigh( antI the cttrxuttty îupe lates[ are ua-t hua Ie fristeneul ta the cyliu-J tIts istf the~ high speaul Hte jpre ss tua sut the ituper in hîge railhis1 xeigb:j 1 1 à * ~a a L8S>L Ki ShouldRead This Axnd this tire cas ceascur te ne. I xxould rather hax'e a ioviiîg scîilc Fnom frientîs I knoxx are truie Than tors shîed 'rotundl my casket When (bis worli ld u it aieu. ung 13:15 hunaînîtIbus., ad hui ttsul Must Old Âge Mean Torture, B etuils att fastenîedtI tt(he prî.SS roui-t Annoyance, Enabarrassment, Worry,l ring me all (ho flowers (oday, ;intI prinheti cîaspaptrs artetdt lut-reuIBladder e, sNrouns, Whether pick, tor whiteor cedu, at the iratetif .15,00(0 1 tîuIutîWanss evuees 'il ratiier havxe one bllssuuruînow th( litresses conrstue 27 (stu, f papeir GtigU-ih Than a trucklead when I'm dead. a tIlt;v. Then tut se(hemuailing andtl î il claicueta ut 7 eut cf 10 mec ________________________ s ut lu trucks tu th(bu cws staintdscoir pat itîtttle lufo arc sutijuut ntt ews lbovscil luer tht( Ita. ( Bttîde We;kness, whicb, if n g- tl] yuu a fe(bis 1I all se(- cicet -lecteul, may rîîaîîîyears -of suffering Powerfui Skin un atnxepluaeitiier lioal tar tti nd I<ly nlv iurt'tnce.t fiisa-r 1ux'ur haie lu the ps.t i }îst siigus .tf sucb cndititon nu t',Rem edy Discovered xver wek iii (lexîlan 1 I1sil cemne ituearly life, but tlcy anreus gu tîlv ttMes. l'inc ch ul toýii uaiiy matra titi luable after 40 - _______ felenulu and tI u8:15 a. ni. wris un N. patins n briu'i, biadaches, nervtius-, Dries Up Eczrma, Barbere' ltch and Y. Centra~l aurouhatua to hicago; lie-1 ess, a foIintt ofxeight in grotins, it- 5kin Eruptions rixîdtI iere rit 5:301 and tl rt; p. michiug, liîruiiîg. painful urinlition, was utc Rock Islandi Rrilrutad and (otu frequeut talls andi getting-up-, MUST GIVE RESULTS IN lit 10 :30 %vas tt Daix'npuur(, Iowai1 nights.1 7 DAYS OR MONEY BACK wee 'tic creisseslthbu Missippi anti1 While serittu.sý if ncglec(cd-it il arrixeul tt Kansais City h a. m. anti 1urtîlnliriîy ati iiî;ie matter te rîliavel Th is witnulrful surgeci' pret- nu\t îttteîing wi5 iuuîkiîîgfore MisI t-t i uîliao,%, (hoerleatrih bnîel -triptiain noit'kutuux-ail atv-, ivriictt ress Sjîîing as xxi tfi un utet he it itt 1tu )rt.'utliitvorth's U (A "A ItS,l as Muîne's Ltuuild Oit, i-t so efliciîiut (bis placte. But ,thtetîtot have lwin xxhich lixla-t i victoritaus in tbtous j iii t ha t ruut.ient if akin dlisueuses out vith ll Jack F'est itle n ight oaur uii -fi-ast-u. ,a ftee other treatuiucts itîat i u tuihig tif ecizi otifLîe antdu ulî nuit ni;ilut ýheiituîutiriiiut hatulfaiiîu-i. ;topu~s'.xitht tnt appicionîur (Of touîrseut x t'tuuul itu ltroletauiîîtott Not nîtte ii-serloustir tof ho-wl A f axtpplicatiis aîîrîthe mîust ler liii cein thle tIti. lng stanini fig tur condîliton naY peresistent ca.issotf Eetî'ut oîftîn liCtý '[hi(,tin tils a pictitru mt, ut uî- lue, youtcau ufli ikly vprove (bu viiiue hîeti cuier tua roiuru. ti filit ý v tt eteul xv ii ite. Minia~ture tf C LA T.