Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ranci- graduate in Dentistry Toroxi University. Graduato of the R03 Collogeoef Dental Surgeons cf C tarie. Office King St., Bownianvil Office phone 40. House phone2 X-Rsy Equipmsent in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate cf Royal Dental Colleg Toronto. Office, King St. East, Be, manville. Office heurs 9 a. m. te p. m. daily excopt Sunday. Phoi 90a. House phono 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Hlonor graduate of Toronto Ur versity and member of Royal Collel ,1 Dental Surgeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and the Demi ion. Dentistry in ail ita bransche Office-King St., Bowmanville, e posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 30 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money te boan on Farm anid Toiw Preperty. Royal Bank Buildini Bowmanville. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to lste D. B. Simipson. KX Barristor, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money te Loan Phone 9 Bowmasnville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barristor, Solicitor, Nctary Meney te boan. Bonds for zais Offces-Bleakley Block, King St Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones Office 102, House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. au Complote Motor o Herse Equipment AIl caa promptly attendod te. Pîrivate Ambulance Bowmanville phono 10 and 34 Branch Stores- Orono & Nowcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director Calis given prompt and personal at tontion. No extra charge for dis. tance. Phonos 58 or 159, Bowman. ville, Ont. 3-tf MEDI CAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Geld Medalist cf Trinity University Toronto. Four yoars attonding Phy. sician and Surgoon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office ans Rosidence, Wellington Streot, Bewý manville. Phono 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate ef Trinity Medical College Terento, formerly ef Enniskilleii Office and Rosidonce, Dr. Bith'i fermer residonco on Cburch Street Bownianville. Phoe 259. 44-t VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night cails promptly attended te. Office: King St. East, Bewman ville. Phone 248. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Oroaxo Hlonor Graduate ef University of Torente. AIl cases given prompt and careful attentien. Office- Dr. McElroysî former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderato. Enniekillon P. O. Phene 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduateocf Toi-ente Collego cf Chirepractic will ho in tho Bew- manville Office Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday evonings, phone 141J. Residential calîs made during fore- noons. Tueaday, Thi;s ciay Sattirday Nights Admission,20c and 1 Skating Saturday Afternoons Aduits 15c Children 10c THE CANADIAN STATESMNAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927. THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS PROPOSED ARBORETUM Miik! Milk!! Milk!! and more Mrs. Irvine says that cheese is an -T_______LL nto Milk. Milk is the Perfect Food and other important by-product of milk. Boy* Of Training School are to be y'al many persons have found healtb in Cheese is one of the most perfect Taught Culture of Trees and Shrubs. )n- the Milk Diet when ail other means1 substitutes for meat. It is one- le. failed. third protein (body and muscle I oncinwt h none 22. Thousands and thousands f per- building) and one-sixth to one-fourth n CnnTect ththeof ann ene- sons have found out ho," to drink of its weight is fat (energy and heat nth i the Stai oesmnt atde-k their way te health-via the Milk making.) The balance is water.cd tesalhan rbeum t Route". Cheese is not only a splendid meat ciedBosTrabnisn arorte tmat ge, "The milkman is a Health Doctori substitute but can be used as a basic toys'il&TraingiSeol theeTor- )w- n dsguse. n tosepart ofthefood in itself-er in the preparationi ther details regarding this interest- * 6 werld where fresh milk iý; not ensl of ether dishes. A meal made of igpoet neobtained, canned milk of ail varieties b read, buter cheese and mierlk, raof At the Boys' Train ing School at -condensed, powdered evaperated 1ra n heeadsvrlcem Bowmanviile, interesting develop. or malted-is practically as richn in ed vegetables is a perfect combina-netsaetigplc. Tesoo nutrative values as fresh milk and, o aîfig oht h ri