PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toront, University. Graduate of the Roya College of Dental Surgeons of On tario. Office King St., Bowmanville Office phone 40. House phone 22 DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow manville. Office heurs 9 a. m. to( p. m. daily except Sunday. Phong 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni. versity and member of Royal Coleg( of Dental Surgeons. Licensed tc practise in Ontario and the Domin. ion. Dentistry in nîl ite branches Office King St., Bownianville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farmn and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowxnanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to lat. D. B. Simpson, .C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor , Notary Money to boan. Bonds for sae. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, Bouse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. au Complote Motor or Horse Equipment (~) Ail call promptly \WA'Iattended te.. Priyate Ambulance Bowmanvlle phone 10 and 34 Branch Store- Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs givedf prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. -tf. MEDI CAL B. J. HAZLEWQOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four years attending Phy. liellan and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beitb's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SUJRGEON. Day or Night calîs promptly attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. orono ITonor Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroym former office. Phonos: Clarke 3921», Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctionear Farm and Bouse Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniakillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRÀCTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY hon.or graduate cf Toronto College of Chiropractic will b. la the Bo'w- manville Office Tizeday, Thursday ,ànd Saturday evenings, phone 141Y. Resldential calla made during fore- Fan k Standardine t7I 5 tube Radio f 0 Cost to Coast-No IcleB oaut o. X. ENGINEERING AND SALES CO. LIMITED UBLOOR ST. W., TORONTO 38-12 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, DeCEMBER 9, 1926' THE EDITOR TALKS i ELECTION ECHOES ELECTION ECHOES But for our love cf books wo ofteni Are we down-hearted? No. Dr. F. Scott McBrlde, Supt. Anti- oe woder what other equal pleasure Good old Homeland cf Durham! Saloon League of America said in al Iîfe could have given us, for it wasl Cosertives have -.5 members. Massey Hall on Sunday afternoon: a- when yet quite young that wo form- Ontario Temperance Act fell out. "The dr3's cf the United States willl e. ed the desire for reading, and out 1 G stand behicd the drys cf Canada, 2. cf the gratification of that desire i asoline and whskey we't mix. whether you are in a mînority or came naturally a liking for study the! They cal! it government control(?) not. You confused 4.4 beer with following cf, which diligenitly during Mr. Felrguson's strong man is whe? prohibition. Stop making, stop ime- el the winter months, for wve worked on Sol breaks three clouds in time. porting, stop exporting and make ïthe farm every sumicer from eight Ontario bone dry." (Applause.) 6 years cf age, that ln the Sprlng-in Bootleggers have a competitor now T1he New Outlook cf Dec. 1, in "A ke April te be exact-in our l8th year It was a bitterly fought campaign. Last Word" says: "Certainly it bas we, at the request cf our teacher, William E. N. Sinclair's mai. 2313. net been a party campaign Mr. Fer- thebride, D CJsspout at he i rewvery and distillery stock is up. guson may be leading but he is net annua examnationfo t'achershd Liquor stores do a cash business, a party leader, and whatever the re- i-an1 suIt cf the election may be as re- oe two weeks later xvas the happy pos-1 Hon. W .F. Nickle must ceme back. gsuio hmsel, onmr. Fergso ase ;o sessor of a teacher's second-class j