-\BS il bout risk tif cust- 1>otauca's Enîtral O iil itsafe 1aId cuoti: rta tut- tf scui'fîtetuui luntht for amy gutetuluegis iI upypiuusanrt ftuse' anîl il is se p oxtî- t vstiblls 1lîthuva(n (lie caîrs mtuîh af ytu on<n ttiaiîouie guaran(ceo tf saI-1 fuliy tirtispeptit anti ietuiuratth(at' (he a uy thrîuugh Ininal, Illinouis tantd isftîctiuîc or muutîoy back. If 'U RA- ixen etîltrs ttriuing frtt u ucers, gan- K ti ris; 1S. migbt t hic k titis pas- TA BS" irintt Youu uick and cettui greeanil cancer t.aeinstantix' killeul. ing tbreugh J>urhaiti ('ounty--tht- comfaîrt, yîu ivill ho gneatly îlea "- 1 "Mto(Itîue'sEmemal il 011n (he. onig-1 saiecot ccfeîr(aule ftîrm housuas, (hi cil. If (bey tItinet fu satisfy, (hein inîl hbottie l dispensoti by ph arma- saimi elket rcirlttsut> use xvilcuîst you notbing. Tny URA- ciats. Jury & Lovol l luiys lias itetitiful bonIs cf farm stoack, thel TA BS (tîday! Moone's Emontîlîl 01 on baud. same igood roads, the same prettyl ORONO church edifices, the same well attend-j ed scbools, the rural mail carts, the <F'rom The Newa of Feb. 24th) samne intelligent people and evidences Clarke Township Agricultural So- le of thrift every-where. Ail aiong the1 ciety Fair October 4th and 5th. bhighway was seen rural telephones, Miss Kathleen Staples was home eand in the distance the long trail of! from Port Hope over the weekend. a smoke from another railway. le Orono Women's Institute will hold ai . e fairly flew through towns and their Irish entertainment on Marcb vilages,fo we were travelling on th tbe limited. There were imposingý 7h public edifices, comfortable homes, Mr. R A Fitchette has moved into ie pubîshd door yards, paved street, his new residence in the Fitchette, epulelibraries, good schools and Block. cultured people. Here we came to Mrs. W. J. Inch and young son, the close of another day and the Weldon, Weston, recently visited hier; Scountry still covered w itb a mantle parents. of 5flOW. Miss S. DeLeRee, Owen Sound, is ir Herds of cattle and mules were visiting with ber sister, Mrs. Tucker, -soon generally witb their backs to at the Parsonage. -the wind and their cars laid hack on M.Hco oe odrcnl ~ teirneks nd oeed e b hltlng600 bbls. of Ben Davis apples for e indignation meetings, and so thel whichbcb received $300. nnigbt came and the summer land- Sseemed fair, far away, for the ground Mr. and Mrs. Colville Evans, Jan-1 rwas still covered witb snow. Nxt~ etville, spent a few days last week morning xýre were within 350 miles at ber mother's, Mrs. W. Waddell. of El Paso, the snow bad disappoared, The infant daughter of Mr. and ethe sun was shining and we were in Mrs. Robert Johnston, who has been h the land where the cactus grows. seriously iii from pneumonia is now e Winter had gone and at 2 :30 p. m. recovering. -El Paso whose slogan is "Where, Mr. Wm. Cornish spent the week- 1 sunsbine spenda the Winter" was end wîth bis daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) reached. Brother Bera was at the Edmison wbo is ilI with rbeumatism d station and we were seon at home at hie rhome in Little Britain. d and my journey was over. Mrs. Chas. Souch, Clarke Union, y We are sometirnes disappointed i, threatened with pncumonia. Mrs. rwhen we get to our destination but Soucb is one of the oldeat ladies in ethe change from snow and ice to the county, having passed ber 9Oth Iverdure and flowers seem.od more er Ito me than tbey ever tlid before.yer There were tbe beautiful mountain Messrs. F. J. Hall, representing the peaks. of majestic splen<lor; fertile Cut odRas n onHn valîcys silver streams, brilliant sun- iy, Township Road Supt., are attend- shine and brigbt blue skies. Despite ing the Provincial Good Roads Con- tbe fact tbat Jaouary in the