lecated a mile or so east and north ni- sheuld be used as freely, Nvrites worker and the manual worker-al- of centre tow n a tpeeti ýgethougb the person who works bard i re'idence aountnd bas; at iesen i geAlice Burrelil rvine in Success iMag-i ihhsbd a eur h di to azine for January. The free use1 ibbsboymyrqir1b di there will be 300 in residence. in- f feshmil or uttr-mlk ayltion of baked potatoes for muscle-i es. cure your indigestion. Mirs. Irvine" ulig In connection with the scbool there Unîtedj an area of 300 acres of land, :>-i.Sts a nd dwritias eftesveUn tted Yuhrey antydrink emilte s beautifully undulating and of var- M. tats ad wite exensvel on tht tey anntbernm. But dsualyious types of sou and intersected by food problems. net agree with hm Bu sal a trout streanm. Somie of the area * hîs is a mistaken idea . Milk '-is eigdvtdt giutr n Only one instance is cited in which, lacking in acid and is most successful frit en dvtearculture and tiprosd o Nature set eut te make a food .Thati wben tbe system i sîightîy acid. utilize 50 acres as an area to be de- food is milk. From time te time in t oe t h utreo re n the past, te be sure ,there have beeni Directions for an ail miik diet, ,shrubs of ail hardy kinds with eppor- vncertain reports about ladies ofi whicb is sometimes prescribed o tunity te increase the aiea if neces- beauty and originality wbo batbed in1 certain ailments like byperacidity arv. An area is te be restricted te g, milk but xnost of us wiil agree that' and derangemnents of the digestive~ evergreen trees and shrubs, anotber tbis is a perverted use ef Nature'sl tract, would necessarily vary witb the. to those of a deciduous nature and greatest gift. The grains that individual case. In many instances,[ still another tu ornamental plantings.1 C. grow te make our breads and cer- t bas been found that about seven* The boys, under an instructor, are te eas-wheat, nats, barlely, rye, andi quarts of miik daily is the required effect the plar.ting as far as possible. se on-are ail seeds and their pur-j amount for the average aduit, with Th ujcsaebigupldby pose is te carry forward te aneýther orange and lemon jutice added te this the sujects enobtegDuppiedoby 1season tbe hf e of the plant., Se t1aI milk diet in order to supply the many of whom have kindly promised is witb fruits ,nuts and most veget- proper amount of acid that is need- te make donations of stock. The ables. Miik alone is intedtbe ed. Care sbould be taken during expense of laying eut the area bas solely a foed. 1tbe ail milk diet te refrain from tee thus been reduced to a minimum se Normal milk contaîns ail the food arducus exercise. The ideal way smaii as te be hardly appreciable. elements required by man-the 17 te take it, in fact, is under sanîtor-Th oen ntFrsyDpa- ýe ergncmnrIeeet in theiriu regime, w.bere the patient makes, h oenetFrsr eat t. ogani mieraielemntsments are aise te be asked and will correct proportions. It is a perfect-j a business practîcally of drinking without doubt make donations of ly balanced building foed-a food' ikaddignon lesv seedling trees for certain useful pur- wbicb alone bas supported life in, resting. Wonderful resuits have poses. many difficuit places and trying con-j been obtained in sucb Miik Cureý One of the projects is te bave the ditions. Marvelous milk-food and farms and santokms. boys raise manv of the subjects from medicine cembined. In spite of ail Mrs. Irvine wiil be very glad te, ed nfae n reî,ss the dietetie fads which ceme and go! answer any questions that you ,a seThs is n fr-adeveopent. There the value of milk remains establish- ask on the subject of diet. if yen will, however, be no difficulty in oi)- r ed, centaining witbin itself practi-1 are overweigbt and wisb te reduce tann h eesr eeds from ex- cally everything needed te b11ld -or underweigbt and wisb te gain-,taiing intthe n.essar s oued. bone, muscle, nerve and brain and in, ask bier bow. Sbe will aiso, upon re- is hoped in this and the foremention- its milk sugar are the elements which' quest send you books of scientific and ed connections te furnish instruction. create beat and energy te run tbesel appetizing reciles. Address Mr.ihotclueetebysboae huma macinesof ors. It con- Alice Burreli Irvine, care Siuccess itrse n iludrae te tains aiso precieus vitamins se essen-1 Magazine, 420 Lexington Avenue, inworese n il.netk hl tiai te health and strength in adutsl New York City, N. Y. Te arwpoowickheTrinn