Covt. sale will have many watchers wrecked the Conservative Party in i- certificate that made us eligible te. Will liquor stores belp the sebools. Ontario. How le that situation any 9.teacb any public achool in Ontariobe'ow at oe i -County. Incidentally we may remarki South Octarie did itself high hon- menthes cf bsonpryoe that the only scbool we ever taughti or. ntigsdfiultecciv. le that county was, Its principal two; Ferguson's gerrymander won beav- Abberta Conference at Edmonton weeks of Cedardale scbool wbich! ily. - adopted unanintously by standing had three teachers. ln July of hal1Snoke screen did cause invi.sibi-! v ote: This Conference hereby places year (1867) we wrcte at the annual îitv.j on. record its entphatic prctest exainaionforteaher fo DYa against many cf the statenients be- eaiaindfobtaneaFrsor Curams Toronto the Good has gene very ing made in Ontario wboreby the County adotie aF tCasbad. certificate-the resuît cf our love for Alberta Governtent liquor sales reading the rlght kind of bocks. 1 Will wet Ontario bring U. S. tour- systém is made te appear as a solu- i Stzs? tion for the eradication cf te coils i ** Hon. G. Howard Forgu.son is Pre- cf the iquor traffic. We further In he ew uteokcf o 1 mier. doclare our conviction that the so- 17 appeared a page about Books thati Show us your advanced tempes- called Gvoennment contrel systern ance.dees net control. It dees not con- appealed strongly te us and wve ho-ane trol the people who drink the liquor, lieve it to be se timely at the begin-1 Flewing bowls don't fill dinner the automobi-les driven by them non ning cf te gift-giving season when paiLS.j make secure te safety cf the gen- cneeof the most >zopular and apprc-[ John Barleyccrn was brought' eral public. The Governent liquor priate gifts te mest young people is, back. sales system does net promete temp- praph gdbo tateareapasnghaes1 Farquhar Oliver slow Goliath Jam-, e rance but liquor advertising, the pirgrth on thte t ateispinresadesieson. 'habit-forming nature cf alcohol, the ley thanopd ta girste a inmpre same The Premier's hardest figbt is te, developing of social drinklng customs boysand irlsteirad mre adin, Alberta are prcmoting the sales study harder te fit thent'elves for al n flqor rw ife eof usefuinesa and the enjcyntent, Ontarie's youths showed their anid cosutio ndcf iquor.aenB re- and satisfaction that a practical edu-- metal. 1 increasing. These private liquor cation gives:1 Hon. Mr. Raney: The tirsty sicih interests are pushling their trade with The man whc bas ceaaed te think did it.1 disastrous eff ect. The drinking new thougbts, and te look out uponi Bakers, butchers and grocers are custcms and habits are a rapidly-in- life with fnoshened interest and ex-i net glad. 1 creasing menace te young people at pectatien, is just about through with Which cf bis policies will G. H. dances and parties; the appetite for real living. A mac may do that IF. f ollow? alcohel is beccnting fixed-Govern- r when still quite young in years; hoi Doembrîst opeedwe and mient beer makes many lewd and need net do it when hie is old and ven-, cIed the eame. stirnor ootegtng basbreen ohm- erablo and stepping down the last Mtlnrbolgigbsbe Im fowmils c te wy; he hodoe a r. Ferguscn's constituency gave inated. Thoeliquor bilI cf tihe Pro- de it, whether young or old, the smalr1 jnt.vincc is again assunting the proport- things that matter are mostîy' over. Has Ontario got a real wvhite ele-1 ions of the old pre-prebibition days with hlm. phant on its banda? cf the 'legaIized open bar and the * * Cetrol by goverrement sale Vs. license systent." prohbition and s-obriety. This is the deliberate and intelli- Bocks help te give mec new, WIll Premier or liquor interests gent judgment cf the 200 or more tboughts, help te keep zestful and in- work eut the details cf his pclicy? _____ stinct witb hope and desire and ex-' O.T.A. continues tilI the new tem- pectation. And, therefore, I aI-' perance policy is got its details