THE CANADIAN STATESMAI4. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEB.RUARY 24, 1927. PG H~ IDoes Your Furnace 1 Require Attention? Your furnace bas had pntty steady and sevore use se far this winten. Perhaps it needs cleaxing eut, a naw grate or other attention go as te get the best resulta. Just give us a ring-Phone 348- and one of our expert xechanics wàlIi be on the job. We repair and supply parts for ail makes of furnace. W. Len. ELLIOTT Plumbing, King St. W., Heating, Steamfitting Phone 348 Bowmanviile ECONOMICAL BUYING It's very often quite a task to know just what kind of meat to have for dinner or any other meal. It is ver-y often quite a problem after you have de- cided upon what you want to make it fit your pock- etbook. But both these problems can be easily solved at Edmondstone's. Our experience in cutting meats is proven to your advantage every tirne you buy meat here. We can give you the most profitable cuts at the lowest prices, quality considered, of course. We are not quoting prices here but you can be assured the most economical buying, if you allow us to cater to your Meat needs. Always The Right Cut At The Right Price. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville CON TENTEDI Contentment is not merely a state of mind that cornes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked 50 hard for is PRGTECTED FINANCIALLY! That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YOU CARRY FIRE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a policy! J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Neyer Satisfied We are always trying to improve the service to our customers as well as endeavoring to give them the best quality and values in fresh grocer- ies. Our long experince enables us to buy to ad- vantage-and thus our customers reap the profit. We have worked up a wonderful demand in our Fish Department. Let us fil your next fish order and see what tempting fish we supply. CHINA AND GLASS WARE Mother, children or the hired girl are always breaking a dish or glass. It can't always be help- ed. But you do know we can replenishi such ar- ticles from our large stock of China and Glass W are. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE fewes.The .Buttars 18spendin& a Do You Rem fe wek teguest of rs John Mason, Cobourg. F. C. Mears, son of Rev. J. F. Mears, Port Hope, has been elected Thoughb Prosent Ne- Presîdent of the Ottawa Press Gai- T74 Plmanat lery. Mrs. Thos. Buckley and Mrs. W. J. MIEN 1 K14EW 75 YEARS AGO Vodden, Oshawa, were in towzi Thursday visiting the latter's mother, Dee.' Mr. Jaes:-It was most in- Mrs. Henrietta Snpry. te'esttng te read the list of narnes of Durham Old Boys' Club, Toronto, tihe leadizn business aind professional will rneet on Thursday, February 24 mn o f Bowmearflhle sevenîty-five at 8 p. m., at the home of Mr. and yean ago, 5sent by Mrs. Alvin Peters Mrs. T. E. Washington, 98 Lytton lof Hamption, Blvd. Interesting program. I weil reinimber the foIlowing The imeforSprng pintng ilaincng the mien named. Rober't Ar- The imeforSprng pintng ilmoura pirominient lawyer, utho was soon be here. Nothing will add $500 knowall over0Ontario as a tempeir- or a $100 value to a home and home ance leader. surroundings so quickly as the ex-; Mi,. Thoma.s Hoar, blacksmWLh. penditure of $10 or so in paint. The Cowle brother;i-Frank and Mr .and Mrs. G. W. McLaughlin Wifliamn, whoe.e sister wa6 the wife of and their son, Mr. Ewart McLaugh- Mir. Richard PhiIkp who the lin, Oshawa, left Wednesday for Cal- leading nmanufacturer of funeral nec- ifornia, where they will spend two essai-les in Canada, whose daughiber is nionths. The trip from New York well known in Bowmianville as the will be made by boat, via the Pan- wfe of Dr. A. S. llley. ama canal. J. B. Fairbairn, who -whien he re- In the party of Missionary Work- tired, was te'0 e- in ers reported by the Toronto Daily Canada lie was one of the modiel Press as returning to Canada are charaeters in church and social