MiE ÇA.NADiAN eSTATESMANI BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. PAUS TENE FORDS Good Used Cars Sold Under Our: "SATISFACTION POLICY" Prkces Rigt--Car Right 1-1923 FORD COUPE 1-1920 FORD COUPE 1-1922 FORD COUPE 1-1920 FORD TOURING Every car we are selling has been inspected and put in first- class running condition ail ready for the road. Corbett Motor Sales Dealers in McL.aughlin, Oldamobile Pontiac Cars and Atwater 1 ~Radios. . and Kent PHONE 248 BOWMWANVILLE ASTHMA CHFq0NIC BRONCHITIS, H4EAD AND BRONCHIAL COLDS, HAY FEVER SwallowRAZ.MAJS capsules. Send 5eforbtiaL. Temnpletona, Toronto. $1 et your drucgist'a. IRAZ-MPAH cOusiflCS s GOM' Don't let your tele- phone stand idie, use it! Make it work for you! You wouldn't1 chines stand your factory could help it. ]et ma- idle in if you Now that harvest time is here in the business world, reap ail the benefit you possibly can. Reach out for more business by Long Distance! 1 maa . Many subscribers who used to think they had to make Person-to- Person calls now find that they reach the person they want with Station - to- Station calls. They are quick- er and. cheaper. Every Bell Telepitone it i Lonsg Distance Station.20 'i -BUY IN BOWMANVILL- Distinctive Prizes Bridge or Euchre Wbich ever it la Vo be you will need prizes and what a wealth of it you wili find at tîhe "Big 20". These gifts ame priced in figures of reason and comron seuse. W. T. Allen SBIG 20 BOWMAN VILLE1 Çood Prices FOR POULTRY Don't seil your poultry until you have first con- sulted me. I am prepared to buy any quantity of poultry at good prices, and if you have fat hens will give ex- tra good price. S Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges, or drop a card and 1 will eall. 1. STEIN Whitby Onti Elizabeth, cupposing bier Vo lbe the1 bride. "Which one is the bride?" enquired other puzzled guests among themselves in a wbisper. kt added a ouch of speculation Vo te whole proceedings. In the samne yeor, on September 3, foilowing the irrevocabie destinies that govern -the lives of twins, Miss i Elizabeth married a railroad man i Toronto and so became Mrs. Gillet. Coincidence? Here we have te iC rawford twins both married to men of the same profession-in the same year-on -the same day of the month -and each had five cildren! In 1914 the two husbands, Mr. Gillet and Mr. Flannigan, paseed 'away, one dying just a week before the other. WINTER SCHOOL HAD AN ENROLMENT 0F 101 Rev. C. Daniel of Campheîlford, ia President for 1927 Bay of Quinte Winter Scbool exe- cutive beld its a.nnual meeting on Friday, January 14, with a full at- tendance. Many matters pePitaining Vo the. work of the achool were thorougbiy discussed. The registrar reported one hundred and one naines on the. roll. Representatives came largely froin the tîree Presbyteries of Belle- ville, Cobourg and Lindsay. The Treasurer re.ported that in the mat- er of finance this session of the achool had met ail expenses, althougb a small deficit ineurred a year ago had Vo be carried over. It was unanimously decided that the school meet again next January, place of meeting Vo be decided laVex. President-Rev. C. D. Daniel, B. A., Campbellford. New officers are: j Past President-Rev. F. J. Hor- wood, Mu.s. Doc., Bowmnanviile. Secretary-Rev. H. A. Bunt, B. A., Enterpnise. Business Manager and Treasurer -Rev. A. McLauchlin, B.A., B.D., Grafton. Registrar-Misa Alice Scarfe, Co- bourg. Assistant Registrar-Mias Lillian Russell, Cobourg. Historian, Reporter and Book Stewaad-Rev. G. W. Gardiner, Frankvilie. Pianist-Miss Margaret Ahernethy A.T.C.M., Bowmanviile. Executîve Comnittee-Rv.J. S 1. Wilson, E. Harston, R. T. Riohards and J. J. David, and Misses F. Hlal and Joy Nîcholis. Executive ecproMed appreciation Vo Rev. Dr. Brown and bis congrega- tion for their kindnes and hospital. ity. Rev. De,. Irorwood, the retiring President, was given a bearty vote of appreciation for his services during the past Vwo yeara, and was aIso con- gratulated on the iv.tainment cf bis doctor's degree. Secretary was also presented with a vote of appreciation for bis ser- vices during the past six years. The closing services of the winteîr scbool took place in Trinity United Chus ch on Sunday, January l6th. Rev Dr. Brown preached aV il a. ni. andI Rey. Dr. Horwood at the evening service, wbich was foilowed by the sacrasnent cf the. Lord'a Supper. SHAW's 1f Mir. Normani Gilbank, Mr. John Gilbank and Mr. Benson Dunn, Osh- awa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gilbank .... .Misa Greta Munday, Maple Grove, spent the weekend with Mis Beatrice Cryder- man. .. .Mr. and Mrs. Colin Mc- Lean and Betty are visiting their relatives in the ,ity .... The commun- ity extends congratulations o Mr. and Mrs. W. J. K. Stevens, on the birth of.