Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1927, p. 7

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1'HE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMÂNVIL1~E, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. PAGE SEVEH Scientifically Packed TEA T As free from dust as tea can be. -Buy In Bowmanville- Keeping Up-to-Date In order to give our customers the best pos- sible service and under most sanitary conditions -we have installed a Frigidaire Refrigerator. We will have ice cream next week in bricks, bulk, cones or eskimo pies. Cail and see what the wonderful invention-I Frigidaire. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Chistie's Bakery BowmanvilleJ CON TENTEDI Contentment is not merely a state of mind that comes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked so hard for is PROTECTED FINANCIALLY! That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YOU CARRY FIRE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If flot, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a policy! J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokens Phone 50 -King St. E. Bowmanville LzmuLed "It's your order to gîve and we'Il keep our deiivery promis--e. Into your bin in record time"ý-Lumber. Jack. 'Ple empty coal bin is a sure- enough has-been. Your only anti- cipation of meal comfort is contained in the coal in your possession. Mr. 1VLe is buying his coal now. How' many tons? Tell us on the phone. 14cCLELLÀWi Ko. LTD. PHONE -&e .-R.ESIDENCE OFFICE-~-j-1.226-274 15 jyC 2 18 P4AekiSwer,/.o me2urrnÉ*Ques/za', Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatismn rDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accpt nly"Bayer" package whic conainsproven directions. ~m1 LcHand '«Bayer boxea of 12 tablets AS eelatheAl.o Les of .624 and 100-Dtruggistu. eaiuste of BUiuceid (ctllalieAi.*A .A".WieI ewt tohaais =ill min.Byebfnebtus :13181= 000Wwi h utaaor One of Bowmanville's Beauty Spots One's first thoughts as they glance become ahnost hidden among apple as Lent A.,Wiliasnson, Alcazar, Lord at the illustrations on thjs page are, trees, towerinig baisanis, cedars and of June, Lady Foster; such peoniesi mo-e than likely to carry your minds. o her viarieties of timber and s'hrub- as Mme. Emile Lemoine, Eugene ver-i o a far off French Villa or a beauti-,- e ry. dier, Mons, Jules Elie, Reine Hor-! fui e.-tate in Southern California or1 The usual circular graveiled drive tense, Aibare and Sarah Bern- 'Florida. But look a 4ittie closer andj that had once skirted the expansive hardt, and equaly imposing sorts of you will find that these picturesl lawn had become completely graissed phlox, liles and other fiowers :how one of Bowrnanville's handsomel over, the whole place presenting a A water garden with becoming and attractive residences "Dun- condition that might be left alone surrounding.s was the next addition. durn", the home of Dr. and Mrs. and still an.swer the purposes of a Tc, reach this new centre of interest John Spencer Concession Street, corafortable residence, or improve- froan a higher level needed steips, known to some of our older read'ers mients be undertaken ail at once or axid a Pergola, faced with a Sun dial, as the John Milne residence.* 1 bfit by bit, to make it a modern town was made so artistic as to attract Through the courtesy of' Toronto hme. The dwelling, that most in. visitors f0 a .secluded but aurprising- "Saturday Night" we are permitted timate feature of the property, need- ly 'beautiful spot, rich in variety and to reproduce these illustrations and, ed repairs. A new kitchen and back charming in ,composition. accompanying articl, which werel entrance to the cellar, hardwood VWaiy were there no roses beyond a featured recently in this popular Tor-1 floors thruout, a new roof, the in- few climbers? These had yet to onto weekly in its "City and Countryl ataliation of electric andl water sy- make their own appeal. Neiglibors "DUNDURN" AS SEEN FROM CONCESSION STREET, NOTE THE OLD WORLD CH-IMNEYS Homes" page under the caption-u stems, having been completed, ethe oould grow fine roses, and that was The Spirit of Horticulture A'waken- work had only begun. Soon the old enough to induce