U11e Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Sellery and in Bowmanv'ille. ebjîdren. Dr. Sellery is a son of Davdd Fisheir, nw1io after he gave Rev. Dr. Samuel Sellery, a former up businiess becamne thse first manager pastor of Trinity Church, Bowman- 0f the Ontario Bank. 1 reinemrbeoe ville. hum in his unifoa-m as niiliuary head Sidney Greenawny, son of Mr. andlof Darlingto.n, when healcaled thie Mrs.Clake reeaway Pot Hperol on the 24th of May each yeas'. Mrs ClrkeGrenawy ortHpe, Alphonso Hinds, owneS of the who was internally injured w ieWaverley busre, a typicad& Engliali- skating at the rink in that town w as1 ax in honow and ditinguished man removed from his home the first of mn the week to Port Hope eHospital, nergeHiecrae mle* where it is expected that an opera- arnother very hiigh-class Englishman, tion will be necessary. wiso -was higlhly respected as a ud Dominion of Canada bas onrly been cipai leader and a magiturate. a united group of provinces for sixty Thomnas Hunt marchant, whe was years, and we're better off than the fathea' of îAý great world-re- plenty of nations more than ten times nowned nope walkar wbio chose thse that age. Wlien we actually get key- naine of Signer Fairini instead cf ed up to celebrate the Dominion Jub- BdII Hunt-his rosI nane,. He rie- ilee we shaîl realize what a good eeied .weafluhy and lived in Hope country we really have.-Farmers' township, a few màles west of Poirt Advocate. Hope. "Katharine Hale" is the pan-name amies MeFeetmr, Bowmsnville'a of Mrs. John Garvin of Toronto, MayDr and b1eadng man in t1hn author of "Grey Knitting and Other bDOwTi fori' IIaiy years aind a hi Poems", "The White Comrade and res d he dciie Is yeAnr S Other Poems" etc. She was born MeP eeoewode as yari and brougbt up in Galt, the eldest Bowmlanvibe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James William Pirie, taior, who livad on Warnock. ber most recent work is the IbilI west of thbe MàIll. Hie waa "Canadian Houses of Romance". n ntreefigScotnaxi wjise wife was a wo:rsxi of unaSnal force of At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, character. Their daugihters, Mms 522 Lîpton Street, Winnipeg, their j . em 1«f BHwmanviI]s, and daugbter Elsie united in mar- M sbl~S~rILWIToroino, ame niage with Mr. Finlay Yellowlees of stinanve, I -used to play witlh thie Ninette, Man., the ceremony being latter when amy parenrts vùoaltud thie performed by Rev. Mr. Coleman. Mr.I Pinie's from my foertih to my sevenith and Mns. Yellowlees left for a trip yeaT. to Vancouver and San Francisco af- Williaum Portier, foundrymian, an- ter which they will reside at Ninette. oùi0nr Scokt, was a fine type. His A London hotel manager, coxing so George was a w;el-known banlc- along the corridor saw the "'boots" er a.n towx and highly respectied tËI kneeling on the floor and cleaning a he died a few y'eamr ago li CaMoier- pair of shoes outside a bedroom door. nia. "baven't I told you that you are flot John Simpson founded the gmiat- to dlean boots in the corridor, but to mili at thue corner of Scugog anmd take them downstairs?". "Yes, Sir".I1 King Sta. Ha wss a banker and lie- "Then why are you doing it?" "Be-i came Hon.. John Sùmpson, &-mnugbQr, cause the man in the room is aYiau¶Yi'ght man-. His son was untàIl Scotchinan, sir, and he's hanging on recAntly tlhe laadixig la'wyer of Bo'w- to the laces". maxiville, tffie laVe Mr. D. B. Simpeun, K. C. There are some people s0 constit- Rev. J. C. Siater, was a 'eadixig uted that tbey do not allow thein- Methodist Minàsecr. Hie was for selves to enjoy life-the numenous several yaairs Schooll'¶ymetxsr cf the blessings that each new day brings townohdp of Darlngton, hefoure we are overlooked in the habit of look- had County Inspectors. ing ahead for some greater pleasure Roibert S'quair, was an catineal m- in the future. Nellie McClung in her er below King St-a Senithnain, sec'- humorous way tells of a fanmer's icous in the mind of a boy. wife who asked her husband to go to Aaron Bueklex, jeweller ,wa;s dur- the onchard to get some apples. Iixig ade my ea.rly life the mani who "Mind you", she calleld after hims ie ace n eer eBw "bring in the spotted ones". Don1t manile antche sn erundin dis pick the good ones". "Suppose tit there are no spotted ones", he vent- ured. "Then waît tilI they do spot", wvas the quick retort. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Lent starts next Wednesday. 0c'rLt.-Col.O E. D. O'Flynn, Belleville, hýo as perated upon at Kingston, is doing well . Col. P. J. Rowe, P'ickering, bas started te make extensive alterations to his dwelling on Church Street. The front part is to be re-modeled and a new kitchen will be erected at the rear.-News. On February 11, Mrs. Robert Mil- Ian of Seymour Tp., is stated to bave jgathered a bunch of "pussy willows", wvhich were quite far advanced. This, the 'weathen prophets agree, is a sign of an eanly spring. William James Greene wbo passed away in Port Hope on Tbursday, I February 17, after ten months' ilI- ness, was a former enmployae of the Goodyear Tire & Rubben Co. of this town. He beaves a wife ,three brothers and two sisters. West Hastings District Women's Institute held a meeting at Wall- bridge on February 10 te discuss the matten of a school nurse for Sidney township. The members of Sidney Couneil and Dr. Phair, Director of Division of Cbild Hygiene of the Health Department of Toronto, were present and spoke. If you want women to like you be neat and dlean in your dress. Keep yourself weIl sbaved, your bain eut, your shoes polisheil and generally be easy on the eyes. Bc courteous and sbow the women you meet little at- tentions. Remember their tastes andl their fads. A woman would rather have a post card that you sent her because it represented something she was interested in than oil paint- ing bought hit on miss. Women like discreet compliments. Tbey like te be taken to places of amusement. and, above all, tbey like a man to talk te them about theinselves as if he thougbt tbey wore creatures of really bunman intelligence. Mex's Fancy Tweed Overcoats from $1450 up at Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman 's. THE REASON WHY One of the chief reasons wby bun- dreds of weekly newspapers have been forced out of business duning the past few years ,ças the necessity of canrying many subscription an- rears. A weekly newspapen is admit- tedly a necessity in a community. Every fanmily sbould appreciate it and subsenibe for it, and every sub- seniber should nenew his subscniption as soon as it expires. lI this way the papen's efficiency is inceased.- Arnprior Chronicle. ember When ? ew. Com«e.TiLick and Fait ýto Riseail tù»Faut. Rev. John Clinlie, Fiditor of The Staternan, till he died, was a dis- ting hoed Congrgaioxial clergymAn li Englalxid. , heard hum speak sevl- erail timas when 1 was 13, 14 and 15 yearao dL I have heaird naarly 011 the grait oratoris of England, Can- ada and thse United Staties, and I &tiI nank 'hb anmoamg the bestteVn ce<ru'ox 1 bave ever heard, in matter, mannar, vaice anmd dielivery. I well remein- ber Rov. John b. Eyno'n, Bible Christ- ian Mixister, one of *Su earliest of the B. C. preachers. Garner Gifford, tanner, was in some ways the most interetikug man of my es.rly 111e, not mmeuely i Bow- manville, but anywhere. He was a large main, always -a bubbllnig louai- tain of humor, and thierefoire, a bene- diction. Humnor is cone of thie essaim- tials -of a happy life. St. John H. Hutcheson was a well. known lawyer and a leader li the Anglican Churcis li BwmanvMle. Mr. McMillaam, wus editor cf The Massenger forn many years. He be- camne a very succasaful manxini Brit- li Columnbîa abfer kaeving BowmaPw ville. William MoMurtury was a leadiing nmSichanMl. My menucry is thaitha was the fathen of John McMuxrny who wa a mont hMghly respacted citizen cf Rowmanville for many yaas and of Major W. J. MeMurtary of this dety. Rober~t , Manninig was in my est- ly 111e the leadingnmanufactureroe f fuirniture i Bowmanvllle. Jacob Neada was a