Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SIX VilE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1926 ONE THIN WOMAN GAINED 10 POUNDS IN 20 DAYS Skinny Men Can Do The Saine Ail weak men and wornen. Ail nervous men and women. Ai l sknny men and wornen. Can grow ftronger, heaithier and more vigorous and tae. on solid needed flesh in 30 day just by talc- ing McCoy's Liver Extrat Tablets four times a day-sugar coated and easy to take as candy. And what a it these flesb pro- ducing tabiets have made. One drug- glt tripled is saies ini one week. Everybody knows that from the livers of the humble codfisb cornes a first ciase vitamnine that la a won- derful vitalizer, fiesh producer and health creator. Millions of McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tabiets are soid every week and tbousands of frail rundown un- derweigbt people are being beiped. A box of 60 tabiets for 60 cents and if any skinny man or wornan doeen't gain at ieast 5 pounds in 80 daya--money back. Aek any druggist anywhere in Arnerica. Be sure and get McCoy's, tbe or- iginal and genuine and don't forget there is notbing en eartb eo good to make backward, listiess, under- weigbt chfidren grow trong and ro- bust. WoUld flot be Without Zutoo Tabletsi At Any Cost àb% & .. ONorton the mlllieairs lack Manufacturer. 7à Boston, who r.- sentiy dwe, wua a gret "booeter" for Zto. Tableta. a- Miferul froin beadaea -frogn cbfld- kood and whien ho fowad Zutoo Tableta etowep. thes. headachesfin a few minutes na od o bsd cf ect, ho began recose- standing themn to Ma famlly and frienda. ;an unaoilcted l~te, Mr. Nouton mye Wtt equliy ood resulte. I have f re. qnsmty giventhem te fiends who wers Va ng from HeAdache and they never faledtgivqulck relief. I alwaya carry Zuwtoo Tabieta in my grip on tMe road "d OULD NO? B WITHOUT ý TRM AN" COT.", cents pet, box--at ail deaWirs TO WOMEN 0F MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Wilson's Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario. - -I have taken several bottles of Lyd .a E. Pinkbam's Vegetable C o m- paund and 1 can- flot speak too h ghly of it as I S ail run-down and had no appete Iwas very weak and sîck, and the pains in my back were sa bad 1 couldhardlymove. Igot very sad at tîrnes and thought I had fot a friend on earth. I did fot care if I lived or died. 1 was very nervous, too and did flot go out very much. A friend advised me ta try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeable Compound, so I did. I arn a faraner's wife, and ai- ways worked bard util iately, and -as in bed for two months. 1 began ta feel like a new woman af ter the first bottie and I recommend it with great success, also Lydia E. Pink- hams Liver Pilla. I amn willing ta answer lettera frarn women ask ng about your mnedicines, as 1 cannot V)eak too highly of them."-Mrs. MAWitsai<, 471 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by druggista everywhere.c Cook's Regulating Comnpound A an/, reliabi, reguaing ,neicine. Sold in three de- j7ofstrenth-No. 1. l 283; No. 3 5p'r box. Sold b 2~ aldruggiats, or ent prepai on ,recipt. ofprice. NEARING THE BORDERLAND" ' R le BOWLING ALLEY NEWS R O By Cha. M .Bice, B. A., LL. B., U CFor Team Won Lest Score Pts (Promi The Ne'ws of November 25tb) Denver, Colo. L ± Smith 12 6 16864 16 Mrs. A. A. Roplh spent a few days _____Crossey 12 6 17410 15 in hte city. An intuitive investigator of the ixneulTatk Cs Hackney il 7 16812 15 MisNv Lnewahoefm twilight zone, stated nlot long ago, I-PP 9 9 15896 13 issea r Snany shmef that ta understand the New WorId If you sufer frein torturing rheu- Cale 8 10 17099 12 Mr.haw J. for nay. sretd h whic.h is being created by modemrnmatic pains, swoilen, twisted joints, Dur. Tex. 9 9 16563 12 MrC.JThmtnbsrtdte science, required aimost a new set janld sufer intenseiy because yonlr Bonnycastie 8 10 16443 12 i Manse on Park Street and intends ta of brain celse, as man bas to tbink iunsytern is full of that daugerous pois- Welgh 7 11 16317 11 suave there shortly. infinitesimais, inked with velocities on that makes thousanda helpiess andl Plununer 9 9 16310 il Mr. W .E. Davey's new reaidence approacbing that of ight, the ulti-1 kili thousauds years before theiri Haruden 8 10 16482 10 is about completed and bie expects mate; and