and normal * * *in Ilden Scbcel is lecated was very generous- ly donated by Mr. John H. H. Jury, Milk contains rather more of the tBowmanville, and is under the super-ç elements of potassium and calcisun: vision of a committee appointed from1 *than necessary te the fully maturedi SUN LIFE ANNUAL STATEMENT varicus sources. The work of (le- and bealthy individual. These ele- 1a velcping the area as an arboretuni, -ments are required by babies in theirý Business Now Exceeds Billion anda however, is in the hands cf a commit- -tremendous job of building their tiny ~ Quarter Dollars tee of tbree or four with an advisor.s bones into streng, supporting frame-l r.H.J.More______ntHoit wors orthirboie. ulyThe Sun Lf suac Companyi cultural lecturer, bas completed thet -grewn persons do net require these, e! Canada continues te eclipse its plans cf the grnunds and is ready te arec uad eoffet inem, rutsa de-, own transcendent records. At thel advise when the work is startcd in ficentsanteoset elemtfsruisde-just been held, President T. B. Ma-1 Spring. ficent inthee lemntssholdbel Caulay was able te report that the, eaenaple and grapefruit, oran-i annual meeting for 1927 wvhich basi Graduai Development an1eos-atclal ae total business paid for in 19261 It is proposed that the work b nl p the iack.I ameunted te $265,889,546, double done very gradually and only as mer-I S Many persons are ciepriving them-1 that of 1924-only two years ago. ited, as the musbroom growth cf4 dselves cf the wonderfui benefits of The assurances in force now excecd such a project nmigbt resuit disas- mîlk because they mistakenly be- one and a quarter billions of dollars. treusly. There is, hoxvever, noîl lieve that it a food simpiy for young TeSnLf a eoemc ob but that a need exists in On-i cide. Miik is food for every-1 mere than our greatest Canadian, tarie, near its largest urbain centre, eneyoug nd id-or co-~cempany. It is one e! the leading: are planted and preperly named. plete and desirable than meat really. Life Insurance Companieï o! the for an arbhre'tunX, wbere the subjects1 In fact it may be considered iiquid werld. Its grewth is equally arrest-I Such an institution xiii find a great Smeat! A quart of milk contains ing whether compared with its mv>ý educational want, namely, te .supply t the same energy value as eigbti record or with the totais of insurance- a knowiedge of ail hardy ornamental eggs or two peunds cf potatees, or, on this continent. The increase cf, trees and sbrubs and cf the uses te three-qu.arters of a pound cf lean its business at risk in 1926 is greater, wbich they are adapted, as well as beef or one-third cf a pound cf than the entire business carried by affording instruction te students ina cheese. ~* ~tbe Sun Life at the outbreak cf the their planting and care. * ar*t asnw oe*usnssi The area is adapted for the pur- But great as is tbe food-value cf force than the total life assurance in; pose and in view cf tbe fact that r milk, it bas another vital use. lt is a! force in ail Canada, with ail com-I the beys are te expend their energies r food medicine for those wbe suifer, war was decialred. Latest reports, in some way, this was tbought te be frem tuberculosis, anemia or neurit-j panies, Canadian and foreign, wben' one of the best. Net oniy wiII they1 is. Milk iks a nerve and brain buiid-, indicate that the general increase in learn horticuiturai practices, but in d er. If the people cf our country life insurance secured during 1926 in se doing xiii surround themseives r could be made te appreciate and ac- the United States and Canada is i, with an envirenmient uplifting be- cept this one trutb, it wouid be the per cent in excess cf ,l925. The SuIMI cause beautiful. Sncb a project de- E means cf making them vastly moreý Life's increase for the year is 37 ý4 serves the support cf philanthropiec e fficient and the stigma that America per cent. eý rganizations and indeed is now re- qickai"nbeireov ed. thei you ner-' Pliy keeping step with this great1 ceiving the support cf twe which rank ves ary e "onedgve"a If yourn- access cf business, the assets cf the among the greatest cf the worid, butb vsae"neg adyufeel ail1 wbose names cannot at the present t run down and constantly tîred, drink Ceompany bave increased during the time be mentioned. Other organiza-h milk and see how rapidly yen will re- past twelve mentbs by $42,195,000, tiens are aise back cf tbe project,V cover you.r normal