northern vention in Toronto. bemisphere is a winter mooth, in El Messrs. Henry and Louie Junker Paso there was only five days in are attending the funeral of thcir which the sun was not sbîning,'eight brotber-in-law, Mr. Adam Lotz, wbo days were partly cloudy. Tbe cold- died suddenly from a paralytic stroke, est day was on January 2nd., when at bis home near Kitchener. it was 6 degrees bolow freezing. Tbe Mrs. John Hall accompanied her Lwarmest was on January 7tb.. with sister, Miss Rhoda McLeod down teniperature 79. Rainfaîl averages from the city last weekend. Miss baîf an incb in tbe month but was on- McLeod is now making satisfactory ly haîf tbat quantity tbis year. recovery from bier recent operation. 1 am rcminded of a pennant ati Mrs. M. E. Swantson of Devils home in our dining-room booming Lake City, North Dakota, wbo bas Orillia on Lake Simcoe as a reat re- been visitiog ber sister-in-law, Mrs. sort: S. M. Billings, the past three weeks The daily tasks that filîs cacb day is now visiting ber brother at Lind- You would stsrely leave and come say. and stay A former Orono young lady, Miýss 'Where life is gay and joys witbout MeaCae1b a entahn n a break.High Scbool at Norwood and Hamil-l Hero 1 am often thinking of the tnsnelaighrwsmrid frindsin he omeandof urhm.recently to a youag gentleman ati For the world is wide antI the worldHaitn Hemayfedsbr is grand iHes.ay redsh And there is lots to see tbat is oew xedbswih. But the swetest tbing is tbe grip of In extooding congratulations to banda two of our venerable townsmeo on 0f frieods tbat arc trie<l and true. the occasion of tbeir birtbday, we Alpha Pinch. omitted mentioning that Mr. Robt. 1230 Myrtle Ave., Moon bad celebratcd bis 86th and El Paso, Texas, Feb .21, 1927. Mr' Robt. Fowler bis 94tb birtbday. (To e cntined)at ber home in Little Britain. Miss Gladys Tucker and college friend Miss Beatrice Aggett were down frem Ontario Ladies' College, An 011 of Menit. 1)r. Thomas' Ec-j Wbitby, and witnesscd tbe fine play lectrie 011 is not a jumble of mcdi- given by the C.G.I.T. last Friday, and cinal substances thrown together and romaioed over Sunday with the form- pushed by advertising, but the result ergs parents at the Parsonage. of the careful investigation of theo Messrs. A. J. Knox, A. A. Drum- healing qîîalities of certain oils as rip- mond, W. H. Rowve, Milton Morris, plied to the buman hodv. It is ati Harold Allen and Misses 1-Ilen Pow- rare combination and it won antiPer's.' Lizzie Lintoit andI Dorothy Rowe kcp)t pub)lic favor from the fi rst. AI of fthc Sunday School Orchestra, as- trial of it will carry econviction te sistet licthe wcastle Orchestra, Mr. any who doubts its poecr to repuirilHarold Alliti, leadler, on Tciesday. ad heai. "ihe IIay "Deacon f)ubbs"; which ___________________________ ~ sisplayed se succccssfully at. New- cast le tiis week andi whîch is bjiled 1 o ront> March . lias reccived an Stomach Troubles invi:tation t peri oot n te h ijlisoftpear Unirted Cun- Are Due to Acidity on St. ClaittcRhlnie rcbi Tho boys cf UtheCSET. engnigudi the rinli Tîiesdav evetîiîîg ast for a Tells of Pleasant Home Treatment to skttilig partv a*1d f iii the îUnli Bring Swift Relief .î 'îîeîit-1fth1)C eî landy le a fos sî"fthe(.