the next moment te turni time, tben you need Rheuma, and1 Johnisou 8 10 16464 101 l'o occupy it shortiy. ta the immeneities and reach out into need it now. Rotary 6 12 16361 8 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adams of Ses- illimitable space sud think in "light Start taking it t a.Rbeunia acta Prize wiuners asat week-Jamesiîfortih visited bier cousin, Mrs. Thos. years". at once on kidneysj ivr stomach Infantine high weekiy score 312;1 Bradley and other frieinds. years liver, ~~~boys' high scoTe-Edward Rumdie iMs ae n ,no 1 Organized science bas been mak- and blood, and you can sincereiy ex- Mr. Gind highscoreB reandan Mrn sn ing beadway so- fart in Nature's tun- dlaim: "Good riddance to bad 1rub- 25,; Wiulsni ascoe-2B5; eeaei Canton, have rented part of Mrs. nel leading into the arcanum, that it bisb". higb WW 317 I 22; eagelTanlbyn's bouse on Cburch Street. bas reacbed almost ta tbe furtber Many people. the most akepticai of1 cr-ae Mrs. Buchanan of Mount Forest, edge of the Great Divide, and theI3keptics rigbt ini this city and in the visited bier daugbter, Miss L. Bucb- tunnelers bave bad a faint glimpseI country bereabouts, biess the day GREAT WTAR VETERANS1 anan, Principal Continuation School of wbst is an the ather ide, bavsngf when Jury & Lovell and other drug- bere, aver tbe weekend. at least toucbed the barderlsnd. 'gists ofered Rbeuma ta the afflicted SAYS HERB JlUICE W'AS SorrY te iearn aur esteemed friend Who knovs but diggers have been at a email price and guaranteed LF A E r .A asy prsMngr at work tram the other end of the money refunded if not satisfied. If LIE AV R m.O.Ag amsby, h hSpots Mnaery, tunnel, and are -listeuing now for the, you have rheumatism get a bottie of bronchitis, baving been conllned ta fainteat zap frosu this side ta knowiRbeuma today. "HERB JUICE certainly was a' bed for th e past two weeks. that they wili meet evenly when the __________________ ife saver for me", said Mr. S. G.1 No cbild shouid bie ailo'wed te sut- bour cames? On this ide, wbicb Seager ,Great War Veteran residing fer an hour framn vorms when we know most of, the harers are get- there in substantislly their present at 318 Bruce Ave., Windsor. Inu tiginto asbadowy realm wbere mat- cnionfrte foregoing enormousi speaking furtber hie stated "'Eer' prompt relief can be gat in a simple ter and energy merge. period of time". since the Great War I sufered ter-,'but stgrmedyo thrGrvs Soon dayigbt wiii be seen, and 1G one aiso ta the grave, are two ribly wth indigestion, generai dis-I1 Wor . Eterintar.bo oono tben seine of the seemingly deepesfun damentais of science, 'conserva- eanndu svr grpan ftr esrs e ett iso ln, Torout problims of today wiii find ayto of mass" and "conservation of rate of I was losing weigbt at the, andayLerlie Samisheafmeandtse solution. Tbe dividing wsl is est nryO la o s"isic ndrt fabout three pounds per month a day r tw at tl r. Jhme o t get-aenergy", ean one as "distinctsan ting thinner and thinner witb every separate verities". Dr. Miiîkanl a sei ne ot sUIE eep. Irha ed'frmer s fa trm. Jon h Gibso bulletin ftrom the iabaratary; and ai-1 bas seen the mass of an eî .soe RBJUCEbecus-I Readiveet s amotarmision tdhesydr ready with a Coolidge cathode tube,craerit asgvn crpn- i ntbe paper about how many peopleRailMicoDvsnsdLle the flaurescence front the other ide, rspeaslie has winsed tnchges a rciedsm1toblivbe is in a saw miliiat Midlaind. canbedi;iguihe b spereni-swee;mass as wtnesformingstneef sulta. Atter taking two bottles, im-I Mr. and Mrs. Chapple, Edmonton, tarive yestterhebstuctr, 'si-intaeergyss as weîîafrmengy ita agine rny surprise when my appetite Alta., spent a few bours in town re- biecoming teou inded; mipd r, 'i;mss tint nry sw s new w rid o eîet-returned and I did net bave any rentiy meeting aid frienda. Ms being entbroned as a counterpoise.mas.It oms ae orofertexsu further difficulty in sleeping. Iý Chapple was formerly Miss Myra Physîca is becoming metaphysica. roua, tbcmsaaeofvrxan have gained fifteen pounds in weight' Rosa, daughter of Rev. A. W. Rosa vortices. Give "soiid matter" the and feel ested in the morning and, of Redwood Falls, Minn,, formeriy One of the mot reliabie leaders pro per energy or veiocity, and it able ta go ta my work. I wouid of Orono. in the