action. But the ing a New lnterest in the Town apple trees were converted into fire-. neighbors had oniy buch roses, wel Home, and written by "Observer". wood. The clearance thus made, enough to provide bouquet mater- An awakening interest in horti- not only let in the welcome sunshine, ial, but wasn't there soimething fin- culture has been sweeping over the but began to reveal a dying condition er? A'nd then a visit to an inspos- province of Ontario at a rapid rate of great evergreens, and these in ing home n'as rec'alled 'when stand- during recent years and with it a de- turn, one or two at a time, succum'b- ards had been abserved for the first cided movement in -general improve- ed to the axe and the .saw until neigli- time and greatly admired. A form- ment of the homes. Nowhere have bors commenced to show aiarmn. ai rose garden was promptly design- these developments been more pro- The nen' job lsad by this time be- ed, the ctock ordered, and "Dundùrn" nounced than in the smailer towns come a hobby of the mosL entra'ncing 1104 advanced another step towards that have come under the influence and abisorbing sort, and with eaith perfectionl. of the provincial Horticultural Ai-ao- advance tbhere came a clearer vision The proprietor hed for months ciation with its sacieties touching of the possibilities neyer dreamed been considering a -bird house, but a every portion of the province, rural of when the place n'as acquired. A satisfaitory design was slow in com- as n'el as urban. Towns that a doz- more substantital and spacious veran- ing forward. On driving in trSm en years ago presented a down-at- dah n'as needed to replace the out- the road one morning the design waa heel appearance have taken on neiwlworn structure. Alter much ob- recognized-the residente itself, FOUNDATION PLANTING AND VINERY HAVE TH-EtR 5UBDUING INFLUENCE life aind are becoming yer by year servation and atudy the toTm showni more attractive to the tourist who was decided upon and rwhen put in-i finclo in many of themn mucli to ad- to position aalmost completeiy trans-A mire a.nd a hespitality noV eesily fos'med tihe appearance .of the old1 f orgotten. A day or two spent in bouse. Painted white, with impos-i ahinost any of the towns along the ing pillera, pergola top, and span-1 shore of Lake Ontario reve'ais many ning the drive, the vex'andaih neededQ cbarming homes in whi.cb their own- a softening influence. Ifortiieultu.rej ers feel a becomi.ng pride, more par- up to this time 'had played but aj ticularly in the borticultursil and ar- smaii part, and mow is voice com- - chitectural features tha.r have been menced ta catch the e'ar. visita ta added within a decade. The vie'ws modern country and town homes soan presente.d are of "Dundurn", the proved the necessity of flowers to home of Dr. John Spencer in the give the home the charim becomingi town of Bowmanvilie. Buit in the the very centre of one's domestie sanda forties of the past century and de- social sphere. A perennial 'borderq veioyped into a fine town residence on n'as forthwitb est.ablisbed, giving nen' a spacious property, wben undertak- inspiration as the subjects had been1 en by its present proprietor it had î weIi chosen, and included such irises1 with its verandah chimneyz, and oth- er externa-1 features. Wby noV give the puxple martens a decent home in wbieh ta raise their famil- ies? One foot of dwelling to one foot of bi-rd house seeimed a reason- eble scale Vo 'work trom, and in but a few days a veritable apartin-ent bouse with saune itibirty passible homes n'as set up and soon commenced Vo be occupied. And non' the praprietor and his n'ife deèlere they have spent enough snoney on a Place in n'hicb ta live anmd entertain their friends, 'but w-ith t&ue past as a crit-erion, who can say that the rejuvenastion of the ciwelling place -bas been Yuliy aîccomplished? AN INVITING VERANDAH While Jack Miner la n'eu known for his interest in the breeding and conservation of wiid fowl, campai- atively few know of a rentarkable ferm al.moat in the su'burbs of Tor- onto where all varieties of wiid geese and other water fowl are being bred. This intereating place forma the 3ub- ject of one of the articles in the newly ipublinhed