-a son... .The Choral So- ciety practised at Mr. W. C. Ashton's last Wedne-sday evening .... An in- eresting meeting of the Farmers' Club was held Tuesday evening in the schooi. Mr. McKee of Toronto, representing the United Farmer's Co-operative Co. of that city gave a splendid address. He began witb the first inception of the Fariners' Organization in a back kitchen of a farm bouse on a side road and on tbrough the years toucing on diffi- culties, opposition and discourage- ments met and overcome with the indomitable will that characterizes the farmer. He described the pros- perous condition of the Farmers' Co- operative, a concern doing millions of dollars worth of business in a year, meeting the farmers needs and sav- ing them thousands of dollars, until oday farining is the ieadir.g pro- fession, ail other professions have Vo stand back, the prosperity of the nation depends on the prosperity of the Agranian. After the address Mrs. F. M. Cryderrnan and Mrs. S. Chas. Aluin assisted by the young gentlemen served lunch. Mr. and Mmt. Norman Aluin and Clarence, Mr. Charles Moise and Dr. LeMay, New- castle, were welcome visitors. 1( 1 CARTWRIGHT TWIN SISTERS TWO ODUTSTANDING TOURS _________ BITHAY It bas been truly said that "Tra- Experienced a Sera.. of Life Coin- vel is a liberal education" and this iences. expression was neyer so true as it is _______today. The whole world so o speak, (From Toronto Daily Star) bas been made easy of access by Mrs. Elizabeth Gillet, 43 Parkway transportation systeina, by rail, ocean, Avene, nd rs.MargxetFlani-automobile and aeroplane. While the gan, 134 Collier Street, Toronto, avnae ftae r o vi twîn~~~~~~~~ sseon hudaan2O, able Vo the many instead of the few, celebrated at the home of Mrs. Gillet,I h eieet fmdm rira aogtheir grandebildren and otei transportation and the exacting re- relatives and friends, their 66thas regars biscrtre omornt ave birthday. One other person also a ead i rsuecmotlv shared the honora :)f the day withi combîned ta make the detailed ar- full appreciation and enjoyment-' rangements of an extensive tourist youn Wilia Doon f Bffaa'trip rather complex. Every travel- Mrs.g FllianramDtndsofn ufal,er making a vacation trip wishes ta Mrs.Flaniga's randon.derive the utmost benefit in pleesure At Blacatock, in the township of and education and to spend as littie Cartwright, on January 2th, in the time as possible arranging its many year 1861, Mrs. William Crawford'details, the itinerary and train con- gave birtb o what, for many years, nections, securing sleeping car, was Vo be the bane Of the schoo1mas- steamer, and hotel reservations, etc. er and confusion Vo friends-a pair He desires also Vo make the best of almost indistinguishable twins; possible use of the ime available by, Elizabeth and Margaret. They the inclusion of the most important thrived and, in due course of time, and worth-wfhile attractions and were sent o the village school. above ail, Vo know how much it will Puzzle to Teacher cost. Upon mature consideration the . AlI thiîs is done for you in the eider Crawfords could, with almost I Personally Conducted AI-Expense infailible certainity, in fact nearîy Tours", whicb have becorne BO popu- nine Vîmes out of ten, piek the pr lar with the Canadian pubdic, the besti Uculr tin hey appnedVo ant known and most popular being thel at the moment but-the schoolmaster splendid tours operated via the Can- adian National Railways, under the could noV. Chaos and the utter direction of Mr. Martin Kerr, B.A. (4 humiliation of the pedagogue result- Beulah Ave., Hamilton, Ont.,) and ed. Mr. A. E. Bryson, (44 Silvertliorn "As a final expedient, Mrs. Gillet, Ave., Toronto, Ont.), of the Kerr- speaking Vo The Star, laughingiy ex- Bryson Tours. Two more such tours plained, "The unfortunate teacher are announced for July, 1927, One fastened a fiashing red ribbon around froin Toronto tbrough the Canadian my sister's neck Vo serve as a guide. West te the Pacifie Coast, including 1This, as you many suppose, only Wainwright Park, Jasper National served as food for conspracy, for, Park, the Triangle Tour, Vancouver unknown Vo -the bewildered dispens- and Victoria, B. C., returning thru er of