exploration is Dr. Robert A. dîsappears altogether as matter, and sdvise ail people sufering frasu in-ý We received a card £ram Mr. John JMillikan, of the Californian Institute becomes ligbt. digestion, constipation, stomacb or" Armstrong, travelling saiesman for of Tecbnaiogy, acknowiedged author- Can the religiaus fundamentaliam liver trouble -to use HERB JUICE".' Lownes Ca., Toronto, dated framn ity on eiectronics. He bas a double of a pre-electron, pre-Eiustein world, Fa rsale by Jury & Loveli Ltd. Princ eRupert, B. C., in wbich hie I daimi upon the tbînking public in stan d for thse present one? The and îeadiug druggista eveywere. speaks of a pleasant visit witb form- this, that while hie is worslhipper at1 answer cames from Dr. Millikan, in _____ er residents of Manvers towusfbip, jthe shrine of Science, hie pays hoin- bis discourse on the evolution of re- ofrM* David Baird & Son at Prince age reverently ta somethiug beyond lgo. Adb nit otfrl science ,and whicb is kind of science tha eion Ad o nsi evot i ui<yeGeoge, sud aid frienda wilil e thtrlgini n vlton n ewareo pleased ta leamu, they are enjoying is gropiîng for witb ail its heart and ge ac epe 'oi mn adgood health. energy-_that somethiug that mustttrgces thech angreshircan, sud ad e W a ne .ti satisf y the buman seul. i9rcstecagswîi ae ae ld e T a n s obu as Good for Asthma. deierda place in bis concepts of God and Asthms remedies corne sud go but Recentiy Dr. Millikan eirda Nature, a moat interesting study by eveet g- p- iht y year the sales of the original series of lectures at Yale university itseit, because it cornes tram s man G tig Up N g t Dr. . D. Keiiogg's Asthama Remedy on science sud -religion-ou the ap- of great uncrerstandiug, sud really % grow greater sud greater. No proaches of science ta the domain.of with a worshipful spirit bebind the Diaturb.d Rest Underminea Health, further. evideuce could bie asked of spiritland, sud on thse New Religion intellect. Sape Vitality, States Physicien Who1 its rernarkable merit. It reivs wbich must sccomppny Eniightened Speakiug of the Great Divide Recozumenda Home Treatinent. It is aiways of the saine unvsryîng Science. Event of uearîy 2000 years ago, he Iquaiity wbich the suffere rarm as- Most emphaticaily, as do other put it this way: "Jesus struck the Men sud women who are constant- thma 'learus ta know. Do nat sut- scientista wbo are also religionists as most vital biow that bas ever been ly annoyed aud distressed by Biadder: fer another attack, but get this well as scientiats, does Dr. Millikan struck at ail childisb literalismas, at Weakness or Urinary Irritations; splendid remedy to-day. hold that religion mu.st evolve sud ail the ides tihat un<lerly modemn se shouid take immediste steris ta comn-, Mr. Thos. H. Bexison, Pittabu.rg, advance with Science. It wauid be cailed fundamentalismn, when He bat their trouble before it reachesPn. copiebyhsrte- the greatest trsgedy in human civi- changed the iteralistic interpreta-1 a serious or perhapa dangerous Pn., accr.np A e y bbotern- lization, if, by accident or design, the tien of the Hebrew scriptures, tbel stage! ille aiMm. W . ruentof Bowian- two shouid take diverse courses. snthropomorphic conception of Godi Backacbes, Headaches, pains in:vle s ntwn rcni siu Tihe two must travel together or prevalent up ta His time, and saw in! feet sud legs, nervousuess, restieas-, on aid trienda. Tommy carried on bath may lose their waya and perisis. God no longer merely s powerfuil nesa, trequent but scsnty urinstion! a generai store for somne years here Science without religion is an im- human being, but a being wbose witb burning and pain, getting-up- in the building uow occupied by J. possibility; religion without science qualities transcended al buman quai- nigbts-Vthese are some of the more! Henry & Son, hardware. He lett is moat unsatistying ta an educatied ities; when He saw a great Benevol- troublesome signa ot Bladdem Weak- bore 35 years ago sud is now office world, aud witbout thse support of ence behind the universe, and focus- nesa or Irritation that should have manager for a large Manufacturing prmtatnin firm of Butchers Supplies sud But- true religion, beiieving science wiil sed attention upan the Golden Ruleprmtaeni, chers Service. tali of its own dead