on. ways tbink cf books and -the reading, Rush te buy liquer stocks was a cf thent as a real and binding obli- crusb as soon as election was oves. gatin. A man owes it te himsel-f,! Old temperance textbooks should te :he place in life which be fills, te bave the dust bru.5hed cff thent again., the people whc are about bim and the LedrSnliwa gued y or of books. If hoe isn't hoe is îess'high principle in his courageous fight. than bis 'best in ah tfhese relation-I If I had it te do over again 1 sbips and -spheres cf living. would de as I did-Hon. W. F. Nick-1 ile. But what kind cf bocks? There 1 euti a utwudhv en are goed books and there are badj1 mu wose adbut fo t he onen books-and surely we must be care-' u ,s u o h oe' fuI! Yes, there are bad bocks and, help. one ougbt te be careful, ald yet Ij Eectorshaeson-stry' have a very~ strocg conviction that' theories are today's conditions- there are few bocks se bad that tbey Nickle. are worse than ce books t al. There1 Uncle Sam's ceas neighbor bas is nothing quite se bad fer a- man's gene wet-how dees iho like the mmnd and seul as dullness and in-' change? activity. Ho cac overconte thel1 O. T. A. supporters had at hearti effects ef a little overstimulus te an earnet purpese for the wlfarej sente directions much easier than ho of Octarie. can overceme the deadening, dulling Nos1knn eefretn f offects cf sheor inactivity. Io.T.A. uninwgcnvcrcectoil * * *mensure comes intô fQce.-Premior.j We are te soc true teniperance ad- And yet, why talk about bad vanced by permits te buy intoxicants rboeks! Is these net an abundant te every reputable citizen of age. pleety of the etiter kind? When alI, Tinte will tell. nicieus literature cf cur tinte, it isî onsd 'igthe fact that the re- still true that ne day ever 'hadi the distributien was aIl in favor cf thel abundance cf goed books titat ours Conservatives ,the Premier should, bas, and neotCher day ever producedhaedcbotr as many cf them as ours is doing.1 Poople desiring pormits frem Mr. We are teld that it is se easy to' Ferguson can specd the tinte poILgh- >rue inte bad books, but the converse, ing up their roputations befose the is quite as true. If one reads at ahi 110W Act is ready. ho can hardly escape reading se When ho asks "co-operatice and cf the very best unleas ho purposely, assistance cf those wbe have oppesedI avoids theen. us", the Premier cleanly invites al OU~ micht buy a be But what bocks are good bocks sc t ep olsc ine on bis head.1 but it woqldn't hc aed where can we find the very best? -Glcobe. Imgtbyardob 0f course these are quffltions net Municipalities wanting te becomel ih u &U-b easy te answer, and perhops thèse booze contres sbould make it known Se etthi g t-heG are net many cf us qualified te give before Prentier Ferguson gets bis mnet tlt twill pce any any specially worth-vwhile advice and liquor mensure drafteid. He may Double.Shielded, SingI direction te tii important matter.ý change bis policy. Cusbicn-Mlouted Tubc Ie the end every mac bas te decidai Right 18 might. Partyism rue mad for himself more or lesa. But a few voted (on Dec. 1) against principle. genesal considerations migbt be stat- Defeat is only se when honor is lest. ed. One with God is always a majrity- * * * Rev. T. A. Patterson. jIt may have been 'i wet victeny as A very restricted diet is net good succeesful candidates are counted; in the mattes of reading any more stibl thene are enough voters outaide Sl i tItan it is anywhere else. Light fiction the wet categcry te represent a veny Sw wth a good tic-geocf romance in it, la substantial part cf public opinion- ihelesome readicg for the moat cf The Globe. US. It helps te keep alive le us Prohibition warriers must resunte. XOU OSfl shop sometlting that thIs day of ours is their task. Churches and tempes- .1.prescrt to eqtu rather bard on and sontething that in ance organizatiens sheuld pit their thank you a thotu the main is very gecd. lt furnLqh- forces against those which are ýseek- g-re.thing _oelt