knowedge, I use'd Vo relieve bier the United States via Yellowstone of ber badge of identity, just Vo see Park, Sait Lake City, Denver, Col- if hie would know the difference- orado Springs, Pike's Peak and Chi- and hie neyer did. W'hen one of us cago. The other froin Toronto east xvas punis-hed for anything, Mrs. Gil- to Montreal, Quebec, Ste Annet de let continued, the other wouîd wail Beaupre, the Saguenay River, the mournfully in undisguised sym- Maritime Provinces, Saint John, N. pathy." B..,Prnce Edward Island, the Bras The Crawford twins ived in this d'Or Lakes, Halifax, N. S., Land of perfect harmony and accord et Ewingeline, Anna.polis Valey, Bost- Blackstock, dressing alike, laughi-ng1 an, Mass., and finally Ottawa, the ogether, :crying together, one the capital of tîhe Dominion. Descrip- exact replica of the other, until they ive bookîets of bath these tours wîll had reached the age of 22 and then, lie availabie very shortiy and in the unekpectedfly, the first great event meantime further information may of their lîves occurred-separation. be secured :from any Canadian Na- Miss Elizabeth Ieft home for the big tional Railways agent or froin the city and eniploymient, taking up resi- arganizers. dence on Niagara Street in Toronto. If you have not previoualy been Confusion at Wedding, Too interested in these tours, it is well f e motb laeronMarh 3dworth your while to enquire about A wmnh ae, nMrl rthenin t.hey wili solve your 'acation Miss Margaret chose a raiiroad man problem. 4-1 for bier life mate and, in consequenle became Mrs. Flannigan. 0f course, Miss Elizabeth rusbed froin the city to Blackstock Vo join the happy rev- Couch, Johnston & Cryderman in- eis and, incidentally, Vo rake up and vite any lady wbo thinks of buying suffuse the old time confusion a Fur Coat ta eaul at their sitore as amongst the wedding guests. they will flot anly Bell any kind of a "Oh mydea, yu ae s ]uky;Fur Coat at much leua than the or- h is uc arpledid ane," h< y;dinary price but every coat they seUl lie many e. a splend iC oman,"î whie - . rk - carnies their guarantee wlth it. SHORT COURSE IN POULTRY At Port Hope, February 1-4 Pouitry raising in Durham County ha devéloped end extended to aimost unhelievable proportions during the past decade. Many farmers are now apecializing in the commercial- zang of poultry to suich a large de- gree that it may almost be termed a science-and best of ail it is the most profitable departinent of their farming uctivities. As a further aid Vo these poultry- men and beginners who may be inter- ested in "Raising Poultry for Profit" F. C. Paterson, District Representa- tive, bas arranged a short course ini Poultry to be beld at Port Hope frozn February 1 Vo 4, inclusive. Some of the best authorities on poultry in Ameriica have ýbeen piuckedý for this course. They includeý Prof. W. R. Graham, Dr. F. N. Mat'cellus,1 O. A. C., Guelph, W. A. Brown, Guelph, and others. A cordial invitation is extended ta ail interested in this profitable bus- iness Vo attend this course. "A blanket, a flivver, a kettie or two; nowhere -ta go and nothing to do". That's a tourist.--.Sisncoe Re- former.1 This Is Prune Week We have on sale this week an extra choice shipment of Richmond Chase Santa Clara Prunes -finest Prunes in the world-Meaty, Juicy Tender SPECIAL 15c LB. You'Il enjoy these fresh vegetables--Spinach, Head Lettuce, Celery. Our Own Blend of Tea--Specially Priced at 59c, 75c and 80c IL WE RECOMMEND AND SELL HARRY ALIN' *WE REFUSE TO BE UNDERSOLD IN GROCERIES Buy your Groceries the "NELLES CASH AND DELIVERY WAY"P and you can start a bank account with what we save you in your purchases. .Our regular prices are often lower than some so-called bargain prices. W. G. Nelles Phone 62Bowmanville 1 1 Bargains For January Team No-Buekie Harness, heavy with pads and breeching, regular $84.50 for ...........$74-50 Standard Team 1½/L Harnessa..............$30.O Home-made ail hand sewn 1½/_, Team Harness $57.40 Royal Purpie Caif Meal, Stock Food, Poultry Food, etc. Cello-Glass on'hand MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store FOR SALE! 31/4ACRES on which is a seven room frame house with modern tconveniences, good sized outbuilding, and hen house 72x12; also a num- ber of young apple trees, small fruits and nice gard- en. Would be an excellent 7site for a hennery bus- iness. Price $3000.0 t ~Apply to, Edth V. Scobeli Insurance and Reai Estate Agent Bowmanville Bowmanviile BOWbqANVILLE PHONE 186 ,,, be