healtb. Thousands swelling the total te $345,251,000. among these being the Ontario Hor- o! cures have been made in the case p'lie Company's assets bave multi-1 ticultural Association, the Toronto cf nervous clsorders by geîng on a pid five times in tbe last twelve Horticultural Society, the Canadian modified milk diet-tbat is, miik, years. Florists' and Gardeners' Association wbole wheat bread and butter, veg- The Company's successfui invest-I and the Canadian Horticultural , un- etables and fruits. While milk alone! ment pliîcy is reflected in an analy- cil. contains ail the body-building and, sis cf its securities. Government Located 40 miles oast cf Toronto, health-making elements, it lacks the valuators appraise a further increase1 the Training Scbooi is cf easy access 1 bulk necessary te digestive processes.i in the excess value of the Company's, te the city. Wben developed as an That is -why fruit and vegetables areý securities over cest cf nearly $7,000,-i arboretum it will be possible for added te the diet.j 000. A profit o! $ 1,700,000 bas c itizens te travel by road or rail and s s *bec n realized by the redemption or! in the short period o! an afternoen In the trcatment cf tuberculosis, sale cf municipal debentures andi te enjoy a bealth-giving and educa- milk is, of course, well known. But other holdings wbicb had risen tojl ional o>uting,. Being close te Osb- if miik were regularly taken, the hihieims h ae andOjawa, a rapisily growing industrial chances of a break-down fi-cm tuber-I the niean invested assets for the year: centre, its people will also benefit culosis wouid be siim. len tuber-1 rose te the phenomnenal figure o! 6. "9 through tus- association .N et, how- culosis the germ cf this rlread dis-1 per cent, this being contributed tue byl cver, for locai people alone but te j ase gradualiy eats away the tissue'i dîvidecnd increases, boniuses aied otherl than.s-t and citizen alike xcili its bene- cf the lungs. When the blcod is1 privileges granted on tbe iofnys ts accrue. given suflicient lime, Nature cao-j holdings. It is to e l hoped tharthei projecti ninl builds awall aroued the in- PI'rhaps, huwever, tefeature, cfi viii be suesfhyconsunnated, as fecteri area o telungsanieusteiecktou in tthuh(nsiuto milk. I spractically pure cen f $10,00orof Fdasracs.nersry A. D. 1927, vr tefird by- builder as well as a regulator cf the 1200,0ff adasuacs.iserlgns-A. D.i1or 7,crori (i- i5thay bodily functions. A pound o! cot-I The Sun Lif Company is as olii as ilsivit. afi--r whIch date the Execiors tage cheese contains an equai foodi the Dominion. But it bas greater w ildstrlIbutp the assets of thie Estate and is a blood, nerve and muscle-I dlaims to Canadian pride than that. avlng n-guru enly to the dlaims îhc-n value of one pound of cither beef,j It is today one o! the foremost of the BowmaivIllia, Ontario, JanuarY 27th pork, lamb, veal, game or fowl. Cet-I syaal group cf great Canadian fin- A. D. 1927. W F.WARD, B. A., tag chesomay easily be made atl ancial institutions wbicb are making solicitor for the Executors. hoefrmsim milk.1 Canada fanious. 5-3 Bowmnanviiie. Ont. I IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mrs. J. R. Young, (nee Maggie Neads cf Bowmanviihe), 211 Rtiby St., WX.inip.eg, Man.: Please find en- closed my subscniption for the dear home paper "Statesman". 1 weuld knet care te be without this paper, it 'keeps me in toucb with friends at thome, and these wvbo have moved axvay like myseif, and living in ether chinies. Prof. N. W. DeWitt, Victoria Cel- tlege, Toronto, -,vho recently address- cd the Men's Canachian Club of Bow- manvilie, niakes these kindhy remarks je a letter te the editor: Let nie cconpliment you on the gencral make- up cf yeuî paper. I also like the naine. It is a gooci thing to have ani ideai to live up te. You have the beat type ef (anadian Club that Ili know. If you feed their minds you will have te maintain a high standard. Mr. C. W. Johns, 640 Lipten St., Winnipeg, Mac.: I hock for The Statesman regulariy-as it is the on- hy mediunm that I can keep track o! my oui girls and school days' chums. I have often theught if you would publish every w-eek on se part o! yeur subscrýption list we could eut them eut and paste tbem in a mmo bock and sec bow many we know. How did Hampton or Milîville corne on the map? Who dîscovered it: Christopher Cojumbus or Lockhart Ormiston?l Was the first Hampton burial ground on wbat was in my day Marshall