hàghly respect- eid hardware Tmecant and steve dealen. I think ha was a manumfaclt- urer of stoves. Thoxmas C. Sutton was a charïmxng gentleman, a druggist, aund one cf the leadig encketera in Oataio. One fanmily omitited from thie dÈr- ectory, 1 know were in business Ë1k Bo'wmamnville 78 yeanr ago -r O'bara, father cf Robert anid Henry O'Haira, prominenlt men in Bcwmaun- ville afterwaa-ds, kept a bock, mxusic anmd toy shop on thie north side cf Kiung St. near Scugog St., more lihan 78 yeara ago. I remember as cleoir- ],as 1ff i± bad occurred yeeterday thait thie deaur old mani took down a dancing toy, and niade it dance te amuse me bel ore 1 was 3 yeare cf aga, and thaît was sevemty-eght yeoa sec. Bob 0'Hara as ha was communay cafled, was thie beat humorous 'wrlter li Bcwma.nville. He public-med a ppwcaUied llie Cudgel for yeams Hean bis brothetr condxucted a book and --tiaboxery aVoire uxider the old Town Hail, and nmade photograplhK Bob went Vo British Colummbia anid le- came a wvealthy man. Heniry be'. came the leader cf lIm Congnagatioun- a] Chu.rch in Canada, and aiso thse mest promuient max inlxthie Sons of Temperainca Ordcer lin Canada. Anotiher gentleman, well kxiown in Bowznanviile 75 yeans mgo was Mr. Gloveur ,father of William Glover, Lffverymnan, one cf Bowmanville's fav- orites :for fifty yeam The old gent- leani drove thse stage Vo Tomrnto and back for xnany yea. 0 f course, he durve four boises anid it was said that with his long whip lash he could kil] a fiy witihout qidting the horse's ear. His ixinate Uumor was glor- joua. James L. Hughes a 0s f Cainadat Bowmanville Bnanch - P. F. Aitchison, Manager 4-4.30 FILM-Preparlng the Seed B.d 4.30-4.40 ANNOUNCEMENTS-Affecting Me- chanical Cours. n.xt day 4 40-S FILM-Reclaiming the Sumnas Prairie 35 Fordson tractors cultivat. reclaimed lake bed near Chilli- wack, B. C (SECOND DAT 1 Mechanical Course on the operation of Fcrdson tractors, agricultural ian- plements and equipments. You Should Know WHERE THE BEEF COMES FROM THAT YOU EAT We don't take ail the credit for supplying our customers with tender juicy meat. A whole lot of the credit is due the breeders who feed the cattle we buy. Just now we are retaling beef bought from these well known farmners: 5 Steers and Heifers from Warden M. J. Elliott 14 Steers and Heifers from Carl Billings, Orono 7 Steers and Heifers from Fred W. Bowen, M. P. 10 Steers and Heifers from Mr. Reid (Lovekin Farm) 1 Steer, 1 Heifer, Eber Crago, Town Uine They are a mighty fine lot of young cattle and' are making excellent beef for our customers. Bet- ter order a roast or steak today. Delivery To Ail Parts of Town C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanv'ille Phone 64 - Power Farani ng Coulerence On the Subject of Profitable Farmlng ROYAL THEATRE, MARCH 2nd., 1.30 to 5.30 H. ALLEN'S RADIO STORE, MARCR 3rd., 1.30 to 5.30 KING ST W., BOWMANVILLE Programme Fie gance f 'T 1IIE wonder of Wall Paper nowadays i flot alone the vast va- riety of designs in per- fect taste... Not alone the exquisite color harmonies and fas.. cinating.. patterns and authentie textures, like silk and damask and tap- estry and fine leather ... The wonderful thing is the littie cost of rnaking a room elegant, in the fine sense of that word! Whenever you like to corne in and see for yourself, we wiII like to show you ail we imply here. Wall Paper Front 8c ROLL UP Champion Paint $1.25 QUART Guaranteed or money refunded G. Pritchard Decorator and Painter Phone 489 Bowynanville [Fia" DATI 1.30--2 FILMS-lndlustrial uses of the Fordson. Demonstrating the Fordion. 2-2.30 FILMS-Profitable Farming. 2.30.-3 TALK -Power Farming-lts advsn- tages and how it pays. 3-3.30 FILM - Solving the Problem 3.30.-4 TALK - The Preparation of the S.ed B.d and the. Conservation of Soil Moistur.. No Charge for Admission AE1LANGED DY THE POWER FARMlING DIVSION OF IfORD OTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITEDI UNI VERSAL MOTOR SALES, OSHAWA ALBERT F. COX, LOCAL FORD DEALER 1 PAGE TEMM eday