weigbt. r ather than upon sacrifices sud burut No matter bow stubbomn your case1 Miller's Worm Powders are sweet The New World recently devised offerings, upon thbe duty of seeking may seem ta be or bow many diff- by the intellect of acience, is -se very the gaod of tise wbole instead of lie- erent medicines you have tried with- sud palatable ta children, Who show different tramn the aid world which iiig governed by self-.;eeking sudl out success-dou't give up, sud tbiuk no hesitancy in taking tbem. They it displaced, that a new world of e- greed, sucis as possesaed the seuls your case hopeless or tise natural will certainly brîug worm troubles ligian rnust came into being, a reli- even of the gods of the olden times. consequence of advancing ypars, un- ita an end. Tbey are a strengthen- gion af understanding ar well as of 1 wauld net overlook the backward tii you have tried the apecial pi ing and stimulating medicine, cor- belief; and the greatest thing about steps wih religion taok during this vate prescription of Dr. Southwort, thretingthe iordcuesafd igestin the new religion wbicis is ta accom- pemîod, for let us frankly admit it a physician of nearly 50 years suc- t hathtet the wom a s sdi mst pany science is that it xiii nat have did take backward steps and became cesaful experience. abatytu atesseuma ta explain se very much ar had been deeply encrusted witb superstition. In order ta reach the many thous- beneficial ta develapsuent. the care recently, because, as with Je-zus himnselt had tried Ris utmast ands wbo cannot came ta bis office, A number of the members of Or- tise ather "tunnel" used for illustra-. to get bis fallawers away tram -the Dr. Soutbwortb bas placed bis URA- ana Lodge A.F.&A.M. Na. 325, bead- tion above, tise bore between tise ides, tisat Ris authomity rested upon1 TABS in good, local drug stores- ed by W .Master, Bro. G. M. Lint- natural and supernatural is at the any miraculous event, any caprice and invites you ta try tbem without onl, made a fratemuai visit ta Cedar dividing line, too ,with only a film in nature. Ris Kîngdom was "in risk of cost, unleas plcased. If URA- Lodge, Oshawa, Tue.ýday evening, separating tisem. The miraculous tise lisarts of men," and He retused TABS bring yau swft and certaini and togetiser witb a large delcgation is being accepted as a matter aftet let HL-s disciples build it upon a comtart you will be happy. if they1 tram Eglingtan Lodge, Toronto, a tact. " sin." But Ris tollowers had net, do net satisty, tbey will cost youj nighit of goad tellowshiip -as enjay- A few yeams ago out on a mater-i risen ta Ris beigist. In that ani- notiing-so, if you need thisand ed. The visiting bretbren tramt ialistic, almoat a mechanical, world, mis'ic age, unusuai events couid net medicine, try it today! Ail good Toronto put on an exceptionally fine tise fabcic oft «iici was s tounda- posibly be descrihed, or even under-, duggists. pragrain. Wark was demonstrated tino sld rck ateo too(, save in tcrms of possso af 1________________ inothe First Degree. There was al tionnS onnd thd roke. Iem O O55(no --jsoa number of Grand Ladge officers whicb tise world was compo.sed; war dnipreascisriket. i n enduring. It was idie ta speak of wonder that during the next fifteen peet an inner world, the world of reality. isundred years, tise tollowers oft W'i pliservrD.Toa'in ectricOu "Sho me sinle aom dstroedJesus based tiseir religion so largely Weee r hms ceti i "Show me a s-pinlte atmestroyredo as tiey did, upon signs and wonders,, bas been introduced increased sup- and that the beautiful ite and teacis- pishv benodrsowg proof wortisy the consideration of a, inga ot Jesus had ta shine thmough that wberever it goes this excellent scientist ibat any element bar ever, a great mass of superstition which 011 impresses its power on tlhe people. been something otiser than it is now--Jsz islcetil eamc No matter in what latitude it may do this and I shall give a bearing t esu cerex e rt an iy taachs be found its potency is neyer impair- your dlaim of an upper wold of bie- gratretengt tan Rs ucesor ed. It is put up in mast portable in'.The great Galilea came upan tise AJ5w shape in bottles and can bie csrried Sa spoke tfise cocksure savant be- scene witis bis searciig brain four withaut fear ot breakage. fore