Cryderman's facm? I wcnder who w-as first buried there. Mrs. Peters notes on old timiers and flrst settiers w-as verv interesting. I sent yeu hast ex-ening's Winnipeg Fi-ce Press to show that besides grcwing the best wbeat Manitoba can aise grow good puhp wccd. Thack ycu, Cephus. DURHAMITES IN NEW YORK HAVE SOME GOOD TIMES TOGETHER 450 West 131 St.. New York, February 2nd, 1927. Editor of Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanviile, Ont. Dear Mr. Jamnes:--Just in case ne cce cisc bas toid yeu cf the good times the members cf the Canadian Club-our speciai-are having this Winter, I arn sending a hittie acceunt. Our first social gathering cf the clan for 1927 was at Mr-s. James A. Phillips', 1520 Par-ker St., Westchest- ec, Wednesday, January 12, and sncb a very enjoyabie afterncon w-as that we spent together. The luncheon served by Mrs. Phiips and daughter Marion w-as perfect. and afterwvardi tea cupa xvere rcad and a merry soc- ial time spont. The day w-as ideal, clear and cold and we enjoyed the drive home, Mr. Phillips' nephew just borne frem Florida, bricging us back in bis car. The next meeting w-as at Mrs. Dr. William A. Wbite's, 461 West 43rd Street on Wednesday, January 26th. We shail net forget fer some Lime the good things we bad at Mca. White's. We even had scahded creani frem Bow-macvilhe, as a spe- cial treat witb apple pie made by Mca. White, and it was delicieus! . In the aftercoon we played bridge, and as usuai whec w-c arc at Mrs. White's, almest forgot te go home. There were present Mca. Pbiihips, and daugbter Mai-ion, Miss Ida Phil- lips, Mrs. (Dr.) Buchan, Mca. J. F. Allen and Mca. Mabel Taylor of Brooklyn and Mrs. McCarty, one new 110w member. Miss Eva Osborne fcrmecly cf Bowmacvilhe, Lorraine Tbompson and mysoîf. Mca. White's Iaugbter Mcsetta, assisted her, Mild- red being away at ber schooi duties. Tbe meeting this week is at Mrs. Bruce McCarty, 79tb Street and we expect another gocd tume there also. Hoping you and Mrs. James are as weil as when I saw yen in Septem- bei-, and even better and best wisbes t0 the staff froni aIl the Canadians here fi-cm the Homeland cf Durhami. We could net do witbout Ile States- nan every wegek. Yours sincerely, Vera Baker. YlZWIyof.oa why ourwq Radio is a W5sInàhoirso "As a business man my judgement tells me to always deal with experts-those who know their business-and I know Westinghouse were the originators of broadcasting and have been leaders in every Radio achievement."' "I further believe that a Radio Manufacturer must have a compiete organizatien, sufficient capital and a strong sense of service to the public. These are the reasons my Radio Set is marked Westinghouse." Sales 0fl7ces in Principal Canadian Cilies CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY. LIMITED HAMILTON - ONTARIO LWestin beouse HARRY ALLIN The only Authorized Dealer of Westinghouse Radios for Bowmanville and District Phone 33'7 King St. West Bowmanville The "IDEAL" PolIcy We have a newv and up-to-date Specimen policy, "Ideal" in evcrv way. Rates for $2 500 Low premiums, Iimited in num- Age Rate ber and other very attractive 20- $38.75 features. Ask for particulars. If 25- 44.90 a heaithy male, under 45, you . 30- 53.25 may get $2.500 of this policy 35- 65.40 without medical examination. 40 - 83.75 EXCE LtSIOR INSURANCE LIFE COMPANY lIEAs OnF-îcz FXCELSIOR LIFE BUILDING., TORONTO W BAKEMAIL THIS TO DAY W.BLKEMeMURTRV ODistrict Agent, Bowmanvilie, ont. Senui ne fult informaiion &bout your IDEAL" PsrMcy. e Cholce Outeric- White£ Reg. 39c pc BUTTER FDmteFns raxr fOtrio d 43c lb. ~ Raiinsî TEA 55ýC Thoampson M.- SeediesuDomnion Stores DuIlk Dleud Z Anehtrsghisâ CtecO cic Sweetheart Cheut 2 ibe-23e =Domino Dieni RIchnmeIIo == A very line box of aorted chocoistes 23e Eng ij. 6qC.y s, 1 1b. b seeded E 3 cIl-b. Ni- uscats 15e lb. É*box 199 box3 Finest Fresh Milici SHIRRIFF'S =P (<G. White Naptha Rolled Cats ~ra ~ Sa 10 Ibo- 39C49 10 cakes 4)e 30-2t. Cotton@"9 asdBrn Ciothe. LUnes 15e BayaNol4de asad .% ~5-et. bMamifla c: ST wrapped No. 4 Peasd 2-114 Peas e la bulk 3 dozen 100 Theusende are enviln*Cou z Ev.ryBheng Bill bybuyltsg Fan Y Crosby OCharmE tnhngn « this NEW RICH ?ASTY LOAF CorI2 Domino Brand ls,, Uec LOAF. Chlidren love 1t. Dslam.ate0 Washboardsd4,9cou Specisi Blend 43' Asparagus 33- S.O.S. Fo, p.t. -,d p.,. 15C 1 i ee SelectN.. i 53qs.ps Ct16 mffiw F rifflig, i W IM";

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