Fébruary issue of Rod and Guis and Canadien Silver Fox Nomu. The article in well il- luatrated. Thse contents of the ln- àue lddoude maay fine tores of handag uMd Oéng. A few Ladies' Coteat $5.00 each at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 's. Hard and sof t corna bath yield Vo Holion'ay's Corn Renover, which la entirely sefe ta use, and certain and satisfactory in its action. .Durham Old Boys' Club's next as sembly will be held on Fridey aven ing, January 28th at 58a'clock in Thse Piccadilly Tes Rouais, 21 Bloor St West. Let there be a large attend ance at this first social evening ofI 1927. An interesting program isl being arranged. W'allaee Maus Seentary, phone Trnnty 0882 or Hudson 4719W.1 Out of on'n members of District Number Six of the Registered Nur- ses' Association of Ontario, who at- tended the annuel meeting be-ld yee- terday afternoon and evening at the Nures' Residence, Nicholis Hospitasl, Peterboro, included Miss E. M. El- liott, superintendent of Vihe Hospitli at Part Hope; Miss Margaret Walsh, superintendent of 'the Hospital at Cobourg; Miss M. Tate, superintend- ent of thse Genera-1 Hospital at Belle- ville; Mrn. F. Stmnythe of Bowman- Ville; MT&. D. Miller of Waw; and Miss E. Knamgsciftihe Red Croui Hoopital et wilberforce.-Port Hope1 BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Fifteen more boys were vaccinated on Saturday by the School physician, Dr. V. H. Storey. A new hand-drawn fire truck bas arrived. This will shortly be joined by about 3000 feet of fire hose. Two car-loads of baled hay have been shipped to other govemament instituloas. Several more car-loads await shipment. Dr. G. E. Reaman addres.sed a noon meeting of. Kiwanis Club of London and an evening meeting of Ingersoll Kiwanis Club last week. Dr. McGhie, Superintendent of Westminster Hospital, London, and Psychiatrist for the Toronto Juven- ile Court, visîted the School at the request of Dr. Reaman. The Radio Set donated ta Cottage "B" by Grenville Masonic Lodge o>f Toronto, of which lodge the Honor- able G. Howard Ferguson, Premier, is a member, bas been instailed, and is giving excellent satisfaction. Physical Director Earle Cunning- ham addressed the'monthly meeting of the Toronto Physical Educatioo Association Friday. The meeting was held in the Gymnasium of the Margaret Eaton School of Physical Education. [ Have You Tried It gives heat and light instead of soot and smoke. Try it and be convinced as others have. Batteries Charged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville We Point with Pride To the many handsome sanitary bathrooms we have equipped. And the owners of them are just as proud as we are. Not one of them is glad he made the change from the old unsanitary, un- attractive kind to the modern style. We wiII be pleased to figure on one for you?' W- Len. ELLIOTT PIumbing, Heating, Steaxnfitting King St. W., Phone 348 Bownianville Does Your Butcher Know Your Individual Wants ? Does he know wIiat kind of steaks you like'? Whetber you want chope cut tbick or thin? The kind of roast and how you want it prepared? We are specialists in that kind of trade *.Once we learn your preferences, you can depend on gel±ing meats of the choicest quality cut and prepared just the way you want themn. No doubt some of your best friends have told you about our meats-or have you dined at their homes and enjoyed a nice, juicy roast, a delicious. chop, or a steak which fairly melted in your mouth. That's wvhat you can depend on getting if you let us supply the meat for your table. Delivery To Ail Parts of Town C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville Phone 64 Coid Feet Here BOYS and girls don't mind the weather; they cnjoy "all outdooruu -as long as they are comfortab)e. MNORlMIIR rubbers and overshoes keep the littie feet snug and warm; they stand Up wonderfuliy under the hardest usage. Bring the children in and let us fit them out. We carry - the complete MkIi M fvu eL line. O T E A. DILLICK, KING STREET, Bowmanville's General Store k THE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVI1,ý,E, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. PAGE BEVICN

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