(.e r. il;'.fl So-alltiSîcachTrills tlieveninir f teal opoît, aitet the ge.sii.dstion. ars, sotirreso, etc., <ung l:adies retarrieu the conpldi-1 are inproaiY nne ass ot o nlt Iîy serx g flothicli inithe Sun- ten extlcîcuof tocniuh aîd i ltîv Sthoci ioccm cf Park St. ihurch. the sttmach- sorin thie food, cai iiîg thc formtion cf gas andstrt I rs. A. R1. (insby, a former rote- iîig acid indigestion. tariI dtt oft tiis tou. , p.,(d ary coi (,as dtistenti t he stonitteh and cas- Saturday .l1rayI9th front heart ea full, oppusive burniing feeling troubtle. Tht rem:tîn. xere Irtught known as heartburn, whjle t he acitl bei e fri burial lu the fainily plot Ite- irritates andl irilames the tilca ide those cf bcr late husband oîn stonîach lining. Get rid cf Cris an ues Fcbruai!j 22nd., serviccs bo- Acidity, and yu'u get rid cf intliges-î ing ccnducted hy 11ev. S. T. Tuckcri tien. in Park St. United Church. Dcccascd To stop or Jrevent the sturnesi w ivris formerly~ Margaret K e nnedy antdgs enurlz h tmc came to Orono from Millbrook as ai ttcs ant keutete ,(htstm ma scctbride somo forty years ago and btorl anti fret' frontiIndigestion, a teas- resided a fow ycars in Californiaý poonful ouf four tablelts cf Bisuratediwhcrc ber busriand died afte r wbich she gi okulirrsdne n Maguesia shîtu]itlle taken in a little agi0eku errsdne i water aftor eating or whenc ver gaslOrono leaving hero about a ycar ago sourncss, pain or acidity is felt. This for Millbrook. quickly sweeteus the stomach, neut -______ ralizes the acitlity, stops the pain andý is barmless antd inoxponsive ttu use. 1 WOULD RATHER Bisuratet iMagnesia, povde(r tr ____ tablets ouiy, eau be obtained fromI would rather bave one little rose! any drug store and its daîly use koîps From the gardon cf a fricnd the stomach in fine conditittn, enab- Than te have tho choiceat fiowers liug it te do t is %ork withtuut thte Oi Wo ysa n at uted otf artilicial tigestants. We ysa nerhms n. 1 would rather have the kindest words And a stalle that I eau soc M ~P2d- AM Than flattory when rny heart is still1 FOR . Proved safe by millions anîd prescribed by physicians for Colds Netîritis \/ Pain Toothiache BwareoCntereit Hea>Iachie Luîîiago Bwr fCutret 'A taît \ itlAt. If atulb- Ne Li ralgia E> ES NOl' AFFECT tti.(orfit wth T H R H Eai ut ;11 j1 >utiîtt I-e c h a nrîcs ~ ~ ct-opi uît't Hav r"package ~ ,t/,, ~ \tiwhcttiiîiiiîs proven directions. 11;-à- IYu'ltaxi îf 12 tableta tuto i la-. itd 1 0t 0-tO lruggistet. irs rt'urtci tCittadali of lietîsîr i att fa i ooct ut tft tsi-S itdui- i t1l..iS. ,,it Wt,jta as a ti tîtatui tli; tt.. ttittvtt0lrt . jt t hetii rtiu u ti- tttitin bTablets o fPai r t,,rIry t t hr iir vtata-iral a 1, uatrktaaf."Bay,, ae' Almost Every Day We have the pleasure of adding new custom- ers to oLir growing list of satisfied patrons. Our aim is to build up a trade by giving the best and choicest meats obtainable-at a price that is reasonable-and a prompt and courteous service that makes folks feel they want to deal at our store regularly. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phono 518 Bownvll Have You Triedj Sheli Coal 011? Lt gives heat and light instead of soot and smoke. Try it and be convinced as others have. Batteries Cbarged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville1 Internai and E xternal Pains BE ETMN HTSO NSSi0l GOLDENOU SYRUPE 1RCANADA STARCH CW,. LMITED - MONTREAL THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd., 1927. s ri e s e e r PAGE 91