radioactivity came inta men's centuries ago, sud laid tise tounda- Mrs. R. H. Brown was cslled te ken; atter thatlhe. was abashed and tin. f h 'ew wrd n h Toronto Monday owing te the ser- siüt h lhms rae s t ructure bas made amszing pragmess iaus ilîneas of bier father, Rev. Wm. another century, weme net a ar tam r since. The exegesis of Dr. Lirnbert, a former popular Methodiatj offy atrail. Mtter basthe cTme a illkan,. sthatreligion requimes. minister of this circuit. He had e-, ve-try orfnsthey tiug- ,t e Ti- science ta make it braad and endur- cently retumned tram a visit ta bis' Carlylean phrase. What is matter ing. Taday man is living in a sup- Clgevlad oth ud aivbs usus but"kntte elctrcit";and n itner nensuious world, wbich -annot lbeClvanOindwsn suul ehrnrelectricity iil e t1far removed tram wbat is termed- heaitis, but on Sunday pneumonie ether noteeectrcity isvisibleta tisefollowed a coid. and atter a brief isuman eye; wisst we kuow of bhsts uentmlwr three days' ilineas passed away at bis is due ta matbematics, also a sbad - Tbiit deliou home in Toronto. Ris son,Dr owisnd, yet a reality. &Vr f-Ts Limbert ,and daugister, Mms. And- Tu_ ritng fl t. i icovery aTi favr f1rerews, R. N., and two other nursesý 07, ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýgý exednlZls ots iertA r t the Muskoka Hospita f-o-r ical value af 206.2, for lr'ad ot Ca rsuniptlves. where everything ia uranum oigin I. iFor with health Sandy soya he can uranum rigi. 1 ST I N face tbe wg dune t mokehm ag an. Since tise time required for tise -sic 26- faWiteth orl ih orge dh formatian of tise observed percent- hib -Wouidnt you Ilke ta help tuse Mus- age of lead ta uranium la 1,667,000,- "Whit.JiOt. kaka Hospital ln sueh work as this? ong1trwbutns aly e ent da. 000 years, tise evidence is excellent MàêYorgifunt lbegaty reeet o. that tise strata ot rock tram whîch W. A. Charlton. Prenident, 228 College this uranium came, have been lying l Street, Toronto 2, Ontarto. OF-Early in ~V the Morning- T EWand rain in the sunirier, [J suw and slush in the win-- ter-wet feet of a niorning mnean < ail-day discomfort. Why flot make sure of warmnth and comrfort with a pair of Tý footwear? We VfD~IE carry a complete line L SDH of their rubbers, over- ý...VcD tout, strang and long- wearing - sd shahl be glad of the oppartunity of showing them ta you at any time. A. DILLICK, KING STREET, Bowmanville's General Store 1111111 M REUM STHE REsrLErSBCONDITiON BRoUuT -rOff BY THE PRESENCE OF WORS-8 ANDO RESTORE THE CII)O'rd NORMAL HEALTH. NO NARCOTriCS-PLEASANT AS SUGAR 'Braiford m RI%4 FOR YOUR BARN ROOF Use Brantford Arro-Lock Sîstes. Neither gaies, rain, snow nor frost can budge them and they last for years. The low price sud amal iaying economicai roaf ai exceptianai value. aid shingies. cost make tbem the moat Yau can iay them over the le Brntor I@@ofi Co.Liui" Brantford, Ontarioj Stock Carried, Information Furnisbed and ServiceI Rice & Co., - - - Bowrnanviile j Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART e~ Accept only "Bayer" package. which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes af 12 tableta S a 1 ýAiqea bottiesaif24 sud 100-Druggiate. àsirla la lbe trada mark in Omf l Cnada) oB ayer m feueor Mmonoetie- aridesear of Saitcylleaeld (Acetyl Salicille Actd, -lA. a. a.".>. While It le well kucun tbat Aaptn meana Bayer manufacture. telu .1,1. b. pubic usiaitimltations, the Tablati- of Bayer Vomosay ii LU eamped vilS heléir ra de Ma«14 the -Bayer Orna." WORRY KILLS Worry is as deadly as poison-slowly but sure- ly it undermines health, saps strength and kilis. Very often you worry about things that neyer happen-but the fact that they seldom happenp does not lessen worry's effect on you. Then too, there are many things YOU SHOULD worry about. Disasters-accidents, fire or other losses may strike you at any minute of the day or night. Death may select you next. -So insure yourself-your loved ones and your property today! Then your worries will be over. INSURANCE 0F ALL KINDS Automobile, Lif e, Healtb, Fire Accident J. J. MASON & SON Supplies Cod- liver Oil Vitamins That Children Need Scot & Bc>ne, Toronto, Ont. 26-371 ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1926 PAGE SU

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