entrancing ,human study 1 What the effects of the liquor business. pcetry we -have te feed our seuls up- Tbey are hiable te have a practical on! Realby, whee onee thinks about it demonstration when Mr. Ferguson's and tries te, estimate the richesand polc)icy ail operation. Thero will variety cf the litorature cf eus day ho an increase In consumption, and le bock fort, he ia quite lest in bo- the evils as compared with those un- wlderment. Doing our bst toeon. der te O.T.A. will ho multiplied, for Ue good eofniyy a tithe cf IL. But and moral support of the. bmw, and Oum po get the. geod of non.ecof the,. business et maklng men druuik I s opne trag.dy that would wilb again b., on a plane of respect- TEACHER AND SCHOLAR A Builder builded a Temple, i He wrought it wjth grace and akill :Pillars and groins and arches 1 Ail fashioned to work bis will. rMen said as they saw its beauty i "It shall neyer know decay". Great is thy ski1!, O Builder, Thy fame shall endure for aye. A Teacher builded a Temple 9 With loving and infinite care, -Planning each arcb witb patience, t Laying each atone with care. None praised the unceasing efforts, 3 None knew of the wondrous plan, For the Temple the teacher builded Was unseen by the cye of man. Gone is the builder's Temple, Crumbled into the dust, Low his eacb stately pillar Food for consuming rust. But the Temple the teacher builded Wihll ast wthile the. ages roll, For that beautiful unseen Temple, Was a child's immortal sou!. WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB The Women's Canadian Club will meet in St. Paul's School-room on Monday, December 13th at 3:30 p. m. wben Mrs. Donald Macdonald of Cobourg, will give an illustrated ad- dress on "Inner Life of Holland"'. This promises to be very interesting as Mrs. Macdonald has had wonder- fui oportunities for observation in that country and bas many very pretty pictures. TRY 01& FOR YOURSELF If you have lost something-try a small Ad. If you have something to sell-try a Smadl Ad. If you have found something-try a Sniall Ad. If you have sometibing te Trade -try a Small Ad. We have Small Ad. space to seli-so we're trying a Small Ad. citizens of Alberta on Nov. 4, 1926, and was Alberta's message to the electars of Ontario. There remains a gond many tens of thousands Who are vehemently op- posed to Mr. Ferguson's policy. and tho nd SHOP--and never get a ai this King Radio 63. All the family will sand tiniea a year for bringing them the the air. la wiil love the fine orchestras fromn the he familiar voices of noted singera; mother ù help ini daily menus, health lectures, t liven the houru while the wcrk is being Id folka--they will find joy in the talka of sermnons of their favorite church. gifts and give them this King Radio this y w11 rernember it for half a lifetime. ig 80 much happinesa and joy--auch cmn- at world out-aide. Hear Et odIebEj1d tody. Note bte beeuty. Eh« Me Wd w wÙ mo ftoutwhomyom y=w, butail ,bfe iMu Kinu Rm'io 63 con bu boWtd out fred of capftaL A anel a * - >mtét, qmuaenft v noumga if s Pau l. pire Sales Co.b Dw MauVli, m" ,JG RA4DIO rosi &Àadà Fe r Dûolliw Fiest Caifornia Navel ORANGES' PICNIC SLICED HAM.S PINEAPPI 21 .c NTm 15( Finest MINCEMEA' 19 andqJU DOZEN Choice PEAMEAL 1COJ7IAGEI IROLLS 251. 2 lbs. 29c Shirriff's Jelly Powders 4 FR25ci FRUITS CANDY Thompson Seedlest 2 Ibs. 29e Assorted 9 c 9c Raisins CANDIES 23 aud2iUb. Lemenansd Orange Pool 27c. A Deliclous Assortment Smym Cooking FIGS 2 ibs. 21 c Chi *...te . 3 ILs. 99C TABLE FIGS ..... ..... 2 5 , Sweetheart ChestlIblh 39C Filiatra Currants.... 2 i. 27c Saxonia ilb. Hollywood 2 Cherries, ¼-lb. pkt .JI2c Chocolates... 2 MIXED MMS Filberts C. CAKE CANIES Filherts or CFor Cake c 25c1. Brazils '>b. eortsi Oha t' 3 Ibe. 25c Domino Blend 'Cig Sgar2 pkts. 25c TEA Engish IrsaIstç69MIL 3-lb.MAML E Boives' or Bodley's A Jar MRMD39C ALMOND ICING 43 envîed present 4 1» de.. G. Z&âyNa d68 Sam cwbit d...d. A hiW&l dn of.1 aupaây bnat. rFua sm i - ou w 1 600 O. E 1c 6T .3